Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1885, p. 1

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f] m presents pmen away. I send 115;"; cents postage, U and by 111115] Mm will get I free a pzu-kmz?’ of goods 0 large value. than will start You in work that willzu m wlu‘in; you in money fusmv Lhun any thing 0 m Ammu‘oa. Allfihout th ' presentx» 3r. can]: box. Agents wmmw m , v of cithe x, 01" {1‘11 ages, farm] theLime, 01' spare time 0111. 1:2 \ 1x for us at their own homes. {Fortunes Tm" ml workers ubsohte’v assured Don’tdclmt :11? K’ 00“ PurtlqudMnine RHALL, I“ LLAR’I‘GN & (100K, BAHRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &rc. OFFICES: 15 KING S'IREET EAST, ToaoNTo‘ Richmond Hi“ 1“. 0. Every Saturday. SV. 11. HALL J. S. FULLAIITON. W. COOI‘L scourr‘vmu .V . 4. .18th lo. Mm‘klmm , . . . 20:11 10. Victoria 5mm "15%. do. .l‘hornhill... . . :rd do. VVoodhridge .2601 do. Klaiaburg‘ .Qflth do Kobletonm . 30th 0 Vitalized Air always on hand at mvpnintmenm \VO"1 ~ like a, charm. Free from. pain. GE, 8'6 Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear 0 Central Bank, on Saturdays MONEY T0 LOAN AT xLOWEST CURRENT RATES ck. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. J. A. McANDREW. Barristers, Soiicitors, Conveyancers, 8m. Toronto Officeâ€"No. I4 Building & Loan Chambers, No.15 Toronto Street. Chmnkful for the favors of the past '20 years way still be mnsultedin any branch of the pro- fession, as fullmvs: Adroru, 15b. Shh. lush, and 22nd of 60-0?! month Richmond Hi11,.. . . .9th and 24th [90‘ ’LL'JuzerHousc) Will visit the folio-wing places professionally :â€" fInionvillo.. .. 151: Monday of oath month Weston .. th and 215:; “ ‘ Maple ..... Nth " “ Richmond Hill . 19th ‘ " $.Voodbr)’ dgya. .. ,. “Jud Mr. Husband w111be found in his‘ oflfice, NewL mu Brook. every Saturday, except when, Sutur- ‘Lavlmlls on the above dates. flmICEâ€"Upposisel’almer House» Richmond Hill‘ Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Ontario Veteri- nary Colivge,‘l‘oront0. Gulls promptly attended to. Chan‘ng Moderate. Diseases of Horses, CMâ€" tle, 650.. s~1¢utjfi<sally treated by the latest- meth- oe‘s. Horses hungbt and sold 011 commission and examined as for soundness. Veterinary suigcom,G1'uduate of Ontario Vet College, Toronto. VVDm‘émées of an the Domesticated Animals treated. :RESJDEA‘C»: â€"8TH AVENUE. WooanDGE. Dir. Jzulms Langstafl AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl‘. Members Cnl‘ege Physicimls& Surgeons, 01117., RICHMOND HILL, ONT‘ Medalist ‘i‘nrmno I‘niVmsin'. Muflfr (‘0 Physicians A" Surgeons, 0nt..(]ate of Stouffviile Yonge Stu-At. Riohmoud Hill. Oflice Hours to 103.,11‘ to 813. m. YHE LIBERAL PRINTWG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HlLL. - â€" ONTARIO. DR. GEORGE LANGSTAFF, TUDHNHILL, ()N’l‘., Graduate of Toma-aim U111V'01'sity,!\I,-C, P (Q S L)nt.. two You“: rcsidmxt, assistant surgeon tv 'l‘m'ontn (Tenor 1 Hospital. Office :aud r denomiOne floor Souk?) of P. C ()flice Ho â€" a: to 10 a. 11)., (it 1-1 ‘m L7 1». m. THURSDAY Address A ROBINSON L.D‘S., Aurel 11 Out. PM'. GMT, Maple, Uificehom-s: 8 to 9.30 a. 111., and to 2.30 p.211â€" G. H. Husband. L. I). S DENTIST, ,fi. I NE‘YV’TON BROOK. '! VOL. VIII. L‘éfi'nIVATJ; FUNDS TD LOAN. BUSINESS CARDS. VIQ‘92EIZEQ 331153 J. T. NA'l"I‘RESS, ‘ £53112 @ibml EEITDR and PROPRIETGR. “r. W'. J. “’ilson. per annum, in advance.] TS PUBLKSHED EVERY ’USED BY In. A. Robinson. F. HIE W l'l‘T, ‘r‘vtfccitmrg. SURGEON DENTIST Efb'tnal. WWW. genial. EVENING the to Richmond Hi] April 30th. Eight Building Lets for sale on Centre Stree East, onlv$10(waoh,35 per (went. down for pick 31‘ the lots ; Also Two New Houses, Grooms, 011 Richmond Street. DR» LANGSTAFF- COPY OF CERTIFICATE. XVe, Qhe uhdersigned, do hereby certify that \Vm. Mumford Clarke has this day successfully passed 11' fi ‘st degree 1' Music. and therefore he nl‘nll L. ",3 A- _ n., Ehall be classed usua FrofésisB; F(}B SAIAE ‘5’ PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Vocal and lnsn'mncntal Music. Apply at the Music Store, Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current Rn tes, No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. K. Chisholm, M‘ donald, ‘. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES DIRECTORS Gama]. Bank of (imam. Through Tickets to all points East and West, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates, &c.. apply to T. DILWORTH, Agent N. 5: N. W. Rys., ROBERT QUINN, Richmond Hill. FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commercmi Travellers B‘DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND H Daily Express to Toronto. Special mteution given to moving household furmture, piamm, &c., &c. Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in fil‘st»clasS style,1 mu prepared to give the public the best; of accommodutmn. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample) Rooms for cmumcrcml travellers. A good livery in con- nectiun. Terms 1701‘ (law. NORTHERN & NORTH WESTEfi RAILWAYS. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES Benj. Brxiliuger, Funeral Furnishings Always on [I and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticefind at Isa.- ube rates. Address Stouflvflle P. O THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill. James (I. Eitokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the (Emmy of York, re- spectfully solicits: you1‘1mb1'011:L;_e and friendly influence. sales {1‘ $0.11de on the Shortest notice and at reasmmbo rates. I‘. 0. address, King. Livensofl Anutioncm‘ for the Ccunties of York ()Ifixu'MHm‘I Pavl. 60on sold on consignment. Goncmlmfus of stvck, etc” prumpfly attended to at reusunablc rates. P. O. m’uh‘ Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully soh'rits: yuni' )waironage and friendly influence. 591L105“ uttondecl (m the _»hm‘test notice and {Lt reasolmblcrmos. 1’. 0. Addrcsc .,, Organist Trmity Church, T1101 nhill[ and St Mary’s Church, Rlchmond Hill, is open to receive pupils in AIRI'EG amount of Money to Lend on farm or vanrop'u‘ty interest? percent; no commis- 810:1. MOLAREN, MACDONALD, MERRITT & SHEPLEY, ROBERT QUINN, General Passenger Agent To [.0an on Farm Property at lowest rates of in- terest! to pay off Mortgages at highermtes or for Building, «ll-fining, mother purposes. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. Mnney advanced on second mortgages and to purchase farms. ' Farmers will save money by mg direct to A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, BUIWENG lflTS Signed JAM ES NI. LA‘VRENL‘E, WRIGHT BROS UNDERTAKERS, $100,000 N . J. Ax'nlsn‘o n a. , M. RR, H. P. Dwight, D. M. Mac- , U. B. Robinson A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Salon] Eckan’dt. “3%; iflscumwmw. Money to Loam. W. F. C. BATCHELOR, M. D. H. W. BAXTER, 131. M. S. M. Brown. E‘ R. REYNOLDS; 20 Adelaide St, East, Torontu Uninr Learbuildin a Toronto Box 96 Ektmtry. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCT. ‘g “I n Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in VICTORIA SQUARE. Londont Eng. UNIONVILLE . wyiting or apply- m anage r. HILL A. Ml Hamilton, \Varkworth, Wrxtes: “For weeks 1 was troubled with a sprain- ed ankle, which caused me much pain and annoyance. Mr. M aybee, of this place, recmnmended Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tric Oil for it. I tried it, and before one I} rm. vas used I was cured. It is an fll‘lrtl“ nf great value.” Beware of Elec- ter ur Electron Oils, as they are imitaâ€" tinns. of Dr, Thomas’ Eclectrie Oils. To those with whom she was more in- timately associated, her religious experi~ ence was at all times full of cheer and encouragement. Being a woman of strong faith, her evidence of an inward consciousness of a calm and settled peace, arismg from a firm conviction of her name being written in the book of life, always found a ready expression, an expression which was entirely free from the diffi- dence and restraint characteristic of too many professing Christians; To her, re« ligion was a principle that governed her actions every day, shaped her life’s his- tory and was her joy and firm foundation in the hour and article of death. Through- out her protracted illness she manifested no fear for the future. but 011 the conâ€" trary a constantly looking forward with bright anticipation of the happy change which awaited her, a change she has now realized, for her faith has had its fruition. She has died the death of the righteous, and her last days have ended like His. Mrs. Sterling exemplified the sincere and consistent christian in her daily walk and conversation. Always anxious to do good, she promoted whatever she thought was for the welfare of others by her lib- erality in giving and her willingness in working. Her untiring efforts as one of the most earnest and energetic members of the Ladies’ Aid in providing for the erection of the Methodist Church in this village and the liquidation of the debt thereon, is known and appreciated by all. In her death the church has lost a valu' able assistant and a sympathizing friend in all its spiritual and financial interests. The Temperance cause has also lost a ready helper. Mrs. Sterling was the first elected President of the Richmond Hill branch of the \Voman’s Christian Temâ€" perance Union; was re-elected at its last annual meeting, and has always evinced 8. lively interest in its promotion and suc- Cess. To-day we commit to the tomb all that remains of a mnst estimable resident of this village. Mrs. Jane Sterling, widow of the late John Sterling, \vlm departed this life about 3 o’clnck last Monday morning, was born in Cumberland, Eng” Jan. 12th, 1823, and was in the (53rd year of her age. Leaving England she resided in New York and vicinity for about thirty years. Losing: her husband she came to Canada, and for the last twelve years has resided in Richmond Hill. Richmond H111, Oct. 20th, 18: Lovingly Inscribed m the Mem- ory oers. .1. Sterling. That which to us is sorgow, To her is endless gain; We’ll meet again toâ€"morrow, _ And range heaven’s b‘r ppy plam U for her faith and patience, Her cheerful, trusting love, Her glad. expectant wa'fiilg, To be transferred abog'eA Her friends, and they am many In this and other lands, Will grieve that; thus are broken, The dearest enrth‘y béynds. Gui-hearts are draped with sadness That 5119 has vussed away ; Th0 fulness of her gladncss, Outweighs our grief to-duy. Tlmf, voice We’ll heag no: more, 0ft mused in praise and pmver ; The sick and poor will miss her, \Ve‘ll miss her evervwhere. With zealous fervor glo‘mng, Her helpful aid to give ; \Vith liberal hand bestowing, Her aim, {or good to Jfi'e. By limpid waters walkitfg, Her footsteps glad an: light, By dazzling, crystal foux‘mins. She lingers with delig 1:. Long years she loved hui‘Snviour, Nor wavexed in her Clarice, But 1101:10er Him by saying _ “nu. . What glad and happy greetings, Await her spirit freed: Nothing; but joyful meetings, N0 parting}; there LU dread. Her burdens left behind’her, At the portal of the tomb ; No shadow int orvening, Christ; did the vale illume. In that blast citv entered, Whose streets are pgwd with gold, Whern flowers pereuula} bloom, Their fragrance to unfokl. Unmdingr in its glory. Secure in perfect love, Hea'jo ‘ OW to inl‘ rife, n M. Hus gone to dwell with angels, In jov forever more ; ’I‘o rest from all herluhggfi, 0n the sweet eternal ore. She’s cone to meet but loved ones To see her Saviour dear ; The King‘s eflulgent beauty, Forever to be near. , .5 _ With comment hfs and vowe. A", He} freiéux es laud. nbov. w 131â€"“ ' Iviemdria’ifi The result of the last year’s work in this province is very gratifying to all friends of temperance. Out of 38 coun- ties and 10 cities. 24 counties and two cities have adopted the Scott Act. There are at present in On bario 155 Unions, with a membership of 4000; 42 Hands of Hope, with nearly 0000 children; with an expenditure of nearly $500 for temper- ance literature alone. The ‘Veduesday Convention opened at 9 a. m., and was continued, with a short recess at noon, through the entire day. It was found necessary in order to get through with the work, to continue the business part of the Convention through the evening meeting, which was held in Wesley Hall, a line building 111 connect- ion with Queen’s Avenue Methodist Church, and although business was close- ly attended to, the Executive were oblig- ed to open work on Thursday at 8.45 a. m., that being the last day of Convention. Election of officers resulted as follows:â€" President, Mrs. A, Chisholm, of Ottawa; VicevPresidents, Mrs. Tilton, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Cowan, of Toronto; Cor. Sea, Mrs. Fawcett. of Maple; Rec. Sec. Miss Orchard, of Brantford; Assistant Cor. Sec, Mrs. \Viley, of Richmond Hill, who was also re-appoinsed County Superinâ€" tendent. Some very important matters were discussed, but as the full report of the proceedings will shortly be published and in the hands of all who desire to have the same, it is not necessary to go into detail more closely. Responses to the welcome addresses were given by Mrs. S. E. Branscomb, of Pic- ton, for the Eastern Counties, and. Mrs. G. \Viley, of Richmond Hill, for the “Western. Miss Bowes also gave a. hope- ful review of the work done in the past year, which brought the meeting to a close. The first day was taken up by the Pres- ident’s adress, appointing committees, reports from the departments of wwlgand other bueincss matters. In the evening a public meeting was held in the Con- gyeuational church, and was very largely attended. The beautifnl church was tastin decorated. Rev. H. D. Hunter. Pastor of the church, presided, and the choir furnished excellent music suitable for the occasion. Mrs. Rockwell, of Kingston, also sang several pieces during the Convention in a. most pleasing man- ner. The meeting was a, thorough “wel- come meetingu” Rev. H. D. Hunter welcomed, on behalf of the managers of the church, Rev. J. A. Murray, on be- half of the Ministerial Association. Rev. Dr. Ryckman followed on behalf of the same. Mr. W. Bowman on behalf of the Scott Act Association, and Mrs. Greysten on behalf of the London ‘N. C. T. Union. wigjgggfigaim, where a sumptuous re- pust was served at mid-day throughout the sessions, to all who wished to par- take. Truiy,the kindness of the people of’Lundon, who dld so much to welcome the strangers to their city and to their homes, will not soon be forgotten. The arrangements made for the recep- tion of the delegates were very complete. The Y. M. O. A. very kindly offered the use of Victoria Hall for the meetings. The large room was handsomely deco- rated for the occasion, with evergreens, flowers, muttoes and banners. conspicu~ ous among which appeared the compre- hensive motto of the Union “For God and Home, and Native Land.” A very comfortable lunch-room had been fitted Supplied by the W. C. T. Union. Richmond Hill. The eighth Annual Convention of the Provincial Union was held in the city of London, on the 13th, 14th, and 15th inst. This has been the largest and most rep- resentative gathering of W. C. '1‘. Union workers ever held in the province, or in- deed we may say, in the Dominion. Del- egales were present from all parts of the province. New Brunswick and Quebec were also represented. Time and space would forbid anything approaching a. full report, but a few items may be interest- ingz to the readers of THE LIBERAL. TEMPERANCE ITEMS After passing the abmé the mectlng adjourned, as a mark of respect to the memory of the late president. Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove our beloved president from our midst, be it resolved, that while we bow in humble submission to His will we feel that our Union has suffered a. severe loss in her death, and that in the Temperance work and in all Christian Work in our village, a vacancy has been made which will not seen be filled. Also resolved that the heartfelt sympathy of this Union be tendered the bereaved rela- tives in their sad aflliction. The following resolutions were passed at a meemng of the W. C. T.. Union, in reference to the death of Mrs. Sterling, who has been the faithful and effluent President of the Union since its organiz- Minn:â€" all flzz'ngs, Charity.” W. C. T. Union. If. 22, 1885. Worms derange the whole system. Mother GraVes’ \Vorm Exterminator deranges worms, and gives rest to the suflerer. It only costs twenty-five cents to try it; and be convinced. l for working people. send 10 cent; postage, and we will mail vou free a royal, valuable: sample box of goods that will put vou in the way of making more money in a. few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Cap- ital not )‘equlred. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes‘ of all ages, gramdly successful. 50 cents to ‘55 easily earned every evening. That (L11 who want work may test the business, we make thisunnamlleled offer: To all who are not well SlLtlSfiCd we will send to pay for the trouble of writng us. Full particulars, di- rections, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure to those who start at once. Don’t delay Address STINSON a 00., Portland Maine. The great results which have attended the regular use of Quinine Wine, by people of delicate constitut'on and tl me affected with a general prostration of the system, speak more than all the words we can speak in its behalf. This article is a true medicine and a life giving principleâ€"a perfect renovator of the whole systemâ€"inwgorating at the same time both body and mind. Its medical properties are a febrifuge tonic and an anti-periodic. Small doses, frequently repeated, strengthen the pulse, create an appetite, enable you to obtain refreshing sleep, and to feel and know that every fibre and tissue of your system is being braced and renovated. In the fine Quinine Wine, prepared by Northrop cfi Lyman, Toronto, we have the exact tonic required; and to persons of weak and nervous constitutions, we would say, never be without a. bottle in the house. It is sold by all druggists. FOR SALE! Some persons have periodic attacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diarrhoea, and have to use great. precaution to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would rec- ommend Dr, J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial as being the best, medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when symp- toms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. The tax-gatherer was around last week, and didn’t forget to give us a call. Mr. John Gorman lost a valuable horse last week, after a cnuple of lwm‘s’ illness. Next week 1 will inform you of the result of the boat race. Miss EHMCCzum,” 0 Tuesday at the Lake, c cousin, Mr. Glancy In! Mr. Rbbt. Wartlgix'nlsofefAt“ last week on a visit to his friends in Barrie. Mr. Thus. Ford and Miss Bessie Ford, of Toronto, Bpent Sunday last at Oak Ridges. a at the Lake visiting a fI-iénd. Mrs. Hopkins, of Richmond IIilI,spent a few dayg mills burgh last week. a, _ V . . v v u A u v v]. DULIUW' ing relatives and friends. Mrs. Jessie Hagins returned from the north last; week. It will be remembered her house was broken inlo some time since, and a couple of tramps were sus- pected of being the guilty parties, but nothing was molested except some raisins and currents, Wthll the parties seemingly thought palatable. Mr. Jas. \Vard and Miss Rosie Ward, of Toronto, spent Monday and Tuesday at the Lake visiting a friend, l From our own Correspondent. Last week I had the pleasure of in- ‘ forming you of one of the happiest events ‘ of our lives, and this week it is just the reverse. The funeral of the late Norman Mc- Loud took place on Fridav last, and his remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse of relatives and friends. We tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in the hour of their sad affliction. We have this week to record the death of a young and dear friend which took place at Elgin Mills on Friday morning, 16th inst. The deceased, Miss B. Clafl'ey, had been ailing for over a. year when death came to her relief. The funeral took ‘clace on the Sunday following; her remains were interred at the R. 0. Gem- etery. Thornhill, and were followed to the tomb by a. large concourse of sorrow- 'ith the Modem Improvementa, for sale cheap. liuuuu'e at: 34- [Single copies, 3 cts WM. ATKINSON’S, . Cuncre‘ue House. Ilicnmond 11,117, A First-Class JEFFERSON. No. 17.

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