Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1885, p. 3

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The hearing of the appeal case of Louis Riel in London has been postponed on the application of the prisoner’s counsel till the '2] at 0.1:. It is expected that by that time Mr. Fitzpatrick, Rail’s Canadian counsel, who is the bearer of documents farting the matter, will have arrived in L,,, Rail has received a. further respite tlllu. 25 inst. The traffic receipts of the Canadian Paci- fic railway for the week ending the 76h Oct. amounted to $180,000, 9.11 increase compared with t to corresponding week last year of $15,000. The company has now 3,064 miles of railway in operation. The question of placing Montreal seagoing steamers and sailing vessels in quarantine at Quebec is being di cussed in some of the Quebec pipers. The ship laborers, they say, are exposed to the dangers of mixing with the sailors and cattle men from Mon- treal, and if similar cases happen on board steamshipa it would be serious for the Work- ing classes. H, M‘ S. “Bellerophon,” which is to take the place of the “ Northampton” as flag- ship on the North American and West Indies station, is nearly completed, and she will probvbly be commissioned early in D.cem- bar by Captain Fitzgerald, who has been chosen as flag captain by Admiral the Earl of Clanw lliam. Hog cholera has been successfully stamp- ed out in Huntingdon, Quebec, and adjacent districts by the vigorous measures adopted under the Act passed last session. Vigorous measures for the extirpation of the plague in the county of Essex have also been taken. The unanimous opinion among prominent: steamboat men in Toronto is that the lake season just closing has been the worst known for years past. The Canada. Pacific Rail- way Company, however, is one of the few companies reporting a decided improvement. have left for N arch-West to relieve the officers and whose terms of service have expired. The detachments will be stationed .at Battleford and Qu’AppelIe during the Winter. Detachme§of “ A ” and “ B ” Batteries r, A, L Light, C. E , has received a letter from Messrs. Stairs and DJJy, tae DJminion members for Halifax city, offer- ing a retraction of the reflections which they made on Mr. L‘ght in the course 9f the short line debate at Ottawa last session. Dr. Wilson, the Government Inspector, has returned to London from his visit to the districts in the county of Essex infected with hog cholera. He reports that more than fifteen hundred swine have perished since the disease first appeared, some farm- ers losing their entire herds. The doctor has quarantined no fewer than 121 farms in the infected district. The Department of Interior had up to last week issued 732 land warrants and scrip to members of the Ottawa sharpshooters, Montreal artillery, and the Midland Battal- ion who served 1n the Nthh-West during the rebellion. Great excitement has heen caused in Brampton by the discovery of considerable defalcationa and forgeries committed by the late town treasurer, who died a few weeks ago, and whose reputation was considered above suspicion. A despatch from Gespe to the signal ser- vice at Quebec, says that the schooner “ Mary Pnilomene," of Quebec, with a load of iron has gone ashore there during a. gale. Thevessel is not much damaged yet, and the crew are saved. Major-General Midd‘eton recently inspect- ed tne Royal Military College and reviewed the cadets, and afterwards, accompanied by Lady Middleton, attended the gymnastic entertainment given by the cadets. In’the evening a. congratulatory address was pre- sented to the general from the citizens of Kingston. Two passengers on a train from Montreal to Ottawa refused to be vaccinated. by the Ontario hsalth offic 31'. and, in consequence, were arrested anal take 1 to the police station on the arrival of the train at Ottawa. Fire the other night destroyed Morrigon‘s saw-mill in Fredericton, N. B., and thir- teen adjoining houses, together with about two millio feet of lumber, causing a. loss of nearly 0 kundred thousand dollars. Hog cholera has broken out in East Sand; Wich. The plague is reported to be spread- ing considerably in the county of Essex, despite the stringent measures resorted to for its suppression, its extension being materially aided by the carelessness of farmers. Dr. Douglas, of Montreal, in an interview at Halifax, on the smallpox epidemic, bitter- ly denounced the infamous conduct of the outside papers for publishing alarming and exaggerated reports. Tue two Indians charged wit“! the mur- der of George Dill, of Bressaylor, N. W. T. , during the recent. troubles in that. region, have b.en tried at Battleford, found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged. The track layers on theManitoba & North- Wes tern railway will reach Birtle by the 20m or 25th of t ‘is month, and the line will be open for traffic to that point by tae ls: of November. Charlie Towns, & well known colored resident of St. John’s Ward, Toronto, was found dead in b-sd, with every indication of having been poisoned The late Samuel Platt, of Goderich, was the discoverer of salt in Ontario. As he was the pioneer of a great industry, itis proposed to place a. suitable monument over his remains. Mr. Erastus Huntington, father of J. S. Hun‘ington, of the Revere House, Prescott, during afit of insanity, commined suicide by cutting his throat with a penknife. Tho output of coal at Spring Hill last week was 330,000 tons, the largest; on record in Nova. Scotia. Over 800 hands are em- ployed at these mines. The hospital at Mathwa was destroyed by fire recently. Tue budding was insured in the Citizen for $1500 and hue contents in the same eqmpany for $500. HOME A movemant is on foo: for the establish- ing of a Methodist college in Winnipeg.‘ The Governor General will shortly return to Ostawa from his trip across the continent Mr. C. B. Heyd has been elected Mayov of Bruntford in place of Mr. Scarfe, who resigned on accepting t 1e appointment of Sheriff of the county of Brant. THE WEEK’S NEWS. We should think that the most exciting tin‘o in a. yacht race is when a yacht gets 011}. 1181' spanker and asila in among the buoys. A prominent citizen living a few miles from Oswego, N.Y., is charged with gather- ing the dead bodies of deceased animals from the canal and surrounding country and boiling their flesh, on which be has been fat- tening hogs and selling the fattened animals for food. The Os wego Board of Health will investigate the matter, Another outr age by Irish moonli hters is reported. The other night the resi ence of the agent for Lord Lausdowne, near Killer- ney, was attacked. A number of shots were fired, but; fortunately no serious injury was done. A rumour is current that; Turkey and Greece have made a. secret treaty against Servia. and Bulgaria. The feeling in Vienna now is that peace will be preserved. The powers concerned in the Bulgxrian question are, however, continuing their warlike pre- partitions. The captain of s schooner which arrived at New York the other day, reports having seen on his passage 9. sea-serpent which, he says, must have been three hundred feet long. Flood Rock, in Hell-Gate channel, New York, work on which was begun 1875, was successfully blown up on the morning of Oct. 10th. The explosion was but slightly felt on the shore. The State medical officer of Illinois, who has been visiting various Atlantic ports to inspect the arrangements made to prevent an invasron of cholera from Europe, states that the facilities of Quebec for quarantinlng ves- sels are unrivalled, but that the methods adopted are very defective. The loyalists of Cork have combined to thwart the schemes of the boycotters by ar- ranging to purchase boycottera cat; (or shipment to England, and to forward brash- ing machines to boycotted farmers. It is reported that Sir Henry Drammond Wolfi‘ s mission to Turkey has been remark- ably successful. An agreement has been ar rived at under the terms of which affairs in Egypt will be managed by a. mix (1 commis sion, composed of twelve members, six re- presenting England and Turkey. British occupation will cease as soon as Egypt has been tranquilized, and aflairs generally placed on a satisfactory basis. A great tidal wave in the Sivannah river recently caused great damage to the rice plantations in the vicinity of the city of Savannah. Lieut. H. T. Allen, 2nd United States Cavalry, has arrived at San Francisco, hav- ing accomplished the hitherto considered impossible feat of exploring the Tennah and Takon rivers, in Alaska, in the course of his j Jurnev crossing the great Alaska range of mountains on snowshoes. The E nglish Government. it; is stated, will prosecute the Middleton branch of the Irish N etional League for boycotting a. man nam- ed Daniel Humphrey! until they compelled him to reinstate an obnoxious tenant. Germany, it is said, has, with the approv- al of England, Russia, and Austria, proposed a. plan for the settlement or’ the Bulgarian question, which has for its features the re jectlon of the demand of Greece an l Servia, and the acceptance of the union of Bulgaria and Roumelie under Prince Alexander. A special says it is generally understood that Russia, Greece, and Denmark are scheming to depose Prince Alexander and place Prince Waldemar on the throne. The late Eu‘l of Shafteabury’s family thanks the Cmadian people through the press for their expression of symp‘xthy and letters of condolence, which are too numer- ous to answer. A severe shock of earthquake was felt in Palermo recently. A three-story house WB-B shaken down, and in its fall it buried the occupants, killing about a dozen people. There are at 1 ant two Liberal candidates for each of no less than 14 of the 59 seats which London with its environs has in the English House of Commons. The strike of the cotton mill operatives at Oldham, England, remains unsettled, the men having refused two terms offered by the masters. Leading news gapers in Madrid pronounce the negotiations between Germany and Spain, in regard to the Carolines difliculty, a total failure. Mr, Herbert Gladstone, in an address the other evening, declared that his fathere was in favor of excluding bishops from the House of Lords. A rumour that Lords Salisbury, Randolph Churc :ill, and Dufl‘erin have dlaagreed re- specting affairs in Upper Burmah is official- ly denied. The Cork Steamship Co. have decided to defy the tattle dealers who have boycotted them for carrying cattle belonging t3 the landlords. The municipal authorities in Marseilles propose to demand the expulsion of the 0r- leans princes from France. Great damage has been done to property in Switzerland. by a. succession of violent storms. An N )glish gunboat was blown ashore at Holyheau the other day and wrecked. The crew were rescued. The wheat crop of France is less in vol- ume this year than that of 1884, the tote. yield being 85 million quiutals. theal: advlcw from Newfoundland indicate that the Protestants whoae'divisions threatâ€" ened to t \X‘OW into fine hands of the Roman Catholic minorlty the control of the next assembly, have resolved to sink their differ- ences and have all united under Sir VVll- liam \Vniteway’s banner. They will now present; an undivided front at; the approach- ing elections, and are (almost certain to Carry a. decided majority of the constituen- cies and thus control the next island parlia- ment. An Irish rent agent has beenfound mur- dered on the Tralee. The will of the late Mr. Robt. Walker, dry goods merchant, of Toronto, has been entered for probate. He leaves an estate valued at about a. quarter of a million dol- lars made up of real estate in Toronto, Hamilton and London, bank and other stocks and cash. He bequeaths lrgacies to the Methodist Church auperannuated minis- ters’ funds, Carlton Street Church and several charitable institutions. AM ERICAN. FOREIGN. FACTORY & SALEROOM, 407 to 413 King St. West, TORONTO. THEY ARE FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING CARRIAGE BUILDERS AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY ANY THAT IN ANY WAY APPROACH THEM IN QUALITY. MYRTLE NAVY NONE WEBER GENUINE, The manufacturer of these Celebrated Can-[age Tops, owns more patents for in]- provemenbs, and makes a. gmater variety than any other firm in' Canada ms the United States. There are over Twenty Thousand of these Tons now In use, and are giving better satisfaction than any other. AS THEY ARE THE MOST STYLISH, CONVENIENT, AND MOST DURABLE TOP IN THE MARKET. CAUTION. Carriage Tops Unleman’s Improved Plough Harness I Adapted to urchal'd Work. No whiffletrees to injure trees. Easy on man and team. Working qualities guaranteed, Money re- funded ” not sausfactory ather a fair trial. Price. $10 without collars and bridles. bifll ;â€"I-u'dâ€" (la-1:133- aghast LBWeEEIEIuEVJa Ire-l weekly; Ginagow nnd Boston. weekly; 1nd Glugnv mg hugdegppgu. fortnightly. Sniiiugduring winter 'trom Portland ever Thurma end mum every Saturday to Liverpool. nu in mmmc from Quebec every Retard" to Liverpool. 0’ Hing It In): donderry to lend mliiu end maven era for So sinn‘i an Irelnnd. A‘ao from Blltimoro. Vl- Ilii'nx Ind Bl. Johxz' N-F.. to Liverpool fortnightly during lummer momhl. The nbenmera of the Glugow linen nil durln wink! t9 ‘tudh'oiq Eniiiux. Portiugd. Bogfion Ind jiggle). nuu xuuluulpnll. [Ullfllxnll'. For freight. pas e. or other Intel-mule» apply to A. Schumac er a; 00., Baltimoma 8 ganja-(Lg Coiflnlimx ; Shea 8: 00:, St. Johu'l uuumu a. LII). 1151115350110“ CK: bu», DB. uunu I N. m; Wm. human as 00., m John, N. 3,. Allan & 00.. China a; Love & Alden. Nev York ; H. Bonnier. oronto;Allans finals ()0, gl‘Il‘ebOO'i Vim. _B£ookle. Phllqdelpfllu: H. A ENGIIIIGII'S fillDR‘l‘fl AND INSTITUTEâ€" Public Library Building, Church-street; thorough puinion; reasonable rates; particulars tree. T1108. BHNGOUGH, President; 0. H. Bnooxs, Sec.- Treas. Wllunma' Eye Water has prowed itself I succesl by all who 1: Va uSed it 000 vding to directions 1! their 3‘ as were curable. :3 vi 1 baean by the un enixned genlflogt .“Iy outed age. 8 .yenra_ Mind, ggcuflstfniled Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships £100,000,000 IN THE BRITISH COURT OF CHANCERY lâ€"â€"A large part at this vast sum belongs to the people of America. COX & 00., 41, Southampton Bulldlnga, Holburn, London, Eng, have just published a LIST OF the heirs to this enormous wealth. Reader, send a dollar and they will forward you this valuable LIST ; and if you find by it that you are entitled to any money or property, claim your own. Cox & Co. will allow you the way. . u vuluu Luv. 0 mm. unuu, uwuuuu Inuuu 0. ann . it nu on ed me. occuflst wguld no» try me Alexander Wnnd ; 6 years blind, (has. Am'mtt; I E: 2, Elle Dulour; 33 years blind nnd now I see, John croix, Ask your drugglatal for it. Wholesdeâ€"Ly- man Soul & 00.. 384 St. I All! Sb. Manfred. IMPERIAL COUGH DROPS will give Positive an! Instant Relief to those Buff ring from Colds, Hoarseness, Sn‘e Throat, 6120., and areinvalua‘xle xo oracurs and vocalists. For sale by druggists and oonfvction-rrs. R. & TVVATSON, Manufacturers, Toronto. “No,” said th'3pork butcher, “I am not in the habit of swearing, but when that boy came inand stole a string of sausages, I could 11 at help exclaiming ‘dog- vone.’ ” LVl Boilers, Saw and Shingle Mina. Planing Fac- tory Ouxflts, Stove and Heatlog Machines, wafier wheels, Chop lng Mills, etc. Send for descriptive catalogue, an mention what you want (Mentian this paper ) H. W. PETRIE, Brnutford, Ont. The Japanese authorities are making ex- p-x‘imeuts in the Way of substituting the Roman alphabet for their J apanese charac- ters. The Japanese are centuries ahead of the Chinese in their adaptation to the pro- gress of modern times. In all imitations of the Myrtle Nivy to- bacco vet attempted. either inferior stock has been used or the plug has been made a. trifle lighter in' weight. The letter defect is apt to escape the attention of the consum- er until he finds that he is smoking a. great- er number of plugs than before. The Myrtle Navy is made three plugs to the pound and each plug is carefully weighed. N AC’HINERY FOR SALE-ENGINES AND Boilprs, Spw and Shingle Mills. Planing Fac- .llihZ‘lior'tlIfidTBBEBB. 31â€"6335,} DEWEY & (30., BUY THE IMPROVED OONBOY IN BRONZE IE I‘TERS. EEEUS AGAINST ALL PBEJUDIOE EACH PLUG OF THE COLBORN E ONT. IS MARKED A. r. 251. The Most Efl'ectlve, Clean, Durable and Economical Heaters in the Market for warmln ma ventilating Churches, Schools, Publlc Bnlltllngs, Stores and Private Residences. Slmp o In aonsbnmfion and easily managed. capable of glvmg more heat with less consumption of fuel than any on)“ heating apparatus. 13' Absolutely Gas Tight, in Seven lizeo are mule and can be set either in Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence smelled. Fox Catalogues and further lntormation addreu, Electra Plate â€"â€"-IS THEâ€"m ‘ BEST IN THE MARKER ,IIW um: HEW mm: uii SWMME Sewing fiachiue Co. At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This 0i] was used on all the Machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX Gold) MEDALS durin the last three years I? See that you get PEE LESS. It is only made by 223mm ~33 HE Eggfilfgé ‘E‘éflffflffi? For sale by all leading dealers. Latest improved iiiachmenigs iigants price for similar machine 885) iiur price anly 825 each. $10 Reward for the Conviction 0" 1%me McGGLKm’S fefizfrfiglc$3w JAMES PfigRK & SUE L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. O. Baocn Glue ow Beef Hams, Sugar Cured Hum, Dried Bee-l, Bren fast; Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mess Pork, Picki- ed Tnnguea, Cheese, Family or Nzwy Pork. Lard 11h Tubs and Pails. The Best Brands of English Elm Dally 82.1% in Stock. GETS.“ THIS @1115? SAMUEL ROGERS & 00., TORONTO. MERIDEN QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS “mm uAu u . .uun; the: useo I war“ bmud, CA1] with 6‘ ‘ wash 50 no 100 "u in om hour. Ag< wanted :11 over C ‘ ndm Sample gem trial flndterritory given. Ladies mukt wd ngentrmo wear 9'. clothes, and every lady will buy after trying XL; Wfillnnicd to Wash cuficos in five mianN'B‘ cottnnf (“IL in 20, bedclmhw 10. or no sale. Address. FERRIH E C l'atenteel uni Hum lutuunfla Janis 'Lmet. TOROKTO mmd» hm no mparlot; 40 feet per hour. hand or honamrvel combined boring and rock drilling: machine ; Hum! 32.: nemifigsygflzee ’n [d r ggtqlnguey Baton buying land nu mm» (or our clan-n8 phat» Ind nmple at lewln {M‘ Machine: gunnnleas'tor three man and um or ' I any [Bay Inn n] I mnohlne will do well to Mike: 9 GURNIEEY’S NEW.“ HARRIS [101‘ SAIR FURNACES ‘22 JAMES ST. SOUTH. HAMILTON BRITANNIA Ibsurhu mum: nuu unnumau. Drrlu urr www.11qu MARY STREET. HAMILTON UA'NA'FBA THE E..& C. GURNEY,,_CO. Pork Packers, Toronto. Examine Their Superior Merit?! GUMPANY. The New Co-Operatiwe FINEST AGAIN VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST HONORS AND GOLD MEDAL F01}, The (fie-Operative eerless Oil Mfiflflxm WIL. HAMILTON. W'ELL BORING 620 Per Day Tim Eng] 3 Mann. Vnshex {a the MM Warshinsg Mmhinnin "med than n weaklx wumnu or girl i< years old W) L11 ou‘ the: use 0 I w (sh bmud, cm with wash 50 no 100 "i in arm hour. Agv .~ wanted :11 over Cu.» Sample gem fu' (mum-D.) application. i I, placed in Drawers, Trunks. Wardrobes. etc.â€" ‘ They drive away and destroy Maths and other insect. imparting a delightful and delicate perfume to tho clothing, carried or worn upon the person they are by their powerful concentrated disinfectant proper- ties, a perfect means or protection against infection oi disease, giving off at the same than a. most delight- iul udor; made antiply oi satin in assorted colon, very pretty, unique, and neat Every ane should have them, Prise 10:1 euch â€"tl1rse for 250 Thyme- Oresol Soap, the great English disinfectant toilet asap. awarded the gold medal, London, Ens: , 1884. Large calms, price 150., or 360, per box of 3 nukes. sent postage paid to any address upon receipt 0! price. Address. “fume-Cannon COMPANY, 769 Craig St, Mon- tr (ml. Circulars and descriptions of on: English Thy- mo-Orewl preparations mailed tree on application. Agents wanted. Write for terms. tested by the Fact. that there are more of our scales in use in the Dominion than of all other makes comblned. nay. Stock and Coal Srales, Farmers' _’~ , Grain and Dairy Scales. Gromrs’ufi Bilch Scales, Scales for nomcsuc Ilse. ' Honsekecpers, Consult Your Bm Interests By purchasing a scale. and in buyflng one be our. to get the bash. Our scales are fully warranted ll every particular. All sizes Bauroad, Warehouse any! M111 'ljruclgs._ Alan-m yopey 011wa WHERE; 'fiy‘filé' 115669;}; ‘Tbldia‘éeneimiffi: lustptqgl Catalogue and Price List torwarded upu GURNEY & WARE Clappesjtgpjs Spool Cotton I FOR PLEASANT SEWING WAnnousnsâ€"Konlronl and Winnipeg. Wuhficed FULL Length. Lad to run unomh on u: emlgmloblne. Ea: ans OLAPPERTON'B mum Inn ah‘bal. Wh‘nr u“ w .u Dru-110ml! beam, ingrupmlg DSSINJ'EQTAET . animus, STfiNDARD SCALES £3 MEWS HAMILTON- â€"â€" USE ONLYâ€"â€" Mcfloll Bros. & 00m Toronto. THAMIonx, Goods sbamped Meli- ien Silver Plahe 00.. are not our make. If you want relisble goodl {mm on getting thou made by the MERIDEN BRITAN NIA 00.. CAUTION 0M,

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