Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1885, p. 8

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'l‘O (HVE LESEONS IN MUSIC. Eeb.11w, ‘85, I use no cheap material and warrant every set. GUM Filling, and all other operations skilfully pafm‘med, as moderate fees. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, - â€". â€" $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 Call and see me. No trouble to an- swer questions. mss mm: a co ULTERMIQEIAREIV’AREB Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 86 B, Upâ€"Qtairs. Has Hm exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extract- ing teeth without pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR ! M U SIC LESSONS ! SOLE PROPRIETORS 8| AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. ONT. Sold by Sanderson Bros., Richmond Hill. A. 0. U. VV.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the )mmnittee Room of the Masonic Hall uch alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.1n. Bene- :cm‘y certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. Crosby, Master Workman. B. (irennun. Rec. R. '1‘. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, m. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall, each alterâ€" ;Lcive Tuesday evening ms o’clock p m. Bene- icinry certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in vase of death 92,000, one alt mwablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- ou Select Councillors; J.A.E.S\\ftzerJiecording moretm‘v ST. MARY s EPISC‘oYAL Gannonâ€"Service at 3 .111.,except the third Sunday of every monthY men the service and mormnent are held at 11 111.t Sunday Schoolat1:30p.m Rev. W. Bates, $00 or METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 mm. md (5:30 11111,,and Sunday school, at; 2.30 p. 111. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Srenerul Prayer Meeting every Thursday evemng n the Lecture Room. Rev. W. 1% Barker, 811 pt. i‘ev. \V. F. Wilson, Assistant. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on recL-ipt of a 3 cent stamp, o. P. LENNOX, MECHANICS’ lNSTITUTE.â€"Li1lral‘y 01 over 1000 )lumes.0p8u every Tuesday evening, in the Ma~ mic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- .au. Lectures and discussions periodically, RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for metice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 30 o’clock. 0. Savage, Leader. VILLAGE COUNCIT..â€"Revvo, Wm. Pugsley, 'Coun- :illm‘s. Messrs. Benj. Re(1ditt,\V. D. PowellY P 'r. Savage, and RMCCOMLghy llcrk, M. '1‘eefy. WEST’S LVER PILLS To ai! ’sufferers from Indigestion, Disordered stomach. Will lheroughly cure you. They do not gripe or purge, but not mlldly, and whenever used are considered price- less. They have provon lo be the THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFEBT SURE Use ‘éitom and be relieved from your misery. 30 PI": In a box, 250. per box, 5 boxes for‘$l FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGG/STS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"Services .r, 1] o'clock m1n.,anrl(§:30 pim. Prayer meeting -11 \Vednesday evening ut7230. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"Sel‘vices in order 5 follow 5 Thornhill at 9 a..m., and Richmond [i11th 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Richâ€" iond Hill at 9 3.411., and Thornhill at 10:30 8.. m Sick Headache (BR EATEST RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, N0, 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" eets in the Temperance Hall‘ every “Wednesday 'eniuu. at 7.30 o’clock. \Vm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist sabbath school'l‘emperamce As vciutiou issue pledge curds every Sunday when asired. \V111.Hn.rrison supi RICHMOND LODGE,A.F. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge Room,Masonic Hallpn the ondny 011 or before full 111001],th 8 o‘clock p.m Leek, W. M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERSâ€"vCourt Rich- .mul, No. 7040 i. O. F.. meets in the Temperance all every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"Robh. such, C. R. Absoluteiy no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. BEST SETS £37230. 0. WEST 8: 00. DYSPEPSIA 0R INDEGESTIGN, WHEN WHY SUFFER FROM DENTIST, willugc Qirtvinry. OF THE AGE Societies. Churches- BLESSING OF Maw 15th. 1884.431 Late of Hamilton, practical Dress and Mantle Maker, begs to inform the ladies of Maple, Richmond Hill and vicinity, that she has opened in the above business in the VILLAGE OF MAPLE, MILWAUKEE, DON’T NEG_LECT TO SEND AT ONCE, AND DRESS MAKING. And moderate charges. to merit a liberal share of patronage. Ladies’ Mantles SAMPLE COPY OF PECK’S SUN Bearin mmd that by sending a Postal Card to thxs office, a Oct. 15th, 1885. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is nude-r my own supervisr .1. I am also prepared tn do all kinds “f black- smithmg A", repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS: RICHMOND IilLL. )0(, v In returning thanks to my numeroua friends for their liberal pa ‘ ‘znage during the past twenty-five years, I begr to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected antisekf new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Hunthdown Rams. For further parti: 1mm“: ‘ n'n V to PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S. Will belocnted in Richmond Hill in about two or three weeks No more travelling or driving around. He will then be pxepm‘ed to attend to anythipg in tihe line of Dentistry on the shortest: 1 vnu THE FUNNIEST PAPER IN AMERICA. What Vaccination ls to Smallpox, PECK'S SUN IS to the blues. any mung, u; \Luv “Aw u; ‘4 notice in Richmond Hill P EELS}! N, Is one on the most widely read and popular papers in the country to-daymnd stanuds a poor in its specialty. Cutters, 11172 p. In. Business of importance will be broughtbefore the meeting. All Reformers are particularly requested to attend. - - mvvnnrnnvn a“ Gâ€"E0.W.PECK, Editor and Proprietor. A meeting of the West York Reform Associa- tion will be held at Parkdale on REFORM MEETING, Horse - Shoeing And hopes by strict attention to the wants of her patrons, flawfis, QENMW, FASHIONABLY CUT, BAD BOY The Originator ofthe celebrated FOR SALE ! And Garments Stylisth Made. MISS KEATIN G, FIRST-0 LASS WORK. TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS T0, ADDRESS GEORGE L. L0 RD. a}va fiavsctia‘meum. MANTLE Paid special attention to. Will be mailed you Free. NOTICE ! OCT. 28TH, 1885, WORTH OF FUN FOR MILWAUKEE, WIS. TU ANY ADDRESS. BUSINESS MANAGER, PECK‘S SUN Sleighs and El AN. Concord P.O. \‘V M TRENCII. J. J. THRE LKELD, Sec PAPERS WTS‘ 10. Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in at- tendance. The above Mills will be run this season the same as lastâ€"on THOS. WILSON RICHMOND HILL Customers will be able to exchange their wool for manufactured goods, and so not be compelled to wait for stock to be N EVVMARKET WULLEN MILLS ! R011 Carding 5 cents, old price 7 cents Spinning 12% “ 15 “ 3 ply Yarns 20 “ 25 “ Un’n Flannel 20 “ 25 “ Tweeds 20 to 35 cts. “ 25 to 45 Eggs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag... Apples, per bbl.... . . anions, green, per bush Cabbage, per (102. lelm'y, (10. Turnips,perbag .. Carrots, do. . Beans, per peck...‘ Flour, spring, per Flour, full, per bbl H:\_\',per ton straw. per ton BETTER WORK ! Manufacturing Prices TO SUIT THE TIMES. And Music of every description Will be kept always on hand at rock bottom prices. Instru- ments tuned. Thepublic are invited to give us a call and inspect our stock. Orders promptly attended to V7. M. CLARKE. As our machinery is more extensive than any Custom Mill in the country, we claim that we can turn out. RICHMOND HILL Thursdav Oct. 22 outs, per bushel Peas, do. .. Dressed hogs,per 100 Beef, fore quarte Beef, hind quartp Chickens. per pair . 0 40 Ducks, do. 0 55 Geese, each ........ 0 50 TurkeVS. perlb ., 0 9 Butter, pound 10115.. 0 15 Butter, layge rolls. 0 13 MUSIC STORE. Richmond Hxll, April 30th Tonoxvmn ’I‘nuradav, Oct. 22, 1385. Wheat, fall, per bushel ..... Wheat, spring, do. Barley, do. oats, do. Peas. do. Rye. do. Clover Seed, do. Dressed hogs, per 1001bs . Beef, fore quarters Beef. hind quarte H Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, L10. . . Geese, each . . A . . Turkeys, each Butter, pound r0115. Butter, tub dairy . . Eggs, fresh, per 1102.. Potatoes, per bag Apples, 1101- bbl ....... onions, green,par bag . Cabbage (lo. . Cauliflower do. . Celery, do. ’l‘uruips, per bag” Carrots, (10. H Hay, per ton .. straw, per ton moooooowwoOOOHcoo‘, 8853§8388§55588358 fimmzwmiz HIM/4 ! filfifl’flbflflm 9 $1.09 55‘! £EEVANOE. We will in a. few days oven a. new Music Stcr-o in the Village of Opposite Coulter‘s Tmlor Shop, where a full Supply of And vicinity‘thnt he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend to calls on the slmrtest notice. All kinds of and more of it shan most other places. FUNERAL FURNISHINGS NEWMARKET WOULLEN MILLS, June 9th, 1885. RIUSICAL INSTIEUMENTS ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. WORKED UP. THO S. WILSON. Begs to inform the public of CUSTOM WORK ONLY, an» warms. NEVV 1200 050 70 0 30 3111‘ to 0 50 15 00 13 ()0 0 32 0 60 (i 50 7 00 8 50 0 60 0 65 60 75 0 87 7b PAR-LOB OVEN STOVES f HARDWARE. HARDWARE. TINWARE. TINWAREA WOOD AND COAL COOK STOVES You can buy WALL PAPER at less than cost, and goodix stock to make ready for Fall Goods. In new designs at Toronto prices. Call and examine stock for yourselves. Pamts, 011s, Varmshes & Glass of all sizes and cut to order. USUAL STOCK OF Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, 860., ON HAND. P. Gr. SAVAGE. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Eave Troughing a Specialty; AT THE PEGPLE’S swam BARGAINS’: Yes, my friends, clothe your- selves comfortably for the coming winter, and to make it sure call 21nd inspect my MET.» & GEES, TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT PREPARE forWINTER For lowness in price, style, quality, workmanship, and latest patterns,Trevethan’s Ghas. Trevethau. Is the place to come. Do not forget the shop, over Hall’s Feed Store. Leave your orders now. In GIE()CEG IRIIE 55,3. (Erlasssxwmlwa, &:(9 “'9. have :\ CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR (in FEED always on hand, all of which we will bell as Clluup for cash as any store (an Richmond ELI], keeping first- ALEX, MOODEE. Stove Pipes 10 Cents a Length.‘ IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. a LARGE STOCK from 406%. up”, HATS AND GAPS. 3UITS MADE TE? QEBER, Britigh Wag Staff 2 Which are now arriving. Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash” Also new and well-assorted stock ofHardware. FUR NITURE THE NEW WELLEAMEEY The undersigned has on hand a large stock of STOCK GOMPLETE’: AND ANDRE ‘V’S’ Sflag WW @flfigafl f Ewfléfififi {HQ ‘fi FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I7 send six centsiu pest» agex and r00 '9 free, a, custly box L-t goods which I will help all, vf either sex to more money right away than anything e1so in this world. Fortunes await the worker? absolutelv sure. At once address have 65 Co AuguI-‘tmaMaine. HAIR-CUTTING A SPEGIALTY BERT. AN D RE “'5. Prop" MUSIC LESSONS. Miss Bailey is now preparâ€" ed to give lessons on Piano» or Organ. Residence, oppo“ site Presbyterian Church” It, was nwm'dofl five meélais and three first prizes at, the Domtuion Exhibition last October. It, i=1 )‘npidiv mpex'wding all the old fashioned makes eVerywhcre. See it, try il.1myit,aud make sure Lhut you get in Sold by It is strongwlnmhle and well built,0f the very best nmiuxiul Lhuz money can buy, or skill produce. High Arm Sewing Maching IS now rcc~ ognized as the It IS Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Sample to Learn, SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD“ Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and l’lauos, Tums Easy, -â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" MASON. J. LUE‘aI IN THE

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