Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1885, p. 1

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VHE UBERAL PRINTWG & PUBU'SHSNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING DR. EEéE-th FICA N a; STA 1* F, TB 0 RNHILL, ONT” Toronto linivors V‘NI‘C, P. & S. Graduate of _ 'bmxt surgeeu m Ont" two years resident, as: Toronto Genequ Hospitul. Office mm rcsi<1€1m(~,#0no :lmu' South of P. 0, Office Ham'sâ€"41‘ m 10 a. m., KY. 115 to 211. m. Dl‘. Jzunes Langslafl AND Dr. lmwis.‘ G. Laugsiafl‘. Members CO“0;1€ Physicians & Suvgcuus, Out, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Du (MT. Maple. (mice hours: 8 £0, $30 a. m.. mad to 2.30 p. m- Vetm‘inurv m 1 mom. G mduaw Tullcgo, Toro‘l . A. , vu.,»N. 1));{éflses of all the Domestimted Amman; treated. RESIDENCE: ~- 8'”! wama. Woonmmas. Veterinary Surgeon Gmduatn Ontario Veber'b nary Collegcflfomntm Calls promptly attended 50. Charges Moderate. Disoams of Horses, Cum file, 656.. sciuntificnlly treated by the latest moth» 003 Horses bought and sold on commission and examined as (or soundness. OFFICEâ€"Opposite Palmer Hon-so Richmond BEL thankful fur the favors of the past :30 years may still be conquted in any branch of the proâ€" fession, as follows: \gu‘om, 1st, Hivh, luck, and 22nd of 680% month Richmond Hillw . . .9th and 24th flu. (at tho Palmer House) .n .A Medalist 'J‘tmnto I‘nivmsih. IMnirr (‘0 Physicinns & Surfiorms, DnLUnte of Stouffville Yomze Streo‘o‘ Richmond Hill. Office Hours 150 10 n..m.,f;to 8 1mm. v.18“: lo. mouff'vill . .20th 10. Mark ham Victoria. Squat .21“ do. I‘hornhil]... .. . . 23rd do. Woodhridge. ..2Sth do. Kleinblu‘g.. ..29’t-h do Nobleton... . ..... :IOth o \‘ltflized Axr always on hand M: appointments. \Vm‘kc like a. charm, Free from main. Unionvillm .. last Monday of each month Weston 0th and 21M " ‘ Haple mm “ " Richmond Hill . 19th ‘ “ Woodbn' d ge ..... .2212 (1 Mr. Husband will be found in his. office, New- xb'n Brook, every Saturday, except when Suturâ€" cw mm; on the above dates. ‘Wfll visit the following places professionally :â€" LEWREN GE, MELLIMN 8:. HgAZHDRE'W, VOL. VIII. Barristers, swam, Oonveyancers, 8w... Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. HALL, FIILLAR'I‘ON a: coon, BARBISTERS. SOLICITORS, 6m. «OFFICES: 18 Kym; Srmmrr EAST, TORONTO. Richmond flil] P.O. Every Saturday. "W. M. HALL J, S. FULLAR’I‘ON. W. COOK. IS'PEWATE FUNDS To LOAN. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A G. P. LAWRENCE. '1‘. G. MILLIGAN. J. A. McANDREW. ‘ in presents gwon away. send us 5 cents postage, and by mail vou will get , free a package of goods 0 large value. that will'sturt van in work that ‘will an oncebriug you in money faster than any thing: else 11} America, All about the $200,000 in presents in each box. Agents wunm'l everywhere of either sex, of all ages, {in all the time, or spare time only, to work forms at their own li‘omos. Fortunes; {or all workers nbsolutelv assured Don‘t delay. H. HALLETT & 00.. PortlandMnino fidmss A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Aurmn Out. BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ T9112 gmm ” 4433â€"! G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., VI‘TJQILJ’ZEQ JQ’IQ EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. per annum, in advance.] ‘. E. MaM’AEU N, IS P UBLISH ED EVERY Dr. W'. J. “’Ilsou. ’E‘. NA'I‘T R ESS, F. EIEW’ ITT, USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. all the Domestiunted Animals >‘i’Tctcti1mm. Walnut. SURGEON DENTIST imam. 31mm. NE WTON BROOK. DENTKST, of Ontario Vet, T0 Lean on Farm Property at lowest mtesof in- terest to pay of? Mortgages M higher rates nr for Building, draining. or 0mm» purpuses. Mortgages and Municinn‘l Debentures purchased. Money mlvzmced on second mortgages and to purchase farms. r‘fners will save money by writing or apply~ kg direct. to E. R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide St... East, Toronto. Almrae mnounp of Money to Lend on (um pr ‘ v mowrty mterest? per cent: no commlsâ€" sion. MCLAREN, MACDONALD, MERRITT dz S HE PLEY, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York ()ntanound Peol. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc.. promptly attended to [it l'eusonublu rates. P. 0. address. UNIONV'ILLE. Licensed Auctinneer for the Cmmtv of York, re~ speutfully solicits your pati‘nnnge and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice mm at reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly iufllmnce. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the Cmumy of York Suleu attended on the shortest noticenml at reu- ube rates. Address Stoufi‘vfllo P. 0 Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand THE DOMINION HOUSE, Having refitted the above House and furnishâ€" ed it in firsfrcluss style, I 1m] prepared to give the public the best of accommodation. Excellent Enabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for cmnrnerciul zmvellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms 5] net (luv. Benj. Brnllinger. Proprietor. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES Express to Toronto. Special u'tention given to moving household furniture, pianos. &c., &c. FIR ST-CLAS S LIVERY. LS’DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL Through Tickets to all points East and West, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates, &c., apply to T. DILWORTH, Agent N. k N. W. Rys., ROHEBT QUINN, Richmond Hill. NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. Central Bank cf Gauche... PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, “SE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTOR S K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac- donald, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Deposits received and Interesballowed thereon at Current. Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Drama on all Darts of Canada, United States and (hem Britain, bought. and so‘d. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Richmond Hi] April 80th. Vocal um] Instrumental Music. We, the undersigned, do hereby cermfy that Wm. Mumford Clarke has thin day succesafully passed his first, degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a Professor. ROHEBT QUINN, General Passenger Agent. Eight Building Lots for sale on Centre Stree East, only $100 cach,15 per cent. down for pick It the lots ; Also Two New Houses, 5rooms, on Richmond Street. _BR. LANGS’I‘AFF; FOR SAIJE ? Organist Trmity Church, Thomhill, and St. Mary‘s Church. Richmond Hill, 13 opgn to receive pupils in Syecim Rates to Commerciai Travellers slavmas DEPARTMENT, Appiy at the Music Store. Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. WRIGHT BUILDING LOTS $100,000 Richmond Hill, UNDERTA KE RS, Signed { Money to Loan. JAMES M. LAWRENUE, Salem Ecknrdt. afiimllnmnus. N. J. Armstrong. Richmond Hill Branch. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. S. M. Brown. COPY OF CERTIFICATE Unior Lou: buildin a Tox‘onto 331mm. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 1885. “In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Burcmemn, M. D. W. F. C. H. W‘ BAXTER, 111. M: BROS, London. Eng. Manager. Tlie following is the prize list of the \Vest Riding of York and Vaughan Town- ship Agricultural Society’s Fair, held in the Village of Woodbridge on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 20th and let, as taken from the Secretary’s book. The exhibits marked with a star are those for which special prizes were awarded:â€" HORSESâ€"IMPORTED DRAUGHT Mare with foulâ€"1, John Jacksnn. Colt, entire, 2 years old-l, W L Taylor. Colt, entire, 1 year oldâ€"1, W L Taylor. CANADIAN DRAUGHT. Mare with foalâ€"1, John Moore; 2. John A McKenna; 3, Robt Dobson. Uolt. entire, 2 years old-â€"â€"1. W J Carter; 2, Win Kersey. Colt. entire, 1 year old â€"1, John Jackson; 2, Wm Bowen; 3, \Vm 'l‘indale. Spring colt or filly*â€"l. D Rowntree; 2, J A McKenna; 3, G Robinson. - Filly or gelding, 3 years old â€"â€"1, M Harrison 4' Son; 2, J Bowen; 3, Wm Dobson. Filly or gelding, 2 years oldâ€"l, L Whitinore; 2, D Rowntree; 3, G Robinson. Filly or gelding, 1 year oldâ€"1, M Harrison 8; Son; 2, T Culley: 3, J Little. Span horses in harness*â€"â€"1, J Guardlioiise; 2, J Moore. GENERAL PURPOSE. Mare with foalâ€"J, J Clark; 2, “7 Mc~ Cliii-e; 3. N Smith. Colt, entire, 2 years oldâ€"1, “7 Baldwick; 2, E Dixon; 3,W & J Carter. Colt, entire, 1 year oldâ€"1, W Perry; 2, G \Vitlierspoon. Spring colt or tilly*â€"-1, J Wethral; 2, N Sinith' 3, G Robinson. Filly or gelding, 3 years oldâ€"â€"1. J Clark; 2. J Huston; 3. H Baskei'ville. Filly or gelding, 2 years oldâ€"1, J McLellan; 2, M Moody; 3, Fl Hillock. Filly or gelding, ] year oldâ€"~1. A McNeil; 2, A Creighton: 3, C Camer- on. Span horses in hariiess*â€"â€"~1,J Rogers; 2, ’1‘ Black; 3, S McClure. CARRIAGE HORSES. Mare with foalâ€"i, W C Brown; 2. W C Brown. Colt entire, 2 years oldâ€"l, W C Brown; 2, J Patton. Colt. entire, 1 year oldâ€"LR F Rustin. Spring colt l‘l fillyâ€"1, J A McKeniia. Filly or gelding 3 years oldâ€">1 J Mr-aon; 2, J Early. _ 1 :ily oi geiiiiiigls’ y' f: olo‘iâ€"â€"1,J Stewart. Filly or gelding, 1 year oldâ€"1. J Early: 2,M0inisey Bros. Single horse in harness" â€"1, S Mason; ‘2, W Farr; 3, “7 Patter- son. Roadster or carriage shod horseâ€" 1. Brownridge & Hamilton: ‘2. J Patron. Spun horses in harness*â€"l,H Pei-due; 2, J Pinkerton; 3, J Early. Rosnsrrzns. Mare with foalâ€"1, J Pinkerton; 2, “7 Dunchafor; 3, J A McKenna. Colt, en- tire, 2 years oldâ€"], D Kinnee 8.: Son; 2, J Huston. Spring colt or fillv*â€"»1, W Dennison; 2, W Dunchafor; 3, J Pinkerâ€" ton. Filly or gelding, 3 years oldâ€"1, J Armstrong; 2, J Stewart; 3, J A Mcâ€" Kenna. Filly or gelding, 2 years oldâ€" 1, A Creighton; 2‘,‘J Mason; 3, J Pinker- ton. Filly or gelding, 1 vear oldâ€"1, J . A McKenna; 2, A Musson. Single horse in harnessâ€"1, J Lawrie; 2. J McDono- ugh; 3, Brownridge & Hamilton. Span horses in harnessâ€"1, A Dixon; 2,Brm~n- ridge & Hamilton; 3,Gallanongh. Saddle horse~1, T Johnston; 2. \V McClure; 3, Brownridge & Hamilton. SPECIAL CLASS Best turn out span horsesâ€"4, H Pur- ‘ due. Yearling colt, entire, by Lincolnâ€" 1, \V Perry. Spring colt. entire, by Lincolnâ€"1, R Taylor. Yearling, tilly, by Lincoln-1, M Harrison 1!: Son; 2, J Watson. Best 6 spring colts or fillies, got by any one heavy draught stallionâ€"â€" D Rowntree, T. Gowland, J Rowntree, G Robinson, G Robinson and J Peacock. These colts were all got by the horse “ Perfection,” Addison, owner. Lady riderâ€"1, Miss L Wright; 2, Miss Chew. Lady driverâ€".1, Mrs E Braun; 2, Mrs T Brownridge; 3. Miss Chew. SPEEDING Fastest trotting single horse in harness ~1, T Johnston; 8. J Pinkerton; 3, J F Scholes. Fastest trottinu team in harness â€"â€"1. T Johnston; 2, \V Wliitmore; 3, E Gnllanough. Fastest trotting stallion in harnessâ€"l, W Whitmore; 2, W Walker. Fastest trotting: 3 years oldâ€"1,J Brown; 2, J Armstrong. CATTLE, DURHAMâ€"IMPORTED Bull, 2 years old and ovarâ€"l, J Gard- house. WEST YORK FAIR. Dunn)! CATTLEâ€"‘â€" CANADIAN Bull.2 years old and overâ€"1 ,W Porter; 2, E \Vhitmore. Bull, 1 year oldâ€"1, G Robinson. Cow, any age, in milkâ€"1, J Gardhouse; 2, W Porter; 3, J Gardhouse. Bull calf, under 1 yearâ€"4, J Gardhouse; 2, \V Porter; 3, J Gnrdhnnse. Heifer calf, under 1 yenrvâ€"l, J R Lawrence; 2, J R Lawrence; 3, W Porter. Heifer, 2 years (~1dâ€"â€"], J Gardhuuse. Heifer, 1 year oldâ€"1, W Porter; 2, J Gardhonse; 3. W l’orter. AYRSHIRE CATTLE Bull, 2yeurs old and overâ€"1, W C Beatty, . Bull calf,under 1 yearâ€"1,2 & 3, W C Be‘ntty. Heifer, 2 years oldâ€"4, & 2, \V C Beatty. Heifer calf, under 1 yearâ€" 1, 2 & 3, W C Beatty. Heifer, 1 year oldâ€"1 (k 2. \V C Beatty. Cow, any age, in milkâ€"1, 2 & 3, \V C Beatty. PRIZE LIST. HOLSTEIN CATTLE BUILZ years old and overâ€"LVV Shunk. Bull, 1 venr oldâ€"~1, S Shunk, 1r. Bull calf,xmde1' 1 year-wl, S Shuuk, jr. Heif- er, 2 years oldâ€"1, 2 and 3, S Skunk, jr‘ Heifer calf, under 1 yearâ€"1, S Shunk.jr. Cow any age in milkâ€" 1, W Shunk. Heifer, 1 year oldâ€"4. W Shunk. JERSEY CATTLE Cow any age in milk»1, J Jackson. Hexfer, 1 year old~l,\V C Beatty. Heifâ€" er, under 1 yearâ€"J Clark. GRADE CATTLE Cow any age in milkâ€"1, W Porter; 2, G Robinson; 3, J T Pemock. Heifer, 2 years oldâ€"1, \V Porter; 2,J R Lawrence; 3, A Webster. Heifer, 1 year oldâ€"«1, 1 Lawrence; 2, RV Ellerby. Spring heifer calfâ€"~1, I Laurence; 2, W Ellerby; 3, S Shuuk, FAT CATTLE AND HERD Fat CUw, ox ur steepâ€"1, I Lawrence: Herd of cattle, 1 male, 4 females*~â€"1, J Gardlwuse; 2, W Porter. LEICESTER SHEEP Rum 2 shears and 0verâ€"â€"1, J Gard- hmlse; 2, G \Veldrick. Shearling ramâ€"â€" 1, RnbL Marsh; 2, (:‘r Weldrick Rum lambâ€"~l, 'l‘ Buyntun; 2, G Weldrlck. 'l‘wo slwux'ling ewesâ€"1‘ J Gardlmuse; 2, T Buyntun. Two ewe lambsâ€"#1,“? Boyu- ton; 2, G W'dldrick. Two brood ewes, two shears and 0verâ€"-Judges omitted marking prim-takers. I’eu of 1 male and 3 femalea~l, J Gardlnmse. CUTSWOLD SHEEP Ram, 2 shears and overâ€"l, T Colley; 2, ',l‘ Culley. Shearliug ram~â€"1,J Moore; 2, T Culley. Ram lumb~1. T Culley; 2, J Mum-re. Twu brood ewes, 2 shears and Overâ€"1, T Culley; 2, J Moore. Two ehezu'ling ewesâ€"1, T Culley; 2, J Elmore. Two eWe lambsâ€"â€"1, J Moore; 2, T Culley. SOUTHDUWN SHEEP Ram, 2 shears and over â€"â€"1, R Marsh; 2, E 6:, A Sianford. Shearling ramâ€"1, R Marsh; 2. E (L‘ A Stanford. Ram lambâ€"l, E & A Stanford. Two broom ewes, 2 sllual's and (Iverâ€"l, R Marsh; 2, E SJ A Stanford. Two shearling ewesâ€"â€" 1 and 2,E J: A Stanford. 'l‘wo ewe lambs â€"1, E dz: A Stanford. Pen of 1 male and 3 femalea--l, R Marsh; 2, E & A. Stan- ford. SHRUPSHIRE,HAMPSHIRE & OXFORD DOWN$ Ram. 2 shears and overâ€"1. S Lemon: 2, F A Fleming. Shearling ramâ€"1, F A Fleming. Ram lambâ€"1‘ and ‘2. S Lemon. 'l'wo brood eWes. 2 shears and overâ€"l, S Lemon. Pen 0f 1 male and 3 feinulesâ€"l, S Lemon. FAT SHEEP Two fut sheepâ€"1 and 2, R Taylor. BERKSHIRE PIGS Boar over lyear»1, W P Boynton. Sow over 1 yearâ€"1, J Young; ‘2, M Fishâ€" er, jr. Boar under 1 yearâ€"1, J Gard- hunse; 2, W Porter. Sow under 1 year â€"â€"1, J Gardhouse; 2, \V Snyder. YORKSHIRE on LARGE BREED PIGS Boar over 1 year â€"1, R Dorsey & Son; 2, '1‘ Boynton. Sow OVer 1 yearâ€"1 and 2, T Boynton. Boar under 1 year~~1, '1‘ Boynton; 2, P W Boynton, Sow under 1 yearâ€"1, W McClure; 2,>-T Boynton. SUFFOLK PIGS ‘ Boar over 1 yearâ€"1, R Dorsey (B 801); 2, W McClure. Sow over 1 yearâ€"1 and 2. \V McClure. Boar under 1 yearâ€"1, R Dorsey & Son; 2, W McClure. Sow under 1 yearâ€"l and 2, R Dorsey & Sun. POULTRY Light Brahmasâ€"1, W 62: A \Vright; 2, R Earls. Dark brahnias-~1, W 5; A \Vright; 2, J Foster. Dark bruhmas, chickenâ€"1, J Foster; 2,- W 82 A Wright. Cochiusâ€"-1, \V & A Wright: 2, J Foster. Cochins, chickensâ€"1 and 2, J Foster. Durkingsâ€"l, \V (S; A Wright, Dorkings, chickensâ€"1, “7 & A Wright; '2, E Lang- stafl'. Black Spanishâ€"1 , W Blake; ‘2, \V nk A \Vright. Black Spanish chickens»â€" 1, J Foster; 2 W Dawson. . Leghm‘nsm 1, J Foster; 2, F W Siltclifle. Leglwrns, chickens-1 and 2, F \V Sntclifie. Ham- bnrgsâ€"l, W Dawson; 2, W & A Wright. Halnburgs, chickonawl, J Foster; 2, W Dawson. Plymoth rocksâ€"â€"â€"l, “7 do A \Vright. Plymoth rocks, chickens-4, J‘ Foster; 2,W dz A Wright. Pr-landsâ€"- J Foster. Poland chickens~1, J Foster. Houdans â€"l, W A? A Wright; 2, E Langa staff. Houdans, chickensâ€"1, \V & A Wright; 2, E Lnngstufi. Gameâ€"1, J Foster; 2. J McIllinny. Game chickens â€"1, J Foster; 2, R Douglas. Bantams -â€"1. “7 Reid; 2, R Dorsey 5; Son. Bam- tams. chickensâ€"1, J Fonter: 2, A E Har- rie. Fancy pigeonsâ€"I, WReid; 2, W Dawson. Pair guinea. fowlsâ€"l, A E Harris; 2, M Reaman. Common geeseâ€"â€" l, M Remnan; 2,W dz A \Vright. Chinese geeseâ€"l. J Foster. Toulouse geeseâ€"1, W 5! A Wright; 2, J Foster. A-ylesbury Ducksâ€"1, R Dorsey dz Son; 2, J Foster. Rnuen ducksâ€"1, W Patterson; 2, J Moore. Pekin ducksâ€"LVV & A \Vright; 2. J Foster. Bronze turkeysâ€"1, M Har- rison dz Son; 2, W Patterson. 'C'ommon turkeysâ€" l, \V Porter; 2. E Langstafl'. Wyandotte fow1*~â€"â€"], W VVilso‘n; 2, John Elliott. 6 Sweede Turnipsâ€"l, Uriah Young; 2, Mounsev Bros. 6 \Vhite Turnipsâ€"l, C. Scott; 2, F. Daniels. 6 field Carrots â€"-â€"1, T. Dobson; 2, G. Bell; 12 table carrotsâ€"1, 0 Scot; 2, J Dandridge. 6 ROOTS. mangolds, long~â€"1, F Dnuielsfl, T Smith. 6mangolds. globe-l, “7 Potter; 2, S Shunk. 4 nuuxgnlds*~â€"U Young. Half bush. early rose potatoesâ€"l, G Baggs; 2, R McIllinny. Half bush. white eleâ€" plxantsâ€"l, A Blayuzu‘d; 2, A. T Ortl). Half push. beauty of Hebron~1, A T Orth; 2, F Dnmels. Half bush. late rose potatoesâ€"J Dandridge. Half bush. po- tatoes, any other saltâ€"1, '1‘ Smith; 2, M Harrison 6; Son. 12 field radishea-H- l, C Scott; 2, Mmmsey Bros. 12 garden radishesâ€"«l. F Daniels; ‘2, C E Brown. 2 field squaslleaâ€"l, J Dandridge; 2, J Burkholder. 2 field pumpkins* 1, JVI Brown; 2, \V. Patterson. 2 mammoth pumpkins-1, J Dandridge; 2,7 McKay. VEGETABLES. 12 blood beets~ 1, F Daniels; 2, C Scott. 12 sugar heets»-~1, J. Dandridge; 2. G Bell. Peck red onionsâ€"«1, E W W Gollnp; 2, C Lmvrle. Peck Yellow On- ionsâ€"~1, I. Eltord; 2, C Grant. 6 heads cabbage. largo-L C Scott; I Elfox‘d. 6 heads cabbage, smallâ€"a], L Elliott; 2. J McKay. ficitrtms, longâ€"1, L lVIay- mu‘d; J Dandridge. 6 citrons, roundâ€"1, ‘ F Daniels; 2, W Dennison. 12 roots cel- eryâ€"1, C E Brown; 2. I Elford. 12 t0- matneswl, J Dandridgo; 2, C. E. Brown. 3 caulxflowersâ€"l, W. Dawson; 2, L Elli- ott. 12 parsnips~1,J McKay; 2, G C Moore. ’ FRUITS. Variety of apples, 6 of eachâ€".1, E Langstafi'; 2, A A Gage. 1‘] cooking ap- ples 1, \V S Robinson; 2, G brown. 12 table upples--],A A Gzi.ue,2,R Coulter. 12 winner applcs~l, \V Dawson; 2, J McDmmugh. 12 Russetsâ€"ml, E Lang- stafi'; 2, A A Gage. 12 w1nte1‘ poursâ€".1, A A Gage; 2, C E Brown. 12 autumn pearsâ€"1, C E Brown; 2, \V Bell. 6 clusters open air grapesâ€"~1, “7 Dawson; 2, S.Hurtmun. Barrel greening apples“ 1, W Watt: 2. J ‘lierry. Assortment harrblapples~l, W Watt; 2, E Lang- staff. Barrel winter apples*â€"â€"1, \V \Vatt; 2, E. Lnngstafl". Barrel northern spy apples*~W \Vatt. GRAIN AND SEEDS. 2 bush. tall wheat. red~7l. G Gremais; 2, Gen Weldi‘ick;3 C Grant. 2 bush. fall wheat, whiteâ€"1, R Wilson; 2, G Gremnis;3 A A Gage. 2 bush. spring wlieaf, red~1, 0. 1mm; 2, 0 Grant; 8, G Gremais. 2 bush spring wheat, white â€"1, 0 Grant; 2. R \Vilson: 3, M Harris~ on & Son. 2 bush. goose wheatâ€"l, G Shunk; 2, M Harrison 65 Son; 3. A A Gage. 2 bush. barley, 2 rowedâ€"l, C ‘ Garnt; 2, J Brenls; 3, M Harrison & Son; 2 bush. barley, 6 ruwed â€"â€"1, G Gremais- 2, J \V Laird; 3, U Young. 2 bush. mar- mwfnt peasâ€"l, C Grant; 3 “V Laird; 3, J Brenls. 2bush. commnn pensâ€"l, C Grant; 2, R. Wilson; 3, C Semi. 2 bush. black «>at8*1, G Greinais; 2, C Grant; 3, R. “Mann. 2 bushwhite oatsâ€"‘1, C Grant; G hemais; 3, M Harrison d: Son. 1 bush. timothy seedâ€"I, G Grem- ais; 2, C Grant. 12 can; Held com-l, W Jeffrey; 2., J McKay. 1"]. cars table cornâ€"â€"I,IElfurd; 2, R Earls. Bush. flux seed~1, R VVilsun; 2, G Greumis. Bush. huesâ€"1, J Breuls; 2, C Grant. 2 bush. black bzu‘ley_1, 0 Giant. Half bush, white bonusâ€"1, C Grant; ‘2, R Wilson. AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMEN'I‘S. Portable Steam Engineâ€"J, John Abell. Horst.power threshing machinerâ€"l, Julm Abell. Cluvermachiueâ€"l. Julm Abell. Mowing machineâ€"J1, Patterson 12 Bro. Land rollerâ€"l, G Stong; 2, D Todd. Self~biudiug reaper-«l, Pntzersun £3: Bro. 2, Elliott and Son. Grain (ll‘lll~â€"1, J U Wisuer J;- 501); ‘2, G A Mason. Two- horse farmers’waggun, tliimblu skeinâ€"l, G B Island; 2, J Crnicxslm k & Sons. Steam tllreslier*â€"â€"], John Alel. Mar- ket Waggonâ€"«1', Gr B Islam»; 2, Amus Maynard. Phlemnâ€"â€"â€"1, Sp igllt Man. 00.;2Amua Maynard. U: -. Buggy» Speight Man. Cm; 2. G i J .md: Cov- ered buggy~1, J. P. Baml» we; 2, A. Maynard. Largest and hr d.splay of carriagesâ€"J, A Maynard; 2 u‘r B lsland‘ Cnltivator~â€"], B Bell and . a; 2, J O \Visuer & Sun. Wmughn v :11 plowâ€"4. G Wilkinson; 2Y W Dick nu HaH‘OWé »â€"1, J Kaye & Sun; 2"» -vi Elliott. Straw cutter, lmrse-pnwrw D Todd. Grain Crusherâ€"1, R (L ‘c. Sulke; ‘ rakeâ€"G A Masson. l): cutter, Sil; g gle horseâ€"â€"-1. A Mayimm Y. Vollel ‘ Sleighâ€"A Maynard. 1' g mill '1‘ l Wilson. DAIRY mm}. 8 lbs fresh butter‘*â€" '1 2. I Devins; 3, Mrs. J ‘ VVray. ‘ Firkin of bu Dolson; 2, \V Dolsun. . lbs. fresh bnueflkl. crock butter*â€"â€"], J n crock butter*â€"1, K flash b11ttex‘*...1 W - kin Butter*. .1. S I! buttel'*...1, J Bomv ter*...1, \V Dolson . .1, S Dolson. 1‘; E Hilluck. 20 1|». Dolson. ‘ .12 lbs. xw - sou. 101bs. lmnw age. 12 lbs. in‘ Ramage. 6 lbs h- Ramage;2. M. Br [Single copies, 3 cts (Continued No. 18. =u plowâ€"4. nu Harrow ~vi Elliott. D Todd. 4:. Sulke; cuttgr, sil; nit] Dolam , 4, Mr: lbs*], _ \jherry; I n. 1071“ . 20 E‘r 2‘. 10 ’3 501m. - roll nah bu butter “ 1 lbs. ("1 01:: age ) led

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