Big Bear is employed in mixing mortar at the Manitoba Penitentin-y for the new residence of the warden at; Fort Qu’Appe‘lle. éThe Toront; House of Industry have adopt- adda s:heme for the pupose : f applying the labmr test to tramps on and air»: Novem- uar 151:. The Canadian steam barge Pratt was burned to the water’s edge at Detroit. The vessel is supposed to have been set on ï¬re {by an incendiary. HOME. The town of Smith’s Falls is to be illumi- mated with the electric light. A farmer of Warwick township, West Lambton. was roasted alive the other morn- ing in escaping from his burning house, dy- ing in the evening bf 61‘ intense suffering. The full lists of appointments of revising barristers for the Providence of Ontario under the Dominion Franchise Act of last session have been published. A detachment of B Battery, under Major Short and Cxpt. Fages, Quebec, has left for Qu’Appelle to relieve Col. Montimmbert and the time-expired men at that place. Toronto‘s vital statistics for week end- ing Oct 17 were 78 births, 50 marriages and 3) deaths. The Labrador ï¬shery will yield, it; is now ascertained, a full average, but the Straits, though muuh under the catch taken down the coast, will yet give fad: returns. President Cleveland has appointed J amen N. C'Iilds, of Maine, to be consulat Guelph. Mrs. Adams and her twelve yexmold son were tried at the Hastings Assizes for the murder of Martin Archibald, a farmer of Huntingdon township, and acquitted. A case of smallpox has broken out at Beauport; two deaths have Occurred at Point-aux Trembhs, l’ortneuf, and there are three more cases ; a case has also appsar- ed at Point Rouge. At the Norfolk assizaa the grand jury re- turned a true bill in the case of Joseph Smith, Who is charged with the murder of John Armstrong, in Middleton township, by shooting him with a rifle cane. A petition containing 1,565 signatures has Been sent to the government asking the reprieve of Ben j .min Simmons, under sen- tence of death tar murdrlring his paramour in London, 0 It. Senators and members of parliament have signed the petition. A married man named John Armstrong, living near Guyaborough, North Norfolk, while fooling with another man with aloud- ed gun recently was shot, the wound prov- ing fatal a few hours afterwards. A couple of mmwere czught by the Cana- dian customs ofï¬cers the other day at Black Creek in the act of ferryiug over the river a number of deer for the Buffalo market, in contravention of the Act forbidding the exportation of venison. A sale of the Ontario Government’s timber berths on the north shore at Lake Huron took plzce last week in the Legislative {Chamber of the Parliament buildings, and realized close rpon half a million doliars. 0n the representation of the Local Board of Health Mr. DJViB, Superintendent of the Quebec division of the Canadian Paciï¬c hailway, cmsed the doors of all the cars arriving at Quehec to be locked at the station until after'medical inspection of the passengers. The Fall agricultural exhibitions In the North-VVest are reported as highly success- ful this year. A little boy, 9 years old, son of Mr. Jour- nier, of St. Thomas, Qua, got possession of his father‘s loaded fowling piece and while playing with it, is accidentally exploded and ï¬nally wounded his little sizater, aged 6. Dr. Covernton, chairman of 111-3 Provincial Board or Health! is in Albany, N. Y., 0011' faring with the Health and Marine boards there with the View of inducing them to abolish the quarantine regulations on the N iagam frontier. Mr. Stupart, one of the Hudson's bay observers, left: his station with his party, owing to the non-arrival of the Alert, being threatened by death from starvation, just one day brfore that vessel arrived. They arrived safely at the Hudson’s bay post at Chimo and emb irked on the steamer Labrador, which was subsequently wrecked, but her passengers are believed to be safe. Joseph Fitzpatrick, aged 16, While walk- ing home to his father’s house a few miles from Charlottetown, P. E. L, was shot by two boys who were driving past him in a. cart} The buckshot took eflect in FUzpat rick'a‘.‘ breast and groin, and he died. Two boys, named James Baal(son of we lï¬h-y parents) and Arthur Smith, hoth aged ii: teeul have ban arrested; Before dying The agents of the Canadian Southern .hilway have sold to a syndicate the bal- ance of the companv’s second mortgage bonds, about $2,000,000 of which will be paid for in cash. This will enable the com- pany to pay at once all of its floating debt incurred for construction work. The gravlng dock at Indian Cove is vir- tually completed, the last stone having been laid. The coï¬â€˜erdams have still to be remov- ed, and a. small portion of the wing walls outside the entrance to be built, which can be done at any time without interfering in any Way with the use for which the dock is intended. During a heavy fog as No. I express was passing through the yard at Woodstock, the engine and baggage our ran off a switch and derailed. The engine turned over on one side and the tender upon the other. The locomotive was smashed up somewhat but beyond this no damage was done and all the trainmen amped without injury. A serious shooting aï¬â€˜ray took place near Mabee’a tavern, about a mile from Guya- boro, resulting in the death of a man named John Armstrong. Armstrong was shot in the abdomen, the ramrod entering with the charge. He said before he died that Smith said, addressirg him, “ You would not think how quick I could make a. corpse of you,†and then snapped the gun twice to fore it went off. Amherst island has been connezted by cable with the mainland near Bath by the superintendent of the Government telegraph service. The land line connection between Stella, Emerald, and Bath will be completed within a. week, and will be operated by tele- phones in connection with the Great North Western Telegraph (hmpany‘a station at Bath. THE WEEK’S NEWS Six cars left the track at Franklin, N, 11., on the Northern railroad, killing Lucius Graves. the oldest engineer on the road, John Emerson, engineer, and Harvey Emer- son, brakemnn. An English barque has arrivei in Port- land from Japan with a crew of fourteen J apaneae sailors, nine of whom cannot speak a. word of English or understand an order from their ofï¬cers without signs. Capt. Trenney, of Baltlmore, reports that while in latitude 50, long. 50, 17 West, he passed a ship on ï¬re, but could discover no signs of persons or boats in the vicinity. A young married couple on their bridal tour committei suicide at Lincoln, Neb‘, the other night, by taking morphine. The husband‘s name was Thomas Whitely, a cammercial traveller of St. Louis. At a meeting of the Anglers' Association of the St. Lawrence River, held in Albany, it was agreed to employ a. special game prov tector for Alexandria Bay. An earnest re- quvat that the use of nets be not allowed was neat to the State Commissioners. The national Convention of the Irish Na- tional League of America Will be held in Chi- cago on the 20 :h of January. Mr. Parnell and a strong deputation of the Irish Parlia- mentaryparty, including Mr. T. D. Sulli- van, Lord Mayor of Dublin, will attend the convention. Joaeph Riggs. of Bismarck, D.nk., While hunting in the Rwky Mountains lately, was killed by a grizzly bear. About ï¬ftecn acres of the surface of the Baltimore coal mine at Wilkesbarre, Pa. , caved in the othermorning a depth of twelve feet. There was a. heavy fall of snow last week in North Michigan, causing 9. blockade on the railways. Snow also fell in parts of Illinois. Fitzpatrick said he was shot without the slightest provocation. AMERICAN. There was a shock of earthquake at Sand- ersville, G3,, recently. Chas. H. Philbl‘iuk, private secretary to President Lincoln at the time of his assas- sination, is dead. A silver mine is reported as having been discovered at Dover, N. H., on the farm of one N icholaa Tuttle. The canal boat “James Dunn,†Capt. Ciark, of St. Johns, Que., baund for New York with lumbar was inspected at Rouse’s Point, and the (Bptain’s wife found to be suffering from small-pox. The boat was quarantined, as was also another barge, me C'an of which it was thought had been expcaed to infection. The oiï¬ ears of e Pittsburg steamer, which had advertised an excursion to Davis Island J em to see Captain Paul Boynton give an exhibition, were overpowered by the crowd, and the vessel was loaded to the water’s edge. The ofï¬cers being afraid to make the trip, announced that the exhibition would be given at the wharf,whereupon some rougoa started a. riot, cut up two excursion barges with axes, and forced the ofï¬cers to jump into the river to save their lives be- cause they would not return the money taken for the tickets. The ringleaders were arrested. FOREIGN. A cable despatch states that seven thou- sand Christians have'baen massacred in An- mun. A terrible explosion of gas occurred at Plymouth, Pa.., in No. 2 slope of the Dela- ware and Hudson 0031 Company. One man was instantly killed, and fourteen 0 here were frightfully and probably fatally burned. The accident was cauaed by the carelessness of a miner who entered a dangerous part of the slope with an uncovered llmp. The French Gwernment is noW treating with the Hovns for a. peaceful settlement of the M xdagascn' dispute. The people of B;rbar have declared them- selves lndependent, and the governor has offered his submission to the Khedive. The Portuguese Government has removed its flag: which it recently hoisted over two French stations on the Gulf of Guinea. John Howard Parnell, of New York, a broker of Charles Parnell, sued several of his tenants at the Armagh sessions for non-payment of rent and secured a verdict in each case. The authorities of \Voolwich arsenal have been ordered to supply 10,000. 000 rounds of cartridges and 10,000 rifles for the expedition to be sent against King The- baw of Burmah. Mr. Ross Wilmns, the Baltimore million- aire, was the other day assaulted on his deer park in the north of Smtland, for closing a roadway through his estate. He offers £100 for the arrest of the culprits. Mlle. Bimecourt, Whose runaway marri- age with the son of Musurus Pasha, the Mrs. Conway and her daughter Kate were found murdered in thelr house at Kansas City, their skulls having been crushed with a. coupling car pin which was found in the alley. Thirty dollars were missing. It is believed the murder was sommitted by a. tramp, who,perhapa, had attempted a criminal assault on the mother, and being surprised by the girl, killed them both. Father Martin, of Saigon, says 7000 Chris- tisans have been massacred in Annam, in cluding M. Chatelot, a missionary, and 10 native priests. Russia, desiring to revive trade on her Paciï¬c coast possessions, has authorized two annuxl fairs to be held near the Car- eau frontier. It is reported that the Ameer of Afghan- istan has rejected the overtures of Russia, and has decided to remain loyal to the Eng- lish alliance. The Grand Jury has found a true bill against Mr. Snead, editor of the The Pall Mall Gazette, and the other prisoners charg- ed uith the abduction of the girl Armstrong. Lard Salisbury has informed the Ports that England will send an energetic remons- trance to Servia and Greece against their for- midable armaments, and advise them to keep quiet. Mr. Michael Davitt, speaking at Glasgow, made a bitter attack upon the Tories. but, he said, he feared Irishmen would vote against the Liberals in order to secure power. A combined military and naval expedition of ten thousand men is being ï¬ned out at Calcutta to operate against Upper Burmah, should ng Thebaw prove obdurate to Bri- tish representations. The Mark Lame Exprees says that a pro- ject for creating a. basis for pure gambling in the London wheat market has been quietly kept aTive and that a deï¬nite move- ment is now being made toward its reali- zation The returns of the second ballots in France so far received are favorable to the Republi- cans. In the pravincea the Conservatives were successful. M. Goblet, minister of pub- lic instruction. was returned by a large ma.- jority. The Due de Broglie has been de- feated. The English Farmere’ Ain 06 declares that to avert the ruin of the peasant race of farmers land owners must forthwith reduce the rent of farms, and the Govv-rn- ment must formulate a measure which- will prevent raising rents on the improve ments of tenants. Cardinal Newman's advice to the Catholics to aid the Consevauives in maintainingflhe established church is one of the moat extra ordinary occurrences of the English electo- ral campaign. The Tory political agents throughout the country report a. more favor- able prospect for their party. Two very and accidents to young fac- tory hands in Manchester are reported. During twelve months in that city 403 deaths ensued from accidents arising from machinery, and 8‘501 injuries were inflict- ed. The English Government are taking ex- traordinary measures to suppress boycotting in Ireland. They have threatened to revive the W'hiteboy Act, which inflicts a sentence of seven years’ penal servitude on any person found guilty of conspiring against the peace or property of Irish loyalists. A curious case of the abduction of a young girl from her home, near Manchester, is narmted. The girl was chloroformed and drugged, and kept in detention, and then,wlthout any violence having been of- fered to her' returned to the neighborhood of her father’s house, from which she was taken. The British steamer Greyhound, while trading in Chinese wa‘ers, was attacked b pirates. The captain was killcd, the ofï¬cers severely wounded, and the vessel had a narrow escape from being captured. In u trying positionâ€"A judgcship. Peter was the ï¬rst man who “ went out on a fowl.†Turkish ambassador in England, was an- nuled by the Pope, has married Prince Fred- erick of Hohelohe-Oehringen. A bullet girl is s )mething of a. philoso- pher; aha believes in gauzs and effect. “ Listen to your Wife," sxya a. medical ad- vertisement. What terribie remedies they do get nowadays. Love’s warning cry : “ D m’t Jack ; you hurt; myvaccinanon.†Au orthodox Prohibitio ï¬st takes off his hat when a watering cart passes him on the street. A woman in Quebec furnishes love letters at a. dollar apiece. 011, why need the spirit of mortal be sad? How do we know that Cm 3211' had an Irish sweetheart? He went to the Rhine and proposed to Bridget (bridge it). You never saw my hands as dirty as that," said a petulant mother to her little girl. “No, but your ma did, I’ll bet,†was the reply. “ What far has you such a. disgoosted ex‘ prmsicn your face on ‘3" said Sam Levy to Mose Suhaumburg. “Pecause I vash disâ€" goosted. Choost as I van walkin’ dot Aus- tin avenue down I found a kwavater of a tollnr,†repliud Mose. “ A kwavater of a tollar ! Mine graahus, vy vash you die. goosted '2" “ Pecause it vash not; a whole tollar.†A poet sings ; “ I see the flush upon the cheek." If this is the case that poet would do well to lay down his hand, unless he 02m beat it. Don't frown; smile, it costs nothing.â€" [Religious contemporary] There’s where you are mistaken. It costs ï¬fteen cents: two smiles for a quartur. “Our month old baby has cut its lat 2th,†wrotea happy young father to his bachelor brother. "'l‘nas’a tooth in,†wrote back the bachelor. Little Johnny, on being asked by his school- teacher if he knew what was meant by “ at par,†replied that “ Ma. was always at In when he came home late.†Smallpox, scarlet fever, yellow fever and cholera. can be transmitted from one person to another bye kiss; 1) at, hang it ! what’s a- feller going to do? We muss take some chaLcea. A.: “Now John, you know thatis not so.†Mr. A. : Anyway, she bought one of my pictures.†Mrs. A. : “ Then I give in. She must have been awfully in love with you.†“I’m going ’ome to hold England and will leave this wooden kentry,†said a disgusted cockney, the other day. “ VVhat’a the mat- ter with the country ‘3 ’ “ Why, kit’s beast;- ly. If a man don't work he don’t get any- thing to eat, ye kmw I could have that at ’ome, much cheaper, ye knaw.†She: “ Charley, they tell me you were seasick on the yacht; yesterday.†He : “ Yes, to tell the truth, I was a little sick and had to visit the rail once or twice ; but what of that ‘3 Before we got far there was a regu- lar gale, and the yacht hove to." Ethel: “Mamma, I think Frank means business.†Mamma : Why, what a way to talk, child? But tell me, what. makes you think so ‘3" Ethel: “ He gave me 9. pair of sleeve-buttons last night. 25nd they were linked.†“ I threw my love to him and it hath gone astray,†sings Lillie Drake, in an ex- change. Lat Lillie be camtorted by the re. flection that a. woman never could fling any- thing straight. “ More than two thousand tumblers are known to the trade.†This, we suspect, does not include the circus “ tumbler," the man who steps upon a banana. skin, not the persons learning roller skating. Customer : “ Lamp not included in the price? Why, the lump forms part of the machine in the phture 1†Bicycle maker: “Yes, air; but a lady is also Included in the picture, and we don‘t give one with the machine." Mr. A. : “ So I see, Jeanne. that Miss Blow is to be married. Nice little thing, too; usegl to "b9 in love with me.†Mrs. FALL FOLLIE§. Both were unmarried, and had they never known what love is they would not; to-day be lying side by side beneath the Autumn leaves in the little hillride cemetery, George P. Perrin sought out this eecluded spot about the ï¬rst of August, for the pur- pose of reinvigorating his overtaxed ener- gies, so he said. He was not much over twentyï¬ve years old, of genial tempera.- ment, regular features and gifted with a cer- tain wellbred vivacity. As the German House is better calculated tophelter beasts than men, young Ferric stay- ed there long enough to persuade the Miss- es Richmond that he would make a delight- ful Summer boarder. He was soon recog- nized as one of the family. Clara and Bertha Richmond, orphaned sisters, were found dead in each other‘s arms. Clam died of poison and Bertln from a } eart sub. The girls had lost b51211 their parents. “ Old Man J aka†Richmond died two years 8% His daughters, freedgfrom parental slav- ery, mourned their loss but little and quick- ly blossomed into two of the fairest and most lovesble sisters that the heart of man could dream of. Clara, the eldest, was tall, stately and of a. somewhat imperious mature. She was a blonde of exquisite type, while Bertha, the younger, was darker, more pa- tina and in her hazel eyes the trusting genhla‘ ness of her pure soul was plainly reflected. It was the old man’s freak that Clara should inherit every dollar of his hoard, be- cause, 8-8 he said in his will, “she has the grit: and gumption to keep it.†If eh) mar- ried, howwer, the money was all to re given to Bertha, whom the old man thought to be husband-proof by reason of her timidity and ill-health. When he died, however, both timidity and sickness vanished. By the let of September the village goa- eipers were busy whispering of the love that handsome young Perrlt had inspired in the hem-ts of both his fair hostesses. It was evident that the stranger was devoted only to the youngev, Bertha, and it was darkly hinted that he fully appreciated the extent of the sisters’ presumable joint inheritance. What occurred on that night will probably never be revealed to the full ex- tent. “ Old Madge," the partially decrepit and deaf house-keeper, says she was awak- ened near midnight by the sound of a. pierc- ing scream, followed by angry voices. She tottered downstairs after recovering from her abject terror and found the house in the usual order and the doors all looked. She retired again to rest. Six Gold Medals have been .Jm'nrded this 0i] during the last Three Years. Be Sure w get PEERLESS, no other genuine. WE WILL PAY FREIGHT BOTH \VAYS IF NOT ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY Queen City (bil Wroksl Samuel Rogezs& Co. The Daughter of“ Deceased Miser DIM'OVI‘P- etl Band l'ndt-r (‘ll-cnumtzuuwvs “1111-1: polnl (0 Murder. For the ï¬rst time in the history of N orth Habertou the qulet flow of 10622.1 events has been disturbed by the violent death of two sisters, abuut which there gathers sufï¬cient mystery to bmflie the unpraatised powers of Justice of the Peace Stephens. Once Pernt made incidental inquiries con» cerning the nature and value uf the old mpser's property, but he learned nothing of the peculiar conditions of the wi.l. Ifwas very little of a. surprise, therefore, when it was publicly announced two weeks ago that the marriage of Bertha to Perri: was to be solemnized in the village church on Sunday, October 18. The pastor, Rev. Caleb Ogden, was duly notiï¬ed and tha simple preparations begun. Short court- ships are in vogue here. Clara bore u; nobly under the sacriï¬ce of her own ï¬rst affection on the altar of sight- Iy devotion, and busied herself in preparing Bertha’s wedding outï¬ts. Up to the 13m nothing broke the happy harmony that ap- payï¬gtly dwelti n t_he Richmond 11_0111esteagit The following morning the bodies of the two sisters were discovered locked in each other's arms in bed. In the breast of Bertha was plunged a knife that had cleft her heart. There was no wound on the per- son of Clara, but an autopsy revealed poison in her stomach. Perrit was gone. So precipitate was his flight that nrarly all his baggage was found in the house. He had been seen driving leisurely that evening toward the near- est railway station in the Richmond sisters’ buggy. He had taken the midnight train for New York. Therefore, he could not have been present at the time “ Old Madge†heard that piercing scream. Eureka, Cvlinder’ Bolt Cutting & Wool Oils. One other thing was revealed by the au- topsy. It was that Clara, the stately, im- perious sister of the prospective bride, would have in time became a mother. The depreciation in land has resulted in diminishing the revenue of Guy’s Hospital, the wealthies‘; endowment in England, by $50,000 a year, and a small payment is now exacted from those occupants of beds who are in a position to give it. £100,000,000 IN THE BRITISH COURT or CHANCERY Iâ€"A large part of this vast sum belongs to the people of America. Cox & Co., 41, Southampton Buildings, Holbom, London, Eng., have just published 8. LIST of the heirs to this enormous wealth. Reader, send a. dollar and the will forwu'd you this valuable LIST ; and i you ï¬nd by It that you are entitled to any money or properly, claim your own. Cox & Co. will show you the way. Of Dealers who fer and Sell In SLAIN 0N HER BRIDAL EVE. N D L 253m #63 m: $10 ReWard. Ior the Conviction GOLD MEDAL MACHINE GIL. JUST AWARDED AT THE TORONTO EXHIBITION FOR .°"MCCQLL.’S For sale by allleadiug dealers. AND OTHER MACHINE OILS. Several nobleman in England are in the habit of giving special orders to makers in Vu‘ginia for their supply of smoking tobacco. There is no doubt than by that mews they get the very best tobacco to be had, but it costs them $2 a. pound. The workingmen of Canada are smoking the very same quality of tobacco ut 60 uentn a. pound, and it is known to them by the name of “ Myrtle Navy.†qHOE SHOP TO RENr 1N BELGRAVE. 0N1, k A: may dollma year; (we use of gnawing mn- obine. trees, cum 3. 1mm, seam. stove. Apply to JOSHUA PEARE , Belgrave. ' ENGDIGR‘Q SKOR’I‘IIAID INSTI'III’I‘Eâ€" Public Lionry Building, Church street; thorough tuition; reasonable rates; puticulaa free. Tues. Bucouea, President; C. H. 3300113, See.- Twas. 83!! during winter from 1 omnna eve" Thundn and Hal x every Satin-d" on Liverpooi, Ind In lume h-om Quebec every Saturday to Livo'wol. “ulna n In onderty so Irma 1min Ind muons 5 for Eooï¬md n t “ï¬nal. Aim from letém ' uv- Maï¬a: sand mUahn'l N. 3%.. to mamas! farm†daring summer new“. The ISO-mar: of the lemw lines ml dart: win." to mud from Hams-x, Portlzxud, Bolton And ï¬lm.“- phh; Ind during Hummer belween Glnxow and Hon. Irenl weekly: Glulzow And Balm.weekly; and 010m mg bhigndgxghn tommuy. ._ ‘ __ wash 60 to we piece- in one hour. Agent! wanted ad! "or Cm- “ uh. Sunple mm to: his! “territory given. Ladies make good aganuwo we“ on cloth“, And ovary lady will huy utter tryininlt: wunnted to wuh 351130: in ï¬ve minutes, cotton oods . bedclothen 10. or no 19.10. Address, FERRIS & C . P30011180! Ind Mum- mtnmn. we Jun sum. mononmoï¬nnm SRWMED [lslNFECTAN'l‘ nouns, placed in Drawers, Trunks. Wsrdtobes, am.â€" They drive away and destroy Moths and other insects. humming a delightful and delicate perfume to tho clothing, carrlqdpr worn upon_ ch}; .pe‘rsqn tfhey m Allan Lina Raga] man Kmamshlps. L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. 0. Bacon, Glasgow Bee! Hams, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried Beet, Brenkmat Bacon, Smoked Tongues, Mesa Pork, Pickled Tongues, Chases, Family or Navy Pork, Lam in Tubs and Pails. The Best Brands of Eng- sh Fina Dairy 822.11! In Shook. ha: no In enor: 20 took per hour; hand or hull.- power; eon: med boring nnd rook drilling mnuhiniil spud Incoeua: flrut prize: 3nd alplsmaa. Send to: 0m- by their powerful ccncentrabed disinfectant pro r- ties, a perfect means of protection sgsinsi‘. iniecï¬gn of disease, giving of! at the same mime a most delight- ful odor; made entirely oi satin in assorted colors, very pretty, unique, and neat. Every one should lmve them. Price 100. eachâ€"three for 250. Thyme- Oreeci Soap, the groan English disiniectsnii toils. Hosp. awarded the gold medal, London, Eng†1884. Large cakes, price 150 , or 350. per box of 3 cakes, son! postage paid 60 am address upon receipt of price. Address Tame-Guam COMPANY, 759 Craig 811., Mon- treal. Circulars and descriptions of our English Thy- mo-Oresol preparations mailed free on application. Agents wsnsed. Write for terms. For freight, me 6, my other inï¬an a plytc. A. Schumann'- er E09. BMï¬mmï¬. mud Stood Hallfuxg 53mm :3; On, St. John'-1 N.B‘.; Wu; Thnmson at: Gun. 8%. 131m; at 8. Allan a: 09.. qmcuga’z vao 8‘: Mflom New York :H. Bourhgr, Toronto ; Allana, Rae h 011.. ‘uebao; Wm= Brackic, Philgdelphia; H. A. Allan. Promem: Boston Manama]. JAMES PARK 86 SON, Elam; Tomatoes are now almost as much in use in London, as in New York, and there is so considermle an artiï¬cial growth of mush- rooms that a. good-sized basket is often to be had for 12 cents. WATER IMPERIAL COUGH DROPS will give Positive and Instant; Relief to those auffarir-g from Colds, Hoarsexzesa, Sore Throat, etc., and are invaluable to orntors and vocalists. For sale by druggists and canfectioners. R. & T. WATSON, Manufacturers, Toronto. MYRTLE NAVY O‘NU TE 0 N {WOWLSâ€"OOLORED DOB-KINGS AND LANG- mans for sale‘ WM E DJEL. Donoaater. None (Miler Genuine. RAIN TILE â€"FlR§T-CL .88. Apply to WK. CUCKOW, Freeman P. 0 , Ont. ‘38 Elm-v Stmt. Hamilton. Cnnuh. Pork Packers, Toronto. EACH PLUG OF THE IN BRONZE LETTERS IS MARKED ferior Oil at (Other Manufacture for McCall Bros. & 00 Toronto. $201M»: Day WELL BORING STAR AUGUR