Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1885, p. 5

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It For a Hobby ready made overâ€" f‘flttoat go to the Concrete. City Hall Union Stnbiun Brock Street Queen’s Whafi‘ Plu‘kdnlc , . .. D 'wanpm‘t. Newnmrket ........ Aurora. King” 'RICHb . T‘mruhili . \Vestnn ...... l imvenpnrt Parkdnle ILL \Veston ...... Thm'nhill . RICHMOND HUJ. King ..... . ‘ Aurom.. . Newmnrkef TORONTO. Queen‘svf‘rmrf . Brock Stu-03‘..." ‘ Unmn Station Clty Hal], TORONTO Connects with all trains, leaving the Palmer House, RichlmmJ Hill. as follows: ‘ Mail «it EX1)1‘(‘hS.NOYth a: Su\1th.... A'rwcommoducion “ " x135 Express, North. 515 p. m. Mail, South. 15 “ .. 8.00 a. m. « Until further notice Mulls will he rloged at the Richmond Hill Post ()lfice ms follow MORNING zâ€"Gm'nsz North. south, East and \Vost. includinu ‘l‘lmmhill, Maple, Toronto, Mm‘khmnfl'c. 7.45 m":me 2â€"(‘ming 9011t13.13lflsb and \Vest (as nlmvel 0.15 N. B.â€"Reaistemd Lestcrs must he lumded in 11: least; Fxftemx Minutes: ez-‘rlior than the above mentioned hours for clmim. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Oct. 29, '85 Mr. S. Eckardt will offer for sale at the Dominion House, Richmond Hill, on Mon- day. Nov. 9th. a very valuable farm in the Township of Vaughan. For further partic- ulars N'o Ad. on another page. Owing to the amount of space taken up by the prize list of the West York Fair, our editorial and other wading matter is una~ voidably crowded out this week. Ladies! if you want the best val- ue in black or colored all-wool cash- meres, try Grennan’s Cheap Cash House. The millinery and mantles turned out at the Concrcte are magnificent. ml‘llémhly; Fair. The regular monthly falr will be held in the Fan“ Grounds, Rlchmond Hill, on ‘Ved- nesday next, 4th Nov. A farm of 100 acres, being lot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan, for sale. See Ad. on another page. Gloves! Gloves! Gloves. Over 400 varieties to select from, at Gren- nan’s Cheap Cash House. New Departure. In a couple of weeks, Wright Bros., carriâ€" age builders, intend carrying on horse shoe- ing as they did same years ago. Théy have engaged the services of Mr. M. H. Glancy, of Jefferson, who comes to them highly rscom- mended. Fine Young Hyson Tea, only 25 cents at Grennan's Cheap Cash Housg. School Board Meeting. The Richmond Hill Board of Education will hold its--1‘ogulnr monthly meeting on Tuesday next, the 3rd prox. Persons desiring sults and overcoats should Twit the sale of Petley & Petley, King St, Toronto, which is new going on. See change of Ad. Strayed. A Southdown ram came to the premises of Mr. Wm. Vanderburg about the 20th inst. The owner may have the propeer by paying expenses. See Ad. ‘ Auction Sale. There will be sold by public auction, on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, at Tesnon. the property of the late Joseph Lund. Sale to commence at 12 o’clnck. J. C. Stokes, Auctioneer. Extra heavy all wool grey flannel 26 inches wide for 20 cts per yard at the Concrete. A valuable farm. farm stock, implements and other effects, the property of. the late Peter Rupert, lot 16, 3rd Gun. Vaughan, will be sold on Tuesdav, Nov. 10th, at 12 o’clock sharp. Salem Ecknrdt, Auctioneer. Try rolled oatmeal 7 lbs cents at the Concrete. PRUCTUB’S STAGE LINE. For the best value m ordered suits go to the Concrete. I For the best and cheapest flan- nels go to Grennan’s Cheap Cash House. Great bargains m suits and over- coats at Grennan’s Cheap Cash House. Wm E‘fiiiwmfi. .H. R. TIME TABLE POST OFFICE NOTICE Valuable Farm for Sale. Pubhc Auction. GOING NORTH. MILE]. A $.00 ,. 9.43 GOING SOUTH. Farm for Sale‘ Petleys’ Sales. 8.57 907 9,20 8,15 8.22 M. ’L'EEFY. Postmaster. Aer-0m. 11.45 11 53 PM)“ Acmm 11B 0., 1.42 1,15 for 25 M ail ('1. 5.31 5.37 540 6.57 5.15 0.56 5.1“ 5.13 The Ilvgular Unlun Monthly Tamper-«nee meeting will he held in the I'resbyteriun church‘ next Monday evening, Nov‘r. 2nd. Rev. W. G. Wallace. of Gem-getnwn,will de- liver an address. It is tn b9 hoped a. large number of the electors of the Municipality will be present, as is is expecled Mr. Wall- ace will give his views respecting the work~ lug of the Sec“ AM in Hulton county. For various ransom, the Governor Gener- al has been pleased to change 'Hmnksgiviug Day from Saturday, the 7m, to Thursday, the 12th duy of November next. You may now procure your turkey with safety. A large dvove of cattle. numbering 170119.16. belonging tn the Pngsley Bros., 0f Eglinton, passed thrwngh the village last Sutm‘day morning. Tlm greater part will he sthle and fed in anomo for some time, and tho remninder shipped m the other side of the lines. They m-re purchased in the northern country, during the last few weeks, by Arthur, the “Captain,” who evidently un- dersmnlls the art of handling money as well as the science of lucrnse. Lamp Explosion. Last Saturday evmiing‘ \.itnout any apâ€" parent reason. n coal oil lamp exploded at. tho residuum», of Mrs. W. VSliney. near the tfi“ gut», a shnrt distance north of this vil- lngze. When the fire begun to flame up. one of the Sliney boys, with presence of mind, but with the risk of being badly butnhseized the vessel and threw it out of the door. The fire was cxtinguishe'i before any injury was done. Cornwall B cotton grain bags at $2.45 cts. per doz. at the Concrete. Ladies, call and see the immense variety of mantles and ulsters at Grcnnan‘s Cheap Cash House. The Village Council met in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, Oct. 26th. 'at 8.30. The Reeve in the chair. ' Members present, Messrs. Redditt. Savag’e,McConaghy and Powell.‘ The minutes'of last meeting were read and adopted. _ Mr; Redditt intro- duced By-Law No. 112 ‘to provide for the levying and collecting of taxes for the year 1885. After the By-Law had been read a first _nnd second time, the council resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of filling up blanks, Mr. Savage" in the chair. ,Said By-Law wassf-terwards read a third time and passed. Mr. Ji‘s; Daniels was appointed collector of taxes for the pres- ent year. It was resolved that all persons paying their taxes to the treasurer, at his office, on or before the 25th of Nov. next, should receive a reduction of five per cent. Mr. Sevage suggested the advisability of3 purchasinga quantity uf.,hose for the fire department. Mr. Redditt. as chairman of the fire and water committee, was asked to give his views respecting the same. He stated that three or four sections required replacingot once. as they could nol - be de- pended upon in case of a fire. It was moved by Mr, Powell, seconded-by Mr. Savage, that 100 feet of hose be purchased for the fire departmentâ€"Curried. The council then adjourned to meet on Monday, Nov. 23rd, at 8.30 p. m. Everybody who buys the 30 cent Tea at the Concrete says it is the best that can be got at'5that figure. Edward Huiilan‘ ex-clmmpinn onrsman of the world. was defeated last. Saturday, in a three mile rnce.'hv John Teemer of Penn- sylvania. At the stake boat, Hanlmi was {our bout lengths behind his oppnnent, and in turning the buoy, he struck and was thrown out 01' the boat, when he gave up the race. AfLer the contest, Hanlun acknowâ€" lc lued he was beaten fairly. If the race was rowed on its merits, the Toromuninu may as Well hang up his ours. as the dny for this ‘modorn child of victory is past. The race was for $1000 a side and the championship of America. Fur goods in great variety at the Concrete. Persian lamb and seal caps Astrachanjackets and qapes &c. cheap. The concert to be given in the Presbyterian Church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. Nov. 12th, promises to be a émnd affair. the very test talent procurable in Canada has been secured, and cqnsists of the follow- ing :4Mrs. Caldwall, of Toronto, soprano ; Miaa Batterson, Toronto, contrnlto ; Miss St. Croix. Toronto, elocutionist, graduate of Boston, Mass.; Mr. Sims Richards, Turonto. tenor ; Mr. Schuch, Toronto, bass ; Miss Cowley, Toronto, solo pianist and accompan- ist for the evening. Without doubt this will he the treat nf the senson. The programme will be given in next isnne. This is the time of the year when many a man’s temper is sorely tried byreplacing the winter stoves and reâ€"m‘ranging the pipes, so as to be in readiness when the cold weather puts in an appearance. We rm that some of our good people credited with possâ€" essing a sweet mental disposition have been forced to lengthen their evening prayers after grappling for hours with old stove links, which, n. few months before were thought to be a perfect fit, hub which now will go nei- ther inside not outside its mate. We would recommend those who are inclined to be “short in the grain" to call upon Mr. C. Ma- son, our obliging tiusmith, who Will cheerâ€" fully attend to this detestable work. Hallowe'en. Next Saturday, Oct. 31st, will be hallowâ€" e‘en. We presume the boys will be at their pranks as usual. Would “How, be well if those who are bent on having s little divers» ion on that evening would meet in little‘ circles. and revwe some of the old time and innocent plays which still linger in parts of England, Ireland and . Scotland. , Being blindfolded and grubbimz for an apple sus- pended from the ceiling, or diving for money in a vessel of water, are among the sports of former times. But this taking ofi and carry- ing sway gates is something which should be abandoned, as the joke, ifit ev'er could be called such, has worn thread bare. ‘ Thanksgiving Changed. Temperance Meeting. Presbyterian Concert. l’uttmg Up Sfoves. Hanlan Defeated. A Large'DroveL Village Council. How little we know about the future, and what is often in store for us. Last Thurs- day evening. some of our restless citizens. were. with long faces; condoling with each other about the quiet and aulness of the village, when what should come along but the Wizard Oil Company, who made things lively during rum three _following‘ nights. The members of the company were well dressed. put on. a. good appearance, and creâ€" atod‘qu'ite a sensation. They drove a, bean- tiful pair of Arabian horses in their illumi- nated covered carriage, and each evening whilehere. gave an open air concert, Which rivnlled meat of entertainments where a fee of a quarter of a dollar is charged. Of course. the object of their visit was to cum all diseases by their Wizard‘Oil, which cer- tainly found a. ready sale. The only mis- take they made was in neglecting to out a notice in THE LXBERAL,of their intended vis- it, in which case the large‘crowd which at- tended would have been greatly augmented by the imaginary invalids frdm the sur- rounding localities. - We ate‘glad to know that Mr. Fred'Lawâ€" rence, who has been confined to his bed 101' several weeks With an attack of typhoid fever, is recovering nicely. At the West York Fair,Miss Louise erght obtained first prize in the class of lady rid- ers. and Miss Sara Wilkinson,of Woodbridgp. received a valuable gold ring, as the prettiest young lady on the grounds. ' If a. few grains of common sense could be infused into the thick unddles of those who perpetually and alternately irrimle and weakan their stomachs and bowels with drastic purgatives. they would use the highly accredited and healthful laxa- tive and tonic, Northrop & Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspepbic Cure. which causes ‘.'good digestion nu wall; on appetixe, and health on both.” Men’s and boys’ heavy wool shirts and drawers in great variety and extra value at the Concrete. Mr. B. Teéfy', of Toronto, spent last Sun- day with his relatives in the village. ‘ Thoroughbred Sotltbdown Rams. For further particulars apply to 15.4. A. REAMAN. Concord P.0. DEVLmâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, Set 27311, the wife of Mr. Joe. Devlin, of a son. 10-4w. Is there anything moreannoying than having your corn stepped upon? Is there anything more delightful than getting rid of it? Holloway’s Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. Dr.'J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cor- dial is «(speedy cure for, dysentery, diar: rlicea, cholera, Summer complaint, sea Sickness, and complaints incidental to children teething. It gives immediate lelief to those suflering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, on- cumbers, etc. It acts} with wonderful rapiditv and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if he have a bottle of this medicine convenient. King,’00t., 1885. The farm much is composed of Lots 28 and 29, in the 3rd 0011. of Vaughan. and containing 165 wres,-is for sale or to rent. The place is well watered, has a. good orchard, has 40 acres seeded, and there are 13 acres of fallow. S. Chadwwk, of Arcadia, Wuine 00.. writes: “1 have I Had severe attacks of asthma fur several years. I Commenced taking Dr. Th'ImaS’ Eclectrit: On. Thu first. duse relieved me in one hour. I cuminued taking itin. teaspounful doses for a few daysflmd have not, had an at- tack of it since, now nearly one year.” The main sport in this locality 18 mfiling for Reese and ducks. Your cqrmqundent got a goose the other 'evem'ng, which he thought. he would bring home, and invite his girl down on Sunday to help him dispose of it, but I am écrry to. sfly‘it was so tough shgloosened sgme of her teeth. Chicken thieves are helping themselves to _the products of people’s henroosts ; in Whil- chu‘rch Mr. Carr chased a. couple from his bufn one night last week. Mr. RothThompson’s new model thresh- e; is gping its last round for the season ; ifi stfl} retains its excellenp reputation. V ‘ Our village blacksmith is; about to leave us shortly. havmg made an eugayemeut at Wright’s carriage works, Richmond Hill. \Vorms cause feverishness, moaning. and restlessness during sleep. Mothu‘ Graves’ Worm Exterminator is safe, sure and effectual. ' If y'nur druggist has none in stock, ask him to procure it for you. . A éelect party frpm \Vhitchuréh is to have at }_10p in Bell‘s hall pr} Friday 9veniug next: The boat race, which was to have come off: on Tuesday last, fall through, owing to two of the would-be-oarsmen not putting in an appearance. The day being too windy was the excuse, but the single man claimed the stakes, which is llkely, to cause a little more wind. ' For Sale arm Rent. ‘From 911; CW!) Correspondent. I This week our‘burgh has been as liver as usual. .* - ‘ ‘ * Considerable hunting after ducks is done. at the lake. . Mr. Jae.‘ 'Mosley, of Aurora, shot, four nice brace on Saturday last. Foi~ further particulars manly to The miles were; many Jamie drove In search of men he wanted ; And many were the domxciles, That Jamie’s visage haunted ; If ever builifi went, to heaven. Then Jamie‘s with the Meat, And now enjoys with the eleven, A well deserved rest. FOR SALE ! PERSONALS. Wizard Oil Company. JEFFERSON. BIRTHS. Epitaph. ley to WM. SLINEY. Richmond Hill P. O. O'CAKE S. immense stock of mantles ,& Mantle Cloths, ' ReadyeMade 'Glothing,Gents Furnish- ‘ ings & Boys’ ,Winter Suits ' and. Overcoats. Petley & Petleys’ BIG} SALE] OF We are offering some Big Drives in Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings. BOYS’ Allâ€"Wool Tweed Suits at “ Seventy-five Cents,” “One Dollar," $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50, worth from two dol- lars to five-fifty. BOYS’ Suits at from seventy-five cents to ten dollars per suit. ,‘Boys’ Overcoats at from one-fifty to eight dollars. ' Clergymen, Doctors, Lawyers,Bankers,Merchants,Clerks, and Mechanics should one and all attend our Big Sale now going on. MEN’S fine All-Wool TxVeed Suits at “Six Dollars,” $7.50, and “Nine Dollars,” worth from ten to fifteen dollars. MEN’S fine Worsted Suits at “Ten Dollars,” $12 and fifteen dollars,worth from fifteen dollars to twenty-two dollars. BOYS’ Overcoats at one-fifty, two dollars. two-fifty and three dollars, worth from threeLfifty to five dollars. Parents wisning' to procure Fine Clothing for their children, Ready- Made.should visit our stores and inspect our immense stock. PETLEY &: PETLEY, See our Black Ottoman Cloth at $1.50. ' It will pay our to come 100 miles to trade - with us, and will begold in your pocket every time. Our terms are Cash or C. OrD. Plain figures. No second price. Immense stock of‘Cottons, Sheetings ' ‘ " and. Linens, Immense stock of new Dress Goods, J. ,M. HAMILTUN, Far Early Fall-dee Immense stock of _ new Velveteens ‘ ’ and. Flushes, ‘ Immense stock of Flannels & Blankets Immense stock of Gloves & Hosiery, See our 2 button Josephine Kid at 25a; 6 button at 50c. Immense stock of Black and Colored Jerseys, VKivn-g 8t, East,0ppusite me Market, ‘ TORONTO,- See but all wool goods in Black and Colors at 25c 184 YONGE STREET, TORONTO... See our 28 inch Grey Flannels at 18c. See our Jerseys at 700. .and upwards. See our Black Velveteéns at 25c. See our yard wide Cotton at 50.

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