Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1885, p. 1

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{'HE UBERAL PRINTING & PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING nu. GEJIEéE LANGSTAFF, THORNHILL, 0NT., Graduate of Toronto University, M. C. 1" & S cm. two years resident, assistant surgeon t‘ Tm‘onm General Hospmfl. (M1106 and resideuoep Due 1001' 501.101 of P. C Oflice Hoursâ€"8 to 11:“ u. nL, & 12 to L‘ p.1n. 10. 10. do. hornhill 60. Woodbridge . do. Kleinburg, H . do goblecou, 30th 0 Nlmlizod ‘ ' always on hand at appoin'hments. \Vn like 1‘ :lxm'm. Free frum 1min. L‘lmnkful for tho favors of the past ‘20 yaan may still be consulted in any bumlch of the pro- KQSSiOJI,xxs follows: karma, jst, sch, filth. and 22nd of eanh month Elohmoml Hill: . . .9th and 24th [in‘ Dr. James Langstafl AND Dr. Lewis; G. Langstnfl. Members College Physicians& Surgeons, Ont, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. eterinmv surgeon.Gmuuate of Ontario Vet‘ allege, Toront-m Dlseuses of all the Domesticated Animals created. RESIDENCE: â€" 8TH AVENUE. Woonnmnam. Veterinary Surgeon Gmduntv Ontario Veteriâ€" nary C()11e:1e,Tm'nutu. (311.115 ymmpbly attended to. Chin‘ng Mndumnm Disouscs of Hon 5, Cat;~ tie, &c.. Scientifically treated by the latest methâ€" oes. Horses bought and sold an cmumission and ,Eumminedas for soundness. Maflalist 'l'orofnto Chin-rein. 1H): l‘or (‘0 Physicians & Surgonns,<)11t,,.(1nbe of fitouffville Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. 0mm Hours ll) 11.. 111., 5 to B p. m. MMENGE, mmmm & ~ Wfll visifi the folzowing placer; profesgionally :â€" Unionviiio lst Monday of each month Weston 9th and 21% “ ‘ Maple .lb'th " " ichmmui Hlll .l‘Mh ' “ ‘gmiln'idge ....... “‘2‘th Mr. Hu-dmnd will be found in his‘ office, New- 5011 Jimuk, every Saturday, except when Satur- ruw mm on the above dates. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 35c" “Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building 6’: Loan Chambers, N115 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST GURRENT RATES MALL, FULLAB’I‘ON & COOK, BARRISTERS‘ SOLICITORS, 6m OFFICI‘S: 18 Kym S’IREET Emu", TORONTO. Richmond Hill P. ()4 Every Saturday. \V. M. HALL J. S. FULLARTON, XV. COOK. PILI’V ATE FI'XDS TO TONS. / DI'. Orr. Maple. Ufl'lce hours: 810 9.30 a. m..qnd to 2.30 mm- A. G. F. LAWRENCE. '1‘“ C. MILLIGAN. J. A- MCANDREW. 3: Vull‘ua, I‘vmz will (II (movhs‘imr 3 “199111 An‘r". «11min ozuzh ‘ym 0f ru‘i'ner 90x, 0" a!!! time onh to u $I per annum, in advance.] VOL. VIII. A ROBINSON L.D.S., Aura) :1. Out. '~ House Richmond Hill. “ICEâ€"Opposite P:le BUSINESS CARDS. â€"('r 334; (at the Palmer House) G. fl. Husband. L. D. 55., DENTIST, ‘me gamma" Vlz‘fifl’JZflfl fllfl? EDITOR and PROPRIETOIL MC; ‘ a \ 1, V I! A” . rl‘. NA'I‘TRESS, IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. \W. J. Virilbou. F‘- NHE‘W ITT, USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. Whammy. Tmmliral. SURGEON DEN§IST $121331. imam. NEWTON‘ BROOK. inproson’ts gn‘en mm («and us 5 rentq pmtagu, and by mail vou will get free a pucker at gum]; ‘ 1": you in work that in mmmy f; for Hum mn‘ L ALIHHIA‘ Um amulm 1’1: mm»le cvww'vhcve .Lll L IcLimv. (untrue) “M NH! hmm 18th 20th 21st 23rd 28111 ,291zh .Bflth To Loan on Farm Property at lowest rates of in- tewst to pay ofiNortgnges at highermtes or for Building, dmin g, or other purposes. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. Money advanced on second mortgages and to muchuse cm. .. fnygufs‘ Fu'ifiners will save money by writing or applyâ€" ing dxrect to Almrze amount of Money to Lend on farm or ({tv )u‘opn‘ty interest? percent; no commis- sum. MCLAREN, MACDONALD, MERRITT & SHEPL'EY, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontm-m and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE. Licensed Auctioneer for the C(nmtv of York. reâ€" spevtfully soh'r‘its your patronage and friendly infiuunm. Sales attended on tha shnrtest notice and M wusonnblerntes. P. O. Addgess, James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, 1‘s- spmztfully solicits your patronage and frienylzy influence. sales attended on the shortest 11015129 {ma at reusmmbe ratea‘ 1’. 0. address, King. Licensed. Aucfioneer for the County of York Sales: attended on the shortest noticefiud at rec.- abe mtes. Address Stoufivfllo 1“. 0 Undormkcrs dc Embalmm‘s, Fune 'al Furnishings Always on “and Having refitted the above flouse and furnish. ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommogatlon. Exaellent stamina and attentive hustlers. Sample lloums for connnel'ciul travellers. A good liv‘uy in con- uectiun. Terms 51 her (luv. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Benj. Brlllingel'. Proprietor. Daily Express to Toronto. Special a'teution given {so moving household fulfiiiture, pianos, &c., &c. RUPERT‘S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY' STABLES FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. SEEDOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL Throth Tickets to {1.11 points East and \Vest, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates, &c., apply to T. DILwonTH, Agent N. & N. W. Rys! ROBERT QUINN, Richppond H111. NORTH ERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Richmond Bil April 30th. We. the undersigned, do hereby nertrfy that Wm. Mumfoni Clarke has this day successfully passed his first degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a. Professor. Vocal and lnslrnnlental Music. And vicinity that he 1s prepared to take orders for the delivery of all kinds of coal Lt the lowest rates. Fight Building Lots for sale on Centre Stl'ee East, only $100 each, 15 per cent. down for pick at the lots ; Also Two New Houses. 5 rooms, on Richmond Street. DR. LANGSTA FF” F OR‘ SAIJE '3’ Best Scranton Con] delivered in Richmond Hill at $6.80 per ton. COAL. GOAL. ROBERT QUINN, General Passenger Agent RICHMOND HILL )i’ders may also be hit mm P. G. SAVAGE, Richmond Hill. Che undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Organist Trmity Church, Tlmmhill, and St. Mary’s Church, Blchnmnd Hill, is open to receive pupils in ' Apply at the Music Store, Richm 013d Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms mouerate. Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers BUILBING HITS WRIGHT BROS, Riéhmond Hill, . W. F.C. BATCHELnE M. D‘ 5‘3"“ {11. w. Bums“, M. M.’ London. E1 $100,000 Money to Loan. Salem Eckardt. N . J. Annsu'on a. afiifittllnmnua‘. COPY OF CERTIFICATE E R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide St., Bust, Toronto S. M. Brown. Uninr Lon): buildin 5 Toronto Box 96‘ VICTORIA SQUARE. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1885. Eituum, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” A. MULDOON. Eng. The folluwmg is the report of Spnng- hill school, S. S. No. '2, King, for the month of October:â€" READER 1v. 1 Leece Abbie, 2 Stewart John, 3 Kiuhtley Eva, READER. III JR. v READER II. 1 Lloyd Melville, 1 Ross Nellie, 2 Stewart Fannie, 2 Rumble Louisa, 3 Stewart Maud, 3 Quinlan Minnie. READER. IV’. 1 Ross Lilliem 2 Lloyd Earnest, 3 Ross Eddie, 4 Malloy Bella. J. T. SAIGEON, Teacher. ‘FOURTH CLASS. 1 M. Rutherford, 2 Alice Mortsrm, 3 Henry Clafl'ey, SENIOR II. 1 Effie Gamble, 2 Flovie Mortson, 3 Frank Legge, III JUNIOR. 1 Agnes Madden, 2 Martha Cater, 3 Thus. Bowes. 1 Ralph Page, 2 Fannie Buwes, 3 Wm. Cooper. FQURTH CLASS. THIuD CLASS. 1 Chas. Seymmur, 2 M. Mnlholland, 2 A. Bassingthwaitefl Orvil Drury, 3. Willie Flack, 3 Bertie. Gillis. A 1 CLASS. 1 Aggie Reid, 2 Minnie Sunles, 3 J. Falcoubriége. ramp CLASS. SENIOR SECOND. 1 Carrie Wilson, 1 Maggie Glover, 2 Emma Sivers, 2 Jun. Falconbridge, 3 Phoebe Soules. 3 Louie Harrison. SENIOR. JUNIOR 1 Frank Sheppard, 1 F. Empringham, 2 Herbie Davis, 2 Ethel Switzer. 3 Laura Davis, 3 Laura Sheppard. M. WILEY, Teacher. FIRST DIVISION. SECOND DIVISION. 1 Harry Glover, 1 Annie Mason, 2 Julia Lynett, 2 Eflie Reid, 3 Tommy Mahonv. 3. Ella McConnell. THIRD DIVISION 1 Sarah Tricker, 2 Maggie’ Ansley, 3 Jimmie Aibin. J. CRUICKSHANK, Teacher. CENTRAL BA_N_I_(~ 0F CANADA. Dividend No- 8. OTICE is b ereby given that a. dividend of three per com. for the current half year, be- ing at the rate of six ner cent. permmum, upon the paid up cavitul 01 the Bank. has this any been declared, :‘nd that the smnc will be payable at the Bank and its Branches on and after TUESDAY, the 1st day Of December next. The transferbooks will be closed from the six~ tnenth to the thirtieth day of November, both (1133's invjusxvg _ ’A. A. ALLEN,CIIS]1iCl‘ " L94 Tomntq, 2%)) October, By order cf the Board, 3v CLASS School Reports. [OR 11. JUNIOR II. unble, 1 Chas. Legge, Mortson, 2 'l‘lms. Noble, Legge, 3 Ernest, Joyce. PART II. 1 Jennie Gurman, 2 Richard Noble. 3 Wm. Carson. J. C. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. JUNIOR SECOND. 1 Mattie Harrlson, 2 Ernie Redditt, 3 Annie Cosgrove. '1‘. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. RICHMOND HILL. FORM I. I CLASS. 1 John Ellis, 2 Jacob Reamm), 3 Manuel Bowes. GLASS 1. 1 Isaac Mulholland, 2 Janet. Cook, Bertha Findlay, 3 May Savage, Bertha \Vhite. JEFFERSON. PATTERSON. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. 33. A 2 CLASS. d, 1 Delia Palmer, mles, 2 Grant Cooper, nriége. 3 Louie Lynett. A. E. SPRAGGE, Principal. QONCORD. FORM lI. FORM .II. FORM 1V. C. ASLING, Teaqher. THIRD CLASS . 1 Carrie Playter, 2 Jennie Gale, 3 Woodie Mortson. 1 Brown Katie, 2 Butt Maggie. 3 Robb James. II CLASS. 1 Ada Bennett. 2 Ida Teasdale. 3 Beacrice Stnellle. In SENIOR. 1 Nelson Smellie, 2 Annie Teasdale, 3 Isaac Bennett, READER III SR. Minutes of regular meeting of Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade held in the Coun- cil Chamber, on Friday evening, Nov. 6th. Lieut. Pugsley in the chair. FIRE BRIGADE MEETING. Minutes of 1837: mueeting read and on motion adopted. A A cummuâ€"nication from F. W. Rose was read, having reference to lamps tak- en by the Maitland Lacrosse Club on the evening of Civic Holiday. Moved by C. E. Sheppard, seconded Ed. Snider, that citizens committee be charged with the six lamps taken by parties from Toronto. The committee having l:orrowed them for the occasion, this brigade holds them responsible and looks to them for paymentâ€"Carried. Foreman Redditr. suggested that some amusement ought to be provided for Thanksgiving: the shape ofi match- es, &c., in the diflerent. departments of the brigade. Acting on this suggestion, James Mc- Connell moved, seconded by C.Trevethan, that we proceed to arrange a programme for the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day,‘ only members of brigade to take part. therein-Carried. C. Trevethan moved, seconded by W. Storey. that this Wade resolve itself in- to a committee of the whole to arrange programmeâ€"'Carried. Mr. \V. St: ray in the chair. The following programme was arrang- ed and accepted by the brigade. Brigade shall turn out, in full parade with all fire appliances at 1 o’clock sharp. Hose reel race, (8 men 011 a side) sim- ilar to one run un Oct. 17th. Hook and ladder race \12 men to com- pose a team.) r Coupling match. Teams of 12 men to run a certain dis- tance to engine and‘ get same in working order. Teams of 6 men run from a. certain point tn engine, attach hose and lay out Mme, all couplings tight and fit for wet. paactice‘ A- .~ It Tug-of-war, 10 men on a side, Messrs. J. Bruwnlee and E. Glover, captains. 011 mmtirm, the Lieutenant, Foreman {edditt and W. Storey were appointed a counnitwe to arrange all the prelimin- aries fur the races, 5L3: W. Storey vacaées the chair and thé Lieut. re»takes the same. Thea silver mounted coupling keys, which wcre preSerxted by Rev. \V. F. \Vilsuu and Lleut. Pugsley, as a prize for the best couplers were handed to the Lieut. by. Foreman Redditt to be pre- sented to the successful competitors, \V. Storey and J. Piper. Messrs. Storey a'nd Pipéx replied suitable terms, thanking the donors the prlzq. _ ()1); worthy Liéu. in a few appropriate remarks presented the keys to‘ the win- ners. Messrs. Storey 51ml Piper. Moved by Foreman Savage. seconded by Foreman Reddit.t,t'hat a. vote of thanks be tendered t0 the Rev. W. F. Wilson and W. H. Pugsley for their handsome gift .â€" Carried. U W. H. Pugsley thanked the brigade for the vote, both on his owuv and on Mr. \Vilson’a behalf. Moved by Foreman Redditt, seconded by C. E. Sheppard, that during the w1nt- er months at the regular meetings a coup- ling match take place of half an hour’s duration, among the members.â€"»Carried. Moved by J. McConnell, seconded by Foreman Savage, that a resolution of sympathy be tendered t0 fireman George Trench by this brigade, for his late afl‘liction .â€"~Uarried. The following is a copy of the resolut- tion: â€"- Mn. GEORGE THENCE, DEAR 813,â€"1 am instructed by the memb- ers of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade to forward to you a. resolution passed by the Brigade at their last regular meeting held in the Council Chamber on Fridav evening, Nov. 6th, 1885, tendering to you their heart- felt sympathy in your great affliction caused by the recent sad accident while performing your daily vocation. You Hive always been one of the mast en- ergetic and active member-t of our Brigade, and one who always felt it not only a duty, but a. pleasure to do anythlng to further the interests of the Brigade. And further we express a hope that not mthsmndiug the severe accident that has befullen you, we may in the future be bene- fitted not only by your active services but by your wise counsel. Signed on behalf of the Brigade. H. A. NICHOLLS, Sec. Richmond Hill, Nov. 9th, 1885. J. H. Earl, “lest Sheflbrd, P. Q. writes: “I have been troubled with liver complaint for a number of years, and have tried different medicines with little or no effect, until I used Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that I have used it since with the best effect. l\'n one should be without if. I have tried if an my horse in cases of cuts, wounds,- 8:0 , and I think it equally as gwd for horse at} for man. ' Roll call and adjournment. in From our own Correspondent. This week our burgh has been rather quieter, owing, no doubt, to the severe weather we have experienced. The hop that lspoke of last week came off on Fri- day evening, and was quite a success, a large number of the company coming from King, the remainder from Whit- church and Aurora. At about 9 o’clock the hall was well filled With the young and beautiful of both sexes; dancing was kept up till 12 o’clock, when all repaired to the diningâ€"room, where an excellent supper was prepared. After doing justice to the inner man, a few songs and a few selections on the organ and violin given by distinguished musicians, the company started for their respective homes, all ":11 pleased and pretty well tired after their evening’s sport: 7 The nefmodel thrashed four bushels of oats a minute for one hour on Friday last, at the barn of Mr. Geo. Dibb of this place. ME“. Fred Dibb and wife, spent; Sunday with Mr. Bell Lake, Mr. W. Curtis, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with hiscousin at the Oak Ridge Hotel. - There is considerable talk about where the boys got the wild tame duck on Sat- urday last. As there were no wild ones, they didn’t want to came home w1thout a. duck, so they shot a tame one and went and paid for it hke little men. Mr. Chas. Creasor has leased Mr.Thos. Mortson’s farm and intends residing in the burgh another year. On Saturday evening last, a rather clerical looking dandy arrived at Bell’s hotel, and wished to remain over Sunday. His request being complied with, slipper was got ready for him, and before com- mencing his repast he gave utterance to a very devout and lengthy grace. After supper he stated that he was a travelling missionary and was around saving souls, and one of the boarders suggested that he remain in this locality for a few days as he might have the opportunity of sav- ing a few. Thereupon he offered to stay over till Monday molning. and on Sun- day he commenced his good work by reading a chapter and explaining it in the dining-room of the hotel. lifter the sermon was over, he felt a little tired and wished to retire at an early hour, which he did and got up at an oailier one and left for parts unknown, without settling his bill. I am sorry to say I can’t give your readers the benefit of reading the sermon, as I didn’t hear it -all, but I trust the public will watch the dandy as he is worth it. He is a tall, dark rooster, wears a white necktie and carries nothing but a few sermons and a bottle. The creditors of Isaac Murray. late of the Township of Vaughan, in the (iaunty of York yeomun.‘whodied 0n orubnut the 9th day of August,1884,are hereby l‘equirud to send by pth prepaid to Mr. Alexander le‘lloy, Purple» villel’.0‘,one ofthc executors of the last will and testamentof the sand Isaac Murrav on or before the 15th day of November, 1885, ISAAC MURRAY. Their christian and surnames add!“ «as am! description with fu:1 particulars of th: n' claims unda statement of their acrounns u x1 of the securities (if any) 110111 by “JCI‘JL And notlce 1s hercbv given that: m‘r 151511 day of November, 15535, the an will (pursuant to tho prm'isimm 01 I 107) procped to dlstrlbute flu: n,1~ deceasml amongst the purines l 1; Having regard to th claims 0111} shall then have noti< and will [:1 ble in respect of such were to whom claims such executors sh time of distribution have Imtir-n Dakadeth Toronto thls 30th du 1885. MCLABENMAQDOMJ 1‘, M mu: y 15â€"6w. Solicitors for Miss Baileyis ed to give lesso. or Organ. Resi site Presbyteri .ii‘am :25 101 MUSIC L} NS. del‘ess with pm" Wanted to rout for Option of 11111141 ‘ ESTATE [Single copies, 3 cts (Crowded out, last week.) ” Tm; DECEASED. JEFFERSON. Lmn No.20. of Maple, 0f Bond’s the said vxecutm'S Chapter he said thereto nrhthey responsi~ arson of at the ptember, EPLEX’, 'ocutorc apar- iano DPC‘ ch. s. with use. n are;2

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