Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1885, p. 5

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Until further native \' i: will ‘nr “lunml at the Richmond Hin’flost 0. me zul'onVs: - MORNIXG :â€"4%3113Nm'th.sm1[h, VAL-1 . 1A1 \rv'ost, invlmlin Whammy”, Simple, Tau-(mm, 3 1rL‘:1:m1,«°«v. EVENING:‘GM11:; wu‘thuastzum \' L‘nLHl‘n‘ "mvm EL ; 3'. 11â€"410 2 Min-:1 he Inn-ml in at least; Flftccu Minutcm my than the Al m‘v mentioned hours. 101' cluSL New Raisi113,Currants,Figs, Dates Tea, &C., at the Concrete the best ’alue 1n the market. N. R. R‘ TIME TABLE. City Hu-ll Unir‘n Station Brock Street Queen‘s \thrf ’Pm’kdzflu ’x'Mveupm‘t Weston . ’_Th0rnlxi1}.u. , . 11101131031) H ‘ King”. Atlrnm. . “A wumrkc Ne\vnm1'kct,.. .. 9.27 Aurora. King“. Rm]an Thornhill \Vuston ..... Dwvemmrt P:1,1'kd:l.10.,. . TORONTrL Queen‘s ‘Whm‘f Brock .. Unmn Shaka). Clty 11ml)... TORONTO _ Connor/(7S with ah huiw, leaving: the ‘L’ulmet House, Riohmnnl'n ill. {w ful‘mvs: mu 6: Expmus, Nurm 6‘; Sun “11. Accommodntiuu “ “ Illxpress, North Ami], Scum. .8110 ' n: u ‘W‘. n RICHMOND HILL, Thursday. Nov. 12, 3‘s?) Improving. Mr. R. Law is improving the appearance of his drug store and dwelling house. When finished the store will contain two tnsty Show windows. He is also making a hall on the 11mm side. of the store leading into the ‘Tesideuce from Yonge St. The milliner department of the ‘Concrete is well stocked with all the -novelties of the season. ‘A select party is to be given in Doll‘s Han, Bonds Luke m-xt F1 iduy evemng, Now-mer ’13th. Good music has been pruvidml, and a pleasant evening is antxcipateu’ for those who attend. Tickets for gentlemen 50 Ms Great bargains m suits and over- éoats'at Grennan’s Cheap Cash Home. Ladies! if you Want the best val- »ue in black or colored all-wool cash- meres, try (Brennan’s Cheap Cash Zriouse. A shooting match for turkeys, geese. ((13,, will take place at thu Dominion How, Rich- mond Hill. on Thanksgiving Day, cummunc- ing at 9 o’clock a. m. Targets v")! be erect;- ed for rifles and shot guns. 1% mum; for sh'ot guns 80 and 40 yards. No. 6 ~ m lo be used. PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Intending candidates for the fi‘nove Exâ€" mm. are duveted to the advertisement on another page». ‘ The millinery department at the: Concrete never was so popular as it is at the present time. Gloves! Gloves ! Gloves. Over 400 varieties to select from, at Gren- nan’s Cheap Cash House; Read 5. M. Hamilton‘s change of Ad. in another column. S. M. Brown, anotimmpr.‘ has received inv structions to 9011 by pulviic nuutinn on Thurs- day, Nov. JQUI‘ 011 lot 59. 1%(3011. Markham, 'the farm stuck, implemcms,u’fc..belunging to Mr. THUS. Mortéon'. Silk! at 12 o‘clock. Mr. S. Eckrn‘dt. auctioneer, has appointed for his agent in Vaughan, Mr. Chas. Nixon, of Teston, who will be prepared to make all arrangements for sales. 'i'his will be a glean convenience for residents on Um of Yungc Street, requiring Mr. Cckardl’s services, If you want the neatest mantle just let the Concrete fit you with one Gefits’ gamma Persian Lamb Caps at 1116 Concrete for $2.75. For the best and cheapest flanâ€" :nels go to Grerman’s Cheap Cash House. ' A Thalaksaviving service will be conducted in the Methodist church of tlus place Imxt Thursday at 10.30 a. m. Sermon by Rev. V.'. F. Wllsuu. Choice and approprinto 2m~ theme will he rendered by the choir. A collection will be taken up in aixl of the poor. Alot of sixty norm; being composed of part of lut £51 in the 6511 Con. Vaughan was sold by Mr. S. ‘Zflclmrdc, at the “Dominion Hotel, on Monday lust, for the sum of $3710. Mr. Joseph Redmond was the purchaser. POST OFFICE NOTKEE L i) C AL I 4 . Thanksgiving Day. Iinnance Exam". Shooting Match. GOING N ORTH‘ Muil‘ .» M; on 8.08 ‘t 8.15 .. EH“; GOL\(‘: 301""- A good Sale. Select Party. Credxt Sale. Notice. 8,8 I’V 'i‘l'll'lY 'x" 1’0. L‘ l' Accom 11 "' '11 A .nli A M 11., l'ZJu') J; ’30 Mai“. (3,)” B ‘0 3‘ It will be seen by referring to the minutes of the inst meeting of the Firu Brigade, the members have arrmuged a programme to be carried out on the Park mound this (Thurs- daj) afternoon. Although no pl'IZCS mll be giw'n, we hope to see a Keen competition in all the contests, us such practice will be a. great. benefit to the company. «Fine Young Hyson Tea, only 25 cents: at GL‘enuan’s Cheap Cask! Mouse.- Mrs. M’an Snydm" 1mm and contents. 10L 1%}, Sn) (Jun. York tmvnxhimwcra destroy erl Ly fire Sunday CVHIE’ilH; ; loss $1000, in- sured fur $50.30. 'J‘vm mung men captured a. SL1'2LH;S¢‘ woman on Ln». premises. Before John linyntmx, J. I‘., Mommy, she a peared to be insane axyi \vnuld not, 1011 her name. ’Jlxeejusucecwmmluvd lmr for trial on a charge. of ilmmniinnsm. Compare. 1129. 20C; all wool 'Grey Flannel at {111: Concrete with any ‘50 be bought at that figure In qual- 1i\' and wulth. School Inspection. Mr. Fai!wrin;fl1:.m, 1’. c. 1., spent Tues- duy Mst unprotng Mum: of 11m Departments of (In: Public, school. {In gum: the temp-hero: :md puhils the marks obtained on his visit- Iuw timing, which \vus wry satisfactory. \‘.'e h "l Imn my 9110 flux:va in all the (Iwisimm Wer" 10ng uxm-Hum work and he The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church, Thornhill. purpose giving an entertainment. in the town hall, Thomliill; on Thursday evening, Nov. 12th, Thanksgiving Day. A choice progrmume consisting of songs, reci- tutions. readings, character renderings, 650., has been arranged. The following talent will take part :-1‘h0 Athena Glee Ulub and others, from Toronto; Miss Sadie Pearse and others, from Markham ; Miss Aggie lr'hilp. of Buttonville ; (5r. B. Goulding, of Newtonbmok, besides excellent local talent. A good time is anticipated. Entertaimnent will commence at 7.30. The public are ($0): dially invited. See bills. Give Holloway’s Om: Cure :\ trial. It I'eumvud ten coms from one pair of feet wimhmlt any pain. What Flt has .done ones it will doaguin. Ladies, call and see the immense \‘m‘ictynf mambs and ulsters at (31‘ [man’s Cheap (Lush House. Try Canadian \Yatcr \Vhlte Coal ()il, only 25cm. per gallon at the Concrete; 5 lperior to the American Oil. s much mufl'md to see the fruitful re- uhn of I] "Xu'nors, "he following am the officers of the above lodge for tho present quarter :-\V. 0., Bro. Agar; \V. \'., $13.11. Wi'ev ; W 3.; Bro. (J. Brown ; \V. A. 5., Sis. 1']. \V lev; \V. R. 1'1. 5., Sis. Builey; \V. L. }l.S., Sis. Switzar; W. 31.,151‘0. Mel/mm ; W. I". S., Bro. Mc. Donald ; W. I. (1%., Sm. Law ; \V.O. CL, Bro. A. \Vnght ; W. T., Sis. J. Sandemun ; W. 0., Bra. '1'. Wrng ; ’1‘. 1)., W. Harrison. The zzliiniiiisti'ah'ix of the .estate ‘of the late li'i-elll llcli (Juli), wilh the conseht of the lieirsxatâ€"lnw, will sell by public auclion at. Powell’s Grand Central Hotel, Richmond Hill. on Thursday, Nov. 19th, at noon, vulu- able lots in lliclimoud Hill and at Elgin Mills corner. 'l‘iLle drOdB may be seen any time before the sale at the office of M. Teefv, Village Clerk, &0. 7.17011 need 1mth to Toronto for styh'sh millincz‘y when you can pro- cure at The Concrete better style and Ir LLer value. for lions Dr: T. V. Law of Detroit,brother of Mr. I- E. Law, of this village, met with an acol- ricnt on Friday evening, the 30th ult. Al- though serious it might have been much more so. While driving home from Deneâ€" bona, where he had been paying an Official visit, his team came in Contact with a farmâ€" er’s Waggon at the corner of Grand River and Mayhui‘i'y avenues. upsetting his buyâ€" ,rzy, throwing the Dr. out, and breaking‘three of his ribs. One of his horses was killed by coming in cuiiiszion with the tongue of the farmer’s Waggon‘ A dreadful disaster occurred on Lake Su- perior on Saturdny last, or early Sunday morning. The (LP. 1%.. steamen, Algoma, which plies between Oweusound and Port Arthur struck on a rock during a blinding snow storm and went to pieces. It. is sup- posed that thirty-seven lives, eight of whom were pueseugurs, were lost. The [mat Is a total wreck. We have been sent a copy of a little book which gives a thrilling account of the life and ml ventures of Therem Gownnlock and Theresa Delaney who were compelled to spend two months in Big Bear’s camp du- ring he late rebellion. No one can read this Volume Without a feeling of pain us he thinks of the cruel massacre of the husbands of those binve women. along with their‘com- prinions. The sad story of those unvfurtu- nate women is plainly told, and the reader can form a good idea 01 the horrible traits of the deluded savages of the Nortn-Wést. Bring along your big cans and and get 6 gnllcns of coal oil for $1 at (Brennan’s Cheap Cash House. Fine all-wool Cardigan jackets [$1 at (ircxmzm’s Cheap Cash Auction Sale ofVilIage Lots. Entertainment in Thornhill. “In Big Bear’s Camp.” Firemeq‘s Races. Serious AccidEnt. Credit Sale Wrecked. Tire. The annual match of the Vaughan Plow- men’s Association was held last Thursday on the farm of Mr. Anthony Bowes, Con- cord. On ac'eount of the unfavorable weather no doubt many were prevented from being present, still the number of entries was not far behind any former year, while the work done was of a. very superior quality. A large number of spectatan were present, though the rain came down in torrents tow- ards the finish. Some Were kept in good heart by Frank Huff‘s coffee (2‘) whiehflmd a very spirited effect on them. Tee. was pro- vided for the judges, directors, plowmen and many others, and reflected great credit on the hostess, Mrs. Bowes. The judges for the 1st mm 2nd classes were P. Frank, West- on ; ’1‘. 1165s, King ; J. Jeffrey, Vaughan. For the 3rd and 4th classes, '1‘. Hood, Scar~ horo’ ; J. Gillies, Vaughan; D. Kerswill, Vaughan. ’l‘he followxng is the prize list:â€"- lst UlllSSâ€"xlsl, J. R. Campbell, Vaughan ; 2nd, Wesley Onnrod, Seurboro’ ; 3rd, ltobt. McLean, Vaughan .; 4th, ’l‘hos. McLean, Vaughan. 2nd Class-«let, Spencer Croley, Vaughan ; 2nd, Alex. Cunning, Markham ; 3rd, Wm. Bell, Vuughnn ; 4th, Fred Keffer, Vaughan. 31d Cluesâ€"151, Neil McLean, Vaughan ; 2nd, Chas. Lung, Vaughan ; 3rd, Jesse Keffer, Vaughan. 4th Classâ€"1st. Devrd Little, Seurboro’. Best working sulky plow, (2‘r. Wilkinson 65 (10., Aurora. Best six crown furrows, Spencer (Jroley. Best finish in field, Spencer Croley. Best team and best equipped teem, David Little. Presbyterian Concert. As the following programme will show, a concert, second to none ever given in this village, will be held in the Presbyterian Church this evening (Trunksgiviug) undo! the patronage of the ladies’ auxiliary. Since making the arrangement With Miss Stflroix, unforeseen circumstances have occurred which will prevent her iilling her obligation. The committee, however, have been snccemâ€" i'ul in securng in her plaice the services of .\li.~s Aluxainicr, of Toronto, who is alrendy u universal favorite in Richmond llill. Miss Puttersonjs place has also boon supplied by Miss Born mun.‘ ‘lleiueinber the hour-con- uert commences an 7.30. Trio...,....... Miss Benn/man, Song. . . .Dowu Cucumbers and melons are forbidden fruit to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is fullowed by at- tacks of cholera, dysentery, griping (90. These persons are not; aware that they can indulge to their hearts content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg’s Dysentery Cordial, a medicine that will~give immediate relief, and is a sure cure for all summer complaints. Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a Worm medicine; the name Is Mother Graves’ Wurm Exterminator. The great- wonm \destrovervof theage. Trio . . . V . . . . . . . Thee Only . . . . . . . . . . Verdi Miss Benn/man, Messrs. Richards :8: Schuch. Song. . . .Dowu the Bum Davie Love. . . . Mrs. UuldwelL Song. . . . Good-by sweetheart . . . “Hutton Mr. Richards. Song. . . . The \Vheel of Fortune ... ~ lVelling/s Miss Burryman. ReadiugSelection fl‘Dlll Helen’s BabiesJSurtau Miss Alexander. Quartecte..Now the Day is Over..anby Mrs. Caldwell, Miss Berryman, Messrs. Sclmch and Richards. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Miss Cruxcksbank has resigned her posit- ion in the public School here, and intends pursuing a higher course oi studies. Miss W. Newton has accepted a positicn iu the public school at Foulon Falls. \Villiam Crossley has re rented the drill shed and purposes carrying on the skating rink during the coming winter. He conducted this rink last winter in a very orderly manner. May Jack Frost soon come to 213515: him. Some talk of roller skatmg during the summer. Mr. M. H. Glaucy, of Jeflerson. will comâ€" mence work at. Wright Bros’ caniage works next Monday. His Honor Judge Morgan, of Newmarket, paid his first oiliciul visit. in Richmond Hill last. Saturday, and administered justice at the sitting of the Division Court held here. From our own Correspondent. A Greystone turnip, measuring three feet in circumference, was grown by Mr. Wm. \Valkingnon. Can’t beat, King Township for roots ! During the month of October there was shipped from King 8766 bushels of wheat, 57,204 bushels of barley and 200 bushels of peas. le Aal'gcly. C. Hall, ex champlon marksman, has a rifle :range at the back of his premises. Dr. Burns is now a, resident of our thriving village. T113 Dr. win soon have his store running in full blast. During the shooting season the bailiff proceede to Toronto and invested in a hm: ntiv. He has a good opinion of his u mum; faculties, but does not, Offer to S. Mdtchell and wife havé taken up their abode in Toronto. PERSONALS. Plowing Match. SPRINGHILL. Petley. & Petleys’ BIG SALIE OF . Ready-Made Clothing,Gents Furnishâ€" ings -& Boys’ Winter Suits and Overcoats. \N‘é are offering some Big Drive-s in Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings. MEN’S fine Worsted Suits at “Ten Dollars,” $12 and fifteen dollars,worth from fifteen dollafs to twenty-two dollars. Clergymen, Doctors, Lawyers,Bankers,Merchants,Clerks and Mechanios should one and all attend our Big Sale no“ going on. MEN’S fine All-Wool Tweed Suits at “Six ~Dollars,” $7.50, and “Nine Dollars,” worth from ten to fifteen dollars. BOYS’ Allâ€"Wool Tweed Suits at “ Seventy-five Cents,” “ One Dollar,” $1.25,$I.50 and $2.50, worth from two dol- lars to fiveâ€"fifty. BOYS’ Overcoat-ts at one-fifty, two dollars, two-fifty and three dollars, worth from three-fifty to five dollars. Parents wishing to procure Fine Clothing for their children, Ready- Made,shou1d Vio‘lt our stores and inspect our immense stock. BOYS’ Suits at from seventyâ€"five cents to ten dollars suit. Boys’ Overcoats at from oneâ€"fifty to eight dollars. PETLEY 62; PETLEY 184 YONGE ST., 3RD STORE NORTH OF QUEEN ST‘ HUNTU’*0NE-PRIGE EASE“! $HE ! J. M. HAMELTON, 27 in. grey flannel 15c. worth 200. ' Wide grey all-wool flannel 20c. worth 30c. Double width cloth for ulsters at 250. This is in five col- ors and worth 50c. ‘ Black and brown' ottoman cloth for mantles at $1.50, $1.75 and 3152.00. Silk and wool sealettes from $54.00 to $14.00. Mantles made to order promptly and cheaply. Stacks of cloth dress goods at 12%C. . Grand line (of mon51e cloth at. 15c. , v The new canvas cloth at 20c. u . Nevrv) French dress goods at 20., 25,30 and up. In stock 500 pieces new dress goods. ' Mourning dress »-_goods and crapes. ‘ The new Jersey coat is all the rage and range from $5 up. Special line of long ulster.‘ cloth at $6.75 worth $12zé'l enquire for them. New French millinery at new prices. ' J. M. HAMILTQN, AN EYE OPENER. 184: YONGE STREET, 3rd. St ore North of Queen King St, East, Opposite the Mamet, TORONTQ, 2 button French kid gloves at 25c. worth $1.00. 3 button opera shades at 30c. worth $1.00. 4 button black and dark c.01- ors at 300. 4 button black, tan and dark at 50c. Ladies’ Scotch lamb’s wool undervests $51.00. Ladies’ braidedjerseys $1.10. 1.90, 2.00, 2.25 and 2.50. We have sold over 1600 jer- seys this season, which shows the prices are right. Men’s and boys’ underwear at wholesale prices. Ladies’ corsets one hundred different styles and makes, including the very best. New ribbons in all colors at figures. We make no second prlce. We sell only for cash. Try them. WE: mark our goods plain 3c., 6c., 8c. and 10C. Best 6 cord thread 3c. spool. Belg} ne‘edlcs 2 papers for 5c. TRE-MEN-JUS H IIOW per

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