3V WHE LleRAL PRINTING &PUBLISH1NG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING 'sity,M.C. P. & mm surgeen Graduate of Toronto Univ 011%... two yem‘n rosidmny, ’l‘m'nnto General Hnspil , 011109 and residcno‘n. â€"\_ r10 door South of P. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"S to 10 a. 111., & 1.2 to 2 p. m. Member Veterimwvsurgeon,Gm<hmte of Ontario Vet‘ College, Tm‘mltnz. Vemerinmy Surgeon Graduate Ontario Veteriâ€" nary College, Toronto. Calls promptly attended 00. Charges Mndemte. Diseases (1; Horses, Cat- . ’ 33'}. unwimm‘ï¬z-nlw ham. 31 by the latest meth- onva tomes yougmmgmso 1.01: M01; and $E1ï¬Â§n§éï¬Â£Ã© forrr goundness. MICEâ€"Opposite Palmer House Richmond Hill‘ Medalist 'Tm‘mflo I‘nivmsiu‘. N(D \‘N‘ (‘0 [’hysicinns & Summons“, Ont..(ln‘te of Stouffville Eonge Street, Ilirhnmnd Hill. Oflice Hours to 10 5,. 1n., Sto 8 p. m. wuugv. 1 \IJUIIAHM _ Diseases of all the Domesncuted Ammmls muted. RESIDENCE : L‘hcmkful for the favors of the past 20 years may stillbe consultcdin any branch of the pro- Iasaion, as follows: 1mm, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd. of 684'“ month mond Hill... . . .9th and 24th ï¬n. (at the Palmer House) mouffville............,.... H.18th 10. Mark ham . . .. ..20th 10. {iotqria Square .. mat do. hornh'flL. . . . 23rd do. Woodbridge .. 28th do. meinbum... 29th do gobl‘etonwu o Vlmlized Air always on hand at appointmapys. Works like a. charm. Free from 1min. ' ' WKR iisit the following places proféssionmlly :â€" ionvillem lst Monday of each month estou 9th and 213‘; " ‘ ,a le .wth “ “ ic .19th ‘ “ oodbridge. .. 22nd Mr. Husband W111 be found in his ofï¬ce, Newâ€" :on Brook, every Saturday, except when Satur- day falls on the above dates. Mr. 0n; Manic. Ofï¬ce 110mm: 8 to 9.130 a. 111., am} )‘oronto Oï¬iceâ€"No. x4 Buflding & Loan Chambers. No. 15 Toronto Street. thmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. HALL, FITLLAR'I‘ON & (100K, BARRIS’E'EILS, SOLICITORS. d’c' OFFICES: 1*, KING S'nmr'r EAST. 'l‘wh-zrxrn. Rich'v'w Hi†P. Q! TTVery: Sm “ W. HALL F. S. FUl/EKWLTOB I m: } h > HE FUN: "‘0 (LAN MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES A. G. F. LAWRENCE. ’1‘. G. MILLIGAN. " J. A- McANDREW. VOL. VIII. “dress A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Aurom.0nt. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8m. LAWRENCE. MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, BU SINE S S CARDS. â€"6â€"' BISâ€"I . GEDRGE LANGS’I‘AFF, THORXIHLL, '0NT., ‘ “(E112 ï¬ibsml †G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., DENTIST, T. MGMEHUH, Vlfl‘flfl IZflfl 331% D589 Jaimest Lnngmafl College 1‘hysicians& $urgeons, Ont, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. .l. '1'. NATTRESS, EDITOR and PROERIETOR. per annum, in advance.] 1S P UBLISHED EVERY Dr. \V. J. \Vllson. RC gws . DENTIST, Richmond Hill. â€"8TH AVENUE. WOODBRIDGE. w. unw l'l‘T, Uig‘ED BY Dr. A. Robinson. meterinnry. Walnut. SURGEON DENTIS'“ £13m. genial. NEWTON BROOK. ,18th 20th mat 23rd .28th .29th am} to 2.30 m m- A PRIZE. To Loan on Farm Property at lowest rates of in- terest to pay m: Mortgages at higher rates or for building, draining, or other purposes. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. Money advanced on second mortgages and to purchase farms. Alame amount of Money $0 Lend on farm or Qitv property innerest 7 per cent; no commis- Emu. MCLAR‘EN, MACDONALD, MERRITT dz SHEPLEY, Farmers will save money by writing or apply- ing direct to E. R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide St, East, Toronto. Licensed Auctioncerfor the Counties of York Ontario and Pen]. Goods sold on consignment Genera] sales of stock, etc.. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, ' ' UNIONVILLE. Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘nunw of York, re- spectfully soï¬vits your patronage and friendly influence. Sides attended on the shortest notice and M. reasoxmblemtes. P. 0. Address. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, reâ€" spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. I’. 0. address, King. L1qensda Auctioneer for the County of York Sale attended on the shortest nobiceand at res.- "a, erutes. Adaress Stouï¬vxlla P. O Funeral Furnishings Always on [land THE DOMINION HOUSE, 5,5,7-» 45:42:37- V‘».L.- wâ€"LAL, Having reflme above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rstvclasa style, I am prepared to give the public ‘ths best of accommodatmn. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Snmplo Rooms for mmmercial travellers, A good livery in con- nection. Termï¬ $1 m»: 113â€. Daily Express to Toronto. Special a‘teution given to moving household furniture, pianos, &c., &c. FIR ST-CLAS S LIVERY. Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES Richmond Hill, Benj; Brillinger, Propriptor. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, LEDQMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hi1 April 30th. Vocal and Instrumental Music. ‘We, H10. undersigned, do hereby certlfy that Wm. Mumford Clarke hm; this day successfully passed his ï¬rst degree in quic‘ and therefore he shall be clgmssed as a Professor. PRESIDENT, DAVIDBLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Central Bank cf Gamda. K. Chisholm. M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac- - donuld, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, q‘pd J. Ginty. Deposite received and Interestallowed thereon at Current Rates, No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on 3.1! parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. 1Q:4w‘ The farm which is composed of Lots 28 and 29, in the 3rd Con. of Vaughan, and containing 165 acres, is for sale or to rent. The place is Well watered, has a good orchard, has 40 acres seeded, and there are 13 acres or fallow. For Sale or to Rent. Under-takers a: Embalmers, Organist Trinity Church,’1‘homhill, and St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, is open to receive pupils in For further particulars mme to Apply at the Music Store, Richmond Hill. Pianos tune¢ Terms moderate. HAVINGS DEPARTMENT, WRIGHT BROS, ‘ W. RC. BATOHELon, M. D‘ Sum“ {11. w. Bum, 131. M: $100,000 JAMES M. LAWRENUE, send six cents in post» age, and receive free, a costly box of goods which I will help all, uf either .1‘9 money right away than 'unythiug worm. Furtuqcsmmitthe Workers Atonor, dress l‘IcUg & Co’ N] oney to Loan. Salem Eckardt. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. aï¬iiï¬mlunmus. James C. Stokes. COPY OF CERTIFICATE . J. Arm slron a. S. M. Brown. Unior Lem: buildin a Toronto Box 96, VICTORIA SQUARE. 33101123. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1885. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†WM. SLINEY, Richmond Hill R 0‘ London. Eng. Manager. The following is the standing of the Public Schools for the month of Nov. :â€" JEFFERSON. FOURTH CLASS. 1 M. Rutherford, 2 Henry Claï¬'ey. 3 Robb. McLeod, SENIOR II. 1 Frank Legge, 2 “fun. Gibson, 3 Geo. Legge. A 1 CLASS. A 2 CLASS. 1 Sadie Morgan, 1 Lizzie Palmer, 2 Minnie Sunles, 2 Willie Powell, 3 Aggie Reid, 3 Willie Bailey, 4 Jessie Cooper, 4 Phoebe Smiles. 5 Jas.Fulconbridge, 5 Maud Bailey, 6 Reuben Glass. 6 Eliza Mahoney. E. A. SPRAGGE. Principal. FORM II. 1 Maggie Glover, 1 Annie Cnsgrove, 2 \Villie Datson, 2 Efï¬e McNair, 3 Jun.Falcoubridge, 3 Mattie Harrison, 4 \Villie Garvin, 4 Earnie Redditt, 5) Alex Reid, 5 Eddy Lynett, 6 John Glass. 6 Myrtle McConnell. 1 Edlth SwitZeI, 2 John Michael, 3 Susie Trench, 4 Rnbbier Michael, 6 Jennie Wiley. 1 L. Vanderburgh, 2 Garnet Duncan, 3 Annie Mason, 4 Ella. Brown,~ 5 Ella, McConnell, 6 Efï¬e Benson. FOURTH CLASS. THIRD CLASS . 1 Chpa. Seymour, 1 Mary Mulholland, 2 A. Bassingthwaitefl Bertie Gillis, 3 Jane Rumble, 3 Orvil Drury, 4 { W. Millhqlland, 4 McVVilliamB. Marv Rumble, 5 { Willie Flack, Albert D0wning. THIRD JUNIOR. SECOND CLASS. 1 Willie Savage, 1 Alex Findlay, 2 Joe Mundey, 2 Louie Hafl'ey. 3 Will Rumble. 3 Nellie Kelley, 4 V. Mulholland, 4 Marv Rumble. ,5 Nellie Kirkland. 5 M . Bassingthwaite. FIRST» CLASS. ‘ 1 Isaac Mulholland, 2 Janet Cook. 3 { Bertha Findlay. May Savage, 4 Frank Rumble, 5 Maud Farnham. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. . Cholera morbus, cramps, kindred com- plaints annually make their appearance at the same time as the hot weather, green fruit, cucumbers, melons, etc., and many persons are debarred from eating these tempting fruits,‘ but they need not abstain it they have Dri J. D. Kellogg’s Dysen- tery Cordial, and take a few drops in water. It cure; the cramps and cholera. in a remarkable manner, and is sure to check every diaturbance of the bowels. CLASS FOURTH. CLASS THIRD. 1 Lloyd Ernest, 1 Butt Maggie, 2 Ross Lillie, 2 Robb James, 3 Tillman Fred, 3 Brown Archie, 4 McBride Edith, 4 Stewart Maud. CLASS SECOND. CLASS FIRST. 1 Rumble Flora, 1 Butt Katie, ‘2 Ross Nellie, 2 Rumble Arthur, 3 McCabe Annie, 3 Stewart John, 4 Ball Annie, 4 Leece Addie. J. T. SAIGEON, Teacher. ,XKlillieDI THIRD CLASS. FIRST CLASS. SENIOR. School Reports. PART II. 1 Richard Noble, 2 Thos. Glass, 1 3 Jennie Gorman. J. C. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. RTCHMOND HlLL. FORM 1. JUNIOR II. 1 Annie Sheppard, 2 Bella, Sims, 3 Louie Good, 4 Stella Sheppard, 5 Laura. Davis, 6 Flnrence ShearQov‘n, T. RUTHERFORD; Teacher. FORM 111. THIRD CLASS. 1 L. Kurtz, 2 John Mahoney, 3 Edgar Redditt, 4 Louie Scheli, 5 Jennie Palmer, '6 Regie Storey. J. CKUICKSHANK. Teacher. PATTERSON. SPRINGHILL. FORM IV. ’7 axuxgamivzrs‘ér; W. '. 6 Lea‘h‘kossm. M. WILEY, Teacher. 1 Jennie Gale, 2 Carrie Playter, 3 Fred Robinson. JUNIOR II . 1 g Chas. Leuge, Ernest Joyce, 2 Freeman Cummer, 3 Thea. Noble, JUNIOR. 1 Ethnl f‘switzer. 2 F. Empv‘ingham, 3 Herhkï¬ï¬‚oules. 411%" h. pard, Elï¬Ã©lemnï¬â€˜)†t 1 Jane Schell, 2 Ernie Stevenson. 3 Ella Wilson, 4 Sarah Tricker, 5 Jimmie Albin, 6 Jennie McNair. S ECON D CL ASH. THIRD CLASS. A 2 CLASS. SENIOR II. Supplied by the W. C. T. Union, Richmond flifl. Rev. Father Thomas McMillan. before the Catholic Total Abstinence Society, aaeembled in Brooklyn ;â€"“ How any Catholic could feel indifferent to this des- olate and soul-destroying evil I cannot understand. How any Catholic could fail to use any opportunity that God gave him to check this flood of destruction I can still less comprehend. And the greater the influence any one may possess of hindering the evil, the more do I won- der by what logic. he can possibly excuse himself from exerting it. But that any Catholic should, in any way, help on the evil, that he could be bribed at any price to harness himself to this demon engine of desolation and help it onward in its horrid course, is to me a mystery beyond all solution. The bare facts of the case ought to create among all Catholics a hatred of the vice and everything that tends to produce or maintain it.†TEMPERANCE ITEMS The cgncluding clause of the present- ment of a. Gmnd Jury was as followsâ€" Your Grand Jury are much 1mpressed with the fact that nearly all the cases brought before them this session, includ- ing two cases of manslaughter, one of un- lawful wounding. one feloniuusly wound- ing, two robberies, and two minor cases, are the direct result of drinking or drunk- enness, thus showing that but for the un- necessary number of saloons, or grogger- ies. scattered all over the city, there would have been comparatively little to occupy the time of your Grand Jury. (Published by Request) Mrs. Rachel Saigeon died near Holler), Ont., Feb. 27th, 1885. Had formerly lived in King, frnm which place the fam- ily removed in 1881. Her; age at her death was forty-seven. Sh'e had for max y years been greatly afflicted with asthma, and sufl‘ered ilgnsely for a. week or more immediately p ceding her death. At. what date she was converted is not known, but. she 'me airmember of .111le ‘Mathodist g . ' “ “w "r'*“"t‘.."‘_â€â€˜:.'. Chyrcï¬iï¬mqn is ghxld; arid We have reason to benu‘u'finm in y “ ' A h .11 Mi Sir ‘ï¬mh‘ï¬im to Denote Tina» in you‘ll? :11'3‘ Sir ‘ï¬pdi‘ï¬i- " ‘5 womanhood she was ever earnest in rev ligious work and consistent in her christ- ian walk. From an acquaintance of three year’s duration we can testifv to her con- stant readiness to speak and to work for God. In her case we believe it was “ None of self, and all of Thee.†She wore a happy countenance, that corres- ponded blessedly with the fulness of joy and peace that reigned Within, for she was a Witness to the power of the cleans- ing, blood to purify the heart. 80 her conversation with her pastor was not about her own failures and doubts. or the faulss and inconsistencies of others, but of the possibilities of holiness and the promotion of the work of God. As a mother she was intensely anxious for the salvation of her children, and we believe her prayers for that object will be bless- edly answered. In her last illness her pastor, Rev. R. Hall. found her sweetl}r trusting her all in Jesus. A few hours before her death, her eyes being closed. her son heard her whisper, “Come,come, come ! †We expect to meet her again. where there is no asthma-where there are no tears. â€" Christian Guardian From our own Correspondent. Business is nearly at a standstill owing to the almost impassable state of the roads,- and were it not for the general moving going on our village would pre- sent a sad appearance. Never in the history of Aurora has there been so much moving among the business men. Braum‘, hardware; Wells 1% Terry, butchers; Burling & Co., furniture; Lundy,printer; Bowe, shoemaker; Hughes, dry goods; Rutherford, druggist. have moved or will shortly move into difl'erent premises. Th6 Hullingshead Bros. - have closed their skating rink and are starting a new one in ngrifige. Frank Yorkwhas opened a new drug store in the building lately occupied by 3. E. Hughes‘ Why go limping and whinmg about your coma, when a 25 cent bottle of Hollo-. way’a Com Cure will remove may)? Give, it. a trial, and you, will not regsglg it. Mrs. '1‘: H. Broad has opened a. new mi_ll_inel:y shqp or} Yopge St. Mr. Jim. Siteele, th, some time ago, had his leg broken, is able to walk around with the aid of crutches. Venison is ï¬ientiful here; no less than six carcasses are hanging in front of the butchers’ stalls. On Sunday evening a. “Song Service†was held in the Methodist Church in plage of thq regular; sprvice. (Received too late for last week.) Obituary. AURORA. B. SHERLOCK. From our own Correspondent. Afteralong period of silence, your correspondent has commenced hunting up news items, which, by the way, are not easily found in our village, and has run in the following and informs your readers. That H. H. Cummer, Esq , post mast- er and merchant of our village, has sold his buslness and premises to Wm. Gould- ing of this place. Mr. Cummer will re- move to Michigan early in the spring. That the young people have formed“ a musical and literary society; the oflicers are Rev. J. Penren,M.A ,honorary pres- ident; S T. Humberstone, president; Miss I. T. Fish,'secretary. They have not yet decided on any particular course of study. That shdoting matches are popular with the boys this season. “ Bob †and “ Andy †generally manage to carry of the majority of the birds. 'l‘hatVMr.’ J. Ford has gone to England for the purpose of importing Clydesdale horses. That Mr. Duncan McCague has renew- ed his position as section overseer on Yonge Street, to the satiqfaction of the “ hands.†No one need fear cholera. or any summer complaints if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial ready for use. It corrects all looseness of the bow- els promptly and cause a. healthy and nat- ural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor, and is rapidly becoming the popular med- icine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market. Laje of Hamilton, practical Dress and Man e Maker, begs to infpnu the ladies 'of M 19, Richmond ’HilI and vicinity, a has opened in the aby’ve husinJess DRESS MAKING. And moderate charges. to merit a. liberal share of patronage. Ladies’ Mantles Oct. 15th . 1885. Farm of 10' m 20‘ Aims, Address with particulars to “ THE LIBERAL †OFFICE, And Music of every description " '11 be kept always on hand at rock bottom pm 3. Instru- ments tuned. The public a-re invi w give us a. call and inspect our stock. 0rd 015 promptly attended to W. M. CLARKE. MUSIC STORE WANTED TO RENT. Richmond Hill, April 30th ï¬lé’flflQJW) Ema. .9 And vicinity that 1: orders for the delivw Lt the lowest ram Best Scrantor Hill at $6.80 M“ 1 GOAL. CGAL. the undersigned begs leava to inform the» people of RICHMON STILL )rdemmay aI PROF. W. M. CLARKE And hopes by strict attention to the wants of her patrons, Wanted to rent for a term of years, with option of purchasing at end of lease. a FASHIONABLY CUT, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34f. And Garments Stylishly Made. To the premises nearly opposite the English Church, MIS “HST-GLASS WORK. [Single copies, 3 cts MANTLE NEWTON BROOK. where a. full supply of S REMOVED HIS Loomy soil. Richmond Hill. ,ijm to take -:,.w Enn'v of coal No.23. ING, SCION. .ichmond 1 Hi1}.