Thu Sautt A«zt wan: defeated in the united countiea 02" Prescott and Russell by 2). majorâ€" ity of over eleven hundred. Adriver coming into Mont-real during the recent snow storm lost his way and drove iato the canal, both the man and his horse being drowned. The steamer Ezrl Dufferin, while employ~ ed in saving the cargo of the wrecked steam- ship Brooklyn at Anticoati, was driven ashore and will be a. total loss. it? The prosecutions instituted by the King- ston temperance men against opponents of the Scott Act for double voting at the recent election have All been withdrawn. The V0 ‘.h»VV:ast Czntral Railway Com- Apaujl’hua byran granted run extension of time fog mm comtruction of a. line. Ben Sizmnnna, sentenced to (hath for the murdw of Mary Ann Smkes, was hanged the other morning at Lundo 1. Eight of the Indians sentenced to doath for parti ipation in the Frog Lake massacre, and for murders at Battleford, were hanged at Baï¬tleford the other morning. A programme for holding Farmera’ Insti- tutes throughout the province during the coming winter, has been ï¬nally arranged by the professors of the Agricultural College. [5 committee of civil servants in Ottawa, 11an drafted a series of resolutions to be pm mated to the Governmsnz, netting forth why no change should be made in the mode of paying their salaries Fiveimrbers were recently ï¬ned by the magistra‘we of Ottawa for carrying on their trade on Sundays. An algction under the Scott Act will be 'held in the county of Argentouil, Quebec, on thn 29 h of December. Maj :mearsl Sir Frederick Middleton hm 11M. far Fredericton, N. B., tomspect the infantry school at that; place. Cargaas of potatoes are being shippel from King’s county, N. H, to Boston, New York, Phihdelphia, and Jackaonville, Flor- Ida. f The Bishop of Ontario has been pregented with a ()onmdemtton medal in r cognition of his sarvicca in the cause of literature and aciencm An illicit mill was discovered recently in a M ontrcal grocer’n house, through 9. ï¬re caused by the accidentnl explosion of part of the apparatus. Workingmen of Quebec want the Govern- ment to puah on some of the public works during the coming Winter to give work to the unemployed. A suit for eighteen thousand dollar! has been entered against the Montreal Cotton Company by the former secretary and tree- surer of the company for arrears of salary and other indebtedness, It is estimated that the expenditure on new buildings in the city of Montreal this year will amount to two and a half million dollars, as compared with a. million and a quarter last year. The Q labec branch of the Irish National Leagua has remitted $1,225 to Rev. Father 0 Reilly, D. D., Detroit, grand treasurer in America of the Irish parliamenmry fund. No less than eight applications by wives for separations from their husbands have been ï¬led within the last few days for hear- ing before the Superior Court of Montreal. HOME, Sufï¬cient snow has fallen in Montreal to make g'tod aleighing. The rebellion claims commission are not expected to reach Octawa for at least a month. There is considerable work to be disposed of before the transfer can be made. The Canada. Land Law Amendment As- sociation have passed a. resolution urging the Government to pass legislation for the in- troduction of the Torrens system into the North-VVest Territories. There are now about one hundred cases of small pox on Prince Elward Island. Ex- Mayor Dawson is down with the disease. Compulsory vaccination is being re-enforcad. The Archbishop of Quebec has received a cheque for $500 from Miss Maitland, of Nouvflle, county of Bonaventure, towards aiding the distressed inhabitants at Port E=quimaux, In the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is stated, in Toronto, that the Central Prison Commissioners’ report recommends many changes in the punishment system, and favors rawards for gocd conduct. The report, which is unanimous, completely clears up the stories afloat against the war- den personally. The question of memorializing the Domin- im Governmant to refund the expenses in- curred by the city of Toronto in equipping the Volunteers wlm went to the N orth-‘Yest on active service, and in supporting some of their fam‘lieg, will be submitted to the City ( ‘guncil at its next meeting. Lieut. Gordon, 11. N., and Captain Har- bohcle, the Commissioners appointed by the Dominion Government to enquire into the “ Algoma ’ disaster, have conc‘uded their enquiries with the exception of the examina- tion of Captain Moore, and have 'returned to Toronto. They refuse to give the re- sults but will report to the Government. The Penny Savings Bank, established a year ago in Montreal, in connection with the Boys’ Home in that city, now numbers 609 depositors, having a balance of $1,190 to their credit. The depositors are chiefly newsboys. Another phase in the fmlure of Picard h 00 , of Montreal, the senior member of whios ï¬rm secretly absoonded a few days ago, had been entered upon by the arrest of the jun- ior partner on the charge of misappropriat- ing goods belonging to the estate. No deï¬nite arrangement has been made with reference to the withdrawal of " A†and “B†batteries from the North-West. The former is stationed at Qu’Appelle and the latter at Battleford. They are both of the same strengï¬h as during the rebellion. A large and representative meeting of Irishman of the county of Simcoe was re- cently held in Orillia, at which resolutions favouring Home Rule and endorsing Par» nell’s policy were adopted unanimously. An ohl half~breed whose house and barn at llatoche were plundered by Big Bear dur ing the rebellion. has reached Kingston on his way to Bay de Chalaur to seek assistance from his friends. He had tramp- ed the wholejourney from one mile north of Batoche, where he left his wife and fam- ily last July. THE WEEK’S NEWS. Germmy and Spain have concluded their negotiationsï¬ouching the Carolines question. The rumor of M. DaLesseps’ death is un- founded. He is alive and well. At Paris Panama. Canal shares fell 9 franc! owing to the rumor that M. DeLsnepl was dead. Luge military and alice forces are being qu rbered in the dim acted parts of Spain to prevent a. Carlist rising. As the result: of an investigatton into the recent col=lsion betwaen the steamers Hero and Quinte ln the Bay of Quinte, the Marina Department have cancelled the per- mit of the captain of the former vessel and censured the cepzain of the latter. The de~ partment have alao cancelled the license of the second engineer of the Hero, revoked the ï¬rst engineer a llcenee for twelve month: and censured the captain in connection with the explosion of the steamer’a boiler by which a ï¬reman wan acalded to death. Vice-President Hendricks died suddenly the other afternoon at his residence a. Indixnapolis‘ A fourteen year old boy, wnile asleep on a atmwstnck near the village of Carberyflll , recently, was killed and eaten by hogs. The Colored Orphan's Home In Chatta- nooga, Tenn, was burned the other day. Fifty four children were in the building when it tmk ï¬re, but 311 escaped Without acci- dents. A dispatch from Calcutta. says 5, 000 people have been drowned, and 156 villages submerged in Oriana by a cyclone. Mr. Gladstone unveiled a. cross in Eiin- burgh the other day, and joined in a hearty manner in singing the hundredth psalm. Richard Stone, butcher, 91171 J. G. Mc- L 'ren, commercial travelier, have inetruct~ ed their sniicitors to enter acï¬ons for libel against Dr. Geiki‘ , Dean of the Faculty of Trinity Medical School, damages being pluc- rd at $5,000 each, The actions will include Deï¬ective Burrows as cordefendant. Stone and McLaren are two of the men acquitted on charges in connection with the Hallow- e’en outrage. Within twelve hours over ten inches of rain has fallen at San Louis, Ohispo, 031., and all outside communication is suspended. The damage in the city and suburbs is over $100,000. A company has been incorporated in Chi- cago for the purpose of holding an Interna- tional exhibition in that city in 1892 to celebrate the fourth centennial of the dis- covery of America by Christopher Columbus. A ï¬re broke out early the other morning in a. crowded New York tenement house, a whole fumin being smothered to death in thai ~ beds. The ï¬re is balieved to have been deliberately caused by an inmate to get the insurance money on his furniture. Lucy Gifford, colored, living on the Wilkiaon plantation near Americua, Gm, locked up her children and went to church on Sunday. When she returned the cabin was in flames, two children were dead and the others badly scorched. A meeting of the Fenian Brotherhood was held in Clarcndon Hall, New York, the other night, to commemorate the eighteenth an- niversary of the execution of the “ Mun- cheator mini: T’ Spowhm were made lay William . Romaon, of Bro>klyn, and O'Donovan Roan, who called l’helan, of Kansas, an English spy. The audience cheered "ch1; Short,†who attempted to assassinate Phelan. The Pope was profoundly grieved by the news of the death of Alfonso, and telegrap- ed to Q1661! Christina a message of condol- ence. Kng Alfonso in hislast moments begged to see his daughters, who were in Madrid at the time. They were telegraphed far, but arrived to late to see their father alive. The King died in the arms of Queen Chris» tina. Lord and Lady Melgund are about to close their residonce in Canada. and return to England. The reasons announced by his Lordship for resigning his position as military secretary to the Governor-General ITO entirely private, the chief being the ad- vanced age :md decreasing strength of his father. the Earl of Mlnto. It is probable Lord M ulgund u ill time his journey so as to reach England shortly before Christmas. During a. religious riot at Breach, India, one English oiï¬ ial was killed 311:3 three wounded, and ï¬ve of the rioters were shot by the police. A meeting of Socialists was held in Am- sterdam recently which ended in a. riot that had to be suppressed by the police with drawn sabres. The death of King Alfonso. of Spain, oc- curred the other morning. He only wanted three days of completing his twenty-eighth year. The question of succession is now being discussed. It is said that the Duke of Cambridge will soon retire from the position of Com- mandar-inChief of the British army on ac- count of age and that he will be succeeded by the Duke of Connaught, The steamer Iberian, which went. ashore on the south coast of Ireland, has broken up and her cargo is floating. A boat contain- ing fourteen persons is missing. It is probable that the smuggled spirits and tobaccos that are now destroyed by the English Excise department will in future be reserved for the use of the army and navy. A cyclone swapt over the Philippine Is- lands recently diatroying eight thousand buildings, Including numerous churches and school houses and killing twenty-two per- sons. M. Martain, editor of a Danish provin- cial newspaper, had! been aontenced to four months, imprisonment on a charge of inciting the people to take up arms to drive Premier Eatrup from power. Ofï¬cial r( turns made of the forest lands of the G arman Empire show an increase since 1878 of 162,546 acres of forest, brought about by replanting and wonding commons and waste lands. The Medical Hea‘th Oï¬icer ordered the houses of. the two families on Smith street and SI: Lawrence straet, Ottawa, the mem- bers of which are in the small-pox houpital, to be quarantine}. The fathern of the fam- ilies refuaa to be quarantine! md continue 3% their work. The matter has now been pierced in the bands of the puiice to compel t em. AMERICAN. FOREIGN. As ï¬gures never lie, the cashier’s deï¬cit 8 always found out~too late to make him the principal ï¬gure in a crlminrsl suit; There is no positive cure for indifference, but one night on a. cheap lodging house bed hag‘lggenknqu to shake it up considerably: Struck with Lightning Neatly describes the position of a hard or soft corn when Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor is applied. It does its work so quickly and Without pain that it seems megical in acfion‘ Try it. liecollect the nameâ€"Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sold by all druggists and dealer: every- Where. It must be admitted that scandals are usu- ually caused by pretty girls, but; this does not: console the hemely ones. “ Mnnkiud is ever intensely egotistical,†remarked Miss Jones. “ Why?’ queried Mits Bzown. “ Because they have even ended our prayers with a men." Teacherâ€"“ How did you read that line, Johnny '2" Johnnyâ€"“ Oar cat hasgot a. kit- tens.†Teacherâ€"“ No, Johnny, not a kit- tens.†Johnnyâ€"“ Well, then, our cat has ’got pups.†Professor Korosi announces that rich peo- ple live long or than poor people. And yet, in spite of this discouraging fact, some peo- ple continue to be born poor. It must be attributable to ignorance. “ Have you tried Mm Brown’s kisses 2" is the startling query in the window of an uptown candy shop. It is all well enough to preach “ peace on earth and good will to men,†but no man can feel that way with a boil on his nose. “ What do they do when they install a. a minister ‘3’ inquired a. small ‘boy. “ Do they put him In a stall and feed him ?" “ Not a. bit,†said his father ; “ they har- ness him to a church and expect him to draw is alone.†“ Why, May, what is the nutter between you and Johnny Jones ‘3" was asked of a panting little girl at a recent party. “ Why, he offered me a bite of candy after he’d glw en Pass Smith one, end I don‘t bite after any other girl.†When May grows to wo- manhood snd reaches thirty, she will doubt- less change her mind.†Miss Angelina to M lss Belle, her rival, just now surrounded by a bevy of admir- ers~“ Oh, dear, do tell me how you do your hair up so charmingly. What do you do it up on ‘2 It looks so intellectual.†Miss Belle who wears her hair highâ€"J‘ “'ell, I’ll tell, dear. I generally do it up over brains, and (sweetly) I don’t think you can buy them at the hair stores.“ “ Yes,†exclaimed Mrs. Fogg, “ it’s lodge lodge, lodge ! Wonder now many more of your degrees you are going to take lac-night ! Pity you couldn’t think a little of your home I But, there, you never did think about me !"’ “ You wrong me, dear." repli- ed Fogg, in his most mollifying manner ; “ I have always thought a great deal of you, my dear ; but perhaps I am getting weaned from you by degrees." Card~players are not generally humoroua, but they take a deal of interest in the little joker. Mamm&â€"“ No, Bobby, you can’t do that †Bobbyâ€"“ Why ?" Mamma â€"“ Now, there’s no use asking any ques- tions. I have told you not to do it, and if I ï¬nd you have disobeyed me, I‘llâ€"well, 1'11 wash your hands." Sometimes even the most wide-awake and acurate reporter is liable to err, as is shown by the correction in The Schuyler Vindicator. “ Instead of being arrested yesterday, as we stated, for kicking his wife down a. flight of stairs, and hurling a light.- ed kerosene lamp after her, Rev. Jamea Wellman died, unmarried, four years ago.†It; is to be hoped that Rev. Wellmen ac- cepts this hearty correction in the same gen- erous spirit in which it is tendered. Bogus butterâ€"A gout without horns. " Time will tell,†is an old saying. So will a woman. Extinguishing a. lamp is like 9. small sup- per ; it 15 a. light blow-out. A little girl was compelled to don a dress to which she took exceptions. For a long time she sat moping, never saying a. word. “ What’s the matter dear ?" said her mother. b“ Oh, I believe this dress makes me bilious.†Sums appreciative person has presented President Cleveland with a photograph of Tom M )ora's harp, The inm‘ntes of the white house should rejoice that the present was not the harp itself. The president can't play on the photograph. Uncle Rogersâ€"“I couldn’t do anyt“ ing winh the boy. He was eternally picking quarrels wlth everybody, and so I had to send him home.†Fatherâ€"“ You did right, Henry. HJW much the boy grows like his mother." At a negro wedding, when the minister read the words, “ love, honor, and obey," the groom interrupted him and said : “ R aad dat again, ssh ; read dat wunce mo’, au’s de lady kin ketch do fall solemnity ob’ de meanin’. I'ï¬e been married brisf "f!" A "Lu, _-,.I , , , A little g'rl, aged nine, call'ed her father to her bedside the other evening, “ Pepe,†said the little diplomat, “ I want to ask your adece." " W ell, my litt'e dear, what is It about T†“ What do you think It will be best to give me on my birthday ‘1" Ethel used to play a. good deal in the Sabbath-school class. One day she had been very quiet. She ran up prim, and behaved so nicely that after the recitation was over the teacher remarked : " Ethel, my dear, you we“e a very good llttle girl to-day.†" Yea-m. I couldn't help belhg good. I dot a, 1216' neck.†“ You have plenty of reading here,†said a visitor to the literary editor, pointing to a. pile of books on the editorial desk. “ These are not for reading,†replied the editor, “ they are for reviewing.†Some people are horriï¬ed to learn that the cook of the Parker house receives as large a salary as the president of Hartford university. This probably refers to the people who heard at the Parker house. But we doubt whether the president of Harvard university could cook any better. An actor having made up his mlnd to get mauled, all his colleagues advise him earn- estly not to sacriï¬ce his liberty. At last the prompter comes and adds his appeal in these words : " My dear sir I You have al- ways listened to my words ; why not do so now 2" CURRENT FUN. 27 and 29 Adelaide Street East, Don't take that "cocktail in the morn- ing." If yrru have a “ swelled head,†nausi ated atomach, and unstrung nerves result- ing from the “ convivial party last night †The nuts and safe way, to clear the cohwebs from the brian recover zest for food, and fame up the nervous av, stem, is to use Dr. Pierce'a “ Planner-t Purgative Pelleta." Sold by all druuglats Owing to the failing health of the senior member of our ï¬rm we have been obliged to abandon the contemplated continuance of the business. The manufacturing premises, machinery, &c., have already been sold. The entire stock of furniture, upholsterlng materiel, &c., amounting to over $80,090.00 must be disposed of as speedily as possible. The furniture is all our own manufacture, and the reputation earned by the ï¬rm during the last 50 years is a. sufï¬cient guarantee of its quality. The liquidation being peremptory, dealers and the general public are now afforded such an opportunity as has never occurred heretofore in Canada. Electra Plate except to put sofnetning to eat into it, is an excellent motto for the gossip and the suffer- er from catarrh. But while the gossip is practically incurable, there in no excuse for anyone’s suflsring longer from catarrh. Dr. Ssge's Casurrh Rluw y is an nu'ailing cure for that offensive disease. It: hauls the diseased membrane, and removes the dull. and depressed sensations which always at- tend catcrrh. A short trial of this vnlu this preparation will make the sufferer feel like a new being, There is no stated Thanksgiving day in Europe, but they have bren connecting schemes to gobble Turkey, 311 the Emma. The only reliable cure for catarrh is Dr. 8336': Catarrh Remedy. “Indians summer," says General Cook, but just Where he can’t say. Though the soil of Virginia. grows the beat tobacco leaf in the world, it does not all grow equal qualities. The production even of adjoining counties in often quite different, the one producing leaf which at once deter ioratcs if grown in the other. The leaf of the “ Myrtle N-vy †is the product of the choice sections of the State, which, 1hrough some combination of iocal inflzence, produce a better quality than any others. Thlfl is shown by its always commanding a higher price than any other smoking leaf. HOWARD IRON WORKS, 3?: Question for debating clubsâ€"“ Can a man, while asleep in the daytime, have the night-mam Y†_ There is nothing of which men are more liberal than their good advice, be their stock ever so small; became it seems to carry in it an intimation of their own influ- ence, importance or worth. A CUBE FOB, DRUNKENNEss â€"Opmm, morphine and kindred humus. Valuable treatise sent free The medicine may be given in tea or coffee, without the know- ledge of the person taking it, if so desired. Send two 36. stamgs for full particulars and testimonials of those who have been cured. Address M. V. Laban, agency, 47 Wellington street eass‘ Toronto, Caniida. Imperial Cough Drops will give Positive and Instant: Relief to those sufl'erlng from Colds,Hoarseueas, Sore Throat,etc.,aud are invaluable to craters and vocalists. For sale by drug ists and oonfeotionern. R. & T. WATSO , Manufacturers, Toronto, HARVEY £5 TRUAX. MERIDEN A ï¬rm advertises “ ï¬rst-class wigs for $10.†Thus one of the objections that men who pride themselves on their hair raise against marriage is removed. Hwntwa is the name applied to the inhab- itants of the south of Wales by the people of the North. These Hwntws must be some relation to the unspeakable Turk. Ontario IMPORTANT TO ALL WHï¬ DESIRE MORE LIGHT. BRITANNIA Toronto, 12th Nov., 1885. THE HARVEY SAFETY LAMP Never 0pen_ Your M91191 GBMPANY. J. H. VIVIAN. AGENT F011 CANADA. APE FINEST B. HAY <32: C70. BUflKBINDERS’ MAGHINERY ’ HARVEY SAFETY LAMP â€"We have been favored with 3 view of thn new petroleum light. nnd we Il‘8 strongly convinced of in superiorâ€" ity n3 5 con] oil burner over Iny lamp ye! p'aced on the mnrkeL The Air ohnmber in which the wink-case is suspende bu openings at the can“ perm thus a. content oivoulntion u! nit downward around he wick-case. thenoemlwar‘l through the w’ck-cne. thus giving n direct central draught By this Inurghmsnt the wick-cam is belated from the all. Iamnll tube conveying luflioient oil throu‘h to the This “my is constructed upon thowudny prncbionl Ind eiexmflo primipka, end the remit “Guinea in I bountiful. 50th white light, wii 1: for scone. my, mum' 05’ and steadiness I: new unmanned by amber an or elec- mgny.â€"[Toronto Tim: 1:. a Corr-Inondtnoe with dealers. and impccbion Invited. OFFICE : 9 A delaide St.West,Toronto is an rior co every other domestic light used, NOT BXOIIH‘ING 0A8. This s a Central Draught Burnar in Guss WLS in various orna- mental designs on metal and glass stands. t noneumes but half the quantity cl oil that the smiled electric cm uses. It is the brightest oil lamp ever invented Manuiaemx rs a so oi the “ Solar Star Lamp,“ in Brass and Nickel. This 1mm took Fnsr szs Ind vann MnnAL air Toronto's Industrial Exhibition 1885. LIQUIDATION SALE; SEND FOR CATALOGUE R CUT‘I‘ MANUFACTURERS 0F TO RONTOa TORONTO. ONT A rels, Half Banana and Keg! always In stock. Allan’s Glar'fled Uider, prepared especially for Soc“ Art 0 111033-38. Orders promptlv ï¬lled; alao cash paid {or common cider. ALLENS VINIoGAR WORKS, Nor- winh,0nt QCLYI‘M‘A. INFLAMNIATollY RHEUMA- kr Tls‘n, Goun, Neuralgiu.) «md Lumbago elbow- ally cured by a remedv invented by one who washim- sell curzd by 1:; aim: being three years on orubehos with sciatica; abundant tv'sltmonials an to its bene- ï¬cial eï¬achs iu athe-mentloued diaewes; remedy exprcsamj t3 any address. S. J, LANCASTER, Petiolia, D, AOHINERY FOB. BALE VENGlNES AND Boilers. Saw and Shingle Mills, Planing FM- tory Outï¬ts, Stave and Beading Machines, water wheels Chopping Mills, etc. Sand for descriptive catalagae, and mention what you want. (Mention this paper.) H. W. PETRIE. Brmflard, Ont. Perfectly Cured by Chapman’s Culebrnted Formuhl. }'v 80 Kym, with full direutiona, mailed for One Dollar. CHAN-MN. V‘hdmist, Landon, Ont. GEN PS “'AVI‘FD F0]! THE REST SW1.- 1' [VG Patented Arbiclu m Canada tu~day. Send 25 cents for Sample and Agents’ Terms. DnLoucm 85 Co . Guelph. 70!?“ NAME. Alli": Al“) TEX CENTS, , mulled Bengough s shorthand and Business Inwitufla, Toronto‘ will bring copy Cosmopolitan Shorthmzder, best journal in America. Price, $1.00. Semi for Calendar. 012: Wam'nzéa FULL lien Us. gird mm smooth on m Mme machine. Bea t as ULuumom’s mum in on m» gar Ira» “In hr all ‘1)»: mood. Danna. Beautiful Oolared Deslgna of Flowers, Birds, Animals Elm, printed on Burlap (Glow; no he worked in rage, yam, he. Wholesale and retail. Large (isoount to dealers 5nd Agents. Send to manufacturer for catalogue. FDR PLEASANT SEWING JAMES PAâ€"ETKVEWSON, L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. 0. Emma. Glasgow Beet Hams, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried Beet, Breakfwt Bacon, Smoked Tongues. Kean Pork. Pickled nguen, Ohesaa, Family at Navy Polk. Law in Tubs and Pails. The Best Brands of Eng- sh Fins D dry 5m lu Shock. Sailing during wlncer from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Batmdny to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Salim-dew to Liverpool, calling: at Loudonderry to land malls and pwseugets for Hootlaud and Ireland, Also from Balaxmore. via Halifax nudSh Johu'3,N.F., to Liverpool fox-ml h'ly du'lng summer months. Th3 stemnzre of the less- gow lines 3311 during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Pnlladr-lphla; and during mi!- mer between Glasgow and Monnreal. weeklv; Gho- gnw and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladel- pbla l Artqlghtly V0178 HIE ~' sEv-Emt Emu TOLEE‘IES , PROVE ) Faunaâ€"easy terms of payment. 0 G MARI‘EN, Leaminutnn, Easex County. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshms. For freight passage, or other information apply to A Schumncha 81 Co .Balnlmore: S. Cunard 8c 00.. Halifax : Shea &,Co., St. John’s, N.F.; Wm Thomp- son 85 Co . Bu. John, NB ; A‘lau 8; Co , Chicago; Love 5‘5 Alden. New York; H. Bourller. Toronbo; Allans, Rae 85 00., Quebec; Wm. Bronkle. Phfla- ddphia: H. A. Allan, Parkland. Boston. Montreal. iiapggï¬gaa‘s “Spore! Sutton l R. HAY «BB 00. O' ‘ Mina anhing Mmhlzen. I! you Wmâ€:de V “(I tx’pnagvofï¬c J It once ’ijm'siixnhflmn“an " ('1 unï¬t»? BIG OWE-frag; ï¬â€™e’aiï¬s’," Eiing’bï¬iéfSï¬Ã©iï¬i' Pork Packers, Toronto. R. W. ROSS, Guelph, 0nt. Goodu stamped Melh den Silver Plate 00., are not our make. If you want reliable good! inslst on getting thou made by the IHAMILwox. MERIDEN BRITAN- NIA 00., CAUTION ::I_VE 'AVXAY 1030739}? BUFFALO, A P. 257. 0M,