{use no cheap material and warrant every set. Gtvnld Filling, and all other operations skilfglly p_urformed. xi. Inudtl‘fflfe fees. Call gufd see me. No tumble to an- swer questions. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€"â€" 0N CELLULOID, â€"- Arcade Buildings. Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hnrd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of M356 HUN; L HI‘sH‘I-Jiz LE P LLYYT, ‘V‘Y V \r BEFABEB SOLE PROPR IETORS 8| AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. ONT. Sold by Sanderson Bros., Richmond Hill. VITALIZED AIR ! M I SIC ,ecretarv RICHMOND HILL CORNET Bâ€"ANDr-Meetrs for motice every Tuesday and Saturday evenmg at .30 o'clock. 0. Savage, Leader VILLAGE COIINCII..4Re-\ve. Wm. Pngsley, Coun- sillovs. Meas1~s.Benj. Reddm. w. D. Powell, 1’ L Savage, and F.McConughy. Ulcl k, M. '1_eefy. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Iommitfee Room (of, the Masonic Hall .uch alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.111. Beneâ€" :cm‘y certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. Crosby, Master Wurkm an. B. Grennun. Rec. R. T, of Ternpermme, Richmond Hill Council, 40. 43, Meetsin Temperance Hull,euch alter- ative Tuesday evening utSo'clock p m. Bene- lciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one alt payable in case of disability. J. H. Sunder- on Select, douncillou; J.A.E.Sw:‘tzer,Recording WESTS LIVER PILLS Wlll thoroughly owe you. Thoy do not gripe or purge, but not mildly, and whonovor used are considered prloo- less. They have provon to be the To all 'suflmm from lndlgofllon, Disordered Stomach. o. P. LENNOX, Srenerui Prayer Meetmgiï¬eryl'l‘hursdsiy evenan ,11 the Lecture Room‘ Kev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Beware of Counterfei‘s and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped (ml in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. trial package of these Ce'xebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m. md 6:30 p.111.,n.nd Sunday school, 5,112.30 13. m. goung pgpple’s p_r'uy9y meetingg‘nesdny ing. Sick Headache ST. MARY s Emscovn. Canneryâ€"Service at B .m.,except the third Sunday 0’} avery month. vhen the service and sacrament; are held at 11 .111. Sunday School at 1:30p.m Rev. W. Bates, Sector PRESEYTERlAN CHURCH or CANABA.â€"Services -.s 1] o'clock a.m.. and 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting ~11 Wednesday evening M7330. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHuRCE.â€"Services in order 8 follows Thoruhill at. 9 a..m., and Richmond [ill at 10:30 mm; the fullowing Sunday at Rich- xond Hill at 9 u.m.. and ’l‘homhill at 10:30 a. m RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G.T.â€"â€" sets in the Temperance Hmll' every Wednesday reninz. at 7.30 o’clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. I). The Methodist sabbath schooITemperance As rciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when ssired. Wm.HuA'rison Supt MECHANIcs' INSTITUTE.~Lib1‘fl.l‘y of over 1000 3111mes,open every Tuesday evening in the. MB:- mic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. flaw, Illbl‘Ba- um. Lectures and discussions periodicallv. @REATEST Use them and be relieved from your misery. 80 Pllle In a box, 25¢. per box, 5 boxes for $I F08 SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS MID 054L588 IN MEDICINES RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A..M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hallpn the Zonday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.m Leek, W. M. ' ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERsâ€"Court Rich- !ond, No. 7046 A. 0. F'.. meets in the Temperance .lel every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. m.â€"â€"Robt.. each, C. R. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE BEST SETS DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, WHEN JNO. 0. WEST I: 00. WHY SUFFER FROM DENTFIST, iIIztge_g;l_irtctnry. Churches. OF THE AGE Societies. BLESS'JNG LESSONS ! OF an 15th. 1884.~1v n $10.00 In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve yams, I beg to re- mind them and the gem-ml public, that having erecte:1 entirely new and comâ€" mndious premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisr .1. I am also prepared to do all kinds v-f black- smithing d: repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM _ SPRING W A G 0 N S . Cutters, Dominion of Canada TRENCH’ S -C ARRIAGE WORKS.- FRANK LAZARUS, Manufacturer, 28 Mary land Road, Harrow Road, London, England, (lute Luzargs & N10rris_,Har§f_ord, 00131.1.) _ Rear half of lot 25, 2nd Con, Vaughan, contain- ing 100 acres more or less. There is erected on the premises a. plank house 56x26 and kitchen and woodshed. B an] 60x40,with stable under it. There is 87 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Terms 1x10demte. For particulars apply to WM. TRENCH, Richmond Hill, or to JAS. DUNTON, Proprietm, Oct. 29th-zlm. Britannia: l‘ U TAILOHING ESTABLISHMENT For Sale by T. F. MoMflHQ/V, '7- ;I , . , In . 41’; J03 uney'rs‘ ed to fajiw lei-350“ 01‘ ()7‘; ’ ' .‘ i=5 1 1i" Eta. “a? x ‘ Yes, my friends, clothe your- selves comfortably for the coming winter, and to make it sure call and inspect my FALL 85 WINTER GOES, Chas. Trevethan. FARM FOR SALE I These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 veers, and given- ln every in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the world. They never tire, and lust many years without change. Read the following testimonial :â€" I have great pleasure in certifying thatI have worn Spectacles manufactured by Frank Lamb us for ï¬fteen years. and they excel all others I have used for clearness of Vision and ease while writing or reading. JAMES GODFREY Late Incumbent of Trinity Church,Wolfe island PREPARE fOI‘WINTER M U S {(7 LE SH ‘2 1‘15 Which are now arriving. For lowness in price, style, quality, workmanship, and latest patterns,Trevethan’s Is the place to come. Do not forget the shop, over Hall’s Feed Store. Leave your orders now. 23-2in. Spéemle 8?. Eye Glasses. FRANK LAZARUS Came to the lirenlises ofithe undersignedmorth half Lot No. 23, 2216 Con. Vaughan. on or about the lath of November, :1. White sow. The owner may nmve the same by proving property and paying expenses. DANIEL OTHEN, 23-Qin. Patterson P.0. Preserve Your Sight Horse - Shoeing ISIS?) Eoï¬ï¬gctlogl Withiflllyi oiï¬Ã©i‘ ï¬rm in the PUBLXSHER 0F “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL. (Law of the ï¬rm of Lazarus & Morris) STRAYED ! Etta! gidmï¬mmmts. Paid special attention #9. WM TRENCH. BIC" MOND HILL. BV WEARING THE ONLY RENlDWNED Sl'eighs and Kept on First-class Hearse in at- ' Lendance. The publishers of the More: TREAL " WITNESS " are cele- brating their FORTIETH . ANNIVERSARY by an ofl’er which is of unusual value to their subscribers, and which is well calculated to lead an enorm- ous number to have their names added to the already splendid subscription list. The “Wit ness," of itself, is too well known to need recom- mendation here. Its fearless and intelligent ed» itorials, its freedom from impurity, its enterprise in the matter of new: (the superiority of which was admitted on all sides during the Riel Rebel- lion), its invaluable Question and Answer De- partment (in which the highest professional authorities give inromation on almost every conceivable subject), its storieeof intense inter- est, its Ladies’ Department and Children’s Comp,- er,â€"go to make 11!) a pa er which. cannot be equalled, For a. year’s su scription ($3170 to): the “ Daily Witness.†and $1.00 for the " Weekly Witness ") the paper will be sent until the “a of January, 1887. And every subscriber (inclu ing present subscribers who renew before their sub- scriptions run out), will also receive. FREE, one of our splendid ANNIVERSARY PICTURES. THOS. WILSON RICHMOND HILL: N. B.â€"For pus-{110111er as to prizes to be given for Itories about the ANNIVERSARY PIC- TURES, see the “ Witness." These “ Beauties of the Oloegmphic Art,†as they are well described, consist of three most charm- ing subjects. benutifullv executed in tasteful colors; and are produced for the “ Witness" gubliahers by n. well-kncwn Art Peblishing ouse in London,Engla.nd. They are entitled “Little Bure!eet,â€â€œNobodv Asked You!" and “Their Foster Mother." Specimen copies will be on view in our Agencies. Everybodv who sees themwnnts them. We will send sample copies of our papers containing descriptions of the pictures : and blank forms for subscriptions containing full particulars of this and other offers. to {my address, on application. Evervone who sends one. two or three new sun“... «I u...†.w....-~.., -_ _. Every one w 0 sends one. two or three new subscriptions, along With his own, will receive any TWO of the pictures. Every one sending four or more new supscriptions with his own, will receive THE TERE E pictures. No other offer can even compare with this. And Anni- versar Piqtures W111 not be given or sold to any but an scribm's. The demand will be necessarily so hes. ' that. we must strictlv follow the rule " FIRS COME, FIRST SERVED." Therefore send your subscriptions to J onN DOUGALL & SON. MONTREAL, N ! The NORTHERN MESSENGER. the Pioneer's Paper and Children’s Favorite, enters a. new era. Beginning with J anuary it will 'be published tortmghtly. and the Sunday School Edltion will be in two parts, so as to be practically a. weekly Sunday School paper. It will more than ever deserve its description, “ The Cheapï¬st Illustrat- ed Paper Published. Subscription 300m. 8. year ; large reductions to clubs. JOENDOYJGALL dc Sou, MONTREAL. Those who desire the news of the day in brief. concisely written and neatly printed, with Stories, Illustrations and Family Reading, for 50 cts. a year, should send that sum to tho WEEK- LY MESSENGER, MONTREAL. I for working people. send 10 cents postage, and We will mail you free a. royal, valuable sample box of goods thatwill pub vou in the v. 113’ of making more money in a few days then ' uver thought possible at any business. Cap- s wnt requlred. You can live at home and r :1) spm'u time only, or all the time. All of ‘.- v . axes. of all ages. granclly successful. 50 m :‘5 emsin earned every evening. That «;\Vil:ntW01'k may test the business, we ..li::uupamllelt‘-doffer: To [L11 who are m send $1 topay for the Full particulars, diâ€" ' wmense pay absolutely v (-12-6. Don‘t delay r‘clana Mame, of ertH‘Uâ€"Z I; v m.ch RICHMOND HILL Thursdav, ants, per bushel Peas, do. †Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. Beef. fore quarter.... Beef. hind quartur Chickens. per pair . Ducks. do. Geese, each ........ Turkevs‘ perlb .. Butter, pound rolls.. Butter, large rolls ..... Eggs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag ..... Apples, per bbl ...... . onions, green, per bush. Cabbage, per doz. Celery, do. Turnips, per bag . . Carrots, ‘ do. Beans, per peck ..... Flour, spring, per bbl.. Flour,fall, per bbl .. Hay,per ton straw, per ton . Tonon'rn Tnursdnw Dem-3 1685.- Wheat,!a11,per bushel. - "so 82 t Wheat, springi do 75 Barley, do 60 outs, do 34 Peas. do 60 Rya. do 62 Clover Seed, do Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs Beef, fore quarters ...... Beef, hind quarters... Chickens, per pair Ducks, Jo .. Geese,ench Turkeys, each N Butter, pound r0115 Butter. tub dairy Eggs, fresh. per do Potatoes, per bag. Apnles, per bbl ......... onions. green,per bug Cabbage do Cauliflower do Celery, do. Turnips,per bag... Carrots, do. . “SOOOOOHHOGOOHOOOQQ‘Q‘: ssssasssssszsssaasssé Hay, per ton . .. straw, per ton . UNDERTAKING I And vicinity’flmt he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend tocalls on the shortest notice. ’ All kinds of FUNERAL FURNISHINGS THOS. WILSON. Begs to inform the public of 3h: Wurmx. mewwï¬mwmumwwwwwï¬wwmm H535009100001100000mao. GO . yer 100 lbs. tars rtgrs. mlr Dec8,1885. $0 30 1200 16 00 13 00 175 032 075 022 3956 7 (10 40 9U I? PARLOR OVEN STOVES 5 Picture Frames, Chromos, Paints, 011$, Glass, all Sizes, CROCKERY, HARDWARE AND'A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GRUCERIES, JUST TRY OUR TVVEN'IY-FIVE CENT TEA. ITS A DAISY. HARDWARE. - HARDWARE. r TINWARE. TINWARE. WOOD AND COAL COOK STOVES BARGAINS IN FURNITURE I The nicest mam have been seen in this town, and ad: var-y low prices. Usual stock of . BoOts, Shoes, Rubbers, Felt Work and Overshoes, wk Nurth of Toronto" Call and see for yourselves“ No trouble. to show goods. All ordered work prompfly attended- to, sewgd and pegged. Repairing done cm shortest natice. _ w _ ' Rn VERS: STOVES. STOVES‘E Stove Pipes 10’ Cents a Length. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDIO, Eave Troughing a Specialty. In 1.43 RIE s3. Glassw*are, 3.50 We havea'GHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR ~85 FEED always on hand. all of which We will sell as cheap for cash as any store (an Richmond Hill, keeping ï¬ret- ALEX. MOODIE. IN DRESS 600135,; WINCEYS, TWEEDS a: WQ'DLLEN (30055, ‘ ' ALL KINDS: ' M. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 3. LARGE STOCK from 40am. ap. British Flag Staff! Our stock is complete in new designs & the prices will astonish you. Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash. Also a new and well-assorted stock ofHardware. Just received the Largest and Best: Assorted Stock of THE NEW ‘WILLIAMS 1 THE PEOPLE’S STORE L Wall Papers, New Patterns, HATS AND GAPS. SUNS MADE TD ORDER. The undersigned has on hand a large stock of STOCK COMPLETE: mmwwfl HAY/w. $3 Now is your fime 101‘ AND P. Gr. SAVAGE. It was awarded ï¬ve medals anti“ three ï¬rst prizes at the Domtnion Exhibition last October. It ia rapidlv supersodiugrnll the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it.huy imam! make sure that you-get it, Sold by It ls-Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Main and Sxmple to Leam‘ It is strong,.lurable and well built,of the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. High Arm Sewing Maching.)s now rc'c’v ognized as the SEWING MACHINE 01" THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy. C. MASON. J. LUSH,‘