TO GIVE"; LES‘LWJNS EN ‘5' 'iob.11t:>.'s‘b. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" - - $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" - $10.00 Géld Filling, and all other operatinns Skilflllly Rerformed, ï¬g moderï¬e fges. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Jommittee Room of the Masonic Hal} mch alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.m. Bene~ loamy certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. Crosby, Master Workman. B. Grennnn. Rec. R. '1‘. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,each ulter- .utive Tuesday evening acso’clock p m. Bene~ leiary certiï¬cates issued to male or {emu}. nembers for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one :51: in case of disability. J. H. Sander- -on Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer,Recording lecretarv I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Call Zun‘d see me. ' No trouble to an- swer questions. SOLE PROPRIETORS 8| AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Sold by Sanderson Bros., Richmond Hill. Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hnrd’s New Method of extractâ€"- ing teeth without pain, by means of MISS FLORA COUNTER lb 'r".$";« RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANEâ€"Meets for .mctice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at .80 o'clock. 0. Savage, Leader VILLAGE (Iowanâ€"Rowe, Wm. Pugaley, Coun- tillors. Messrsl Bani. Redditt, W. D. Powell, P LSavage, and F.McConu.ghy‘ Clerk, M. 'l'eefy. VITALIZED AIR METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:80 a. 111. Ind 6:30 p.1n.,a.nd Sundny school, at 2.80 p. m. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Bremaml Prayer Meeting every Thursday evemng In the Lecture Room. Bev‘ W. R. Barker. Supt. Rev. W. F. Wilson, Assistant. M USIC LESSON 8! WEST’S LIVER PILLS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH or CANADA.â€"-Services t 1] o'clock a..m., and 6:30 11.11:. Prayer meeting =11 Wednesday evening M7230. ROMAN CATHOLIC cHURcB.â€"Services in order 38 follow a Thornhill at 9 a..m., and Richmond uan 10:30 sum; the following Sunday at Rich- aond Bill at9 a.m.. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m MEonAmcs’ 1N3TITUTE.â€" Library 01 over 1000 nlumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- onio Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- mn. Lectures and discussionsperiodicallv. Wlll thorougth cure you. They do not gripo or purge, but act mlldly, and whenevor used are consldored price- less. They huvo provon to be {he ‘l'o all 'sufforors from lndlguilom Disordered Stomach. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. 81‘. MARY s EPIBCOPAL Cannon.â€"-Service at 3 .m.,except the third Sunday of every month. then the service and sacrament are held at 11 :‘m.t Sunday School at 1:30p.m Rav.W. Bates, . ea or Sick Headashe o. P. LENNOX, In. them and be relieved from your misery. 30 Pm: In a box, 25¢. per box. 5 boxes for $I FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES GREATEST Rxcmmim LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No.23, G.8.C ~Meetsjn the Lodge Room,Masonic Hallpn tho Zonduy on or before full moon, at 8 o’cloek p.m Leek, W. M. ANCIENT ommn or FonEsmnm~Courh Rich- lond, N0. 7046 A. O. F., meecs in the Temperance 19.11 every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p.m.â€"Robb. each, C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No, 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Leets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday reniug.a.t 7.30 o’clock. Wm.naniaon ’1‘.D. The Methodist sabbath schoolTempemnce As pciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when ssired. \Vm.Harrison supf Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE BEST SETS DYSPEPSIA 0R INDIGES'HON, WHEN WHY SUFFER FROM JNO. G. WEST 8: co. DENTFIST, Emma» Qimtm . Chgl‘ches. OF THE AGE Societies. BLESSING OF an 15th. 1884.-1V I have great pleasure 1 tifving that I have worn Spectacles manufactured by Frank Lazarâ€" us for ï¬fteen years. and they excel all others I have used for clearuess of vxsion and case while writing or reading. JAMES GODFREY. Late Incumbent of Trinity Church,\Volfe Island For Sale by T. F. McMflHOM Speemlas .& Eye Glasses. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 vents, and given in every in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the world. They never tire. and lust mguy yeern withqut chm; PUBLISHER 0F “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL. FRANK LAZARUS, Manufacturer, 28 Mary land Road, Harrow Road, London, Enzlund, (lute Lazarus & Morris, Hurtfprd, 00.11.11.) †ALA 23-2in. Domiulon of Canada. The owner may have the same by proving property and paying expenses. DANIEL OTHEN, 23-2in. Patterson P.O. FRANK LAZARUS Preserve Your Sight Came to the premises ofzthe underaignedmorth half Lot No. 23. 2nd Con. Vaughan, on or about the lath of November, a. “jpihe sow. PREPARE forWINTER Yes, my friends, clothe your- selves comfortably for the coming winter, and to make it sure call and inspect my FELL 8n WINTER @0035, a.roy&1,\'a1uul)l(u sample box of goods that wlll pun vou in the wuq ufmuking more money in a few days than you ever thnught possible at any business. Cap- ital not. )‘equlred. You can live at home Mid work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes. of all n‘ 4 5', grumlly successful. 50 "outs to <5 ezmily earned every evening. That all vsl‘n vnntl work 17w} test the business, we maken umlmallvlm I l‘fm': ’l‘o {L11 who are nu wail snhsï¬ud we 43ml 1 5o pay for the t)" 1‘.» o of writing: Fill“ varniculars, di- 1 ' eto.,_,9nt f.« mm pgyatglsol‘ut‘ely '3 for working people. sand 10 cents postage, and we will mail vou {me TAILOHING ESTABLISHMENT Miss Bailey is now prepar~ ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence, o po- site‘ Presbyterian Churc . Which are now arriving. For lowness in price, style, quality, workmanship, and latest patterns,Trevethan’s Chas. Trevethan. MUSIC LESSONS. Is the place to come. Do not forget the shop, over Hall’s Feed Store. Leave your orders now. {any years without change. Read the follqwing teqbimopig ‘: um.“ m, w .. ENG connpotmp wRï¬â€"aTï¬yV othéi ï¬rm in the , __... 7,, (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazarus 8: Morris) RENOWNED STRAYED ! gm: mflvcaiscmmm. (a who BY WEARING THE ONLY WHOLE & GROUND OIL OAKE, HORSE & OATTLE FOOD, 890., 81.0., Constantly on hand. STEELE BROS. & CO., TORONTO. Parties having seed to offer would do well to give us a call before selling. Red 81: Alsike Glover Seeds, Timothy Seed, &c., 8%. STEELE BROS. & 00., SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Front 86 Jarvis 8118., T O R O N T O . 1; v ‘Dbn't using; in Mama. Special‘attention given to Stocks of RICHMOND HILL Thurnd outs, per bushel Peas, do. 0 Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs.. Beef. fore quarter Beef, hind quartu Chickens. per pair . Ducks. do. Geese, each ....... Turkevs‘perlb .. Butter, pound rolls., Butter, large rollsmu Eggs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bugw. Apples, per bbl ....... onions, green, per bush. Cabbage, per (102. Celery, do. Turnips, perbug . Carrots, do. Beans, per peck ..... Flour, springper bb1.. Flour, fall, per bbl Hay, per ton ..... straw. per ton Tonom‘n Thursday, Dom: 1385. Wheat, fall, per bushel Wheat, spring, do . Barley, (10 outs, do Peas. do Rye. do Clover Seedh do ..... Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs . Beef, fore quarters .. Beef, hind quarter .. Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, do Geese, each . . Turkeys, each Butter, pound rolls. Butter, tub dairy .. Eggs, fresh, per don. Potatoes, per bug Apples, per hbl ..... onions, greeu,per bug 83$8§888888Â¥288888888 Cabbage do Cauliflower do Celery, do. '1‘urnip5,per bag“ Carrots, do. .p. OQOOGOOHHDOOOHQOOMWOI Hay, per ton . . straw, per ton UNBEHTAKING ! THOS. WILSON And vicinity that he 18 prepared to take orders for the delivery of all kinds of coal :1: the lowest rates. BAMET [WAN ! RICHMOND HILL Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in at- tendance. Best Scranton Coal delivered in Richmond Hill at 86.80 per ton. COAL. COAL. )rders may also be left wnu FOR SALE! RICHMOND HILL Che undersigned begs leave to inform the people of And vicinity‘that he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend to calls on the shortest notice. All kinds of W 1': the Modem Improvmxm . , (heap. Enquire at FUNERAL FURNISHINGS Begs to inform the public of THO S. WILSON. P. G. SAVAGE, Rlchmond Hill m: Warm“. A First-Class mm mm mumwmmmw%wmmm 3500a100001100000m8 A. MULDOON. Dec.3,1885 ‘30 30 1200 475 018 016 0 18 050 '70 0 80 50 30 55 50 {2' 1300 032 17 018 150 022 0 G5 550 22 65 Picture Frames, Chromos, Paints, Oils, Glass, all Sizes, CROCK‘ERY, HARDWARE AND A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GROCERIES,.. jJUST TRY OUR TVVEN'IY-FIVE CENT TEA. ITS A DAISY. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE! The nicest that have been seen in this town, and at very low price& Usual stock of In GR()C 15 131E S. G‘dassvxare, 850 We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR & FEED always on handtall of which we will sell an clump fer cash as any store on Richmond Hill, keepingiï¬ratw clasagoods. HARDWARE." HARDWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE PARLOR OVEN STOVES E WOOD AND GOAL COOK STOVES STOVES. IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN“ GOODS, ‘ ALL KINDS. ‘ SHIRTS & PANTS. a LARGE STOCK from 40m. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUlTS MADE TO flflDER. Boots, Shoes! British Flag Staff! Stove Pipes 10 Gents a Lengthm . REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Eave Troughing a Specialty. - > C. MASON. N(.rth of Toronto. Call and see . ; to show goods. A11 ordered manyâ€:- to, sewed and pegged. Our stock is complete in new designs & the pram will astonish you. Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash. Also a new and well-assorted stock of Hardware. Just received the Largest and Beth THE NEW WELLIAMS! THE PEOPLE’S STORE !, Wall Papers, New Patterns, The undersigned has on hand a large stock of STOCK COMPLETE ï¬lflflMï¬/Vifl flffl 333:: oes, Rubbma and Overs}: Now is yaur fin-“Le for 11C)?†AND P. Gr. SAVAGE. It is strong, Jumble and well builtpf tho very best material that money can buy, 03 skill produce. It was awarded ï¬ve medals and thee ï¬rst prizeu at the Domtnion Exhibition last October. It in rapidlv superseding all .the old fashioned mnkes everywhere. See it†try it,buy it,and make sure that youï¬efl it. Sold by High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now rec». ognized as the ' It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Sxmple to Lem. SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD“ Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and I’Ianos. Terms Easy. J. LUSH, ’Tf‘; u ‘Work 5“! o trouble révz-ended J I test