Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1885, p. 1

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:L‘tmukrul for the favors of the past 20 years nuy still be consulted in (my branch nf the pro- fusionms follows: hum-u, lst, 8th, 111311, and 22nd of ea-nh month Rlchmnnd Hill... . . .9th and 24th do (at the Palmer House)’ ‘ 1T I'HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE LtIUHMOND HILL: - â€" ONTARIO. Siouffville.‘............‘.....‘,‘18th lo, Markham . ,20th 10. Victurm S 1113.10 .let - do, P‘nn‘n‘nllu .. 23rd do, VVnmlhyidge ,QBth do. ’ ,Xeinhurg, 9th do . )bleton.., 0th 0 Vitulixud AirVulmL 9 on hand at appointments. “"0 Ike a charm, Free from 1min. Ufinc xu - -uppasice l’tleer House nichmond Hill Veterinm'v surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vet. (lo‘llege, Tormltok DR. GEORGE LANGS'I‘AFF, THORXHILL, ONT.. Graulunte of Toronto University,M. C. P. & S 01112.. two vum‘s resivlonf. assistant surgeon v Toronto General Howiml. Office and rmidcnv'o. ~One :lonx‘ South of P. C Ofiice Hourva to 10 (1.. m‘, (i; 12 to 2 p.111. Dr. James: Lnngstnfl- Member Cnilegg Physicians & fisurgeous, 0nt., RICHMOND ‘ HILL, ONT. Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Ontario Veteri- nary College,’l‘m‘onto. Calls promptly attended 20. Charges Moderate. Diseases of Homer-1.0%- tle, 650. scientifically treach by the latest- meth- oes. Horses bought and sold on commission and examined as for soundness. THURSDAY EVENING ‘Bxseiisos of all the Dumcsticnted Animals created. HALL, FIILLAR'I‘ON & COOK, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, 6:0. OFFICES: 18 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Richmond Hill P. 0‘ Every Saturday. RESIDENC â€"8TH AVENUE. Woomzmnon. W. M. HALL J. S. FULLARTON. W. COOK (£34.1an FUNDS To 1.0m. '2'. Rlchmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays Medalist ’l‘m'ontu I7niVmsitv. l‘tnI-m‘ (‘9 Physicinnséz Summm, 0nL..(]ute of Stouffvine Yonrze Strum. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10 2.. 111.. 510 8 p. m. Unionville,.. Weston .. 1st Monday of each nn;nch ‘ th and 2136 “ ‘ Maple (5th “ " Richmond Hill ‘19ch ‘ “ \Voodbridge ..,22nd Mr. Husband will be fnund in his: nflwe, NOW- :')11 Brook, every Saturday, except when Sufism: wv falls uu the above dates. a. G. r. LAWRENCE.’ T. c. MILLIGAN. a. A. McANDREW. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Toronto OfiicekNo. :4 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Will Visit +vhtza following places profemionally !)r. Orr, Maple. 05100 hours: Suo 9 ) IL. m..m1d to 2.30 um- Addr '5 A ROBINSON L.D.S..Auroxa0nt. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, LAWRENCE. MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, VOL. VIII. 43483â€"1 G. H. Husband]. L. D. 5., BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ @512 fiibcml ” E’IZ‘JQILJZEZD $1? Eu MeM‘AEON, .1. '1‘. MATTRESS, EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. per annum, in advance.] Dr. w. . J. “’llson. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Regimes. DENTIST, Richmond Hill. F. IIEVW IT'I‘, USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. Whammy. SURGEON DENTIST 331mm. 33mm. 11mm. NE WTON BROOK, DENTIST, Licensed Auctionecr for the County of York. re- Rpectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Rules attended on the shortest notice and at rensonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Licmmedmlctioneer for the Countv of York. re- spectfully solivits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales nttrmded on the shortest notice and m. reusunublcmtes. 1". 0. Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticegmd at reu- abe mtes. Address Stoufivflle P. O send six cents in post- age, and receive free, 21 costly box of good»; v. lu’vh I will help all, “I 1-31 ’ sex ‘to more money right away than mm: A else in this world. Forlmwx uw'x‘t, the: wm 1 nhsolntelv sure. At onwe address I'Ju'r. 4" Axum-ta. Maine. Hm‘inj: reactant the above Roman furnish; ed it in first-class style, I am prepared give the public the best of accommodatlon. Excellent stabliug and nttennive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectiuu. Terms all nor (luv. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York ()ntm‘m and l’evl. Goods sold on consismmont. (x‘eneml sums of stock. otc.. momptly atton led to at reasonable rates. P. 0. uddrqssl Daily Express to Toronto. Special a tentiun glven to moving household igrniture, pianos. &c., &c. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Alnme amount of Money to Land on farm or (‘iitv urupt-rny ulterest 7 var 091117.; no commis- a on. MLLAIW‘N, MACDONALD, MERRIT’I‘ a: SHEPLEY, Underlakers dc Embalmers. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand THE DOMINION HOUSE, RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES 10-4w. To Low on Farm Property at lowest ratesof inâ€" terest to pay uif Mortgages at higher rates or for building, draining. mother purposes. Mortgages and Municiiml Debentures purchased. Money advanced on second mortgages and to pm‘chnse rm. . . PROF; W. M. CLARKE The farm \vhmh is composed of Lots 28 mm 29, in thefh‘d Con. of Vaughan, and containing 165 uc1‘es,isf0r sale or to rent. The plan-e is well watered, has a good orchard, has 40 acressoeued, and them are 13 acres of fallow. For further particulars nnnly m Farmers will save money by writing or apply ing direct to E. R. REYNOLDS. Richmond Hi] April 3(1Lh‘ Deposite received and Interestallowed thereon at Current; Rates Na notice or withdrmml required. Drafts on 8.1] parts of Canada, United States and Great Brimiu,puughb and sold Richmond Hill, Benj. Brnllinger. Proprietor Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers :i'DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND H PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, BL douu1d,_9. COPY 017' CERTIFICATE \Ve, the undersigned, do hereby \Vm. Mumford Clarke has this (lav passed his first degree in Music. and shall be classed as m Professor. For Sale or to' Rent. Gentml Bank of Gagada. Voyal and lnslrumcnlal Music. Apply at the Music Store. Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. Organist Trmity Church,ThmnhiIl, and St‘ Mary‘s Church, Richmond Hill, is open to receive pupils in A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, WRIGHT BROS, Signed JAMES M. LA‘VRENCE, $100,000 N. J. Armstrong. James C-rStokos. Salem Ecknrdt. WI oncy to Loan. "dfiimllumnus. , M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mitc- (J. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. 20 Adelaide 8%., East, T‘orontu S. M. Brown. nim‘ Lam: buildin a Toronto _r W. F.C. BATCHELOE, M. D‘ (H. W. BAXTER, AL M. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE “damn. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1885 “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty WM. SLINEYV Richmond Hill P. U hereby certlfy that lis (lav successfully mic. and therefore he UNIONVILLE London. Eng Mn nager. HILL - .. w r «- a â€"v‘- ‘- ‘Wu' Lust your you had the 1* miles of road south 01 Richmond Hill, together with the men and material placed u.t your command, and You sun'- ceetlud in spending asiuuch monov on that 1} miles as any other four miles cost on each side mlj ining it when managed by men who under- stood molt business; besides, which, you nearly ruined the mud by converting it; into a mud pile. The County Commissioners for prudence sake took in oub or your hands unrl placed it in the 01d uhunuel ; mm yet; you have bhe audacity to speak of good munugemeut and economy, terms. we meaning 01 which, you bu“ but the slightest concepmon of,unless your 0', Jok'fisk is imme- diately affected thereby, any; at {on button up so night. than it, requires minim jlgt. of a. speaial yum» n; if on hula such in strong do- sil‘e to show what vou now about mud making, try what you can do on some other road than the oounty lwmls, and pay for your experiments yourself. ' You speak against keeping the roads free from mud, you Wish to keep 12 on the middle of the rum]. Thi is your last thought at nightund first; in the morning ; the sum and substance of your knowledge, when the merest imbeclle must know mun to suppurb u- heavy loud 1). strong mud is re- quired, and that mud (was not make 1!. strong mud, ur'why are not our back roads as strong as a stone road? Besides, unvouo with the least observimz powers must see that the draft on a rutwn road 13 treule what it 15 on a firm road. Why, men, should travellers be subject to the annoyance or your whims and experlments, all of which have [men tried and condemned long before the man who beget you was born. Who are vou, pray. that you should make such de- mands on the public foxbegu‘ance as you have. ‘ Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is a speedy cure fur dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer cnmplaint, sea ‘ sickness and cmnplaints incidental to children tee-thing. It gives immediate relief t6 those Suffering from the effects of indis- cretimv in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers. we. It :2ch with wonderful mpidity m'd dr‘ver ‘mls m cnnqner the disease. N0 (vul‘ Inn-~21 qu‘ (‘lmwrn if Mr y have 8 bot- tle of ' I‘u'flmillu r mvenm 1,. mg of whlch no may be supl‘usod to know even a. nude. qu would, for yum owx. credit sum, Jeuve the quantum of mud muking in the humus 01 men who are as much uuove you in intahiv genus and reasoning powers, and knowledge of lhcn’ Work, as v. glunt is above u dwarf in stature; and you would not forget. than the time in lung b11108 past when mental decrepitude can be en- pcuLcu to force use“ to the front of engineermg science. You, bv _\ our uersisteucy. have more than once imposed upon the good nature of the aumhorimoa of the County, and induced mum to let. you try your hand an road making, and apretty mess you made of m You have been the means 01 spend- ing more public money with your insane projects than your head was worth, and so long asit came uunot the public purse it was little you cured. pr‘ovideu you gratified your crotchets. .. u... vv wwuuul..- You have at diflerent times so pestered the CulluLV Council with your whims andabsul'dmos that. it 11st become turetl of your nunsense, and huw it could have shown you so much courtesy )5 burprlslng to many ; its doing so can only be uunbuwu to the mute desire of that bodv to give l’efiputifilul attention to all who approach it, llmwvel' absurd may be their demands. You lmvc washed the time of that Council, both as a. member thereul‘ and. us uprivute indw‘luual, in discussing your warn-out theumes, and have reâ€" celveu such slum: rebukus t-lnuc any other man Ulllmllle or an a.»yluxn would long since have Lha- conunueu uubbllug with matters of which hequ cmlrulv_ignmm1t, and confined himself to a call- You have, too, misrepresented matters in your comparison between the cost of the road Ironi Holland Landing to Bradford and the York Roads, in such a, \vnv that any person unacâ€" qutlinted with both roads would. perforce, receive your stutument as correct ; and this you have done for some ungcnerous purpose. There is no report on the matter ; but to point out the ab. surdity of your statement to the effect that any pan-t of the York Roads cost 00 per mile one your after another, would be waste of time, but you knew that you penned a fulsahood when vou wrote chase \VUI‘JB; nordo you know what Mr. Purnhum expands on his road, for he has not told you. and you have no other means of knowâ€" mg. but wlw don‘t you. if you are capable 01 doing so, treat thls question fairly, and not in such u way as to lead Lhe public to suppose Ilmt the lust crank has not yet breathed lns Just. And now. EMU. word moreto > on and I have done : Leave the question of rmul making and repairina to be bundled by men of more honesty of purpose and intelligence than yourself, for rest assured that you know nothing about; the subject, You have [L professionjollow that, but be careful that you are not judgeu as to \ our in- telligence in that by the intelligenco V011 exhibit inltlie other The public are shrewd observers, and when a man is found to be a. failure in one thing to which he makes pretensions. he is apt to be considered u‘ failure in all. See that this is not your case. To (msEnvER Sunâ€"«You have, so I learn, sent me I» COPY of the Richmond Hill LIBERAL of last week, in which appears a letter from you on the YOrk Bonds. You certaiulv appear to have an itch on that subject. but Why you should have' written that letter, unless you wish to show the public the extent of ynur ignorance and folly, it is diffi- cult to understand. You have assumed a floti- tious name, no doubt because the prOductiOD was such utisme of ridiculous utté‘mnces, um you were ashamed to acknowledge the bumbling, lost, your readers should consider you in your (lounge, and (LS not knowing truth from fiction. The pnteruitv of your letter, however, is so ev1- (lent, that no one can be at; mull; in knowing to whom to attribute it. The absurd character of tho pl'ouuction proclaims iL Ml abortion, still you ormonnly think it so perfect that. you have caused a. copy 01' the paper which rnumins it to be forâ€" wm‘ocd to all tho members of the County Coun- cil uml ot-Lers on \\ bum. in your simplicity, you think It will have an influence. You have wriuou and spokenmush nonsense, and showed a. menu deal ofignoruncecn the subject of the York mums, but. in thislasalettei‘ you have out« snipped even \mm‘bclf in tlmfiine, and that, may be “Allied ion as a feat diflu-ult to mocompli§h. \ ‘_\\, i I:nr . Dec. 14Lh,188” you are led to believe that no man is possessed of common sense‘ or 11st 0. right; to an opinion. nut yourself. Strange it IS that about a cenlury has passed and yet. no one but you has discover- ed that u. rand, such as you wqud. soon have Yonuc street composed 01, 2 mud and & louse stone, Should be the best to travel on. If you continue in this course much longer I fear your fripnris may find it necessary to make an enquiry as to y 1111‘ sanity, in which case twelve good men and true may render a. verdict that you are “non cmnpm." Endeavor, my dear sir, to avoid this state of things. if you can. You compuuv;>az the suprâ€"ni nendent of the wads has read boom; 0111115 professwn, as if. thereby,he had disqouinod himsulf for his work, forgottmg that yomsolf never would have known the (111113erch between a pill and fl green onion had it; not been for the reading in books vou had hmmuered 111m you in your more lucul days. before you talk and write so much rubblsh on the above subjects, you should be guided by men who have gone over the hrouml before you; bub you have so much conceit, and you are so unex- ueptimmlly ignoan on nmttcl‘s of the kiudflmm The York ROads. 'mer, 650., REEVE After the storm on Saturday Messrs. MacMaholi and Langsbafl‘, of Richmond Hill, Messrs. Teasdale and Dickensun, of Hondfurd, Mr. Kyle. of Toronto, and nthers made some calls in our village. Auntie says it is quite significant when the first snow is used by the bachelurs that it is a sure sign of a good winter for business. Jacob H. Blupmerugfi Vir .._ V_Y., writes: ‘ur len‘ma'E’aéEtfib‘ if bur‘éd a badly swelled neck and and sore throat on my arm in forty-eight hours; one appli- cation also removed the pain from a sore Mrs. John Ramadan was buried last WedLeaduy; her death was unexpected. Her rem-aims were ‘followed to the grmebv a, large concourse of people. Mr. Ramadan is suffering 'much from rm umatism. A gravel pit has been discovered near the village; the Vaughan Council are tn be asked to gravel the road leading to the Station. (Crowded out last week.) Trinity church will shortly-be re-open- ed anon of which. notice will be given by posters. The Louis Riel religio-political m'eetiug proved a lad failure; whether it was 'bhe stormy «awning, the ten cent admission fee, the dead issue, the apparent one- sidedness of the speakers to be pressncpr lack of interest in the fate of Sir John is not. known. Mr. Babbs is now occupying the house lately vagated by Mrs. R; Arnold. toe;my wife’s foot was also much inflamed -so much an that she could not walk about the house; she applied the Oil, and in twenty-five hours was entirely cured. From our own Correspondent. The 1h]! Jubilee Singers gave an enter- tainmem in the C. M. church‘ on Tuesday evening. The house was packed. The entertainment. was of a. superior order. The audience was held spellbound. Many were the encores, tn which the singers cheerfully responded Little Minnie was [liqohief attraction of the evening: This company is well worth putrunaqe. A few evenings ago the business men of Sprinuhill presented Mr. N. P. Cross- ley with a handsome easy chair as a shah: token of thanks for the service he render:- ud the village by ringing the bell daily. The old gentleman was highly pleased with the gift. Mr. Jos. Thompson purposes having a shooting match at Springhill, (m Satur- day next. Forty head of fowl are to he shot for, These fowl have been fed for Xmas use. Come early and secure your turkey. Shooting to commence at 10 an]. Sports I don’t let this Opportunity pass unimproved. rlhe Skulihg rink proprio for is makng ready the rink. He ex- pects to have it ready to open in :1 feW days. The young and Active of this neighborhood should patronize the rink. The waiting rooms have been made \‘el'v comfortable. The prolu‘iolor, \V. J. Crossley maintained the best of order last year, and no doubt everything will be conducted in such a manner that the most refined need not foar offence. The Methodist Sunday School purpose holding a tea and entertainment on Tues- dnv evening, Dec. 22nd, The proceeds to be applied in purchasing a library. The entertainment promises to be some- thing more than ordinary. The edibles will be all that the palate can desire. A shunting match tOnk place in this village on Saturday, Dec.12ch. The fuwls were first~class. The shooting was very spirited \V. Little shot. six times and carried home six ducks, consequently the lunrels of Springhill have deputed. MUNN 8; COW of the SH} “mm to net as Solicitnm i'r Marks. Cogyriizhts. 11 Hu England. P rum-u, Ger ngents sent fro". '1 l dun-d H In the SPIICNTI“ ‘ most whimy Cir \mG'y ‘4 ermm ., icun 5: AM ' UL FATE ,' in all things, Charity.” THORNHILL SPRINGHILL. I. V wrmmw, con- I x- N. Cm) ‘du. l'nok m‘n-‘t, . -§.‘-u.,..<i,., ‘ T REN CH ’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Late of Hamilton, practical Dress and Mantle Maker, begs to inform the ladies of Maple, Richmond Hill and Vicinity, that she has opened in the above business in the VILLAGE OF MAPLE, And Music of every description Will always on hand at rock bottom prices. menus tuned. The public are invited (a a cull and inspect our stock. Orders attended to Address with particulars to H THE LIBERAL " OFFICE, ' 3vtf. Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill, April 30th Farm 3? m ta 2:0 flexes, l{lCllMOND HILL. )0(â€"â€" In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patrmage during the past twenty-five yams, I beg to re- mind tliem and the gem-val public, that having crectef zztfiyely new and cam- modiuus premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Both light. and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own snpervisr I am also prepared to do allkinds Hf blackv smithmgfik repairing in the most Work- manlike manner, on the shortest native, and on the most reasonable terms. And moderate charges. to share of patronage. La Oct. 15th , 1885‘ MUSIC STORE QJMMM “flléfi in presents ngmx sent] us 5 cents 111 and by mail vou \n , free, a package M 0 large valueY than will start; \ on in will In, oncebriug you in momw f4: ‘1‘" thing else 111 Amerlen. All mymx Hm present-s in each box. Agun m umr- - of either sex, of all 115109, 1m :15: n time 011133110workfnrw Fortune for all wm~ Don’t delay. H. HAM Cutters, DRESS MAKING. PLATFORM SPRING W A G 0 N S .. I mm: WANTED TO RENT. PROF. W. M. CLARKE .HAS REMOVED HIS Horse - Shoeing Wanted to rent for a term of years. with option of purchasing at end of lease. a. And hopes by strict attention to the wants of her patrons, FASHIONABLY CUT where 0. full supply of MUSICAL lNS'l‘IlUMENTS To the premises nearly apposite the English Church, And Garments Stylisth Made FIRST-GLASS WORK, MISS KEATING, Paid special attention to tderate charges. to merit a liberal of patronage. Ladies’ Mantlos MAN‘I‘LE [Single copies, 3 cts W. M. CLARKE. (I an rock bottom prices. lustfuâ€" The public are it} ipod to give us A». M... , . v Sleighs and Loomy soil. hanks to my numerous liberal patrmage during r-five yams, I beg to re- he gem-ta] public, that 9'4“ .‘y new and cam- \VM 'I‘IEENCH AND descri} I» I‘Au,» ; will bg kept; Ol'déré V battlixhni; No. 25. 3m away. :stuuu, ill get goods that ‘ nnv “()0 in \.here pm‘e «mes. mx'ed Maine

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