10 (H Vi ï¬at). 11th. 'm, 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, â€" SOLE PROPRIETORS 8| AND 88 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Sold by Sanderson 81-05., Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL Conqu Ruinâ€"Meets for .mctice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at ,80 o'clock. 0. Savage, Leader VILLAGE (buxomâ€"Re ve. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- villurs.l\1essrs.Benj. liedditt,\V.D. Powell, 1’ i. Savage, and F.McCona.ghy. (Hark. M. '1 eefy. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the lemmittee Room of the Masonic Hell aacli alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.m. Bene- zcary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. Crosby, Muster Workman. B. (irennuu. Rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,euch alterâ€" .etive Tuesday evening atBo’clock p m. Bene- lciary certiï¬cates issued to nmle or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one .311 nayublc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- 011 Select Councillors; J.A.E.Sw‘tzerJtecording Iecretarv Gold Filling, and all other operations skilfully perfurmed, at lnudu'nte fees, Call and see me.’ No tmn‘hlv m an- awer ques'imxs. .. nu (.wn“1.. Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 86 B, Upâ€"Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hnrd’s New Method of extract-3 ing teeth without pain,- by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH I use no cheap material and warrant; every set VITALIZED AIR ! Mlss FUN“ METHODIST Cannonâ€"Services at 10:30 mm. Ind 6:30 p.m.,lmd Sunday school, at. 2.30 p. 111. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursduyevenmg m the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. W. F. Wilson, Assistant. WEST’S LIVER PILLS VIIII thoroughly euro you. They do not gripe or purgo, but act mlidly. and whonovar used are consldorod prlco- loss. Thoy have provon to be the GREATEST To all sufferers from Indlgesflon, Disordered stomach.2 ' ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cauncu.~â€"Service at 3 .m., except the third Sunday of every month, vhen'the service and sacrament are held at 11 km} Sunday Schoolntlz30p.m Rev.W. But/ea, . ea or PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH or CANADA.â€"â€"Services t 1] o’clock a..m.,u.nd 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting =n \Vednesday eveningaflzao. ROMAN CATHOLIC Cannonâ€"Services in order \s follows Thornhill at 9 «1.111., and Richmond [ill at 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- )ond Hill 8&9 a.m.. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m Beware of COunterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any' address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. Societies. ‘ ‘ RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23, G.R.(‘ ~Meehs in the Lodge RoomLMusonic Henpn the fonday on or before full moon, at 8 ‘o’clock p.m Leek, W. M. Aucmxr ORDER or FonEnTERsâ€"Court Rich- lond, N0. 7046 A. or F.. meets in the Temperance £1111 every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"llobt. each, C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1.70. G. T.â€" .eets in the Temperance Hell' every Wednesday toning. at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As iciation issue pledge cards every Sund uy when asired. Wm.Harrison supf - MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE.â€" Library or over 1000 Dlumes,open every Tuesday evening. in the Ma.- onic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. 1L E. Law, Libra,- ian. Lectures and discussions periodically. Sick Headache 0. P. LENNOX, M U610 L} j; S! Us. ham and be relieved from your mlsery. 30 Pills In; box, 25¢. per box. 5 boxes for 3! FOR SALE BX ALI. URI/661878 AND DEALERS IN MEDICIIJES Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE BEST SETS DYSPEPSIA 0R INDIGESTIDN, WHEN JNO. c. WEST & GO. WHY SUFFEB FROM DENTFISTs willamgymw. Churches. OF THE AGE BLESSING ul‘ OF â€" $8.00 $10.00 MED The undersigned,lot 35,3rd Con. Vaughan, nus fer sale a. quantity of good Hemlock. suitable for building purposes. A150 a. quantity of wood which wih be delivered 01‘ Hold on the mound. W. F. A. CLUBINE, . Evorsley P. O, Spaetaele & Eye Glasses, These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 veers. and given in every in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the world. They never tire, and lust. many years without change. Road the following testimonial :â€" XI have great pleasure in certifving that I have worn Spectacles manufactured by Frank Lazarâ€" us for ï¬fteen years. and they excel all others I have used for cleai‘ness of vision and ease while writing or reading. JAME S GODFREY. Late Incumbent of Trinity Church,Wolfe Island CM‘rvilIe,Dec.10t-h. ’85. 25â€"2w‘ Preserve Your Sign? Wood and Timber! FRANK LAZARUS Town Hall, Vellore, on Saturday, Dec. 26th, 1885, For Sale by T. F. JIIcflLJHON, PUBLISHER 01v †LIBERAL," RICHMOND HILL. FRANK LAZARUS, Manufacturer, 28 Mary land Rand, Hm ~ ' w Road, London, England, (lube Lazarus ‘8‘; Mm Hal'nf‘ord, Conn. ï¬omimou of (Aihudn, VAUGHAN REFORM ASSOCIATION FELL & WINTER 303$, TAILBRING ESTABLISHMENT ANNUAL MEETING. Which are now arriving. For lowness in price, style, qUality, workmanship, and latest patterns,Trevethan’s Yes, my friends, clothe your- selves comfortably for the coming winter, and to make-it sure call and inspect my 15 the place to come. Do not forget the shop, over Hall’s Feed Store. LeaVe yeur orders now. PREPARE forWINTER Chas. Trevethan. ed 13( or L. Sine MUSE? LESSONS. (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazarus & Moms) Inn m "Mung, Mu“ ' '0 connecting th any other ï¬rm in the v,“ ï¬lm aftflvettimmmtï¬. BY WEARING THE ONLY Parties having seed to offer would do Well to give us a call before selling. Red & Alsike Clover Seeds, Timothy Seed, &c., &c. WHOLE 86 GROUND OIL BAKE. HORSE & BATTLE FOOD, &O., &0., Constantly on hand. STEELE BROS. & CO., TORONTO. STEELE BROS. -& 00., The annual meeting 0: the SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Front & Jarvis 8138., T 0 R 0 N T 0 . ' BENO‘VNED W ill be held atthe at 2p. m. :1ow prepar- s‘ on Piano unce‘ oppo- eil’nurch. 'J. LAHM ER, Sec’y‘ Special attention given to Stocks of TORONTO ’I‘nursdav. Dams 1:985. Wheat, 10.11, per bushel ...$0 82 t Wheat, spring, do . Barley, do 60 outs, do 84 Peas. do 66 Rye. do Clover Seed, d0 Dressed hogs, per 1001bs. Beef, fore quarters ’peef. hind quarters. Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, do Geese, each .. Turkeys, each Butter, pnund‘ rolls . Butter, tub dairy . Eggs, fresh, per day... Potatoes, per bag .. Apples, per bbl onions, green,per bag . Enbbwze (to luuliflower do Celery, do. ..... M Turnips, per bag. Carrots. do. 338%8388E8:88882€8883 S moocooowwacooHOQOu‘uu- Hay, per ton . . stmw, per ton‘ O O RICHMOND HILL Thursdu, Dec.3,[885 nuts, per bushel Pens, do. “ Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs‘ Beef. fore quartet. Beef, hind quarter Chickens. per pair . 0 30 Ducks. r10. 0 55 Geese, each ........ 0 50 ’l‘urkevsI perlb .. 0 9 Butter, pound rolls... 0 16 Butter. large rolls ........ 0 16 Egvs, fresh, per dozen 0 18 Potatoes, per bag ..... 0 50 Apples, per Dbl ..... 1 ()0 onions, green, per bush. 70 Cabbage, per doz. 0 30 Celery, do. 'Iurnips,perbn.g . Carrots, do. N Beans, per peck ..... Flour, springyper bbl. Floux‘,fnll, per bbl .. Huy,per ton straw. per ton COO OUka COD! row- 88 UNBEHTAKING I THOS. WILSON RICHMOND HILL Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in at- cendance. And vicinity that he 13 prepared to take orders for the delivery of all kinds 0! coal It the lowest rates. Best‘Scmnton Coal delivered in Richmond Hill at $7.20 per ton. ' BABINET URBAN I COAL. COAL. )rders may also be left wun RICHMOND HILL Ibo undersigned begs leave to inform' the people of ‘ FOR SALE I And vicinity'that he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend to calls on the shortest notice. All kinds of FUNERAL FURNISHINGS 110m. THO S. WIL SON . Begs to inform the public of P. G. SAVAGE, Rxchmonfl Hill mu markets. A First-Class A. MULDOON. 0 5 W5%5 3.500 6680 1115 0000 mm in) 032 060 0550 .0468 8000 020 018 0.7002 752 5 0010 850 ‘22 '75 84 GHBISTMA'S BABES IN ENBLESS VARIETY Se STYLE. For the Christmas season. The Furniture Stock is Large, FANCY CHAIRS & FURNITURE EUR XMAS PRESENTS Usual Stock of Groceries HARDWARE. HARDWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE. PABLOB OVEN STOVES ! In GI{()C 1.41 I? IE S . (irlasswvare, 8:0 We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR é; FEED always on hand. all of which we will sell as cheap fur cash as any Man's cu Richmond Hil'», keeping ï¬rst- classgoods. STOVES. WOOD AND COAL COOK STOVES British Flag Stafl" ! IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, 'TWEEDS & WOULLEN GOODS.) ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. a LARGE. STOCK from 400159,. $1, ’ HATS AND GAPS; [SUITS MADE TO QEER. w ‘ Stove Pipes 10 Cents 3, Length". REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Eave Troughing a, Specialty. ‘ G. MASON. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Felt Work and Overshoes, Na-rth of Toronto. Call and see for yourselves. No trouble. to show goods. All ordered work promptly attended ‘ to, saved and pegged. Repairing done on shortest notlce. R. SI VERSâ€" Chromoes 86 Chrome Mottoes, Picture Frames all sizes. Has on hand for Christmas such goods as you can't see every day. Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash. Also a new and well-assorted stock of Hardware. THE NEW WILLIAMS! Just received the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of THE PEOPLE’S STORE! The undersigned has on hand a large stock of STOCK COMPLETE. 3“! wwfl gm * Fancy Crockery of all kinds, Hardwara Flour and Feed. mmw.amwm.wm n.7,. AND P. G. SAVAGE. It xs Light and Easy to run. Silent and ray‘d in mot‘on. Plain and S1mple to Learm It is strungvlmable and well builtpf the wry best material um money can buy, 0: skill produce. It was awarded ï¬ve modnls and thch ï¬rst prizeï¬ a: the Domtnion Exlxibilidh 199: October. It in rapidlv supersuding all the old (“binned mnkuv ewrywbere. Sre it... try itme it,nud make run: that you get it, Snld by High Arm Sewing Maching IS now tea.- ognized as the SEWING MASHINE OF THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Planes. Terms Easy. J". LUSIE,