Chuuliful for the favors C-‘f the past 20 years may still be cansulned in any branch of the pro. foasiou,ssf')11u‘.\' ~ lel‘oru, lst,8tt11, .vh, and ï¬nd of each manth Riohnmnd Hi1) .‘ . ._ .9th and 24th fln‘ {s t she L’leer House) _ Souflv‘illeu....u...... .....,,.18th Mark ham . . . . . ‘ Jictorim Sqmue. {Womb-.11 ‘ . . . . ‘ . Woodbridge Jï¬leiuhur ‘. . .. Zï¬â€˜obletouu 30th lo. 10'. de . do. (i a. dc: o Vitulized Air always on hand at aygabilltmeuts \V a like a charm Free from pain. 'mrICEâ€"(mpusibcf? imer Emma Richmond Hiil‘ fllALL. PEILLRR'I‘QN & COOK, BARRISTEES, SULICITORS, K's. coFFICES: 18 ï¬rm; STREET EAST, Tonoxt‘o. Richmond Hill 1). 0. Every Saturd my. $.11. HALL J.S.FULLARTON. W. COOK. .13?anqu ,FUHDE To LOAN. "3:. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancexs, &c.. 'Tbronto Ofï¬csz‘o. 14 Building& Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Sweet. Richmsud Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES \Vill Vivï¬'b1;ii€f0u()\'\'in;§ niaces professionally:â€" {Ynionviï¬e ‘ "t Monday of each month M’eston . th and 2156 “ ‘ Mame 15th " “ > ‘lchmond 19th ‘ “ Vooflbridgc “v ".(1 Mr. Fusbmxd will he found in his (ofï¬ce, NW- w'm ank, nvc _' Saturday exceyt when Subm- vmv fallfl 0;; :u {LDOVE dates. SHE LIBERAL PRHE'TQNG &WBL{$H&NG HOUSE LflGHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. «A. G‘ F. LAWRENCE. “I‘. G. MILLIGAN. J. MCANDREW. Ba‘. Janice Unngslaï¬ Member Cnlkge Physiuiunsflz Surgeons, 0m" RICHMOND 113111), ONT. Veterinary Surgeon Gradzmtn Ontario Veteri- snï¬ry (3011ch To onto. (“rum promptly attended to. Chm 1mm»? Iéiflaauv: of Nurses, Gm:- 116. 650.. « _ Hammad by the lam“ m’etn- ms. Herrera buuq‘r‘ Mud sold on (:fl‘mmissifln and -m&minor1m~‘ for ~ undue-248» DR. GEORGE LANGSTAFF, ’l‘IIï¬RNHILD, ONTv Graduate of Toronto [‘nivel'sian‘ C. P‘ 65 S ' 01115“ two 1:0 Pu. msidnnz. _ Assistant surgeon to Toron‘m Gen 1 “mm A { Oï¬lce mm re‘ lent-,2. ram 1001' South of SP. 0. Ofï¬ce Hon1 ~83 to 10 iL. 11%., 85 12 to 2 p.111. RESIDENCE: â€"â€"â€"BTH AVENUE. Woonnmnas. THUR SDAY -E VENING Gmdunba of Ontario Vet. Vafm’imn'v Burg; 1» College, Toronto. Dmewes of all the Domesticmtod Animals Created. Maflnlist 'J‘n'vn'ro 7 J 1Vméih‘. l'rh lI‘T (‘m Vhysicjnnsdl' Smu- Cnb‘flate a! Stoufl'ville Yonge Street;I Richmond Hill, Ofï¬ce Hours to K9 arm, 5th $11.13*“ Br. QM‘D‘,~1W€I|)I0. ‘omcehmzrs: ï¬t. 3.. m..a.nd 60.2.30 11. Address A 103131 'IIFON L.D.S.,Au1voea Ont. LAWRENCE. MILLIGA’N & MCAN‘DREW, VOL. VIII. G. 5!. Hus‘hand. L. l). S. BUSINESS CARDS. Viï¬aï¬ï¬‚lfléflg a?! ‘ 1319122 whoral †’1’“. MQMAHQN, .l. T. WATTRESS, EDITOR. and. PROPRIETOE. per annum, in advance.] Dr. W". .9. ‘Vllsom XS PUBLISHED EVERY Ricmmond Hill. z 5121) BY Dr. A. Etobinsen. F. IKE ‘1’ IT'I‘, 5iâ€c£:x:sizxaim. SI'HGEQN DENTIST Sfï¬ï¬rï¬isal . Tim was want. . NEWTON BROOK. 53;: mm :1 . DEN'msr, 10'. (11.9 . do: dc: send six cents in post- age, and receive free, a costlv box of goods which . I 'will help all, hf eillm sex to money right away than anything else in this worlul Fortunes llwalit the workers absolutelv sure. At once address I‘RL‘E & Co: Augusta, Maine. Licensed Auctioneer Im- the Countv of York. re- spectfully solinits your patronage and friendly ï¬nï¬ueum. Sales attended on the shortest notiue and at reasonablemtes. P. 0. Address, The farm \chh is cnmvosed of Lots ‘28 and ‘29, in them-(1 Cnn.atV&uglm11, and containing 165. acres, is fm‘ sale or to rent. The plure is well watered, has a good orchard, has 40 acres seeded, and there‘are 13 as of fallow. IO-QW. Richmond Hi! April 36th. Deposits. 1 ‘Lzeived and InteJ-escalloured thereon at Current Rates No notice of withdran required. Ila‘afhï¬ on 0.1] parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold V ,_ , , _-_ fl- .- -wuw mm Aux‘unu- ed it in ï¬rm-class style, I am prepared to give the public the bust of accommdatlon. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commewml travellers. A goodlivery in con- nectiuxL T617538 $1 ner dav. Daily Express to Toronto. Special n‘tention given to moving household furniture, pianos, 650., 67c. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, MP. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac- dozmld, C. B. Robimén, A. McLean Howard, and J. Gin’oy. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. ‘ Richmond Hill Branch. Licensed Auctioneer {hi-the County of York, reâ€" flpectiully‘ solicits 'your patronage and friendly influence. $3,198 attended on the shortest notiee and at reasonaho rates. P. 0. address, King. ' PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Gentgal Bank cf Gamma. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortcut noticemxd at rea- abe rates. Address Stouï¬vflle P. O Richmond Hill, ï¬enj. Bullingcr. Proprietar. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE (2 LIVERY STABLES m- Sal‘e or to Mt. Underlakors a: Embalmers. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand THE DOMINION HOUSE, Special Rates to Commercini Travellers BDOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL Licensed Auctioneer fm- the/Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignmon _ General sales of stock, 0170., promptly abtmd ‘ tu‘ut reasonable rams. P. 0. address, UNIONVILT/E. C OPY 017' CERTIFICATE. *We, me mldemiynnd, do hereby certxfy that Wm. Mumfurd Clarke has this day successfully passed his ï¬rst degree in Music. and therefore he, shall be classed as a Professor. ainn. MCLAREN, MACDONALD, MERRITT dz SHE PLEY, Vocal and luï¬lrumenlnl Music. Apply at the Music Store, Richmond Hill. . Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. To how an Farm Property at lowest rates of in- temwt to pay ufl’ Mortgages at highermtes or for Building, draining, m- obher purposes. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchasnu. Money :mvnnced on second mortgages and to purchase farms A lame amount of Money to Lend on farm or Qitv nropnrty interest 7 percent: no commis- Farmers will save money by writing or apply- ing direct to E. R. REYNOLDS, For further particulaï¬; up}; 1:0 Having 1‘9ï¬tï¬ed the_ allow House and furnish- ;r. - Organist Trmity Church,Thmnhill, and St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, is open to receive pupils in SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, WRIGHT BROS, JAM ES M. LAWRENCE, $100,000 N. J. Armstroné. James C. Stokes. Salem Eckardt. Money to Loan. it}: iï¬ttmmemm. 20 Ademide St. East, Toronto. S. m. Brown. Unior Lam: builuin E Toronto Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. W. RC. BATCHELOE, M. D‘ H. W. BAxTEn, 114. M: Wang. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DEC “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity WM. SLINEY, Richmond Hill 1’. U. London. Eng. 3111. Ma nager. The Xmas Examination of S. S. No. 4. Markham, took place (in the afternoon of Friday. Dec. 18th, and was largely ai- tended by residents of the †Bee Hive †section. The examination was a success. and great praise is due to {hair zealous, energetic, painstaking teacher, Mr. Ramsey, for the progress the pupils have made during the three years thev have been under his charge, His duties have been performed with very satisfactory re- sults. At the exmninat‘ion, Mr. Ramsey was assisted by Messrs. McConaghy and Thomsrn. A very attraggve feature of the examination was the presentation (if prizes to the gapils, which was followed Signed 6n behalf ef the school, MINNIE MonTSQN, J. SKEELn. IDA WELLS. R. WINTER. Dec. 18th. 188?. Mr. McBridA’s feelings, on taking from Mr. Marsh’s hands the present, a. very handwme case of surgihal instruments, completely oval-omits him. Yet we ven- ture to say that, great: a favorite as he al- ways has been, never was he held in higher estimation bv the ,schulars than when, struggling, wiï¬h aha; (Ir-spear. emn- mm, he thanked'ihéin fur the tangible expression of lnair good-will. Mr. Marsh clnsed the proceedings with a few sterling remarks. After kind and flatter big mention nf both Mr McBride and his succeslm‘. he reminded the scholars of their great advantages. ‘ Remember.’ said he, that a good character and a good education together make the best founda- tion for a. successful and honorable dis- cha’rge of the duties of life.’ Then en- fnrciug wh'el'. he said with examples of old pupils of R. H, H. 3., he declared the school closed for the holidays. On behalf of the teachers and nupils of our schaol,I wish t6 express to you our heartfelt re- gret: at your approaching departure Irom a- mongst us, and to assure you that the pleasant associations of the past two years will not soon be forgotten by us. We feel convinced that in whateaar work you may hereafter engage, the same results will follow, and that wherever vou may be placed you will make many friends, but never more true th an those you leave in our village. May the choicest blessings of Heaven be yours in this life, and in that which is to come, is the wish oftoachers and pupils of Richmond Hill Public School. In conclusion. allow me to offer for your ac- ceptance this slight token of our love and esteem, with the wish that you may spend many pleasant hours in the perusal of these volumes. Signed on behalf of the scholars and teachers, E. A‘ SPRAGGE. T. LL RUTHERFORD, Dec. 18th, 1885. M. \VILL’Y. DEAR‘ Mm; paygcxgnA V r â€" ---~ 4w- May the lumpy season on which we are now en- tering, be to you the auodomen of a. life hflbpy to its close. May the peace which it proclaims to all the world encourage and gladden you whereveryqu .111qu 13a: . Last Friday afternoon a. verv pleasing entertainment was held in the Temper- ance Hall by the teachers and pupils of the Public School, and attracted quite a. number of visitors. The programme con- sisted of singing by the whoa]. dialogues and recitatinns. A juvenile class. con- ducted by Miss Cruickshank. gave several kindergarten songs, in a manner which showed that they had been carefully trained. The entertainment was very in- teresting, and reflected much credit on both teachers and pupils. At the close the teachers and pupils of the different departments presented Miss Cruickshank. who is retiring, with six handsomely bound volumes, accompanied by a flatter- ing address which we append. The chair- man of the school Board. Mr. R. Marsh. replied in behalf of Miss Cruickshank, assuring the givers that their token ot appreciation would not soon be forgotten. The following is the address:â€" And now beford you lea s, we gladly 86120 the opportunity to tell you how deeplv grateful we ate for all that you have done for us and have bean to us. We beg to, assure you that you carry away our very best wishes. We trust that in the new profession which You have selected you may have that mead of success which is due to high ability and to u. Kind and generous heart. And we ask you be Meant of this small present; as a. slight ear of the good-Willye hem you. .1... u“ x In the two years during which you have baeu principal of our High School, our intercourse lma keen marred by scarcely the shadow of Might that; is disagreeable. In you we have always fuumi one ever anxious to promote, so far as lav in yuur power, our very best interests. Time. humble, labor, all have seemed as nothing to you in your desire to advance us bnth intellectually and socmlly. We are quite old enough to be aware how great are the Lrinls to which. under the must favorable circumstances, a. teacher’s patience and powers of endurance are of neces- sitv subjected. But in all your words, and in all your actions to us, we have experienced neither harshness iior peevishiiess. 011 the contrary, as much as pos ible,you have always made the schnoLmom tlflw abode of pleasure and Comforb. 0n the afternoon of Friday last, our High School was closed for the Christmas vucatiu‘u in a manner at once pleasing and pathetic. About two o’clock, Mr. Robert Marsh entered the main: class» room, and requested Mr. McBride’s pre. sence on the platform, causing the princi- pal no little astonishment. by further call- ing up Miss Mary Trench. 1n the young lady‘s hand fluttered several sheets of pa per fastened together by a coquettish piece of ribbon. [u a slightly nervous, but clear and distinct voice, she proceed ed to read the following address. Mn. Joux MCBRIDE.B. A , Head Master Richmond Hill High School, DEAR Sm,â€"-0u the eve of your departure from us to enter on the study of medicine, we wish t . express to you the feelings to which such an oc- cur rice naturally gives rise.» _ Exams. 8c Presentations. VICTORIA SQUARE. RICHMOND HILL. The examination of'the pupils of S. Nu. 1?. Markham, was held on Friday, Dec. 18th. A large number of visitors {mm the section and fruiu a distanceï¬ook advmitave of the line afternoon to tutu out to show their appreciation of the services of Mr. \V J Thumsuu, who has been teacher in the above-named wheel for the last three years, and who has re- signed his position to attend Normal School at Ottawa. The various classes examined showed thorough drill in their work, and the extstent feeling between teacher and scholar shows that. the schol- ars are ruled by the law of kindness. At; the close of the examination, prizes were distributed to the scholars by Rev. Mr. McIliUIsli, 'after which Master Ed. Hitch- cwk read the following address: The annual examination in connection with the Spriughill Public Sohnol, was held. on Friday afttmoon, tlle~lSLh inst., in the sehool lmuse, and passed off very satisfacMrily to all. The lurch number of parents and friends who had the pleas- ure of listening to the children examined in the various branches by their teacher, Mr. J.T. Snigenn, and Mr. J.E. Clubine, of Maple, must have felL gratiï¬ed at the nrompt way in which the answnrs were given. and also at. the general appearance of the pupils and school room, the walls of wlï¬ch were tastily decorated with ev- ergreens, é‘zc. AddreRSes were also delivered. by Mr. McCague and others, congratulating Mr. Ramsey on UIH high standing that the school 11st abtmued while under his tuitinu. Mr. Ramsey goes to Ottawa. to resume his studies. 11w. JLTIHOMSUN, 11159., DEAR 'l‘nAunEn,~We,the pupils of your school, having learned with extreme regret that you are about to retire from the position you have ï¬lled for the past three years as teacher of this school. take advantage of the present occasion to ex- press our gratitude for the interest you have taken and the zeal you have manifested in our welfare during the time we have been under your tuition. Governing your school by the law of kindness. we nuvo ever felt it a. pleasure to obey and follow your instructions. Stimulating a. hem-ty rivalry amoung your pupils, you hm a made 51. pleasure-of what otherwise might have been a. task. You have spared nelther pains not expense to promote our interest. In short, by your many acts of kindness you have endeared vourseif to our hearts, and we find we must ever look back on the three years you have been &- mongst us as the brightest days of our lives. We beg of you, therefore, to accept of this writing desk, as a. small token of ourlove and utfection, though trifling as to cost, it may serve us a 1110- meubo of bygone days and as such we hope you will prize it. 1% the cluae of the eaniaes, the.child~ ren rendered several dmlogues and reel- tatinus in capital s’ayle,a.fter which speech- making became the order of the day. Many present spoke of the high efï¬ciency of the school, and general sutlsfaction was expressed by all present. Mr. Thomson made a short but appro- priate reply expressive of his thanks for so kind an address, and so beautifal a gift. The gift was a handsome writing- desk, the cover of which was inlaid with pearls "and silver Seventh of the gentle- men spoke of the regret in parting u ith their teacher, and of the rapid progress made by the pupils during the last ihreo years. The schnol was then dismissed with a. merry Xmas and a, happy New Year to all. Slgued on behalf érfiiï¬Ã© lie on], MAGGIE MCCAGUE, Dec, 18th, 1685. ANNIE WELLMAN. Mr Ramsey replied in very feeling tenus,tlmnklug the pupils and their parents for the many kindnesses received from them wlule in their midst. One of the most pleasing features was the presentation of an address followed by a handsome present to the teacher, as a small token of the esteem in which he.» it: held by the- scholars; ' In concmswn, we hope that whatever station it may be vuur lot to ï¬ll among your Iellowmen, you may be as you deserve to beâ€"successful. And now, as u parting token of our kind re- mambrmme of you. accept thls cane, and n1- t-hough its intnnsic value may be but small,, do not believe phat. w_e 119191 you so in our esmmmion. BV this s opamtion we are reminded that on earth the best of friends must, para Let us therefore hope and pmy tlmt teacher and pupils may at last meet around than throne where part- ing shall be up mrore. Dec‘ 17th, 1885 And now, on the eve of What we hope will be only a temporary sepuraciuu. we feel assured yuu will forgive us for our oer-asional thoughtless insubordi: anion, which we are well aware, dear teacher, you will attribute to our youth mid not to any disrespect to_ you. _ uuoiâ€"uu “mumâ€, new, Dm TEACHER,â€"-W6.th6 pupils of S. S. No. 4. Markham, lmviug heard with sincere regret that you have risigned vom‘ position as our teacher, tokethis opportunity to express our sorrow for the departure of a kind and diligent; instructor. Coming amongst us a. stranger, and therefore not possessuig that influence which is scmetimes al- most paramount in placing its possessormhether deserved or not, in a. good position, you have ab mined that proud elevation without any seem- ing etfort on yourpurt. It has been attained by when we believe to be natuml to youâ€"goodness at heart. Duii: g the three years you have spent with us as our teacher our relations have been of the most harmomous kind, Mid if our progress has not been quite equal to your expectations, we are conscientious enough to admit that the fault was not yours. by the presentation of an address and a valuable goldâ€"headed cane as a parting token of respect to Mr. Ramsey by his pupils. The following address was read: waï¬mm. Easy _ gigned on béha}f of the puma, . .24, 1885. SPRINGHILL ALMIRA. In. J. HITCHCOCK‘ ANGUS MCKAX. Mother Gravea’ Worm Exterminator hasno equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when purchasing. BICIIMOND HILL. â€")0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patrmage during the past twenty-ï¬ve ye,.rs, I beg: to re- mind them and the gend'al public, that having erect-ex" entirely new and com- modious premises. [ am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, TREN CH’S --C ARRIAGE WORKS.- Both light, and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisv '1. I am also prepared tn do all kinds rf black- smithlng db repairing in the most work- maulike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Thus. Sabin, of Elliuton, says»: " ]' h'we mumved tel-1 Corns {mm my fett with Holloway’s Com Cure.†Render. go thou and do likewise. I II ' v r in offering what he may Consider a. need- less defence. Slander, afLer all, is per- haps best met by silent contempt. Any further reference to the matter would be but to lower myself, and I slmll not there- fore condescend to make further refer- ence to an article reeking with opprobri- um and thoroughly imbued with the ran- corous venom (If theâ€"shall I say, gentle- man. who ashamed of the natural out- flow 05 his magnanimous and preeminent- ly cultured intellect has endeavored to escape public recognition over the honor- able title of Reeve. Dec. 221111, ’85. And Music of every description MIL be kep’; nlwu‘» :3 ml hand at rock bottom priws Imam-n. men: a ' med. The public are invitu _ give, 11+ {1. cuh 1nd inspect our stock. 01m nrompfly attended to W. M. CLI: In your iuno of Dec.,17th inst.,appeir- ed a letter from an individual over tha signature of “Reeve†purporting to be 9 reply to an article of “Observer†in a previous number of your paper. A weak case requires strong words and taking into consideration the latter one \vuuld be led aprio'ri to infer that the former was weakness in itself. A most malicwus and detestable attempt has been made to injure the character of a gentle- man so well known tn the public that I deem it unnecessary to enter any defence in his behalf. I consider, and T believe the public generally will consider that the epithets contained in that article do not exist in the vocabulary of a. gentleman, much lens in that of one who may in any sense be considered a cultured man. MU SIG STORE No attempt. is made 6y self-styled “Reeve†to answer the arguments of “Observer,†unless perchanL-e a mass of vile calumniatiuns and slanderous false- hoods be considered by him the prone: method of defence in such cases. Calumâ€" ny and slander constitute but a. miï¬erable subterfuge and none but the basest will resort to such weaponsa A man’s speech is a fair indication of the character of his mind. I should, perhaps. apologize to the gen- tleman on whom this ($10an is heapefl Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS . Richmond Hill. April 30th To the editor of THE LIBERAL: QEJGEMQNi? f “j $1.98 Efl QW " PROF. W. LI. 0 Horse - Shoeing j BIUSICAL INS'I‘RUM ENTS To the premises nearly opposite the English Church, Paid special attention to. \‘VM TRENCH. [Single cepies, 3 cts HAS where a full supply of Sleighs and W. NE. CLARKE S REMOVED HIS CONSTANT ann. No. 26'. :%Ixx