Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1885, p. 4

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The banquet given at Weston in honor of Mr. N. C. V‘Valla-ce, M. P., was exactly what such affairs are wont to be. There was an excell- ent menu, wonderful unanimity on the transcendent merits of all Con- servatives, and of Mr. Wallace in particular, and the usual amount of postprandial eloquence. From that of the chairman to that of the Min- ister of the Interior, the speeches Were, in the main, the old, sickening rant and rubbish of party, we say ‘. in the main ’, for, on one point, we admit the sentiments expressed to be smcere and true. That point was the general popularity oi Mr. V’Vallace. To extol the memder for \Vest York for splendid ability, to praise him for great achievements in the House of Commons, to grow enthusiastic over his pure and exalt- ed patriotismmerein there is matter tor 'lau liter. and, were it worth the while, $01" scornful denial. A man of rather more than less average abillty, of suave and insmuating adâ€" dress, such Mr. \Vallace assuredly is. But here eulogy must stop, and give place to censure. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Dec. 24, ’85 Viewed in his public capactty, Mr. \Vallace is a type of that far too large class of politicians who are the bane of a country,it matters not to which side they may belong. Moved to take part in the govern- ment of the nation solely by the am- bition of holding a seat in parlia- ment, and relying altogether on de- votion to their party to gain the coveted prize, from the very beginn- ing of their career, they are practi- cally precluded from giving utter- ance to one single Opinion which has not first been voiced by their leaders. In a short time, they be- come helpless puppets, and their work in the House is strictly limited to voting apprm'al of all that their leaders do,and disapproval of all that emanates from their political oppoh- enrs. In'secret, they may, and un~ doubtedly do, wince and chafe at the services required ot them. jl‘o clamorously preclaim what is silly to be wise, to seriously maintain gross wrong to be radiant Justice, to systematically put the taults of opponents in the wallet which hangs belore, and the faults of friends in ‘the wallet which hangs behind-â€" such [5 their service, such is the price they must pay for consenting to win a seat in Parliament through the instrumentality of the party maâ€" chine. Little wonder that at times is heard the cry. ‘ Thrice unhappy the day when ireedom of opinion and truth and honor were sacrificed just in order to be dubbed M. P.’ We Egiiwml. To hold up Mr. \gVallace as a l monster ofiniquity, to speak of him ‘ as being deficrent in judgment oft what constitutes fact,orofwhat con- stitutes right, would be absurd. : But it is the misfortune of Mr. ‘ V‘Vallace, brought on, it is true. by himsele to be frequently forced to ignore facts. and to abandon the right. He mav deplore the terrible mismanagement which led to the North-VVest Rebellion, he may curse the recklessness and :eartlessness of a vampire like Dewdney, he may blush with shame to see Sir John Macdonald cooly and cynically com- paring the eflects of the rage of Proâ€" testant Ontario with the effects of the rage of Catholic Quebec before comiugto a decision on the fate of Riel. But Mr. Wallace has irre- vocably made his choice. In his speeches. and by 1118 votes, he has over and over declared that the Con- servative party neither can,nor does, do any wrong; Does Sir John will Canada to bc plundered by the C. 1). R., Mr. Wallace must applaud| and has applauded. Does Sir John seek to trample under foot Provin- cial Rights, Mr. \Vallace must ac- quiesce, and has acquiesced. Does Sir John drive the wretched Metis, into rebellion by his. hideous op- pression, does he afterwards hang them for rebellion, Mr. Wallace must approve, and has approved. Such are the results of the blind in- sensate partizanship of which Mr. Wallace is the slave. ' 1t will b(- “011 inr electors to poner deepiy on this degrading tlnzidom. Ibo) \\'111 then utterly I‘Ciusz: u. condone pubil’; misdeeds ami anic whqmnncics on the gum d u; much I: . worth and pi -- igll'llrki‘lV‘LS. ."my will feel, an i; (in: im: 2‘ ~ 5, 7, Jim a Change~PetLey & Petley NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE WESTON BANQUET. But we cannot conclude without referring to the chairman. We have a kindness for Dr. Orr. In- deed, it would be difficult entertain aught cf harshness towards one who entertains harshness towards no man. But we warn Dr. Orr that he is gradually but surely slipping into the clutches of a system which Wlll in the end crush and mangle him. All unconscious as he may be, even now he begins to appear to the public as a blind partizan 01 a Mac- donald and a Tupper, rather than as an ardent champion of genuine Conservative principles. Grit thraldom may be bad, but so is the thraldom of any party. We hint; to Dr. Orr that he would do well to reflect over the fate of Meredith, for the retribution which overtakes the leader never fails to involve the follower. Port Colbui'iie. Out writes: “ Northrup 1L- Lymzin‘s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure sells well and gives tho best of satisfaction for all diseases of the blood.” it- never fails to rant out all dineases from the system,cures dyspepsia, liver complaint, &c., purifies the blood, and will make ynu look the picture of health and happiness. The speeches of Messrs. Carling and White at the banquet require no particular notice. They spoke as only criminals speak who, when arraigned ior high crimes and misv demeanors, plead their own cause. The characters of the men prepared us for the tatuity of the one, and the brazen-faced Tupperism of the other. man may be a good and estimable citizen, yet at the same time be in every way unfittedfioya publiE trgst. A number of changes will take place among teachers next year in the vicinity of Aurora. Byron Oliver. nf S. S. No. 10, King, intends entering the ministry. and his place will be supplied by Mr. Moore, of Huuiber. Gregor) , u! Yonge St, is retiring, and will be sucveedcd by a lady. J. A. McPherson, of Yunge S1. north, is also retiring from the prulesslow; H.L0ve takes his place. '1‘. McCurmack, of Vonosgrqnd’s school.» intends smdying i1ex$year,and a female SUCCN (is him. In a. few years females will run all our schools. I would like to pen a few thoughtson this subject, but it, might provoke a poleuiical war. M. Thomson, of Aurora, and Miss “Talklllglully nf Hartman’s Corners, are ruengnged fur another year. From our own Correspondent. Times are qutie brisk in our town. Bond 6'; Son, of Wellington St, have opened a new store on Yonge Sn, of which P. Lepper is managar. Municipal matters are quiet. ' The old cmmcil intend offering themselves for re- election,bnt there is so taik nf opposition The Army-{s still marching on, but the hays continue to bother the noisy grew.- 7 ‘Ve have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. I). Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever in- truanced fur dysentery, di;1i'r|ioen,cliolera and all summer coriinlainls, sea. sickness. &c. It promptly gives relief and nevei fliils tn eflecn a positive cure. Mothers 5110\11d never be without a bottle when Lliuir children are teething. Egom our own Correspondent. I suppose if I did not send you a. little news once and a while, the public would forget that there is such a place as Headfurd. Un Sunday, Rev.\V. F. ‘Wilson preach- ed two very instructi'1e, eloquent and interesting sermons. In the luorning,un the “ Binh of Christ,” in the afternoon, on the “ Rich young man.” The Ladies’ Aid ihtend holding theiJ anniversary about, the 24th and 25th of Jan. Look out. for posters. On Friday inst a large number came out, to Mr. J.A. Dickensou’sexamination. Mr. D. has been teachmg only since summer vacation. He gives the best of satisfaction to both scholars and ratepay~ ers. He sent; five candidates up for ’ eu- trauce to the High School this week. Mr. F. McConaghy has been engaged fur the next year. The S. are goian to have a. public revww. The time has not been yet stated. As there is no skating on the pond the young folks resort, to other pleasures,31wh as sleigh-riding parties. On Thursday last a load left here for Mr. Megill’a, above Aurora, where they say they had a grand old time. 1 think they must have lmd, as they seemed in no hurry home Your correspondent like: sleigh-riding, don't forget. Last week the contespondent to the Herald made some very plajn insinuations regarding the fair sex of our locality, which are not worthy of being noticed. He said that. Mr. Geo, Teasdale had a limited supply of woud for sale; so he has. Why did he not tell that Geo. in- tends investing the proceeds in peas, a little later on. . M. Sheehxn, of Uscuda, Mich., writes' “ have used Dr. Thonms’ Eclectric 0:1 on horses for diii'ereut dxseasesmnd found it to be just as you recommended. It has dnne justice to me every time, and it is the beat Oil for horses I ever used.” Observe that. the Hume of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil is on front of the wrappex} as there are imitatiqus of it. ' ‘ Mr. T. C. Wells, chemist :mdflruggist, HEADFORD. AURORA. gbm .PZU wwwwbbbm uzz>zum mflhéfim. “ memflwfim. PZU Hawk»? chwmwm .mm Hafimeme m mmm S .Zflbfim Wm m0, 643?: CW 0%. mus “mm” 3. E. _n<mw. w” gm“ .oowm $6 2 gm _ Egg.“ mm. .fiwam PE 5% 255% .f WNVHde HFHUPM _ "m. 2 ., E: .25“ mm»; w We V €>wwfi chem. H; wmeed WWMH. H. me > A LARGE STOCK OF I‘BLANKEm AN WQULLEEQ WES lust received from the Iour quarters of the globe, fall lines of Choice family GROCERBES Eschol; Currants, from the Isles of Greece; Cannéd Lemon and Orange Peels, from the sunny hills nf Spain; Sugar,purc from the balmy South, all to make glml<_)urCa1'ladian Christ- mas homes. for the holiday trade. Raisins, sweeter than the grapes of From the appearance of this Advestisement till the 25th of Dec., 1885, all cash purchasers of $2.00 worth of goods; will receive a present worth 25 cents. All cash purchasers of $5.00 worth of goods,will receive 'a present worth 60 cents. All cash purchasers of $10.00 worth of goods will receive a \Ve are crammed to the doors with goods everybody wants, Tweeds, W'orsteds, Suitings, Pantinqs, Funnels, Blankets, Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Cottons, Shirtings, Yarns, VVools, Hosiery, Gloves, 1'1:1:S,Caps,Cloth- ing, ready made and to order, Mantles, ready made and to order, Millineryin all the latest styles. ,- A. It is worth a call to see the immense stock of Glassware, Chinawarefirockcry and noveltieq sultable for Xmas presents pair of bést Kid Gloveé or its cquivalcfit. A11 cash purchay ers of $15.00 worth of goods will receive a pair of Agme Skates or its equivalgqt. _ Read and Hgéjoéice 3 THE CUNCEETE. Wm fihi’égimas & a FEW?! for fill Skelton Sleighs 66 our Popular Sleighs SNOW 00 ENG ! MONTREAL SLEIGHS, THE ' FIRE PROOF BONNET‘S A SPEGEALTY !’ Gmoaeries, Crockery, Hardware, 8120» IV (VT: EL} ,fy’k Gm“ . W“. . “rrf v5. '2' .;. Y E’, €313‘5QAG’ Q ‘6 ‘i‘xM/V 3» v N DRESg GOODS ome along thian and be happy; F a1r dealing at the Concrete IS THE PLACE FOR NEW AND STYLISH. Prepare for it by selecting from the following :â€" 3.â€"-Satisfaction given in Horse Shoeng and Repairing. BQSTGN PORTLANDS. vu All goods at lowest figures in the trade. In Endless Variety, Cheap-and Good. These are the best sleighs made PRICES LOW ! WREGHT BROS NO OLD STOCK... At Lowest Prices. (In great variety.) (Very Light.)

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