"tué’GLVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. “ob. 11m. ’83., 8! AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. ‘ Sold by Sanderson Bram, Richmond Hill. {ecremrv Arcade Buildings. Rooms A & B, UpStairs. UN RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, â€" RICHMOND HILL CORNET Examâ€"Meets for ractice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at .80 o’clock. C. Savage,Leuder , VILLAGE Connemâ€"Rev vo, Wm. Pugsley, Coun- sillm‘s. Messrs. Benj. Redditt, W. D. Powell, P i. Savage, auQ F.McCunaghy. (Hulk, M. 'J‘eefy. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the )omniittee Room of the Masonic h. 1] .uch alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.111. Bane Leary certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. Crosby, Master Workman. B. Grennan. Rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, '40. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,each alter- ativu Tuesday evening utSo'clnck p m. Bene- lcinry certi cutes issued to male or female nembers for $1.000 or in case of death $2,000, one alt payable in case of disability. J. H. Sander- on Select Councillors; J.A.E.Swï¬tzer,Recording Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’a New Method of extractâ€"- ing teeth without pain, by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH I use no cheap material and warrant every not ./ V Gm d Filling, and all other operations skilfully performed, at moderate fees, will“: flimtnm. Chirches. ST. MARY s mmsoomn Cannonâ€"Service at 3 .m.,except the third Sunday of every month. 'hen the service and morament are held at 11 km.t Sunday SchoolatlitSOpm Rev.W. Bates, . so 01‘ WES‘W LIVER PILLS Wlll ihoraughly cure you. They do moi 51in or purge, bu‘l' act mlldiy, and whenever used are considered price- less. They have prqven to be fhe METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a..m. md 6:30 p. m.,u.nd Sunday school, at 2.30 p.111. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Senora] Prayer Meeting every Thursday evenmg .n the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. W. F. Witson, Assistant. To an sufferers from Indigestion, Disordered stomach. o. P. LENNOX, VITALIZED AIR Gail and see me. No trouble to an- swer quasï¬olxs. ‘rAn «mm 1001 1.. Sirflg Headache PnEsBYTERIAN CHURCH or CANADA.â€"â€"Services t 11 o'clock n.m.,n.nd 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting =11 Wednesday evening M7230. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE.~ Library of over 1000 alumas,open every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- onic HmlL from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law,Libm- nan. Lectures and discussions periodically. @REATEST; BLESSING MISS WORK COULTER IS PREPARED Use them and be relieved from yam misery. 30 Pllls in a box, 269. per box, 5 boxes for $I FOR SALE 37 ALL DRUGS/8T8 AND DEALERS I/V MEDICINES Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imimtions. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. ROMAN CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order 3 follow 5 Thornhill at 9 a.m., and Richmond [ill at 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- 10nd Hill at 9 n.m.. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m MUSIC LESSONS I RInHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ News in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hallpn the 20114le on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.111 Leek, W. M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FonEsTERsâ€"Court Rich- lond, N0. 7046 A_ O. F.. meets in the Temperance all every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€"R0bb. each, 0. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G.'1‘.â€"â€"â€" .eets in the Temperance Hall- uvery Wednesday laminar†7.30 o'clock. Wm.Harrison '1‘.D. The Methodist sabbath school'l‘emperence As )ciatiou issue pledge cards every Sunday when asired. VVnLHarrison supf Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE BEST SETS DYSPEPSIA 0R INDIGESTION, WHEN v WHY SUFFER FROM $940. 6. WEST 8: 00. I)ENTIST, OF THE AGE SOLE PROPRIETORS Societies. OF BInv 15th. 1881.~1V ~ $8.00 $10.00 The undersigned, lot 35, 3rd 0011. Vaughan, has for sale a. quantity of good Hemlock. suitable for building purposes. A150 3 quantity of wood which wil. be delivered or sold on the ground. W. F. A. CLUBINE. Eversley P. O, Presewe'YuurSigm These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 Veil-1's, and given in everv in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the world; They never tire, and lust many 'eau‘s without change. Rea the following testimonial 2â€"â€" , I have great pleasure in certifving that I have worn Spectacles manufactured by Frank Lazar- us for ï¬fteen years. and tin xcel all others I _‘ .«u,} an on urhiln Cn,rrville,Dec.1(\th. ’85. 25â€"2w FRANK LAZARUS Speaï¬Ã©elas & Eye Glasses; Town Hall, Vellore, on Saturday, Dec. 26th. 1885, WM and Timber! 118 [or lubueu yuru n. uuu Inn-‘4; :1‘ ._._ , W ‘ have used for clearness of Vlsloll and ease wlyle writing or reaming. 1 JAMES GODFREY. Late Incumbent of Trinity Church,Wolfo Island For Sale by T. F. JIICJMflHOAC PUBLISHER (1F “ LIBERAL," RICHMOND Hum. FRANK LAZABUS, Manufacturer, 28 Mary- land Road, Hurmw Road, London, England. (late Lazarus & Mann's, Hartford 0 mn.) ,AL A. Hanunwm «in Han VAUGHAN REFORM ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. Dumlmon of Canada, TAILUMW ESTABLISHMENT MEL 8% WINTER GQDDS, Yes, my friends, clothe your- selves comfortably for the coming winter, and to make it sure call and , inspect my \Vhich are now arrivinm For lowness in price, style, quality, workmanship, and latestpatterns,Trevethan’s PREPAREforWINTER Is the place to come. Do not forget the shop, over Hall’s Feed Store. Leave your orders now. Chas. Trevethan. Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. oppoâ€" site Presbyterian Church. MUSIC LESSONS. [muer a mu. 1. ; a, “a. u v. m, V ISNO connection} wlth any othéir ï¬rm in the (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazarus 6: Morris) Elm Wmtimmmm. STEELE BROS. & 00., BY WEARING THE ONLY Parties having seed to ofler would do well to give us a call before selling. WHOLE & GROUND 0IL CAKE, HUHSE & BATTLE F000, 860.. &G., Constantly on hand. STEELE BROS. 85 CO., TORONTO. Red & Alsike Glover Seeds, Timothy Seed, &c., &'c. SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Front 86 Jarvis Sts., T 0 R o N T o . The annual meeting 01 the RENfl‘VNE I) Will be held ï¬t the at 21).!11. 'J. LAHM ER, Sec’y‘ Special attention given to Stocks of TonoN'rn Thursday. Dec.3 Ib85. Wheat,fa.11,per bushel. $0 82 t Wheat, spring, do 75 Barley, do 60 oats, do 34 Pens. do 60 Rye. do 62 Clover Seed. do Dressed hogs, per 1001135. 5 00 Beef, fore quarters 3 50 Beef, hind quarters. g Chickens, per pair Ducks, do Geese, each . . Turkeys, ench Butter, pound rolls . Butter, tub dairy Eggs, fresh, per don, Potatoes, par bag U Apples, per bhl onionshgreenmer bug . Cabbage do . Cauliflower do . Celery, do. '1‘111'nips,per bug. Cm‘ruts, do. Hay, per ton .. straw, per ton H mooccoowuocooaoc 65*nwom c. H o°oomoogoggbggga RICHMOND HILL Thm-sclav, Dec.8,1885 oats, per,bushel Pens, do. N Dressed hngu,per] Beef, fore quartet. Beef, hind quartur (‘11inkens.per pair . Ducks, do. Geese, each ........ TurLeVs, porlb .. Butter, pound rolls†Butter, large rolls ..... *resh,pe1~ dozen . I’otat es,per 1mg . Appll .,per bblu .. onions, green, pe bush. Cabbage, per doz. . ‘ - do. . ...... (‘m‘ru' Henna, per pee . F1011", spring, pet Flow, fail, per bbl l-Iay,pev :nn ........... straw. m P {on . HNE‘SEHTAKING I THUS. WILSON RICHMON D HILL Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in at- tendance. And vicinity that he ls prepared to take orders for the delivery of all kinds of coal Lt the} Nest rates. Best Scranton Coal delivered in Richmond Hill at 37.20 per ton. COAL. COAL. WENET BEGAN V! RICH MON D HILL )rders may also be left mm P. G. SAVAGE, Rlchmond Hill Che undcrsigned begs leave to inform the people of FOR SALE! 43w. And vicinityflmt he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend to calls on the shortest notice. All kinds of FBNERAL FURNISHINGS THO S. WIL SON. Begs to inform Ehe public of mp‘ @112 Markets. A Firstâ€"Class mmmuwwwwmum 5350001000 A. MULDOON. .025 .940 .040 1000 ‘450 1200 0 115 0 16 0 16 0 50 8 50 ‘0 45 4 75 13 00 032 65 1 75 018 150 050 050 ‘9 30 060 050 075 022 550 700 9|) 10 36 ï¬HRISTMï¬S CARDS IN ENELESS WEIMY & STYLE. _ For the Christmas sea: m. - The Furniture Stock is Large, FANCY CHAIRS & FURNITURE FOR XMAS PRESENTS, Usual Stock of Groceries HARDWARE. HARDWARE. TINWARE. TINWARB. We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR Liz FEED always on hand. all of which we will sell as cllbap forcth as any stars on Richmond Hill, keeping ï¬rst- classguods. BritiSh I Flag :ez-Stafl‘â€! In GR()O EIï¬JE S. Girlassvvare, SWWST IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN $6M, ALL KINDS. , ’94; SHIRTS & PANTS. 8. LARGE STOCK from 40cm. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUITS MADE TO QRDER. PARLOR WOOD AND COAL‘GOOK STQVES Stove Pipes 10 Cents a. Length. ‘ REPAIRING PROMPILY ATTENDED TO. Eave Troughinig , a, Specialty†' G. MASON. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Felt Wofï¬i and Overshoes, - North of Toronto. Call and see foryourse-lves. No troubim to Show goods. All ordered work promptly attended to, sewed and pegged. Repairing done on shortest notice. R. SI VERS- Chromoes 8c Chromo Mottoes, Picture Frames 3&1 sizes. Has on hand for Christmas such goods Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash. Also-a new and wellâ€"assorted stock ofHardware. THE NEW WILLIAMï¬! Just received the Largest and Best Assorted Stock THE PEQPLE’S STOREI The undersigned has on hand a large stock of STOCK COMPLETE. unawwï¬â€˜mimimamu, um“. AND High Arm Sewing Maching 13 now rec». ognized as the It is Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to I‘cam. It is i'trOng,Jiiiable and Well l»uilt,0f the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded ï¬ve medals and three ï¬rst pxizos at the Domtnion Exhibition iasg, Octobei'. It ia )‘npidlv supersmling all the old fashioned mnkvt- everywhere. See it, try itme it,and make ifll'e that you get it. Sold by SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy: “Efuï¬u you can’t see every day. .g...u....w.u.m‘.,n M..g..;m.u....‘a;m J. LUS I, mm'mwxmm axles??? " Awl&._