ST. MARY s EPISOOPAL CHUch.â€"-Serv1ce at 3 13.1n.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and Sacrmnent are held at 11 mm. Sunday Sehoolmb1:30p,m Rev.W.Ba.tes, Rector . METHODIST CKURCH~SerVices at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p.111.,a.nd Sunday school, at. 2.30 p. in. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening in the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. W. F. Wilson, Assistant. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.»Services at 1] o'clock n.m.,mnd 6230 1mm. Pmer meeting on Wednesday evening M7130. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"Services in order as follow a Thornhill at. 9 a..m., and Richmond Hill at 10:30 sum; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9 a..m.. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m RICHMOND LODGEJL r . on a. m., A‘v. W. “um Meets in the Lodge RoamJIusonic Eamon the Moxlglay on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.131 G. Leek, W.M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, N0. 465,1. 0. G.T.-â€" Meets in the Temperance Hml' every VVednasday 7.30 o'clcyck. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Methodist sabbath schoolTempemnce As anciation issue pledge curds evory Snnd my when dashed. Wm.Harrison Supt MECHANICS 1NST1TUTE.~ Library. 'ot over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law,Libra,- rian. ‘ Lectures and discussions periodicallv, RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o’clock. C. ngage, Leader ANCIENT ORDER OF FonEsTgnsTCQxxrt Rich- mnnd,Nu.70~16 A. 0. F.. meetsinth pemnce Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30‘1.m.â€"â€"-RobL Peach, C. R. I VILLAGE COUchr..â€"â€"Recve, \Vm. Pugsley, Counâ€" nillors, Mesa-8.1363111 Bedding, W.D. Powell, P G. Savage, and F.McConaghy. (Mark. M. 'J‘eefy. A. ’0. U. W.,Ivy Lndge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.111. Bene~ flcavy cm‘tiï¬cate given for $2,000 in 03.5% of death. A.J.Rupert, Master Workman. D. Gwmmn. Rec. R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance BRILGRCh alter- native Tuesday evening atSo’clock p m. Bone» flcinry certiï¬cates issued. to male or female members for $31,000 or in case of death €2,000, one haltgmynblc inc so of disabil' y. J H Sal 1 ' son Seléct Secretarv WORLD’S BEST! WEST’S ~ WEB: â€"‘ ~ PiLLS RICHMOND 12.9qu amp/mm, .9ch HEADAGHE LII/EB COMPLAINZ IND/GESTION. _ A few Boxes will cure any case. of Dyl- pcpsxa, simply by taking One P111 every night on, retiring. They do not lose their em: like other P1113. 25 Cents per Box. Sold by ganderson Bros, Richmond Hill. John C. West & C0. DRESS MAKING. Late of Hamilton, practical Dress and Mantle Maker. begs to inform the ladies nf Maple, Richmond Hill and vicinity, that she has opened in the abom businesé in the VILLAGE OF MAPLE, Ami- moderate charges. to merit a. liberal ahare of patronage. Ladies’ Mantles Oct. 15th. 1885. Mensury Burleyis w1thout doubt the largest yielding barley oï¬ered to the public. My (311% tumors of last yem‘ report from 40 tn ’70 bushels yer acre. Every fruqu who intends sawing )(Lrlev the cummg Vem‘should sow Mensury. Ihzwe also†quantity of B1 ck Tartar Oats 1mm seed imported from Scot. and. and hand \. W. '. recm‘va". Bery 3 1.00prarlvush. ,- F v;' e. MENSURY BARLEY â€"ANDâ€"~ TABTAR OATS. And hopes by strict attention to the wants of her patrons. PROPRIETORS, 'I' Q R O l\T 'I' O .. FASHIONABLY Cï¬T, SQLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -â€"Z POSITIVELY CURES '2‘â€" And Garments Styliahly Made. MISS KEATING, willzxgegimtury. Churches. NEST-GLASS WORK. Yaouncillors; LLAiFLSWinzcr,Recording MANTLE :r Box. - Five Boxes for $1.00. THIRTY PILLS I“ A BOX. Societies. &A.M.,'1\i A meeting of the West York Reform Association will be held in the TOWN OF PARKDALE, Wednesday, Feb. 24th, ’86, At the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m. A full attendance of Reformers from all parts of the Riding is requested. - J. J. TH RELKEKD, Sec’y. REFORM MEETING I NOTICE TO CREDIORS Feb. 18th, 1880 SAMUEL CROSSEN, Pursuant to Sec. 34 of Chapter 107 of the Reâ€" vised Statutes of Ontario andnf Section one of Chapter nine of 40 Ontario Victoria, Statutes, notice is hureoy given that all crenitors having claims against the estate of Samuel CrossenJute of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. gentleman. who died on or about the 23rd day of July, A. D. 1885, are on or before the Zanday of March,A.D.1886, To send by pnst prepaid to Messicurs Mulock, Tilt, Miller & ()rowther, Toronto, solicitors for Alexander Mallov and John Jewitt, Executors of the said deceased, their christian names and sur- names addresses and descriptions the full partic- ulm‘s of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that after the day last afore- said the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Sfl-ld deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of thse claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. « _ The subscriber respeccfullg' intimates that he will have a large stock 0 Lnth and Lumber of all kinds at the LATH & SHINGLES I MCGEE’S SWITCH MILL, Three miles north of Maple, and Shingles at King Station and Shunk’s bush, lot; 10‘ 6th Con Vaughan, and will be prepm ed (.0 all bills of all sizes and lengths on the shnrtest Dossible notice ï¬nd at prices to suit the present or any other mm. ,,#A____ _..“.... v7 ,, A“ l, n»; Jan. let, 1886. Arcade Buildings. Rooms A 86 B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR O. P. LEN NOX, DENTIST, 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, â€" I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Gold Filling, and all other operatinna skifllflly Rerformed, zit; moderate fees. ARTIFICIAL TEETH “Call :1qu see me. ' No trouble to an- swer questions. .L“ 0â€"â€. 100‘ 1-. Dated at, TDl'Onï¬Jâ€" £1115 [flirtiay of February. GREENEâ€! GRBAN I FOR SALE! Absoluter no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. MULOCK, TILT, MILLER & Cnow'rmm. Solicitors for Executors. With the Modern Improvements, for sale chem} Enquire at I'V«,\\‘:g 312w iidncttimmmta. THE NEW BAYMUND I BEST SETS LUMBER, HENRY MARSH, Klng P. 0., Out. DECEASED. A Firs t-Chms OF Maw 15th. 1884.-1V _ £10.00 TORONTO Thursday, 13‘6be IbBG. W'heat, full, per bushel .. - .so 80 Wheat, spring, do '75 r m Barley ; outs, Peas. (u Rye. (h C] 0v er Seed, (1 Dressed 11055419" 1( Beef, fore quarters ‘ Beef. hind quarters Chickens, per pair . Ducks, do Geese, each . . Turkeys,euch . H Butter, pound rolls Butter, tub dairy . .. Eggs, fresh, per doz Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bb] ...... onions, green,per t Cabbage do Cauliflower do Celery, do. ’l‘urnips, per bag... Carrots, L10. Hay, per ton , . straw, per ton RICHMOND HILL Thursdnv,Feh 18 .1886 nuts, per bushel Pans, do. Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs Beef. fore nuarber,.. Beef. hind (1118.):th Pans, do. ........... Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs Beef. fore nuarber,.,.. .. Beef, hind quurtur Chinkens.per pair . Ducks. do. Geese, each Turkevs‘ perlb .. Butter, pound rolls†Butter. large rolls Ems. fresh, per down Potatoes, per bag. Apples, per bbl .... . onions, green, per bush... Cabbage, per doz. Celery, do. ‘l‘urnips, per bag . Carrots, do. Beans, per peck ..... Flour, spring, per bbl. Flounfal], per bbl . Hay,per ton . straw, per ton Yes, my friends, clothe your- selves Comfortably for the coming winter, and to make it sure call and inspect my PREPAREforWINTER ELL. 8:» WINTER $001103, For lowness in price, style, quality, workmanship, and latest pattems,Trevethan’s TAILOHING TABLISHMENT Is the place to come. Do not forget the Shep, over Hall’s Feed Store. Leave your orders now. Chas. Trevethan. Farm of m to 20 Acres, Address with particulars to “ THE LIBERAL †OFFICE, A new, comfortable, buck-clad dwelling in the centre of the village 0! Rirhmond Hi1], connin- ing eight rooms, besides halls and closets, n. good stone cellar. wood shed. W811 and cistern. Lnt 84 feet front, 100 feet in depth. A good home 201' anyone wishing to recite. App] to wm. EAR ISQN... _ WANTED Tl] RENT. Having secured the agency for selling 11m New Raymond Sewing Machine, I respectfully solicit. the patronage of all those in med of a ï¬rst‘clnss machine. Those machines have the modern style of high arm ; they run smoolhâ€" ly and quicsly; have a Iii-sl- class set M attachments ; ev- (ery machine ï¬ned with the celebrated automatic bobbln VI ï¬nder, in fact have all Ihc lulest nnprovements. e ,,,,:‘,. In: Raymond is the favoriie machine for the family for all classes of wnl‘k; and tho, pnce within the reach of all. 7- - ;Q DRESS MAKING. Of Spuinghill, begs to inform the ladies of Sprinshill and surrounding neighborhood. that she has recommecced the abowe business, and is m‘eparcd‘go eighey take iq work or go out for the Do not, be pe-rgundod to buy any other machine. but. secure 8. Ne“’ Ra) - Inland. 6&0; TQENflEg RICHMOND HILL. N. B.â€"â€"l also deal in Organs. Wanted to rent for a term of years. with option of Burchnsing at end of lease. a Which are now arriving. MISS ANNIE BUTT, 34f. MANTLE FOR SALE. ENE-{k 3055:3116 iat'can ' fashion, and 351v: Markets. ,per bag do do bué ........ d 0 do (in 100 lbs ._._. ANDâ€"~â€" Loomy soil. Mahmoud Hill I’. 0. Richmond Hill. ,050 .040 040 1000 1200 0 11 U 20 0 60 1 50 060 O30 50 50 55 50 30 t0 0 50 '15 00 10 00 4 50 33 00 0 32 0 58 5 25 7 00 8 50 a 45 0‘20 0 18 O 20 080 150 80 0 50 030 Consisting of Knives, Winoeys, Blankets, Undershirts, Drawersflfltt‘s,SOCkS,Mufflers, (Sac. WRolled Flour, Feed, J30. We have made a Teas 86 Coffees from 250. upwards, M mmwg BRE'HSE‘E M3 SWF I GHEETMKS BABES IN BIE’E‘Y Xe STYLE. For the Christmas season. Flour and Feed. The Furniture Stock is Large, FANCY CHAIRS & FURNITURE FUR XMAS PRESENTS. Usual Stock of Groceries STOVES‘. STOVES. HARDWARE. HARDWARE. TINWAR‘E. TINWARE. PARLOR OVEN STOVES 9 Woon AND COAL COOK STOVES Chromoes 86 Chrome Stove Pipes 10 Cents 3. Length. RE PAIRING’ PROMPTLY ATTENDED Eav'e Troughing a. Spa Has on hand for Christmas such goods as you #HE’NEWWELMAMg ! Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash. I new and well-assorted stock ofHas'dware. In Grtmmries. we kevp always in sick :1. well-whde ammrtment of THE PEOPLE’S STQRE! STEELE BROS. 8 SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, Corner Front 86 Jarvis Sta, T_()RONTO. Red. 8c Alsike Glover Seeds, Timothy Seed, 800., 850. Parties having WHOLE 8'. GROUND OIL BAKE. HORSE 85 GATT-LE FM“). 81.0.1 816., The undersigned has on hand a large Hardware and Cuttlery, STEELE 1,1341% )3 c KUPPP. L great reduction in all our \Vnollan Goods in order to make? mom for “111' Spring hulmrmtflms, cnnsisting of Forks German and Silver DMsm-r and Tea 310mm and ever 1 L , thing a general store is made up of. 2d. J30. w “Goods DtliYeh d. Special attention given to Which cannot be beaten. g seed to oï¬er would do well to give: us a call before selling. Mottoes, Picture Frames all sizes: ALEX. MOODEE. .ivu Fancy Crockexy of all kinds, Hardware, AND Stocks of h Arm Sewing Macaing 15 now [as ognizcd as the G. It Firnm:,.}mnhle and wvll builtmf “113' v. ry Debt; unnenul that money can buy, (.2: :kill ploduce. 1t 13 Light and Easy to run. Silem and rapid in motion. Plain and Sxmple to Learn It vus uwnmm ï¬ve medals and threw ï¬rst prizes n: tthmutnion lfll‘mhibition last: October. 1min mpidlv superm ding all the 51d fashioned ma‘ws evvrpvhm‘u. Sui R, try iHmy it,mni minke pure Lha'. you get ii, Sold by SEWING MASHINE OI" TED PERIGD. Riuhxnuml Hi1), Dmfler in Organs and Prawn. Terms Em]. MASON. J, LUSZEI, for cash. Also a S AV AGE. can’t see every day. Specialty .. stock of O