Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Feb 1886, p. 3

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Nova Snotin sold 7,030 toms 1055 (302.1 in 1885 than 111 1884. It is now said that the rioters at Pawobino are ,Halfbrccds resulting frum the inmrmar- riage of early Acadlan settlers with Micmac aquaws. At a represenmilve meeting of farmers of East Kent held at Ridgetown a Farmer’s Institute was organized, on a strong hauls. A number of interesting papers on agricul- tural subjects were read and discussed. Mrs. Sarah Taylor, a coloured resident of Louth township, Lincoln county, died late~ 1y within a. few days 0! one hundred and twenty-one years of age. Mr. T. V. Powderly, representing the Knights of Labour, has had an interview with Bishop Fabre, of Montreal, regarding the attitude of the Cathollc Church towards the Knights of Labour in that diocese. At the last meeting of the biological Ecc- Hon of the Canadian Institute it was sug- gested that the Government be asked to set apart an island in Lake Superior as a re- aexve for the preservation of our native ani- mals. HOME. Strathroy has had a $20,000 fire. Hensall, Ontario, lost $16,000 by fire the other night. Archbishop Tache has baptized Pound- maker and twenty «fight of his companions in the penitentiary at Sfomy Mountain, Hog cholera has brokenvout in the county of Middlescx, The Toronto (‘aty Council voted down the proposition to decrease the number of “â€" cemw and increase the license fees. Nova Scotia mines produced “Pout S300,- 000 worth of gold last year, or some 4,000 ounces more than the yield of 1884. Hon. Henry Starnea, of Montreal, alippnd on the sidewalk and broke his thigh lately, He is said to be in a. critical condition. Iin. Warden Hogan, of Frontenac, hm been nmeated, owing to a mistake of the manager in transferring figures from the assessment roll. It is rumoured that Provincial 'l'reasurn‘ lobertaon will resign his portfolio and his seat in the Quebec Legislature, on account of failing health. Two men nuppoaed to belong to a. gang of counterfelters were captured recently in a house in St. Catharines, together with a quantity of spurious coin and counterfeiting appliarces. A crowd (f about two hundred starving fishermen the other day broke into and plundered the provision stores of the iailed fishing firm: at Paarebiac. No personal violence was attempted, but fears of a seri- ous rlot are still entertained, The Cummings house, St. George, Ont, was totally destroyed by fire, with all its contents, early the other morning. Two of the Inmates were burned to dcuth, and many others were seriously injured in escapâ€" ing, losirg all their money and clothing. John Stone, of Boamsvilla. who was under arrest in his own house for attempt- to murder his niece, has (fl‘ected his ascapr‘. The spire of St. Andrew’s church. ilJi- fax. was struck by lightning and badly wrecked the other night. The byâ€"law enforcing the 'presance of a conducth on one-horse ems will be main- tained by the Toronto Council. A draft for $260. contributed in St. Catha- rines towm‘d the trim Parlinmcnfmy fund, 717mg been forwarded to the Mayor of Dub- The Council of the Dominion Artillery Asscclufion have decided to send a ("mac diam team to Hiloeburyness this seasan. The safe In the post-oliico atfl'ruro, N. 8,, was blown open by burglars and a num- ber of registered letters land other valuable contents stolen. Crowfoot, the chief_ of the Blackfeet, has been preeenbed by Sir George Stephen with a handsome silver locket and chain, the for- mer containing a perpetual pass over the C. The residents of Allzmburg and vicinity have formed a committee to endeavour 10 unravel the mystery surrounding the sup posed mur<l<r of Mr. and Mrs. Babes. The Welland (Jaunty (‘nuncll have added $300 to the reward (116er for the discrvery of the assassin, making, with the thousand dollars offered by the Government, a total 081,500. Smallpox has again broken out in a sub urb of Quebec. The Dominion Government is about to or- ganize a. marine police to protect Canadian sea. fisheries from the encroachmentfi of American vessels. A deapatch states that wheat sowing In in full blast between Maple(7reek and \ivdi- cine Hat, N. W. T. At the adjourned inquest on the death at Fireman Little, who was killed in the colli- sion on the Northern railway near Newman‘- kct on January 25th, the jury returnul a verdict of accidental death, and exonerated Driver Long from all responsibility for the disaster. John B. (:‘ough is dead. Sing Lee, a. Waterbury, (101111.. laundry- man, is ill with leprosy, and will probably die. Reports from Montana and Texas show that the cattle on the ranges have wintered well and that the losses are insignificant. Late reports indicate that; the loss of cat- tle in Western Kansas and Eastern Color- ado by the cold Weather W11}. amount to £25,- 000. Two hundred children have died of scar- let fiver in Shenandcah, l’a., during the pant fortnight, Hundreds more are pros- tratel by the disease, which is spreading ra- pidly. At. Tanglr Island, Va. , four small children unbcrrook to build a fire with coal all. The can exploded, scufiterlug the burning {lu‘r'i over the children rand igniting their cloth- hug 'l‘wu of them (lied ; the other two were firstle injured. Near Point Pleasant, W. Va , & peasan- ger cm? on the Ohio Central Railroad jmmp- ed the track and ran into the Kanawha Riv- er at the ten mlle trestle. A number of pan- A number of familiss near Reading, W», have been poisoned by the waters of Bern- hndt'a Creek, which has bsen receiving the chemical waste from a dynamite fuztory. THE WEEK’S NEWS. A M ERH'AN. A widow named Susan Graves, propried tress of a junk shop in Chelsea, has been de- tected in selling her two young daughtarn for twenty‘five shillings, giving her-elf no concern as to what the children were pur- chased for. The death is announced of Lord Cardwell, at the age of 73. While head of the War Office, in Mr. Gladstone: Cabinet, be en- tirely reorganized the British army, abolish- ed purchaaefind introduced the short service system of enliutment. M. De Freycinet, though opposed to the British occupation of Egypt, pledge: that when the occugmtion ceeaes France will 00- operate with England to prevent any other l‘awer from interfering in Egyptian affairs. There was a aailora’ riot in Bristol the other day. Acrew of foreign mailer! had been engaged by a saptaln, and the unem- ployed English sailors expressed their dis- approval of his conduct m a very forcible and demonstrative manner. NI rs. Crawford, the respondent in the re- cent divorce suit, has gone into retirement in Italy. The Progresse of Madrid, a Socialist news- paper, says that when the Cortes meets it wm be to receive the announcement of the abdication of the Queen. In anticipation of Oriental complications the Russian Gavemment has given urtiers largely increasing the number of officers in the twenty~thrae battalions stationed on the Austrian frontier. It is said that the French Government has ordered four additional cavalry regiments to the Eastern fumtier. Lord Rosebery announces to the Greek Government thah En land will oppose a war between Greece and urkey. A buiiéing in comm 3f crectkon ix, poo] rectMEy collapsed, kliling uove: '4 men and badly maimlng many mm . It in rumoured in Berlin that I’xinco Mr,â€" marck inionds revvking the May laws, w‘moh have been an dfeuse to the (isthulicn of Prussia. A meeting has been called In Birmingham to cox alder the prapositlon of canneotirg that manuf'gaturing centre with the River Severn. Th? Sur‘dorltmd (Eng. ) shipbuildera threat- on he 0pm.: their works in nnompioyod work- ingmen unlemg the hands on strike accept Hm terms offered them. The Pmrne'ill‘uea are content with (Hildators’s statement, and sexy thuy wait tfllApriHor thedisclozsuro of has poaals regarding Ireland. The editors at a. Polish journal. printed in Pagan, hive been sentenced to six mouths' imprisonment for publishing an article libel- ling Prince Bismarck. The Mansion House fund for the relief of the unemployed of London amounts to £20,000. and was aubncribed almost entirely by metropolitan merchants and bankers in large sums. The sensational rumour of the London Daily News, regarding the orders to the British admiraln to disable the Greek fleet proves to have been pure fiction. Ibis true, however, that England is demnnined to prevent Greece undertaking naval action. ' ‘ha Libera‘as of Chelsea have decided that Sir Charlev Dilkfl shall continue to represent them. Mr. (i’mdstone says he will follow the Ezaatt-rn plfliuy inaugurated by Lord Salis- Y'ury. Lnrd Dnflerin has decided to garrison Burmah with 16,000 troops, under the con- mand of Gen. Slr H. i’rendergsst. It is rumoured that a major’:_, . r» mzm manufacturers have decided not. to par“ ticipate in the mm exhibition of 1839. A judge in Pordenux holds that under certain conditions a huuband is entitled to enforce authority over his wife by inflicting corporal chastiuement. My. Hest ridicules the idea of an Irish Parilument without control of the police. Without such cantm}, he says, the Parlia- ment itself would need [o‘ice protfictlen. The girls of one of the Burnley cotton mills are on strike because the proprietor lsauad an order that the girls should not “ bang” thelr hair under pain of dismlmal. It is Etated that King Milan has resolved 'm sign I» treaty of peace with Bulgaria. A fashionable London dmnmaker was fined for keeplng girls! in her employ working during prohlb ted hours. One of the g‘rls stated that she and ten otheru, all under six- teen, had baen kept at work from seven o’clock in film morning tlll ten, eleven and sometimes past twelve, nearly evcry night alnce the opening of Parliament. managers were drowned and one we: killed. Several were dangerously injured. FOREIGN. The Government is sure not to renew coercion in Ireland. The (1 arman Government has given an order for 30,000 swords for the army. Mr. Chamberlain has quarrelled with and utterly abandoned Sir Charles Dilko. Mr (iladstene has taken the office of Privy Sea] in addition to that of Premier. Extrmnesr To take no emusementis bed, for it do- prives the mind of needfol rest and recrea- tion ; so likewise is it bad. to be altogether given up to amusement, for then all serious objects are lost sight of. The true plan is to take amusement in moderation. To be very much in society is sure to deteriorate the human character, making it frivolous, and incapacltating it for taking abstract and elevated views ; on the other hand, a. perfectly solitary life Weakens the mind, lays it open to odd fancies and eccentrici- tieP, if not to hypooondria, and ends in some instances by altogether throwing it from its balance The medium is here also found alone salutary. Even in the simplest points of behaviour an extreme is to be condemn- ed. To be excessively gay, in a world where so many evils lurk around our every step, and so many Lonerous things call for our attention, is wrong; so is it to be al- ways serious, seeing that the world aloe contains materials of much happiness, and that guyety to a certain extent is positively nalnt‘xry. What is proper is that we should be ready to rejoice mourn, in modem- tion, on appropriate occasions. Perfume o? a good name herald: the claim that l’ubnam'a Painlual Corn Extractor is a sure, certain, and painless remedy for coma, Fifty imitations prova it ‘50 b9 the beat. At druggluts. The Far Reaching WNWo-O-w WW'W- > Mr. will proâ€" Another prolific cause of waste is in feed- ing stock through the Winter without shel- ter. It is as plain as that one and one are two that food used to keep up animal heat mskes neither flesh, fat, nor milk ; and yet a large per cent. of our cattle are still win- tered without shelter. I think I have proved by actual experiment that the same amount of food required to keep a cow or steerirom losing flesh if fed out of doors in all weather through the winter will add 100 pounds to it if warmly sheltered. We notice the loss quicker in milk than in ii: sh, and ina warm basement stable my cows have not decreased a particle in milk during the last three days, though we have had the worst blizzard I ever remember, mercury ranging for sixty hours from zero to 15 degrees below, the wind blow- ing a gale and the air filled with snow, so that one could scarcely see fifty feet for over half the time. Any farmer knows that if my cows had been out in the storm and cold they would have shrunk onehalf or more in their milk, and the same is true of the loss of fies 1 ; but it can- not be so quickly detected as that of milk. Some years ago I bought an agricultural boiler (a (50-gsllon kettle on a stove) ‘:"ith a large surface exposed to the air. I set it up out of doors, but soon found that on a cold, windy day I could scarcely make a fire hot enough to bring the water to a boil in it. 1 then moved it into a buildin where it was protected and found that saved half the fuel. This is a good illustration oi feeding stock exposed to the cold and storms of winter. Both for the sake of humanity and profit I would have warm shelter for every head of stock wintered, and would sell in the fall any stock which I could not so shelter. Ads of: numb Brute Iliat inn lluman Itch: g would be (Iallotl ll mean. A horse which had been in possession of the Peters family, in Bushklll, Pa. , for twenty years, and which was famous for the almost human intelligence he frequently dis- played, died recently. During the last few years of the home’s life he had been permit- ted to run at liberty, but was frequently hitched up to haul the dead bodies of cattle or horses that died on the farm to a. place near the Delaware River, Where the carcas- ses were buried. The old horse always stood near and watched the burials with great interest and attention. One common cause of waste is feeding poor stock. 011 how many farms can still be found scrub cattle that will not attein agrcater weight at three years old than good grade ahorthorns will at two? And yet it is often true that farmers will use a scrub yearling bull rather than pay for the services of a. thsroughbred shorthom. I have known many a. shorthom bull sold from a neighborhood where there was great need of improvement in the cattle because he was not patronized enough to pay his keeping. If you should offer one of these farmers 30 cents a bushel for his corn, when the established price was 40 cents, he would think you demented ; and yetby feeding it to the class of et-ook he Keeps he is virtually selling it below the merket price. Underfeeding is another common ceuae of waste, and yet many farmers actually think they are economizing by wintering three cattle on the amount of food two should have. How large a. per cent. of the cattle of your neighborhood weigh less in April than they do in October ‘3 A certain amount of food, celled ,food of support, in required to keep up the waste 01 the sys- tem, and no gain can be made unless more food is given than this. It seems to me just an unwise to barely feed enough to keep the animal from starvation as it would to only furnish fuel enough under the steam boiler to make the water scalding hot, but not enough to bring it to a. boil and generate steam. When once the water was at this point it would require but 8. small addition to the fuel to develop steam and give power to drive the machinery, but the parsimony which scrlmps the fuel ivolvee 9. total weate of all Hut is used. A cal-respondent of the Natlonnl Stock- man gives the following pithy points on thy lmpyrtant topic : _ Manufacturers are forced by the competi- tion of rivals to adopt the but possible methods and fiop every waste or they wil be driven to the wall. I have little doubt that on moat farms the wastes in feedlng consume a large part of the profits. l’osal- bly the enumeretlon of some waste: which are common, and which probably every reader can locate In his own neighborhood, will be found helpful. Some time ago thin horse fell sick. One day he was missed from an enclosure where he was being cared for. A search was made for him, and he was finally found lying dead on the spot where he had hauled the dead bodies of so many of his kind. As the place was out of the way of the old horse’s usual haunts, and as he had never been known to go there except when driven there with some dead animal, no one who knew the horse believes that he did not seek the spot feel- ing that he was about to die, and to save the trouble of hauling his dead body there to be buried. Among the instances told of his intelli- gence are the following : Lute one night a member of the family that owned him were awakened by a. great noise on a piazza. of the house. There was Ihe loud neighlng of a horse and a heavy stamping on the piazza floor. One of the inmates of the house went to £116 door. There was the old horse stamp- ing and kicking and neighing with all his power. The discovery was made that an out‘rouse near the dwelling was on fire. 'L'he old horse had given the alarm, and e disas- trous fire was prevented. One spring there was a. flood in a stream on the place. A bllnzl horse belonging to a neighbor got out of its pasture, and wander- ing down to the swollen atresm in some way got into the water. It swam about in 3. en'- cle, and was unable to reach either share, No one could render any ald to the poor animal, and there seemed no escape for it from drowning. The old Peters heme cams :ul-mg while the blind horse was strugglmg in the water, and, after a moment's survey of the situation, plunged in. He swam out to the blind horse, and headed it off as it turned to make its usqu circle, thus keeping its head pointed straight for shore as it swam By heading the blind horse first on one side and than on the other, he guided it safely to shore. A EORSE’S INTELLIGENCE. FABMERS‘ WASTES. FARM. L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon, 0. U, Emmi: Glangow Beef Hams. Sugar (Burst! Ham, Dried 13ml- Bmukmat Ewe-1, Smoked Tcmguas. Mans Pork, Flak] ed Enug'ues, Cheese, Family or Navy Pork, Lnd {5- Tube and Pai'm. The Ben 1315:de n! 1&2»th Rh" Dairy Salt in Bfiock, FflflK & 7 ism Cracker Roller Skatesb One Million pair in use in Canada and U. S Simplesia, strongeat. lightest and oaaieat runnimz. Sand for catalogue. Liberal inducements to parties building rinks, Local agems Wr-ntsd. 0R0 ‘ (ER SKATE CO, Fremona, Swims 00.. Michigan : 173 am: cleared, and balance in down timber 1mm; Wcll drained: all well fencnd wlth post and rail in 10Iand 20 acre fields; well watered wlth a living aprlm: run- ning: across; one forty veneered house, 20x42, the wlng 16x22; atom cellar uudmlhe whole building : two barns. one 14mm the other (l2x52; both 20 feel; poets; young Orchard of 2" 0 trees; this property is well situated on two maln roads. in an Excellent nelzhhorhood; good school Within half a mile; rear- (sb church two miles; nearest. market and railway stat‘nn 5% miles; 26 miles from Port Huron. For full particulars address to SAMUEL T031113 mun, linen Frean l’. O , Sanilao 00.. Mlch. Try Our Canadian Coal Oil, “SUNLIGHT” Brand, Finest in the W Market. Vim-"’7 Farmâ€"100,000 acting plnys. 15 ounce; 100,000 5 Gem music; inauumenta half-prim. BUT- LAND, Toronto. AN NEDâ€"10,00] Mlllmen and others interested 1n mmhinery to Band names and address for a copy of mv No 12 Illusnrated Catalogue ; amt free. H. W. PETRIE, Machinist and General Machine Dealer. Brnnltom, One. McCall’s Lardine Machine $3,500, $1 MBCOLL BRosLaz 60., 10mm. ING Patented Article In Canada Io-day. Send cents for Sample And Agenw‘ Terms. Dlwuom & 00.. Guelph a GENTS WANTED FOR THE BEST SILL- 6 THE EAGLE B ,,_,-________â€"_.._ I have n positive remedy hr the above diaen , bym use thnuskndn of cases 0! L110 worm, klnd and at long Itandln ' have harm uurmL Indoml, m strong” myfaith in Its 01 lcnchhac I w) 1 send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together wuh n VA LUABLE TREATst on this duel” to any sufl‘aror. (Mme "P, Ogddff nu._ 8L EN WHEN. ‘ARM- FOR SALE â€" 201’! ACRES â€"~ IN EAST Pork fuckers, ‘l‘omntm RIG 0]’l‘llll.â€"To introduce men . GIVE AWAY 1,000 Self-operating Washing Ma- chines. If you want one Benn ua vc-ur name, 1’ 0. and express omce at once THE NATIONAL 00., 23 hey sm. NY. Opium. Morphine. and Kindred Habits. Valuabe treatle sent two. The medicine mny he ngen an $65 or coffee. without. the knowledge of the person taking it, H 30 deshad. Send two 30 stamps 10: full nranlurn and testimorwials of those who have been cured. Address, . V. Lulmn. 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Canada. MANUFACTURERS ANDV MILLERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING Try it once and you will use no other. â€"« a Every Banal Guarameed. We are the Sole Mnnumctnrers orthe Genuine Lax-dine. mumâ€"m... .Au-m... “mu. u m‘,..,;u-~un\.\. A V vmuuu us. DR. T. A: swcum. 131 Paul sc.. New You. Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness 011s. 600 Acre Farmâ€"$2,000 136 Acre ~OE LE BR :TED -â€" TRADE MARK 143 King an. w , Tordnto, om. I REGISTERED.) CUBE FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. Onr Duplex Axlae are all to he had at all the principal Hardware Storesin the Dmnlnirm. €333.13.“ Guelph Axle Works mi; '1‘. PEPPER. 85 C0., Guelph, (Int. The Snow Drm: Baking Powdet 00.. Bramford. 0n 1111mm :5 NO FBETTER. Along the line of the Chicago and Northwest“!- Railway in (‘Amlml Dakota and Northern Nebrnnka. New [sections we huing amt-ml up, And rapidly settled in those wonflex‘mlly i'oduclivl regions, and the ” first camera" W11 hum "am choice " a! location. i 1'0: full informéuion (which wil} hr: sent yau tree!" charge) about the free [ante and cheap homel. apply 00 “Joggx MQRLEX! “7.4, A, ' "Western Ohuadinh Fig-s. A final-0,. & N. W: Ry. R. S. HAIR, 0 ark Stu Toronto. General Pass. Agent, Chicago, Illa: Snow Drift] __ _ v _ _ _ ._ .. _. v â€" When I say «‘um I do not mean merely to flop them for a time and than have Hunm return agninJ moan . radical cure. I have made tho (1mm 0 of FITS, EI’Ii LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS u Jifwlnnu study. warrant my remedy to (mm the won-1: cases. Dvoauu others have fuilnd 19 no 112950!) for not, now receiving- cum. Sam! at once-for atmnthlo and a Froe Bottle 0! my infnllihle mmt‘dy. Give Exprum and I'mat ( mice. It 00§%§ynlx nom‘illgtg ] 3nd I )vju (33er you._ LGUBEFETSI KW? 32‘s on nothing for a mm find I will (“u-n Vou. Ad ms: 1m H. G. ROOT. 1213 You] 5m, Now York. Manufacturers 0! the Celebrated FiDB THE MILLHDN. Every pair and every box bears this eagle, IN THE MARKET @TAKE No OTHERS. Best FOR AS TRADE MARK. m l FAVORITE Baking Powder Wearing, Fitting, Looking

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