L'lmnkful for he favors of the past 20 years may still he consulmdin muy branch of the pro- fossion,nsfolluws: Llrom, 1%, 8th, 16:11, and 22nd of each month Richmond Hill... . . .901 and 24th ï¬n_ (M. the Palmer H ouse) Sï¬onfl'villeuw .. lo. DIM-khan} . .. 20th 13. Victoria Silumre‘ . let do. P‘mrnhill.. ..23rd do. \Vomlbrirlge , .28th do. Kleiulmrg . “29th do Nobletou. ....,30th 0 Vitulizexl Au mlwn ys on hand at appointments Works like u charm, Free from pain THEL!BERALPR2NT1NG & PUBUSHING HOUSE (HUHMUND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Veterinary surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vet‘ quleue, ’l‘nxmgtot‘ (JJ'FICEâ€"Opposite Palmer House Richman Hill WK». ROG-AYES, L.X;.$$., Vu.w..v D159,an created. of {1‘11 the Domesticated Animals Veterinary Surgeon Gmuhm‘:a Ontm‘in Veteri- nary Collem- 'J‘m'onm. (THUS pmmuflv “(tended 80. Charges Moderate. Disease): of Horses, Cut- tle. &n., Rvimxtiï¬nmlly trr‘flmd by the late ’0 lneth~ oea. Horses bought and sold on commis‘ ion and examined as for soundness. DR. GEORGE LANG-STAFF, ’I‘HORNHUJ., ONT, Graduate of Tm‘onm 1‘11ng ‘i?f.',3'1.C. P. 8' S Ont..two years resident, smut surgeon tn Toronto Gannml Hnspiml. Ofï¬ce xmd r.‘ ‘doncu. Una Ionr Sonthof P. (7 (mice Hoursâ€"4% tn 10 n. m.. & 121.0 21v. um -8TH Avmms. Woonnmmn RESIDENCE Will visit; the following "laces professionally:â€" Uniouville, 136 Monday of each month W eston . .9th and leh “ ‘ Maple 5th “ “ Richmond Hzll 9th ‘ “ Woudbrhlge ..... 22ml Mr. Husband will be found in his ofï¬ce, Now- ;rm Brook, every Saturday, except when Satur» lav falls on the mbuve dates. THURSDAY Member Toronto Ofï¬ce~No. 14 Building & Loan Chambels. N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. Medalist Toronto I‘nix'msitv. Non NW F0 Physicinus & Sumo, us, 0, t,..<'late of Sbmlffvino Emma Street Richrmmt Hill. Omce Hours to 10 m. m., 5 to 8 p, m. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES , .7ov__. a. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. JV A- MCANDREWH HALE“. it IFY} ' Dr. (DI-r, Maple. Uflice 1\0\erl 8 to €1.30 21. n1.,mn<1 to 2.30 p‘ Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Am’m&0nt‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 80c LAWRENCE. MILLIGAN & MgANDREw, VOL. V111. $1 per anzzum, in adva.nce.] â€"Uâ€"’8;}â€"I G. H. Husband. L. l). S., DENTIST, 1575 BU SINE SS CARDS. VJ’Z‘flLJTZSï¬/“Q 3315!? ‘ “@119 @ihnml †T. E“. MGMBHUN, .I. '1‘. NA 'r'l‘nr. ss, Dr. James Langstafl EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. College "Physic-inns: & Surgeons, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Rmhnmnd llill. VETALIZED AIR. Dr. W’. usm) m: Dr. A. Robinson. F. nEw I'm: Vibuï¬zml Mr Adminisfor» ed. Broken cheap math or wen) not ï¬tting, made over on short, notice. >1. R’i &N (k 1300K, Bums, m. wacriunry. SURGEON DENTIST BL} SH ED E VERY medium Emut. ilfl'3£ila"x. NEWTON BROOIL J. \Vilsmh ENING . TORONTO ‘v M xLy. \V. COOK. Ont, to - Richmond Hill, \‘ueiï¬. numn’g‘vr. †Proprietor. Havimr reï¬tted the above House and furnish- nd it in ï¬rebcinss style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatmu. Excellent stabliug and attentive lmstiers. Sample Boums for mmlmerciul travellers. A good livery in cm;~ nectiun. Terms 31 net (luv. DmilyExm-ess to Toronto. Special. n‘tcntiuu given to moving household furmturo. pianos. 650., 650. Licensed AnctiunPer for the Countv of York, re- spectfme solicits your mtnmmze and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at runsnunblcmtvs. P. 0. Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- Speotfully snYicitH ycn‘.‘ patronage and friendly influence. 1:12!sz attended on the shortth notice and at rem-.onnlru rates. P. 0. address, King. Licensed Anntionmxr for the Counties of York Unturxound I’m-l. Goods sold on consignment. General rules of stuck. etc“ nromptly attended to :xbruusonnblu rates. P. 0. address. UNIONVILLE. Incensevi Axbwowuer for the Counby of York Sales utmndcd on the shortest motivannd at ren- ube rates. A lercss Sto‘uï¬vxlle P. 0 THE DOMINION HOUSE, RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE do LIVERY STABLES FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Coxnmercimi Travellers m’DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL‘ PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac- donald, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. Deposite received and Intemstallowed thereon at Current Rut/ea No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United States and Guam. Britain, bought and sold Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence, rppo- site Presbyterian Church, Alamo amount of Money to Land on farm or (‘ibv 1!1‘()[1"1‘b_\' Interest? per cent; no cummis~ sion. MCLAREN, MACDONALD, MERRITT 6: SHHI’LEY, Manufacturers (5: Importers of Matting, (Cloclm, gtmclltry, §ilhrrmnu :mh (Optical Giants. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. 141 Yonge Street, ‘ Next, door to the new Arcade I send 10 cents postage. and we will mail you tree, a. mynl,vulu- able. sample box of goods that Will nut you in the way of mak~ ing more money at once. than anything else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live uthome xmd work in spm‘e time. or all the time. Capital not required. We will start vou. Immense pmv sure for those who start at once. STIxsoN & 00', Portland. Luino. r To loan at, (3 mm (3.1; per mm. to pay off mortgages at higher rates 4 ~ ’nhn st or for building, dminâ€" ing urutlxor pm A mm. Terms made to suit bow mwnm. Charge,» .p y Enw. Satisfaction gummr head or no charges. made. First and second mmx tunes lmught. Admnws on second murbgnges run] to pm'cha‘m farms. Farmers will save money by applying at once fur their loans to E. R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide Sh, Eust. Toronto. 1‘. €1.â€"~Fu11wartirulum may he had at THE Lm~ 1mm. (mica Funeral Funnehings Always on Hand Genital Bank of Canada" “mm le‘:~ mg m MUSIC LESSONS. Undormkers a: mealmel‘s. E. 1'1. MORI‘IIY, SON G: CO... SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, WRIGHT BROS, JAMES M. LAWRENCE, $100,000 N J. Armstrong". Nah-1m Erkardt James C. Stokes. Honey 30 Loan. a}; is‘ccllnmus. S. M. Brown. Unim‘ Loan buildin a Toronto 130x ()6. VICTORIA SQUARE RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH. 4, 1886. “In Essentiais, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†,TORON T0 Manager. And me. we all be mutually beneï¬ted in the future as m the past. Yours for the $31001. ANN . E meon‘rn. Liz. m RUMBLE. A3: FLY‘VU. . fp- MOLAUGlefV. Mr. Clnbine replied in appropriate terms, thanking the pupils for their un- expected kindness and assuring them that it. had always been a. pleasure to in- struct them in their studies. At the close, complimentary remarks regarding the management of the school under the Principal and the Assistant, Miss Wal- kington, were made by Rev. A. McLaugh- Ian, Dr. Orr, Messrs. J. C. MeQuarrie, Win. Bailey, T. F. McMahon, J. ’1‘. Sai- geon, \V. Robinson, J. Smithâ€"N10- Bride and others, after which the pm- ceedings terminated. To the editor of THE LIBERAL MR. EDITOR :â€"Don’t you think that you are 5 little hard on the young men in our village 1 We rather suppose that on the whole we are pretty well behaved, at least as well behaved as the same num- ber of men in any other village, and we try to do as little to deserve censure as the boys oi any other town. We really think that we who are trying to build up for ourselves i characters beyond suspecion should not be counted in with gauping gaups of ignoramuses who are rightly de- scribed in your paper last week. If our characters are to be sized by the conduct of a parcel of street Arabs a. few older moor. shiners who think thy are smart be- cause they give nightly exhibitions of themselves, their impudence and their ignorance, the sooner our council consti- tutes itself into a law and order league and act upon your advice and give some one authority to arrest on the spot, or run the scallawuys under the care of their parents, the better for us. If a raid was made on a gang or two when they were rnystering at some favorite rendezvous and it half a dozen of the most prominent captured and taken before the Reeve, the others would be scared into decency and the cause of your indignatiru greatly re duced. At all events Mr. Editor do give us who are trying to do the best we can a. little credit. for well meant endeavors to kt «p ourselves respectable.~ALPHA RICHMOND IIJLL, March lst, 1886. DEAR TEACHER :-â€"Bv the kindness of the Echo- lnrs of the Maple School of which you are the eflloient teacher, it has been made my pleasant duty to address to you. at this time, a. few words expressive of our appreciatim. of your valuable Ber’viceï¬_ since you have been our teacher. We thought this would be a, suitable time to give ex- }n‘esmon to our feelings toward you. We cannot let Lheuccnsion vuss. therefore, without thank- ing you, for your many acts of kindness; and especmlly the patience you have exercised to- ward us. Bubmost uf all, we desire to express our appreciation of your earnest and faithful efforts to advance us, as your pupils, in our stu~ dies. We do realize that we have made progress in the right direction. and we do feel that; we are largely indebted to your faithfulness, and indus- try for the same. - We do not beliéve in waitï¬Ã© un§il you are gone from us, to express our apprecmtxon of your services. some people wait. until their friend and bene- factor is dead, before they give anybuuv any idea, that they ever had mu: appreciation of any service. that friend and Ln'ueï¬wtor had ever doue,or that he hld ever won nny use in the world whatever. Recéiveic. deir teacher. with our best Wishes for your future success and the prosperity or our school, Pope & Bitleau, druggists, Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa, wrltes: We have never sold anv medicine that gives such satisfaction to the consumer and pleasure to the seller as Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric 0i]. We can refer you to numbers that have “Sad it for diphtheria with entire satisfaction and success. 'We most earnestly hope that, our future. as teacher and pupils, mav be as pleasant and as prflijtqble ag‘tbg past}. We therefmm here and Imw, present to you this " Gold Chain and Seal" as a, small token of on}: regardg fqr you. Mr. Clubine is to be congratulated on the enthusiasm shown around the school, and on the kindly feeling existing among teachers and pupils. The winter examination in connection with the public school at Maple was held on Friday last, and although the day was in all probability the severest of the sea- son, a large number of visitors were at- tracted thither and watched the after~ noon 5 proceedings with much interest. The school room was tastin decorated with evergreens, and appropriate mottoes, giving the apartments obright and cheer~ ful appearance. The classes were caretul vxmnincd by the Princtpal. Miss Wal- kiugtonmf Aurora,and Mr. J. T. Saigeon, of Springhill, and acquitted themselves to the satifaction of those present. Sev- eral choruses were sung by the pupils in a manner which showed that music forms no unimportant; part in the Maple school. An interesting part of the programme was the presentation to the Principal, Mr. Cluhme, of a beautiful gold watch chain and seal, together with a. flattering address which we here append. M}: CEUBINE, Maple P. S. Examination. Respect their Character. the mfg. gvlemvm. and effectual killer, Mmlmr Gx-suws’ \Vurm Ex- .er; lens :1 w wplnlï¬ 1t. Pmcure «r am} take it home. SENIOR SECOND. 1, Joe. Beynon. 2, Will_ie Brown. JUNIOR SECOND. SENIOR FIRST CLASS. 1, James Black, ], \Valter Folliott, 2, Bertie Hutchinson, 2, Freddie Foster, 3, Candace Beynoy. r ' rova‘rH CLASS. 1, Vina Wells, 2. Andrew Nana, 3, John Hallam, For THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1886‘ RICHMOND HILL. I CLASS. 1, Fred, Hooper, 2. Alonzo Mortson, 3, Ella. McConnell, FOURTH SENIOR. FOURTH JUNIOR. 1, M. Rutherford, 1, Sarah Gorman, 2, Jennie Newbery, 2, Robb. Carson, 3, Bella Gibson, 3, Annie Carson, THIRD SENIOR. THIRD JUNDR. 1, Carrie Playter. 1, Efï¬e Gamble, 2, Fred. Robinson, 2, Harry Gamble 3, Jennie Gale, 3, Thou. Noble. A 1 CLASS. 1, Maggie Moodie, 2. Tillie Trench, 3, Millie Trench THIRD CLASS. 1, Willie Garvin, 2, Florence Tyrell, 3, Bella McCunaghy réi‘mm cuss. Herbert. Leek, Freeman Mupes, K. Hendrick, SECOND FIRST. Charlie Hopper, Charlie Cmmsky, Frank Ciaig. 4TH cuss. Peter Cuber, John McElray, Geo. Teasdale, FOURTH CLASS. THIRD CLASS. Hairy Hardy, 1. Mary Mulholland. A.Bassmgthwuite,2, Bertie Gillie, Kate Halley. JENIOR THIRD. SECOND C'IASS. Orvil Drury, 1, Alex. Findley, L. McWilliams, 2, Louie Hafl‘ey, Joe. Muudey, 3, Nellxe Kelley. FIRST CLASS. 1, Isaac Mnlholland, 2, Lizzie Rumble, 3, Flank Rumble. Maggie Sterling, 4', \Vallier E. A. SPRAGGE, Principal. THIRD CLASS. SENIOR SECOND. Willie Garvin, 1, Lily Clifford, Florence Tyrell, 2. Sarah Clifford, Bella McCunaghy, 3, M. McConnell. J UNIOR SECOND. 1, Annie Sheppard, 2, Florence Shem-down, 3, Bella Sims. E. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. SENIOR. JUNIOR. Edith Smtzer, 1. Annie Glass, Ethel Switzer, 2, Herbie Smiles, Edith Andrews, 3, F. Empringham, Robbie Michael, 4, Florence Bailey. M. WILEY, Teacher. I CLASS. II CLASS. Fred, Hooper, 1. Ella \Vilson, Alonzo Mortson, 2, Ernie Stevenson, Ella. McConnell, 3, Mary Waitea. JUNIOR 3RD. Agnes Madden, Mary Goliand, Kitty Brown, laRAIH‘ School Reports SENIOR. FIRST “Bâ€. lsr. CLASS. 1‘ Daniel Reznnan, 2, Juan!) Reamun, 3. \levy Hancock. J. C. RUmiERFORD, Teacher. JEFFERSON. HEADEORD. SECOND CLASS. Freeman Cnmmer, Teresaa Gorman, Sam. Cnmmer. PATTERSON. 1n CLASS. ' 1, Jimmie Albin, 2, Herbie Hooper, 3, Clara Vanderburgh. A. McLAUGHLIN', Teacher. Laura Cumisky, Emma Grifï¬n, Ada. Ritters EVERSLEY. CONCORD. 'A. L. CAMPBELL, Teacher. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. F. MCCUNAGHY, Teacher. N H H ILL. A 2 CLASS. 1. Lizzie Palmer, 2. Phoebe Soules, 3; 49m“ Kseflen THIRD CIASS. 1,4 Walter Ferguson, 2 Annie Park, ’ % Wellie Norman, 4, Mary Willa. 1, Emma. Craig, 2, Hannah Boymon. 3, Nellie Hopper." SENIOR 431). 1, Thomas Gordon, ‘2, Nelson Smellia, 3, Isaac Bennett. 2ND CLASS. 1, Arthur \Vatson. 2, Beanie Smellie, 3. Wm. Riddell. C. A sLING, Teaclu r, SENIOR “A.†1, Ralph Wellman',‘ 2, Charlie Barker, THIRD JUquR. 1, Efï¬e Gamble, 2, Harry Gamble, 3, Thou. Noble. LEADER 111 SR. . we Joseph, x n ~- , unit» be‘nm. Min James, v-Hr Hv v rv. RN. .1 A. Bankin has diapos .' of his grey. and purchased a young thorough- bréd blond. ’Bmmd to be up to me timw. Mr. Jae. Irvine has dispns Ad of his three~yenr old runner, Josie, for x (nu) 1â€" 50m 9 1mm. On Saturday evening, Prof Brush gave an exhibition nf the several triukn which 1 "My Vardun and Nullie Bay "zunld pen form, On Monday he formed a ’453. x ‘This time 1 caxl'L uric-r my mum“. nu my delay in not writing, as 1 have had ample time and plenty to write about, so I will acknowledge the truth of it by call~ ing it indolence. but will try and do bet- ter in the future and as I visit Elgin Mills Occasually T will let, you know the particulars of that enterprising: Burgh. Horse buyers from Michigan have been staying at Hogan’s hfltcl for a few days. They have purchased several ï¬ne animain. O ne dav last week, while Geo. Dibb’s colt was Out for exercise it fell on some' ice and unfortunally broke one of its legs. Mr. Dibb has had the limb set and in- tends to save it if possible. The wedding that I spoke of last time didn’t come of as the bridegroom skipp- ed out. Miss Sarah Curtis who has been spend- ing a. iew days at Hamilton and Toronto visiting relations, returned h ome last week. A number of the young people of Oak Ridges and Whichnrch met at the resi- dence of Mr. Arthur Mourning where a. very p leasantevening was spent in games and dancing ; the se Jerity of the weather no doubt prohibited quite a number from being present. The party broke up about 4 a. m. and all started for home. We were sorry to hear that Tom got his nose bitten ; I think the frost must have done it but am not sure. From our own Correspondent. On Monday evening, just before the inhabitants of this qmet village had re- tired for the night, the roar of many guns, clung of bells, noises of saws and deafen- ing yells of male voices led the people to inquire into the cause of such a tumult. It seems that a certain young man, a teacher of telegraphy. and an amiable lady, engaged in the mercantile business, had taken a southern hound train for Toronto on Saturday evening. Nothing was thought of this proceeding until it was learned that the young man had taken passage on a freight tram hack to King on Sunday evening leaving the fair damsel to return on Monday morn- ing. Dame Rumour soon had it circu- lated that this young c<mpleliad entered into the bonds of matrimony. The young man played the part of a gallant by con- tributing largely to the serenaders. The question now is are they two or one. The village constable played an active part by running to and fro. Mr. C. H. Hall, has a wry severe at- tack of chicken few r,but t las‘,hopes am entertained of a. complete recovery in about three Weeks. Since I last wrote, some of our local sports have invested in some fast horses, and the natural desire is for them to know who owns the fastest one, so flierb is be a trut between Jessie Hudgins, Hnnest Ned and Builds Lake Girl, owned by Mr. Jas. Campbell. The men, is for $25 a side and a. special prize 0‘9, 935 whip. The race is to take place on Thurs- day, March 11th, at 2 p. m. Mr. \Valt Gale the victim of the cord- wood spill is improving as well as can be expected but is still conï¬ned to the house. On St. Valentine day, the wife of Mr. G. Legge, presented her husband with a daughter. H0“ is that fOr a Valentine 1 Thrue miles north of Maple. and F Kingy Station and Shnnk's bush, l(:r m Vaughan. and will be yropm ed m (-ll l sizcsmul lengths (m the shone-A an ~ 1 and M prices to suit the pram-:7! m‘ time. nEAImR III SR. READER II. 1, Butt Maggie, 1, Ross Nellie, 2, Brown Katie, 2, Budget Albert, 3, Norman Anna, 3, Rumble Flora. READER. I. 1, Butt Katie, 2, Badger Boodwell, 3, anblg Arthur,_ Miss Mary Bell of Bonds Lake, is at present on a visit to her mater at Hespe- ler, Ont, and Miss Lida Bell is visiting friends in Toronto. MCGEE’S S W ITGIE Jim. i’lst, 1986 The subscriber respectfully intimates HULL he will have a largo stock of Lnth and Lumbar of all kinds at tho LATH & SHINGLES I LUMBER, [Single copies, 3 cts HENRY MARSH JEFFERSON SPRINGHILL. J. T. SAIGEON, Teacher. No. 36. MILL, ‘99; at Crm. 1f 11%! 'oticv other