‘For downnght bargains in dress goods The Concrete can beat the ,promnce. Grea‘? h'xrgains-in wool goods at the Cher Cash House this week. The great clearing suIe of winter goods is now going on at the ‘Cheap Cash Housa. ‘Now is the time to secure bargains. Service was held in St. Mary‘s Church last (Wednesday) evening. A set-i911 oteuch aervicos wii] he held caeh Wedueeduy eveu- Eng during Lent. The Richmond Hill Literary Society will meet in the Lecmm Baum of the, Preaby. (turinu Church ,Lormm'ruw' (Friday) evening. RICHMOND EILL, Thursday, Milli; 11, ’66 For the best value and cheapest game‘an in Spring buitmgs, go to The Cheap Cash House. Connects with all trains leaving the Palmer ,‘Houso, limhmonl Hill. in: fulans: thiuil 62. E russ,Nm-th& South. 'Accmnm , LtiUll “ “ ‘Expms‘s, hutch. Mail, Smith.†q. \‘. :0 u, m . Don't forget ï¬xeLacrosse-meetihg in the Lorne Hall tn-nigbt. ' A dabatc on Notice is given an anotivr page that the credilum havng shims against the estate of Charlotte Wm’r, Into of Etobicuke. who died in January, 1886 are to semi or deliver to the solicitms on or before the 6th April next, .2; statmuenb of their claims, 3w. City Hall ‘Umcn Station Brock Street Queen’s Wharf ‘Pm‘kdalc .m,:wemmrt W65“ Thu-ml: , RICIIMHL'D King Aux-m n, . Newmm‘ket Until further notice “21.11:; will he "Joscd at the Richmond Hill “(mt ()lï¬ce as inflows:â€" .‘MOBNING :~Guim; North, snulh, East and \Vest, including Thornhm, an'x:3,'?‘umnhr, Mm‘klmm,& v. ï¬VnNmG :~Goiu«.z southJEasbaud \Vest (Us: nrbuve} 6.15 N. Hinesistared Letnere must he lmnded in a?!) least {ï¬fteen Minutes nm‘lie)‘ than the~ 111:0 ve mentioned hours for closimz. 7.45 cm . h B w @M The Farm Stork. and Implements of John A. Homer will be sold “)3: Public Auctiom on Lot 33, 54rd Con. Markham. on Saturday, March 27th, inst, Sale to commence at «me ‘o‘clon-k. Nelsnn 5mm), Auctioneer. Thelargcstythe beat, the mcest and the cheapest stock of cloths, worsteds, and Tweeds ever brought .to Richmond Hill can be seen at The Concrete. Fontnine’s Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Work, 30 Davenport Road. Toronto, will open in a few day. The travelling agent will be around in a few days to take orders Have your goods ready for him. Nollcecn simmer page. Mn. Salem Eckm‘dt will sell the Farm Stack and Impimnmus of James. and Rohurt “’elnstm'. Lat, 40,15L (Jun. Vaughan), on Turns day, March 231%]. 1886. Sale at (me o’clock; liuuch ‘pl‘uvidod. hm‘nhill . Weston ‘‘‘‘‘ Davenport. ‘lnrkdale... $0 HUNTâ€. New Skirtings, Cottonades and Prints at The Cheap Cash House. The farm stock and implements of Mr. John Page, ï¬ot 9, 212d com, Vaughan, will be sold by Public Auction on 'J hursdzly, March 25th. Sale to commence at one o‘clock, p. m. Salem Ecknrdt, Auctioneer. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan yives notice on anothrr page that. they purpose passing certain By-ans ï¬t their next meeting, for the stopping up and opening of certain roads in the Town- ship Parties interested are requested to take notice of this fact and govern them- selves uocordingly. ‘1th Concrete can Show you the nicest and cheapest Cretonnes you aver saw. New Ha'ts ! The nobbiest Spring s_tyles at The Cheap Cash House. PRUCTOB’S STAGE LINE. Newmnrket __ Alum‘u , King. ‘ RICHMO. \ HILL TORONTO. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. For stylish millinery go :to The ioncrete. Queen‘s Wharf Brock Street .. Umrn Station. Czt‘y Hall ..... . POST OFFICE NOTICE Extensive Credxt Sale Notice to Creditors. St. Mary’s Church. same subjwt will be taikon up Literary society. Dyeing Works. Clearing Salc‘ Public Notice H .. 101M G(){N(‘r SOUTH. Ex. 3‘ .. 8.42 GOING KORTH. Credit Sale. Aunnon Sade. Mail. 8.10 8.18 9.54 20.00 M. TEEFY. POHtIDILStOY‘ Ancom. 12000 Acunln. I nil. 12.03 6.13 12.16 6.25 1146 (3.45 12w 12.15 1.40 2.05 11.5 075 145 7“ w“ T 6.18 6.30 542 5.37 7.15 5.20 A pulfic meeting will be held in this vil- lage on Monday evening. 15th iu‘st.., under the auspices of the W. C. '1‘. Union. An ad- dress will be given by Miss Bowes, of Milton, who comes very highly recommended. Silver 1 coin-(«Lion ht the close of the meeting. Miss Bowes will also meet. the indies of the village who ure imerested‘iu the work in the aftvr-‘I noon. The meetings will be liild in the 490â€" ‘ xture room of the Methmlist church-u In the" evening Rev. W. F1W113Lm will occupy the" chair. ‘ Sad AccidenL Late last Monday night, Mr. John Jordan men With a. severe accident in Torouhywhich might have .rpsulted in his death. He was conversing with one of the éitv ï¬rem‘n'n when' the Mum'souuded for a ï¬re over the Don River. In a few seconds the horses Were bitched, and sprang turward to the scene of the blaze. Johnnyjumped on the step oi the hook and ladder wag'gon, but on going around a corner, he was thrown off, and shmewhat seriously hurt. He was removed tn the hospital from which place he has not yet been taken. His muther and" father were sent for, who immediately started 'for the city on hearing the painful news. We hope the injuries will not prove dangerous. Inquest. An inquest was held on the bqu of the late Ruben Wallace, who was killed by the yam on Friday. Feb. mm, between Rich- mond Hill and 'l'hornlnl'l stations, before R. B, Orr, M. D., Coroner. A jury was 8!!)le- nelcled the next day, composed of the follow ing ï¬e tlemen: Joseph Boyd, (fa'éman) An- drew Boyd, Nathaniel Shunk, Amos Shunk, James Oliver, Jas. McBride, Henry Rumble. Thns. Matthison, Wm. Bailey, Wm. Jack- son, Malcolm Barry. Eli Snider, Arthur Hateman, and Watson Johustun. After viuwing the body and wreck, the inquest was adjourned to the Masonic Hull, Maple, Tuesâ€" day evening, March 2nd. at 7, p. m. After hearing several witnesses, the Coroner ad- llressad thejury on the {acts of the, case as adduced. The jurv then retired and in a short time brought 1n the followmg verdict: That the deceased Robt. Wallace came to lus death through an accident on the Nautb- vru Railway, attaching no blame to either John Watson or the Northern Railway Com- puny. HiJ‘Hmlh‘r'Jobn BoyllL'Revitiï¬g Ofï¬cer for West Ym‘k, zines notice Em :unotller page that he'll“ publighrd Llie ,ï¬l'st.gelmernl List of Voters. u'nd'e'r We 'l)m‘uihio‘n Franchise Act. Those lists may now be seen in the: Post Ofï¬ce and other public places. As: time givenmp to the 318$ of this month for adding any mime thereto, or for striking others frum the list, ever eï¬â€˜ort should be made in “sell of the polling sub-division? to bug's hm mutt-v1- pi'opr-rly lonkmliul‘ler, Maple Bachelors. As was anticipated the Bachelors‘ supper and concert given last Friday was a grand success. The evening was all that could be desired, and no doubt the Success of last yea; \vns also a great factor in bringing out sueh large numbers. The church was liter- ally packed, and the host of order prevailed, lnrgely due to the able manner in which Rev. \V. F. Wilson ï¬lled the chair Messrs. Jen- ner d’z Bullpf Toronto, delighted the audi- once with their instrumental and vocal mu- sic. Messrs. Atkinson, Hume, and Storey, of Richmond Hill, sung several selections in (excellz'nt style. W. A. Sanderson, of Rich- mond Hill, gave two readings which were loudly encored. Messrs. Ncss and Lane re- cited very creditably. It is to be regretted that a larger stock of provxsion had not been prepared‘ as those who arrived lute found 011:, but the committee had not calculated on such a large crowd being present. How- ever, every effort was made to satisfy all. The proceeds amounted to a very handsome sum, beiugovcr $140; which will be applied to aid in-building the new parsonage. Ah (inter supper and concert in conâ€" uocpjojhy ‘with. the ,MetthiSL Cpurch, (Jun- <=ord,"wi'1! be held on Fva evening, March 12011? The concert will consist. of speeches and i‘uadings, interspersed with 'munic by an excellme ‘c‘hoir. Dr. Nellea, of Thornhill, will occupy-the chair. Supper served. from» 5 to 7', concert to cmnml nee at 7 30. Ad- misFion 3Q cents ; children 20, cents. No extra charge, ' DxcxovTâ€"At the residence of his son-in-Imw J‘ Kmnee, Esq, 5th Con. Vaughan. on March 1%, Peter Diclmut, aged 88 years. DEva~At 111:; late residence nem‘ Maple, on March 3rd. Wm. Devlin. Esq, aged 71 years. Ecx u'mTâ€"At Un-innville, Mm‘cn 8th. Sarah Jams, beloved wife of James Eckardt, Licenw :In- specter 01 East York, lVlA RRIAGES BE.\MISHâ€"CAMF,1{0Nâ€"- On March 3rd. at the resiâ€" dence of the bride’s father. by Rev. D. Cam- elon. John A., eldest son of Mr. Henry Beam- ile to Elizabeth, 2nd daughter of Archibald Cameron. Esq.. all of Vaughan. HOLIJNGRAIDâ€"GRACEYâ€"At the M use, on the 9th March. bv Rev. D. Camelon. Simpson Hollingsaid. of Osprey, to sax-ah Gmcey, of Vaughan. DEATHS :n.\‘1TZEEâ€"In Richmond Hill. on March. 6th, the wife of Mr. J. A. E. Switzer, of a. daughter, 1(1)): Saturday, the children of the Presby- terian Sabbath School took their annual drive up Yonge Street as far as Bond’s Lake, The procession was a long one, and the yolug uud mirthful seemed ‘to appreciate the trip very much. On their return they were entertained to a‘bupper in‘me Lecture Boom of the Church, ï¬hich they heartily relished nfler their drive in the open air. VPu‘re Cofl‘ee .’ ground when order- ed 011157 25-cents per lb. at The The Cheap Cash House. Last Friday night some thieves entered the bum of Mr. Wice. of Brown‘s Corners, uud took away with them one hundred bush- wl»; of oats, and twenty bushels of bariey. The grain hud just been lhreshed, so in all probability, the Lhievas were waltflaiu-J. for their chance. The sleigh was trucked as far as the all] (1015, (m the Town Line between \Vuit-uhurch and Mnrkhum, rf¢=om which place it was uncertain in its direction. (Jet the cheapesfand best Teas at Grennan’s Cheap Cash House; Sabbath School Drive. Public ‘Meeting Grain Stolen BIRTHS. Oysters. Notice. ngh School here. whé since New Yeax'z has been attending the Toronto School m’ Medicine, has been appointed mathematical master in the Collegiate Institute, Scratford, or the balance of this term. We notice by the Qu‘Appelle Progress. printed by Mr. Jas. \Veidmun, that. Mr. M. Lymbumer, furmerly of tms village, has secured a coutruct for furmshing one of the Indian Reserves on the Qu’Appelle River witu seed wheat. ' The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade met In phe Council. Chamber on Fnday eve- ning,Ma1‘ch5th, Capt. Pugsley m the chair. Saturday night brought forth for the sec- ond time this season our Wintry Momus to held high carnival. In full sympathy with the spirit of the occasion, a. numerous train of mimic followers wended their way to the capacious rink, evidently in keen apprecia- tion of the sentiment of the lines: “Care to our cofï¬n adds a nail no doubt, And every grin so merry draws one out.†As on the previous occasion, nothing was omitted to make this event a most agreeable affair to all who were fortunate enough to be present, either as participants in the sport or witnesses of the gaudy spectacle which, panorama like, presented new phases of en- tertainment momentarily to their gaze. With commendable foresight, Mr. James Starkcv, who was manager in~chief, had made provision for the reguling of the ap- petites of the sporlive revellers, sharpened by the invtgorating exercise in which they were engnlred. Our sister city of Montreal was worthily represented by Mr. Geo. F. Di'uniniorid, who, arrayed in the georgeous paraphernalia of a. "Retired Plumker," pro- voked muchjocosity with his f‘tlltuSLiO evo- lutions. 'Without wishing lo detract lrom the merits of other representations, We might inen.ion the applause with which Mr. H. R. Hardy was greeted as he glided into the slippery arena and pirouetted upon its glassy surface, a. faithful personiï¬cation of “ The Storm Blown Tulip." As the L stiv- ilies Were approaching their conclusion, the hearts of the “‘Coy and Dailiant“ were again not all afluttcr as Mr. L1. C. Page, attended by two damoiselles of enchanting loveliness, glided with gl‘ncvfui oircumvolutions into the midst of the giddy throng. Inspired no doubt by the admiring glances with which he wasnn every side assailed, his represen- tutlon of the “ \Vilted Cabbage †was so excessivelv realistic, that the “ Retired if'illlflbt‘l‘," nd “' Storm Blown Tulip "-â€"the erst~wliile lleroesâ€"Tszinkin to utter nothing- ness. A goodly number of visitors from our ambit-inns suhurhglrelped to swall the ranks of the-plessureweesers, and added to the enthusiasm evinced on all sides, and, when the warning frown of Father Tempus beckon- ed the mirth-loving gathering to seek their homes, it was universally conceded that Patterson was well versed in the art of get ting up a successful carnival. Let us have another by all means. - UOM. The new Prints which have Just arrived at the Concrete House are ahead'of anything that have previ- ously- been shown in the town. .Call and look through them and be convinced even if you don’t buy. Mlss'Susio Greene, ninoe of (ax-Alderman 1151mm, Toronto, is spending a few weeks at. the reaideuoe of M1". Ezra Ulubiue. Mr. W. H. Clubiue, nf Vaughan, brother of Mr. E. H. Clubme, near E.gin Mills, has bought the farm and residence of Mr. J. C. B. Johns, soulh of this village, The ,price paid is $8000. Thirty-ï¬ve members were present, the result, being a very enthusiastic meeting. The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. . Miss Hume ismakmg a new“ the real- dence of her brother, Mr. A. J. Hume. Flreman Geo. Trench tendered his res- iguution as a member of this brigade. Ed. Snider proposed 0. Cherry, R. McDonald, and C. McConaghy as appren- tice ï¬remen. The motion being placed before me meeting. they were unam- mously accepted as members. Foreman Redditt spuke at some length with reference to a conversation he had had wile a. member of the Aumra Fire Company as to the interest taken in the Brigade of that place, having practice as often as two or three times a week, and the fast time they were making in coup- ling. The foreman made those remarks in order to show the members'the interâ€" est taken in other places, and endeavored to impel by this means a. livelier interesc in ulll‘ uwn prnceedings. Foreman Red- dltt. was listened to with marked intesest. Lieut. Storey thought it was tau easy a. matter to become a. member of ths bri gade, and suggested that a fee of one dollar be charged on joining, and at the expiration of the year all those who had proved themselves 900d members should have this refunded. The matter was laid over after remarks had been oï¬'ered by C. E. Sheppard, A. B. Wilson, and oth- ers. On motion, 100 feet. of hose were or- dered to be brought up and a good c0an- ing practice was engaged in, Firemen J. McCunaghy and J. Piper making best, tune. Moved by the Secretary, seci'mdéa By J. McConnell, that the realgnation of Fireman Trench be not. acceptedâ€"Curri- ed. Moved by A. B. Wilson, seconded by Ed. Snider, that, Firemen G. Trench and C‘Masnu audit the Secretary’s and Treas- urer’s banks and report at next meeting. â€"-C;u‘ried. The resignation of ï¬reman Geo. Trench was then taken up. As Fireman Trench had always been an active member in the Coxnpnny many regrets were expressed as to the cause of his desire for resigning. Mr. J.r McBride, Iatghead master Vin the‘ The muting aï¬journgg. Second Grand Carmval at Patteton. Fire Brigade Meeting. PERSONALS. H. A.. NxcxmLLs, Sec. CHURCH CARPETSE‘SPECIALTY INSPEC'I‘ION INVI'I‘ED. And if Our Prices are not Lower than those of any other house inathe city don’t buy. Persons living at a distance of one or two hundred miles can save ‘ their Railway Fare and Expenses on a purchase of Twenty-ï¬ve Dollars. ENGLISH . FLOUR *OILCLOTHS, f ENGLISH LINONEUMS, LACE CURTAINS ! PETLEY &: PETLEY, Consisting of Wilton Carpets, Aubusson Carpets, Moquette Carpets W001 Carpets, Union Carpets, Hemp Carpets. And an Immense Variety of Crumb Cloths, Rugs, MAttings, ' Mats, Etc. Our Kid Glove Bonus Sale is over, but we will during this month offer EXTRAORDINARY BARGAENS Grey and Whiggwcgfqtoï¬s by the Piece ECONOMY If yov want to save money buy your Blankets, Flannels, CuttODS aud Lmens White and Grey Cottons, White and Gréy Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, Eta, Etc., Ifyou want to save money buy your Dress Goods Ifyou want to save money buy your Millinery 81 Fancy Goods at I. M. Hamilton’s If you want to save money buy your Silks, Satins, Flushes, Velvets and Brocades It you want to save money buy your Undorwsar, Cursets, Laces and Ribbons If you want to save money buy your Mantle or Ulster Cloths at]. M. Hamllton’s ELEGANT CA’RPETS I HDUSEKEEPERSI FIFTY CENTS PER PAiR! In this Department we show some Remarkable Value on account of having purchased the stock of a large Nottingham Manufacturer and will show Nice Lace Curtains at In all kinds of seasonaplc goods. Cash will not'be so much our object as the sellingr of the goods, as they must be sold no matter at what price. .. M. HAMEL’EN, TERMS: CASH, GR 0. (3. D. King St. East Oppo. Market, 184‘ YONG'EI STREET. We would also call attention to nuriMagniï¬cnnt Stock of Having an eye to business will make their purchases of OUR STORES. AT CLOSE MILL PRICES WEALTH I IS at M. Hamilton’s at M. Hamilton’s at M. Hamilton’s at M. Hamilton’s