Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Apr 1886, p. 1

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YHE LIBERAL PRH‘JTiNG (E PUBHSHiNG HOUSE LiICHMOND HILL. â€" ~ ONTARIO. TEURSDAY EVENING- DI!v GEORGE LAN GS'I‘AFF, ’T‘HOILNHUL, 0NT., Graduate of Tm"): ‘er UniversityM. C. P. & S ‘ Ont“ two \‘exu' ‘ resident, assistant smueen 1:0 'l‘mmonto Gen 31 Hospital. (Wine and r ' 101100.; )ne 'lnnr South of P. 0. 011100 Hour â€"b' to 10 3.. m., & 12130 2 17.111. Member Collage Physicianssz Surgeons, Ont... RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Hmnkful for the favors of me past 20 years muy stillbu cons“ ltcd in an} brunch of the pro- fimsion, as follows . knrnm‘, lst, with Richmond Hill.“ . . .‘Jth and 24th 1th the Palmer House) a‘fimlffvmc... ‘ .1811) M n‘klmm‘ {mmn‘ii ‘ l‘hm'lnhd . _ \Vrm‘lln'idgv . .28 Elniuhnr A. , 18th, and ‘J‘lnd of ant-h manth fit)_ 10. im do. do. do. do 'Yetm-imwvsmgeon,(h~ad\mte of Ontario Vet ()nlleue, Toronto. 1-4.4" AuGMn‘n Luump. ,A\IA\VU\.\’. lhwuses (:1 an the Dom-esticmtod Animals created Exam] ' »- SJ! AVENUE. WODDBMDGE. Meflnlist Toronto T'uivexsitv. Mcnubm‘ (‘0 Physicians A‘ :5 u‘goons,0nb.,(mm of Sbouffville Yonge Street. Bidmmud Hill, Office Hours to 10 a. m., 5 m h p.11}. D‘finuffvme.. M n‘khmm‘ {icmn‘iiLSILHM' th'lnhil’xw .. \Vrm‘lln'idgv . Emiulmrg. Nobletnm.“ . 10. 10‘ do. (10. do. do 0 Vitzdixefl Air always on hand at; uppoiqtments Works like IL charm Frw from mun. Wm. EDGERS, 1.3%., C mmn’ille... vV(::5tnll Maple, Richmom Wuodhx‘idgu...... , {\Ir. Huslmmi willhe found in his office, Now- i/m Brnuk, every fiaturduv, except when Satan "mv falls on the mauve dates. Jâ€"I lst Monday of each month $11 mad let “ ‘ (Rh “ " 9611 ‘ “ W'ill visit the following places pmfeseioually2â€" Thronto OfficewNo. 14 Building & Loan Chambers, Na. 25 Toronto Street. a. G. F. LAWRENCE. ’1‘. G. MILLIGAN. J. A. MCANDREW. Richmond Hi}! Officeâ€"Roar of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES KALL. FITLI‘AIFI‘ON & (300K, DAMRIS'I'ERS. SOLICITORS, &c. ih‘FICES: 18 11mm S'IBERT EAST, Tonox'ro. Richmond Hill 1’. 0. Every Saturday. W. M. HALL J. S. FULLARTON W. COOK. La? PRIVATE FUNDS 'ro Lam. “23$ Dr. Orr, Maple. 011189 hon 8 to 9.30 a. m.. and to 2.50 p.111â€" 3 it??? LI ’ VOLVIH. Address A ROBINSON L‘DSQAurmuOnt. Barristers, Solicitors, Cunveyéncers, 8a.. LAWRENCE. MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ Wm @31me ” . H. Husband. L. D. 8., & DENTIST, '1”. MGMILEUN, VIZEQIZIZE gig? Dr. .Ta'unus Langstnfl WETGR and PROPRIETORM per annum, in advance.] IS PUBLISHED EVERY Enclmmnd Hill. VE'E‘ALIZED AIR. DY. \V. J. \Vllsml. "F. \V IT'I‘, Vimlizeti Air Administer- ed. Broken cheap teeth at meeth Imt fining. made (:veron short notice. USED DY fir. A. Robinson. “'Trtcs‘imtry. 22mm:sz URGEON DENTIST 'Ecmfl. 32:11:11. NE WTON BROOK‘ 10. im do do. do To Loan at 6 per cent. Sta-night loans. Terms of repayment uf principal made to suit. borrowers. First and second mortgages bought. Advtmcesmmle on second. mortgages and to yurchase farms. Nocusts matured in making upplieutlcns for money. Write, or call at once for particulars. E. R. REYNOLDS, 90 Adelaide Sm. Hut, Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer {or thy Com:th of ank Onml‘in and Perl. Goods sold on muslcnmonb. General sales of stock, etc" umnmtly attended to at. reasonable rates. P. 0.,uddmaa, UNIONVI’LLE. Licensed Ann‘timmor for the (‘nnntv of York. re- spectfully solicits your vntronage and 'riondly influence. mum attended on the shortest notice and at reusenublcrates. P. 0. Address, v Licensed Ancfiioneer for thi County of York. reâ€" spectfully solicits vour patronage and friendly influence. sales (Lt/fended (on the shortest notice and at reusonube rates. 1’. 0. address, King. Lxcensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the 51mm“ noivicamnd at rem abe rates. Address Stoufl‘ulle P. 0 Underlnkers & Embalmers, Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand THE DOMINION HOUSE, filming minced the above HOW ed it in m‘smclnss style, Imn prepared to give the public the best of accommodation. Excellent rambling and nttentivc hoatlora. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectiou. Terms 81 nor duv. 4 DailyExprcss to Toronto. Special natention given to movinghonaehold furniture, pianos. 6:13., 65c. FIR STâ€"CLAS S LIVERY. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE a UVERY STABLES Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillinxcr. Proprietor. MDOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. Manufacture“! & Importers of waiting, Qilnchs, gemtllufiy, §ilh2r1nzm mm Optiwl Qfinnhs. SPECTACLES FOB EVERY SIGHT. M @2316” éESSQJVS. 141Youge Street. | Next door to the new Arcade MISS FLORA WULTEB PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. Central. Bank at? Canada. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. I’. f” H. P. Dwight, D. M. Mac- donuld, C. B. Robiusun, A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Denosite received Mid Interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. Na notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all \mrts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. V band 10 cents manage. and we will mail you ree, B. rnyul,valu- able, sample box of goods that. will nut you in the way of mak- ing more money at once. than anything else 111 America. Both sexes of all ages cnnlivo at home and work in spare time. or all the time. Capital not required. We will start vou. Immense puv sum (or those who start at once. STINSON 6: 00', Portland. Maine. Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence, oppo- Lu: Presbyi‘c “3' an. Church. MUSIC LESSONS. E. 1'1. MORPHY. SON dz CO... Is prepared to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. Special Rates to Commerciui Travellers Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, WRIGHT BROS, JAMES M. LA‘VRENUE, $500,000 Salem Ecknrdt “mistsuamus. James C. Stokes. N.J. Armstrong. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. S. M. Brown. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. 21mm. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1886. “I n Essefltials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all thinas, Charity.” TORONTO Manager. To the Juveniles of Richâ€" mond Hill and Vicinity. Come boys and girls. come on 9, come all, Resgongillg tn)th hearty cqn, ' To fonii u Téfilpéffiifcéiidnd; No grander work no noblor scheme, ‘ Could be deyjsed fox: “ life’s young dream," ._.__o a“. V In any climrerdf flanâ€"C17: V You know the day, you know the hm] 1’, As 3:9}1lgav9 5911.091. just gfter four ; We’ll not detain you long, And something good no doubt you'll huul‘. To make you better. and to cheer You with u. temperance song. No sect or doctrine do we claim : From every church, evew 1111111.», “ " ‘In‘, 'véKeiBEééiéfii c6313. To join in our united throng, Tu 12mm Flg‘e‘goofl. avoid the w: 0.1:: Next Wednesday, at the Tempenmm H. H We 1.1028790 see you. large and h 11; And there vour names em on ; We trust you all with one accord, \Vill juiu the Band, and keep your wm'x‘ All evil to control. 'Twill not be very long. you know, ’I‘ill'g‘l‘neu uugl _womex_1 v_ou will {4 The world your help will need, To aid each noble enterprise, That may in future years arise ; In you our hopes we ruml. Our object is to train the youth, In pggxs of \filftge and_of truth, All evil drinks to shun , All whiskey vile and brnndv rod, That burns the stomach. turns the bowl ; No tippling risks to run. Tobacco too, we will ignore As detrimeulml, 911 the score}, That nature has no needs, To smoke, or chew, or use as snuff The filthy compound, nasty stuif, Made up of moss and weeds. In the young mind we will instil, Profound respggfi for god's own will, Great results are speedily accomplished by the leading albemtive Nortlnop & Ly- man’s Vegetable) Discovery and; Dyspep- tic Cure. Indigestion ceases, hiliousneus ,d'iflppears, coustigatfiyq 31inst plum m To eschéw the profane ; To converse, useless words to shun, '[‘o nevgr Qakp, in wr L11 orIun, The fee required. is small indeed, To b_uy‘g‘ood books the d_imes we need‘ Afidvtempemnée Bulfggg $2de ; In every earthly plan and scheme, Mon'gy is negdgd. as theA steam, Richmond Hill, April 2nd, 1886. r'égfulm-lby of the BowfieTSA‘l'r-f conkequence of taking it. Ladies suffering from com- plaints peculiar to their sex experience long wished for relief from it, and impu- rities m the circulation no longer trouble those who have sought its aid. Give it a trial and yon will not regret it. 1, Ethel Switzer. 2, Lottie Hopper, 3, Edith Swnzer, 4, \Villie Glass. Our childFéfi s temiiéx 3.1106 mm} God’s holy, name in vhjin. The wofli 66 harry through. FOURTH CLASS THIRD SR. Kate Haffey, L, Bertie Gillis, Charles Gillie, 2 M. Mulholland. Ernest Orulay. THIRD JR . Joe Mundey. Orvil Drnry, 'W. Rumble. FOURTH CLASS. W. Monkman, James McLean, Frank Seager. SENIOR II. Robert Bone, May Mellish, Lillie Rumble. FOR THE MON ‘H OF MARCH. School Reports RICHMOND HILL. PATTERSON. C ARRqu LLE. :y, :, Alex Findlay, 'y, 2, Louie Haffey, e. 3, Mary Rumble. Fliisr :LASS. 1, Lizzie Rumble, ‘2, Herbert Gregg, MuWallaud. H. A NICHOLLS, Teacher. 1, Charts. Ur Hubs, Z, Weslcy L‘one, i, \Vm. Cotlnlbs. JUNIOR 11. l, G. Tenqyaon, 2; Minnie W'rigl'lt‘ 3, M. Hopkins. SECOND CLASS. THIRD ’3 A33 CLASS 1, PART II. CLASS I, PART I. 1, Minnie Schell. 1, Hattie Rumble, 2, Robert McLean, 3, Then. Rumble. J. E. TYNDAu, Teacher. SECOND SR. SECOND JR. 1, Teresa German, 1, Jennie German, 2, Ernest. Joyce, 2, Wm. Carson, 3, Chas. Legge. 3, Rich. Noble. J. C. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. FOURTH CLASS. 1, Eddie Redditt, 2, Ella. Rogers, 3, Harvey \Vella. SECOND SR. 1. Joe Beynm), 2, Elsie Redditt. R. 0. Bruce, Druggist. Tam, says:‘ I have no medicine on my shelves that. sells faster or gives better satisfaction than Dr. Thonms’ Eclectric Oil, and the saleis constantly increasing, the past: year being the largest I have ever used. One of my customers was cured of catarrh by using three bottles. Another was raised out of bed, where he had been laid up for a. long time with a. lame back, by using two bottles. 1 have lots of customers who would not be without. it over night; From our own Correspondent. I have been a reader of your excellent paper tor a. number of years. and for the last six months your correspondence from Edgely has neglected to send you any news, so as many of your readers would like to know what is going on in our village. I send you the followingc~ The Bible Army, of “luodbridge, made an attack on this village some time ago; they draw a lame attendance. I wish them success, as thev have some well drilled regulars to conquer Mr. (Elfin-lea Duningé is very low with inflammation of the lungs, but is, I be- lieye, slowly rreqovering.’ ' ‘ So rapidly does lung irritation spread and deepen, that. o‘ten in a.’ few weeks a simple Cullgll culminates in tubercular consumption. Give heed to a cough, there is always danger in delay, get a bot- tle of Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup, and cure yourself. It- is a medicine un- surpassed for all throat and lung troubles. It; is cnmponnded from several helb‘s. eacl) (me of which stands at the head 0f the list as exerting a Wonderful? influence in curing consumption am} all hing di- senses. ()ur enterprising merchant is undoubt- edly doing a. rushing business. Why go to Toronto for your goods, when you can get the same quality as cheap at home? ' Mr. Garton 'has chmmencea butchering; any person wanting beef can have any quimtiity by_ leaving an order at his office. Judging by appearances, our merry bIacksmith l8 do'ing a. good business, as he was in splendid humor the last time I pasged Pis shop; Mr. David Smith has stopped grinding for the summer. He intends starting to saw shingles next week. ' ' Mr. Joseph Snider is, I believe, about through assessing; he says the roads are in a fearful state. ' THIRD SR. Carrie Playtex“, 1 F. Robinson, 2 Percy Pluyter. 3 7 7 9 THIRD SR. V. Watson. L. McNeil, K. Murphy. FOI’RTH CLASS. THIRD CLASS. Herbert Leek, 1, Harriet Boynton, Trueman Mapes, 2, Emma Craig, K. Hendrick. 3, Fred Clark. ASECOND SR. SECOND JR. SECOND CLASS . A. Wilson. D. Kef‘fer. A. McNeil. A. midrick, Chas. Comisky, 2,’ Chas. BArkerJ: \Vu). Helmkay. JEFFERSON. HEADFORD. R. SECOND JR. I), 1, C. Beynon, litt. 2, George Black, 3, James Black. SENIOR I. 1, Walter Folliott, 2, Freddie Foster. A. L. CAMPBELL, Teacher. SENIOR FIRST. 1, Laura. Comisky, 2, Emma Griflin, 3, Ada Ritter. EVERSLEY. VELLORE. EDGELY. F. M CCUNAGHY, Teacher. 5. FIRST CLASS. 1, R. Miller, 2, T. Robson, 3, F. McDonald. L. LANGSTAFF, Teacher. 1, Walter Ferguson, 2. Geo. Davidson, 3, “fun. Normal). THIRD JR. 1, L. Dobson, 2, A. Julian, 3, T. Gibbins. THIRD CLASS. SECOND JR . Third Division Cqurt was held in the Court House here, last Saturday. His: Ho_rior J udge Mqrgan presiding. The nuufiaer of "case's (m the docket; was unusually large, but several were settled before the court met. The first was J. E. Willmot m. John Henrick, in which the former sued the latter for $6.25 in lieu of statute labor performed according to defendant’s nrder. Judgment was given against the defund- ant. R“. A. G. F. Lawrence wascoun.:1l for plaintiff. Another case was McCague 1's. Mun- ahaw. In this there appeared to have been a misunderstanding about a Contract of building. Mr. McUagUu claimed 97]» .83; the judge granted him $56.83. Mr. Haverson acted for plaintiff. In 8, garnishee suit of Mason against Wrights et al Patterson 85 Bro. gamishees, it was found on examination that nothng was due to the plaintiff A youth named Harry Shenfield sued a farmer named Geo. Rnbinson for $38, being balance of wages. Rubins'm pm in an (Hf-set for board, driving for the dnr‘» tor. &c., “ hilsb the plaintill‘ was lying ill in his house. Judgment fur full amount; was given against Robinson., Several cases of judgment summons were before the. court, some of which were dismissed, and in others the judge decided in favor of the plaintiff. \Vorms cause feverishnoss, moaning and restlessness durlng sleep. Mother Graves’ \Vnrm Exterminator ls pleasant, sure and effectual. If your druggist has none in stock get. him to procure it far you. The court adjourned [till Saturday. the 11th of Sept. next. w friends for “1â€"139 liberal patr )naggfiinrim; the past twenty-five years. I beg to re- mind them and the gem-val public, thm‘ having erected exti;e.‘y new and com- modioua premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.â€" Cutters, Is there anything more annoying than having your com stopped upon? ls Hmre anythiugmnre dolig‘u‘ful than gertil g rid of it? Hullmvny’s (7am Cure \wll do it. Try it and be convinced. Both light and heavy. 31! of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own nupervisr 1. l mu also prepared to do all kinds Hf black- smithng dc repairing in the most wurk» manlike manner, 0113119 shortest m ‘ v and on the most reuét n‘hle terms. PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S . WWW $§2:Ԥg;€£32291$§:: advertiser to arm- MRTM'N 2:12;,$41.2?“33xifi: ltoonmins lists ofnewspnpers and estimates ofthe cost of advertising. The udve)‘ti$n‘rwlm wants to spend (mu dollar, finds-in it the in- formation he requ fires, while foz‘him who wi invest one hundred thonsz dollars in ad» vex-using, a scheme is indi meet his every, rr‘quia'mm ,m- can be mar/e ‘0 dose by slightplmngt 9 (a a "rival (L! by cow" rcspomicnce. T49 editinnb M hven ismml. Sent. post-paid. to any mm: - mr 10 cemm. Write to Ana). 1’. m LL & L0,. EyVSPAIZER >A Dvmm'l BUREAU. ZiaSjifiéé-‘SEErfifiin‘élfajfso‘eu‘y 103%; Horse - Shoeifag [Single copies, 3 cts RICHMOND HILL. Paid special «amnion f0. \Wl'xi 'I‘RKENCU‘ Division Court. Sleighs and No. 4:. Immermm

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