V \\’e conscientiously afï¬rm that East York will be represented in the - next Dominion Parliament by Mr. Alfred Boultbee. We maintain that the action of Revising Barrister Tvlorgan in rejecting the applications ofnearly three hundred Reformers to be placed on the rolls, will ensure the defeat of the Liberal candidate, he he who he may. We call on lndge Morgan to explain at once what on the face of it has so sinister an aspect. It is high time to speak out on this matter. It 15 high time to call things by their proper names. \Ve are persuaded now by facts, as we were formerly induced to believe by appearances, that the passing of the Franchise Act had but one object. That object was not the extension ofthe franchise, it was not the set- tlement of the franchise; but it was to secure a life-long lease of power to Sir John A. Macdonaid. That veracxous statesman in his place in Parliament assured the country that his act was a fac- simile in all essentials of the English Franchise Act. His organs repeated the same assertion. The statement was grotesquely false. To go no fur- ther than the appointment of the ot- ï¬cers,called Revising Barristers. In England they are appomted by the Superior Court~_]udges,and hold- of- ï¬ce for only one year. In Canada they are appointed by the govern- ment of the day, and hold ot- ï¬ce for life. In England they are men above suspicion. In Canada, in many cases,they are party heelers and hacks. \‘Ce are not averse to agood party ï¬ght at the polls. We think not one whit the less of opponents who frankly say that Liberal contentions and Liberal platiorms are in tenden- cy suicidial to the best interests of the country. \Ve know well that they are as sincere in their opinions as we are in ours. However patent to us may be the tolly of Conserva- tives and Conservatism, we are not so completely the dupes of vanity and prejudice as to hold that folly made manifest to the world on ac- count 01 its appearance when View on through our glasses. All this is right, and in the nature of things. All this is the outcome of govern- ment by party in which we are ï¬rm believers. And to the Liberals of East York we say that cm] was never yet so overpowering that it could not be shaken 011'. They must not submit to this insolenc defiance, this savage wounding of their rights. If peace- ful means may be found to rectify the wrong under which they now snfler, let peaceful means be used. But we tell them that at all risks Hmms must be found, it they are men and not cringing serfs. But we appeal to Conservatives themselves for fair play in this East York business. Do they wish us to be excluded from the polls in order that they may gain the victory ? Are we to be bound hand and foot, and then asked to dance? Do they think that Mr. Alfred Boultbee is so entitled by his abilities and by his virtues to a seat in parliament that they should acquiesce in such a monstrous injustice in order to se- cure his return ? From our own Correspondent. The roads In our secuou are very mud- dy at present. but we hope they will be betgrt'er bye and bye. There'are quid) a number of persons ‘ . . movmg out and conung’mto our neighbor- lumd the lastflfgwi days: L Mr. Henry Leveee and tamin have moved to a farm a. little eat of Rich- mond Hill. Two of our farmers, Messrs. W. Thom- ns and A. Cameron. are going to erect new dwelling houses this summer. Our viilage ï¬rm seems to have a great deal of work on hand at present, such as buggies, spring Waggona, repairing Plows, Harrows etc. ' Mr. Thus. Hudwefl, has removed to York pufgoseflf farming. Severe colds are easily cured by the use of Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup, a medicine of extraordinary penetrating and healng properties. It. is acknow ledued by all who have used it as being the best medicine sold fur coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs, and all aï¬'ect- ions of the throat and chest. Its agree- ableuess to the taste makes it a. favorite with ladies and. children. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, April 8, ’86. @1113 “fliheml. Public Noticeâ€"R. Willcock. For Sale-1L J ordan. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EAST YORK. Teston. late of this place, township for the Minutes of regular monthly meeting of Richmond Hill Fire Brigade, held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, April 2nd. Capt. Puasley in the chair. Minutes of last. meeting read and adgpted. The committee appointed to audit the books of the Brigade, reported through Fireman Mason as follows:â€"~That they had audited the books of the Secretnry and Treasurer and found them correct, showing a. balance of $107 to the credit of the Brigade. 0. Mason and G. Trench, auditors. A. B. \Vilson mo Jed, seconded by Levi Gaby, that; the above report be received and adoptredffC-(mi’ed. ' '- The suggestion in reference to joinng fee. laid over from last meeting, was tak- en up and fully discussed, when on mo~ tion of Capt McConnell, with A. B. Wilson as seconder, it was decided t.) lay over the matter for an indeï¬nite period. Cmnmunications were read from J. H. Powell, J. B. Powell, T. Powell and \V. E \Viley, tendering their resignations an account of not being able to attend meet- ings. “Bloved by Capt. McConnell, seconded by C. Soules7 that the resignations be ac- cepted.â€"Uarried. In accordance with See. E, By-Law 6, the Secretary read out; the names of W. Robinson and W. Cobeanl Moved by Ed. Snider, seconded by T. Tyrrel. that the above names be struck oï¬â€˜ the MILâ€"Carried. Moved by Lieut. Storey, seconded by Alex. Kirkland. that the thanks 0‘. the Brigade be tendered no the auditors, Messrs. G. Trench and C. Mason.â€" Carried. Colin McLean was proposed by C. Sunles as an apprentice ï¬reman of the Brigade, and the nomination was accept- ed by the Brigade. - Ex-Cnpt. Sanderson being present of- fered some remarks. and stated that this would in all probability bé a. Very active year in ï¬r‘o brigade circles, as in all the places of any size he had visited where there was a brigade, they seemed to be. working hard to became proï¬cient, and he urged thls brigade to use its best en- deavors to maintain the good record they had already gained. Lieut. Storey stated that he thought some better plan might be used in ad- mitting members into brigade. Sevural other members also spoke on the same subject. and after the subject was fully discussed, Fireman Geo. Trench gave notice of n10ti_on that at next_vrmular meeting he wouid move that ByLaw 6, which relates to the matter, be changed. Mr. Redditt, the Head Master, pre- sented the inventory of buuks to the Board, which he said had been inspected by Mr. Hodgsou, the High School In- spggtur; - Mr. Redditt asked the Board to purâ€" chase for the High School certain neces- sugx chgmicals, and apparatus‘ 7 Mr. Duncan thong,le that the Board had no more right to pmclmse chemical apparatus than butchers’ 10013, as only a. small number of pupils Were taking chemâ€" try. Mr. Duncan asked if the Secretary had procured a. copy of the thuul Law, as directed at last: meeting. The meeting adjpuhxed to meet on ï¬rst Monday in May. '1“ reply tw question, Mr. Redditt said that, about ï¬lty were taking the subâ€" jecf, which \vas_qo>111pglsory. On motlon of Mr. Naughton, seconded by Dr. Wilson, a committee was appoint- ed to procure what; was necessary for the school. Mr. Duncan then asked permission to make a few remarks on the state of the High School Library, which he had just: examined. 7 He said he had asked for an inventory of the banks at the last; Board. meeking. and had been sat upon by members of the Board. Mr. Trench reminded the chairman that time was belug lost, as an inventory of the books was made out. Mr. Switzer said he had sent for the bogk, but i: had got yetï¬rrived.‘ A coupling practice was engaged> in, and good time was made, the younger members especially seeming to take a very ï¬nely interest, therein. The meetlug when adjaurned. H. A. NICHOLLS, Sec’y. It was moved by Mr. Trench,sec0nded by Mr.MuConaghy,thab the bill be paid. â€"~Carried. Mr. Duncan instructed the Sgcretary to recoxd his vote nay. Mr. J. Duncan objected to the bill be- ing paid, an the Secretary had not sent him a copy of said accounts. He said that Mr. John Boyle and others had not received a copy. The Secretary explain- ed that he had engaged a boy to deliver them. and that his (Mr. Duncan’s) child- ren had been given a copy. The chair- man endeavored to explain that the mis- take was accidental. An account of $2.00, for printing 200 copies of School Acconnts, done at THE LI§FRA_L ofï¬ce, was_preser}ted. V Minutes of last meeting read and a.- dopted. The Secretary read communications from York Co. Treasurer, and Mr. J. McBride. The Richmond Hill School Board held its regular monthly meeting on Monday last, April 5th, Mr. R. Marsh in the chair. Members present: Messrs, Duncan, Brown, Naughton, Trench,Glass,Switzer, McConaghy and Dr. Wilson. Fire Brigade Meeting. School Board Meeting. the rm "5 QB Gm.“ mS VZU 05L W0<<h , 85 08852 PUH 9aan mm mw Ham. 533mg. Tweeds; Shirtings, ‘ Cottons, 81:0 Dress Goods, V Prints,Gingha.ms,&0 THE FIRE PROOF Or any style made to order. Order at once. We guarantee all material and workmanship to be the best produced. Try us and be convinced that our work is second to none. Prices low. HOrse-shoeing and re- pairing a specialty. SURREYS, CORNING WAGONS. EXTENSIGN 1 TOP CARREIAGES, STYLES OF CARRIAGES 2 Spring New Embroideries, New Colored Gashmeres, GREY & WHITE GGTTONS. _ CHECK SHIRTINGS, COTTONADESEICKINGS,'&C. New Spring Prints, NEW SPRING (MODS I“ GENTS’ DRIVING CARTS I And offered t0 the Public at the Lowest Prices ever reached in the trao'te, A, Splendid Assortment of NOW OPEN AT THE New Laces, £50., 8m. Thé Value Oï¬ered in Is Surprising. Call and see our present FILES ' OF Of different styles, New Black Gashmeres, Consisting of â€"â€"â€"â€"AN Dâ€"~ WRIGHT BROS. New Dress Goods, AT