Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1886, p. 1

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THE LiBERAL PRINTWG & PUBLISH! \i‘“ ;‘ C: ti-IOHMOND HILEJG -â€" ~ ON'JTABEU. T. Memmm in L L‘lmnkful for tho favors of the past ‘21) yom‘s may still be consultcdin any branch of the 1m. tession, us follows: Aurora, lat,8th, 15611. and 22nd of eule nurch Richmond Hill... . . .oth sud 24m 1In_ drouff‘ville Mark hum . . . "0th 30'. Victoria. Squm 156 do. l‘hnrnhill, Walla I'd do. \Voodbridge ... H h d 0. Kleinburg.. .‘znth (xv fiobleton... ,BOth o VImJized A1 \vzx ~. on hand at appointments Wor c (L chm‘m. Free from min. I)". Jamar; Lzunzmtnfi Member Conoge Exfciviaumfi, Sm ‘ RICHMOND HILL, my. Veterinary surgeon, Graduate College, Toroqtu. "uuhcgv, ;. Vluuwwlt Inseases of all the Domesticated Annuals {rented‘ stmmxcm: ~8'm AVENUE. Woomnmmz. Wm». ROGERS, L.$.‘$-., Medalist Toronto 1'nivusitv Ix‘mvinv ( Physicians&vaorm‘,,Onwlntu n t-i[(-113'"\'H 3(0qu Stl‘b t, Richmond $1111. ( mu; hm: Richmond Hill Officeâ€"410m of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES :31 mo STREET EAST, TORONTO, " GLOBE ” OFFICE Monte Officeâ€"4W3. x4 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. a. G. F. LAWRENCE.‘ T. c. MILLIGAN. J. A. McANDREW. ‘cb’i'o u. 11L,5f13 81).”; Manufacturers & Importers of mum, (Cloths, éltmcllcry, §ilhnrmauc rm?) (Dpfirrzl 6.300111%. SPECTACLED‘ FOR EVERY SIGHT. .‘x‘tl‘vm‘ in U ' Dr. 0 rc‘, Miamv 0mm hams; 8 to 9.60 m mt, and ' same 1%: Emma Fullcrum. (100k (‘7 Miller, BABIUS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, 3m. JEFJCES: 3H KING STREET EAST, Tonowro‘ Richmond 11m P. 0. Every Sutvrday. J S Fullm’bon, \V Cook, â€"Miller Address A RUBINFON L.D.S..Aurmr Ont. VOL. IX. Barristers, ffm'licitorsF Conveyanoers, 8m. E. RI. MORI‘HY. SON & (30.. LAWRENCE. MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, Ydi‘bhe Palmer House) BU SiNE SS CAKES. GAS FOB EXTBAC'IXIVG. URSDAY EV}. NZEIJT‘ET. ‘ @112 @MW ” Vjfl‘flflJZEQ n .l . Andrews. 8‘ PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN EDITOR and ZROI’REE’I‘GEL ‘3 ’ per annumF in adirame, IS PUBLISH" L) EVEW'? Richmond mun. Vl'l‘ALl-ZEB AER. Di‘. “H .E. Virusma, F. liE‘W ET'B‘V 'SED BY 1) a A. Robinson» Vimlzrzed Ah‘ Al‘mvluistor» s ed. Broken nhuuptovthor ' teeth not {mi made der on 511th up Emmi §urgmm Sifctscf 1mg. Weslicni. SUBGEON DENTIS’V‘ 2mm. £213th . P USO RONTO of Ontario V FEES MODERATE )D’fl 25mm! Hmflfli 0P. DSITD TEE 30 (10 (LO do fir n1 Auctioneer for the Counties of Ymk nd Peal. Goods sold on consignment. ‘cs: of stock. otc.. promptly attended reasonable mtes. P. 0. address. UNIONVLLLE. '1’ 1m“, .‘rmtinzmcr for the County of York, rc- h (1111:; mm ‘ your mtronage and friendly JJIHCHL‘LL Salt JLttende on the {shortest notice ‘ (it :usonulnvrates. P.O.Address, Auctioneer for the County of York, to- ‘ u 1y solicits your patronage and friendly once. sales attended on the shortest notice at reasonube rates. P. 0. address, King. 3 : .T ‘cr‘nsed Auctioneer for the County of York sales attended on the shortest notice,zmd at rea- nbe rates. Address Stouffwlla P. 0 Having refitted the show» House um: xuruxrsuv 0d it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatmn. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for cummercial travellers. A good livery in con- noction. Terms 31 her dam This pnpulur Summer resort has been )‘eâ€"fitted in first class style, and now presents every conâ€" ' for guests and_ bgnrdoys. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Undertaken a: Embalmcrs. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand Eguua’a gab»: final. Excellent; accommodation for the travelling public. Best Picâ€"Nic Grounds in the County. Full supply of pleasure {and fishing bouts. Terms moderate. Beujm Brillinnger. Proprietor. Everv accommodation to guestsl. Board, $1.00 per day M @516” LESSQJVS. MISS FLORA BOULTER PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Central Bank of Canada. K. Chisholm, M.P. 1‘2, H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac- donald, C. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginby. Deposits received and Interosmllowed thereon at Current Rates No notice of wifihdrzmnl required. Drama on all parts of Canada) Unitud States and Great Britain, bought and sold Three miles north of Maple, and Shingles at King Station and Shunk’s bush, lot 10. (5th Con Vaughan, and will be ‘repmea to fill bills of all sizes and lengths on t e shortest possible notice and at prices to suit the present or any other time. W HENRY MARSH. mm: P. 0. 0n Jan. 9lst 1985. The subscriber respectfully intimates that. he will have a large stock of Lath and Lumber of all kinds at the MCGEE’S SWITCH MILL, LATH & SHINGLES I 13 prepared to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. cm at 6 per amt. Straight loans. \ nircpmymontnf principal made to suit 4, First and second mortgages bougim made on second mortgages and to UN)”. hum.” mvm'rod inmnking applications for fl. figmm, @§.Â¥$E E‘W'SMW A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, e. or Call [Lt once for particulars. E. R. REYNOLDS, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, LUMBER, Richmond Hill, WM. BELL JAN] ES M. LA‘VRENCE, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, $500,000 James C. Stokes, Eiwmamlnmnns. Saute“! Eckardt N . J. Armstranz. ‘20 Adelaide St. East, Toronto S. M. Brown. Box 06. VICTORIA SQUARE amount. “In Emmtials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” Proprietor. Manager. Thinking that a few notes from {his far-away country might prove interesting to some of your readers, i have decided to send you a short and necessarily an incomplete desorintiou of the beautiful island of Tasmania. It is scarcely neces- sary for me to state that this Colony is situated in the South Pacific Ocean,about 200 miles from Victoria, Australia. In shape it somewhat resembles a heart. and is about 200 miles from north to south, and about the same distance from east to west. The approach from the sea is nearly everywhere very inhospitable, huge rocks rising abruptly from the wat» er‘s edge and attaining a height of many hundred feet. In many places sunken rocks guard the approach to the island, and thus render the dangers of the deep still more perilous and necessitate a Derâ€" fect knowledge of the whole coast line on the part of mariners who enter these waters. Many wrecks have occurred here, and several within the last two or three months, one of which was the wreck of a ship from Quebec, laden mostly w1th timber. Excellent rivers abound, and some of these are navigable by ocean steamers of 3000 and 4000 tonnage to a. distance of 40 miles. It is one of the most mountain- ous countries I ever was in, and although the peaks rarely attain an elevation of more than 5000 feet, still you can find mountains of that height and smaller wherever you go. As you near the coast you can see the distant elevations gradu- ally becoming more clearly defined, and when close enough can see that they are covered with a thick forest. The trees here are the same species as in Australia, but as a. rule are larger. There are a. great number of different kinds of trees here whose names are not known in Can- ada, such as the Gum,Eucalyptus,Striugy Bark, Peppermint (Te-tre), Wattle, She- Oak, Bull-Oak, Myrtle, Honeysuckle, and Blackwood, the last being the most valuable. Strange to s 7 all trees in Australia are evergreen ‘whlshed their hark instead of fin-'5'; M fies. <14 strainx er, or, as the Colunmis any, airan chum,‘ this seems most wonderful, for the for- ests are just as green in mid-Winter as in the blithe months of spring. The beauti- ful tints of a. Canadian autumnal forest, than which I knew no prettier sight, are never seen here, but a deep, sombre green, unvarying in shade. predominates year in and year out. Just here I might speak of the wonder- ful size of some of these monsters of the forest. I had thought that after seeing so many of those Herculean Pines of La, Belle Canada. and the wonderful timber in Nevada and Califoinia, that the little island of Tasmania would not present to I my View anything in the shape of big trees calculated to excite any astonish- ment, but 1 had reckoned without my host, for as I took a trip down the Heron River (about 25 miles from here) I saw trees whose size far surpassed any- thing,’ I had ever before witnessed. Sur- prised beyond measure at the immense trunks, I throw my head back and tried to see to the tops. I was in that vicinity for several days, and on returning I had a. stifl' neck for a week afterwards. These giant trees run up to a height of more than 400 feet, and one has been measur- ed whose circumference is 102 feet. The majority of these enormous trees have been felled. A scaffold or platform is built around the but of the tree, to a. height of from 15 to 25 feet, and on this ‘ platform the exams!) do their work, leaving a stump of course the height of the platform. Fern trees also abound, I and attain a height of from 20 to 40 feet. rl‘he Heron road is lined with these mag- nificent ferns, whose exquisite beauty calls forth the admiration of all who pass that way. And now I would like to give a short insight into the early history of this beautiful island of the Sunny South. Many, many years ago there lived a man by the name of Van Dieman, appointed over the possessions of the Dutch in In- dia. Now this man had a most beautiful daughter, andâ€"for men are mortal and subject to certain unaccountable weak- nesses in India as well as in other parts of this little world of ours--many a poor follow vied with one another to secure the heart and hand of the fair daughter of Van Dieman;among these was a Dutch sailor called Tasman. His duties, how- ever, on sea, called him from her presâ€" ence, and sailing away to the south east in 1642 he discovered the island of which 1 am now speaking. He entered a large bay and anchored in the middle of a large riverâ€"now known as the Denventâ€"vand with certain precautionsâ€"râ€"for there were to be seen many dusky savages hiding behind the gum trees, eyeing :the white visitors with suspicion and distrustâ€"â€" landed. ‘Tasman, evidently thinking of the object of his affections in India. call- ed the place after her father, and from that date till the year 1853, it was known as Van Deiman’s Land, but since then, in honor of the discoverer, it has been Our Australasian Letter. IOBART, Tasmania, Aug. 20d, ’86. caUed the pretty but somewhat fantastic name of Tasmania. The world’s best, \Vest’s Liver Pills. The never-failing cure for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and. sick headache. 30 pills, 25 cents. All druggists. SEPT- 16, 1886. The most exciting and interesting de~ bate held in Toronto ior a long time was that on University Federation in the Methodist Conference. It is not too much to say that abilities of a very high order were shown, such as few public bodies possess in anv great measure. Federation was thoroughly discussed; speaker after speaker for and against handling the subject from all conceive- able points of View, evoking cheers when- ever they said an unusually good thing. Dr. Sutherland led the Antis, and he did it remarkably well, laying down his case eloquently and not without a good deal of wit of a personal kind. Dr. Dewart leader the Federals. and as Sir John Maundeville has it, ‘right Well and trust~ ily was it done.’ The voting took place at midnight, and resulted in a small ma- jority in favor of federation. HALDIMAND. The good Tory who was sure that the able editorials written for the Mail had succeeded in making people believe that the Pope intended te move to Canada, and restore the good old times of State Church, tithes, and wooden shoes Without toe-caps, has dropped out of sight, and is replaced by a sour, glum looking fellow, who wants to know if someone is not go- ing to choke off the crank who writes such stuff for the lilail. It looks as if a reaction was setting in, that the veil of sophistical cant hiding the modern proph- et of Rehorassen had been torn aside and the naked hideousness made public. Toryism is the same the world over, like the man that makes the lightening chang- cs1”- may outwardly appear difi‘erent but the voice. the tone, is still the same. ' A Tory once, a Tory forever, according to the order of nature. ' ' Methodist Conference~Ha1dimand Vic- toryâ€"Loyalism in Guy. LOYALIST DELEGATES. The Irish Loyalists sent out to preach against Home Rule, have come amongst us, and have already spoken before a large audience in the rink one evening , last week. Those who attended hoping to listen to a rational, well seasoned, im- ‘ personal statement against Home Rule, went away feeling disappointed. The Land Movement and that for Home Rule are the Irish Question, and of that little was said, and that in the most casual way as if its presence was merely accidental. I must confess that I, never heard a more telling plea in .favor offiiome Rule than the one delivered in the rink against it. The speakers plainly were of the opinion that by levelling all sorts and kinds of charges at the National leaders they were relieving themselves of the responsibility of explaining the causes and suggesting remedies for the wretched evrls that notoriously afflict the inhaliit- 3 ants of Ireland; for instance by charging leaders with accepting subscriptions rais- ed especially for them. \Vhat does that make clear? This, and this only, that the causes which impel a. poverty strick- ed people to give their little to one whom they consider a benefactor, lie deep down in a system of ruinous misgcvernment and tyrannical oppression. What does all this subscribing mean, and those re- peated elections, and this combining and meeting in convention? Is this a mere chimera. 2 Is it for nothing: that Mr. Gladstone risks the name and fame of a lifetime ‘1 The speakers made various charges, one or two of which I will give, moreover telling a thing or two which seems to have slipped their memory. Mr. Smith. who, by the way, is a civil servant, charged some of the National members with the heinous offence of be- ing mere workmen and farmers, who, he said, never ate meet more than once in a week, and who did not own enough mon- ey to buy a glass of porter, which is very true doubtless, but reflect that a man with enough ability to be a member of Parliament can not in his native land eat meat but once a week and drink beer (which is small loss) never. All this is a sad parody on the man who can tell such a tale of his native land, and laugh at it. Another charge is that Mr. Parnell ac- cepted £40,000 as a testimonial of which he applied £13,000 to the paying of .a mortgage on his paternal estate, which was about to go to the hammer; the rest he put in his pocket. Yet he forgot the sequel, that this mortgage was incurred in the National Cause, that which he put in his pocket was employed in the devel- opment of the 'Wicklow stone quarries. The consequence thereof being the em- ployment of thousands of men, and the establishment of an industry the product of which was formerly imported from abroad, with the great improvement that Our Toronto Letter. (TO BE CONTINUED.) arose in the condition of the dwellers thereabouts. Another, and I will dis- miss such a painful theme. W. O'Brien. M. 1)., he said, was presented with . ‘3,â€" 000 to pay the costs of a law suit; the costs were only £1,500, leaving to be in- ferred that this remainder was put in personal uses. This law suit was 011’.) connected with the exposure of Bolton, the crown solicitor, in a case akin to that laid bare by the Pall Ill-all Gazette, harle fit to be mentioned. \Vhen this is known and when it is understood that the £1,â€" 500 remaining were by Mr. O’Brien dis- tributed to three charities, without re~ spect of creed, the mendatoity of these men is nigh astounding. Others of this kind, and equally absurd, followed. And this is all that is offered as an excuse for opposing Home Rule. Men of this sort on a. mission so grave as theirs are like jack actors at a funeral, 0r mules at :1, wedding. The greafi health restorer, VVest’s Liver Pills. They regulate the liver and pmâ€" mote good. digestion. All druggiats. From our own Correspondent. Rev. W. W. Bates. B. A., who arrived home safely from New York last week, was welcomed by his parishioners. Rev. W. \V. Carson, J). D., of Ottawa, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist. Church last Sunday. A large congrega- tiun was present. A large number attended the Newton Brook Festival, and were highly pleased with the entertainment, the progmuum: was so fully carried out. It, is to be hopâ€" ed that our patronage will be reciprocated at future social gatherings. Rev. '1‘. Camfibell 133368 this week for Port Hope, where he will remain for :1. short time. High School candidates are changing teachers. \Vhy not have the adjoining School Sections come into the village, have a. new school house, and three teachâ€" ers, andysavo money. _ Th}! village Wore quite a deserted mp pearance for a couple of days, so mm“: absent at the exhibition. West’s Cough Syrup, 2. sure cure for c0ughs,colds and all diseases of the throat and lungs, 25c., 50c. and $1 per l»)th All druggims. CAREYâ€"DOYLRâ€"At E110 Bishop’s Palace, Tormv Ll‘ on Sept” M11, by the lh‘v. Father ,lmm‘enb, Mr.1’um'ick Cu.) (‘V, tn Mus Julia Doyle, foun- erJy of Richmond Hill. Miss Garton, Miés Johnson and Mr. Stanley Lune are visiting friends in the village. ' « ME’L‘CAI.FI«1â€"-Svlddemv, at his residence, Blow Hf» Toronto, on Munduy, Supt. l‘Jnh, James Metâ€" qulfc, Esq., ex-M‘ 1’. my Last Iu: k, aged (35. REDmTTâ€"At the residence of Mr. E. Pm‘rymm‘v No. ZUU Yonge Sn, 'L‘oruuto, on ’I‘llln'qdnyfiopt. 16th, Mixmiepelmvd wiie of Mr, '121L1iedmlt Richmond Hi]1.:Lgcd 21 yours. “ I say, Aunt Chloe, you is guttin}t around right smart.” " Yes, 1ndch 1 ; honey. I was pcstvrml and sick abe‘ with rheumatism for six years and don tried this West’s World’s \Vundm‘ t Family Linlment the people are talkl so much about, and J u as saw «anon cured. It done saved Imus old nigm life.” Price 250. am: 506. per bot‘ Sold by all druggists strayed from tno 1m; 1m; 48, In the 151; Um), V on Sunday, the 15th in. heifer 2 years old. A..._ Mon to ‘Lhe owner as t- suitably rewarded. IOâ€"tf A good farm of 145m cleared! the reunuw rear of lots (32 amt: ‘ church. The fun i011, and is Well mm. and plenty of 51‘ ham in good‘re FARM F EACJ'A I M Y NQ‘N‘EZE Applyvon the] ST RA‘4ED ! [Single copies, 3 cts JVIARBIAGES THORN HILL EATIIS No.12. ‘ the nuden (Lhulmwu. A red mu~ giving ix reuhouts ()4 bHLlr \r uhmunxl SA KT SM 1'] 11H ('x v

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