Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1886, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Sept. 16,36. To those who have been at all vigilant during the past year, as to the changes which have taken place in public opinion, regarding the po- litical feeling of the country, it must be evident that the power and in- fluence at one time possessed by Sir Iohn A. Macdonald are fast slipping from his grasp. At the last general election the cry of the N. P. was heralded from one side of the Do- minion to the other. To suit the purpose of the government, people in one province were told stories diametrically opposite to those told ing in anothbr. m ‘1";1rties ofall shades )1 politics were anxious to gch this experimental policy a fair trial, and the Conservatives swept the country by a large majority. But the most Huguine oi tliesé are now tree {k :l'fllTlllL that the result has been disappoiniing, and Sir john and his party have been loreedto look about [hem ior a new bait to dangle before [be people. The Electoral Franchise Act was passed, and a more nefarious meas- ure was never placed on the statutes of a ClVlllZL‘Ll country. Revismg Barristers were appointed, and time has already shown us that in :nny cases these ofnccrs have been only too willing to do the bidding of tho governmcnt of the clay which made the almtnntmonts. Indmns, who were wards of the governlnont, were given tho use of the franchise, on the I‘etin‘cwntation that they would, in all prol‘mhility, vote tor those under whose control they were placed. But notwithstanding the passing “f this nninst Act ; notwithstanding tl‘atthe Revising Barristers prepared their lists to the satislactien of their party, another hue and cry had to be raised previous to the recent election in Chambly, 1’. Q., and since in llaldimand County. To all believers in the confederation of our provniees ; to all those who are desirous of going hand in hand with their brothers, no matter what may be their creed, this last must appear wicked indeed. \Ve refer to the cry of Race and Revenge. For months past the Mail, the chief or- gan of the government, has been mounted on the Protestant horse, and llll‘LlIUOSt every number does it tell its readers that Sir John was in- StllllllCUlZdl. in hanging the archâ€"rebel Riel, and therefore is entitled to their votes and confidence. Farm for Saleâ€"C. H. Kerswill. ' hit our city contemporary has misjudged the people, and, no doubt, could it retrace its steps, another line of argument would be followed. To kindle a strife and fan the flames between Protestants and Catholics may satiate the ambition of a journ- alist for the time being, but it never can gain the sympathy of true and pracelul citizens. Mr. Blake has time and again said that whatever his own private Opinions might be iegarding the execution of the un- fortunate leader of the late rebellion, he had no desire, nay, he refused, to construct a political platiorm out (.f' the blood-stained planks ot the Regina scaffold. However, in both the Chambly and Haldimand elect- ions, the Riel question was the prin- cipal one before the people, and the result has been disastrous to the Conservatives. But it must be borne in mind that there are two sides to this Riel question. It the issue were simply this: did the govâ€" ernment do right in vindicating the majesty of the law by carrying out the sentence of death, the answer, from Ontario? at least, would be J)ut this does not satisfy the electors. The true questions are: were the halfbreeds, by cruel and callous neglect, goaded into rebel- lion? and were the government not responsible for the grievances? In both cases the people have answer- ed by their votes that the govern- ment were cruelly guilty. Nothing more promising for the prosperity and welfare of our country has oc- curred for many years, and it is not too much to hope that men are a- wakening to a sense of Justice, and are bound to rise above foolish ap- neals to bigotry of race and creed. @1119 fiihmxi. 1 out; But 15. in: mm)“ aka}: I? is induexl a i'n; ,. ‘ 10 a bottle at your :11". ggiat; mu] yen: .9“! never be without 1%, 15 C‘Iillxfi-‘i ,“ (Eli-[JUL and all In :1 3.1”“ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE TA BLES TURNING. u Lamyam x.‘ 1. TheSe cases were at the instance of two farmers living in the district of lots 32 and 38, Gun. at, Township of Vaughan, against the Municipal C(n'pumtirn of the Township of Vaughan, fur {-100 (lmnuges each. From the evidcnco it would scum that portions 05‘ the 4th Can. opnnsilc the pluintill‘s’ lcfs :mu whvm their road- ways leading to the cnncession are situat- ed were completely ll'ioded with water from the early part Of this spring till about the middle of July lust. and their, in consequence of such Wutel‘ ind mud lying from two to four fott (leap (HI the concession road it was llllpflflulifile for them to get out frum their roads thrnngh the concession. In consequence of this they were prevented from tea-him; tlwlx' prevâ€" duce, $50.. (by which they had suffered considerable loss), and the public travel- ling along the 4th concwssinn took down their fences and t 'avellcd over their lands, bv such trespass destroying parts of their wheat and ('lnver fields; fin: the 5 mm. The plaimdfis claimed further that, this damage was done \n‘onszfully and negli- gemly by the cm‘pomtinu, breewsc the Cuuncil had not. attended and put. the concession mud in :L sefu condition and open to flu; (nu‘ulling public, which it. was thnir duty to dm and nmreuver they were fuily :mee of the conditiun of the road last {all and had not attended to have it. put right till about May of thls year. Division Oourt was held in the Court House here last Saturday. Mr. Alfred McDougail acted as judge, The follow- ing is a synopsis of the more important 03.868 2-â€" John Clark vs. Henry Leech. Mr. Clark sued Mr. Leech for $47, being for 7 vears rent of lane at $4 per year, re- pairs for keeping it up, 850., the lane be- ing on Clark’s farm. Leech disputed the claim, and denied that he had rented the lane, also he admitted having used it for over seven years. A witness (a former tenant of Leech’s plztce) sworu to arrang- ing on behqu of Leech with Clark for use of the lane, and that Leech had expressed himself satisfied with the arrangement made. Judgment for plaintiff for S47 and costs. Mr. A. Gr. F. Lawrence acted for plaintiff. Walter Jenkins v3. Fred \Vhitlock. After hearing the evidence His Honnr urqu the parties to settle the matter privately, and adjourned the case for that purpoae. The case was aftox'v.‘ards settl- 0d. Simeon Bitter 1>5.F. H. Helmkay. $100. Judgment for plaintifi for $84 and Costs. The most important cases of the day wem Arch. McQuarrie amt“; Curporatiun of the Township of Vaughan. and Geo. High vs. the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan. .1 From the evidence of the Guuncilmen, it appuareli that last fall the Cummil had made an sittoiiipt to have the drainage of the road put right, 759 that thus miter (if any) congregating «,n the highway Could get, readily ufl‘, but. that they had considâ€" ei'ablc t‘iitliculty in getting the Railway Co. to mum in xhu matter. That they had obtained the services of Mix (x‘ihswn, their Engineer, M10 had DXDllllUti the promises inst Octuher, lint wax unuhh: Lu find the natnial outlet for the water. Mr. Gibson explained this (lziliculty at length, and stated that when he saw how the matter stood, he, or in his report to them last fall, recommended the Council to go to work under the provisions of the “Ditches and \szter-conrsus Act of '1883,” or thuy would be in for all the costs of making rm outlet for the water. Further that. thv Cuuncil last June had called on him under this Act, and that the road, :,(;c.. were in a fair way to being put right. ~s In crossexamination he admitted, how- evm', that the Council conld have gone to work under the provisions of this Act lust full or earlier this spring, and had the road, (to. . put right sooner, but that by so doing would have made the work myre difficult. In his opinion tho great falls of rain, &c., early this spring had a great deal to do with the state of this roaduvhich was more or less of a marshy nature. These suits occupied a considerable portion of the time of the court, there being a large number of witnesses for either side, and the evidence was very voluminous and numerous cases were cit. ed by the solicitors fur the parties. His Honor seemed to think that the Counpilhad not been negligent in the matter, although. doubtless, the plainâ€" tiffs had suffered considerable damage and inconvenience, and dismissed the units without costs. Mr. Lawrence, of the firm of Lawrence. Milligan «(3 McAndmw, acted for the plaintifl‘s, and Mr. Fullcrtan, of Fuller- ton, Cook 55 Miller. for the defendants. It is of the greatest importance that the liver should be kept in z), goodhealthy condition. The West’s Liver Pills, pure- ly vegetable will do the work. All drug- The next. sitting 6f the Court; will be held on Saturday, the 13th of November. gists . Afarm of 75 acres, being comuosed oi the East parts of lots 22 and 23,1’n the 4TH CON. 0F VAUGHAN, FARM FOR SALE ! Is for sale. ’J‘Tvu) fm‘m. which is near Richmond Hill statign 1an mad *9. in :3, high state of -1 tuvmicu; }.2L~‘. pearl in]i1r\i;1;§s WHY omhm :1. LIL; s; \w“ watcl '. ('uflhziuimz k1 =1‘.1. Spring: ' ' sn‘: pt: "1 30F Division Court. Li ('(VUKRRU‘T, 318p‘01fi0 ' a 3; 6 l E f EEK r .Lrt. Ira . . Pwuda "WWW @5595; mfi my 0. d“ WW: “Hmyfiufiam QHZ %m 4%.? Ewe E’j GRQGERE ‘@ E3 Shaking Rfifimfions Efimfimw, &0, Dress gammy Pfinfigfimwamgfle. an! THE NEE PROOF, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A v 86 B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of ON RUBBER, â€" . 0N CELLULOID, â€" I use no cheap material and warrant evgry set. LééldfiFvilling, and all other operatinns skiil‘flllly Rerformed, figimgdergte fees. r a . I Call and see me. Nb trouble to Warm queen's a ‘ var , 0.”, «nu VITALIZED ‘AIR ARTIFICIAL ' TEETH Absolute}y no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. D Egg)? GQODS . P. LEN NGX, DENTlfiSVI‘s BEST SETS i R EG EM $®§T§TATE ONS A Splemm figgsemmem of 30 25 I5 12 IO 40 19 lbs‘. of Sugar for 131“); :5 “ \Y73.ite Sugar for “ 15 “ C'UOL} T611 “ “ 52 bars offiood Soap “ “ 40 lbs. of Eli-rat Oatm 0:11 for 44 “ “ Yellow Commeai “ ‘4 18 H "flfnpiocafnr 10 H Green Coflee {or “ 17 bars Dingmzm’s Electz'ic Slim for {3L 9 bottles of L? phen’s 1501:1091 {or 2 gallons of Symp {or 60 cents. $3.50 Colored Tea. Sets; fur $2.50 $3.00 Beamth \Vhitc Sets for $2.2“ $37.50 China 861:; for $55.00. To clear out stock to make roam for large Now being purchased by Mr. Atkinson. 0 cent Dress Goods for 22 cents SAV E M O N E}: L‘ AT THE CON C Prints for 8 Cashmeres, all. wrmI 25 ~â€" $10.00 H H AT T H E AND AT QRQGKERY BY BUYIN G X7 L fififlfl'g WANTED STEADY EMPLOYMENT T0 GOOD MEN NONE NEED BE IDLE I PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NUT ESSENTIAL E We Pay Either Salary or Commission. THE FBNTHILL NURSERIES, Largest in Canada, over 400 acres. Don’t apply unless you can furnish first»~ class references and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any number of ener- getic men who want work. Address STONE & WELLINGTON, NURSERY STOCK. H 100 Smart Men Wanted at once to canvass fer the sale of Canadian. grown 18 II {BLOC Nurserymen, ‘ Toronto, 0m (t H

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