Think of the vast number of railroad aim- tleus, constantly nmpï¬ad to be ï¬lled with a new set at travellerb l New, quite a por- tion of the pnpulmtlon Lu] 3. Whole, and a. larger proportion of those who malaa up the travelling public, am in a: courlllzlon that makcu it unsafe for thcm “he become sxzulmrl, to act nnddonly, or 155 put forth unwanted exertions, Tlualr hmer me enlarged and dilated ; or have undergone fatty, or 913110 form of degeneration. ; UK there is a. dange; 011R aneurlrsm of the aorta. \Vith cure and the Mb“: 93I rigfd aaff can~ treI, such may rgnjtay camfcztnble health frr many yeara, or even f0 (:16, age ;but a single violent 9.0%; nay result in inst-ant death, Says the Malit‘al Reporter, “ If a reward of all such onsets cauld bu mafia, It would probably bs (cund 23119.1: (1038113 01' Bexleus: In- juries oocnsfcued by lï¬htniug or hydropho- bla, so much spoken of and dreaded, would bear but a email proporï¬en to 1511836 result;- ing frem the dniiy, museums, dcapemte ef- forts to catch the train." Of course it is annoying to ï¬nd anew}! left, expecizzlly where impertaut husinels is involved, Yet it; is never necessary either to run 01‘ t9 hurry. All W0 have to do is to start In savourâ€"to form the habi’o of being an tims,â€"â€"lmving a. good margin fer pm:- alble delays and the powflfle variaflau cf the watch ier the nmndard time. Tne habit will be WGIth, in aibar d1reutiona,’momi 8:3 Well 33 p‘uyaï¬cu), all it Wfliild coat‘ There wan need that em‘nest attention he directed to the bearing of tha public acheolu 9n the health M cur uhï¬ldrcu. Both our tenant; school syntam and our hygimic dean are largaly modern. But the develop- ment of t! e fm‘mer wan moxe rapid than that of thalatter. Studies were multiplied; examinations: were more and more rlgld; the marking ayatom introduced and the humble Echoelhouza gtws place t9 huge ntruo'purcs rm pspuleun as acme towns; Still, more cal-mat ideas in phyaiulogyand hygiene are slowly but Eume doing much tau-1mm making the education at the young a safe and healthful 131-00535. Meanwhile, haw- ever, we have not éuly nflendeti to our pu- pili oukflde at the fam- or ï¬ve wheel-hours. _, I,"ij “n‘i w V ' ' ' ‘ > ’ ' I u and other organza concerned in the early ntngea of digestion, and it is very probable that deï¬ciency of “quid impedes the latter stages, whereby the ohyme, by the aid of the digesting fluids, becomes ocnverted into chyle and blood, A fut man may evsilv be- come thinner by irjuring his health. “Bunti- ing“ 13 dungernun, as many who have fair- Iy tried can prove. 'I‘hv difï¬cult; problem i! to reduce the {at withom reducing the strength at the anmra‘tima. A uk'fllful train- or will undertake to bring any man down to his "ï¬ghting Weight,“ i, e., to the bud; cou- dltlen for violent oxyrflen, but as noon m: the discipline of the trainer In relaxed the obesity, when oemtifutional, returns, and a long conï¬rmanee Cf Ngh training iv murâ€" derous. Perhaps the old progcripï¬iun, “ Keep your mouzh shut and your (a), 02 epen,†whrn frillowpr‘} with judichua l’mits» tlouv, la the best. Net 1089, sleep lam, med walk more are safe injunoï¬ona pruvidtd ihey are ebeyed in modemï¬en. The. flat man Whn uses malt Hquots as a. daily {Maver- age daaarvcn to be buried under the cums. xoadu at midnight, according to the ancients modes of degrading the Wiiliui perpetmt-or of fell: ([6 so. Many of them are whpify unaware of any serious heart-trouble. Yes awry day and everywhere may ba 55311 persona, perhaps with heawy mtvhels‘ 0r ci‘her bmumbrance, hurrying fer the train, to Bil-VB ‘ahemaelveb from being left. . h . “an 1 The editar addu the case of a friend, fad; but remarkably healthy, never having had any sickness, who, ï¬nding hhmo‘nf late, started into a rapid run. Farm 1:, and more will 123 1:9 0305:1071 to huer lac catch the imin. The question whether water is feitening or Otherwise has been much disc-Maud. Formerly it was generally aaanrted thM the victims of obesity rhould mortify the fl-sh and reduce the fat by absmlnir‘g as mauh as possible from llqu'ldï¬ and remaining in a continual state of thirat. Latterly the op- posite hen been afï¬rmed, and I am told that a reduction of weighf; is one of the revulte claimed by †the he’s water care,†provided always the water is taken as hot (LS poneihle. painfully hot, and in great quantities. ll:- perlments have been made in Paris by Dr. Debeve which contravert both the-so duo- trinea. Theme experiments indicate thzzï¬, provided the same amount of solid feodia taken, large quantities of water make a men neither thinner nor fatter. They Were carefully made on a. friend who took welgh‘ ed quantitiee of food daily, and While these remained equal doubling the quantity of Water had no measurable effect (.11 the weight of the body. Still, 1% is quite poe- Bible that the old theory of thirst cure and the new therw cf hut WMZGX' cure may both be correct. Bath Violafe the nuiurul con- ditions of health. Soelding hot water, like ten or «(.‘ï¬ee. er grag oi eimiler temperature, unquestionab’y injures the tooth, elzcmech L‘_4\ -_-|._ On reaching the atatien, be 38.15 down, but rose in a. moment, wiped the aweae from hm face wiih his inztmment, anying “he would not like to run that way again,†instantly fell down and was deadK To guard agmna‘; overpressure, we forbid the child's braving euoh lemons as will make It necessary to study at home. Yet many parenï¬a inflow the child any kind of heme reading, and the libraries furnish unlimited facilities for the new of beaks. And as to the kind, children usually oheoao that read- ing which is the most exciflng, em: helda the attcmleu the 01036211; and longest at a. time. Now the lmrm of tibia la tenâ€"fold greater than an extra hour or two of taver- age atu&y. . . v u ~, LL, 1r?“k - "w ,_ Many sfuricntm capecially in the High School, Buffer mare from social pressura than from the exactlona of the aohuel-rnem, They undcsxgc, aflogethar more 21mm in phy- sically ah, the Horsemen“: or the stigma»:- mantra of partch (and farmly Vinita, of maxi;- teru of n’ M‘, aizii of EM": hams. A1: the moat (yrif‘o.,.! per i: 'i sf life“ their alga, i {who {1111111131551 \is- fit- " :11! qu,_te, and the (irn‘fly tVltBiJC m" thaw: '3‘:"’(C\l‘d a": :‘g; Ym- ymtd ’uhe daily suppjy. Timm Er: uc $51,311 in reliaving ‘s‘ha pma‘eum w'ihin the aches}- rmm, Wlirllodi‘uhl'fng {abs-.13 01193143 \Ve expect; fine iwches‘ to ruguh’m tho ponï¬um ufpupills, and i211"; diatanuc cf their eyes from the printed page. Yet out of ‘sha achuoI-mom multlmdea sf children pay no attention to the matter, but can] themselves 1117x5150 T0 CATCH TH]! TRAIN. FAT P140an “D mes, OUT 0 r SCIIOULJLIOURS HEALTH. Miss Anus. Dickinson baa been passing the Summer at; West Pitteton, Pan, with her aged mather, who is m and naw near death ; and whéle Mans Anna mLy ratum to the lecture platform, it in not probable that Him ever (again will attemp; “do act on the stag-’3. John anfl Jacob Taco-i, lha ’wzlna of chma whn have Lean mhown In almrsb every ally of. Europe as. lhe Bucuesaore of the laments Siamese twins, are dying in Vienna Their mother in P. atrqmg, healthy country woman. The boys ruflembln each other exactly, have pre‘sty, delicate features, and are now in their tenth year. John and Jacob are so- pumte an far as the sixth rib, and have one abdomen. and one pair of legs between them. Jamal) moves the right ‘ng, .Tnlnn ï¬lm-z lufh The twine cannot walk, and keep their bEQI' anca by lacing their arms round each other's neck Jacob eats often heartily, and la the hznlthler of the tws, am’i to ’11 appearw ce ll; in he who keeps his brother alive. Two days ago the twine querrellso‘. ever a. toy, and grew so exclted that hla hemtbleod sud- denly ceased te flew, and he changed to n sandman ef complete lethargy, from which he had. not awoke on the following mm nlug. The boy suffered from the same complaint 9. year ago in Berlin, and Prof. Virohnw than declared that a recurrence of the lethargy would put an end to the twln’s life. A number at Vienna physiolana are ob- serving the malady, but they entertain little hope for John's life, and if John dlel Jacob must follow him to the grove. The twlna as they lie in their bed offer a strange 00n- t‘m-zt, Jacob with feverish eyes and a red face seems to harbor all the blood that has retreated from John’s llfelesa body. The nonsclous boy cries; incessantly, because he ham often heard Prof. Virchew’s remark n2- pï¬a-ted, and knows that his brother’s death In but the harbinger of his own. The poor creatures are meeting with the same late that some time ago put an end to the life of the Siamese twins, the second of whom died of poisoned blood vessela, after having spent six terrible hours with the carpae of his brother. The advisability of an operation arparatlng the lfvlng from the dead brother was dleeussed at the tlme, but before a re- solution could be taken death had dene its work. The twin: of Looms», who for the last eight years have travelled to Ill the world’s shows, were to have Ehortly left for New York, where Barnum is Hold to hIVG engaged them for a. year at a salary of 30 000 frunca. In the event of their death the parasite have sold their body to 9. London anatomic-3.1 museum for the price of £8000 Q, men Victoria’s dedra to marry her daughter-in-Imv, the Duchaan of Albany, 1:0 her widower uon-iu-Iaw, the Duke of Heme, can he acmmpllahed wizhous the puanaga 0f. Mm daceased-wlfe’a-‘sgsésr bill. as them #3 no Eag‘is‘n law against marrying a deceased wife’u niatcvinlaw. Matthew Ameld’a daughter is a plump, badly-dressed limo, Engizahwexmn, who Lao untried B. New Englander named. VJhW~ Hodge, who ban a great; record as a moun- tainâ€"olimbm- and is a member 6f the Alpine Club. Thwir home is among the Berkanire hills of anssc‘ousatta. Mrs. E'Vzabeth Stuart Phelpfl can write hams: than she can (imbue; and In order to iurnish name articles pmmined by her, sheia w: work with her arm in sp‘jats. The wrist was (sprained £112. {all not let-g ago. The Twins of Iaocaml, Not Siam. In an EC gush mag: zine an attempt is made to give 5 marks of Americanisms ; that in to my, word: (mined at Invented in America. Under the word Bonanza the deï¬nition '3 givenâ€"†Spanish, 9. big schema by which, honenfly er otherwine, much money is maï¬a." Upon this! a orltï¬o pounce: and says that bonunm mean “good fortune or god luok.“ Banamm is indeed a. Spanish Word, and vary naturally came into use In Cslï¬omla. 0: Nevada. But it daea not mean “ 3. big schema†or “good lua ." it In a. nautlonlâ€"a seageingâ€"vwerd, ant} means fair weather at sea. If the reader will refer ta St. Matthew, Mist: Mary Anderson is: repsrted to be ne- gotiating for a. large stock ranch near North P atte, Nebraska. Mm. 'l‘tlphenia Havana, of Dzmbury, 001111., rszcent-ly cahbrmed her ens hun- dredth bxrthday In the houae where she was born and ham always livud. viiL, 26, he will read than after the Lord re~ baked the Wind and. the sea, “ there was A great calm.†Aad if reference in nox‘; had in bhu Spanish version of the New Toatamant he will ï¬nï¬ the 921272.33 them given, “ mm grands barman." It K! may tn n' (33mm ad how the word came Inta its ï¬gurative naeâ€"â€" as memtug a happy calm, and goud hops biter a weary march, down so long and exciting stories in deï¬ance of Veyoa!gbt nqd health. LHA‘ LL» u. \Jv-.n_V ___.‘ Of csurae, the teacher cannet central the pupil eutalde the wheel. room. I’areutn need it) oomprahtnd these matters, and to feel thuir reeponaï¬bllity In the case. Still, the keucherhau not done hi1: whale duty unâ€" less he has Impertod correon Ideas on the Bubjf‘c‘é, and sought to nuke them pmu‘domL 1y efluctlve 8‘; all times. Every year a. woman livas the more paï¬ns aha zhould take wnh her dress. Apluin weman 01.11 never be pretty. She can always 138 fascinating if we takes pains. In all things Iota weman Mk What will plane tha men of sense before she asks what will pxease the men of fashion. \Vhen r. mam speaks of a pretty g’rl he says she in a. duck. But: a. woman is apt to Bay of a. pretty girl she h m) chicken. ’116 Princess Clementine, ax†DenmarkJs fauzteen years old, and in mid to be de- lightfully piquzmt. Ham†Well; IT! $51". you hm R» 93. M:\r< riage is ciLher hmvmx er hell. 1 don’t; da- serve heavm, and if I can manage t9 keep out of the ether place I’m going {so do it.“ VVamen’s beauties are seldom men’s beau- ties. Gayety tempered by nerluuaneus is the happxesb manner in uocieby. Au 0m Banchciov‘s Em GUSSXP ABOUT “11313191. The Meaning of Bonanza. i550. l As seen as a young man and young wemun E are engaged. in Norway, no mattinr in whim trunk of life, botmthml rings are exchanged. 8 Those; rings are Worn evar mftorwurds by the ' man as wall as by 1113 women. The 0sn$a~ v qunnoe is that one can aiwayu is?! r. married mum, or u‘hleaz‘: 1m augufjeé 21mm, iu Norwmy . in tho same way M one, can $1811 a. manianl : woman in En’rlanrl 9: how she mewn hex: hnnfl. GUM riugu we mead. by " a Mich.i hm. aflvel'y 3 with x. d 01: in ï¬ligree, by the poor. fibers h 11:: married mm in Norway, no i mam/a): how humble numay he, wins (Eat-:21 mm 5 bear thh outward mark 9i him mbmission its the matrimanlnl bond. But this is not E 2.11. As mm] as a. men is engaged, he has callingcm‘ds printed, with the name of bin l ï¬znwe immediately below hie own. I. The Valley of Death In the island of Java, Wham “ the deadly Upaa trze†exerted it): baneful influence over all forms of liiu, turns out to be a. huge. lmpoaturm The Boientiï¬c curiorisy of Dr. Otto Kun’cze, the celebrated German explorer, lm‘pellecl him to via“: Pakamaran for hlmself, and to luveltlgnta its peetnt domth-Ileeplng effects. Hm guidw and servants would ne‘b countenance much Bemarity, and one of them tried to held him back from certain dumb. by shear force. But he pushed on, and feund, lantern! of myrlad skeletons of beast-a, nerpenta. and birds, that auch a. thing as evens. dead fly WM not he» be discovered after a long and careful search, and than: the valley was quite as healthy an any ether part of the lalwd. Ignorance and superstition had. created a. fearful myth, whth hats now gone the way of many another haunted region and many auether prleutly barror. In all undrained troplnnl roglenu poisonous exhalatlous are common enough ; but the birds are as safe frem their eï¬aots in flying over the valley of the Upma tree as over the moat favoured spet 9f culti- vated land on the earth. “ Well, what do you say '1†he Mkeci, as the last coon stepped kicking. “ I’m yeut’n 1" WM the reply ; “ and by the time you 310%: back from Bervle I’Ll have these palms off and tacked up, and be ready for the preacher,†He returned to the house, told the 01d foXka that; he would bring a preacher buck with him, and at dunk that evening the twain wexe untried. Hardly an hour had been wasted in caurtmg, and yet: he took home one ef the best; girls in the I’rovince. Thirty years age Bruce people were a. frank and truthful set. Strangers could come there and trade horses wlth their eyes shut, and brcaoh of premium oases ware un- knewn. Folks meant what they said, and when they gave their word they stuck to It. The stranger heard thewammd of her axe, and foliowed it, He found her jutt an the trap was ready in hall. _ _ "' Susie, I’m a. widower from Glengarry ; I'm thirty-nine years old, have one child, own a gaod Inrm, and I wank a. wile. Will you go bru k home with me ‘2’ She ioanod on the axe and looked at him fer half a. minute, and then replied : “" Can't any (or certain. Juat wait till I get (Shane (zoom cflmy mind." u Sh: sent tha nee Icranhing to the earth, and wish hla halp killer} ï¬ve caons, which Ware skewed away in a hollow. An Englhhwoman, new Ilvc’ng 03 her farm Lair Opolnuws‘ hoard slams time ago, that £21 a ditch In her ï¬eld mm L: good-sized alligator. Not {a bit diatrenaad WM aha, but quise dollgh’wd, and, anxirmu :9 pawsesa Eta skin. Accordingly she had it captured and killad, bu’a from superï¬itr‘cn or other Billy motlw: not a 1mm rm the: place wan Willing To do the skinning. Finally the lady pre- vailed over the objections of one, but he set almu’a the tank no awkwardly that aha dia- misaed him and (“undertook it heraelf. \Vith hmtullcï¬ uni} hr:le L'he and her "tl;ln10.ymn:. old daughter actually removed the akin an- tlm. It was hmd work, clpaolally to her who knew nothing of anal: thkngn, had never seen an alligator aklnned, and had little idea. of how to maomplieh 1!}. But acoompliuh It she dld, and new, cured and strdghtoned, her treaaure hanga in the parlor, an honored trophy, not bowelnt but rare, alonguldo of her fancy etagaxe and elegant pt'ano. Sha paints to it with pride and says triumphant:- ly: “There are not many of my oountTy- women who can guy, as I can, ‘ I have skin- II neg urn alligqtog _ This name lady has travelled extensively threugh Europe and North America, but heartily declares that there in " no place like hemeâ€~â€"Viz., her present home on the pnlrle. She laborl WiL’h her own hands te- warda its improvement, She painted her floors, papered her walla, hung up brlght English pictures in hemermade frames of her own oantrlvlng, and tumed her hand $0 any bit of oarpenterlng, cabinet-making, plumbingw eto., neeoï¬ed in the house. She has laid out garflon beds, constructed brick walks, and made her little parterre, wlth Its roman, portulaccu. panaiea, lee plant, onnéy-tuft, and mlgneneflteâ€"a thing of joy, and beauty. She dlgu and been, fextlllzes, weeds, planm impropriapcrsona, and drawn the line only at; plowing and fenolng. Exautly thirty years ago a wldawer {rem Glengarry Cnmty, appeared In Klnom'dine on busiuera. Tum name buolnesa carried him over to Bervle, eight milw. away. VVhlIa en rcuta he atr‘ppad at a log farm~ henna to waxm his cold ï¬ngers. He was warmly Welcomed by the pioneer and his wife, both of whom were well along In years; and after same general talk, the woman queried : " Yea." " Did you came out here to ï¬nd a. Wife 2" “ Partly.†" Did anybody tell you oi our Susie I" (C No.†" Well, I've got as bouncing a. girl of twenty-two 8.6 you ever set: eyes en. She’n goed-loeklng, healthy and goodvtempexed, and I think she’ll like yeur lecka.†" \Vhere {u abs 2†“ Over in the woods, here, chopping down a cann‘tree. Shall I blow the born for her?" “ No. If you'll keep an eye on my horse, I’ll ï¬nd her.†“\Vell, there’s nethlag amok up or 3in 0'9 ed about Suaie. She'll my yes or no as Benn an she lacks you over. If you want her, don’t be afraid to say no.†She WM. 9. (Rent, good~looking girl, swing- ing the axe like a man, and in two minutes he baa deddud to my : “ Am 1 right in thinking yon are a Widow- er I†Another Iliusion Dissipated She Skinned an Alligator. Marriage in NorwayD Ye Olden Days. On whom deem thls glint depend! Ah, friends, not 0:) Que alone, not on hm, but on every member of the circle. 0,: the father in many Ways. It behooves him ta Eharo his wlfe’s “his, to aid her 3.3 far 11le bin power. The mnny peï¬ty annoyances that fall to her let, the constant strain of training the lllstle onesâ€"a atraln not only an physical Itrength but en temper as well â€"‘al:e burden 61 looking after the household L‘lutlel, all these nhould bu almrad and light- ened as much my possibls. If bathing also, a cheery word, a bright Imlle, and a loving care" can be glven, and many :2. home has hen: bullt atrng and sure, on junt such a foundation, Times are the things every true woman algbs for, mom nnbatau’ahl things are noceamry, but. those ether must b3 given, and given Without atlnt. Then a father must of necesalty be the guide and counseller of his children, espeulnlly of his none. He knows the ï¬lnouuémd and one traxnptntisua that yeuth and manhood are nubij so, so he must make himaalf his aan‘u friend, and rhea ls ha in a petition to warn, oeunsel, yen, even to snva the loved one from evll wayn. Home I The very clement werd in our language, the one word that expresses every jay and happiness that a. human be- ing can wish for or hope to Mtain, a sacred portal, no matter how humble the charm is mm desire:de ;net how ai‘aï¬ely 1t canuni be driven “my : there centres the hearts of the loved enas, though comma wide may x011 between them and the roof‘tree, It may be met the circle is, broken by the 24mm reaperDeath, a link hem and there has been taken, but under the 01d roof, where every nhadcwy corner and every inch of the dwelling is dear to those born and raised ’neath Its shelter, there the old ties are reunited, and the old rooms are peopled â€"in memory It may be, but,~ peeplcd they artâ€"with those wha played together under the smiling sunshine and banked in the love of the name parents. Father l -Mother l Brothers l Sisters! How full of bleeaing and pathos are those words! The deer, honorable, old father, whose brow la nlvering with the snows of many winters; the kind, patient, loving mother, ever ready to aid and guide us, never thinking of aelf, living in very dead In husband and children; the stalwert eons, frank and helmet, rendering boner to the parente, and promotion &0 the listen ; the loyal, lovlng gule, Whose thoughts and happiness are bound up in that of those sheltered and nuriured at; the Lame brew-1:. in those who all their lives have been their protectera and best friends. If there in a. glint of heaven below, we ï¬né it lnthe amlly circle, in that haven of teatâ€"home. The mother E13 naturally her chlidren’u eenï¬danï¬'a. The) manly bay and frank girl that any, “I have no neareï¬ from moï¬her,†may be trua’aad evenin strong temptation, for the thought 8f that (hear farce, aaddened by the knowledge of ibeir wrong, will hold them {mfer rsgaiusf. the current, 16% it flew ever an atmngly and rapidly. Ah, mothers, hold your sona’ and your daughters' oonï¬denoa M one of the most sacred thing's conï¬ded to ycur one. Make thair interest your inter-ass, their friends yeur iriends. their nmusemenka your amusome'um. B It, remembur, the world is changing, the youth of funky Will not walk in the same line there of ï¬fty years ago were content to walk in, andwa you value the unï¬ty, pence, anti happineu cf your home, do not try to furoe them into it. Thay must keep abreas: of the times, they will keep abreast of them, if not at home 8116.1 abromi, so do nut, I pray you, endeaver ta crurh (mt the interest they take in the piemnras OK the green?) day. Try, rather, to entcar Into ii: with them, thus by belng by their ride, you can advise and warn, [and they will listen to you and proï¬t thereby. 0:.‘ly 019419 ccmpmionuhï¬p, and interchange of theught will make ï¬ho 'noma what it ought- to be, a circle of friends, united with u pure and lofty xfl'w‘zmn Vim-.011 the aimr'ms of narrow or adversity Only make the mars Wrong: The motion, too, carries on has“ delicate shouldrm u. rosponuibiaiw ax! gr'eat as the father, in. one meme more mo. To lam La- atinctiwiy bump, the chi‘d wï¬â€™ah like marrow and its joy, with W! tale of, hi I102", or in pan- E‘tonce to): wrongdoing, and. woeful is tho thought-5, if hor heart m nm’: tam-any mough, and hot affection o‘oap enough to pxrdon and love, ovon whiie famed to oimatlao. 1'5 sooma 1 "a! for her to stand Ina-Swarm ha: children 51 their father, £0 dopremta thoï¬â€˜: bhoriicominga, to ï¬nd numbarleiu oxounea for them, but aha must be careful. If oar- rï¬ed too for a child soon dleoermx it and not»: aooorékgly, so that in many oases nomen- ng him is really i). wrong inflicted, and one or: which he will if; after yearn not fail to feel the “Tech, nor hesitate he: condemn the fooliuh aflecth n whioh prompted the action. The pm‘euts should be one in thoughts and {(1638,th acts of the ohiidren am open $53 one as the athe r, and both amenable: to ma.- non. Faï¬sher and mother, make thy home 9. haven, a. levefl retreat, where the storm: tensed man and dwghter can, o-ame and ï¬nd tent ani pence, Make it that, even {91‘ the one thus has inhomâ€"AIM 1 many a. home has that sorrow hanging over icyâ€"Est Mm feel, though all the warm. forsake himv the dear 91d ielkn at heme um love him, still pray for ‘nlm, still held out the arms ef leve to enfeld. him, and help wlnhflm back to the right path and a redeemed manhood. Sam and daughters, ye, teas have a. part to fu7ï¬l in the making home Wlmt; it ought to be. The older you grid the more you abould reauza this, and arrive ’09 fulï¬l the high duty whiths surely youra. Why so Impatient of central ? Kim-w ya not it its your highest good the “ dear aid £61k†are studying Y Know ye not, that; to them, your hrepp’éneus and proaperity are dearer fur thxm even Ma itself 2 D9 ycu novsr think h8W contentedly they would live, 5:091- and Imkn-awu, working u'Jmost: day and night that you nheuld have comfort, pleasure, and the respect and honor of all gaud men '2 And what return do ya make ‘2 Ay, 9.11an of It, then far very ahama’a mks: give them gmy hairs ‘Jhc [ova and honorg the mppnrt mud dev " <4 1' ‘ (,2 $3.. " hasty w i 7D. $112.11 118er if they vr Am u r : mm. with you ; yet-1, Show 13'. ' 1,; 707’, aldâ€"fs.whicqcar [menu 31119 d i: lovex the mast; m‘ot, ‘ ‘ Lisili'rfi y xmmhmflf and warm uhm... iv (mining; of ,- Hag; for, remtmbu-Y LL is by Mum you arm 11"; yea um ’53 clay, to {than whéch oomuï¬ud nothing toe hard to endure, that their r-himrcm should map advantages they never had“ Ah, boy}; and gifla, luv}, the old home, BY ARCHIE MACK. HOME. What you ï¬nd a {mi}: who’s (1eth dean†worry him you hev hï¬t npun a chap who'd nuniyer mule If yau tori-pt to lock (18 stable douh‘ Dmn’ be disappointcd in your fella): man’s weakness. Same of us hov bin whittled out of Rich green tic oer Gut We warped in de aeznnlng. \VhilE yz‘u shouir} pub Ga Creeps} ahead 0! dc law (18 Xavier am; :16 bash thing he appeal to when you’ve got; 2; good one. My ohfll’an, de 010 man has trabhl da leng gn’ wreary road to reach de present mile post, an’ he has seen some things dat am wuth jottin’ down fur remembrance. You want to take nofls dais d3 01(2) of a: rogue an’nn honest man am out arber de same fashnn, an perhaps from do same pattern. Doan' accept outside appeamuces. When you ha’r a: man doin’ a great deal 0’ tnlklu’ jiat remember duh gab kln be cultivsted, but it taken natur' to furnish bralnn. If our pmrperlty was left to Fortune she’d land nine of us in the poo’ house whar' she’d smile on de tenth. When you ï¬nd a man who am anus oom~ plainin’ about his luck you has found a pusacn whe nebbcr helped himself to desarve any. De man who spends his time wonderin’ why ocons war’ made ta climb trees am wavy apt to min 2. gosd many chances to knock uber rabbit: runnin’ .ubout his feet. Bad omupmy 3m do halfway staabun be " n murxdagsqd do gailus. _ \Vhile de world owes cbery mam 9. libin’, de world ain't to blame it he am 1:90 lazy to work furlt. A leetle pollytic‘m am like a leetle mus“ hard, but it am de easieat thing In de world. to Phoka yersolf on either. We uldn’t Let Him Speak. There in a time to keep nilancc, but it evfleiently wna not the right time in the case of a. boy mentioned whu jivca an Ontario town Hr) got u. alive): in his foot, and in spite 6f his proioata’nlun, his mother and grandmother 600?de m; plum a poultico ever the wound. The by vï¬gamusly re- nhéed. “ I Won't 11301:) no peultice l†be dealt. intently" 1"; wan arrmgad (shut the grandmother Dhau‘ad apply 191:1 ‘pnulbice, whim the mother WM to Wand with the 1:191 {ted switch the beduida. The boy was tcld, that if he “ opened hits moufl'h,†he would. weeks that which would keep him quiet. Au the hot poultiae touched the boy’s foot, he open- ed ht! meuth. “ Yon"â€"â€"he began. As the mother and grandmother meved triumphantly away, a. shrill, smsll V0109 came from under the bsiolotheu,â€"â€"- Keep (in. In the mountainouu part of North Care- !lna there in B. mmlemant of Scotch Highr landers, who mm prorarvo the language and quaint cantoma of their forefathers, Dem- Inis Sâ€"Wan a. minister in this mountain. kirk for many yearn, and some of his shrewd saying: are still rsmembsrod‘ The old pas- to: once tack a. young member sf hit! church to task sharply. love the dear parents, Ihow them you do, and shew your friendl Ind acquaintances also, that father, mether, and home are den-er than aught else beside. Write on your hearts and in your livel these words of the great post, and friend and ice will respect; you for it : “Yea,you win, Elfldle,†declared both grandmet‘ner and mu’chsr, ï¬rmly ; and the mzzjariï¬y bolug two m (me, at bod~timo the {mulnka was rcafly. If the polflticc “was ready, tho boy was amt, am} no proved so rei'racfruy that a. switch was brought inï¬e rcquhitisn. “ Keep aim.†mi’i hie mothekfg shaking the u’mck, while the gmudmethar busily “y;- pllgd the poultice. _____ A Once mrbce the “bile fellow opened his mouth, “Iâ€â€"â€"â€"-but the uplifted Lwitoh awsd him to silence. In a minute more the poultlue WM ï¬rmiy in place, and the boy was tucked in bad. “ There now," mid Na mother, “ the am alive): will be drawn out and Eddie’s feet WM be 9.11 well.“ ' Dmald replied, “that hisâ€"hear: was un- acwuntably cold, (aha-.1: the ï¬re and hope 9! hiyriagly {9%}: had diedgut ’_’ _ “ Man,†Bald the Dominie, severely, “ when I started ‘m Kirnpuhtach yesterday, I heard the csach before; me, and whilo the driver blew his ham, and the sun was shin- ing, it wuu aye gay and comforting. But in the afternoon, the nun WM hid an there was mm hum, Did I Hit me dawn on the readrv side 2 No, I knew the road. be Kimputtoch, and I walked in it. Ye'ra an the road 159 a Kimxputtoch on high. \V’alk In it. If the sun of heaven shines 9n yo, and tho mgela blaw their horns;r weal awd gani. But if net â€"Iccep on the Mail to Ki’npmtnc/L.†Many Sf 112s could draw atrebgch and 03m- forf; {rem the homely 1883811 of the 91d Dem- his. †W'haï¬; mils ye, Donald 1 A twel’ menth ngn ye were my.) keen Wl’the Sunday Ichool and at the prayer-meeting, an’ now ya 891- dam nhew yor iaoa at either, Ye hae givan up family prayer, au’ 1 mindoub‘a me that ye read but saldem in the flaky B 00k.†The old proverb ways that every burden We have to carry oï¬uru two handlesâ€"4116 one umcoï¬xh and easy to grasp, the other reugh and hard :0 hold. 0.36 man goes] through life taking things by the rough hantlle, and he has a. hard time all the way. He draws In a. tight harness, and It chufea wherever it tnuohes him. He narrlsa a heavy 1mm and he ï¬nds [’6 not worth keeping when he gem it home. He apmlda more strength upon the frat 3m} wear of wark than upsm the wcrk itself. He is! 1|!er a disorganized 91d méll that makes agrasfl: uoï¬sm ovath 81118†grï¬et, beefmno it grimia itwï¬f mam than is grï¬ua‘is tho gvt‘jm. Annihar mm CxTi‘jfjil “15‘ name wem , (1mm £113 L um; work, 9.1ng “.1519 E: 0: _ hem-yum hatukau evu- mi:ng b] tbs nmzasth lmur'ile. A111 2i; comers 3-4.: pmc that am nan 1;: . W0! pa, 331:1 mmhher mm; w, {331% mm aiiigs, (0.1 we mama road. The BrXti'ih WJT 11mm of 1885 an; Ejgliah Govurnmeu'a £11117V000 for the hilu Mg; of ï¬rmlapnrm whisk ware new†mad. Fdl‘ the America. 1311:; paid £68,000 ; the Umbria, £48,000; and the Roses“, £32000, Be it ever so humbie. thezu'e no place like home 1'†SHOB’I‘ SUMMER SERMQNS. Ysu’ve got It on the Wrong 'feob I†Two Ways of Living. BY BROTHER GARDNER. M-r, 'qszsz-P ‘