Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1886, p. 7

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New building: oeafiiag nearly half 3 ml": lion dollars héwc been erected in V Yinnipeg M118 yam: ;Twenty mllan of track of the Manitoba. and North-“795mm milway have been laid, agd all the grading of the main line is finish- The bylaw granting $10,000 tn the W631; Ontario Pacific railway was carried in Weed- stock. HOME. Steele’s Sonata hue bum presented with their medu‘a by Gamma] Strange. (blunel Glider, ef New York, with his oempanlen Grifli ix. has left Whmlpeg on his expedition ta the North Pole. Pmperty to the value) of about forty thousand dollars was deatroyod by fire as Ballevil‘m the Omar night. I: is believed to have baeu the work at an incendiary. Th acid has bsen via!th by a flm which dean. v ,d over twelvs thousand defiant worth c‘f property. Fiftyâ€"four per cent. of the land iuthe Frovinoe of Mznlmba is stxll unuccupied, and impreved farms on: be purchased at, reasenabla rates. tie stated that the Canadian Pacific railway have decided not to complete tho road 120m Port Moody t.»- my Cermlnua until Ieglalatian has been sacured for the purâ€" pose. The Uspurtmou’c 0? Agriculture has thor- oughly invusugated the alleged cases of leuro-pnnumonta among cattle in parts of Vanuatu Ontario, and found them to have no faundatien. Ballevllle City Council has inatruct-od Ehe city solicitor to draw up a. ountmac for the uonstruzation of a mer werks Hystum, and authnrlzas‘i the M :‘ycr to Sign it miner its exe- oution by film company. Judgment hm b.1311 gévon in iihe Superior Court nt Mailman} declaring thrae endl» rectors 0f the Exchange Blfllk reapansible for tho interest on a loan to the Insolvent Institution, for which they gave their per- sonal security. EThe Damiuien (iox'cx n neat hava cwmmanoed buyhu up and alaughwrix3g all the cattle be- lxmging Lu the farms” in the immediuce vicinity of the Levi»: quarantine. The au- thorhma are determined that pleura-{men- mon' Mull obtain na {outing in (Canada. A brick of gold. weig'ling 31‘.) ounces and valusd at over nix moumun dollars was brought t1 Emilia}: N. S , 2mm tau Oxfard miners at 1‘} i811 Haiitax. In raw-seems thirty days’ work at t-‘nree men. The liabilities of meald 153522, the ab- acending Montreal tobacco merchant, will exceed $101000. 1: ‘ux stated that snveml forgavea and (Aha? swindling (schema; have been broung he light, and mat steps will pmbnbiy bu? taken. to flecure his ext-radir flan. \ane in the Lac‘zine rapids the other warning the; rudderrchain of the steamer Fflgntfi :Jmhéexiy snapped, law/Rug. the boat helpless anti causing a panic anmng the p58» Bengars. Fortunataiy Bathing worse than a delay of abaut an hour and a. half occur- red.‘ Tho 1hr] of Iddealuigh, Minister of Farâ€" Gan A Hairs, in the H mm; of hardy, r£€err2ng to the Bulgarian afl'alr, said thin; with re- gurf‘ ma the future of the country the Gov- ernment could say nothing, exoapt that all new engagements: must be made In award- ance with the Treaty of IBarlin, Nxsgoflationa are reported to be in pro- gress in Montreal betwoen the Canadian Pacific Railway Campany audfihe (burn) and S}, Lawreme Nwigmion ()aampany for putting a fleet. of Eleambaat? on ska St, Law- rence next seascn to compute with film Rich» alien and Ontario NJvlgaflon Cemprmy. Some ulgnificmt factia have been brough: to light by the police in commotion with the recent «tango robbery rmd the murder of ‘5 30th at Calgary, N. W. '1‘. They tend m show that; Scott; wm impmmtnd in the for» mer, and that he waa murdered in causeâ€" quenca of a diangmenwm with his fellow- conspirators. A meet-lug of mnnufrbcfiurera abng the 'Wel‘xmw‘z canal was recently ham to discuss pmposod drawing off of the) water for the purpose! of (imparting the exam}. After Waiting upon Mr. Page: a, nemuaittvu WM ap- peintosd to memorialim the Government to adopt some ether pizm, as be t) avoid the atuppage of the Woxks during the winter: A M ERIGAN. i Thoma» Cruikzhzmka, a Scat-3han living in Altord, 111., is reported to have fallen heir to an estate of half a mfillon lefc by an aunt who recently diad In Scotland. Cruik- shank: is a veteran 0! several wars, having served in the British and American armies. Awful destitutlon prevails in the drouth- stricken region of J men and Sianewall ceunties, Texas, no rain having fallen there for fourteen montns; The region has baen transformed into a desert. All the sattlera who coulrl leave have flad, but about. three thouuaud families are threataned with death frem atmvatlon unlest assistance I: given them. The other (my £100,000 9f bullion was withdrawn from the Bank of England for America. Hog oholeraln Adams county, Indiana, has now amended over fiche entire county. One farmer him 1031296 headâ€"all he had. ‘(Tvulcsg the cholera. ubrztea In the nexttwo weekn, there will not b8 enough h0g3 Ken. in the county to buppiy heme cmmmp» tion. I; is astim that. $30,000 worth of hogs have died in the last two weeks in that caunty. Abattla was fought an Sunday morning of 1M1; week about. twvnty miles from New Laredo, Maxim, between tmops from the latter city and a. fax-ca of burning under N. C‘s-vote, the troops bé'ing defeated, It is Matt (I mat the bandits: are being reinforced bj Tm m denpamdons, Interns excite» ment prevails In New Laredo, an attack on the shy being oxpecbsfl. The Milwagukee authorities have dis- cuvcred that a rcgu‘ur buainesa of murderâ€" ing infamfu M. 89 numb per head Ems ham carriad on in than. ul'y. A woman haw been arrested and Cimffiflbad ti.) the mum-(r of a babe found with a dawning needle thrust thraugh its heart, am} she: is ba~ Elevsd to have killed a nnm'oar of othera whose death! are now being investigated. FOREIGN. It is stated that Russia is endeavouring to form an alliance with Turkey. THE WEEK'S NEWS The Forte has sent a note to the pawers praying them to prevent she fax-alga military occuputflon of Bulgaria. Sir Eiwmd Thornton’s rethemeut from Conatuntineple is final, as he failed t-e detect and defeat Russian intrigues. The Landau Times in 9f the oplnlou that the mmvxation of Raumella and Bulgaria by Rutâ€"zaia is only a quantum of time. ’J'Je L mdon Standard In convinced that Pnnoe Bismarck wm not succeed in averting an eventual struggle between Rush and Austrian Several (lantinentul pspera View with aiarm the increased influence of Russia in all European matte“. fiFour thousand five hundred ounces of gnld, dug in the Transvaal, have bean shipped tn l‘laglnud. 1'6 is reports-’1 that Germany hm abandon ed the right: t9 establish a naval EstMfion at. the) Carolina iahndu. The Paris Journal 1129 Debam pubushea a sensatienal report at an alleged uprising of the Mme of Nsrth Eaten) India. against; British rule. A very heavy rain-term has done grout damage to the crops in the western portion of Scotland. The Imfeflal Government has decided ta perm mensly [noraase the Belfast pelice force by 500 men. The n»*»w Maharajsh of Scindla, who has been enthronad wlnh impwing oeremonias: declares he will surpass his father in his firm friendship to England, Hunting Ihe Remnants of tho llerds Which Formerly Ronnled the Punish-9. In riding over the green turf ol the open country one; sees every where whim objects whloh so rail ml; the strong sunshine that they almost dazzle the aya, These are the Lieschsd skulls of the bull'alees that used to mum in thousanle through these regions. l‘l very one km ramd how, only fifty years ago, millions of ‘mrfl .lmk: “7521170er ever Dearly half of the Lintsxl Stats?! and the Csnaélsu North \Vssz; now them Ma no grest herris oxoop! in the. terri‘mry of M am. tsma, and from that. turrlcory more than 10 000 rkms have bs-en sent to {no Paul: £3 aycsr. For nearly evsvy slam that is senL awsy about. half a ten of fins moat ls left to dooer on Lw prsirlo. Ii. l4 a reckless waste of animal “is, and I am Hurry to say that our government does vary little to stop it. \Vlthln ten years share will be no more g {mt herds of oufla‘oss in the Unlmd Shawn. omnll bands of them will. [fir/gs: hldéen away in YallUYB, but by aha time some: bays who read sass hsvu lived to be old men the Amerlsan bison will probably be seem only where it is kept as a curiosity, just as the one little band of auroohsâ€"‘she last descend- ans of the Wild catlzls which used to roam over all. Enropaâ€"ls lxepi; by the) emperor of Russia. Salli, even now at times single baf- “law or small bands of them will we «lay back here to their old grazlvggrmmd. L wt summer 5 psrly of heny'mskars MM! 25 lozmd of a dozen or more in a rumolo vslley ba- him‘. the pink. And a. few (lays later one of our nolghbors at 1:319 nearest much. be yond tho mountain, WM muting In the doorway of his snap; hams ona morning sitar an early broskfcxsfi, when, to his astonishment, a great buffalo bull csmo trottlng anally along within P. hundred yude of the door. Ha would hardly have seven moxe anodized had an olupnsnt or a fill- nocoros happsusd In for a mom'mg call, for he had navsr seen a builds, nor had he ever (xpasfied to sex 0113 at hls own mash. Bat Eula surprise lets him brnmn enough to shunt. “A bufialo l a buffalo l” The house was full of men just In lmm the work of gathnrlng haulâ€"solids for snipmeuu and at ma amn- llug won} svsrv man sslzsad tho nssrmt rifle or pls‘ol ur shotgun zmd dashed away? to j zln thin or.qu only 01.; or two stopping hasslly in) thrsw a saddle on s horas. As soon as the chaso began tha blg beast. mu swiftly Into the thicket: slung she meek, and was able to keep out of slght for some films. The chase was long and ex :ltlng, but; the buffslo’s pursuers were too many for him. Some {allowed up the trmll, while othars watched the ouhsklrts of the thlokot; and at last one of the heal; marksman among them, catching sight of the big black body, took aqalok line slm and brought the buf- falo down wlth a. single bullet; so all the ishsbltsnts of me ranch were feasted with bufislo most as long as It could be kept from spoiling. Bit where the great herds rsngo there Is no such excitement about killing them. Forty thousand mlnem recently held a demsnatratien at Motherwell, Scofiland, and reselved 129 form a federal union for the redress of minera’ grievances. It {a stated that, England will ab sndon the island 82' Putt Hamlltan, 08‘ the 0933!; of Caren», because of the canvlctiou that lbs 00.- cupatian wauld prova u. source of weakneua in time of war. An annnnymous proaiamfl! m, written in the vernaeuim n! the: country, has been clrculmttad in the l’unjmh, ocsllimz upun the natiwax to onmhius and throw eff the hated yeke of the Faringhoe. IN TIRE TRACK $1? THE BUF- FALO. 03:: day a young fellow {rem the 83%, hastening 1222 the yams of an 015 buffile hum tar, said, aa téia hunter finished his story : " It must b3 vary exciting sport, J :hn I ” ' ‘Weil, 1’11 tall yzm how it is,” said Jahn. “l’a’a abm; as exciting as if yen were to go out 1me the corml and shunt a dozen of those aid dairy cows with 9. piatsl.”â€"A mafiâ€" can Ex Computation at Wholesale Ban-s. I’afiimtâ€"“ Then you think my finger wfll have to Em ntnpufiatrfi, Geezer?” Sux‘gaoum“ hm, i ' WH’ haw to come eff,” l’s.tioutâ€"“ How ‘\ win the j )b cont? ’ Surgeonâ€"” inbeL-n aim. Patirmtâ€"" Is that the beat you can (kl: doctor! I'm a p03}? mm: ” Surgeonâ€"A“ Yuma“, fifteen: doliara Is the Leaf I can Ga for one (ingot, but I will out tw-a of ’um ufi‘for twenty {im- dollars.” . My... . ,u-naa 0’4 w». WWWâ€"w. To £1er :1 Corn‘ Thom is nn Tue-k of ao-ca‘dafi cums 191' the Gamma»; ailment knewn :55 (towns. The veg- smbie, ajlm x], and mineral kingdoms hawe bean ransacked fur cures. It Is a. simple matter he remove corms without pain, for if yet: will go to any druggiat or madiclne daaler and buy a. bottle 05 l’umam'a l’ain'aees Corn Extractor and applv lc as directed the thing is done. Get “ Putnam’s,” and no other. Photographem, agents, mud 0mm shank: write (anclosing stamp) for circular. Agrenta are making 826.00 per veal. It will pw you w canvas 10! orders Look out for me at tomato Rxhiulsmn‘ Bexumul, Life “1:0 and Artisan. Abmlufiely nonh- imx to 01113} H. Lifersimd Dammit: arswn ham ordinary phofingmph». Md. wnnsmod fln'st. shes. Purtralbs painted in 011, Water 005m, and India lnk‘ Armstrmmg’s ‘: b‘ mm; during: winter from Portland awn? {Chan day I 1'1 Rama): OVUL‘Y Snéuvday to Livewuan mud! I“ not Sign Quebec every SmurdaV m Livarpml Gamay a: Londondurxy Lo {and maila and pmwnqaw to? Snnnimnd hnd Inland ; also from Bammcn, m fimii’ax mad 8%. John‘s. N.!~‘., tn Livei’poolmrmi "" a 2;; summer months. The abeamvra at the 3-H. aw llnea an“ during wine: to and mom mum ,crfiland, Boston and Philadelphia: and during Mm mx between Glasgow and Mount-a! ' v: (Ha-u gow and Bow-3n weakly, Md Glasguw mi! Phflnu’a? phis iorhnighfiiy. Fur freight, magma, or 0:126.“ Mfcrmnfllxm app): E: A. Sehumnohur 8; 00., Baltimore 3 S. 011mm Sails Halifax ; Shea 85 0:3,, SS, Jamiei NJ“, ; Win. Them}: ‘ Sc 00 , 3a. John, N.B.; mm; 85 00., Oblong“! &,A.Idzen. Now‘ fix; H Bour‘!:;:r, flirzuuueo A ma, km 8:. 00., Qii mo: Wm. manhfie. I‘nim’la :, ; H. A. Atlan. Puztlum}. Buseinn Manate'al. New shipmenfi from England. Ex Sbenmnhip "Not- wegimn." Lowest prices In the trade. We are sole agent: in Canada for lchrido's Celebrated Shep Casings. Wrme lor quotations. I’A TENT TEMPERED STEEL Gutter & Sleigh Gears, lads from Best Tempered Spring Light, Hindsomc, Strong and very Durable. SEND :B‘EZZR. PRICE SHE-ET. Awning, Flag, Tam; & Gamping Hapat 169 YONGE STREET. TORONTO giiian Lina Rm} $33.}. Steamshipa We are having a huge: demand this sengnn 3mm sections where sample to!“ wow sold In“ whim, and ozdws should be pnwed early to 3901113 promw at- tention. Gaming, Portland. and "Jump Bani," Bodies tn unit. and nl‘: sh vely modmate price» Have you (mad our Stool Bah-Sleighx? Bend for de- acripflve cireulu, J, B, ARMSTRONG MIFIO co. (LD', GUELPH, CANADA BIBLESâ€"hrge type. aplendld mlpa, banutl- luau-Mons: conning 4.000 questions and un- nwers on Bible Topics; liberal aerma. Inaernafluml Book and Bibie Home. Toronto. Ont QGENTS FOR NEW PARALLEL FAMILY uH BRfiMEEfiE BRRVW PQRWMT [a MEfi‘h‘té E-YOU CAN‘T FIND A EOOK ’2‘! ,1" L (fly I hot/var MMahc‘Jon 02 mm you can :11 moncyf n with Sham “ Wmld’a Wondcrsf’ 881' v.11 c'msaes » wrmiana and icfidela, Protcutnms, old and young; oh" agunw who hm» not mnvnssad {or y'mz': are golngr imo Mae (30M wim 1'9; 0. F, Jenkins sold 128 we fin; woek: J. E. 13mm (At/52 “ The! firm week with ” anjeys” nectar}. my mm hundred and nlx‘been dollars." A good chimes for unem.pll'zycd petEUDH; outfit free en mhunl cm.- vnaaera; wri'm fur terms. BRADLEY, Gunman»: g: 60.. Bumfmd 1 , v,“ I‘zrhollcs and Awfih Ii 33 g???" MANUFACTURE ONLY 15' I N S ‘33?” Th0 Th‘rfl 80h :las‘kx Yam baglne Sept. m. Pshnn ago drawn from TEN suns AND Pammcm. Young mm and bays! morouguly prepared for Imelneaa pur- auita‘ Graduate!) eminently aucccsmul. Pueblos} wurk, morienw mass and strum: dealing chum:- hei’LZ‘: ihu las'fltuflnn. Ll’fléfi‘ EdlnX‘ESE‘d. For infor- mtfan addmaa M. MAOCIOSEMICK " iociyul. Tm Mos: 1m (active. Clean. Bumble and Economical Heaters in the market for warmlng mud vouflilnting Churches, Schoolu, ‘Publlo Eullfiinga, {mama and Pg'h'atm Residences. filmylc in costume» Mon and many mswagzod, capable of giving more heat wizh lets consumption of fuel than any other heating uppuntus. WAhsehuteiy Gan 'l‘fight'bj‘. Eight sizes “Hurriu” and four sizes “Mammoth” we made and can be sofi either in Brick or Partuble lorm. Ooxmspondsmoe soliciaod. For Camus-nee and lumber Infommfilon address ‘:> Thai E. as a, SURREY no. (Limited), HAMILTON; Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. GuelphBusinass Go‘flege I1amilton,- - £33111; MANUFACTURED Sauaage Casings. J. L. RAWIHDNE. Artist, 95 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO THE LONGEST AND BEST FIL"iE-BOX, HAS SVVING & DROP FLUSH QVEE‘I DOORS, AND A PERFECT BAKER -â€"B Yâ€" SEWER - PLATED GU ELPH, ONX‘ARIO, JAMIE PARK (BI SON. Toronto. -:- THE NEW -:- and is the Cheapemt First Glass Stow: ever ofil‘ercd. For sale by all Dealers. The 3%.. & flux-nay 00., TORONTO EIGDFGII'S Shortlland and Buulnesn Infllvllule, Tarol‘t). This Is the leeat and leading Showman“ and Typewrinlng School In Can» ads» Its Twat-hers and Lecturera are men at length- ezmd nraoMml experience. flpacinl inducem ants flur- lnz summer months Positions shamed graduates. 8110er bnoka fur sale. Oox-nspcndenae Invited For 10w prices nudggbg ummmm McDONA‘MJ. Banimér, 6 Human Biockâ€" 'flomnm Street â€"â€"Torom¢ anuiachurc? and limits: in Falb. Roofing Pinch, Building Papers, Carpet bud Dataman Felt. H, m:my‘eln & Slate Eiuofar. Productive To W11, Vintage (5: Farm Property fl Rfi W T Fm Rm 7 a” MEWS? STEEL DOME HGT-AER FEFREQAGES NEVER SEX mm M “ 419" V "fijfl’émomué ‘prLlrJDI' Airme '4 . APITOLY; humus” (hummus; will find it to {hair sdx’sxnmg‘e 80 Ask W: {Node fur 0m nuke o! i’éles and Rlspa, tut-«Luftlng a Specimzy. Sand for price list and cumin. Mannhnmmc" 5,! (intern (My 0" “'orks, by And liar-{zest Training Selma] in ()anmiu. ‘ 1H! for a annular. Kn mwmm & (ML, Biamilmu. - ithunfiario. MSNEY TO Ready Roofing, etc. 1112.6 ma 30m“ Mackinaw cmly Elle Wellâ€"known U. W'ILLXAMS, é Adelaida St. E., Tozomo‘ AND THRESJHE_S : vn'nv Mhan‘hfiu “my mmlw filmm “allenn‘mn bmve 1mm awardz-fl :3 during me In“ three yamq Try also our PEER- LESS AXLE GREASE. It! you! Waggon: and Home Power; fiAMUEL BflGl‘EFS & 0%., Toronto. Tial . a , liSBUB. A numln 1‘ of ink-rusting Complain 'l‘an-an1mve, lummmu, and Adventure, ('lmivn J’umry, Short Sketchm, Hullsuhnld Recipes, Suinnr-v, “'it and “mum, elm. mmtnixmd in (nu-h issue of The lv‘ii'r-uinh: “’cokly. [)L3.1\1'1'(‘,(my;01‘, with/1001' lhe nun»! denim! blue Ming: of tho, (my, 32,00 per yvzu'; six 1110mm; and 20 pieces music. Sl;t11r06 months and N) pieces: nnmin, 500. Iliubm‘ribe now" Agmxts \x'nntvd ovm‘ywhm‘o. Libnru] com- mi (m. 94:: mplr topic» free. ’l‘mc Finnsmn \VEEKLY, ‘26 Calhoun; BL. Toronto, Canada. This Show I)!“ Bic' R't‘vaet Una hmnvtnwx (Zr. HAMILTON OSBORNE & 00.. Hammunflnt. THE. PQRULAR. SCA Q % aka ‘9‘” 23$ THE KENS? (3? BLACKENG - SOLD EVER‘L’WHERE ' All Styies of SCALE GO.

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