Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1886, p. 8

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VILLAGE Cmmmn.â€"Rcevo, Wm. Pugsloy, Coun- cillors, Messrs. Bcnj. Redditt, W. 1). Powell, 1’ G. Savage, and F.Mc()onn.ghy. llcrk. M. 'l‘eefy. A. O. U. \V.,Iv_v Lndge, No. 141, Moots in the Committee 1" ml of the Masonic Hall each alternative ’l‘Imsdny at 8 0'0100kan. 130nm ficzu‘y entificate given for $2,000 in case ofdeutl). A.J.Ifi ‘ ~t, Muster Workman. B. Gremmn. rec. R. . f Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. , Moots in Temperance Hull,each ulter- nsziy Tuesday evening utBo’clock p. m. Bene- ficin certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death 32,000, 0110 1.19.11 nayabic in cuss of disability. J. H. Sunderâ€" 3:011 Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer,Recording MECHANICS’ 1N9'I‘I’1‘UTR.â€"Library of over 1000 volumesppeu every Tuesday evoning,i11 the Maâ€" sonic Hall, from 7 to 5‘ o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libraâ€" rian. Lectures mm m 'qionsperiodicallv, RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANDr-IVIOetS for practice ovary Tue-«lay and Saturday evening at 7:30 o’clock. W. Sheppard, Leader ‘ 11 will pay the above Reward for my 0330 of Dyspepsia, Liver Compllmt, Sick. Kcaclache, Indigestion or Costiveness we cannot' Cure with. WEST’S LIVER PILLS, when the Directions axe strictly complied with. Larga Boxes, containing so Pins, 35 Cams; 6 Boxes $33.00.. Sold by all Buigmsts. RICHMOND Hm, TEMPLE, N0. 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Mcets in tho 'l‘nmptx we, Hall' every \Vodnosduy evening at 7.300'nhmk. Wm. Harrison T.D. Secretm‘v The Methodist mhbuth schoolTempemnce As saciution issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmflmrisnn Supt RICHMOND men, A. 14“ 6: A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge ummJIasonic Hallmx the Monday on 01' bofore full moon, at 8 o'clock p.111 1, Crosby, W.M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FonEflTERsâ€"Coufl; Rich- mond, No. 70-16 1L O. F, meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p.D1.â€" Geo. McDonald, C. 12,. ROMAN CAT‘HHLTC (“.[17R(‘H.**SOI‘ViCeS in order :1. follows "l‘lmrul‘in at 9 11111., and Richmond mum 10:30 mm; the frfllmving Sunday at Rich. Juana Hill .‘Lt‘J any and Thornhill M 10:30 a. m. Rev. J, J. Eguu, Pu, or lnfallible Blood Purifiel. Tonic, Diurectio Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Jaundice, Liver Complaint. Rheumatism. all Kidney Diseases, Scrotum. Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum. Ex zema. and all Skin Liseases. Headache. Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach and Heart Burn. Purely Vegetable. J on 0. WEST d: 00.. Toronto Ont SATISFHGTIDN GUARANTEED These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been need for the past 35 vem‘s, and given in every inâ€" stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the world. They never tire, and last many years without change. {end the following testimonial :â€" I have great pleasure in certifying thatI have worn Spectacles manufactured by Frank Lazar- us for fifteen years. and theycxcel all others I have used for cloarness of Vision and case while writing or reading. ST. M,an 9 Human L Cnoncmâ€"Service at 3 p.111.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the serviu- and sacrament. are held at 11 mm. Sunday Sgnuulza‘ul:301).m Rev.W. Bates, Rector PRESBYTIJRILN CYURCIIOF CANADA.â€"Sel‘\i0(‘5 M 1] o‘clock 1L.1n..:1,11dl‘.:30 pm. Prayer meeting ml Wednesdaym‘cuingufizém. Rev J. W. CumA (awn. Pustmx RUPERT SELLS THE BEST. For Sale by T. F. .McMflHOW} FRANK LAZABUS, Manufacturer, 28 Mary land Road, Harrow Road, London, Euqmnd, (lute Lazarus & Morris, IllLl‘MIJI‘d, Chan.) 7 Preserve Your Sight FRANK LAZARUS JAMES GODFREY. Late Incumbent of Trinity Church,Wolfe Island Let Np councctibn wth miy other firm in Domimon of Canada. Speemles & Eye Glasses. METHODIST (IrrrnCHâ€"Sorvices at 10:30 mm mud “:30 1Lm.,mn‘u Rummy school, at 2.. 0 p. 111. Young 1700111 ’ nmuting Tuesday evening. General l’mym ing every Thursday ovcumg in the Lecture 11‘» in. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rex" Leonard ‘ nt. Ill! PUBLISHER OF " LIBERAL,” RICHMOND HILL. (Lute of the firm of Lumrus 6.; Morris) $500.00 BY WEARING THE ONLY $111211]: Qircttnry. BENO“'NED Societies. Churches. TERMS~Ten per cent. of the purchase money to he paid on the drw of sale and the balance in 30 (luvs thereafter, when the Vendors will give n free deed Fm rtner particulars upplv to the undersign- ed at their offices 15 Toronto St, Toronto, or at their oflice in Rmhmond ILlI. LAVVRENGE, MILLIUAN & MCANDREVV, 114 Vendors Solivitm‘s, Dated at Toronto this 4th, day of Sept., 18b6, TWEEDS, WORSTEDS & UVERCUATINGS TREVETHAN’S BEE HIVE, RICHMOND HILL. This property is well situated and is distant 33 miles from Richmond HillVilluge, and 4% miles from either Richmond Hill station 01' King station on the Northern Railway. There are 100 times cleared and under a high state of cult 11 vntion, the remaining 50 acres are well wooded with good pine,beech and maple. A good stream of water runs through the farm. There are first- clnss burns,stables and sheds and a. comfortable dwelling house on the propertv, all in a. good 2mm of repair. Also a good orchard of young recs. With his busy bees is preparâ€" ed to enter on the fall trade with every facility for turning out work FIRST-GLASS IN STYLE, UREMENSHEE’ 89 Now ready tor inspection. Punctuahty, Style and First- Class Workmanship is our motto. Ladies Jackets 3. Specialty. In the 1% Con. of Vaughan. fronting on Yougo Street, is 101‘ sale tn rcusmmulu terms. The farm is well watered. buildings m u good state of ru- pnjr, and the land in {L higzh state of cultivation. Good orchard. About half a mile south of the vilmge of Richmond Hill‘ For further particulars apply to J. MCQUARRIE, 7-“ Maple. THE BEE HIVE ToBoN'rn Thursday, July 8 1586. Wheat, fall, per bushel Wheat, spring, do 70 Barley, do 48 outs, do 34 Peas. do 55 Rye. do 60 Clover Seed. do ...... Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs . Beef, fore quarters .. Beef, hind quarters. Chickens, per pair Ducks, do Geese, each Turlmys,each Butter, pound r01 so. Butter, tub dairy . Eggs, fresh, per (102.. Potatoes, per bag ,. Apples, per bb] ........... onions. green,per bug . Cabbage do Cauliflower do OOOOOONOCOOHCCOQHAO it- $HOHLW© crown-1 CSBgIOIgSDHCWOOgU'ODEH Celery, do Turnips, per bag" Carrots, do. Hay,perbon ..... straw, per ton RICHMOND HILL Thursdav,July 8 , J outs, per bushel Pens, do. .. Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. Beef, fore Gum-tern“ Beef. hind quarter Chickens. per pair l. Ducks. r10 Geese, each ........ ’l‘ui‘kevs, per lb .. Butter, pound rolls. Butter, large rollsm. Eggs. fresh, per dozen . P0tntoes,1ver bag ..... Apples, per bbl ...... . onions, green, per bush. Cabbmze, per doz Celery, do Turnips, per bag . Carrots, do Beans, pm- peck. Flour, spring, pm bbl. Flour, fall. per bbl Huy,perton straw. per ton . . ..... GIN] ’3 8o HOCOOOOOOD doucnâ€"nâ€"A we.” ocooowccmag SOUTH PART OF LOT N0 44, FARM FUR SALE I All that parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying; and being in the l‘ownship of Va.11;zlm11,in the County of York, and being comâ€" posed of the east 150 acres of lot, number 31 in the 2nd conversion nf the, said Townshipontmghun. Agood100nm‘ef’mi.n,being composed of Lot} No.3:l,intlio 2nd 0011‘ Vaughan, is for solo. Terms to suit. purchasers. Apply to C. H. KR KSWILL, 12-4 nnmN SALE! OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. l l There will be offered for solo bv Public Auction by SALEM ECKARDT,Anctioneernt the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday, Oct. 6th,1886, at the hour of]? o'clock noon, All that parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying; and being in the l‘ownsliip of Vaughan, in tho County of York, and Doing comâ€" mserl of the east 150 acres of lot, number 31 in the 1 . . . . v 2nd connessmu of the said Towlislnpot Vaughan. 'r‘lnk m-mmvtv is well sihiirted mid is distant. 33‘ This immense establish- ment will open for busmess on 1' \Vednesday, Sept. 8th, at 8 Eglinton 1’ O \' o’clock a. m., when every de- partment will be found most replete with the choicest Dry Goods of every description, filling the tiers of shelving from Yonge to Queen St. ent- rances,.culled from the best looms and markets of Europe, Amerlca, Asia and Africa. A larger, cheaper, and more completestock of everything cannot be found under one roofin the Dominion. Visitors are cordially Invited to inspect our stock and premises, and pic-nic in- our Mammoth buildings. BOOMING! FARM for SALE A good 100 more fawn, being composed of Lot No. 3:3,in the 2nd 0011‘ Vaughan, is for sulo. Terms to suit. purchasers. Apply to C. H. KR KSWILL. 12-4 Eglinton 1’ O C. TREVETHAN, “firm aftflvcttizmimrm. A choice stock of A farm of seventy acres, being my: Wamm. IS STILL 0 11 0 10 0 00 0 50 1 00 70 0 30 5 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 70 75 0 90 )2 1 ()0 3 {)0 50 O (30 l 25 80 0 50 030 9 50 0 45 0 65 0 80 190 TO 196 YONGE ST., 10 T0 12; QUEEN WEST, TORONTO. We will have everything in apple-pie order, and our gi- gantic stock ofdress materials artistically arranged in over 600 feet of shelving, which will be Iound at the northwest corner. Enter from Yonge or Queen Sts. and go straight ahead. This department will be the best in every respect in the Dominion, as its posi- tion commands a splendid light to see the fine quality of the dress stuffs. Lots ofroom. No crowding. Polite and at- tentive Salesmen. Everything for your-“comfort and enjoy- ment. When you visit our stores make yourself at home and go about and see the sights In View of having to move our dress goods department early nextweek, we have mark- ed down some odd lines of fine quality goods, and are selling them at almost nothing. We would prefer sendingthem home for you than carrying them into our new premises. Our store closes at 6 p. m. Saturdays during September. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. No dullness here. Trade and bustle form the principal point, and just now it is cer- tainly a pleasing feature to be receiving large lines daily. We have to chronicle this week that we received a repeat or- der of pure silk goods, elastic in top. in new shades of faWns, drabs, tan and black, sizes from 5to 7%, selling at 45, 50 and 55c. Tafleta silk, now 25c. pair; Lisle Selling for me. worth 25c. Our specialties in kid gloves takes the lead. Our 4-button at 50c., and 4- clasp at 75c. are value, if the word means anything; the a- bove are the best quality and good shades. ROSIERY DEPA RTE] EN'I‘ You are often told of surâ€" prising stories, but Hosiery means a reality in our case. Huge piles of Hosiery 20 per cent. cheaper than any house is not a very usual thing, ad- vertising our hosiery speaks volumes. The customers are coming for the big line ofcash- mere hosieery, and the ladies who got an 80c. stocking for 55c., and 60c. pair for 4oc., speak in praise of our value. GRAND DRESS @0933 UPEMNQ, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, September 11th and 18th, IN OUR NEW PREMISES. 190 to I96 YONGE STREET. T. EATON 6’6 00., T. Eaton 86 00., 10 [0 12% (RUE EN ST. WEST. Rolled and Family Flour and Feed constantly on hand and delivered on short notice Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery and Flour and Feed. Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnisllilws, Cottons, Prints, Denâ€"~ ; ims. Cottonades, all selling very cheap to make room for fall goods. E New Teas, Fresh Coffees. Just arrived all kinds of canâ€" . ned Fxsh, Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel. &c. , NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, (kc. NEW GOGDS ! CHEAP PRICES I ALEX. MOODIE’S A complete stock of “lull Paper and Bordorings, something new in Styles and Designs, from in cents up. A. JARFgG Stotx’ak 0t lfi‘ITRNIrJ‘ URE' In a variety of designs. Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all colors and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Van)»- ishes, and all other materml for palmta. Paint and “Hxitewash Brushes, all sues, wlnch 1 will sell at bottom prxcc. Call and see. ‘Vhy do they cmne ? Because they lend the trade. This Machine is without m9, parallel in thohistuvy of Sewing Machines. \Vithin the last f.;ur years they haves taken seven medals at Provincial and other large Fairs. Only last fall they took; First Prize and a l‘wlezlzil at the \Vorld’s Fair, Antwerp, Belgium; and a Diploma. last full at London fur Wurk done on this excullcnt machine. This machine was awardeu‘t nine First Prich last full. At the \Vest York Fair, \Voodbl'idge, this machine Carri»- ed ofl‘ the highest honors. First Prize, bUL‘idos funr extra prizes for work, so you SPO they take the lead, and can}; ofl'First huth far and near. This machine has on it more improvements than :my other machine. Before buying, see it, try it, and. don’t be led away by others till you have. All orders by maul promptly attended to. Address J. LUSH, Richmond Hill; Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock ofi' ' Greceries, Flour and Feed. MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. Threshes Clean and Fast~ Separation Unexcelled. PEBFEGTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. GLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE It has a SHUTTER and SE00!!!) FAWN/HG MILL aflacfied. WeMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. WALL PAPE RS. W A LL PAPE HS. Sign of the “ British Flag Staff.” NEWMAEKETré’c 80 JARVIS, $37., TORONTO. NEW WILLIAMS! Y THE PEGPLEE STORE! PORCEIJAIN CHURNS l1 N. B.-Now is the time to give your order and prevent disappointr ment. when it Is wanted. CHOICEST MANGEL SEEDS i STEELE BI{()S. & (30., CORNER FRONT 8c JARVIS 8338., TORONTO. TURNIP SEEDS I GARDEN, FLOWER, FIELD AND ROOT SEEDS. TURN}? DRILLS, BEST MAKE. gTEELE BROS. & 00., Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker’s Prices and Terms. Write for Testimonials and Circulars to Orders coming in by mail faster than ever for that celebz‘mud A. MOODIE, A few tons of very best quality now in stockâ€"Prices Low. A few 16%. Call early and secure the best Churn made. Specially grown for us by celebrated European growers. BINDING T W INE THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. If 41(3rE71T IKETNNI‘IVG manna-Ir: Choicest quality and varieties. Complete lines in HERE 1’. Gr. SAVAGE.

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