Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1886, p. 5

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You can buy for one dollar at the Concrete House each of the follow- img :â€" 20 lbs. good Yellow Sugar, :5 lbs. Granulated Sugar, .240 lbs. best Oatmeal, .44 lbs. Yellow Cornmea], 2I7 bars Dingman‘s Electric Soap, :52 bars good Laundry Soap, ‘18 lbs Pearl Papioca, 25 lbs. Best Rice, * '6 yds. good Grey Flannel, »15 lbs. good Japan Tea, :5 lbs. Young Hyson Tea, ,Iorle. best Rio Coffee. Connects with alltrmns. leaving, the Filmer House, Ric-hmrmJ Hill. as follows: Mai] & EX111“(3SS,T\OI‘U1 (S: Smith... Accommodation “ “ Express, North. ‘MIail, South... TORONTO. Citv EM} Unicmimtion Brook Street Queen’s Wharf Parkdule. . Daveupor . ‘Vestonfl. Thornhill... RICHMOND HlLL. ,. King ........... Aurnm. , Newmarket . New‘m mth ........ Aux-om King. .. . . mcmmxn lHLL Thornhill . ~VVest0n .. .. ’ Davenport. ’Pm'kd ale. 25 cents will buy at the each of 'thc following : good Laundry Soap, 33} i‘japan Tea Dust. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. ,ed at the Until furtle wmtico Verna will he cl ,Bichmond Hill Past ("fine as: follan MORNING :â€"Gm’nq North cmxllx, East and “West including 'I‘lznrnhill, Mm >18, Toronto. Markl mm , A h. 8.00 EVENINGzâ€"Gwi :r soufiLEus’o and \Ynst (22:: film» 0} 530 N. B.â€"Re£rls‘ .‘(1 Letter.“ mnszt 1w, handml in M10356 Flftw N inutvs< Him- Lhnu the, above mentioned hon Mr. A. Muldoon advertises on another page-that he is prepaiml to deliver coal in Richmond Hill at $6.252; ton. Now is a good time tn lay in a Winter’s stock. Petley & Petley advertise this week their grand opening of new fall goods. They are showing an immense variety of new goods in all the department& They’ claim that per- sonsiliving at a distance of 100 miles can save mdhey by phying their-railwayifare and expenses. and making a purehase from their firm of from $25 to $50. TORONTh Oak Ridges Festival. The annualHarvest Home Festival in aid of StflJobn’a church. Oak Ridges, will be held at Bond’s Lake, on Thursday, the 30th of Sept. inst. The 12th Battalion Band as we“ as a good stringBand will be present to enliven the proceedings. All are invited. ade in excellent opportunitv will be ofi’ered for an afternoon‘s amusement. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Sept. 23356. Good heavy Chevxot Costume Cloth In all shades, I230. per yard, at the Concrete, sellizg very fast. Tea at Lashav. The members and friends of the Melhodist church, Luslmy, purpose holding a social gathering and ten, in {he temperance Hall of that village, on Friday evening, Oct. lst. A good programme has been provided. All are invited. You can buy at the Concrete :1 gent’s all-wool Tweed Suit, well made and trimmed, for $6, and a good colored Tea Set for $2.50, worth $3.50. ‘ "PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. :Full supplv of all kinds of schonl books at, THE LIBERAL store. Lacrosse sticks at greatly reduced prices AI. store. ‘ You can {my Ready Made Clothâ€" ing at the Covcretc, at less than Toronto prices. The next meeting of the village Council W111 be held in the Council Chamber on Mon- day evening, the 27th inst, at 8 o'clock. Directors” Meeting. A special meeting of the Directors of the Richmond Hill Moahahics‘ Instituln win he held in the Lecture Room of the Masonic Hall, tomorrow (Friday) evening at 9 o‘clock. It is hoped all the members will be present. Heavy Grain Bags at $2.40 and $2.50 a doz. at Grennan‘s. A general servant is wanted in i‘. small family. See ad. on smother page. Queen’s \th’f Brock Street N Umon Station. Clty Hull POST OFFICE NOTICE L433CA14§L In: fiéifimfi‘. Vlllage Council. Servant Wanted. Petley & Petley. GOING NORTH. .. 9.C7 9.18 030 .A 94'.) .. . . 1000 GOING SOUTIL ~Mni1. 8.10 8,18 10.05 10.12 10.530 8.33 8,40 Coal. M. '1‘T1]C]«'Y. Postmv Eter‘ Accom 11 45 11.52 12.00 Avco‘tn I ,57 1.50 9U U35 Concrete 13 bars lbs. good 3 O Nail. (R n1! ‘717‘ .0 7 .C a 38 :1 L 5 1 10 The great health restorer,-\Vest’s Liver Pills. They regalate the liver and giro- :mote good digestion. All dwggists. ' The annual Harvest Home Meeting of the Markham Far'mers‘ Club will be held at Win. Rennie’s Seed Farm. 2nd Con. Markham, on the afternoon of Saturday. 25th Sept., 188§. Ellesmere Brass Band will be in attendance. All are cordially invited. I Last Friday evening, Sept. 17th, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1%. Erector, of this village, gave an “At Home,”to which was invited a. large numer of their friends and relatives, the ocoasion beingr the fifth nnniv- rsary of their wedding. The following were among the guests present :«Bev. and Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Unnean.Mr. and Mrs. W.Trsuch, Mr. and Mrs. Skeein, Mr. and Mrs. J. San~ derson, Mr. and Mrs. I. Croshv, Mr. and M1 s. W. Storey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bi‘ydon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Newton, Dr. and Mrs. Langstaff, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Currier and Mr. J. M. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Pugsley, Mr. and Mrs. B. Grennan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. G. Trench, the Misses Trench, Miss Flora. Coulter, Mr. S. Show and Mr. W. D. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill ; Mr. and Mrs. P. PatterSOn, of Patterson ; Mr. and Mrs. Ness, of King ; Mr. and Mrs. Miller'and the Misses Miller, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Beeby, of,New York, and others. The happy couple received many beautiful and expensive presents, among which might be mentioned a handsome Secretaire, the ma- terial being cherry wood, highly' polished, and the Workmanship and finish most com- plete. In the back was an elegant mirror. With this gift was a tablet hearing the names of the givers, and neatly bound at the top and bottom with red plush. Other presents were I 8 follows :HA large rattan two storey basket neatly trimmed, a bronzed milking- stool, a handsomely lined work basket. 9. rattan wail pocket; avwaste paper box and fire grate, a butter cooler artistically carved in wood, a. hab'y’s swing, and, as a matter of course, a wash tub. The rooms ,were decor- ated with the best of taste and skill, shave ings of wood being the‘pri icipal adornment. Almost everything was emblematic of a wooden wedding, for example, five wax candles, five storeylruit baskets, five storey fruit cakes, &c., &c. About seventy sat down to supper, which was the-most choice, and likely to tempt the dullest of appetites. After tea short speeches were made conâ€" gratulatory to the happy couple, and ex- pressing a wish that continued happiness and prosperity should attend them ,during future years. The evening was spent in many harmless amusements, and social in- tercourse, after Which the visitors parted for their several homes, feeling that a way pleasant evening had been spent. Cheap Cash House. Read G1‘‘:< chnnge of ad. this W661i, giving rm act-“um, at his large and varied as sortuwnt of full :11sz wiutm' goods. Almost everything required may be found Within the walls of his score. He asks a comparison: between his goods nud pricefi, and those in Toronto. Cullaudlw-convincvd. A gloom wns suddenly cast, over the village laat week when is was loax‘ncd that Mrs. T.H. Redditt had passed away from earth. She hull been in delicate health for some time previous, but until a few days before she died, none expected the end was so near. She had been visiting friends in the city, mi was: apparently improingv in health, un- til ~sud<loiily slm was taken with violent hem- orrlmgu of him lungs, mm which she never mlliml. Her husband was telegraphed for at once, and every effort was made to pro- longs; her life. but in spite of all, she died on Thursday. The funeral took place on Sat- urday, from Richmond Hill. and her remains were fullqul to the village. cometary by a lnrge concourse of sorrowng friends and relativvs. The last sud rims were read at the r~ vo hv PM. W. W. anes in an im- pros ve mam r. Mr. RCddH-L has the sym- pathy of Lhu Hui-rounding country in his sud- den bei’euvmnmit. Mr. J. ‘1. Stokes will so” the farm stock. implements, Imuseimld furniture, &c., of Messrs. J. G. (Y; T. H. Large, lots 62 and 63, 15‘; Gun. \Vlntchnrch (near Wilcox’ Lake), on Friday. Oct. 1st, 1886. Sale v to com- Qeucefit l g’ciucuhaxjn. As the -moprie- tors are giving up farming everything will be Sold. Terms: All sums ’oi’ 5.510 and under cash; over that. amount 1‘3 vzuonths credit will be given. Guelph Provincial Hamilton . . . . . . . lollingwood .-. . . . Stouflville . . . . . anmm‘ke . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . Barrie . Schomborg . . . . . Bradford . . . . . . . Very Mean. We warm; exceedmgly that in our issue of the li inst., wu innocently gave insertion to sumo, items sent us by m correspondent, in '<:fereucc to certain pmtim in the vicinity of Victoria Square. wliichiicm W0 have since lnm'ned is willmu’n foundation. To strangers (including ourselves) no harm could be el- icited by the most careful reading. But tlinsu in the immediato neighborhood, who were familiar with the names mentioned, Cuuld cmily detect between the lines malice of the meanest kind. And worse than all, the cowardly party, who might be compared to a mid-night assassin, maliciously Wrote over the signature ul‘ :1 rmrocted and honor- ed citizen of the place, who is innocent of the whole affair. If film name of the real writer ever comes to light lie may find it un- pleasant enough. We hope we will not soon be again decvived in this way, but that persons writing xii". give facts of public in- Lcmst, and that they will not be ashamed to subscribe their own appellation. House for Sale. A good house and 101,15 for sale in the village of Victoria Square. There is also a good shop. and it is said there is afforded an excz‘llenb opportunity for h- shoemaker who understands his business. No opposition. See ad. M rs. Redditt’s Death. Wooden VJedding. Hamest Home. Credfl: Sale Fall Fairs. . .Sept. apt. 20 to 25 " 27 to Oct. 1 (l ‘ U 1 n 30 n 1 Oct. 5 and 6 to 7 and 21 and 22 _A large, representative, and very import- ant meeting of leading temperance men of Ontario, was held in Toronto on the 14th and..115th inst. They met to consider what had been done, and to lay plans for the fu- ture. Reports from various Scott Act Coun- ties showed that the Act generallv was doing much good. Several cases of non-enforce- ment were accounted for by the incompe- tence, or worse, of officials appointed by the Ontariu Government to administer the law. During the course of the debate, Hon. G. W. Ross, publiclv pledged the Mowat Govern- ment on use every means in their power to enforce the Scott Act wherever adopted in Ontario, and accepted its enforcemst as a part of their policy. The burning question was “Shall we proceed to organize a 3rd, or prohibition party." It was clearly seen that nothing need be hoped for from the present Conservative Administration at O:- tawa. Its present composition, and the votes on the Scott Act dzc. during» recent sessions clearly indicated this. On the othâ€" or hand, although a large numcer of Re- formers are prohibitionists, the leader, Hon. .Mr. Blake, has studiously declined to com- »mit himself. It was felt that even suppos- ing we got a prohibitory law enacted it would not be enforced Without a. party at the back of 11: that had made it a part of their platform and who would stand or, fall on its successful enforcement. Hence’ the necessity for a prohibition party; the ques- tion‘was, will one or both of the present parties accept the question as a plank in their platform, or will a third party he nec- essary. The discussion losted over nine hours. as lively a debate as one ever has a chance of hearing, participated in by the most prominent men in the temperance and political ranks. Eight to ten men claiming the floor at a time was a common sight. and the discussion was stopped only by a motion to take the vote. It was finally decided to organize the temperance vote at once, and bring all possible influence to bear at the coming elections, each voter pledging him- self to withhold his vote and support from any candidate not known to be sound on the prohibition question. It was generally felt that-if the present political parties, or one of them did not get on the right side of the question. and that very soon, there would be trouble ahead. The men were evidently in earnest. Several present had been the vic- timscf outrages, such as beating,harn-burn- ing, dynamite, 620. 650., and the plain cnglish that was given utterance to was really re- freshing. To hear one Reformer after an- other get up and “go for” the Mowat Gov. ernmant and Blake for their apathy or studied avoidance of the question was some- thing new and it certainly had a good efiect as seen by the stringent orders issued last week to the officials connected with Scott Actfenforcement. And the end is not yetâ€"Con IO-tf “‘X say, Aunt Chloe, you is getting around right su‘i’art.” “ Yes, Indeed I is honey. I was pester‘ed and sick abed with rheumatism for six years and done tried this‘ West’s quld’s Wonder o'r Fan;ny ’Liniment the people are talking so much about, and I was sure enough cured. It done saved this old nigger’s life.” Price 250. ‘and 500. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. strayed from the premises of the undersigned._ lot 48, In the 1313 Con. Vaughan (Richmond Hill),; on Sunday, the 15th inst" a dark red and white; heifer 2-years 01d. Any person giving informa« tion to the owner as .to hermhereabouts will Iber‘ suitably rewqxded. . n ‘u'. r ‘ BQBER‘T SMITH. 1} BOOMING! West’s Pain King will never disappoint you. It is always ready and costs but 25cts. It is indeed a friend in need. Purchase a bottle at your druggists and you will never be Without it. It cures cholera and all bovvel difficulties. MATTHEWH~MCCUTCHEoNâ€"At the residence of the bride's father, on the 15th inst, bv the :Rev: D. Cmmelon, Harry E., third son of the late A. C. Matthews, of Vaughan, to Mary A.. fourth daughter of Mr. Hugh McCutcheon, of Sherwood. The world’s best, \Vest’s Liver Pills. The never‘failing cure for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and sick headache. 30 'pills, 25 cents. All druggists. DENTONâ€"At 129 Harbord St.. Toronto, on Sundav Sept 19th, the Wife of Frank B. Deuton, of a daughter. ‘ {mm-cuss IN STYLE, WGRKMMSHIR & mm TWEEDS, WORSTEDS & OVERCUA‘TINGS TREVETHAN’S BEE E, RICHMOND HILL. THE BEE HIVE With his busy bees is prepar- ed to enter on the fall «trade with every facility " for turning out work ..Now ready tor inspection. Punctuallty, Style and First- Class Workmanahip is our motto. Ladies Jackets a Specialty. ST‘RA‘YED ! C. TREVETHAN, Tanperance Convention. A éhoice stock of IYIARBIA GES BIRTIHS. IS STILL 'Richniondifiiill P Q We invite the ten thousand families in the county of York to make our Mammoth Stores their headquarters ; to have their'letters and parcels sent in to us, to be taken care of ; to call in as many times a day as they may feel inclined, and to all we ensure a hearty welcome. You will not be im- portuned to buy, but as most of you will want to do so sooner or later, we take great pleasure in announcing that our stock in every department is larger and more attractive than ever before. We show in NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. Plain Costume Cloths at 12%c.. heavy Cheviot Costume Cloths at 15c., all wool reversible Costume Cloths at 20c., all wool French Dress Goods at 200., in Serges, Crepes and Foules. All wool French Cashmeres at 40, 50 and 60 cents. English Cashmeres, all colors, 25c. a yard. In dress goods plain goods still take the lead. although combinations and Boucle effects will be largely worn. Is now the largesr and most complete of any in the city and is overcrowded with flew Fan and Winter Eéaasa'éégsg 3M mm and aaa‘aaflaifiagy CAN ADA’S Linonezums. Mattings..Mats, Rugs, &c. Intending buyers would do well to inspect our Immense Stock, and should bear in mind that it is all newvand choice, and purchased by our Mr. Joseph Petley direct from Manufacturers in best Home and Foreign Markets. Persons living at a distance of one hundred miles will save their railway fare and ex-_ penses on a purchase of $25 to {$1550. Ottoman Cord at $1.00 a yard, Jersey Cloths in all colors and qualitfly‘, {gocy Iweed Cloths jr} gyeat yal'iety. MAMMOTH HOUSE, KING ST. EAST, fi‘qibRONTo. IIIâ€"0111‘ Clothing Departments, Mei/rs and Boy's’, we Show an Overwhelming stock. Boys’ Overcoats 980., Boys’ Suits 98c., Men’s Overcoats $3.50. T. Thampsom Fancy Goods 01 every description. We would also call special attention to our m/agnificent stook of , GRAND 0m G NEW FALL GOODS New Mantles, new Dolmans, new jersey jackets, new Bonnets, new Hats, new Silks, new Satins, new Brocades, new Velvets, new Velveteens, new Dress Goods, new Cashâ€" meres, new Prints, new Cretonnes, new Cottons, new Sheet- ings, new Pillow Cottbns, new Table Linens, new Table Napkins, new Towels, new Lace Curtains, new Hosiery, new Glowes, new Laces, new Ribbons, new Corsets; new Frillings‘, new Embroideries, new Dress Trimmings, new Brussels, Wilton, Ambassan & Tapes- try carpets. NEW GOODS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS. PETLEY '81 PETLEY: FROM SEPT. 6th TO THE 13th, OUR MANTLE DE?ARTMEN T “124.8 to 132 King St. East, ’ TORONTOQ We are showing an immenss variety of

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