Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1886, p. 7

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All the Powers have replied favorably to: the Porte's circular, They agree that: there shall be no military occupation of; Bulgaria. A dynamite cartridge WM! expleded at midmght on Sunday In the prlnoxpal gna- way of the Marseilles docks, doing some damage. Ins‘propesed thatn {who} of English and American gunbents be established to wtacn mercimnu vesaala from Chinese pl- raters. Sir Charles Dilke has returned to Lon den, and will revenge: publiclife as pro- prieta‘r 93nd edito: of a city daily. .V we r Emparm Willle was prevented attend- 1; low; ing the ("urn an military matwuvres atj Chan Stiasburg by cxhaustisn. Im n- Shoo 122w, mmmencement of the year there werr 58 000 cholera cases in Jzzpan, of which 37,000 pmved fatal. A yacht propalled by electricity crossed from Daverta 0.91MB recently in three hours and fiitaen minutes. In dflplematic circles in Vienna it is ad- mitted that the tenalen between Austria and Russia. has Increased. Gan. 899th, of the Salvation Army, has left London far the Szates and Canada. It in atated that the three Brltlnh schoon- er: seized by tha United States authentic: for alleged trespass in Alaskan waters wlll be released on their arrival at San Francis- 09. A band of New York Sscialiats, the mem- bers at which declare they are organlzlng for a. rebellion, has been drilllng regularly every Sunday since 1M1: May on the banks of the Hackensauk river. {fifteen excurslenists werekillad and thir- teen Injured by a collision at Silver Greek, New York. Fumera in the vloinity of Tolono. Ill., have last twelve thousand dollars’ worth of bags by cholera, and the disease In rapidly spreading. Captain Markham, R, N., who aocampnm fled the steamer Alert on her voyage from Halifax- “I far as York factory, has returned overland to VVlnuipeg. He speaks very positively of the practicability of navigating Hudson's SHE.“ for at least four months in the year, and puminy for five, and declares that the ice, irem ita peculiar formation, of- fer: no seriaus barrier to vessels built ape- cially for navigating the strait. He also states that the country presents no appar- ent obstacles t9 railway canstruotlan. There was another strong shock of earth- quake in Charleston early the other morn- ing. No damage was dane. An extensive repatriation movement has set in among the French Canadians in the New England States. Dslegaten sent by an asaeclatlen of one hundred and five heads of families have decided upon the valleys of Lt Lievre and L9. Range, in the Octawa district, as the must iavarablo place for set- tlement, and will select batweon twenty and fifty thousand acres of land, on which heuaea will ba built and the land cleared as thaiz the returning exiles mm begin tilling the soil immadiMeiy on thalr arrival. A grand To It is believed that the Canada. Pacific railway will prob: bly be able to secure the tranapertatien of the raw silk imporfled am Dually {rem Japan to the United States, inn industx-y saoond enly in extent to .the tea. trade, the freight paid amounting to abau'a a. quarter of a millien dollars a. year. The herring fishery at Labrador in very abundant, several aohoauers having been filled at Brae d0: and at Red bay by a single out of the seine. The fish is of a. superior quality. The cod fishing, on the other hand, in poor. Au eastbound Irelght train on the Cans.- dfan Pacific railway was wrecked the other night eighteen mlles east of R117 Portage by an immense reek which had fallen on the track. The engineer and fireman were klll- ed and a brakemun fatally lrj Axed. John Meany, of Hamilton, While melat- lng arrest was severely beaten by P. C. Vemey, who need his baton freely. M anney was 129 the hospital, where I: was found his akull was fractured. Hallie! in a critical condlti )n. Mentena cattle are being extensively shipped ever the Canada Pacific llne for the south. One Mala-load passedthrough Wln- nlpsg the other day, and it I: expected that ever eleven thousand head will be sent by the same route this year. Burs-12w; gained moms t9 the vault in the efiim of the Toronto Street kaiiway Cam- pany mommy by digging; a hale thwugh from an adj )lning buuamg, and made good their eacmpa with six hundred dolluuru in silver. -..- V-........... Luunuu ANMAVI’D’, wuwu 2H preaent reaches Chlohgo ever zhe Miohfigan Oentra}, m reputed so be making arrange- m 23%.: for an independem line at its own flute that city. The manument erected in St. Catharinea to the memory of Private \thnon and his comrades who fell in the Nerth-VVest rehal- lien was unveiled the other day by Major- General Middleton. The schooner F. J. King sprung a leak and sank in ‘25 fathom! of water off Cm; l:- Iand, Ladle M :chlgan. The crew escaped, but the vessel and cmrgo are a total loan. The experiment; of carrying logs from CAnada aoroaa Lake Huron on a huge barge fittad up for the purpoae him failed. Kasper Dicklnaen, ef the Klngstonlunatio asylum, wag savagely ahtmked by an inmate recenvlng lnj urles which will lay him ofl’ duty for some time. A Montreal R words: has decided that the Sahauion Army have a perfect right to parade the streets and sing. . The drill shed at B urie wlbh all Its con- tents, was deabroyed the other night by a suppossd incendiary fire. Another respite has bsen granted 11:») Sproulo, the Amerloxu murderer sentenced to (loath in British C'JFum’oiaa. HOME. Tue mpltal nqulred for the first torty miles of tha Hudsan’s B3.y railway has been secured in Landon. The Gloucester fishing schnoner Everett Steele, sefz d at Sheihurne, N, S., has been relexaed w1th z). cautisn. The Cdnadian Resume Rulvyaytfvhioh a! THE WEEK’S NEWS. Deum was sung in all the AMERICAN. FOREIG, . I London’s Water. Londen ls supplied with water from the rivers Thames and Laa, and from certain springs in the valleys of the Thames and Lea, supplemented from Chadwell springs, , and from 11 walla in the north at Landon ‘ and 10 wells In the south 52f Landon, all 2 down to the chalk. The proportions for E the month of April last were nearly as fol- xf lows: me the river Thames and certain Ichalk»aprluga in the Thames valley, about I 51 parts at the whole; from the river Lea and certmln chalk-sprlnga in the Laa valley, about 37 parts; from the 11 chalk-wells in the north of Landon, about 4 parts; from f the 10 chalk-wells in the south Bf Landon, 3 about; 8 p Lirtz. l Thiaiajtmt what evury auflerer wants-â€" prompt action, and rapid relief from pain. The grandest discovery af the age, the great pain cure, is Poiaan’a NERVILINEâ€"prompt, pawerfui, piaamnt t9 the taste, and yet so pure that It may be given to the youngest infant. Try a 10 cent sample bottle, which yeu can purchase at any drug stare. Nerv- iilne. the great, sure, and prompt pain cure. The large battles are only 25 cents. Yet it is not likely that steam will, at least for the present, be displaced by electricity in ordinary navigation, whatever may be the experiments in pleasure yachting. There is always the prime factor of economy to be considered when a new motor claims fever, whether it be electricity, compressed air, caloric, er the force in coiled springs. E‘ec- triclty has for years been struggling for adoption as a motor on land. In Paris long ago an electrical omnibus was driven through crowded streets with perfeet facility, and there have been electrical railway locomo- tives In Vienna, in Berlin, in Paris, in Toron- to, and elsewhere, as well as in several cities of the United States. Perhaps the recent gains made in Paris by Deprez in the trans- mission of electrical force will help the solu- tlon cf the problem, but at all events the factors that will prove meet petent in de~ terminlng its use on any gene: 8:1 scale are economy, convenience, and safety. The yacht Volta, in eucoensfully running from Davsr te Calais and then returning, making the trip in less than four hours one way and in four hours and a quarter fihe other, accomplishes a voyage of a difi'ment sari. Is is true that the sea was unusually calm. but there does not appear to have been any danger of diearrangement oi the appar- ratus by heavy waves, The almost ahaeiute neiselesanesa of the boat's progress is specially dwelt on in the brief cable account ; and it is no doubt advantages of this kind that electricity can claim as a. substitute for steam in marine engines. To travel without snake, with heat, without smell of oil, without noise (f machinery, and without vibration, would certainly add pleasure to navigation. .-_ ~r- -.,_ 9f the motér was ntofed a'oicumulutora within the boat, free from oommunlaatlen with the labor“. We believe that this bout wan sent to the Vienna Exhibition, At all events, a boat of the ssma character was used during the exhibition on the Damuba Osmal, and made abaut six miles an hour agalnst the strong current, and twice as much with it. Of onurse, torpedo boats run by electricity through wires unreeled as the boat advancsa are familiar; but in the cases just npeken _x LL, . The Voyage of the Volta. The crossing and recro wing of the British Channel byayacht using electricity as a repelling pewer is a noteworthy event. he employment ei electricity M a moter for vessels is not, however, entirely novel. Same year: age a launch whese propeller was driven by A Siemens motor and Sellou- Velckmer accumulator: made several ex- perimental trips en the Thames. After- ward Messrs. larrow 3: Ca. fitted up a second electrical launch, which ran at the rate of eight miles an hour on the measured mile, and made a. distance 9i six consecutive miles on the Thames in thirty-seven min- utes without empleying fnllepeed. This boat wan ferty feet long and of good beam, capable of carrying thirty pernnns, includ- ing the two needed to run her. She was able to go six hours censecntively on her etered-up power, or an aggregate of forty- five miles. A denpatch from Vienna says there are runmra in diplomatic circles at the Austrian capital that negotiatiena between the Ecu- poreru have resulted favorably, and there are now good prespacts for an agreement between Russia, Germany and Austria rela- tive to common notion in Bulgaria. In re- gard to the immediate future, the diapatoh says it is stated Russia has yielded her plan of proceeding alone in Bulgaria, and intends now to treat the question on the basin of the Treaty of Barlin and submit it to the con- sideration of Europe. A bailiff named William Cuffs, who had rendered himself obnoxious by making evictions, was hustled out of Balearm chapel, in Kerry‘ and was unmeroflully baamm by a numbar of Wemen of the con- grogation, Luuci, the Italian hater, will not dlvulge the secret of his African hex-b liquor, as he intends taking out a patent far It, saying that a pear family may live without load for a week on a frano's worth of his deaco- txen. Spociufiats dmhwe that the Newmann L‘10hfi1‘ repeating rifle, now being manufao‘ tured for the Austrian army, is the moat parieot rlfla ever invented. It fires forty rounds a minute. A despatoh from Copenhagen says a. bat- fle has taken place at Brnendarateven, 911 North Jutland, between 2,000 pamnnta, armed with sticks and stones, and 60 gen- darmes, resulting in the defeat ef the lat- ter. Min Uharlcswnrth, whose detention In the ranks of the Silvaklon Army in London against the wishes ef her pnrentslbd 126 such an outcry, has been married t9 Gen. Boeth'a non. The aunpenalen bridge over the 051th- llzn, in Meravla, caflapwd While a squad mm of Uhlanl was marching across, and “even peraona ware M11“ and a. numbsr in- jurad. The Britiah are establishing a. (mulling statlen on the Inland of Theme in tha l’ifigean mm. and will probably Mauma the govern- ment of the inland. Thn Paris Republique Francaise Its-tau that England meditate: a. grand coup d'etat, and will probably claim Egypt as a British posuassion. ohnpell of Malta in gratltnda for the pre» starvation of the inland from the recent earthquakes. Always Prompt Action. We are having a large demand this season h‘om sectlcnn where sample )099 were sold last! winter, and orders should be Bil-08d early to secure mome “- tenblon. Corning. Portland, and "Jump Ben," Bodies to unit. 5nd all At vely moderne prices. Have you used our Steel Bobsleigh? Sand for de- scriptive olroulu. .1. B. ARMSTRoNo m'F’o co. (LD', GUELPH, CANADA Made fxcm Bea: Tempered Spring Light, Handsome, Strong and very Durable. Armstrong’s PATENT rE‘EMPERED STEEL Gutter & Sleigh Gears, Now shipment from England. Ex SGvahlp "Nor- wegian." Lowest prices to the trade. We are sole mzenba in Oaunda for Mom-idea Oolebmbod Shuep Onsinga. Write {or quotntiona. SENDTIFOR PRICE LIST. Awning, Flag, Tent 85 Gaming Depot |89 YONGE STREET‘ TORONTO For freight, pnauze, or other information up ly to A. Schumncher 85 00., Bnltimora ; S. Cunard £00., Halifax; Shea & 00., St. John's, NJ. ; Wm.'l‘hom3 eon Sc 00., St. John, N.B.; Allan 85 00.. Ohio-ge I Love 85 Alden. New York ; E. Bouriiez, .Totonto y Minna, BAe & 00., Quebec ; Wm. Brockie, Pmlada phi-z H. A. Mien. Parhlnnd, Bordmn Manual. A writings” Snfifng during winter from Portland eve [hurl any Ind Halifax every Snurdny to Liverpoo , Indf gummer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. culling n Londouderry to loud mails Ind Image" for Soollnnd and Ireland; niso from Bnl more via Hniihx And St. John's, N .17., m Liverpooifortnizhtiy tian summer months. The afienmera of the Gin ow nee uii durin winter to rod from mum ortinnd, Boston Ind hiladelphin; And during rum. mar botwoen Ginsgow Ind Montrenl week] | 91» gow and Honor: weekly, Ind Ginogow Ind mum- phin fortnightly. For freight, pnauze, or other information ngly to A. Sohumhcher 8§_00.LBIItimora ; S. Opium! Go "A", r. .. v. .....w raluuuu .u vu. unwr uunur. luu Lnum nus. Phoaographera. agents, and others should write (enclosing sump) for circular. Agents no mnking 825 00 per week. n will pay you an canvas to! orders Look out» for me at Toronto Exhioiflon. Allan Line Bbyal Mail Steamshlps. Baby Jumper. "Ewing Clmir Imll Bed. all in Una. It your merchant has not got bheuL send us stamp for pmflnulflrfi. ()I‘TERVILLE MW 0 CU. Benusitul, Lite Ilka Ind Arblsua. Absolubely noth- Xuz 1,0 eqml it. Lina-sized pal-halts drawn from ordinary photograph. and warnmed flma elm. Portrain painted in 011. Water Color. and India Ink. LADIES, buy our Sweeper. it willsave your carpets audlurnitum, also work and wouy. Will “5‘ in dull! nae at less: ll) yams. -:- THE NEW -:- BROMIDE GRAWN PORTRAIT __ v _. v â€"...nâ€"-- qul‘fll‘he I‘h‘nsidc \Tcekiy. Sixserial Btm'ios by thonmat tulummlmnhors in each issue. A number of intm'msting (iomplvte Tales oflmve, Romance, and Adventure. Choice J’oorry,81xorb Sketches, Household Recipes, Science, “it and Humor, eta, conmilmd in each issue of The Fireside \chkly. 50. per copy; or, with 40 of Iho man! desirable nongs of the day, $2.00 1101' your; six months and ‘20 pieces music, 31; three months and IQ pim‘es music, 500. Subscribe now. Agvnts wanted everywhere. Liberal com- mi sinn. Finn“)!!! copies free. THE FIREsIDn \VICEKL'Y, 28 (:nlboxne St" Toronto, Canada. _._.._. “an”. A BIBLESâ€"lngo fiypc. EfiiE-udld gaps: beauti- tululusnraaloneg contains 4,000 questions and un- mweu on Bible Topics; liberal serum. Internmklonm Back And Bflbxa Hausa, Toronto. Ont. V cuoom Teachers at students Attention b Dunng Holidays 3 apuehl onurseol prlvaie lessons. by hlgueua mnatere, will be glen School Teachers and Students. on Shorfihnud, anlng 0| Palnfilng. All who on should come. Send immedi- nely tot wpauhl circulate. In: quou firmw- Hmnnna' Amman, 139 8:, 41 Adelaide St. El, Up- stmlrs, Toranm. EPKESENIA’HVH: In each couuly Io sell “ Pro B, porn] and Espousnl"â€"â€"n book on Love,Ooun- ship, Mnrlmony md kindred themes. Write to: uh-culna. Infiemahlonnl Book and Bible Home rural-no, Ont. EflALE "colt-won't, THE DEODOTION F of one single herb, Is a sure cure tor female hregululuea; sump tor particulars P STEVENSON, 46 Mercer Sheen. Toronto, Caundlr 78 SOAcre Farmâ€"$500 60 Acre Hum â€"1 mile {tom Dundglkâ€"loofiuo noting pays. 16 cents : 100,000 5 cans music; instruments hut-price. BUTLAND, 37 King-st. W.. Toronto. AND 31w MAO'EiNE'é’IAiL SIZESâ€"LAW lmprovemenis; bracket baud sum; for attach- lngto posts; man, she» And dunble; send lav ulroulnn. JOHN GILLI 8 85 00., Carleton P1503. 0m. A dog with a tin can attached to his tall by a stout curd passed hurriedly down the street. " In that dog mad 2" asked a. pedes- trian. “ \Veil,” responded another, “ I caught a glimpse of his oounfienance as he 21%st by and he didn’t look the first bit p cued." A CURE FOB BBUNKENNESS. epium, merphlne, chlsrai, :nbuooo, and kindred habits. The men’iinine may b3 given in tent or 06358 wishes“ the knowledge of the pm‘sen mixing it i/ 80 desired. Sand 60 in mumps, for book and teatémoniaiz from them: WM have bean cured. Addrcau M. V. Lubsn, 47 Wnlimgfian St. East, 'Imenm, Ont; Cut this 9119; for future tefcammrâ€"J. When Wlifiiufi mentien this paper. Don't use any more nauseous pumatlves such as Pills, Slum. 850.. when you can get in Dr. Carson‘s Stomach Bitters, a medicine that moves the Bowela gently, cleansing all impur- ities from the system and rendering the Blood pure and cool. Great Spring Medlclne 600:5. he gets. Dam-lay (j umplggin‘gvaaiwt-igfiii: He Wm, WM he? run my earn! Well, you can bet. yaur sweet life he'll have his hands full. .7, V y w. n. uv Aunan Brigga' Electric!) curaaleuumnism. Neu- ralgia, Sprmus and Bruises, momplaiuta arising from Colds such m Sore Throat. Cough, Amh- ma, Bronchitis and difficult Emathimz, Bmwnâ€"What’nhe ma‘ter with‘ysu ant-d R 2b.:ason, Dummy? I hear fihat he has threatanefixm gull your arms the first chance V_« ...y u. uuumocAvcu. others hearing of the success of Brigza' Elec- tric Oil have adopted other names similar, such as “ Eclectric Oil," "Electron ull,’ 850,, and are arriving to induce the public to buy them in- stead of the genuine Electric Oil. In fact so deter mined were they that they brought A unit at Law, in the High Court of Canada, to deprive Briggs 8:, Sons of their right to control the same; but the Courts and the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa fully qus‘tviined their ragig‘tered trade mark. The great reputation o! Brimza' Electrlo Oil is such that It has induced unprincipled» per- sona In adapt other names as near lxke it as possibla .he proprietors of Bflggs' Electric Oil have the name and style of the Electric Oil registh both In Canada and the United States. and no one ctlm use it bu} _themseIVes. lulu... L.”un ,4- THEM. PQRULAE Sausaéeflcgéifigis: Carpet Sweépers. J. L. RAWBIINE. Artist. umms mi}? ~ch “my,ch FAME? nII.r nu . ENâ€"TuKEKâ€"md :wo Indiesâ€"n Ounvmaera , good my. H. E. Kgrfnby, reroute. 0m. 95 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO JAMES PARK & $011. Toronm‘ A FREE FIGHT. UTI‘EBVJLLE, ONT. The Most Efloclivo, Clean, Durable and Economical Beaten in the Market for warming and ventilating Churches, Schools, l‘ubllo Buildings, Spares and Pzivaie Residences. Simple in consume, “on and anally mar sgerf, com-bio of giving mom hell: with less consumption of fuel than any other betting nppnntus. WAbnolunely «ms Tightf€~1 Eight sizes “Harris” and four sizes “Mammoth” are m-de nnd can be not either in Brick or Parable ionn. Correspondence solicited. For Onulomea md . further information nddreao NEW fiARRIS AND MAMMOTH STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACES. THE LEADING WOOD COOK. The Torpnto Stove 6r. M’f’g 00., (Lt’d) fifty mm amnafiian Gem ma, “ESHBILHEH‘EW' Brand; Fine“ in 1511. Market. MGGGEE’S Malina Welling 011. McfifiéLL Bflfifi. £33., WREBEW; And Largest Tran-lug School In Canada. Sand for t‘azeudar. â€"r.a abâ€" ” ' _ Productiva’i’own, Village dz Farm Property B. MITCHELIa MCHQNALB. Bawrlstu, 6 [Inga Block-- 1‘ Mo Sim-mu â€"‘l'nrmtta fl Rfififi TF 5%5} mum,u-m-â€"mm__ pl! 3 N" Fi-HLS. GENTS Iâ€"YOU CAN'T FIND A BOOK THAI gives beater eeflehctlon or Nut van cum nuke money mm wlfih then ” World's Wonders." Selle an I“ el-ueeâ€"Ohrieblnnl Ind lufldele, Ceuholloe and Proeneuntl. old And young; old agents who have not canvmeed for yen-I no going Into the field wish it; 0. F. Jenkina mold 128 the first week ; 1‘ E. Erma aye] " The first week wlbh “ Wonders" nstied me one hundred and alxteen dollars." A good clung: to: unemployed persona; outfit free £0 annual can- vseeors; wriio tor Eezme. Bunny, Gammon a: 0:2 . Branuord. Consumwm will Vlad It as man :dvnnwge m ask the kids 9er on: mske‘ of files and Bupu. lbs-Cutting a Specialty. fiend lo: prica Hat and term“. MANUFACTURERS ANDflMILLERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING M'CENEY TD LEE“. R. SPEI‘SGB & (39., Ely i! once and you will use no 08113;. }â€"- â€" Every BAH-cl Guaranteed. We are use 8010 Manumc era (bf the Genuine Lax-dine. Hamilton. - Qatari-1m T119411 &V[}.f_fiURN£YWUU. (Limited), HAMILTUNJ Hinge Cyliflder, Engine, Wool and Harness 0115. Mfimflmmma 'WEEQS; In 6 styles and 2 sizes. - Don’t Buy till you see it. URNEYS" BICYCLES AND W D Artisan Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. MANUFACTURE ONLY IF I N :2: S The Third Schnlaa‘lc Yam bnglnq Sept. lat. Phtlon nge drawn ham Tm muss mu l’anvmcns. Young men and buys abonuzmy prepued for business pul- suit‘s. Graduates emluemlv success'ul. Pnofiiod wax-k, mamarne I‘M-as and fibula-Hanging; EH36.“ 8511er its Imflmtion, im-jinu «rimmed. For Info:- mmiun midway M. MAGSORMKOK, Principu. I1ami1ton,- - Ont um 69; .153 awn. MEEEDEFé BREW; the Snow D21 Blklu-g Powder 00.. Buuuom, C3 GWBfisiness 001E750 SEWER - PLATED G UELP F}. ONTARIO.

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