ibuuidul for the fuvurs of tho past {)3 Vb,an 1L1: 'tillhecmnsnltrd in any bruygzh (If the, pro- 1‘ , inmnsfnllowsr imam, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22x :1 of ouvh month Richmond Hill“. . . .0111 3.1142411] flu“ Lat bhel’ulnlm'flouse) Shtruifn“ 10. M‘m‘klmm . .10. Victoria Square (lo. fhornhill, \anker House. (In. Woodhridge .... . .‘ (in. illoiuhurgu . an sieblotw... 30th 0 VIMZCG A r “In ‘ L: on hand at appointments Works iike IL (11mm). Frau Lrom 1min. Afldl‘wss A ROBINSON L.D‘SM,A111'01uOnt. grï¬l Yongc Stowe/(c, 1 “(ext door tn L110 new Amado. I'HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISI’IIIIG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Manufacturers & Impomrs of ï¬lzmhzs, Glades, grinding, @‘ilbrrmm nub myth-.11 (Sachs? SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. \Alulubu, L uLuluvUV 'Dluen‘scs of all the Domesticated Animals (abated. Mister; Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8a.. Mme Ofliceâ€"No. :4 Building & Loan Chambers, No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Veterian surgeon. Urudunte of Ontario Yd College, ’l‘m‘outu “W m. ROCAYJRS, XJJXJS MMEY T0 LOAN M LOWEST CURRENI RATES a Q. F. LAWRENCE.’ w. c. MILmAN. .T. A- McANDREW. 6T4? E fllï¬ï¬Eï¬ï¬Ã©a ’ $1.33 SN AMANGE. Dr. Jami-2's Langslnfl‘ Member College Physiumns& Surgeons; 01114, a’JCHMONJ} BILL, ONT. THU RESIDENCE : â€"â€" 8m AVENUE. Woonmumr. 31 mm; STREET EAST, TORONTO, OPPOSITE THE " GLOBE" OFFICE. ‘il'feflnliï¬t 'l‘m'nnfo {‘nnr'witv Nu“ 1m)“ (‘0 fhysicmnmï¬ Sur‘u ,()nb..(!nte of Stouffvilie .{rmgo Street. 1% . mmd Hill. {)flica Hou‘v's to 10 a. 111.,5to 812.11. Fullerton, Cook a: Miller, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c. USIICES: 18 KING STREET EAST, ToRoan‘ Richmond Hill PA). Every Saturday. Dr. flaw. Maplm Utfl‘loe hours: 8 to s (1.. 111.,IL13d to 2.301).:11 E. NI. "l0R1‘_HY. SON & (30.. LAWRENCE, MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, J S Fullm't-on, VOL. IX. GAB FOR EXTRACTIZV G. BUSINESS CARDS. Franklin .1. Andrews. L3 vaym FUNDS To LOAN. ‘i‘vé ‘ Tithe ï¬gihm‘aï¬ â€ IS PUBLISHED EVERY RSDAY EDKTOR and PRC?RIETOR. L LESIMEQ’N, Richmond Hill. VITA LEZED AIR. per annum, in advance.] Dr. “H \E. \Vllson. 15.5191) BY Dr. A. Robinson. F. ii EV‘NITT, Vitalmnd Air Administerâ€" ed. Hrnken €110.le teeth or tooth not flitting, madc- ovurcn short notice. g'Zicntnl $nrgnm‘g aftivr‘inary. 5178' ON DENTIST gamma. Emzxk iwuml. W Cook, â€"Miller TORON T0 EES MOK2EBAT‘E 'ENING 1.1 .10 (lo (10 (in Jun. ‘Jlnt 1886. 'J.‘1n‘eomilas north 0! Maple, and Shingles at Kingstation and Shunk'a bus , lot 10. 6th 0011 Vu1lghun,un<lwill be re me to ï¬ll bills of all sizes and lengths on t o s attest nosgihle notice and at prices to suit the present or any other time. HENRY In“, Kmfl 1’. (J. On JEZWQYEE’ LESSQJVS. MCGEE’S SWITCH MILL, at Current Rates‘ 0 notice of withdmwm required. Dnde on a I parts of Canada, Unith States and Great Britazp, bought and sold. Deposits received 5%} Interestullowed thereon Tho subpcrlbor respectfull intimates that 119 will have a. large stock 0 Luth and Lumber of all kinds at the Hum u reï¬tted the above House and furnishâ€" 0d 31 ll: fll'Sl/vclitaï¬ style,Iam prepared to give the ‘mli'ir: the lms‘t. n.‘ uccommpdntmn. Excellent mhliny; am 1tLentiV0 hustlers. Sample Rooms {01" mmo u‘l trxwellers. Agoodlively in con- Tmum 81 her day. This: pup: r Summer resort has been re-ï¬ttod m {'1 cher flaunt] 110W presents every cunâ€" nue fur guests and bom‘dggs. _ ullom nccummodutwn or the travellmg pmmv, 3 was? I‘T-Nif‘, Grounds in the County. Full Q1}D}h}’ of pleasure and ï¬shing bouts. ’l'cr moderate. Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day Genital Bank of Ganaden PRESIDISNT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwighl. D. M. Mac- donuld, C. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. IAI.«"(‘175‘C‘(14‘\U(’[i(‘ll(‘02' for the County of York, re- “ppl'fflln'y’ (xii/tits vour patronage and friendly i y": u 110,, ' muled on the uhorteaï¬notice and :11 )‘c 105;. P.O.addxoss, King. éï¬ï¬‚uï¬â€™ï¬ gm: :iï¬utel. Liomxom‘l vw ' war for tha County of York.re- warn. 1111, hmt your patronage and friendly innm‘m-v. Halm 2x, ended 011 the shortest notice nuduh msz IM‘I‘IH‘BS. P. 0. Address, Lmenced Auctioneer for the Gounny of York Sui l Ltmnded on the Hllnfleï¬pgï¬cgayfl gt reu- THE DOMINION HOUSE, (We rnteF. Address max; 4 . mm LUMBER, LATH& SHINGLES I To Loan at, {3 per cent. Straight loans. Terms of repayment; of principal made to suit burmwor *. First und second mortgages bought. [\rlvxmuo .11» on second mortgages and to )l'-'. I. R. REYNOLDS, Limnsui ,"anctiollcel‘fol‘ the Counties of ank 1?va (Mods sold on consignment. -: uf : tuck, etc.. promptly intended )Io HUGS. P. 0. address, UNIONVILLE . Richmond Hill, Bum. Finilinger. Proprietor. Is prepared to receive pupils, and will give Music Lesson! as formerly. Undertake-rs & Embalmers. “norm Tuxmï¬hings Always on Hand SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, LEMQJV, flMflEï¬ay 1138 KING STREET EAE’I‘. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, JAMES M. LAWRENCE, “’Nl. BELL, Proprietor. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. $500,000 Jams-s (I. Stokes. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPT-30, 1886 "‘Eimllnumm. Iii . .1. Armstrong. 37.329“: Eckardt Adelaide St. East, Toronto. M. Brown. Box 96, VICTORIA SQUARE floaty. “In Essentials, Unity ; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Manager. The World, a morning paper, enjoys an extensiv dominion as an authority on sporting matters; yet not content with this it has the temerity at times to ven- ture into the ï¬eld of Politics and Litera- ture, and needless to any proves that a man may be a. very good judge of base ball and yet miserably mil in other re- spects. Lately in a spirit of needless criticism it. arraigned the aometime deâ€" After the previous evening’s orgies our team was not in the best of trim for play- ing, yet no one flinched from keeping the engagement made at the charming village of Richmond Hill, which boasts one of the strongest clubs in Ontario. A drive of eighteen miles in American buggies brought us to the place. Before we reach- ed there, however, we saw a large pro- cession coming to meet us. The Volun- teer Band, gaily dressed,lI-d by the Reeve and his Councilmen, were; aggreen badg- es, had done us the honor of coming, fully three miles to bring us personally into their domain. The procession when formed was very imposing, and, as we entered the village, every “Lass of Rich- mond Hill†was in waiting,whi1e triumphâ€" al arches spanned the highway at short intervals. The match began, and the Irish defence ï¬eld again performed some remarkable feats, being called on more than ever by the strong and smart at- tack of the Riclimonds, whgse club is known as the “ Young Canadians.†\Vhile it was found impossible to score a single point against this club, so impervi- ous was their defence, they were only able, on the other hand, to get two balls past Macdonald. The shots came about the Irish posts like hail, but Child, Dill, Seaver and Gibb were there or there- abouts, and the scoring was by them ren- dered slow indeed. HerorMacdonald es- tablished his reputation as a ï¬rst-rate stopper. The game ended two to nil in favor of the “Young Canadians,†and a very pleasant beating it was to the“Young Irisluuen," for there was a total absence of body-checking and other evasions of the rules which have crept into Canadian play. At the dinner afterwards the ut- most kindness prevailed. The ladies of Richmond Hill insisted on doing the waiting at table themselves. The board groaned with the weight of good things, to which the visitors did ample justice. After removal of the cloth toasts began, introduced by the loyal one “The Queen†which is everywhere the good custom in the Dominion of Canada. “Our Visitors†was proposed by the Reeve, and respond- ed to by Mr. H. 0. Kelly, who at the conclusion of his oration called for cheers for the ladies of Richmond Hill. By both the Corporation and the Captain of the local club written addresses were presented in the morning at the time of entree. At 8 p. m. the Irish team got under way again, and left Richmond Hill amid deafening cheers. The world’s best, West’s Liver Pills. The never-failing cure for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and sick headache. 30 pills, 25 cents. All druggists. Independent Papersâ€"United States Pol‘ Inesâ€"City Council Courtesies. We cannot close without again assuring you that we shall not soon forget our visit; to your district and yolk wonderful hospitality. ' We are yours faithfully, J No. SINCLAIR, Hon. Secs. Irish ALEX. H. DILL, LacrosseTeam. ‘Ve also give parts of zm account of their visit here, taken from The Northern Whig, and kindly handedmsby Mr. M. Teofy: ' BELFAST, Sept 10th, 1886. A. Coulterr, Esq., Hon. Sm. Young Carnâ€" adicm L. 0., Richmond Hill. DEAR Engâ€"We hasten to inform you of the safe arrlval of the Irish Lacrosse Team, and we desire to take. this, our ï¬rst opportunity. of thanking you per- sonally, and through you all .the friends who contributed to make’ï¬ur stay in Richmond Hill a memorable and pleas» nut one. The festive appearance of your village, and the cordial welcome of your people, impressed us much, and to the ladies of the district our thanks are in an especial manner due for the cordial manâ€" ner in which they joined in the work of entertaining us. Will you kindly assure them how much we appreciate their kind emu-ts 7 \Vill you also convey to the members of your team our high appreci- atlon of the courteous and gentlemanly way in which they treated us on the ï¬ulrd ? To the Rzeeve and Corporation: we desire to renew our grateful thanks fur the compliment done us in meeting us outside the town and in presenting us with an address. Below we give a letter from the Irish Lacrosse Team, relative to their recent visit here, which goes to show that they appreciated the manner in which they were entertained in this village: Irish Lacrosse Team. Our Toronto Letter. The Mayor had a hot time at the last meeting. Ald. Walker went for him on the score of an interview that was in an evening paper. The Mayor denied his responsibility for the interviewâ€"but not the truth of it. Ald. Walker rigorously contested the truth of the whole inter- view, speaking very plainly to the Mayor. Ald. Turner next claimed privilege. The Mayor had also wronged him and in an interview. The Alderman can speak well and lashed the Mayor into an uncomfort- able state of mind. The Mayor denied the interview as it stood, adding that maybe the reporter had concentrated his opinions (This reporter must be an odd fellow to do such an odd thing). A little later the Mayor got it hot and heavy in regard to Symons’ afï¬davit against Auditor Hughes. The Mayor laid down the absurd doctrine that on the mere word of a man of Symons’ character the Auditor should disprove the charge, The Auditor appeared and denied the charge, challenging proof. The Mayor should Old Tennessee still maintains its repu- tatiou as a scene of rollicking fun and political drollery. Two brothers. Alf. and Bob. Taylor as they are» familiarly styled, are the opposing candidates for the ofï¬ce of Governor of their native State. Alf, is a Republican. Bob. is a Democrat. They conduct a joint stump- ing tour and have by their peculiar meth- ods succeeded in arousing among the peo- ple a pitch of excitement and enthusiasm unknown since the days of Hickory Jack- son. Fiddling and joking are their methods. Ali, ï¬nding his voice failing him, took to ï¬ddling with great success. His brother, not to be behind hand, proâ€" duced his ï¬ddle, and enlivened the dry political clap trap with snatches of “Dix- ie’s Land,†"Old Kentucky Home,†and the “Mikado.†Then the Republican adopted the red rose as a floral emblem. ’l‘hereupon the Democrat set up a white rose in opposition. Upon this the ad- herents of both, ladies and all, pinned on their breasts the favorite'rose; the result is a peaceful War of the Roses. The brothers are on the best of terms, traVel- ling together, usually dwelling Under the one roof. Their motto is “that who- soever insults one is an enemy to the other.†Their speeches are conï¬ned strictly to political principles, no room existing for personalities. The Demo- crat is of gigantic size; whilst the Repub- lican is no more than ï¬ve feet or so in height. Wherever they go they are met bv thousands, who enter into the spirit of the contest as heartilv as the brothers, applauding both liberally. They are men of eloquence and education, running over with wit and humour, and when tired talking, take to their ï¬ddles, and be- tween music and fast and furious merri- ment a scene of gayety arises, which surely is the strangest election that was ever heard of. The victory lately gained by the Re- publicans in Maine, despite the powerful combination opposed to them, is general- ly attributed to the masterly leadership and consummate dexterity in the art of statecraft possessed by the once candi- date for the I’residencthames Blaine, of Maine. He of Maine has his eye on the chair. and though early yet to dis- cuss chances of nomination, his success- ful ï¬ght in the Prohibition State will strongly recommend him to his party. Blaine will endeavor to conciliate the Empire State, which is disaffected to- wards Cleveland, though mainly the cause of his election. The unfortunate Burchard and his apt alliteration lost New York State to Blaine. If success at- tends him in his New York campaign, nomination will be Within reach, that State, so to speak. holding the balance of power, parted Thomas Moor before its literary judgment seat, and proceeded to inform the public that he wrote good poetry, while his attempts at prose ï¬ction were of the poorest kind; unfortunately for the critic he did not stop there, he must needs make good his case by mentioning one particular instance in which the poet unsuccessfully esseyed to write ï¬ction, that is in his “ Adventures of an Irish Gentleman.†Poor critic lâ€"like the Writer in the .Maihwho canstically receiv- ed a pamphlet that never existedâ€"â€"he sadly blundered. The book in question â€"the little of it no doubt casually read in some hook-dealer’s catalogue, and the opinion of Moore’s prose appropriated at second hand from some English Rev1ewer â€"â€"is admitted by competent hands to be one of the most learned and scholarly theological works ever written by a. lay- man and one well worthy perusal. This same W’orld, with a marvellous sketch of comparison, likens in importance the Mail’s late escapade to the takng of the Bastileâ€"and predicts a revolution to fol- low. This is really far fetched; the am- bitious scribe should conï¬ne himself to base hall, where his peculiar talents ‘ill be more likely to meet with the recog- nition they deserve. TENNESSEE ELECTION HUMOUR. CITY COUNCIL VAGARIES‘ BLAINE, 0F MAINE. Pain cannot exist after the nutient has taken a single dose of \Vcst‘s Pain King, the magic cure. Do not, bu induced tn take a substitute, but Insist npnn having West’s Pain King. Gunnin sold by all druggista. Mr. Redditt moved, seconded by Mr. Powell, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to write the Board of Educat- ion and request that $100 be handed the Village Treasurer as six months’ salary of the Vlllage Inspector and caretaker of schools, under the agreement dated the 24th of February, 1886,.»4‘41rried. The next meeting of the Council, called for the 27th inst, was cunCuIlcd, and the Council adjourned to meet on D'Ionday, the 25th 0! October, at» 8 p. m. M. TEEFY, Clerk. FIRST-CLASS IN STYLE, WGRKMENSEIP ISHQ M}. Redditb introduced by-law No. 119, to conï¬rm the report of the arbi- trators appointed to dzssolve the Union School Section as between the Village of Richmond Hill and other pawns 3f the said Union. The by-law was read a ï¬rst, second and third Pime and passed. TWEEDS, WORSTEDS & UVERCOATINGS TREVETHAN’S BEE HlVE, West‘s Cough Syrup, a sure cure for coughs,colds and all diseases of the throat, and lungs, 250., 500. and $1 per bottle. With his busy bees is preparâ€" ed to enter on the fall trade with every facility for turning out work A i , .Vv~nu-..a wvvvulxln‘Ufl/IIAUUJ Mr. Redditt moved, scmmded by Mr. Powell. that the petition of Thomas E. Palmer and thirty others be rcceived,and that Mr. Palmer be hereby recommended to appeal to the County Council in manâ€" nex1 provide? by @he statutesiâ€"Carried. THE 333 HIVE Now ready ior inspection, Punctuallty, Style and Firstâ€" Class Workmanship is our motto; Ladies Jackets 21. Specialty. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors present: Messrs. McConaghy, Powell and Redditt. A petition from Thusi E. Palmer and thirty others ratepayers of the Union School Sections N0. 3 of Markham and 4 of Vaughan, dated 22nd Sepb., praying the Village Council not to pass a by-law conï¬rming the repolt of the arbitrators read at the last meeting of the Council. The following accounts were read:~ A. J. Rupert, coal for ï¬re deporh ment . . . . . . ......$19 75 \Vright Bros.,coflin for Mrs.\Vaites 4 00 Duncan McLean. digginn oravn fur \v rignn hros.,coflin for Mrs.\Vaites 4 00 Duncan McLean, digging grave for Mrs. Waites............ ............ 3 00 XV. Snider, work on park & street 4 00 Moved by Mr. Redditt, seconded by Mr. McConaghy, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and instructed to pay the foregoing accountsâ€"Carried. understand that the onus of proof rests upon the accuser, not, the accused~a common enough truism, though seeming- ly unknown to him. \Vest’s Pain King will never disappoint you. It is always ready and costs but; 25ers. It is indeed a. friend in need Purchase a bottle at your druggists and you will never be Without it. It. cures cholera. and all bowel difï¬culties. Pursuance to instructions from the Reeve, a special meeting was held in the Council Chamber at 5 o’clock p. m., on Sept. 25th, tor the purpose of consider- ing the report, of the arbitrators read at at the last meeting of the Council. The Reeve in the chair. Councillors The minutes of last meeting Were 5mg? appruved. The- Clerk read the following communi- cations:-â€"'l‘wo letters were read from Messers. Fullerton, Cook and Miller, Barristers, Toronto, respectively dated the 14th_ and 17th (_)“f_Septi.r All drugg'ists. BOOMINGI RICHMOND C. TREVETH A choice stock of Village Council. [Single copies, 3 cts IS STILL No. 14. read