Concrete than at any pléce trade. You can buy tea, sugar, .currants, rice, taploca, sage and all groceries cheaper The members and friends of the Methodist church, Laskay, purpose holding a social gathering and ton, in tho temperance Hall of that village, on Friday evening, Oct.15t. A good programme has been prnvided. All are invited. In connection with his grocery, flour and feed business, 626., Mr. Geo. Trench has add- ed a full assortment of woollen gooxis, such as tweeds, flannels, sheetings. and blankets. He also keeps on hand his Raymond Sewing Machines and Steam Washers and Wringers See new ad. Great CrQCKery Sale at The Con» crete 20 per cent discount to make room for direct importations. Call anal see Savage’s nelN stock elf furniture and wall papers all new patterns at less than Toronto prices. You need not fear the stormy days or {tasty nights if you allow Mr. Mason to put up for you one of his improved stoves. He is selling lower than Toronto prices, and keeps none but ï¬rst-class stock on hand. When getting a. stove patronize home. Mr. Wm. Atkinson,of the Concrete, having just received his importations from England. wishes to return thanks to his numerous customers for past patronage, and desires an awn-Iv on†to inspect his new display of Fall goods. Read his ehange of ad. on another page. 2 gallons of Redpath‘s B syrup {or 60 cts. at The Concrete. The 2nd Twelve of the Young Canadian Lacrosse club Went to Aurora on Tuesday and were defeated by the club of that place by three games to two. The match was hot- ly contested. The ï¬rm of the games was as follows: 1, 1g. 20, 8 and 18 minutes. Aurora won the 1st, 2nd and 5th. For leads, oils, and ready mixed paints, and glass of all sizes go to Savage’s. A shooting match for n numbar of new NVinchester Riï¬r-sz. sizes 38 and 44 calibre, will he held at, Band‘s Lake, on Mondav, Oct. 4th, commencing at 2 o’clock p. m. ’ Owing to Civic Holiday to-morrnw (Friâ€" day), the regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Bz‘igafle will he heid next Monday evening. Members please re- member the change of date. 1'5 lbs. of good tea for $1.00 at The Concrete. RICHMOXD HILL, Thnrsd av, Sept. $175,356. King correspondence crowded out this week. You can buy a nice colored Tea Set at The Concrete for $2.50,, :Lhm‘m 5.3M N. B.â€"-Registm~e~rl Letters must he handed in .ut least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for aiming. Go to 'C. Mason’s for Stoves and Pipes. Full supply of all kinds of school books at THE LIBERAL More. Lacrosse sticks at greatly reduced prices at THE LIBERAL store. Connects with 7111 tmin , having the Palmer House. Richhan Hill. as follows: Mai] & Expr .Nurth & South .......... F It ‘1'“- Accnmmmlutiun “ “ ‘ Express, North 1;, in "Jail, South. u Until further nntimn Mulls will be closed at the Richmond Hill Past Ofï¬ce as folkm‘suï¬ Mamele zâ€"Gm'uyz North. south, Fast My. “'69:, hlflhldillu 'l'lmrnhill, hlflplu, 'l‘bj'mltn, M1111]: gmï¬ . 8.00 Nemnm-ket... Aurm'n. ....... King. mcrm n. HILT . ‘T‘mrnhlll \Vesbrm.... Imvenpnr Parkdnla. ‘ TORONTO. Queen’s “'hzu'f Brock Rtx‘vo‘o ., st and \Vust (:1 EVENING :â€"Gqu WORONTO. City Hall Union S1 Minn Bron]: Stu-0t Quuun's Wharf Pnrkdulc. ,Nwenpm \Veston†‘I‘hm‘nhill‘. PRUCTOR’S STAGE LIN E. .R. R. TIME TABLE. ion I'mon St}. Glty Hull. POST OFFICE NOTICE IJOQUALIJQ. No need to Freeze. Fireman‘s Meetmg‘ New Importations. Tea at Laskay. Lacrosse Match. Shooting Match Lorne Store. GOING NORTH‘ Mail. 8.10 8 18 10.20 10.05 lIHZ {H R 9.58 M. TEEFY,1’Ostmn sic Accom 11 ~15 Acmm 11 1‘2 12,00 1.50 V. ralsms , soap at the in the «1:37 cu IU “7 A meeting was held at the Golden Lion Hotel on Tuesday evening, to take into con- sideration the advisability of holding a. Fair, sometime during the month of October, in that locality, to be known as the York Town- ship Agricultural Association’s Fair. Al- though the evening was dark and threatened rain, there was egood attendance of farmers and others from the adjoining neighborhoods. Mr. J. H. Shepard, of Lansing, and others addressed the meeting, and showed the ban. ‘ eï¬ts likely to be derieved from such an un- dertsiking. The meeting was quite enthu- siastic, and those present were not long In forming themselves into an Association. After a lengthv discussion, Mr. Calvert, 0! York Mills, W95 appointed President ; Mr. Jacob Stong. Vice-Pres; Mr. Cooper, 893., and Mr. French, of Lansing, Trees. The following were then appointed directors :- Messrs. Dull, Scrivener, Holmes, Shepard, Bales. F. James, Cudmour, Flook, Johnston, McLean, Armstrong, McBride and 8. few others. Several special prizes were oï¬ered, and nearly every person present became a member of the society. Mr. Jas. Thompson, proprietor of the Golden Lion Hotel. Mr.‘ Don and Mr. I). McLean were appointed a l committee to solicit subscriptions. The ‘ meeting; adjourned till next Monday evening when ï¬ne] arrangements will he completed. A special meeting of tho Directors of the Mechanics‘ Institute was held in the Lecture Room of the Masonic Hell Inst Friday even- ing, President Crosby in the chair. A bill of $51.25 was prerented by T. 1-“. McMahon, and, on motion of Dr. Wilson, seconded by W. Sanderson, was ordorod to be paid. A dis- cussion took place as to the best means of increasing the membership of the Institute, several suggestions being offered. It was afterwards moved by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Sanderson, that the membership fee for the use of the library for the year 1886-7 be ï¬fty cents, and that an additional charge of ï¬fty cents be made for those joining the Art Class, which is to be opened :11 a short time, none but members to be admitted. The motion was carried. On motion the Secretary was instructed to procure 109 membership tickets for the coming year. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the call of the chair. In response to n. numm-ously-eigned petitâ€" ion of ratepayers, the Rnevu has proclaimed toâ€"morrow (Frldny) as (1 Civic Holiday in lichmoml Hall. A programme of sports has been placed in the hands of the “ Young Cunzuliztn †lacrosse club. At 10 a. m. a league base ball match will tztke place be- tween the “ Invincibles," of Patterson, and the " Orientals.†of Richmond Hill. At 1 p. m., a grand lacrosse tournament for a valuable silver cup will commence, in which the “ Albions,†of Toronto, the “ Young Dominions," of Aurora, and the 2nd twelve of the †Young Canadians †will take part. The event of the day will be e lacrosse match between the “ 'l‘ox‘ontoe,†of Toronto, and the 1st twelve of the “ Young Canadians.†Admission to grounds and grand stand, 25 cents. A good time is anticipated. Under the management of Rev. J. M. Kerr late pastor of Agnes St. Church, Toronto, Evangelistic Meetings will be held in con- nection with the Methodist Church, Rich- mond Hill, COIHliclng new Saturday even- ing. Mr. Kerr will be accompanied by his excellent wifn. who will assist in the meet- 1ugs. The meeting: m‘xt Saturday night Will be for chumli memlwrs (mlv. The Rev; Mr. Kerr has lemrs-d successfully in promoting the work of (a‘rorl in Toronto and elsewhere, and it is earnestly hoped that his efl'orts have will by the divine blessing be crowned with success. ntely brought, and the child is recovering, though he remained unconscious for some time. His mother, who is just xecovering from a very severe illness, was the timely rescuer. A valuable farm propwriy will be oflered for sale by Mr. Salami I‘lclmrdt, Auctioneer, at Palmer's llutul, Maple. on Suturduy‘ the 15th. day of Oct. next. lit :3 p. m. The farm contains 104) acre, ’ and i-: cumpnsefl of the west half of lo: 21'), in the .‘lrd Con. of the Township of Vaughn“. gm all. on another page, and for further pzmiculnrs npplv to Messrs. Mulock, Tilt, Miller A: Crowther, Voudors’ Suliuinnrs, {)9 King St.Eaet,Torouto Almost Drowiiéd. Yesterday afternoon, 11 little boy about three years of age, son of Mr. Jackson, who lives in one of Mr. Boyle’s houses near thP mill pond, accidentally fell into the creek which 1mm a short distance from the house, and was nearly dimmed before he was taken from tliv wutvr. The doctor was immedi. Mr. J. C. Stones will sell the farm stock. implements, household furniture, (520., of Messrs. J. ('1'. ‘2' '1‘. H. Loggs}, Int}: 62 and 63, 15L (inn. \Ylntclxurch (near Wilcox’ Lake}, on]’2‘i\m.\'l ()ct. Isl, 1.57%. Sale to com- mem-e at 1 o’clock, Alum-p. As the proprie- tms am giving up farming: everything will be sold. Terms: all sums of filO and under cash; <>vvr that amount. 12 months credit will be given. ch-Nic at Maple. The membcxs of Maple degvv. No. 3, I- 0. G. 'l‘. purme hoing a pine-Hie 1n the grmenf P. I‘xlcNoann qu†on Thursday nftenmon,t1m 7thinxt. In the evening a grnml concert will ho givvn in the Masonic Hull,Muple. Mr. J. Fax, of Toronto, so well known, “ill sing (Ulll recite in character, also talent from Richmond Hill, Wood- h1-i«lgo,Cnncm'll and other places. Tickets to concert 25 ct-s. All are cordially invited' Credlt Sale. prmnrket. . . . Markham . . . . . Barrie . . . . . . . ‘ Schomlaerg . . . Bradford . . . . . Ladies ! You can buy at" the Con- crete a splendid silk ï¬nish circular for 95 em; a nice silk pocket hand- kexchiei {01‘25 cts; :1 1'] me rich plush n: all shades Ior $1. per yd, or a splendid Cashmere Jersey nicelV bralded for $2.00. \VnL Atkinson, Importer. Mechanics‘ lnshtute Meeting. Agricultural Meeting. Evangelistic Meetings Civic Holiday. Mort gage S Fall Faixs. 1 quu on Thursday (y. In the evening a givvn in the Masonic Fax, of Toronto, so and l'oci‘ = in character, Oct. 19 and to 7 and 21 and 2‘2 Changeable weather produces COIIghS. colds and sore throat: For them diseases use West’s Cough Syrup, the beat“ All druggists. ' ‘ Luskay Methodist church ofï¬cials have a flourishing hand bill out for a tea meet- ing next Friday evening. I see thenoted reciL-er. Miss Davis, of Teston, is to be there; alsu Miss A. “’alkington and sev- eral others are to take part in the pro- gramme. The Rev. H. McDowell’s brother was out on a .visit during conference, and preached a. powerful sermnn on the Im- morialitv of the Soul,at Kinghorn church. Those who heard it were highly delighted. Our Mr, McDowell maintains his popu- laribv. Theie will be a megting next Saturday evening in the Temperance Hall, King: born, to .take into congideraï¬ion the pur- chasing of a. ground for acemetery, which is much needed in this neighborhood. Our cheese factory has closed for the season. Mr. Norman has sold all his stock of cheese, which speaks well for the quglity. From an occasional Correspondent. Our old friend, Mr. Stokes, I am happy to say, is around again; our lives seem pxetty save in the hands of our skilful Eighth Wonder of the World. It is demonstrated by history that the ancients in many of the arts. notably architecture, far excelled the present age, but it Is reserved for the present decade to produce the eighth wonder of the world, i. 6., West’s \Vorld's “lender or Family Liuiment, which is infallible for rheumatism, sprains, cuts, bruises, sores, and all diseases requiring external appli- cation. 250. and 500. per bottle. All druggists. r r ~ ~ »~- --â€"m v~ unq: “Wu inst, Kate, wife of Duncan Monro, aged 38 years. LEWISâ€"At Ruvennaflounty of Grey, Township of Collingwood, on the 21m inst†Mrs, Mar» guret Lewis, relict of the late Thomas Lewis, ormerly of Harkhum, aged 71, years. He! remains were conveved by train to Aurora, thence to Victoria Square, where she was buried in the P. M. Cemetery. VAyDnBBUIzGâ€"On the 5th Con. King, on Sun- day.26thinst., Steven Vandorburg. aged (35 years. Deceased was intorredx‘n the Richmond Hill Cemetery on Tuesduv lust. Mannaâ€"On the 6th Con. ng, on Thursday, 23rd h“... V‘LA _:., ,t n FLEUnYâ€"FnIsBYâ€"Iu the Metropolitan church Toronto, on the 15th inst, by Rev. John F. German. M. A,, Presulent of Toronto Con- ference. Ira. Esley Fleury. Esq, of the Toqu ship of King, and Miss Luw Ann Frisby, of the Township of Murklmm. OER-MCGILLA it thoMnnse,(m the 271th inst. by the Re .1), Gamelou, Thomas Orr, of tho Tmuiship of York, to Catharine Mc- Gill, of the smne place. SCOTT~MCLELLAX-0n the 27th September, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. Maniy Benson, Walter Scott, son of P. A. Scott. Esq. to Ian. May, third daughter of J. A. McLelluu, LL. 1).,1111 of Toronto. The great health restorer, \Vest’s Liver Pills. They regulate the liver and pro- mote good digestion. All druggists. Mr. Alex. Moodie who has been absent in Scotland {or about two months arrived home on Monday, looking well alter his long voyage. He made both pnssages on the Polynesian. of the Allan line of steamers. He enjoyed his visit immensely with his rel- atives and friends, and while not decrying our own country he evid utly retains a warm spot in his heart for “Auld‘ Scotia" the land of his birth. ' Mr. Casey, Provincial Inspector of licen- sea, was In the village on Friday last making inquiries as to the carrying out of the In. visions of the Crooks Act in this place. Harvest Home. The Markham Farmers’ Club held their annual Harvest Home meeting at Mr. Wm. Bonnie's seed farm, on the 2nd Con. Mark- ham, last Saturday afternoon. Although this is one of the most beautiful farms in this part of the country, and though within about three miles of this village, we venture to say, comparatively speaking, very few of our citizens ever inspected Mr. Rennie’s broad acres. The Surroundings on Sutur- day presented the appearance of a Fall Fair, on not a very small scale. Fully ï¬ve hund- red people must have been present. Seldom is seen at an exhibition a ï¬ner collection of horses than Mr. Rennie’s drove of some 15 head which he imported this season. A draught team was also exhibited which is held at $2000. The whole assemblv of peo- ple had free access to the melon itatch,which was Visited by hundreds. The Ellesmere band enlivened the afternoon with appro- priate music. A well contested Increase match was played bet ween Carrville and Headiord teams, in which the latter was the Winner. A number 01 addresses were given relating to the theory and pmctice of farmâ€" ing. We regret that space will not permit a fuller report of this instructive and interest- ing annual gathering. Mrs. J. Hatching, and daughter, of Low ell, N. Y. are visiting in the village. A special meeting of the Richmond Hill School Board was held in the school room on Monday, the 27th inst. Mr. R. Marsh occupied the chair. Members preseut,Messrs. Duncan, Trench, McConaghy, Switzer. Naughton, Brown and Skeele. It was moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by Mr. McCon- ughy, that the election for school trustees be held at the some time as that for municipal councillors.â€"â€"(Jnn'ied. On motion of Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Brown, the chair- man was empowered to discount a note of 3100. or more if necessary, at the Central Bank, for High School purposes. MLMarsh seconded by Mr. Switzer, moved the follow- ing resolution, which was carried unanimous- ly:~~â€"That we, the Richmond Hill School Board, extend our deepest sympathv to Mr, Redditt, Head Master of our High School, in his very and bereavement sustained by the sudden death of his beloved w1fe. The meeting adjourned till next Monday, when the regular monthly meeting will be held. PERSONALS. School Board M eetmg. NIARRIAGES SPRINGHILL. DEATH S Linoneums, Mattings. Mats, Rugs, &c. Intending buyers would do well to inspect our Immense Stock. and should bear in mind that it is all new and choice, and purchased by our Mr. Joseph W. Petley direct from Manufacturers in best Home and Foreign Markets. Persons living at a distance of one hundred miles will save‘their railway {are and ex- penses on a purchase of $25 to 31550. PETLEY’ 81 PETLEY; Fancy Goods oi every description. W’e would also’call special attention to our magniï¬cent stook of Brussels, Wilton, Amhsssss & Tapes- †try carssss. New Mantles, new Dolmans, new Jersey jackets, new Bonnets, new Hats, new‘Silks, new Satins, new Brocades, new Velvets, new Velveteens, new Dress Goods, new Cash- meres, new Prints, new Cretonnes, new Cottons, new Sheet- ings, new Pillow Cottons, new Table Linens, new Table Napkins, new Towels, new Lace Curtains, new Hosiery, new Gloves, new Laces, new Ribbons, new Corsets; new Frillings, new Embroideries, new Dress Trimmings, new NEW GOODS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS. GRAND OPEENG NEW FALL GWDS MAMMOTH KING 551‘. EAST, TQHQNTO. Illâ€"0111’ Clothing Departments, Men’s and 15931.5", wc Show an overwhelmlng stock. Boys’ Overcoats 980, Boys’ Sluts 98c., Men’s Overcoats $3.50. T Thompson. gm, Is now the Iargesr and most complete of any in is overcrowded with Ottoman Cord at $1.00 a yard, Jersey Cloths in and quality, fancy Tweed Cloths _ir_1 great Vafiety. Plain Costume Cloths at 12:}0" heavy Cheviot Costume Cloths at T5C., all wool reversible Costume Cloths at 20c., all wool French Dress Goods at 200., in Sei‘ggos, Crepes and Foules. All wool French Cashmeres at 4.0, 50 and 60 cents. English Cashmeres, all colors, 250. a yard. In. dress goods plain goods still taKe the lead. although combinations and Boucle effects will be largely worn. New Fall and Winiar mm W Jaskats and Dlmana‘ï¬gsg We invite the ten thousand families in the county of York to make our Mammoth Stores their headquarters ; to have their letters and parcels sent in to us, to be taken care of; to call in as many times a day as they may feel inclined, and to all we ensure a hearty welcome. You will not be im- portuned to buy, but as most ofyou will want toggle so sooner or later, we take great pleasure in announcing that our stock in every department is larger and more attractive than ever before. We show in CAN ADA’S OUR MANTLE DEPARTIVEEN T FROM SEPT. 6th TO THE 18th, NEW FALL DRESS GOODS 128 to 132* King St» Rm; We are showing an immenss variety of TORONTOQ‘ Enrol, Jersey Cloths in all colors GREAT FAIR the City and