Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Sep 1886, p. 8

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MECHAXK s’ lNSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening. in the Ma- sonic Hu11,fr0m 7 to 8 o‘clock. B. E. Law, Libra,â€" l-ian. Lectures and discussionsperiodically, RICHMOND HILL Conan BAND.â€"â€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o’clock. W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE Couxmuâ€"Recve. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillors.l\Iessrs.Benj. Redditt, W. D. Powell, P G. Savage, and F.McConnghy. '(llurk. M. ’1 eefy. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.111. Bene~ fimry certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. A.J.Ruperc,Master Workman. B. Grenmn. r'ec. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465.1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in tho Temperance Hall' avery \Vednesda.y evenimz.u.t 7‘30 o'clock. Wm.}Ia.rrison '1‘.D. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meetfln Temperance Ha11, alter- native THEM ziy evening atBo'clock p m. Beneâ€" ficiury certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death 92,000, one halt nayubm in case of disability. .1 H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J .A.E.Switzer,Recording Secretnrv The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As sncmtion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wmllun‘ison Supt RICHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Mu.sonic Hullpn the Mnnday on or before full moon, at 8 o‘clock p.111 I. Crosby, VV.M. ANCIENT ORDER OF Fonm'mnsâ€"Court Rich- mond, N0. 7011‘: A_ 0. F., meets in the Temperance Hall every ultarnate Fridav at 7.30 1).D1.â€" Geo. McDonald, 0. R. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"Sel‘vices in order a follow 6 ’l‘hurnhill at 9 a..m., and Richmond Hillnt 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 mm. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. 133. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor E win pay the above Reward for any case of Dyspepsia, mm Complaint, Sick Headache, Indigestion or Costiveneu we cannot Cure with WEST’B m2. ms, when the wirectiona are strictly complied. with. huge Boxes, containing '60 Pills, 25 (39:11:35 56336 $1.00. Sold SATISFAGTIDN GUARANTEED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"Servicos at. 1] o’clock a..m.,xmd 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesday *(euingaflzao. Rev J. W. Cam- eron. Pastor. 83mm flirettnm. Churches; ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cannonâ€"Service at 3 p.m., except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. SundaySchoolatlz'sOpm Rev.W.Ba.tes, Rector RUPERT ' SELLS THE BEST. lnfallible Blood Purifier, Tonic, Diureclgio Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsm. Billiousncss, Jaundice. Liver Complaint, Rheumatism. all Kidney Diseases, Scrotum. Diseaseapcculmr to Females, Salt Rheum. ix mum and all Skin Liseasea. Headache. Pnlpitation of the Heart. Sour Stomach and Heart Buy). Pyrely Vegetable._ by all magma. METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at. 10:30 m m and 6:30 p. 111.,2md Sunday school, at 2.30 p. In. Young; 160))10’5 prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Genera Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evenmg in the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assistant. Thesa Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 vears,and given in every in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They me the best in the world. They never tire, and lust many years without change. Rena the following testimonial :â€" I have great plemsure in certifying thatI have worn S1>ectuclas manufactured by Frank Lazarâ€" us for fifteen yams. and they excel 11.11 others I have used for cleamess of Vision and ease While writing or reading. JAMES GODFREY Lute Incumbent of Trinity Church,\Volfe Island Preserve Your Sight RuleIsm-m or ” LIBERAL.” RICHMOND HILL. FRANK LAZARUS, Manufacturer, 5.8 Mary M m1 Road, Harrow Road, London, Enmnd, (lute ,Ltg‘zmgs 8; Morris, Hurtfprd, Oman.) 0 FRANK LAZARUS LEM) Véoinureictribu thh 9.1ny othei firm in Dominion of Canada. Spectacles & Eye Glasses. fbr M20 by T. F. JIGJVIflHOAC (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) EJiV'cT’WisFEECH,’ "Toronto Ont. $500.00 BY \VEARING THE ONLY RENOWNED Societies. RICHMOND HILL ThursdavJuly 8 , nutshper bushel Pans, do. a Dressed hogs,per100 lbs 6 00 Beetfore quarter ......... . 4 00 Beef, hind quartur . 9 00 Chickens. per pair . 0 30 Ducks. do . O 55 Geese. each ......... . 0 50 l‘urkevs(}1el'lb . 0 9 Butfier, pound rolls . 0 11 Butter, large rolls,.. 0 10 Ewe. fresh, per do 0 00 Potatoes, per bag 0 50 Apples, per bbl.... l 00 onions, green, per 70 Cabbage, per doz 0 30 Celery, do ...... Turnips,porbng 0 % Carrots, do . 0 40 Beans. per peck... 0 50 Flour, springper bbl. ...... I FqurJull, per bbl 4 50 I Huyxperton ..........,,,,,, _8 90 Mrw.per mp .. ....... ‘-.-u “I um: Sept. 22nd, 1886-tf There will be oflered for sale bv Public Auction by SALEM EUKARDT,Auctioneer,a,t the Palmer House, Richmond Hill, on TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE zâ€"Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendors' Solicitors [Lt the time of sale, sufficient with the smd 10 per cent. to make one-third of the purchusonlouey within one month there- after, and the balance to be secured by first mortgage ovel~ (me above premises for five years with interest at the rate of 31x per cent. per an» num payable half-yearly. For further particulars apply to Mulocx, Tilt, Miller & Crowther, Vendors’ Solicitors. 14:1} _ h 39 King _St;. Egg}, Toronto RICHMOND HILL FARM PROPERTY All that pal-col or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the I‘ownship of Vaughan, in the County of York, and being comâ€" posed of the east 150 acres of lot number 31 in fihe 2nd_ concession of t.1:ua_u§ui‘(}~ '_l‘ quhiplofVaugha‘n. 4.»; n1 This property is well sltuEted’and is disto’nt 3% miles from Richmond Hill Village, and 4:} miles from either Richmond Hill station or Kng station on the Northern Railway. There are, 100 acies cleared and under a. high state of culti- vation. the remaining 50 acres are well wooded with good pine, bnech and maple, A good stream of wmer runs through the form, There are first-r class burns, stables and sheds and a, comtortable dwelling house on the property, all in a, good state of repair. Also a. good. Orchard 0! young FIRST-CLASS COAL $6.25 A TON ! Wednesday, Oct. 6th,1886, v1 \Nu, TERM Sâ€"Teu per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the dtw of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter, when the Vendors will give a. freedeed __ _ . . .. ~ The property is a good average farm with the usual farm bulldings rmd fixtures in a fair state of repair. It is within u. short distance of the vi_1_l gas of Maple and Rigymopd Rig. AilflTlflN SALE! trees. At the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, the bhg‘follo‘wipg lqndsj‘anld p1§u_1ises, nqmely â€"_ All and singular that certain parcel or tract; of land and premises situate, Wng and being in the Township of Vaughan, in t 10 County of York and Province of Ontario. containing by animals- urement one hundred acres. be the some more or less. being composed vi the west half of lot, num- ber twenW-threc, in the third concession of the suit! Township of Vaugnan. 1886,bv Salem Erkardt, Esq, Auctioneer, at William Palmer’s Hotel. in the For further particulars uppl to the undersign- ed at their omces 15 Toronto gt, Toronto, or at their office in Rwhmond Hull. LAWRENCE, MILLIGAN d: MCANDREW, 11-4 Vendors Solicitors. Dated at Toronto this 4th, day of Sept" 1886. VILLAGE OF MAPLE ! BUY YUUB DUAL I TORONTO Thursday. July 8 I886. Wheat,fall, per bushel ,. ..... "$0 75 Wheat, spring, do -. Barley, do w... oats, do w Pens. do .. Blye. do .. C over Seed, . do “ Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs Beef, fore quarters ...... Beef. hind quarters.... . Chickens, per pair Ducks, do Geese,etwh ...... Turkeys, each .. Butter, pound rolls Butter, tub dairy lggs, fresh, per d Potatoes, per bag Apvles, per bbl ......... onions. green,per bag Cwbbnge do . Cauliflower do . . Celery, do ... Turnips, per bag... Carrots, do. Hay,per ton .. struw,perton . 8383883883583'3838138313 333533 mfioo OOODbODcOOHOCOdfi-QI: Under and by virtue of the power of sale conâ€" tained in a. certain mortgage which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be ofiered for sale by public auction, on Saturday, the 16th of Oct. FARM PROPERTY MORTGAGE SALE 3 Dated the 23rd day of Septeizitiex,1sssi TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. arm afidvrctimmm. at the: hour of 12 o'clock noon, am now prepared to deliver Now is the time to buy. am Wamw. 0F VALUABLE OF VALUABLE â€"â€"FOKâ€" IN THE muufim er m"mmmwmmmummmfimwW 00 0020000 fimmmwanwnw 0649000000 wwmwwmwwmmwm HOD} 0 nanuo ”‘ A. MULDOON. 1000 80 0 50 10 0 60 600 065 RICHMOND HILL. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patranage during the past twenty-five yeas, I beg to re- mind them and the‘ general public, that having erected aniireiy new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, g-Carriages, Both light and..heavy. all of which are guaranteed to; give satisfaction as the work is under my own aupervisvn. 1 am also prepared tn do all kinds Hf black- smithing (b repairing in the most work manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most. reasonable terms. BOND’S LAKE, i TRENCH’S -CARRIA‘GE WORKS.- Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING W A. G 0 N S . GOOD ‘ FISHING STEAMEBIVT‘THE ETHEL,” In the 1M Con; of Vaughan. fronting on Yonge Street, in for sale on reasonable terms. The farm is wonwaured.bu11din s m a good state of re- pair, and the land in a igh state of cultivation. Good orchard. About hell 1 mile south of the village of Richmond am. For rump: 33.511293953131211 99> _ n__ Moonlight Bxcursnons every Evening. J. BCRIVENER, WILSOEJ’S STANDARD SGflLES EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLENAVY REGEMWD HILL STMEQN SOUTH PART OF LOT N0 44 and vxcinity that he ~iifiénds keeping on hand a goodsupply of Coal, and Wood at CAUTION. IN BRONZE LETTERS. MRE OTHER GENUINE FARM FOR SALE 1 The undersigned begs to inform the Lullabiw hunts of ‘ E Horsé- Shoeing Maple, July 7th, 1886. THE HOTEL Runs at. all hours. Fare 10 cents ; Sunday Schools half (are. ic-Nicki_ngGrnunds OQAL AND WOOD The well-known, popular summer resort, Now offers every inducement to pleasure- seekers. will be on the perieea, for weighing. 19 open to boarders for the summer. This place affords the best All orders promptly “handed. Paid special attention to. A km: of seventy wag, being RUMBLE. «""K'M TREND“ Sleighs and A Commodious And lots of fun. In the éEunty IS MARKED minenmamg: Prop. 0! " The Ethel. NEW GOQDS ! CHEAP PRICES Y. ALEX. MOODIE’S A. Large Stock 01‘ L‘URNIT‘URE Rolled and Family Flour and Feed constantly on hand and delivered on short notice Acomplete stock of \Vall Paper aud Borderings, something new in Styles and Designs, from 5 cents up. In a variety of designs. Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all colors and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Varn»« ishes, and all uther material for paints. Pains and \VhiLewasli Brushes, all alzes, which I will sell at bottom price. Call and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. Because they lead the trade. This Machine is without 5 parallel in the history of Sewing Machines. \Vithin the last fqur years they have taken seven medals at Provincml and other large Fairs. Only last fall they took First Prize and a Medal at the \Vnrld’s Fair, Antwerp. Belgium; and a Diploma last: fall at London for work done on this excellent machine. This machine was awardet§ nine First Prizes last fall. At the West York Fair, VVnodbridge, this machine carriâ€" ed off the highest honors. First Prize, besides four extra prizes for work, so you see they take the lead, and carry nil First both iar and near. This machine has on it more ilnpruvements than any other machine. Before buying. see it, try it, and don’i he led away by others till you have. All orders by mail promptly attended to" Address Jr LUSH, Richmond Hill. \Vhy do they come 2 MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT, Emily Managed, Light Running, Durable. Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. PEBFECTLY BEABDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from W WMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER Great Improvements in x886 Machines. Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. THE PEOPLE’S STORE! WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPERS. Sign of the “ British Flag Stafl‘.” LOOK Also supply Threshing Engincg at Maker's Pniqes and Terms. Write for Testimonials and Circulars to C. R. TENCH, Agent, NEWMARKET «Sc 80 JARVIS, 8'11, TORONTO NEW WILLIAMS 1 N. B.â€"Now is the time to give your order and prevent disappoint- ment when it is wanted. PORCEIJAIN CHURN S !. CHOICEST MAN-GEL SEEDS ! TURNIP SEEDS I GARDEN, FLOWER, FIELD AN HBUT SEEDS. TURNIP DRILLS, BEST MAKE. STEELEWB1aas. & CO... CORNER FRONT 8c JARVIS STS., TORONTO. STEELE BROS. & 00., GLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE I! has a SHUTTER and SECOND FAIINIIIG- MILL attached. Oral-era coming in by mail faster than ever for that cel’ebrated‘ A few tons of very best quality now in stockâ€"Prices Low. .A.. MOODIE, A few left. Call early and secure the best Churn made. Specially grown for us by celebrated European growers. BINDING TWINE ! IJIG'HCI.‘ RUNNING THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings, Cottons, Prints, Deny ims. Cottonades, all selling very cheap to make room for fall goods. New Teas, Fresh Cofl‘ees. Just arrived all kinds of can: ned Fxsh. Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel. &c. Choicest quality and varieties. Complete lines in HERE P. G. SAVAGE.

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