YHE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. - â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING Dr. James Lungslufl mm: College Physicians & Surgeons Ont, Veterinarysurgeon,Gmduutc of Ontario Vet College, Toroqto. (am: Am‘nm'lc \uuv Mï¬ville. fie. Harkham.. :10. Victoria Square... ‘ do. fhornhill, Walker House. 23rd J n. \Voodbridge . .QSth do. Kleinburg.. 00th do. Jobleton.,.. . o Vimized An' nlwm's on hand at appointments Works like a. charm. Free from main. wuugu. Luluuuu. . Dlseuses of all the Domestxmted Animals Lmuted. RESIDENCE: â€" 8m AVENUE. Woonnxmma. thankful for the favors of the past ‘20 years may stillbe consulted in may branch of the pro- leasiou,asfol‘10ws : tnrora, 1st, 8th, 16th, and ï¬nd of 032% month Richmond Hi11......s)ch and 21th (in, (mpï¬he PalmerHousu)‘ n n, 5‘ ’Wm. ROGE‘R‘S, L.'SJ.S., Medalist Toronto Knivowitw Nelrhcr (‘.0 Physicians& Surgeons, ()ntuï¬nto of Stouffvine Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Oiiicu Hours to 10 a.m.,5t08p.m. Bmï¬sters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8cm. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. alchmond H111 Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. 3l m0 STREET EAST, TORONTO, "GLOBE" OFFICE. a. G. F. LAWRENCE. ’1‘. C. MILLIGAN. J. A- MCANDREW. “Tï¬ï¬‚ Liï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬o ’ $1.00 IN ADVANBE. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT HATES 1-41 Yonge Street. I Next door to the new Arcade Oflioe hours: 8 to 9.30 m mm, (flasks, gimclizry, §ilhermau nub @piicnl emu. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. Fullerton, Cook «2 Miller, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 6:0. LWES: 18 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. I SFullurton, W Cook, â€"Millor IS' PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. ‘m . VOL. IX. $1 per annum, in advance.] Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Aurma Ont. E. M. MORPRiY. SON 66 (30.. LAWRENCE, MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, BUSINESS CARDS. GAS FOB Exrmc'rma. ‘ (Twa ï¬ihcml †T. E. VITJZLIKEZ/ a?! fig Franklin .I. Andrews. EDITOR and. PROPRIETOR. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. “7. J. WHSOIM Manufacturers & Importers of Richnnmud Hill. VITA LIZED A RR. Dr. (MT, Maple, F. [{EWITT, USED in.“ Dr. A. Robinson. Vltalmad Air A<hninistmu ed. lroken cheap tut-fl] 01' teeth not ï¬tting, made over ‘ short notice. @minl gurgmn, weicrixmm. mutual. SURGEON DENTIST 35ml. {92:11:31. AT TORONTO am] to 2.30 p. m- FEES MODERATE OPPOSITE THE To Loan at 6 per cent. Straight loans. anms of repayment of principal made to suit borrowers. First and second mortgages bought. Advances made on second mortgages and to pgchuso farms. A No costs mcurred in makinu applicaticns for money. Write, or call at once for particulars. E. R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide St... East, Toronto. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Counties of York Untm’in and Pean Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVD'JLE. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonablemtes. P. 0. Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. nddress, King. Tncensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticé,mld at rel),~ abe rates. Address Stonfl'wlle P. 0 Undertaken a: Embalmers, Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ml it in rims-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatmn. Excellent stznbling and attentive hostlera. Sample Rooms for cummercml travellers. A good livery in com nection. Terms 81 Der dav. THE DOMINION HOUSE, This popular Summer resort has been reâ€"ï¬tted 1n ï¬rst-class style‘ and now presents every cou- veyieugga fqr guests um! bgnrdegs. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Best Pic-Nic Grounds in the County. Full supply of pleasure and ï¬shing boats. Te) ms moderate. Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillinger. Proprietor. “gaudy-1 gm @2qu WSIE éflSSQWS. Every accommodation to guestn. Board, 81.00 per day RESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS M588 FLORA GOULTER Central Bank of Gamdago K. Chisholm, M. P. P., E. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac- donald, C. B. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Deposits received and Interesmllowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Drafca on all parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. time. Three miles north of Maple and Shingles at gingï¬tatioupmd Shunk’s bus‘ ,lot 10. 6th _Cor'1‘ VEï¬Eï¬iï¬jRï¬d“wnfï¬e'Tfe' ma 'to'mx bins of all sizes and lengths on t e s ortest possible notice 9nd at prices to suit the present or any other Jm. 2m 188i. The subscriber remotqu intimates that he will have 9.111 9 stock 0 Lath and Lumber all kinds at the MCGEE’S SWITCH MILL, LUMBER, LATH’ & SHINGLES I Is prepared to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. H. mem @fla‘ffflm W®®§$§w A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 158 mm; STREET EAST. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, WM. BE JAMES M. LAWRENCE, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1886. $500,000 Wimmuwuï¬. James C. Stokes. Salem Eckardt N . J. Armstrong. IIENRY MARSH, Kma P. 0. On S. Ml. Brown. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. money. “In Emmtials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Proprietor. Manager. Increase in Assessment-â€"Young Men’s Liberal Clubâ€"~Loyalists againâ€" Dr. Aubrey-Salvationists’ Gathering. The assessment for the coming year is ten million dollars in excess of that of last year. The population is some 9,000 souls-â€"in round numbersâ€"over that of the previous year. The activity displayâ€" ed by the Globe in its exposure of assess~ ment frauds has stirred the ofï¬cers into something like activity. With the re- sult of the above increase, the dry bones of ofï¬cialdom are none the worse for a good shaking up. YOUNG MEN’S LIBERAL CLUB. The above-named club has commenced the work of the season. Though but a short. time in existence its life has been marked by a wonderful growth in num- bers and influence, till now it counts 1 close on 400 members, a large proportion ‘ of whom are active workers. The effects of a large number of active and progress- ive minds brought into sympathetic con- 1 tact one with another are fully seen in the marked development of speaking and thinking power of the members, not to speak of the warm personal friendship contracted by the bringing together of so many warm enthusiastic youths. ’ Dr. Aubrey, a Gladstonian candidate in the late English elections addressed the members in a pleasant discursive way on English Liberalism, contrasting its splendid achievements in the ï¬eld of pol- itics with the dogged, persistent defence of hoary abuses, characteristic of English Tui-yism. He explained the causes which led up to the defeat of Mr. Gladstoneâ€" and was deservedly severe on those who obtained it by unworthy and despicable tactics. Mr. Chamberlain, he said, in the opinion of the vast majority of the English people, was led to oppose his old chief through motives of pique and disappointed ambition. LOYALISTS HERE ONCE MORE. A very large meeting in the Adelaide Street rink on Saturday night last was addressed by Messrs. Kane and Smith "in the interests of I. L. P. Union. Their speeches were much alike to the usual 12th of July rhodomontade ex-parte statements. The Rev. Dr. Rane indulged in a profane parody of the touching par- able of the Good Samaritanâ€"entirely for. eign to his subject. He fairly took the wind out of the sails of the orators of the 17th, by glorying in the early civilization of old Hibernia, which produced the fol- lowing remark from one evidently oppos~ ed to the Rev. Dr.: “ By my troth that i was before you and yours went there.†Mr. Geo. Hill Smith, his colleague, spoke at some length, pretending broad fairness while garbling and misquoting ï¬gures and speeches, as Henry Morley justly observes, “Bits of truths are the basis of falsehoods.†REV. DR. AUBREY. Dr. Aubrey will, on Friday evening next, In Shaftesbury Hall, lecture on Home Rule from an English Liberal standpoint. Being: fresh from the scene of action, and possessing great knowledge of English political thought, his thoughts on the subject will be well worthy of re- spectful hearing and impartial consider- ation. The commander in chief of the Salva~ tion Army. General Booth, his staff and a host‘ of satellites, ranging from gener- alism to the humble females that twang the tambourines in the religious parody, are in the City and are holding high car- nival. General Booth is in no respect a man that could be called remarkable; with no special gifts of eloquence or grace- ful speech, he stands confessedly a great power in his native land of England. Certainly the sphere of his usefulness was not a limited one. It has been cal- culated that nine tenths of the human beings that inhabit the city of London never venture withm the precints of a church. This is a clue to the wonderful success of the Salvation Army in its own special line. Men more or less have an inclination to be religious (and no more sometimes), though I fancy that the pro- duct of our schools are not inclined to the brass band‘ and tambourine kind, which. however. suits its devotees, and that I fancy is the principal thing. The day is gone by when uniformity by law, and penal laws to support it if necessrry, are popular methods with the majority what- ever the minority may be inclined to think. FOURTH CLASS. Harvey Cook, E. Kirkland; “Test's Liver Pills, a. never failing rem- edy for all liver and stomach diseases. Purely vegetable. All druggists. yon THE MONTH 03“ SEPTEMBER. PATTERSON Our Toronto Letter. SALVATIONITTS GATHERING. School Reports THIRD CLASS. Orvil Drury, Joe Mundey, M. Mulholland, Will Savage, Bertie Gillis. L. McWilliams, Albert Downing. V. Mulhollaud. SECOND SR. SECOND JR. Ijouje Hafl'gy, _ Mulholland', T. Bassingtï¬waite, R. Boyd, Alex. Findlay. Herbert Gregg, Nellie Kelley, May Savage, Percy Powell. Bertha Findlay. FIRST CLASS. Rosie Owthen, Arthur Drury, May Croley, Tom Savage, Maggie Rumble. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. A 1 CLASS. A 2 CLASS. Maggie Sterling, Jennie Harding, Maggie Moodie. \Valker Hall, Lizzie Palmer, Eliza Mahony, Carrie Powell. \Vilber Skeele. E. A.SPRAGGE, Teacher. SENIOR II. JUNIOR A. Bella. McConaghy, Everett Law. J. Falcnnbridge, Mattie Harrison, Robbie Moodie. Albert Ansley. JUNIOR B. Stella Sheppard, Herbie Davis. Bella. Sims. T. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. SENIOR. JUNIOR. F. Empringham, H. Glover, L. Hopper, M. Ansley, G. Gminger, A. Glass, H Snules, E. Cobean, R. Michael. J. Lynett. M. WILEY, Teacher. I CLASS. 11 CLASS. III CLASS. W. Cliï¬urd, N. King, L. Kurtz, E. Reid, E. Hopper, A. Cobeon, E. Benson. J. Albin. R. E. Law. A. MCLAUGHLAN, Teacher. Maud Marsh, Charlie Hopper, Karl Quantz, Charlie Helmkay. SENIOR Iv. Herbert Leek. SENIOR I Harry Marsh, Mary Monkmau, Eflie McLean. Nunn Minnie, Uurts James, Ross Eddie. CLASS III JR Winter Minnie, Burrows \Vm. , Curts Frank. IV CLASS Maggie \Vakeï¬oid, Frank Seager. May Mollish, Robert Bone. PART II CLASS Hattie Rumble, Annie Baker. VVest’s \Vorld’s Wonder or Family Lin~ iment is a remedy that no well regulated household should be without, as it. is a. positive cure for rheumatism. It is in- valuable for sprains, burns, scalds and all diseases requiring external application. 250. and 500. per bottle. All druggists, From our own Correspondent. The halfâ€"yearly Convention of the Pub- lic School teachers of the county was held here last week. In addition to the usual discussions by the fraternity the Hon. G. W. Ross delivered an address on Thursday afternoon to the teachers, and another at night to a large audience in the hall. There were more teachers present than usual owing to the fact that several came from South York. Mr. Fotheringham resigned his position as President of the Association, having act- ed in that capacity ever since its organi- zation some twelve years ago. He was presented with an address and purse of about 3540. Mr. Davidson, the new In- spector, was elected president. This is the 2nd convention of its kind held here and the teachers speak very highly of the village and hospitality of its inhabitants. The ladies are billeted at private houses which the} seem to like better than stay- ing at hotels. The formal op’enirg 'of the JUNIOR III III CLASS CLASS IV RICHMOND HILL SPRINGHILL I JUNIOR I , Innie Grifï¬n, 18.1), Ettie Clark, Peter Hislop. F. MCCONAGHY, Teacher. HEADFORD iss FIRST CLASS [0, Willie Witty, Abbie Baker. J. E. TYNDALL, Teacher. Saigeon Ida, Butt Maggie. Norman Anna. JR GLASS II 3, Rumble Flora, , Ross Nellie, Ball Annie. J. T. SAIGEON, Teacher. AURORA. Percy Quantz, Name Hopper, Eattingynton. Levina Elliott, Charlie Barker, Ralph VVellman, Laura Comisky. Fred Clarl}. Charles Coombs, Selena Coumbs, Bertie Witty. II CLASS Gideon Tennyson, Alma. Coombs, anie Woods. CLASS 111 SR JUNIOR IV II CLASS III SR new public school building took place on Thursday evening. Several notables wefe presentAain‘d Look pint. The annual Harvesb Home in connect- ion with the Methodist church will be held next week. Grain buying is brisk. Bond & Son, general merchants, have sold their stores to a Toronto man, Mr. Graham, who is doing a good busmess so far. Consumpmves. do not despair. There is hope. Try VVest’s Cough Syrup. It will always cure in early stages. Procure a dollar bottle of your druggist and be cured. (Written for I‘m: LIBERAL.) \Vas he born in sin, and shapen in inâ€" iquity? These are words that it would be hard, as well as perhaps unwise. for any one to gainsay, or speak lightly of. But if one were to ask the reason why he was born in sin and made after the fash- ion of that which is bad and unholy, should one be accused of extravagance in expression,or mischievousness in thought. Is there any sentiment that is noble, that is good, that man is not the possessor? Was it not his from the creation, from the beginning “i Were not all things made for man, his Occupation and enjoyment. All that is great and beautiful and perfect in nature. Let us read. nature if we can; let us try to understand nature in all its grandeur. If we think of these things, our thoughts must go farther; we must think of as well as respect, and re- vere the Creator. Yet what is all of na- ture in comparison to man '1 His are the crowning gifts. It is by the heart and hand of man that We get all the classiï¬- cations necessary In all things pertaining to material matter. Man is as full of judgmentas the earth is full of matter. ls this idea not too often carried to the extreme, that we are thus born and thus shapen 7 The selï¬shneSR of man is here appealed to, 1 am born wicked, what else can I be but wicked. Need we wonder at the ï¬tful YirtMuustable' goodness that is'more‘the result of fear than a wish to cultivate the goodness. That is the gift of nature and as seen only by the natural eye. Is there love in fear? If we were to emulate good- ness because it is right to be good, would the effect be any less useful than if he had done right in dread of the judgment? It is often said, “all is well that ends well.†But that goodness that is, as it were, by invitation, might it not be the voice of nature, or the result of our com- paring one idea with another 7 And out of our own natural fund of reasoning in the manner of being convicted or con- vinced, be adjudged, as it were. of our own selves, and know not the wounds of compulsion, or the degredation of a humiliation that would make an honest heart ashamed of its pride, and a noble soul disgusted with its parentage 2 See the man that has lost conï¬dence in him- seli. Speak to him, reason with him, try to protect him against himself and how often the answer, “ I was born in sin and shapen in iniquity. There is no good- , ness in me.†'Wonderful is the effect of \Vest's World’s Wonder, or Family Linimeut in rheumatism, sprains, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, and all diseases requiring external application. It stands without a rival. 25c. and 50c. per bottle. A11 druggists. JAMES THE FAITHFUL. King, Sept. 28th, 1886. HOUSE FER SALE I Attached to the house is a. good shop, which would aï¬ord an excellent opportunity for a she maker. Lots of small fruits. plums, churi 6w. Terms reasonable. ,; ' Apple to _ West’s Liver Pius, the worme ,‘b‘els't’i remedy for liver complairxhsick~ headache“ indigestion and dyspepsia. ,Pucelv, Mag“ qtable, sugar-coated, 30 pills†.25c.- - :AIl.“ A comfortable house with three-ï¬fths of nn acre of land is for sale on the 4th Con. Markham, in the village of VICTORIA SQUARE. drugaists. FARM for "STALE‘JLV: 1"? Hm,» I. w†Beware‘ of scalqmelnndzminemt ppiwns. West’s Liver Pills are ’purelayf "vdgetabl‘ei‘ Always reliable and eflectuall-{i 'vAfli ilg'fx’m“ disméarrehdfily yiéld‘f to;1 this m‘tw'i pxï¬'xg‘l‘, A good 100 acre farm, being ycilompoéeï¬â€˜bi' L'oi go. 33,:11 mph 2nd Vuu ullr-‘iï¬- Rn! 'sule‘s erms osux pqafqusers} ; 1- .;; -v ._ 24 Applyto . C-.H. ' ‘RSW L A 1 . ‘ Lifglillit n no 13-6 Was he Born in Sin P [Single copies, 3 cts JACOB BAKER," " " Victoria square; No. 15.