Manufacturers dz Importers of "Q’flflthrs, 011mm, grmrllrry, §ilhrrinnr2 nub mptiml 0500M. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. L‘Imu‘uru! fur the favors of the past 20 years may still he v m‘md in any branch of the pro ï¬ssionmsl'onw 's. (L 1mm, 1st, ~11], 10th, and 22nd of 63011 month klichumml I H . .301 and 24th do, ((191m) 1 r uorflouse) , Stryuf‘fvillmmnu 10. Mark [1am .. in. Victoria Squnr ,. do. I‘llorv-hiv, Walk, . ’ do. \Voodbridg“ ....28t11 do. Kleinhu ~ ‘ ..2f‘th do n obleton. 30th 0 xlwnys on hand at mppointmcnte ‘ 151w, n, clmrm. Free from vain. s A HOBINS‘ON L.D.S.,Allm3a0nt. 141 Yamge Street, | Next door to the new Arcade Richmond Hill Ofï¬cenâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST GURR£NT RATES A. G, 5.“. LAWRENCE. ’1‘. G. MILLIGAN. J. A. MOAKDREW. Tamnto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No. :5 Toronto Street. THE LIBERAL PRlNTiNG é’a PUBUSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Veterinarvaurgeou, Graduate of Ontario Vet. Ciglege, T()rulltu:‘ n,,,,,,1!A,L..‘ A. 1- “Wm. RGGF‘ERS, L.XJ.S., $1.09 EH ï¬Wï¬Nï¬E. BBSIDENCE: â€" 8m: AVENUE. WOODBRIDGE. wï¬ls‘égsééw of En the Domesticated Animals created THURSDAY EVENING Puma-Ion, Cook «L Miller, L’ARRIB'IERS, SOLICITORS, 6w. JFEICES: 18 KXNG s'Imm'r EAST, TORONTO Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday; J S Fullu‘rttm, W Cook, -â€"Mfl]er [32’ PRIVATE FUNDS To 7mm. Br. James Langsmfl Member Comm Physicianséz Surgeona Ont, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Medalist Toronto Ifnivmsitv Mxnh‘r ('0 PhysicinnsSz {Sm-9mm, Onb..f'late of Stouffville Yonge Stwot, Iiiwhmmld Hill. Ofl‘xce Hours to K0 u,xu.,5$0817.m, 31 mm; 3"‘1H‘JET EAST, TonoxTo, orposrm THE " GLOBE " OFFICE. E. DI. MORPHY. SON & (30.. Dr. flit-r, Maple. uflioc hours: 8 tr; 9.30 a. m.. and to‘2.30 p.111- Hamsters, Solicitors, Conveyanoers, 85c" L WRENCE. MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, VOL. $1 per annum, in advance.] GAS 170R EXTILACTIIVG. BU SINE SS CARDS. V!flfl&lflï¬Â® .‘fllï¬ Fray mknin .l. Andrews. ‘ @112 f‘émcm †*2. MeMHGN, EDITOR ani PROPRETOR. Richmond Hill. VE'E‘ALIZED AIR. Eh'. “K. J. “’"son. IS PUBLYSI “D EVERY USED BY A. Robinson. w. HEWITT, \‘xtajized Air Administer- ed. Broken cheap teeth or teeth ' not ï¬tting, made over on short. notice. @cntnl §mgwm ï¬Ã©fzi'mnam. SURGEON DENTIST medital. maul. flaunt. TORONTO FEES MODERATE Deposits received and Interesmllowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on ah parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. @9516†LESSï¬WS. Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. DL Mac- donuld, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard. and J. Ginty. Having! reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatmn. Excellent Rhyming 2mm attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms 3] DB): (luv. This popular Summer resort has been re-ï¬tted m ï¬rstâ€"class style, and now presents every cou- vcnieme for guests and boarders. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Best Pic-Nit: Grounds in the County. Full supply of pleasure and ï¬shing boats. Terms moderate. Genï¬ral Bank of Emma, MESS FWBA CHUHER Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- Spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly inflne'nce. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Incensed Auctioneer for ,the County of York Slade!i attended on the shortest noticexmd at rea- g‘llf rates. Address istguï¬vflle I‘. 0 THE DOMINION HOUSE, @nnï¬‚â€™ï¬ yaks 33ml. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Perl. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock, otc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, LicensedAuctioneer for the Countv of York,re. spec‘fully solicits your patronage and friendly inflvonce. Sales attended on the shortest notice and mi; reasonablerates. P. 0. Address, Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillinger. Proprietor. To Loan at 6 pm- cent. Straight loans. Terms of repayment of pn‘ncipnl lands to suit borrowers. First; and second mortgages bought. Advances made on second mortgages. and to purchan farms. - No cosbs mourred in making npplicuticns for money. Write, or call at once for particulars. LOANS or MONEY AT~5, 5} mu 6 mm (mm. PER ANNUM. Mortgages and Llfe Policies bought at high- est Cash Prices. Is prepared to receive pupils. and will give Music Lessons as formerly. Under-takers & Embalmcrs. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, E. Lamaâ€, @flï¬ï¬ifl flw‘éflflag Ciga'oémm/ @{VCZZ 158 KING s’rnmcr EAST‘ TORONTO MONEY! WRIGHT JAMES m. LAWRENCE, IVM. BE RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14. 1886 Richmond Hill Branch. A A. ALLEN, Cashler. James C. Stokes. $500,000 aï¬i'iamlmmns. Salem Eckardt N . J. Armsn'on g, 20 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. s. m. Brown. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. mem. ELL. E. R. REYNOLDS, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Chem'ty.†BROS, Proprietor. UNIONVILLE. Manager. Last week we endured some days of Salvation Army religion, and what with big drums, tambouriues and other in- struments used to frighten the devil, much in the manner of the dwellers by the Congo when exercising the evil spirit in a possessed iron pot. we, that is those who are not Salvationists, suffered severe- ly. This week we have Sam Jones, who nightly fills the Mutual Street rink with thousands of both sexes, drawn thither to hear the great revivalist. His sermons are literally reported. They are not likely to confer any scholarly renown up- on their author, while at the same time possessinga homely vigor entirely their own. The homely, outspoken style of the preacher combined with a downright seriousness of purpose, now and then re- lieved by a burst of passionate, ï¬ery Southern eloquence. slowly make an im- pression on his hearers which is deepened and strengthened each succeeding time he is listened to. Lime Kiln Club wis- dom adapted to the pulpit with a spice of Artemus \Vard as a flavor, describes to a T his sermon material. All this stirring lipâ€"no doubt neeessziry-shows that ev- ery day Christianity needs something to brace it, so to speak; while at the same time the variety of methods used for the purpose are to say the least strange. No matter how seriously intent a clergyman may be to save souls, the souls don’t want to be saved unless some attraction is ofl'ered them in the way of compensa- tion for the loss of more worldly pleasâ€" ures. This may be necessary in this nineteenth century, and not much to the credit of it either SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEES. I much doubt if any people on the face of the American continent are af- flicted as are the people of Toronto in the matter of school trustees. In both pub- lic and separate schools the evil exists in pretty much the same proportion. And in this the remedy lies in the hands of suï¬'erers, who through supineness if not something worse COHtLuJMYQ“ tolerate the imposition on them as representatives of a body of men, worthy men in many re- spects, but totally uniitted to take charge of a system that demands the least [rain- ed intellects at its .iehn. The particular school board that just now I mean to deal with .is the Separate Board. It hardly ever meets, and when it does. spends its time in discussing points of‘ orderâ€"there is one or two of the memâ€" ‘ hers who know more of the law of pro- ‘ cedure than of anything elseâ€"and other small talk. It is a fact that the poor peo- ple who cleaned the snow from the side- walk adjaccnt to the school last winter, ‘ have not yet been paid, through the re missness of the finance committee, \\ ho never meet, not for want of funds, but for want of time. Some ten of the mem- bers are already legally disqualiï¬ed as members of the Board,and yet the Boa rd will take no action in the matter. 1 un- derstand that the Minister of Education Will be consulted in this matter, and no doubt will take some steps to bring this delinquent body to a sense of their duty. RUSSIAN LAND LAWS. Russia in the popular conception is a land of tyranny and oppression, yet in the question of land ownership is far in advance of many of the more boastful western nations. In October, 1861, Alex- ander II by an Imperial Ukas ordered the liberation of seven millions of serfs. These serfs he settled on lands expropri- ated from the nobles, who were reimburs- ‘ ed from the Imperial Exchequer. Twenty years was given the new made freemen to repay in animal instalments the sums advansed to them for the purchase of their holdings. This has been all repaid. and the property which some twenty-ï¬ve years ago was worth $500,000,000 is at the present time Worth double this a- mount; the skill and industry of the oc- cupiers Working their own land effecting this remarkable result. At present in Russia whenever or wherever a certain number of peasants petition the Governor of the district praying for an allotment of land, the Governor is bound in re- sponse to their prayer to at once appoint a commission of valuers whose duty it is to value the lands, surveying them and subdividing them into such allotments as may he desired. The lands thus expro- priated are paid for by the Emperor, ac- cording to the value put upon them by the owner in his yeaer schedule of in- come and contribution to the imperial. Revenue. On application to the Gov- ernor the peasant who has obtained an allotment receives a certiï¬cate which en- titles him to borrow from the govern- ment :1 sum of money sufï¬cient to build the needful houses and stock his farm preparatory to entering on occupation. This money together with the price of the land is returned in twenty annual instal- ments, which, however, does not begin to fall due till four years after occupation has been entered on. - Russia has no land Sam Jones’ Wav â€" School Trustee Bung- 11ng-â€"Russian Land System â€"Amcr- ican Health Association. Our Toronto Letter. Moved by Mr. Elliott, secoeded by Mr Malloy, that Mr. Laflnyette VVhibmnre be paid the sum of $5.33 for one sheep killed by dogs, and that. Mr. Thos. Jack-- The following sheep claims were pre- sented:â€"â€"Mr. Lafl'ayette Whitmore, one sheep, valued at $8.00, worried by dngs. Mr. Thos Jackson. three ewes valued at $7 each, worried by dogs. Thousands of testimonials and an inâ€" creasing demand attest the popularity of VVest’s Cough Syrup, the popular remedy for all throat and lung;r diseases. Try at 25c. bottle. All druggista. Present. Mr. Porter, (Reeve) and Messrs. Alex. Malloy, Isaac Reaman, George Elliott and Andrew Russell. The Reeve in the chau‘. The minutes of previous meeting were read and on motion sustained. and aunt of the bride. The bridesmaids and gi'vmnsmen wvre as follows: â€"Miss Bmdie, of Aurora; Miss M. Leggn, at Oak Ridges; and Miss Moudie, of Rich- mond Hi“: Mr. H. Leagues, of Aurora; Mr. Jas. Brodie, of Aurora, and BIL E. Lesrgze. of Oak Ridges. The hridu looknd very handsome. 110a, 1y dressed m cream colored Nu s Veilinq. The happy cnupie left by the eremng train on their wedding trip. That their wedded life may re. semble their wedding day in unclouded brightness and pleasautness, is the wish of the writer. On Thursday the Harvest Home of the Church of England came off. The church was nicer decm‘ated to suit the ccasinn. The weather being ï¬ne a large number of people attended. The proceeds amount- ed to over $40. clear of expenses. The Aurora 12Lh Battalion Band was present, and enlivened the party with their ex- cellent music. In the evening a storm blew up. and it became so dark that the driver was unable to see the road and upset the band wagun and its occupants in the ditch. Swine sustained several bruises, and some of the instruments were injured slightly, but not serious. (Too late for last week.) The Municipal Council of the township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 12th day of October, 1886, at 10 o’clock, a. m. F123;) ‘our own Correspondenb'.» > _ On Wednesday, Sept. 29th, Miss Thirza Legge, of this place, was married in Mr. A. Brodie, of Aurora, in St. John’s Church, by Rev. E. H. Mussen, M. A. St) large a number of friends and acquaintances turned out to see the cere- mony as to nearly ï¬ll the church. After the ceremony the wedding company re- paired to the residence of Mr. JaeLegge. the bride’s father, to partake of dinner. chr ï¬fty guests were present, among whom were Mr. Jae. Gregory and his wife, of Bridgeport, 0011., U. S., uncle and aunt of the bride. The bridesmaids ._ his» \Vest’s World’s Wonder. the magic cure for rheumatism, neuralgia. cuts, bums, bruises, wounds, and all diseases requiring an external remedy. 25c. and 500. All druggists. VVest’s Cough Syrup, pleasant to take and always gives satisfaction. Do not be put (11f with any other, but insist upon having West’s Cough Syrup, genuine wrapped only in blue, three uizes. All druggists. Alice Ferguson, Eddie Redditt, \Valter Ferguson. II SENIOR Eva Rogers, Eisiu Reddict, \Villie Brown. I SENIOR I JUNIOR Walter Beynon, J. Hullingshead, Stewart Ferguson, Percy Norman. Nellie N ess. question, nor has she any paupers. Her peasant proprietary number many mil- lions comparatively comfortable in regard to this world’s goods. I do not see why a system like the Russian one with some necessary alterations could not be adopt- ed in Ireland, or Canada. for that matter. The question of the land is yet not even spoken of here in a tone louder than a. whisper, will at no distant day engress a good deal more attention than our native land grabbers and speculating govern- ment ofï¬cials will have any desire for, much less appreciate. HEALTH ASSTCIATION. This society met here, for which bless- ing we are duly grateful, though perhaps a. little in the dark oven yet as to the meaning of many of their speculations. for which also we are very grateful. FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. EVERSLEY IV CLASS Vaughan} Council. School Reports OAK RIDGES. A. L. CAMPLELL, Teacher. III SENIOR Lina. Mitchell, Mary Wells, Geo. Davidson. II JUNIOR Mary Bell, Candace Bevnon, ‘Valter Folliott. Tums easy; ch11 he umdé to sum phrcliixser For further pmrtlcuhu‘s (\nquire of J. C. 01‘ ARCH. MCQLK * n; In the 1% Con. of Vaughan, framing on Yongo Street, is for ï¬le on reasonable terms. The farm is well watered. buildings 11] :1 good state of re- pair, and the land in in high Auto of cultivation. Good orchard. Abou‘u half 1; mile south of the village of Richmond Hill. For further particulars apply to J. C. MCQU ARRIE, Is for sale. The farm, which is near Richmond Hill station on the Northern Railroad. is in m high state nf cultivation; has good buildings zmï¬ orchmd, and i, well watered, containing 11. |ivinyz spriI-g. West’s Liver Pills, a never faii'ing rem- edy fur all liver and stomach diseases. Purely vegetable. All druguists. A farm of 75 acres, being composed Hi the Bust parts of lots 22 and 2:3,1'11 the 4TH CON. 0F VAUGHAN, ‘Byaniv No. 509 was then passed to allow the rate-payers &c. raiding in lst can from lots 26 to 45 inclusive to ex- pend one-half of their statute labor in building and otherwise improvingr a. sideâ€" walk on Yonge St. in front of these lots under their respective path masters, and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of the York Roads. Attached to the house is a; good shop, which would afford an excellent opportunity for a shoo< maker. Lots of small Il'uits. plums, cherries, &0. Terms reasonable. Apple to FARM FUR SALE 1 The Council then aï¬joumed ‘to meet on Tuesday, the 9th day of November next. Consumptlves, do not despair. There is hope. lfry \Vest’s Cough Syrup. It will always cure in early stages. Procure a dollar bottle of your druggist and be curvd. A comfortable house with throwflfths of an more of Mud is for sale on the 4th Con. Markham, in the village of VICTORIA SQUARE. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Malloy,tl1a.t the commissioners of Dist. N0. 1 be instructed to engage a. competent man to measure and value the material laid down by Henry Marsh in himggll yax‘d, withwwhiehw‘ .119 ï¬lm ï¬llet! "’ “ this ï¬â€™i)umil.â€"â€"Carried. SOUTH PART OF LOT N0 44, Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that McFadyen and Ellis be paid the aum of $50 dollars, being bal- ance of contract on Capner’s hill, 8th cun.â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Russell. that the sum of 5.425 be granted to Vaughan Plowmen’s Associa- flowâ€"Carried. WEE Wax 3M ! Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by’ Mr. Malloy, that the Treasuser be andl is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts:â€" Dist. No. 1, Fred Coombs, ï¬lling gravel..... $10 6 \V. Mellish, ï¬lling gravel.... 9 3 W. Mellish, putting in culvert, grading: road and ï¬nishing apikes............................. 5 00 Nelson Playter, 9 loads gravel... 90 Henry Marsh, for 2318 ft lumber 27 50 Henry Marsh; for 518 ft lumber 5 18 Aaron Prentis, drawing material and repairing briage ......... Dist. N 0. 2, J. L.‘ Card, pieces cedar. 17 ft. long at 90 cents each ........ . Lafl'ayette Whitmnre, for plank, stringer and repairs on bridge 5th con. below Eegely ...... Brown Bros. for building bridge on 5th con. below Edgely.. A. Muldoon, material for same John Snider, for culvert. . . Dist. No. 3. Henry Marsh, lumber for Jas. Kirby .................... David Burgess, work on 10111 con G. Gilmour, work and material on Howland’s Race bridge... Elisha Farr, work and material on Howland’s Race Elisha Farr, work and for culvert... . . â€"Carriedi Moved by MI. Eliiott, seconded by Mr Reamzm, that Mr. Castator be paid the sum of $41 for digging ditch on lot 10, con. 5. â€"Carried. son be paid the sum of $14 for 3 sheep worried by dogs, being two-thirds their value.â€"â€"Carried. 13-6 7-tf A farm of seventy ncres,being [Single copies, 3 cts A S M. LAWRENCE, Clerk. JAG 08 1} AKER, Victoria Sq Hare. No. 16%. Maple? O. Mriple‘ 53 10 30 16 00 12 00 18 00 8. 00 5 00 90 7 50 5 18