Hon.er. Mercier may be all that his admirers claim, but we confess to a feeling of distrust in the man. He is not, perhaps, worse than the average Canadlan politician of the day, but when we compare him with our own Mowat and Blake, we can- not but ï¬nd him sadly wanting. On the other hand. the Ross-Trillon government is the least had of the many bad governments which have so long cursed Quebec. It is alto- gether probable that tl11S is the View which Quebec will take of it. The latest information conï¬rms our be- lief that the government will be sus- tained, but by a greatly reduced majority. All in all, ’tis aï¬lthy exr hibition, compounded in the main of Rial, lies, slander, fanaticism To take any deep Interest in the political struggle which Is now rag- ing in Quebec is quite beyond the power of genuine liberalism. Cer- tainly it would afford no little satis- faction to Witness the overthrow of such ignoble hounds as Flynn, 0t Gaspe, who basely betrayed the lofty-minded Joly. But that satis- faction would be sadly dampened by the victory of such a hideous combination as must issue from the fraternizing of Castors and Rouges. The Castors are the exponents of the grovelling superstition that the state hits no rightswhich the church IS bound to respect,while the Rouges were wont to contend that the less influence of any kind a church exerts in a country, the better for it. As for the youngsters, their par- ents are solely to blame. The dis- tribution of a few ï¬nes would, we think,~tend to make those heads of households mindful of the interests of others, however much they may disregard their own. Those who have passed out of the control of fathers and mothers must be left to the full rigor 01 the law. Nor will it serve to say that where no com- plaint is made no action should be taken. This is a technicality of the law which is traught with poor cun- ning and much meanness. If we have not already the proper ma- chinery for abatmg the nuisance, by all means let us immediately get it. No compromise should be made with rufï¬anism. we cannot make mention of this .case without referring to the black- guardism which nightly holds car- nival at or in the neighborhood of the Salvation Army Barracks. Young boys, not yet in their teens, young men and even those of r1pe years are not above participating in those outrages on a community the top of whose offence is to worship God in a way which does not com- mend itselt to the notions of many. Shall this serve as an exguse for the noise,impudence and stuttered oaths of children, or tor the coarse blas- phemy and studied obscenity of those who are grown up ? We trow not. No'effort should be spared to bring the rascal to justice. Money, time and labor, all should be used unsparingly. To neglect 1he slight- est means of detection would be something far worse than mere re- misshess. It would be unulloyed wickedness. Forthis is a matter in which every person has a most precious stake. A quiet, lawâ€"abiding place like Richmond Hill was sure to be thrown into consternation by an act of such rank rascality as was perpe- trated last Sunday night in the driv- ing shed of the Methodist Church. \Ve, 1n this village, have great cause to rejoice that high crimes and mis- demeanors are seldom or never to 'us more than occurrences in districts :iar remote. No wonder, then, that we were startled by the murderous trick which some rogue or 1001 at- tempted to play right in our very midst. Had that trick succeeded, it is more than probable that we should now have to give a record of maimed and broken limbs, and it is quite possible that we should have i been called on to chronicle an un- timely death. _ RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Oct. 14, ’86. Mdnéyâ€"EIF. Langstafl. Lostâ€"D. Clark. Make Moneyâ€"BOX 40. News Oï¬â€˜ice. Music Lessons~MrE. Lush. S50 Rewardâ€"Wm. Harrison. We flih’eml. STRUGGLE 1N QUEBEC. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RUFFIANISM. TREVETHAN’S BEE HIVE, TWEEDS, WORSTEDS & OVERCOATINGS REST-GLASS IN STYLE, & With his busy bees is prepar- ed to enter on the fall trade with every facility for turning out work Now ready tor inspection. Punctuallty, Style and First- Class \Norkmanship is our motto. Ladies Jackets a Specialty. \Vest’s Liver Pills, the world’s best remrdy for liver cumplaintï¬ick headachc,‘ indigestion and dyspepsia. Purely veg etable, sugar-coated, 30 pills, 25c. All druggists. THE BEE HIVE If the proportion continues to in- crease,and if all Mr. Chapleau [5 not worth more than one leg of Slr Hector, what will be the value 01 Sir Hector’s leg compared with that of an eye of Sir John Macdmlald P ’Tis a very hard problem.†Can it be thaf Mr. Chapleau does not reach up to Sir Hector’s ankle? In any cake the mmistry ought to be tarifled. BOOMING! But, after all, it is perhaps a little dear to pay forty thousand dollars lorra leg at Sir Hector, when the whole of Mr. Chapleau is valued at only the same ï¬gure. VSir Hector“ Langevin informed the Mayor of Ottawa that there was before his house a defective plank in the sidewalk, and that if he, Sir Hector, fell and broke his leg, he would sue the city of Ottawa for forty thousand dollars. Chaplean, it is true, is only Sec- retary of State. It will be recollected that, at St. Lambert, Hon. Mr. Chapleau de- clared that'an attempt had been made to buy 1115' Whole person for this very same amount, forty thous- and dollars, in gold. That, then, is the price of a leg of a Minister of Public Works. This sum 01 forty thousand dol- lars, moreover, is fatxdical in the Cabinet. We give to our readers the folâ€" lowing delicious tld-bit taken from La I’cuple, the weekly edition of La Patric, of Montreal. It is entitled THE LEG OF. A CABINET MINISTER. “ Under this heading, most appro- priate for an opera-bouffe, is hidden a very comical story brought to us by an Ottawa paper. The Inspector is exceedingly anx- ious that out of the present unfortu- nate and unsettled condition ofpub- lic school affairs we may soon be delivered by all parties keeping the attention ï¬xed exclusively on the one object, worthy of our serious attention, viz.. how can we, Whose interests are one by natural situation and in eyery respect identical, se» cure for our children the greatest posstble good during the few years they may attend the public school. An honest desire and a resolute pur- pose to gain this end can alone set- tle the matter satisfactorily to all concerned. AGooq general Servzaint 1wanted in a. small ' ' .m‘ :L; The new Public School Inspector, Mr. A. B. Davidson, visited our vil- lage last week and spent two days in examining the school, in becom- ing acquainted with the teachers and pupils, and in enquiring into the circumstances under which the work of the school is carried on. Some improvements of a very prac- tical and pressing nature, we under- stand, the Inspector intends to bring before the Board at its next meeting, and we hope the Board will not only give them its earnest consideration, but will give them also practical etâ€" lect at as early 3 date as possible. RICHMOND HILL. WANTED I C. TREVETHAN, A choice stock of P. S. INSPECTION. IS STILL Compare our prices with what you have to pay in other houses for similar goods, & be. convinced that you can save money by spending it at B. GRENNAN'S, - a specialty, Cragkery mad Glassware in great variety.’ Brantford Stofleware Butter crocks at close prices. ‘ Piles ovaercoats to choose from, in all sizes. We can ï¬t anyone from little Johnny of two years old, up to 6 foot Uncle Sam, who wants one of Mammoth Storm King coats With a fur collar. Men’s and Boys’ Suits; (ready made) at prices to suit the times. Hats, caps, Ties, Shirts, &c., in latest styles. GROCERIES For ordered clothing we are showing a large assortment of the handsomest Tweeds, and Fancy Worsteds, Overcoat- ings and Trouserings, which can be procured; our prices are“away down.†First-class tailoring and a perfect ï¬t guaranteed. ‘ OVEBCOATS' Our stock offs-Rubber , Cir- culars, Hosiery; G10ves,VVool Shawls, HOOdS; caps,Tuques, fancy goods and smallwares is greater in variety and lower in price than ever before. Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, ’Yarns, Sheetings. Winceys, carpets. oilcloths, cretonnes, &c., at lowest prices in the trade. Grey and White Cottons, bought before the recent rise, sold at our former low prices. in great variety, which only need be seen to be appreciated. Flushes, Velveteens, r'eath- er Trimmings, Buttons, Clasps, Linings, &c. in the latest styles and shades with trimmings to match in LILDIES’ MANTLES & JACKETS DRESS GOODS I which we are now offering at prices which cannot fail to suit the most fastidious buyers. The attention of our many customers and the public gen erally is invited to the im- mense stock of Fall & Winter Goods BHEAP BASH HBUSE NEW FALL GOODS! CLOTHING RICHMOND HILL .._AT._.. GRENNAN’S of all kinds, THE FIREPWOF, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND .YARï¬NS. GROCERIES, FLOUR 86 FEED. These goods are all of ï¬rst-class quality and 'very cheap. Call and examine. them before purchasing... Also on hand v ' ‘ ' O Raymozad Sewing: Machines, Eagle Steam Washers and erngers. All who have alreadv purchased are fully satlsï¬ed with the way those machines work. Give them a. trial. RAH kinda of produce taken in exchange‘gj STOVE PIPES 10 CENTS A LENGTH. LORNE STQRE Selling at and below Toronto prices STOVES. ï¬TGVES Bought when prices were at the lowest point. We offer Grey Flannel at 15, 20, and 250. per yard. Grey Cotton, I yard Wide, at 5, 7, and 8o.' Tweads, Shimmgg, .0 Dress Goodg, v. "w! _ 5:“ g We say come along, we can ï¬t you Out, no matter what may be your wants. If it is an ordered Suit or OvercOat, a Ready-Made Suit or Overcoat, a Shirt, Hat, Tie, Silk Pocket Handkerchief, or Underclothing, the Concrete is the place to suit you best in quality and price. We have an immense stock of CANADIAN COTTON &LWOOL GOODS We invite the special attention of the ladles to our very large stock of Dress Goods, Flushes, Velvets,Flowers, Feath- ers, Jerseys, Jersey Jackets, Paletots,Ulstors,Mnntles,Mantle Cloths, Ulstering, &c., which we are sellingr 20 per cent. lower than the same goods can be bought elsewhere, We show a large stock of plain and fancy For fall, 1886, is the largest and best selected he has ever offered to the public, a very large part of it being direct im- portations Eought for ready cash from the best houses and manufacturers in England. Goods are now being offered‘at prices that astonish people. We offer all our immense stock at prices that must sellthegoods. We invite all to attend this offering of DRY GOODS. MlLLENERY.&C. Desires to thank his numerous customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and has great pleasure in statâ€" ing that his stock of DRY GOODS In connection'with my stock of Groceries. &c;, I wish to call your attentit‘m to a. full assortment of goods from the Woodstock Woollen Mills, consisting of ‘WM. ATKINSON Concrete ‘House RICHMOND HILL. In Shawls, Clouds, Hoods, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Now is your time to keep warm by buying a stove at Stoves of all kinds delivered on the shortest notice. ï¬ve. Tro,ughin.g and. chairing promptlyrattended to. KNITTED WOOL GQQDS, C. MASON’S A, Splenï¬id Assor’sment of ATKINï¬ï¬ON. 'jjr THE } GENTLE M‘E N -â€"'â€"â€" CHEAPâ€"- Flammm, m. AT GEO. TRENCH C. MASON.