Y. Hmn Janna (HMHIIIUIN'NI ms I'cvxvn wire»; in 'I':vz'r)1n*) 10 an muliunuc of :xbnu _ u H ‘ , .noumum, AVE 0 t Kalll)’ has been sentcncnl to ï¬ftum yours. in thu punitwltim‘y for the manaizmgh .tJI‘ of Andrew 81mm, of “ï¬st (‘xwillimhm'y Humut was faxmxl guilty at Regina, N \V. '1, of thc Prile Alhcrt mail robbery Â¥211I1 suntcnuml m ï¬fteen years in the pun ham 1'}: ILIMIL The Victnyia :‘m’l N‘uminm railway mm ioxwzxzdly opennd ta Hm publiv on tho 30m uh. Th -, mnfelunuc of tire State and l’rm’incinl Bun/h (if Huaitll has concluded it! session in Thumb), :Lnd dcvhlud to nice: next yom‘ in \Vushington, IX (7. Tim ('cmuuii‘m l’auith; Stt'llllliilill Atha- Mmut whivli rumour-A wuru current he had been Inst 01: L‘skc Superior, him \‘wl sufuly u: 0an Sound. Tim Dufuts immc, thu largnst hutcl in BJHa rifle, 11st been dcutmycd by ï¬ne, tr,- gvtixm‘ with nuu'ly 25H the militants, untan- ing a mud 14m; nf aimnt ESSUJHHL h, is i'mnuln'ud than the ("uxtunm anthnn'i- tics inmnd nmkingcxionsivv ‘ drama-4 0f ixmn h (mirth: Linn-{ht iutnmx tiu- iizm intu the North- “K 'i'm'x'itm’ics wiLiivmt payment of duty. ('thi‘mtbrn's for tiw Hud-wn‘s Bay mil- wxy have, bucn gl‘inltud flit- HEBIJIH privilcgus in mm ml to (fuetmns dutim m1 untiits as were iLHuwcd Canadian l'auiilu railway unn- vtmx . )Izl‘r'gzu'ct Halliwan, employed in Toronbn as £L C(mli, is reported to have fallen heir to the largest cotton plantation in 'l'uuim County, Mi. :ippi, through the death of her brother Edwmwl. Lending bank managers of \Vinnipcg spunk most lmpefnlly of the ï¬nancial ont- lonk in Manitoba. Money is plentiful, and pziynwnts are more promptly met than at any time since the boom. Mr. Gnldwin Smith and family have re- tm'ncd to 'l'm‘unto after a four Illmlths’ ah- Scm‘o. Tin-re is talk of his being lmnqucted by the, Loyalists, whom 110 ruprcsentcd dur- §ng the lam,- British campaign. Two Anmriunn schrmners hzwe been seized at Pan Hmwkcshux'y, N. 3., for landing dutinhle goods without entry 01' reporting 1t the: (,‘ustmn ()iliu'e. The seizures have no COIHICLCtiOI) with the ï¬sheries questions. l‘lngincm‘ Fetturly, of the Canadian Paciï¬c express train that was Wmckml near Rut Portage, (lierl in the \Vinnipcghospital. The other injured persons are doing well, Nearly all the mail nmttei' on the ill-fated train 'st burned. The Rev. Dr. Neeles, of Victoria College, reports that matters are progressing satisfac- torily and that no factions opposition is of- fmwl frmnnny party. The, early removal 01' Vivtnrin tu 'l'm‘rmtr) is ianitMflc and it wiil pruhublytmkc place in time fnrncxt The success of the Toronto Industrial EX- liihitinn has aroused emulation among the citizens of Kingaton, who propose to form a. joint stock company to purchase the new fair grounds in that city and establish an annual fair for the Midland district. l’leurnqmenin’inizi has ln-nken out in Ne< wui'k county, New Jersey. Minnesota, Lkotu and Kentucky have established a «Luzu‘zultine against ezittle from Illinois. Judgment was given at Chicago refusing a new trial t4) the Anarchists and eulnlii'ining the \‘enliet of the jury. Seven of them will blICI‘UfUI‘U be hanged and the eighth imprison- Bel for ï¬fteen years. A prominent citizen of Galveston, Texas, who has just returned from a trip through the droughhstricken region of that State, re- port," zimt the published accounts of the damage and snifering are misleading and considerably exaggerated. Lthtr I‘uturns of the catastrophe to the Mississippi river steznnhuzxt La Mascutte, give it total of 71) passengers and crew on hoard (Lt the time of the uxploaion, of whom 37 were rescued not seriously injured, ‘21 were drowned or missng and 12 were Yes- cucd hzully burned, one of whom has since died and two more are not expected to live. There is no hope of ï¬nding the missing alive. Bulgaria. has agreed to accept Russ a 15311115, providud the independence of Bulgaria. is guaranteed. E) ssively \wu'm weather prevails in Ltmdnn n11 m‘er the unntinunt of Europe. At dawn the other day friendly natives assaulted and carried il‘unw‘i, Osman Digxm's strmighuld. One thousand operatives in the cotton mills at Nelson, Lancnshirc, have struck for higher wages. All Lhc Madrid rcvolutionists wlm were suntanme to death have had the sentences conmmtud. Gen. V'Huezunpa and thirteen others who took pm'tin the 1'eeent rising in Madrid, lmve been sentenced to death. The huge force of police employed in watching public buildings in London are in future tn be assigned the duty of w; teh- ingjr suspects. Sir Julm Shumondx, who has had great (‘me‘immc in Asia Minor affairs, considers it inpnssiblc for the present Bulgarian crisis to pass away without wzu'. Sir Charles Dilkc believes the Conserva- tives will have no tlifliculty in runmining in power for ï¬ve years, and if nothing cxtnmr- 1_{ul:u'y happens their control will probably last run years. At 'l‘urquny lute! r :L magistrate sentenced thuw (>[nCUI‘S of the Salvation Army to one month}; i1111n‘isumncnt at hzu‘d labour fm' cmulurling 1L hand iupx’oucssion through the strcL Great amusement was created the other day in London club circles by several (If the Lords of the Admiralty returning from the annual cruise of inspection, on account of icknv A Constantinople (lespatch says the prw posed Pram'u-Russian alliance at the court of the Sultan for the (liscomï¬turc of Eng.)- lind has l)001l(1h£)0k0(l seriously by the rev cent plain spoken language of the British Cabinet. THE WEEK’S NEWS. n mun ' hm been sentcncnl to ï¬fteen mitvntim‘y for the nmnaizmgh- 81mm, of V\'mt (‘nrillianx-y. AMERICA 71 FOREIGN mummnmd his rovian 11) an muliunuc of :xbnub At the fuativzsl at I‘llumh the local magis- trates, swing that in conflict between 11in» does and Muhmnincdnn! was inevitable, brought a company of British troops on tin; Humic. The natives, infuriated at; their 11,1»- pi‘mmh, threw tin-Amulch (m the nuldicru’ luxyoiicts, and a scene of intense excitement wixuwl. The Royal Inniskillon Fusiliers, stationed at Ahlernhot, wont on a» riot the other night, in resistance to a draft that was being made fu' Service in Africa, and won: only subdued uftm' a number of mhliurn alul poliuu were wrmnxluxl, d‘ “'Yca?’ he said to kilns-elf, “ it is very plain they don‘t want this old stuff touched, so I’ll have some fun with it.†\thn he cmue t0 the heap the third time he at once set to work greedin chewing the rugs, looking curiously around now and then to see if some one was coming. As he was not disturbed again, he stood thus munching and chewing until it was nearly dark and time for him to run into the burn for the night. “'heu his supper was given him he found his stomach was so ï¬lled with rags that he could only eat it few mouthfuls. “ But it was great fun,â€110 said to himself as he stretched himself out on his bed of clean straw. clean straw. In the morning he awoke quite hungry, and 5mm made 2; Manny men}. But he haul not forgotten the rubbish heap. He started out to take u look at it. “ It was such fun,†he kept telling him self. As soon as he came nearit, as before, there was a rush from the house and the cries, “(lo away, Zilly." Although he had not yet digested his breakfast, he told himself he eouhl not miss so mueh “fun,†and he ‘an hack and again hegan to eat the rags. So it went on for nearly a week, until the rags were all gone, all eaten up hy Billy. To he sure he had not eaten muen else in that time, and al- though he felt that diet of rags would soon reduce him to a skeleton, yet he consoled himself with the thought that at least he had proved himself a match for the tyrants in the house. The sun 'as nearly down, and he stood on the woodsth thinking these things over to himself, and wondering if he could manage to eat any supper, when the “ family eat," with whom he was on Very good terms, came running near him, “ (loud evening, Tahhie,†said he. “ “here have you been the last two or three days? I have been really lonesome without you." “ \Vcll, sir, there has been so much fun going on in the house that I have stayed there as much as they would let me." “ Indeed ! and what was all the fun about 1'†“ Abnut you7 sir.†“About me, indemll" exclaimed Dilly, y'agginghislong heard, and looking very lndlgnamt. “\XVL‘S, six"; they hml 110 cml of fun watchâ€" ing you eat up the old rags that they threw away, They only drove you ()fl’ t4) make you think you were in mischief. My mis~ tress said she wished she had it few bushel more to throw out, for while you were out iug mgs you were not doing rele mischief. Aml the cmLehmzui said it was cheap fodder for you. How‘s ymn' stmnueh, anyway, re- spected sir 7" and the cut purrml with great glee as she walked '4 ftly szu-y. glee as she walked sottly szu-y. “ To think,†said Billy, “ of all the good meals I have done without just to spite them when l was only spiting myself, and, as to the fun, it sccxhs 'thoyvzu'c‘ thc ones who have hml it, not me.†And he came sulkilydownfmm his height and walked slowly uif to the ham. I nearly fm‘got to toll you that Billy was a. pet gout, not :L buy. But, ulthmlgh boys dnn’t out rugs, I think he acted very much like some buys that l have scan and heard of. Of course this cannot mchn 3/011. Is more rapidly improved by relief from physical sutlbringtlian in any other \ 'ay. Step on your friend‘s corn, and the impulse to strike is strongest. l’utnain‘s Painless Corn Extractor, by quickly and painlessly remov- ing them, insures good nature. Fifty iInita‘; tinns prove its value. Beware of substitutes “ Putnam’s,†sure, safe, painless. In climates having a, difference of temper?» titre of 75" between the hot and cold seasons a railway truck of 400 miles is 338 yards longer in Summer than in \ ’interrwthut is, expansion forces the metal closer together, closing up the space between the rails of nearly a yard ill each mile. YOUNG FOLKS. A FARM; m‘ Fr)" Ill Temper SHEETS 0F .3 6; 100. Ml’SlL', ‘EUMJU 1 l‘lx\_ ,' Brzus Imt's, ‘\'io1ins,‘ ‘Hutc~',' ‘Firw,’ and Musit'ul 1mm. Trimmings, 1m x‘wiuwd prices. 1L 1}. BUTLANI), 37 King ï¬t “2, Toronto. 15‘ Bibles, largo, p0, Splcndld maps, lmuutilul illustrations; contains LOW qllc‘itiulm uml aLSuL‘l’H on lï¬ihle Topics; liberal terms. Internatioval 1 00k unrl llilxlu Mouse, Toronto, (mt. Productive Town, Village & Farm froperty. lb. Ml’l‘t‘lll‘lhl‘ )lleIfV'ALD. Barrister. 6 link)“ Blorkfl Toronto Street â€"’l‘0ronta. Immull: '\'u:.m€-wouâ€rmez 'mcchmx ‘ 01‘ mm single herb, is 3 ‘mm cux'utoyiumulu irregularities; stump for pnfti $700, 1‘"? flays, 15 cents; 100,001! 5 half p1 BITTLAS l), 37 "00L Tozu‘ncrs and Mum-nu Attention. L lmring' Jlulitluys a ward] cuurse of private lessons, Ivy highest lumstcrs‘ will be givun School Tom-hum and Sunk-um, on Shorthuml, Drawing; or Painting: All who 0' 1 should come. Sand immedi- nmly fm' xyu'idl v mllum. Tun IINmN Summ- quhxm' ACADEMY, 3‘.) & ~11 Adelaide St. 11., Up- utuin, Tnmum. El’IH-ZSENTATD’E in cw“ wank. Lu w“ . .u- pom] and E<1>ousll "~41 hook on Love, Courtâ€" ship, Matrimony and kindred themes. Write {or viroulm'ws. hitcnmtioxml Book and Bible House, Toronto, Ont. The Third Scholastic Yearbegins Sep 1. Patron- age drawn from TEN STATES AND I’BOVINUHS. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared tor business pur- suits. Graduates eminently aucmmxful. Practical work, moderate rates and straight dealing: charac- terize the In-atimtion. Ladies admitted. For infor- mation address M. MAL‘CURMICK, Principal. Guelph'Bï¬Simm givos hotter mltisfaction or that you can umka money L‘itCI‘ with than “ World's Wonders." Sells to all classesâ€"Christiana and Inï¬dels, Cuthoiius and Protestmxts,'01d and 'young; old agents who have not oanvzwnlxl (or years are going into the field with it; (‘. 1*“ Jenkins sold 128 the ï¬rst week; J. E. Ilmuo guys: “The ï¬rst week with “Wonders†matted me one hundred and Hixteen dollars." A good chance (or unemployed perï¬ons; outï¬t free to actual oun- vasscm; write for terms. BRADLEY, Gum)â€. N & New shipment from England, Ex Steamship “ Nor- wegian.†Lowast prices to the trade. We are solo agents in Canada fur McBride‘s Celebrated Sheep Casings. “Him for quotnti A “‘ouderful Invention for Printing “'llhoul the Use of Type. [Tum-TL mu CLERGYMEX, TEACHERS, Brsmzss on P110- FESSIONAL MISS, Cuzwmms OL‘THT ONLY $lo. Eaf‘Send for full partivulzxrs to andvotï¬cc Suppiie ‘Trypogmph.’ OSBORNE & 00., HAMILTON, ONT.A_RIO- SCALES. THE OREGINAL COOK. The Longest and Best lï¬ire-box, Has Swing and Dr op [Plush Oven Doors, And a Perfect Baker. HAS MA N UFAOTURED (H10. BINGOEGH, 36 King St. 2.. Toronto, Ont. @ger}; ligmington Type-writer and dealer in Paper Gï¬Ts ' you A mv YOU CAN'T’FFND A muK THAT GE Bra'mrom SAUSAGE VGASINGS. Consumers will ï¬nd it to their advantage to ask the trzvlo for our make of Files and lamps. llc-(Iultlng :1 51M chilly. Sund for price list and terms. Hamilton, $0 Acn- Fan-In 7 ' â€"BY MONEY To LEND :uumvn, ONTARIOJ R. SPENCE & 00: mile ALL STYLES OF .Luulxs PARK a; 505', Toronto, P. STEVh 45 Mercer S mng ’l'nmnm. from Dulizhlx And Is the Cheapest First Class Stove ever ufl'ered E†THE E. & C. GURNEY CO†TORONTO. 7.3000 so Arm nan-Au )uml‘tlx - r 1110,1101) noting vent music; inatrunmum King- I. “I, Tumnto. PARALLEL FATHLY 0lltari0. (‘mvum gAllan Line Royal Mail Steamships. 1|! CUTTER GEARS. Aaving purvhzuml one thousand Kennedy Rifles: at satisfactory privua, we oï¬'er thmn at the following prices, subject to a discount for a number :A 32, 38, 42 cal†round barrel, $18.00, oct. lmrrol, $10.50 40 and 45 CAL, " 19.50, “ 21.01) ColtlJaflitningllifles, “ 20AM, “ 22.00 Winchester Rifles, 1843611101101,16.00, “ 17.01) “ †1873 model, 15.00, “ 19,50 “ “ 18761nod0l,19.50, ‘ 21.00 , English Donhle-lmrrcled Breech-loading Guns, SlLlU action, lll-lmrv, pduked in u cssu, price 4 ..L)U. Will ship any gm ‘ -.n.d., with privilege m cxmnine upon receipt of uui‘hcient cash to [my exprosn charges both ways, which will be deducted from price of gun. W. M. COOPER, Largch Gun Dealer in Canada, 0'!) Bay St‘, Toronto. Have been awarded it during: Mm 151% three yomx Try also PEERLESS AXLE GREASE, for your Waguns and Hume Powers. Manufactured at QUEEN CI TY OIL WORKS, by FARMERS AN THRESHERS! no Molt Enoctive, clean. bur-bio and Economical floaters in the Ilnrkot ior worming And until-ting Church“. Bohoqla. Public Buildings. Btom Ind Piivate Residences. Simple in conï¬rm» lion And euiiy nun-god. cup-bio oi giving more heat with lens consumption of iuel ilnn ony other heating oppnmu. HAhIolutely Gu nan-um Eight sue: “Han-ls†and four lines “ Mammoth†ore mode out! on: be ac! either in Brick or Pan-bio iorm. Correspondence Iolioilod. Fol Coulong And tnrlhu Iniormotion oddreel 4 The E. 85 I}. GUENH BU. (Limited). HAMILTDN. NEW HARRIS AND MAMMOTHV STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACES. ARMSTRONG’S 1 amToL‘Nm’ “m :Lmognï¬kmcnma USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN GURNEYS’ {{8‘ ‘t: :Luumua" pYLWDER _ENErtNE,j uznm Ull! UIL "unno, J SAMUEL ROGERS & 00., TORONTO. barrel, is 10. 151 9. :*%%Peefless®il For sale by all dealers. Artistic Designs. combined wit]! lTncquallod Durability and Finish. II.A_MILTON, ONTARIO. MEBEEER BRMWA GD. FENE8T SiLVER-PLATED WARE. THE MOST SUPERB IN THE““’ V‘ “" WORLD BASED ON NEATSFOOT OIL. sow BYALL HARNESS DEALERS. HARNESS OIL. And large“ Train“: Srhnml In human. ï¬rm] for Calendar. M AN U F.“ T'l'URIC. 5U}: LY ELM CITY WORLD