Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1886, p. 8

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on . . 11 11mg» gammy. Churches. ST. MARY s EPISCOPATCHURCH.â€"Service at 3 p.m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. SundaySchoolatlitiOp.m Rev.W. Bates, Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. in.,and Sunday school, at 2.30 1pm. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening in the Lecture Room. ltev. W. It. Barker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assistant. Pnnsnvrnnmn CHURCH or CANADA.â€"Scr\'l_\’les at 1] o’clock,and 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on \Vodncsdayoveiiingat7:30. Roy J. W. Cani- eron, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order a follows Thornhill at 9 a.m., and Richmond Hillat 102250 a.m; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at {l a.m. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. llcv. J. J. Egan, Pastor Societies. RICHMOND Lonan,A. F. dz A.M., No.23, G.R.C Meets in the Lodge room,i\lasonic Hall,on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.1n I. Crosby, \V.M. Axcxnnr ORDER or Fonus'rnnsACourt Rich- mond, No. 7046 A. 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Friday at 7.30 p. m.â€"- Geo. McDonald, C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G.T.â€"â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall‘ every ‘Vednesday evening,at 7.30 o'clock. VVJD.}_I0.1TJSOII T.D. The. Methodist Sabbath scliool'l‘einperauce As sociation issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm.Harrison Supt MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 Volulnes,open every Tuesday evening. in the Ma- sonic Hall,from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra,- yian. Lectures and discussionsperiodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANnrâ€"Meots for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o’clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE COI'XCIILâ€"RCI'VC‘, \Vin. Pugslcy, Conn- cillors, Messrs. Bonj. Redditt, W. 1‘, Powell, 1’ G.Savage, and F.McConagliy. Clerk, M. 'l ccly. A. O. U. \V.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee room of Ithe Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock pm. Beiic~ hoary certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. A.J.ltupert, Master \Vorkmun. Ii. Cronin-1n. rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Ilall,cacli alter- native Tuesday evening atBo’clock p in. Reno- iiciary certificates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death 92.000, ono halt payable in case of disability. J. H. Sandor- son Select Councillors; J.A.L‘.Switzchiecording Secretarv SATlsFAIITlBll IIIIAIIAIITEE RUPERT SELLS THE BEST. Infallible Blood Purifier, Tonic, Diurcctic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Iiilliousness, Jaundicc, Livcr Complaint, liliounmtism, all Kidney Diseases, Scrofula. Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum, Ex zema and all Skin Liseases, Headache, 5 Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach and I Boa-rt Burn. Purely Vegetable. J on}: 0. WEST 6.: 00., Toronto Ont. halal III? Algll BY \VEARING THE ONLY FRANK LAZARUS (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) RENGD‘VNED These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past ’ rear and given in evorv inâ€" st lt‘C unbounded .. on. They are the best in the world. ’1‘] .. ne‘. or tire, and lost many years without change. Road the following testimonial :â€" u I have great pleasure in \‘Ul‘lll\ mg: that I have worn Spectacles inanuiaI-tin'od by Frank Lazar- us for fifteen )‘(lill‘s.«ull(l thcy excel all others I have used for cloarness of vision and case while writing or reading. JAMI'IS (i(lI)I"IIlCY. Late Incumbent of ’l‘rinil) ChurchAVoll‘o Island For Me by T. F. JIICQIL'ZJIOJIC l’i‘nLisnim or “ LIBERAL,” IICH’AIOND IIILL, FRANK LAZAIIUS, lllniiulactnror, is Mary 'ond Road, Harrow lioml, London. England, (late Lazarus d’ Morris, Hartford, Comm 5.:r‘i\'o connoclion \Illh any other firm in Dominion of Canada I: will pay the above Reward {or any I case of Ey‘spepsia, Liver Compile :22, sick. Headache, Indigestion or Ccztlvonose ‘ we cannot Cure with mews Eli‘sz mas, when the Directions are strictly complied with. Large Home, containing 80 Pins, 25 Canto; 6 8986! $3.00. saw I try an 19mm ‘ _ Slim: Efiflmtimmmla dolphin A Farm 01‘150 acres, being com osed of east part of lot 31 in the 2nd 0011. Vang an is to rent for a number ot years. About 100 acres cleared. The land is minor a high state of cultivation and is well watered. Apply to lG-tf CATHARINE ()STEB, Maple P O MUSIC LESSONS 2 AERS- LUSIâ€"I Is desirous of getting a. few pupils for lessons in Mime. Terms moderate. 18 IIIISE SALE! A Frame Cottage, barn and 1 acre of land is for sale on Lucas Street, Richmond Hill. Hard and soft water at kitchen door. Price $450. Terms 335 down, $190 on lst of May, and the balance on time at 8 per cent. Apply to ERNEST F. LANGSTAFF, Richmond Hill LOST I Six Ewes, three show marks of Soutlidowns, two or thn-c Cotswolds. Seen on the mad be- tween 'l‘hornhill station and Mr. McIlrov‘s, Con- cord, oi. Bogurdav evening. Anypcrsou detaining them after this notice will be dealt with according to law. I). ( LARK, Thernhill. _ MAKE MONEY. From fifteen to twenty dollars a week to good agents, either male or female. This is no foreign humbug. but a Toronto business, which desires to establish itself in every home in York County. No capital required, Everyone \villbuv it. Apply at once to " AGENCY,” Box 40, “ News" Omce. Toronto. 16â€"2 too REWARD. The ’l‘rustocs of the \Iethodist Church, Richâ€" mond Ilill, oiler the above reward to any person giving information that will result in the appro- hension and conviction of parties who committed certain dcorodations, Such as removing nuts f1 om carriages, 350., during Divine Servwe on thoeven~ ing ()1 Sunday, Oct. 10th, 1886. WM. HARRISON, Sec. MUNICIPALITY OF EIGEMQNQ Ema. COURT 6E APPEAL Re. VOTERS’ LIST, 1886. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the " Vot ers’ List Act,” by llis Honor the Judge of the County Court of tho County of York, at RICHMOND HILL, On the > 25th day of October, 1886. at tor. o’clock, to hear and detormine the sow oral complaints of errors and omissions in the \‘oters’ List of the Municipality of Richmond B ill for 1881i. Dated the 5th day of October, 1886. M. 'l‘EEF‘i’, Clerk of the said lllunicipnlitv. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meetingjdf-the East York Reform Association will be held in Victoria Hall, Union- vi;lo: on Saturday, Oct. 16th, 1888. .\t ‘3 o‘clock p. m.. tor the election of officers and ihc . loction of a. candidate for the House of loininons A i‘nll representation is desired from every polling subâ€"diviswn in the riding. JNO. CLARK, Sec. JOS. GIBSON, Pres tenses“) (IF VAUIIHAN s Voters’List, 1886 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Court will be held pursuant to “ The Votcrs’ Lists Act " and amendments thereto, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York at the \‘lIdrAGEIll‘ MAPLE, ON TUESDAY, ’l‘lIl“. Qri’l‘ll DAY OII‘ OCTOBER, 1886, .-\T NINE ()‘CLOI‘R FORENOON, to hear and dcte nine the several complaints of errors and on issions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the said Township of me‘h an for 1886. Jill persons having businessat the Court are required lo attend at the said time and place. Dated the 5th day of October, A. D. lsso. JAS. M. LAWRENCE Clerk of the said Municipality. Illl'llll’tltl SALE! OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale conâ€" tain ed in a certain mortgage which will be proâ€" duccd at the time of sale, there will be oflered {or sale by public auction, on Saturday, the 16th of Oct... 18516,bv Salem Eckardt, Esq., Auctioneer, at \\ illinni Palmer's Hotel. in the VILLAGE OF MAPLE ! At the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon, the the lollowing lands and premises, namely â€" All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and promises situate, lying and being in the 'l'ov. nsliip of Vaughan: in the County of York and Province of Ontario. containing by admcaa iii-onicirt one hundred acres, be the same more or loss. being composed of the west half of lot mini- hcr twenty-three, in the third concession of the sail: Township of Vaughan. The property is a good average farm With the . usual farm buildings and fixtures in a fair state oi repair. It is within a short distance of the villages of Maple and Richmond I1lll. TERMS A (‘UXDI'I‘IONS OF SALE k~Ton pcr cont. of the purchase moi v to be paid to the Vondors' Solicitors at the ILuo of sale, sullicient with the said 10 per cent. ) make one-third of the purchase money within one inonih there- , alter, and the balance . be secured by first mortgage over tuoabovo premises for live‘ yours with interest at the rate of SIX per cent. per an- num payablo half-v *urly. For further particulars apply to Mulocn, Tilt, Miller & Crowther, Vondors' Solicitors. 14-3 {in King St. East, Toronto I ated the 23rd day of Scptcmbex. 1880. COAL- AND WOOD The undersigned begs to inform the inhabi~ tants of 'MAPLE and Vicinity that he intends keeping on band a good supply of Coal and Wood at RICHMOND HILL STATION WILSBN’S tTllNDAllD t-BALES will be on the premises for weighing. All orders promptly attended. R. RUMBLE. Maple, July 7th, 1886. TRENCII’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- IKICHMOND IIILL. M In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-five, I beg to reâ€" mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and coinâ€" modious premises. I am eiablcd to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING WAGON S . Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisr-J. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black» sinitliing (I: repairing in the most woik- niunlikc manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. WM 'H‘RENCEN Elie Walrus. Tonox'rn Thursdav,July s 15%. Wheat, fall, per bushel ;Il "C to \\'l mat, spring, do 6m Barley, do " I do 3 do . 5):) do (so do .. id hogs, per 100 lbs. '7 lore quarters 5 liocl. hind quarters. :2 , Chicl ens, per pair Duck .10 Goose, each . . I) Turkeys, each 2 - Butter, pound rolls. 0 Butter, tub dairy . . Plugs, fresh, per doz Potatoes, per bag .. Apples, per bbl ........ Onions, green,por bag ...... Cabbage do .. (J (I: Cauliflower do I) 00 o 00 Celery, do 0 00 (l ()0 'l‘urnips, per bag. 0 40 (J 00 Carrots, do. 0 in (J 60 Hay,pcr ton .. sti'aw,pcr ton . . RICHMOND HILL Thursdav,July S , 1886. oats, per bushel 0 34 Peas, do. .. 0 58 Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. I; 50 Beef, l‘ore quarter. 0 00 Dual, hind quarter 9 00 9 50 Chickens. per pair .. 0 30 0 45 Ducks, do 0 55 0 (i5 (loose, each ........ 0 50 0 80 Turkeys, parlb 0 9 10 Butter, pound rolls 0 ll 0 12 Butler, large rolls ..... 0 10 0 Il l‘lggs. fresh, per dozen (l 00 1.0 Potatoes, per bag... 0 :70 0 (50 Apples, per bbl... 1 00 l 25 onions, green, per bush. '70 80 Cabbage, per (102: 0 30 0 50 Celery, do . . . . . . . . . . . ’l‘urnips, poi-bag .. 0 2’3 0 30 Carrots, do [i 40 0 50 Beans, per peck... 0 50 0 60 Flour, spring, per bbl.. ...... Flour, fall, per bbl 4 50 5 00 Hay, per ton ...... 8 00 10 00 straw, per ton . . . . . . . . , . . . . . O A U I l O N . EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE AMI IS MARKED I N BRONZE LET’I‘E R3. was NONE aims N | v’ ' 3‘ w is: n a." ... ‘ RElllllli’S SEEDS ARE THE BEST illustrator] Catalogue for 1886 , ‘ Containing description and prices of (In: choicest " - ‘1, Mailed free. Every Farmer and Gardener should IV: have a copy before ordering seeds {or the coming ~l \CIISOIL Hamisomescamlngucpublishedin Canada ,: niacin: o: 500 Orders coming in by mail faster than ever for that celebrated 141G111.“ R.UNNING NEW WILLIAMS 1 Because lliey lead the trade. rl‘liis Machine is Without a parallel in tlicliisloi-y of Sewing Machines. Within the last. four years they have taken seven medals at Provincial and other large Fairs. Only last fall they took I First. Prize and 3 Medal at the World’s Foil", Antwerp, Belgium: and a Diploma last fall at London for Work done on this (‘XCt‘llohl machine. This machine was awarded nine First l’iizes last fall. At the West York Fm, \‘iloodlni<lszv, this machine carri- cd of." the highest honors. First Prize, besides four ( xtra PI‘IZHS for work, so you see they take the lead, and carry «.tl' First boili far and o ' This machine has on it more improvements than any other machine. Before. ouyinrv try it, anal H, see it, don’t be led away by othch till you have. All ordcis by Mail promptly attended to. Address J. LUSH, Richmond. TI'III. mu“ -â€"--.~m m \Vliy do they Come ? mmmarmmvâ€"m-amm THE people’s cross! WALL PAPERS. \VAIQ I; I’AI’E us. A t'wplete stock of "Wall Paper and Roi-timings, something now in Styles and Designs, from 5 cent; up. felttnfillr 0t XVIIIII,‘R,ZZ’*€II.’VE‘URE In a variety of designs. ii 1.4 211130 Mich Paints, ready for use, in all colors and shades. ilnilcil and. Row Oils, Vath islios, and Jill other material for painls. Pain. and "William :1in Brushes, all sizes, “Inch 1 will sell at bottom price. ’Jall and sec. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock of Groceries, Flour and. Fond. I). (-l. SAVIWEHI. .- mm): new a - ! castle mass 5 ’ MOQELEH’EB Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Glaser-Jam, Crockery and Flour and Food. DRY GOOD-S. GEOin lFINES. ‘44.; NAILS, gum (oiled and I’amily I'lour and Feed Constantly on hand and delivered on short notice A... MQQDIE, Sign of the “ British Flag Staff.” mmunm~_NMMh-m-mrnmmu .» - m... ._.. m.».~~m-._. xwl I ~.~ Laoies7 and Gonts’ Furnishings, Cottons, Prints, Den-- nos. Cotlviiolles, all selling Very cheap to make room for fall goods New Tens, I‘i'csli Coli‘ovs. Just arrived all kinds of com heal Ii'isli, Salmon, Sardines, lllaclr, rel. «\bc. , LOCKS, (foo. ileMORRIs DOUBLE DRESSER Easily Managed. Light Running, Durable. Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. PERFECTLY BEARDS EARLEY. Removes all White Caps from Wheat. CLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE if has a SHUTTER and 8.599%? FAR/MM? All/LL attached. THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTI’ORI), ONT. * Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker‘s Prices and Terms. Write for Testimonials and Circulars to Great Improvements in x886 Machines. 0. II If... IA‘IIEIWQJIIII. «flagrant, NEWMARKET -&J 80 JARVIS, S’Il, TORONTO. m... "‘ ._ swim. I . untouz'um'm'... c. P. Lower. has Mara. DENTII‘AfejSi’l‘, Hâ€" Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. I &: B, Upâ€"Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teelli without pain, by means of VITALIZICD :‘I'iil. I Absolutely llu pain cxporivncvd and harmless In all cases B E ST C: I? "i" c: w---_ km) A \j g 2in Smart own Wanted at once to OF ‘ canvass for the ~'o.o of Canadian ARTIFICIAL NURs fill'l’ STOCK. 0N RUBBER, _ _ _ 38,30 0N CELLULOID, â€" _ $10100 Eli , . *4“ 5w Tat Fetal-all. NURSERIES, Largest in Coilut‘a, over 400 acres. Don’t apply nnla a you can furnish first» I use no cheap material and warrant every set. ‘ Gold Filling, and all other operations skilfully performed, at moderate fees. class references and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can Call and see me. No trouble to liver questions, .:' vmwx STUDY EIIII’LOI’MENT TC GOOD MEN I’ I'EEO BE IDLE I NONE PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL l‘. l 'W'e Pay Either Salary or (5041111....91011. Tina‘s employ any number of ener- getic men who want work. Address STONE A; WELLINGTON, N u-rscrvinen, Toronto, Ont- Ll)- Mav 15th, 1884.~1v h.

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