i'imnkfu] [or may shit] 1‘0 r- Kf {3610).}, mien Aurora, 5; Hiahmouu H31 ritwï¬â€˜ville So. Mmrklxmn †50. Victoria Sign (10. (“.1oz‘nhv‘ll. \\ do. Wondhridgo do. fi‘ieiubm‘g ‘ do N-J‘fleton... o Vimlimd Ai a on hand at appointments “W0 rm. Free from 1min. THE UBERM PRINTENG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" ~â€" ONTARIO. T. N, EDITGE and, ?ROPRIETOR. 141 Yougo Stroet, Next door to Mm 111‘ THUR SDAY .MUNEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES -_ -0.â€" h G. F. LAWRENCE. T. G. MILLIGAN. J. A. MCANDREW. M anufacturera :9: Importers of @uixhné, Clerks, §2mdltx‘1,, §ilhtr1mm :mh (ï¬pticzzl 05mm. SPECTAC-LE 3 FOILEVERY SIGHT. ' 531% Pb: ASEVMEE. Veterhmrv Pinyeon‘ Graduate of Ontzu‘m Vet College, Termito. ‘ u , 1\ “h *W m». 1U?) (SEES , L .X» .‘S . ,, 2;! mini ï¬urgmn, 53} me ETRL‘ET EAST, TORONTO, " GLOBE†OFFICE. HM'. m mum College RIC ' W‘wm, _ DISeases m cmated. RESIDENCE: â€" 8TH AVENUE. WoommmGE. 4} {1m Domesticated Animals wivmx-ih' Ivfchtl'cr (‘0 ., Ontjlm‘e of Stnufl'ville mend Hill. Ofllce Hours Medalist Ton Physicinns & ‘i Yougn Strata, to 10 0.. 131.,510 n Function. loo-k at Miller, BARRISTERS. gumcn‘ons, m. 18 Kma STREET EAST. TORONTO. Richmond Hill 1", 0. Eyery Saturday. J SFullarton, ( \V Cook, J. R. Miller :3: run/ATE FUNDS To LOA N. “€63 Dn 6:917:13 Maple. «2mm hours: H be 6,. 133., and to $.30 71. m- E. Mi. MO’BI'HEY. SEN & C0.. Aflch‘ess A LAWRENCE. MILLIGA'N & MCANDREWJ VOL. IX. (Michel GAS FOB XZXTMCTHVG. BU S 13333 S S CARDS. Franklin .E. Andrews. per annum, in advancéJ Rmmmond Him. V.E"“,‘-§ KJKEED AIR Din ‘W I " . . “1:50:19 IS PUBLISHED EVERY Wtfl 0d Air Administer- ‘ ', Lumen chemptceth or ‘ lth ï¬tting. memo \\ {(A1 F. EEE‘WET’IE HOBII‘IFON L‘D.S., Aura) a 01111 L‘a’a’mimwy. :1; mos Langmuir :0 Physicians 8: Surgeons Out, 7) HILL; ONT. UL and 22nd of each month \andillth fln_ 1'31 kmuse) 0N DENTT "‘ o 3D 15 's; of the pmt 530 years m any hmnuh 0f the pro- 23mm. on short nutica 1223311111. mTORONTO itobixzssmx, EVENING FEES MODERATE OPPOSITE THE do do do do Deposits received and Interesmllowed thereon .ut Currant Rutea‘ No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all vnrts of Canada, U11 itcd States and Great Britain, bought and sold Kicnnsnfl Annbioneer fortho Countv of S’o}‘K,;‘o- mtfuny s lioits yom‘yatrqqagq and frwnd‘l ï¬ï¬ï¬‚umwcfl Sales mfendÃ©ï¬ V6}; Viï¬weaghafï¬Ã©s‘g flour: 3nd at reunoxmblerutes. P. 0. Address, Licensee Auctioneer for the Counties of York fOnt-m‘m and 1‘ ‘ ". Goods sold on cnnsignmenb. - em] m] " 01 stock. etc., promptly attended at; reasonable rates. P. O. uddrnss. UNIONVILLE. M62516†éflflggï¬ï¬. To Imam ut 6% per cmt. Straight loans. Terms {rep next uf principal made to suit borrzm' I, ma bccoud mortgages boughï¬. Advum . on second mortgages and to ,p\1_1:ulx:Lse m ‘ Every accommodation to flesh. Board, 631.00 per day PRESIDENT, DAVID mm, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. Pquight. D. M. Mac- dunuld, C. B, Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. E’mwrzan Furnishings Always (in “and KEM- "‘»’“’$EE¥’T§HL‘ '35 Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish~ ed it in ï¬rst-"luss style, I am prepared to give the public the be. t; o.‘ accommodation. Excellent shaming andati'entivo hostlers. S'umplo Rooms for cmulnel‘ci’d travellers. A good livery in con- nectiun. '1 us :31 mar dzw. This popular Summer resort has been refitted 1n ï¬rstâ€"class btyleï¬hd now pljesents every c<m~ veuienr‘o for guests and boarders. Ixcellenc accommodation for the travelling public. Best Picâ€"Nix: Grounds in the County. Full supply of pleasure and ï¬shing boats. Terms modomm. LOANS or ‘nonEY AT 5, 51} AND 6 PER CENT. PER ANNUM. ' T No cums uwun‘cd in making‘ applicaticns for money. Wnbc, or 03,11 at oncu for particulars. E. R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide St. East. Toronto. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Central Bank of mm. “ï¬amï¬â€™ï¬ am 3mm. M883 HERA OWNER Mortgageu ani LifP Policing bought at high- - est Cash Prices. Benj. Brnllinger. Prapriozmn 13 prepared to receiu pupils. and will givu Music Lessons a: formerly. . ensed Auz‘timmer for the County of York, re- ‘estfully solicits your patronage and friendly fluonce. Rules {immude on the shortest notice If]. at reasonnhe rates. 1’. 0. address, King. Ulnaflm‘mkers 5: Embamwrs. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, :ensnd Auctioneer for the Counny of Yark ms; minded m: the shortest noticegmd at you» 1111305. Address Stouflvnle P. 0 @$§%E Eflfl‘ï¬Ã©ï¬‚ag ii“. ' “amjmm MQNEY! 158 KING S’I'IXIHIT tam. TORONTO @éjgaémml %/Z JAM BS M. LAWRENCE, WM. BELL, Proprietor. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1886. A ' A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. $500,000 James C. Stokes. l‘ gtirimlamnns. ‘m lam Eckardt M. J. Armstrong. S. ï¬ï¬.‘ Brown. BOX 96. VICTORIA SQUARE “iiélnmy. . H In Emtials, Unity; in 1V0113Esse1zticzls, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†I?! a I: .1: "er. Snyder. Filly 01‘ gelding 3 yrs. old road- ster~â€"R “‘ilunn, Vi" and'A “Night. {Filly or gelding 2 mm. oldâ€"J Clark, J Mc- Kenim, 8 Kaiser. Filly or gelding, 1 yr. old roadsterWF A Ousted. S Hunter. Single horse in harness IOélliSiEYâ€"T I Black, A Crowfoot. Span horses in haniPSs roadstersâ€"T ilrnwnridge, D. Benton, J Clark. Saddle lit‘l‘fï¬(‘â€"â€"D_ Mcâ€" Clure, A. Gallanough, L Elliott. I SPECIAL CLASS Best turn out single horse in harnessâ€" A Crowfoot. Tu 0 year old entire colt by Lincolnâ€"“7 Bone. Two year old ï¬lly by LincolHHAM Harrison and Son. Spring colt by Linciulnâ€"J ColwellI T Pearson. Spring coll; entire by Aberdmirâ€"W Farr. Spring fillv by Aberdourâ€"T Kelsey. Lady driver and tumourâ€"Miss L Farr. Miss McKenna, Mrs. J Harris. SPEEDING Trotting single horse in harnessâ€"T I Black. G Hutchison, A Crowfoot. Fast. est trotting team in harnessâ€"“7 Whit;- inore, T 1 BlflCK. Trotting stallion in lmrnessâ€"VV \Vhitmore, S Kaiser, W W Walker Trotting or pacing 3 yrs. oldâ€" M Bi'o‘Wn, Gooderhmn Bruin, John R Lawrence. Running horseâ€"L Elliott, A Gallanouuh, W Hodgins. . CATTLE Durham buil 2 yrs. old and over imp- J Gardhouse. Durham Bull 1 yr. old iuip~»â€"VV Porter. Extrasâ€"Durham heif- erl yr. old imp ~J Ackrow and Son. Durham heifer 2 yrs. old impâ€"4.)" Gard- houae. Durham bull 1 yr. Old nut innâ€"â€" J Gardhouse, G Robinson, J T Peacock. Durham cow any age in milkâ€"J Gard- houae, lst and 2nd; W Porter. Durhum bull calf under 1 yr.â€"~J R Lawrence, W McClure. Durham heifer ‘2 yrs. oldâ€"J Gurdhouse, lst and 2nd; W Porter. Durham heifer] yr. oldâ€"J Ackrow and Son, J R Lawrence. J T Peacock. Bull 1 year old Holatei‘nâ€"W' Shunk. Heifer 2 yrs. old Holsteinâ€"“7 Shunk. Cow any age in milk Holsteinwâ€"W Shunk.SShunk, jr. Bull 2 yrs. uld and over Holsteinâ€" S Shunk, jr. - Bull under 1 yr. Holstein -â€"â€"S Shunk, jr. Heifer 1 yr. old Holeteiu â€"â€"S Slmnk, jr. Heifer calf under 1 yr. Hoisteiuâ€"â€"S Shunk, jr. Bull 2 yrs. Mid and over Jerseyâ€"D McMurchy. Hull calf under 1 yr. Jerseyâ€"R McClure. Coui any age in milk Gradeâ€"W Porter, lst dc 2nd; J '1‘ Porter. Heifer 2 vrs. old Grade â€"-J Kersey. Heifer 1 yr. old Gradeâ€"J T Peacock, J Ackruw and Son, John R Lawrence. Spring heifer calf Gradeâ€"~3V Guidlmuse. Mare widi foal, A Canadian dranghlâ€"J Gardhonse, Geo Elliott, J Gzezdhunse. Colt entire 2 years old,Can- iitlizxn draught~4V BonerR Clieyne, Jno Jackson. 701: entiie I year oid Canadian draughtâ€"John Wetlieral, Gen Jackson. Spring colt. or ï¬lly Canadian draughtâ€"J Gnrdlxonse, Isl. and 2nd; G Jackson, 3rd. Filly 0r gelding 3 yean 01d Canadian urnnglitâ€" l) Ruwntrve, Pierca Fletcher. Filly or gelding 2 years uld Canadian draughtâ€"J Fry, J Clark, J Little. Filly nr gelding ] year nld,Can. drangllttho Bone. \V Fair. Span horses in harness Can. Draughtâ€"J Gnrdlmnsn, J \Vells, P Fletcher. Mare with foal G. T’.â€"-»\Vm. McClure, Jno Clark, Monnsey Bros. Cnltv ennro 2 years old G. 1".â€"â€"C Wither- syrmn, J l’nelur, \V Perry. Colt entire. 1 your old G. P.â€"â€" M Moody, J Lahmer. Spring colt or fillvaonnsey Bret, T l’earsnn, T 'i‘alos. Filly 0r gelding 3 yr mid G. P.~-S Slong, Monnsey Bros. Filly or gelding 2 yrs. old 0:. P.â€"-'\I Hat-{ism}, \Villis Bum, T. Kei‘sey. Filly or gelding 1 your nld G. P.~\V McClure, C Cmne‘nn}. J Clinte. Span limjsres in harncs» G- P.â€"â€"J Rogers. E Hillnck. A A; “age. Mare with foal carriage~\V C Brown, \V C Brown, T Ke‘rsey. Colt entire 2 years uld carriageâ€"ll. l“ Rustin. 10H. entire 1 year old carriage~\V C Brown. “7111 Capnor. Spring cult, or ï¬lly curiiagUm-J MCK nun, t5 Stung. Filly or Gelding 5 years old carriage J J Simmrtflsf and 2nd; J Cl:i1‘l<,?n'(l. Filly m‘ gelding '2. gears old carriageâ€"B \Vil- sun. J Tilt L Elliott. Filly or geldinle yuarold (:5 '_"~gc»â€"\V Dennison, J Mc- Kemm. Span lmrses in harness carriage It Conlter, G Gubieln? Single horse in lnu'nusa carriageâ€"S F l'uleane, \Vin Mdstgflur curri- wnrii' eff if!“ng Mare with fule roadsterâ€"Cr Gnlnel, t3 Slmnk, find and 3rd. Cult; entire 2 yrs. uld‘madam-WM \Vliitlock. J and J Gardner, A fï¬inplctnn. Culi, “Hire 1 yr. old ronilster-~\\7illis Bros., “7111 Dunn Clui‘lur. jin. G anlel. SprngY colt or ï¬lly roadsior J J Stewart, \V Farr, W We givebelow,the prize list of the West York and Vaughan Townships Ag- ricultural society’s Fall Fair, held at Woodhridge. on the 12th and 13th inst. W'e regret that space will not permit Comments on various departments and exhibits which were wax-thy of special mention. The Fair closed with a suc- cessxfuihemquet on the evening of the second day. ‘HonsEs ,7 Mare with foul Bloodâ€"W.& A.\Vright. Stallion 2 years old 1111p0rtedâ€"~R.Cheyne. Filly or gelding 3 years old importedâ€"J. WWBBREQGE FMR 3 yrs. old roadâ€" WVIigh't. EFAIIy Clark, J Mc- ROOTS 12 swede turnips â€"C Scott, C E Brown. 6 white turnipsâ€"C Scott, C E Brown. 6 ï¬eld carrotsâ€"fl] Dandridge, 0 Scott. 12 table carrots~M Harrison and Son, F Daniels. Collection of 12 roots each: Carrots, mangels and turnipsâ€"J Dand- ridge. 6 mangels, longâ€"J Daundridge, C E Brown. 6 inan'aels, globeâ€"J Dand- ridge, C E Brown. Early rose potatoes, hqu bushâ€"4} Baggs, A T Orth. White Elephant potatoesâ€"~11 Sutton. F Grifï¬th. Beauty of ,Hebron potatoes~â€"I McKay, F Grifï¬th. Lute i‘ohe potatoesâ€"-R Sutton, F Grifï¬th. Enrly sunrise potatoesâ€" Jas Dundridge, A T Orlh. Early Ohio po- tatoes ~J Kaiser, E \Vhitlnoru. Half bush. potatops any other varietyâ€"Geo Baggs. F Grifï¬th. 12 flcld mdishes-A Ma.) nard, C Scott. 12 garden radishesu C Scott, lat and 2nd. 2 ï¬eld squashesâ€" J Dandridge, J MCKay. 2 ï¬eld pump kinsâ€"«R Meyurs, F Daniels. 2 mammoth pumpkinsâ€"J Dnndi‘idge. J McKay. VEGETABLES 12 blood beetseR Longhouse, C Scott 12 sugar heels,â€"J Dandridge, C Scott. Puck red onionsâ€"C E Brown, 112 Gallop. 6 heads cabbage, largeâ€"JV Daniels, C E Brown. 6 heads cabbage. smallâ€"J Mn. Kay, C Lawrie. 6 citrons, longâ€"Alf Maynard.M Harrison and Sol). 6 citrons roundâ€"J Dandridge, R Meyers. 6 roots celeryâ€"C E Brown, F Daniels. 12 to- matoesâ€"C E Brown, F Daniels. Three cauliflowersâ€"J Dandridge, C E Brown. 12 parsnipsâ€"C Seott, C E RI‘UWH. 6%, W (D A \Vi‘igflï¬. 'Wï¬ï¬xï¬m “7 Bell. “7 d"; A \Vright. Black Spanish â€"J W Holmes, \V & A Wright. Black Spanish chickensâ€"R ‘Hollingshead, lat and 2nd. Leghornst \V Sumlid'e, lst and 2nd. Leghornn, chickens~F \V SWINE , Bellmhire buzu‘ over ] yr.~â€"I’ \V Bnyn- ton. Burkshn'e sow over 1 yinâ€"Jan Snyder, M Han'isun and Son. Berkshire boar under 1 y:-.â€"\\' Snyder. Borkahire sow under 1 yr.â€"J Gardlmuse, \V Snidâ€" er. Yorkshire sow over]. yI'.â€"â€"\V Mc~ 011m). Yurkshire boar under ] yr.â€"â€"\V McClure, lat and 2nd. Yorkshire sow under 1 yr.*R Dorsey and Emu. Suffolk hour over 1 yr._R S Frfsby. R Dorsey and 8011. Suffolk sow nvur .1 W'sz Dorsey and Son, \V McClure. Suffolk boar under 1. yr.â€"-\V McUlm’a, R S Frisby, Suffolk mw under H. yr.-â€"R Dorsey and son, WV McClure. POULTRY Light Brnhn’msâ€"J Foster, W and A “Tight. Light brahmas, chickensâ€"J08 Fuswr. R Douglas. Dark brnhmasâ€"â€"\V & A. Wrigln, J Fnater. Dusk brahmas (:hickvnstV (‘L' A \Vright. Cachingâ€"JV (k A Wright. J Foster. Cochins.chickens dngxg ‘4} 1M righj. Dorkins~J W Hahn- Su’rclilfn, lst and 2nd. Hmnlxurgsâ€"W A3 A \Vright, J Fuster. Hauxlun‘us, Cluck- ensâ€"J Fasten-JV & A \Vriglit. PlymOnth lucks~\V &, A \Vx'igllt, [l 5; Lawrence. I‘lymnutll Rnclm, chickeus~ll' \V Slit-l clill'e, J Fustel'. l’UlfllillSWâ€"J Foster, \V (DA \Vright. Pnlauds, (:lnclmnsâ€"Jns Foster, J \V Holmes llourlaus~~3hs Fnstcr, W A}: A 'Wrigllt. huurlzlus,clxicl{- ensâ€"\V (‘1: A \Vriglnt,‘ G (mm. Game J Foster, J W Holmes. Game, chickens â€"J Foster, J W Hulmes. Bantamsâ€"J Foster, A Mallahy. V’mutamn, chickens â€"A Mallaby, J Foster. Fancy pigeons â€"â€"\V Reid. Eat and 2nd. Pulr Guinea fowls‘â€"M Reamnu. Cnmmou geeseâ€"JV & A \Vrigllt, \Y McClure. Toulouse geeseâ€"J Foster. “7 and A W'right. Ayles- bury ducksâ€"â€"J Foster, \V ill A W'rlght. Ruuen ducksâ€"~â€"J Foster, J Ivloore. Pekin ducksâ€"W and A Wright, Jns Foster. Bru)nze'l‘urkeys~â€"M Harrison and Sun, J Moore. Common turkeys~Mrs Mead< ford. Andalusian fowlâ€"4F Middlebrnok, 2nd. \Vyau and other fowlâ€"«Wm Dell, J E Elliott. . Porter, T Moody, J Kersey. Herd of cattle, 1 male and 3 females, Gradesâ€"J Gardhouse, W Porter. SHEEP Leicester ram 2 shears and overâ€"T Clarksou. Leicester ram lambâ€"J Gard- house, 2nd. Two shearling ewes Leices- terâ€"'1‘ Clarkson, J Gardhouse. Two ewe lambs Loicosterâ€"T Clarkson, J Gard- house. ’l‘wo brood ewes, 2 shears, Lei- cesterâ€"J Gardhouae. T Clurkson. Pen of 1 male and 3 females Leicesterâ€"T Clarkson. Shearling ram Colswoldâ€"vâ€"J Moore. Ram lamb Cotswoldwil Moore. 2 brood ewes 2 shears Cotswoldâ€"J Moore Two shenrling ewes Cotswoldâ€"«J Moore. Two ewe lambs Cotswoldâ€"J Moore. Pen of] mule and‘ 3 females Cotswoldâ€"«T Boynton. Sonthdown ram 2 shears ‘ and overâ€"â€"R Marsh, S Lemon. Shearling mm Cotswoldâ€"4% Marsh, E and A Stan- ford. Soutlldown ramâ€"â€"E and A Stun- ford, R Marsh, Two brootlewesfl shears, Cotswoldek Marsh, lst and 2nd. Two shezu‘ling ewes Cotswold» R ll’larsh, E & A Stanford. Pen of 1 male and 3 females Cotswoldsâ€"R Marsh. SllI‘opshiroJlamp- shire and Oxford Downs: Ram 2 shears and overâ€"“S Lemon. Shenrling ramâ€"S Lemon, R Reï¬ne. 3mm lambâ€"4‘3 Lemon, R Raine. Two brood ewes; 2 :=hunre«#S Lemon, T T‘v'loody. Two ewe lambsâ€"S Lemon. l‘en of 1 male and 3 foumlesâ€" S Lemon. ’l‘wo fat sheep~~J Gard‘house, S Lemon, melllangi plï¬ï¬mâ€" Bulk. ï¬ï¬fkï¬' Mk0 Masson 35.77;: Cm, L ,E’v«'>v.‘!:. Dt'l‘l'lllg cutter, single lml‘soâ€"AA Dulynzn‘t}. Sleigh â€"A Maynard, l. Ell'ynl. Fanning will â€"~J O \Visuer, Sun and Cu. (Slumpâ€"‘â€" KeYs and Hallett. \Vi'ul. mill in open- tiuuâ€"R and W' ngamil‘. 1mm ' I‘lcnmm'm 8 lbs fresh l).1ttcrâ€"â€"M Newman. Isaac Devina,Mrs I}. meglmuxan. Mrs W Fllster Firkiri of butter, 40 lewâ€"R McClure. J A Cherry, S DulSDll. 10 lb crock butter -â€"R McClure. 1‘0 ll) crogk butterâ€"«S Dolson. 10 lb", {H‘le [what'va Dnlsunl 10 lbs crock; l)!1ll.e‘.‘»~ll, :‘m-Ulure. 10 lb rull buttex~...Mrs A T (hill. 10 lbs fresh butter byymm;; ladies ili’vll‘l‘ 17 . ll A Dolson. 12 ll) crock butternll McClure. .5 lb l'Oll 1;)lltté‘l‘...rT 3‘}iallllol_.v1'nnl(. JO ll) roll butter. .l‘vim 1L Cluk. 10 lbs honey. rendered...S liar-mum, 6 lbs hom‘y in comb...M Brown, A A Gage. 7:1eese. factory made, (VJ ll)S...DuVimm and Scull. 2 loaves home made bread. .Mrs 1) E1610)" Rim '1‘ Smith, J Bilirldlelumuk. ll home made buns... ’lrs XV Bualw, Miss Jennie Mason. Aasortmeut canned fruit. .Mrs A A Gage, Mrs R T \Valluce. Amun- ment jellies. .Mrs R. T \Vallace. Smngu cake...Miss 3 Ilnclilnnd, Mrs R Vfilsrm. Fruit calie...Mrs Mudford, Mrs Tlms Wright. HOME MANYFACTURES Barrel flour. .Wallnce Bras. lst and 2nd. 10 yds home made flannel. . J Ballamyne and Sun, lst and 2nd. 10 yds factory ï¬xumel...J Ballantyne 6:, Son, Ma and 2nd. , r is fulled clotli...J0l1n Bullantyne (C- m, In and. End. 10 yda tweml, Canadian".\Vallace Bras, lat and 2nd. Pair lmme mania blunketn...Jnlm Ballantyne (£- Sun. hat and 2nd. Pair horse blunlmts....lolm Hallnnivne & Snn, Set double [mun harnessinl) A NuNiclmL Saddle, bridle and I]l£|I‘i’illg1l€...D A Mc- Nicliol, E \V Gallup. Smt men’s, Clnth- ing, Canadian twend...\Vullace b’ms. Pair men‘s line bi>ot,s...D Stuwurtjat and 2nd Pair men’s course lmuts...D Stewart, 13!: and 2nd. Pair men’s kip bums... D Stewart, lat and 2nd. 2 flour barrels“ G \Vallucc, 1st and 2nd.‘- Bottle home: made wine. gi'npe...Mrs T Smith, W’m Camier. Buttle home made wine, nof: grape...J Mimllobmnk, Mrs: R '1' \Vallnce. 2 bars home made soap...Mrs G \Yillierâ€" spomhmrs J McKennn. Sewing H‘uCll‘illG Singer Mmiufzmturi'ng 00, L Bron n. LADIES), WDRK PulcliWnrk quilt, cnttr)n...l‘v’liss Jennie Musun. Patcliwnil: quilt, mll;...l‘.lrs T Smith, Mrs P Mullen. Panel] wurk. quilt. crazy pattern . .Agnus McIntosh, Mrs S {mi-den. Patchwork quilt any ullior material. .Miss Anuiu Willis. Mrs Mc- Mnllen. 'Knitted quilt...Miss J Mason. Mrs Ruwden. Rag nmt...l\"lw W C‘ (CUXTIKUED 0N FOURTH PALE) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS tMowin machier Patterson 65 Bro. « H - Land rollerwG tam: v, A Maynard. Self bmding l'eaper~~»‘~‘ (Mun l‘wlnnnfactux'ing Co’s G Urth; Quinn-am} and Bro. Grain drillâ€"J O \Vianur, SH“ and Cm; Musson Manufacturing (10., L Brown. 2 horse farmer’s wauwm thixnhlc skeinï¬ Jas . rm 3 . Crmcksnank and 3-: :2 Emma! and J ones. . _ 2 Y lVIa-rket wammnâ€"â€"U B Islam] Ii or ':11 and D" 7 - Jones. Phwt0n~~J P Burbndgre. A Maynard Open buggyfâ€"Norval and Jones, G B Island. Covered buggyâ€" J P Bur‘uridgn, (1' 3‘. Iainnd, Dnublc seated cnrriugc#] 1') Burhridge, G B 1:- landl harvest and best. djx )lnv of curriâ€" b I , agesoâ€"~J P Bnrlwidqm, G B lsluru. CH" ti 'iLtUYâ€"J (1' \‘Jid'm", 554m and Cm, Put- tersun and 15m. ' :ht boom plow »7 Keys and 12111:va v Hull 2nd. [ran ' 'â€"A N. ' ' L ililint‘. Stmu and paw «Winch»: FRUITS Variety of apples, 6 of eachâ€"mi A Gage. Harrison and Son. 12 cooking applesâ€"E Langstnï¬', \V McClure. 12 table applesâ€"E L:-.ngsl.aff, A A Gage. 12 winter applesâ€"J Kefl'er. T Hersey. 12 russetsâ€"-A A Gage, 'J‘ Kursey. 12 winter pearsâ€"D Elder, C E Brown. 2 autumn pearsâ€"Mrs W Bell, \V A \Vallis, 6 clusters open air gl‘aI‘GSâ€"~-C E Brown, S Hartman. 12 cull: upplsï¬~M0unsey 131-03., T Teasdale. , Earn-,1 greening ap- plesâ€"E Langstnff. Amortmont ban‘elq apples~E Langstaff. :!;x.rrcl winter ap- plesâ€"~J Kefl'el‘, J A Cherry, Jarrol 0f northern spy applosâ€" ,lim'i‘isnn and Son. GRAINS Am) SEEM '2 bush fall wlwuL m":an 1n \Vest York. re(i~R. Wilson, J liall'ur, A A Gage. 2 bush. fall wheat. \\'hiteâ€"â€"Clmï¬ Grant. (‘r Gremnis. R Vv‘ilson. ‘2 ‘nnsh. spring wheat). red-â€"O Grunt, 1st; A Laundry, 2nd and 3rd. 2 bush. spring wlxeatgvhite â€"â€"A Laundry, C Gram, l1. \Vilmn. 2 bush. barley, 6 rowisd~~0 Grant, G Gre- iizals. R \Vilson. 2 bush. iii-WW)wa peas â€"â€"0 Grant, A Laundry, 1.1 ‘. Tilsnn, 2 bush. common nensï¬U Grant. M Hurri- son and Son, R VVilsun. 2’ bush. black 0atsâ€"~R \Vilsun, (‘r (ll-cumin, C Grant. 1 bush. White nal,sâ€"-O Grant, G Gremlin, R Wilson. Bush. timnthy seedâ€"G Gre- lnaiS,’ R Wilson. l2 oars livld corn~J McKay. 12 cars tulile (:UK’Hvâ€"F Daniela, C E Brown, lnsli. flux seedâ€"C Grant, G Gremais.’ Bush. tn 3â€"41 Gl‘illll’, A Laundry. 2 bush. bl lmrlvy Clmq Grant. Half hush. lwana~ll Wilson, M Harrison and son. [Single copies, 3 cts ; indies » I crock buttmu..1l. ..T 3‘} ialtllobmnk s 1LC1.LII‘(. 1011 -~.1'ml:m, (3 lbs 1‘ No. 17. 1. ‘ leriving lard. Sleigh Mining: quill . Chum-‘â€" zill in opem» 10 lbs fresh 17 . H A ,1: McCiure.