ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCILWSurvk-os 31: order n folk)“ 5 'J‘horuhill m H (mu. um: 111::1mmnd hill at 10:30 mm; the following mlny at l’u'ch- mond Hill at 9 mm. and '1‘1101‘2113111 [Lb 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. J. E;:a11,Pustor ‘ Churches. ST. MARY s: EPISCOPM. Gunmanâ€"Snrvice at 3 1311].,6‘10Ppt the third Sunday of every month, when the ï¬ervjcg myl f4 {uncut are held at; 11 , ,, (11 n "hm Rmmrom) LODGE, AJE‘. & A. M. NH. 2%, (~}.R.(‘ Meets in theLndge 1‘(.\om,lv1;wu\.\' :hxdlmn’ohe Monday on m' In)me [nil mot ,1, m ’d o'clock p.221 1. Crosby, “X I. RICHMOND HILL TEMT‘T 1-1, 1'? 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in the 'i‘eznpm‘nlu‘n H :nll' m's rv \le esdny evening. at 730(1’010011. \Ym, ] frv’w ( 1; ' .1). MECHANII‘S’ lNi'l'ITU’l'E." 111', Valumesppi-u every Tuesday sonic Hull,f1'om ’7 t0 8 o‘clor yiiLu. Low‘mms muldiscussiuw 1H 1er ANCIFLVT onmm 0F FURTER'U‘J‘,‘ mrmd, N0. 7M?) 3‘ 0.13:, moeh 1; Han every Hibernate Fridm’ at 7.30 1 Mcl)01mld,(1. 1i. The Methodist Sabbath Emil Cf» 'Ltion iss‘uo pledfm m, 1:: rA red. Wmflun‘ison in; {IQHMOND HILL (Jonmc‘r 1 p 'uc’mcc every Tuesday mm 51:11 750 O‘cloék W. Shappmfl, h n MnTnoDIST CHURCHâ€"Sewivcs at; 10:30 mm and 6:30 p. m.,m1<1 Sunday school, at 2.30 p. m. Young people’spruym‘ meeting ’l‘unsdny evening. General Prayer Meeting every 'Il'm‘svlnyex'mung 1'11 the Lecture Room. Rev. \V. R“ banger, Supt. l’uev. Leonard, Assistant. PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH 01" (1w 9.5 1] o’clock n.1n.,n.ud 6:150 1mm. 1‘ on Wednesday eveningaï¬: ron. l’uston Arm HSm‘viccs 'un-r 1 ohm! Cum- 11 "my ('m .i(‘x:,n‘ncgin>,11 H: ‘ Allï¬uycrc, Muster \Vorkmuu R.T.(r1',’¥'mnpemnr-e, RM '1 1N0. 4’3, Meats in Tcmpcu‘m: x11,th 'J uerdny evening nit M f‘ :im‘y « 1 nos ' ' member ' 1000 or in (a. 119.1! mu in mmeof ' pm: Hula; L Councillms; E cretm -. Rector ï¬'luLAqr. COUNCILâ€"Rev" g M c linrs "(w-m .s. Tmnj. Heddit‘n, (2. Saw ., mud I4‘.1\I<:Conaghy. A. O. U. \V.,Ivy Lndoo (iummiUvu 111 ‘01' 5mm fnfauiblo Blood Purimu, 1.0sz of Appetite, Iml' Y HIiounn ', Jaundicn, \oumummu, n1] 1H" Lune-.1 MSW FRANK LA 93 ARUS :I 3 Slit v aux C. W1; 3: :.)t(:Culin]'10 JPr-nmhua, x 7‘01;th and It}! Skin TAM-h “mil Minn of thc “can't, Hmn‘ 1mm 1‘ Lawn d7 Con, c Estc I‘m'nly \‘ugumblc. m .LO. ‘t 1 mt“ ,, Hon n .1 u.. H «mm, (M: :0, ch and to 0111;. Thaw Spectm: 0s sun! ,.~T3'p(_1l:_1,::_r:es have been Twed for me past 3.; \vcmrhgmu gn'cn 1n Ever 111- nu _, AL 5.1mm! unboundnd sniiuimï¬jon. They are the Lesa in hm: “(u-1d, T1 _ Jim at tire, and last 1mm) )eui's without change. Leml the following in minimiia I lame groutplem‘m ‘n L-mtih n; Until hm‘e Wornï¬peumcles nani‘mimenl by Frank Lazar- In fm~ ï¬fteen 3 cars. mid iii v excel 2111 others: I ] ave used fur alumnus of Vision and cuse whim \u 11mg, 01' reading. J.‘\I‘.1’F.S GODFREY. Lute lncuuibent of Trinity Churcli,\\'oiie Island for Scale by T. F. flitrflIflIIOA", ‘il‘wil‘ii will pay an above Rowan-:1 for any mm» 05;†Z‘y'zpeysza, liver Carmhmt, Sticks Eea..1a one. , indigestion or (ï¬asflvenoss m cmmct A21 we win: “WWI-"fl 2115837. lviiaï¬aï¬, wmm "ma mummy“ are swicï¬â€˜y , m-n-Lplwd wit‘ . Largo Boxes, contaman E at. mm, 95 Cents; é $1.496). (mid [ i‘ ‘2»3152"; 1 HAle LAZAII'L'S, Nmmfflctnror, :5 Mary Laud. R ~ml, Flurruwlx’nmi, Landon. I<2nu1u1;d,(1ubo Lazarus Mon 5 }lzl)'Y-f_\‘1'(l. ()mm.) JAKI‘qu .m w A, . L; No name . on “1111 any obher ï¬rm Dumlmun 01 Canada I Unmsmm OF " LIBERAL.†' 11011310qu MILL Sundigv'échéol atlzaollï¬i 7' Rev. w. Bates, sctaclag massage (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazmus & Morris) Sitimxgc flimtm‘y. IEY \VEAI' THE ONLY {flï¬afléflvmï¬ï¬ï¬‚ KKEN‘ZE‘VEEE Societies. of 0101‘ h ’w] '.‘e1'xt;wc-rrmce As H n 3' Sunday when alz‘ $“(ih loch; for mung, u'euing at MHz-l: pm Burt ‘ 3:: mw u. dent! ‘ mmzncn. rm; »utz-J. 0. G. T.â€" rt 7. "if" » .‘n 'w («=2 a mm A Di m‘ncfj c yawn muourt Rich- (: 'j‘umpm‘mme J 1:. m Geo. v ‘bcy .116 the um, and last 'hj} Jomu'il .rlnrxh alum» 1} )u. 3mm» fwxmah 1'1! the [\C S in thc (.UT Pursuant t0 the judgment of the Chnncoiy Di‘. isinn of tho Hip}. (limit. of Justice. in the mutter of 'J‘ii:iuLi:j,' icugzi ‘rs, deceased, 3051915 v Rogers, mm with tho uppi‘nbzmun «if the Maxter in Chancery. iiiex‘e “iii hc oii'ereil fur saulc in one pur(:c].b_\' public mu‘tlmi. by JG. StokesAuctinn» «tar, at the Quenn’s Hotel, in the village of AUI‘OX‘IL (iiiEiLturdmt the (Mi day of November, )Sb‘ï¬. M3 the hmn‘ vi 2 o'clock in the afmmouii, the friilev- iug freehold piopul'ty, namely :anb number eleven in the suumvd concession of the Township 01 Kingï¬onminmg NH YLCI‘Ch. exempting Lin-remit, [0111‘ Mimi] pummls, :ihwunting in nu to inbuilt ï¬ves {WY ‘ Vhiiini'm) sold and convey: L ’1: pi‘iiqmrty s til-v {mm of ï¬ne late Timothy Roam s, of tho ’l'owxshiiv of Kiiiq, and is to be fluid sub- jectiu 211mm) LuIL'L’; in hi9 Niobium, which will expire on MM: 15‘!) Am‘ii, [890. the icm‘ee paving an [DJIIUILI mm of 50 and mi tuxo '_( lgu was} N.» mil bu Olliib'lh m the rent from flm (HIV w; \\‘]'\i"'.i‘10)‘ILyShiSDlli‘CiitHQ money. ’i‘ivm'v .‘il‘c “hunt flame acres of Yeiiring fruit Lr< 0:4, :m‘i :i‘wmi' *‘iii‘uy news of busw, iimbuwd pinivipuiiy \. iii: inmiwmn‘. ; the remainder is (MM 1 him iuifl, imd the whole lot, is enclosed ’11»er:u‘czmmxt Lr< 0:4, :ux‘i 31mm, 1! prinvipuily x. in: l {Cuml 1mm m‘c hm", b" good fcncvï¬. W Wu†flux Upon tho 1},» 1:\ are built a brick dwelling- houm'n z; I:1:;.jvimru,rmd Lzoud shed», htll‘flen uud mltlmi‘ydinga. in guozl rclmir. The soil is gener- atly :2 ; ulnv roam. There are two wells :md two civic-rm. m: \ , fan-m. It iadismmt from Emu stutiun fume urn ,j'mm Aurora ï¬ve miles, and from Nc‘ wuflmt m‘uc milos. The property will be sold m 15-01; in L110 lease above mentioucdpnd to z! n“ «31" n1 WI! ï¬xml bytho Muster. TIM: \’(b11"1\/]‘S “111 nnt be required to produce an Luh, Lu, 9: ,m' mules t1mrc01‘,or evident: as ' mm 01951112? 11 mgv ubm 'uct other than thi ï¬x 5m ~,\‘=’,:. in: ‘ The “that (5011(Iiti0115 01' mm the manning: conditions of the Court. '1 on DC)" 061:1. 01' HH‘ purchase money is LU be 1"th de1 us a deposit to the vendors or their 3â€] ‘ (rs 91‘ “w ‘Ciwn; z 1‘ rude, and the bnvlunve within vmrï¬l thorwafLr-J'. wiihout interest, mto L. the crudit of this mutter, } m- f‘u'rlm' pz‘rticulnrs uplvlv ut- the ofï¬ces of Vilw-Izuwm, 1'»"N:tlonahl, Memtt (Y Sheplsy. as my] H {i want! L’ um i, :mdlmlph & Brown, Vendors? 244'»th ‘1' 1m A xixéhiillu shrvet 1‘1 51,, 01' to Juhu linglms‘ Q. ( ‘, Toronto Street, Toronto. Damn} UH LA L11 dew of (mebe 1%‘6 huh: West lmlf lot 27, 2nd Con. Markham. 1001mm: Hover-{ï¬ling stream. No \er TOVJ ‘ Apply to 17-4 JUDICIAL SALE 1 1'»11:-1fu1's,1» linzlms‘ Q. 1m» ' t}; Mm Q TQM/V?) LES“; ' k ON“ 0 :11 ton o’clock, to ham and determine the sevâ€" (xrnJ vomuluinbï¬ of errors und omissions in the ‘x‘ntm‘b’ L 01‘ the Ahuxioipulity of Richmond Hill for 153%. Dated the 5th day of October, 1888. M. TEEFY, Clerk of. the said Mumcéqmlitv. (.22: 2533:). ~.ay of Octo'ber, 18865 fumily \Vcst’s Liver Pills, a never failing rem edy for 21H liver and stomach diseases, Purely vegetable. All druggista. mwwswsp 3|: VAUGHAN : Voters’ List, 1886 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 9; Court, will be held pursuant to “ The Voters’ Lists Act †and mnondnmnts thereto. by His honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York at the VILLAGE 0].“ MAPLE. ON TUESDAY. THE 26TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1886, A'Lv‘ NINE O’CLOL‘K FORENOON, to hem‘ and determine the SUV rul cmnpluints of errors and omisswns in the roters’ List of the Municipality of the said 'l‘mulshijv 0! Vaughan for 1886. ,L u_a n A; misons 5‘ bugginggssrnt the Court are roqnatad to attend at the said time and place. baked the 5th day of 9f: er, A‘ D. 1880. ‘- v unhnnnn COURT OF APPEAL Ric. VOTERS’ LIST, 1886, A comfortable house with three-ï¬fths of 1m Mn: 0! luml is in: sale on the 4th 0011. Markham, in the village 0L itnchod to the hawk: is: In good shop, which wmzid ziffï¬â€˜ï¬'d an e . Aunt oppm Lun‘iy for u H1108- mzdwr. limbs 01 .5111 h‘uiLsL phxma, churries, &c. ’J'( hm rumour:th Apmutn 1 - [‘1‘7) ’13 p Irv-r. Notiw‘id‘awhygivon that [L Court will be MIL p'uw'u “)L to the “ Yotarn' List AOL," by His ‘ A ‘ ",n of the County Court of the (ï¬lm) « AGom‘. Gmm-nl Sorvmxb wanted in a small .mily. LVo washing. Apply at 15-“ THE LIBERAL OFFICE. lGND HELL, E r *4. fl" ‘ V» M . 5. 1?} ~ 5 a } EU UN RENT Y ‘WANTED- I 31er Eiavtttiï¬cmmm. VICTORIA SQUARE. ’u L): a. shoemaker or tnilm' A. MULDOON .l 1' “mouth. with shop attachet‘p, to rent * ml the \‘ingt: of L RN H ILL .N bl’i .LJ:’ m" :tchting’ a few pupils for lessons in Ixilxmc. Terms moderate. 13 OF FARM IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF 75.3 w w J'Asj M. LAWRENCE Clerk of the said Municipalitv s,cuu1 and woml, fur mh) On the F'. LAN G8 1‘ AFI“, Ric] mmud Hill N E OF KING. ii. :vIACIMAN. Chief Ulcrk M‘ 0 “'31. AT KIN SUN Vim. nun Squ: ‘ 1'11: mm! ll) TREN CH’ 8 ~CARRUKGE WORKS.- In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patrnmge during the past twentyï¬ve yeuts, I beg: to re- 111indH1em and the genbtal public, that. having erected extirely new and com- mndious premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriagesf RECEMUHD HILL STA'EEQE EWLSW’S WANDARDSGALES The undersigned begs to infoni the inhabiâ€" tants 01' MAPLE' and Vlcini’uy that he intends keeping on hau' {L good supply of Coal and Wood M Gutters, Duth light and heavy. 311 of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own snpervison. I mu 11151: lump; ‘od tn do all kinds nf blackâ€" ;nithim; <3. repairing in the most work- mzmliko manner, on the shortest notice, and m1 the most reasonable terms. (‘}11(‘Jh')15,1,‘\,t pair M... Imttvr, plmnd r0115. Butte tv‘b dairy . ]<1;:w:,h ~11, pm 1103. l’uta,tucs, pm' bag Amn‘m per hm, .m, (mim :en, ‘rur 1mg Cuhbzuge ( o iztulimm‘er do COR ‘3', do ’1‘1. “ pa, per bag Carrots, :20. m. Hay, per hm . . . ...- surmv, per ton . RILHMOND HILL Thursdav,Ju1y 8 , nuts, per bushel .................... .350 3‘ P02 , do. ..... Dr ,d hammer 100 lbs‘ Bed. fore r;1mrter......,..... Beef, hind quarter ........ Chickens,per pair ,.._ Ducks. do .. ...... Geese, cm‘h ...... ... ’l‘urkex's‘ chlb ..._. Butter, pound r01] Butter, large rolls. .. Ems. fresh, per dozen .m Potatoes, per bag†Apples, pm: bbl ..... onions, greeu,1:cr bush- Cabbage, 129: L102 _. Celery, do .. Turnips, perbag ....-._. Cnrruts, do ...,. ....... Beans. per peck........._.... Flour, Spl‘iflï¬, per 19131...." Flour, full, per 101)] ~....-. Huy,pcr non straw, per ton -. Maple, July 75h, 1886‘ EACH PLUG OF THE WNLE MW GAUTION. l N BRONZE LET'E'E Ba. WEBER WINE Hams - Shoemgj G 0 AL will boon thepremisoa for weighing. K311 hn’ffl. 119" 1C fn'xl (punters h 110 qmn‘ï¬ers {(115,1501‘ pair . do . All orders promptly “tended. Ton-orrrn TnursdamJuly S IuSS. ' 1], per bushel F0 75 mg, do 70 ~ .0 MECHKMOND HILL. Raid special attention to. 33. EU MBLE .- mm SPRW WAGONS. m @222 aï¬Rthï¬. Sleighs am}: WOOD IS MARKED AND WM TEENCH 0 (35 0 (:0 1 50 0 1,3 0 (10 0 1L 0 90 2 or) 0 00 u u; 0 (I0 0 00 0 40 6 (i0 4 00 9 00 L33 11.0 000 7 (‘0 (30 IIU 0 00 ‘l (‘0 U 00 i) ('0 11 ['u) 5 00 10 00 ‘u‘ 00 011 0 (30 0w (J 50 10 (#0 {A} (i0 F 0 70 35%}; do they Come '3 Because they had the (made. This I‘Jnchino is without av parqu in tiw himwy of Sewing Mzmhinos. \Vithin H10. 3:715:12 leH‘ years Hwy home: men :ievon Imxlu‘zs m, Provincia} and other large Fairs. 011W iaat fall they took First Z’riz-zo and '4 M- l»? at, the \anld's Fair, Anhvm‘p. L J .1‘ 1:; and n Diploma. last full nf, Lnndm! fur um. ( dam: nu this excellent muchirm. This machine was awarded nine J’n‘st iZ‘Yrézes Jsml, MEI. At Lire “Rm: an‘l: Fairy K‘anfln'ichii‘, this “luflhille carri- ed off Hm L" wat honm‘sa. Firgt Triy , besidns fnux‘ extra prim? for work, :10 you 596 thvy 13:31“! 3M! INT}, and cmwy (Ji'ï¬'n'st lmllx far and mm: This machine has 9v. it. n1()1'+_'i:n;n‘u\'9 Hts than any other mmminu. ,i‘n:tur<\,buying, am it, try it, and don" ‘m: lad awasy by other}; till you. ha, '0. All orders by mm} promptly attended to. Address c Dude? A oomph“: at! (:1. 0f Vial} 1i Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unezcelied. PERFECTLY BEARDS BilRLEY. Roma-Yeas 311mm Gaps frcm Wheat GLEIANS GRAIN FIT FQ‘R MAEKET. > ~ BECAUSE - » it ï¬rm a swarm? am! 8500M WWW/$- MILL aï¬aoï¬em’. Arcade. Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORDS, ONT. WMQRRES DOUBLE Has 11m exclusive right for the use of IIurd’s New Method of extract-â€" ing tenth without pain, by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $8.00 0N EELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 Guild Filling, and a]! other nperatinns akiï¬tflly “rim-med). at, mgderatc fees. Ca]! and see me. No trouble to an- :we: questiwns. VITALIZED AIR ! I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. Write post card {or Illustrated Pamphiat. WU"; L L £91331???) é Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases . E3. LENNQX, ï¬ï¬ENTI‘ST; BEST SETS Ixqu supply Thieshing Engines at Maker‘s Prices and Terms. Write for Testimonials and Circulars to C. 1%.. “TEE N613? EL, ï¬ngQmfl,†NEWJMIAEKET & 80 JARVIS, S311, TORO} N EXW \W i: LLEA M S i Orders coming in by maii fzmtel‘ than ever far that celebrated J. EEK-313:1, Richmmm Hill. L )7 FT KKK? .v . 1+4» ; 9 'HQ ï¬dï¬mflra’mk - ttn EZJKQStEI’I‘ RUNNING THE LEORRIS DOUBLE mux and :‘ i we. in :11} CI 7's and 5:12 MM “mintâ€"1?, .‘V M <7 II?“ and (492115†Furhi n‘ Lad} . 1'. Cutï¬wlradus, “A SCH] .4. ‘nwr and iordnrings, Something new in Styles and? I‘ ï¬llins, from 5 cents up. y 'J £ 1 lasssw are r] L7â€â€˜l.’53tliï¬\t}y m) l. aigm k» of ( ty ‘STEAC‘E EMFLSYMENT T0 GOOD MEN ' ‘KDUS EXPERIENCE NUT ESSENTth 2 we Payinther Salary or Largest, 'in Canada, over 400 acres. 'Dun’t apply unless ywu (:zm furnish ï¬rstâ€" class X'efm'encus uud Hunt to WArk. No room for llnzy mm), but can employ any nmuhar of enev~ zetic men who v! «mt work. Address STONE 6L WELLINGTON, F'wr'zcn‘men, 'I‘wxmtn, 0:11 TEE NEWER E‘EHBSEBIES} ~ ‘7' W W A L Rb +41le STOCK “EVA LL PAPE HS . 1m Smafl Men ‘vVuNe’d at mme t0 canvass for the Pale. wf Canadian grown L{ ) DRESSER. hum? Emvs, Cmem 1 wry CLUEâ€) 1 :ammmvm ‘1‘ ï¬lm .1 " J" . «‘KIIK. (In‘iVï¬ï¬‚e Commission. Ada-16m of man NTO. 5:133, Denâ€" who mom Crockery