Woodbrid'gve‘ .Kleinburgm - r Houston... .‘ 30th . o Vitalized Ar: always an hand at appointments Works like u, charm, Free from 1min. thankful for the favors of the past 570 years may still be consumed 17:, any branch of the pro~ lession, as follows: - Ulroru, 1st, 8th, 16:11, and 221"} of ea‘o‘n month Richmond Hill.“ . . .9th and 24th fln_ mï¬villa . . . Markham . . . . Victoria. Square...“ I‘hornhijl. Walkér House Barristers, Solicitors, Gonveyancers, &c.. Wnto Ofï¬ceâ€"$10. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. Na.x5 Toronto Street. mphmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"«Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Ml Yonge Street, Next door to 2110110“! a G. F. LAWRENCE. V T. G. MILLIGAN. J. A. M ANDREW. Wilts, Glnclw, @rluxUL-rg, @ilbrrhmu :mb Cfl‘pfirnl 6303335. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY EIGHT. THE UBERAL PRINTING 62’. PUBLISMNG HOUSE ‘dIUHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ‘Tflif ï¬gflfly’ $1635»: 5% SiZE'AE‘éEFE. Wm. ’30 (ERâ€"RS9 131$ . ., @cntxl §utg2my :11 mg s'rnEE'r EAST, TORONTO, opmsn‘m Tim " GLOBE" OFFICE. Veterinarv surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vet College, Toroqto.‘ . :1 “HAWHUL : 1....-.â€1- Dr. Janmes Laugstmfl War College Physicians & Surgeons 01:13., mm... - v- . steEses of El] tho Domesticated Animals created. RESIDENCE: -â€"STH AVENUE.‘ WoonnnmGE. THURSDA‘FZ' EVENING l-‘uflm‘ton, Cook «K: Miller, BARRIS’lERS. SULICl’l‘ORS, &c. “DES: 18 KING Smmuz'r EAST, Tonou're‘ Richnmnd Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. Medalist Toronto l‘nivmsiiv 33(1) bm’ (“o Physicitms & Sm'uemm,01ml]sz of Stoufl‘ville Yonge ‘Street Richmond Hill. Gflfco Hours to lo a. m., 5m 8 p.311. Mess A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Auroxa‘ Ont. Dr. (Dl'l‘g Maple. afloahours: Bto 9.30 m. m.. and to 2.30 {a E. M. MGHPHY. §0N dc CO‘ LAWRENCE“ MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, J S Fulhzrtmx, VOL., IX. (mgï¬he Palmer House) GLS 1031 EXTRACTIIVG. BUSINESS CARDS. L’s? rum-m mums To 1mm. '8‘. Viflflfllgfl@ fljï¬ Franklin .1. Andrews. ¢ l ‘l/' @112 @‘thcmi†T. Manufacturers & Importers of EDITOR- and EROPRIE'TCJR. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Rlclnnond nan. VITALEZED AIR. per annum, in advance.] Dr. “7. 3. ‘Wilsam. IS PUBLISHED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Robinsoqu F. liEWl'l‘T» Vltalized Air Administerâ€" ed. Broken cheap teeth or teeth not ï¬tting, made over on shalt notice. (\N stei'tcinztry. SURGEON DENTIST Wmï¬cul. 332ml. mum. W' Coo}; J. R. Miller WTORON TO .18t‘n 201k let 23rd 28th FEES MODERATE in. do. do. do. do Deposits received and Interesballowed thereon at Current Rates. Nu notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on 11.11 parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and sold. $402510 @ESSQJVS. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best; of accommodation. Excellent shaming a.de attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms 81 Der dav. Every accommodation to guestfl. Board. 81.00 per day This popular Summer resort has been reï¬tted m ï¬rst-class style, and now presents every con. venience for guests and‘boarders. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Best Pic-Nic Grounds in the County. Full supply of pleasure and ï¬shing boats. Terms moderate. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENTS. SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M, Muc- donuld, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. Undertakers & Embalmers. Funeral Furmchlngs Always on Hand MISS HERA ENJle Central Bank of ï¬anada. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Lmenaed Auctioneer for the Country of York Sales attended on the shortest noticeï¬nd at rea- abe rates. Address Stouflvxlle P. 0 gammy gala» gum. Licensed Auctioneer for the) Connty of York, re- spectfully solicits vour 3342;011:1119 and friendly influence‘ sales atfmnde on tho shortest notice and at reasonube rates. P. 0. address, King. Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillinger. Proprietor. Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabletates. P. 0. Address, Licensee! Auctioneer for the Counties of York Onbarm and Peel. Goods sold on consignment). Genera-1 sales of stock. etc" promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. UNIONVILLE. To Loan at 6 per cant. Straight loans. Tmms of repayment of principal made to suit; burruwors. First- uml second mortgages bought. Advances made on second murwages and to purchase farms. A No cost/s matured in makinz applicuticns for money. Write, or call at once for particulars. Lends Money at and 6 per cent. per annum. Mort gages, Life and Endowment Assurance Poli- cies bought at highest cash prices. Notes cashed. 6 139 *; per cent. seemed for persons having money to Invest, @4379 @WIQW 1N flï¬TES Is prepared to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessona As formerly. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, E. LEMQJV, @flaï¬â€™ï¬ï¬ EQEEk, 158 _KIING sunn'r 3131‘. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, JAMES M. LA‘WBENCE, Manager. WM. BELL, Proprietor. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1886 A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. James C. Stokes. $500,000 N . J. Armstron g, 2515 Rareunumua. Salem Eck'ardt 20 Adelaide 812.. East, Toronto. S. M. Brown. czgwmw @m.†Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. ‘E’iiluum. E. R. REYNOLDS, “In Ersmtz’als, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libmfy; in all things, Charity QUEBEC ELECTIONS. The result of the elections in Quebec are not a' surprize to perhaps the most thoughtless observer of things political. ,There is I venture to say more divergence of opinion as to the causes which have produced this result, than on any other current topic, with the exception perhaps of the various estimates very respectable people hold of the Bond St.Mahai. Mal- ice has done its utmost to blindfold rea- son, while ignorance has played all sorts of ridiculous pranks. The causes have been laid at the door of everything ex- cept political right sense. The theory of Race and Revenge may be dismissed as a wild effort to draw the wool over the eyes of sensible folks. The thinly concealed cry of the people of Quebec being influ- enced by desire of wild revenge on behalf of a fool-rogueâ€"if true, and it is notâ€"â€" would brand the people of a whole prov- ince as fools, or something worse. That the events of last year have stirred to the bottom their feelings, no one denies. Quite right, too. Are the men who cleat- ly are culpable to escape ? It may satisfy the law to hang up a poor devil or two for treading in the path of which English history has furniahed so many precedents. Good Conservatives, well fed and content- ed. may applaud the hanging and other- wise disposing of those who stood soielv upon their civil rights. This may satisfy them, but most assuredly it will not those of us who hold fast to Liberal principles. The rebels have suffered as the law di- rects; those who made of neaceable men rebels, await their taial. Public opinion at the polls so far has unmistakably ï¬x- ed the guilt. Quebec also has spoken the men who stand and fall in the misgov- ernment have this time received their due. For this reason we in Ontario must rejoice at the ï¬rst instalment of justice meted out to the uiders and abettors of bad government in Quebec. The people of Ontario are a unit in detesting the horrid accompaniments of the revolt; With its crimes they have no sort of sym- pathy. The perpetrators have been just. ly punished. There yet remains unwhipt of justice a party, a government identi- fled with, and responsible for the causes that led to that revolt, and no sham plat- form, no quibbles and quirks can evade that direct responsibility. The credit therefore is due to the people of Quebec for their bold and outspoken verdict clear The triangular contest now in progress in New York in which three- candidates, each eminent in his way, seek the ofï¬ce of Chief Magistrate of New York, is not without interest to outsiders. Theodore Roosevelt represents the Republican party. Abram Hewitt the Democratic party. Henry George that of the work- ingmen. Of the ï¬rst two we can say but little, and that little’ not of the best. The workingmen‘s candidate merits more consideration. Intellectually he stands as far above his competitors as a. giant above a dwarf. For years past New York has been ruled in the interest of the Democratic party, and just as Phila- delphia was compelled to form her famous committee of a. hundred to rid herself of Republican party misgovernment, so now are the workingmen of New York seeking the overthrow of Democratic party mis- government. The latter party in that city is divided into two sections. the one called Tammany, the other Irving Hall, each controlled by cliques or cabal of not over scrupulous persons. Now one sec- tion and again the other is in the ascend- ant, maintaining its position by a judici- ous system of sale and trafï¬c, in public oflices, and other arrangements made for the purpose of satisfying those possessed of claims on the good-will of the party. The interests of the city Were not improv- ed by this kind of thing, and the conse- quent surrender of important privileges to greedy monopolists. again with the m- trusting of important public works to no- toriously dishonest hands, the city suffer- ed yet more severely. These consider- ations, and the desire to bring about a. new and better state of things in munici- pal government, may perhaps be said to have most to do with the candidature of Henry George. There still remains,how~ ever. another, and perhaps a stronger consideration. The principles of the man attract support. He is most known as the clever author of Progress and Pover- ty. The doctrines laid down in that book have met with ready acceptance in many places, particularly in England. M. Devitt in his “Lecture to a solitary audi« ence,†composed whilst undergoing penal servitude, develops the theory of land nationalization as held by George with remarkable clearness and ability. This little work will amply repay perusal, con‘ sidering the near approach to the ï¬eld of practical politics of many of the theories therein laid down, it should be read and re-read and its contents laid to heart, for in it are the germs of the movement which shall scatter existing lines of dis- cussion to the winds. Henry George re. New York Elections-â€" Quebec has Spoken. Our Toronto Letter. bills Jos.Hall Presbyterian Church... J. Stewart, attending of Appeal . . T. F. McMahon, of Appeal ...... T. F. McMahon, Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 30 M.Teefy unending Court of Appeal 8 38 Moved 1);} Mr. Reddiht’, scugnde b'y The Council met on Monday evening, Oct: 253b, at 8 o’clock. _ The Réeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Redditt, McConaghy, Saypge andrPoiwell. 7 Mï¬mtes held on the 25th of Sept, read 31ng approved. ’lhe following accounts were then read: Sanderson Bros $1 00 W. Snider 3 75 Geo. Trench 23 A. J. Rupert, 16 20 W. Trench ............................. 16 80' W. Atkinson‘ . .. . Jos. Devlin A. Moudie I. Crusby... . . . . . . . . M. H. Kecfler, advertising Court A concert was held in the hall here on Wednesday evening. the 13th inst. The entertainment consisted of _K_inderg§rten Songs, Solos, Recitations and Dialogues by the children of the Public School. The hall was ï¬lled to the doors, quite a number of persons having to stand. The entertainment was lively as well as in- structive, and reflects credit both on the children and the teacher. Miss Wallace. who is very popular among them.I Mr. J. T. Snigenn, of Springhill, occupied the chair, and ï¬lled it to the satisfaction of all, both literally and metaphorically. The proceeds were in aid of the organ fund. \Vest’s World’s VVouder or FamilyILin. iment is a remedy that no well regulated household should bawithout, as it is a positive cure for rheumatism. 'It is‘ in- valuable for sprains, burns, scalds and all diseases requiring external application. 25c. and 500. per bottle. All druggists. Miss Lena Stong, of York Township. who has been vislting at Mrs. R. Thomas’ for a few weeks, has returned to her home. M183 Annie Tinkler, formerly of this place, was married at her father’s resi- dence. near Wilcox’ Lake, on Wednesday, the 13th inst, to Mr. Irwin, of Lemon- ville. by the Rev. J. W. Savage, of Aurora. Some of the young men of this place are away on a hunters’ and expl'orers’ ex- cursion looking for land. Probably by next spring may will need some help to settle, so some of the young ladies ‘will be anxiously awaiting their return in order to hear results. VVest’s World’s Wonder, the magic cure for rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, and all diseases requiring an external remedy. 250. and 500. All druggists. A footâ€"ball match was played on Sat~ urday lest between the Laskay and Tes- ton clubs on lhe grounds of the latter. Although no games were scored on either side, it was apparent to the spectators that Laskay had the best of the play. and had Teston not been assisted by players from Toronto and Maple they would have been easily defeated. Our team are to play with Sprinlznill next Saturday. as! the noonday sun; We therefore should be prepared when opportunity offers it- self to repeat with redoubled vigor the blow that has been sent home to the frontispiece of Conservative rule. From our own Correspondent Mr. H. Baldwin has erected a new dwelling house and is also putting new machinery in the woollen mil]. YVlIen completed it; will make a great improve- ment in the appearance of things around his place. ' We notice that the; bills announcing the reâ€"upening of the Methodist church, Purpleville, are out. It; should be well attended asa good programme is preâ€" pared. West’s Cough Syrup, pleasant to take and always gives satisfaction. Do not be put elf with any other, but insist upon having \Vest’s Cough Syrup, genuine wrapped only in blue, three sizes. All druggists. The \Vuodbridge News Correspondent feels rather sick of late. There were no items from chat. source lust week. Per- haps he has been off again on another bone investigating expedition. in . Mrs.McCa11um is visiting with her sister near Mount Forest. TEMPERANCEVILLE. From our own Correspondent. Village Council. (Crowded out last issue) [UH 1 u....-.........;...... n...†u...- LASKAY. advcraising Court 50 quarter sheet Court of 1 50 14 18 2 00 350 Thousands of testimonial creasing demand attest flu West’s Cough Symp. the 2 for all thrOat and lung div 25b; bottle. All druggists I use no cheap mate-rial :; ’1 war! every set. . Gold Filling, and all otln wperati skilfully performed, at made :me fees. Cal] and seeme. No txma‘ï¬e to am awer questions. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" $10.00 THE FONTHILL N'UBSERIES, Largest in Canada, over 400 acres. Don’t apply unless you can furnish ï¬rsb+ class references and want to work. No room for lazy men, but can employ any number of ener- getic men who want work. Address STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of Wonderful is the effect of \Vest’s World’s Wonder, or Family Liniment in rheumatism, sprains, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, and all diseases requiring external application. It stands without a. rival. 250. and 50c. per bottle. All druggists. Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 86 B, Upstairs. VI’I‘ALIZED AIR PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT ESSENTIAL We Pay Either Salary or ' Commission. By-Law read asecond time with the blank ï¬lled by the name of Jae. Daniels as collector. By-Law was a third time and passed. The Clerk rand the estimates for the current year. His statement was as fol- lows:â€" For County Purposes £176 50 The Clerk was authorized to receive taxes at his ofï¬ce on and before the 23rd day of November next‘ 5 per cent. to be allowed off up to that date. NONE NEED BE IDLE Mr. Redditt introduced by-law No. 129, to provide for levying and collecting all taxes in the Vlllage for the year 1886. The by-law was read a ï¬rst time. The Council then resolved itself into a committee of the whole. Mr. McCon- aghy in the chair. For County Purposes $176 50 “ Nippisaing Railway,east glde 49 93 High School Purposes ...... 250 00 “ Public School Purposes. . 933 34 “ Village Purposes 783 85 The assessment of the village was shown to he $172,150. 6‘ The Council then adjourned to on Monday evening, the 22nd of next. Consumptlves. do not despair. There is hope. Try West’s Cough Syrup. It; will always cure in early stages. Procure a dollar bottle of your druggist and be cured. o. ’P. LENNOX, STEADY EMPLOYMENT T0 GOOD MEN NURSERY STOCK. Mr. Savage, that the foregoing bills be paiq.â€"Car}‘ied. AGENTS WANTED. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless 111 all cases 100 Smart Men Wanted at once to canvass for the sale of Canadian grown BEST SETS DENï¬FIST; [Single copies, 3 cts M. TEEFY, Clerk. Mav ,1 No. 18. d an in r nlarity of ‘ar remedy Try :1 1 warrant 1684:1‘7 mentions meet Nov.