Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Oct 1886, p. 3

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Elliot 8; 0035 wholesale drug warehouse, Toronto, 11253 bccn destroyed by fire, causing a loss estimated at between $130,000 and $100,000, with insurance of $79,000. Manitoba millex's have been given such favorable rates by the Canadian Pacific rail- way that it is confidently believed they will be able to secure the British Columbia mar ket for their flour. Bonds of the Province of Manitoba. to the extent of $400,000 for the Hudson’s. Bay railway will almrtly he floated in Mantl'uul. Mrs. Dunlap, of \Villmrfm'ce township, Counxy Hf llonfi‘cw, has been arrested on the charge of murdering her husband a few Weeks ugr)‘ The North-V5051; Council have refutacd 1L petition for the mln‘ission of cattle inn,- of duty on tho ground that tGC muttur n: ts with the Dominion Government. The Mayor of Victoria, B. 0., and two other prominent citizens are on a. tour of in- spection of the lending cities of the Domin- ion, with a View of deciding on the best system of public works to be adopted in Victoria. The Manitoba Government are taking steps toward the relief of sufferers by the recent destructch prairie fires. J Prof. \Viggins is reported to have recoiw e a certificate of honorary membership in tile “ St. Aimnius Club,” of Topeka, Kansas. Aline of fire five miles long is sweeping over the swamps five miles west of Akron, Ohio. Large herds of cattle and quantities of standing timber and fences have been des- troyed. It is understood that Big Bear, who 11st been confined in Smiley Mountain Peniten- tiary since September, 1885, will sh only be granted his liberty. Kingston forwarders have done the largest business this season for five years at fairly profitable rates. Besides coal, 8,500,000 bushels of grain have been transhipped for Montreal sinee navigation opened. There is considerable opposition in \Vin- nipeg totlie city giving a bonus to the Hudson Bay railway until assurance of an unquestionable character is received that the mail will be immediately completed. A company of Canadian and United States capitalists has been organized, under thename yrurm n The other night the schooner “Emeline,” Capt. Grant, with a crew of six hands, was lost in Hermitage hay, west coast of New- foundland. The vessel \ 'as bound from St. Pierre to Bay Despair. She struck on Dra- gon promontory and sank immediately. New claims for losses incurred during the North-\Vest rebellion are continually being received by the \Var Claims Commission sitting in Ottawz . rl‘he commission has eul- justed between 1,800 and 2,000 claims, on which they have made an estimated saving of over $387,000 to the Government. 'l‘oronto \Vuter VWorks Committee has (le- cided to recommend to the Council that a. l)y-lzm' lie submitted for the issue of debenâ€" tures to lay a new pipe across the hay, 0w» ing to the large increase in the consumption of water in the city. The estimated cost is between $240,000 and $280,000. The police made a mid the other day on a small jewelry shop on Talbot street, St. Thomas, 0nt., kept by Geo. Currey. Upon searching the premises they found a. com- plete set of (lies and a quantity of material used for making counterfeit money. Carrcy was arrested and taken to the police station. Upon being searched a quantity of counter» feit money was found in his pockets. AMERICAN. This year’s cotton crop of the United States is estinmted at 6,202,708 bales. Many tons of Concord grapes have been frozen on the vmes at various points along the Hudson valley. HOME. Mr. Crawford, of Indian Head, has been elected to the North-\Vcst Council. Men are now employed in the work of constracting the Hudson Bay railway at Regina. Eighteen miles of the Hudson's Bay railway have been graded, and the sod has been bl‘ukcn on the whole forty miles, which will be completed in about two weeks if fine weather continues. David Googlein, the German now in Pem- broke gnol awaiting trial for the murder of his tenant, Mrs. \Verckenthal, in Raglan township, Renfmw, has made a full confes- sion of his crime and of the circumstances which led to it. - u“, ...w |)\/VAA \u 6(BLAJIAUKL, uuucx Luuuunle :vf “ he Canadian Anthracite Mining Com- pany,” with a, capital of $500,000, for the purpose of developing the coal mines near the Banif Hot Springs. A company of local capitalists has been farmed in \Vinnipeg for the purpose of se- curing the construction of a. line from \Vin~ nipeg southerly one hundred miles to the eastern boundary of Carillon county. The company is to be known as “ The \Vinni- peg, St Boniface & Carillon railway com- pany.” The village of Salisbury, Maryland, has been almost: destroyed by fire. Damage over a million dollars. It is expected the liquor permit system now in operation in the North-W'est Terri- tories will be abolished. l’x'nf. Hamnric ’ of London, 11st he an a)» pnintcd r'hiuf1hrm:t<)rnf Dunlinion LXpuI'L mental fm’m stations to be established under the Act pusscll last SC 'siun. An important meeting was held at Rut Portage to consider the question of titles to land in the disputed territory. Resolutions were passed urging the Dominion and Local Governments to remove the disabilities which now exist. A lighthouse at Michigan City, Indiana, was carried away during the late storm. There was a severe earthquake shock at Summerville, S. C,, on Friday night of last Week, but 110 damage was done. There was a lively fall of snow in several parts of Rockland county, New York, the other afternoon, and from an inch to an inch and a quarter of snow was found in some places in the county next mornixw. A python twenty-nine feet and a half long escaped from its cage in Boston, and was recaptured by four men after a terrible struggle, during which two of its captors were injured. An ordinance permitting the sale of beer in Atlanta, Ga.., has been vetoed by the Mayor of that city. THE WEEK’S NEWS. Edith, three years old, is sitting in the corner leaning her head on her hands and looking very miserable. Her mother in- quires : \Vhile it am true (lat all men war’ created equal, a. heap ob us have got spoiled in (la bringin’ up. About (le only time social bar- riers am abolished am doorin’ a steamboat exploslmn. The aiverage man’s bizness word kin be depended on up to a, sartin pintâ€"as fur as he will profit by keepin’ it. De problem 01) livin’ (loan depend so much on hangin’ to an old welvet ca’pet in (16 par- lor as it does in suvin’ dc crusts an’ crumbs in de kitchen. \Vhile you should love your naybur as yourself, (loan gin him to understan’ (lat you kin he depended on to lie awake 0’ nights to protect his grape arbor. De man who figgcrs dat he kin so live as to dodge slander an‘ escape malice has got a heap 0’ thistles waitin’ fur his hzu" feet. The owners of the schooner “San Drego,” seized for illegally taking seals in Behr- ing‘s son, are indignant that u. severer pun- ishment should be inflicted upon American than upon Canadian vessels convicted of the same offence. The South Boston iron works, the lead- ing gun factory of the country, has suspend- cd operations on account of inability to pay the workmen. Nearly 9500 expert iron workers are thrown out of Work. The Government owes the firm $25,000, and, as appropriations were not forthcoming, the company’s resources were exhausted. FOREIGN. Italy is now free from cholera. The Bulgarian Government is arranging with 21, London firm for a loan of £400,000. When a man’s whiskey costs 1110’ dun his flour he should stan’ ready to wote fur dc buildin’ of two wings to do county house. It is stated that negotiations between the British and United States Governments for a new extradition treaty containing impor- tant provisions have been iconcluded, and that there is no doubt of its being ratified by the United States Senate. De value 01) (10 dog you kick am no gauge fur do feelings ob dc owner if he happens to be around. It is proposed to erect a memorial church in London in honour of the Queen’s jubilee. The whole French infantry will be pro- vided with rifles next spring at a cost of $20,000,000. Broadcloth an’ silks 100k well on do street, but «ley (loan hitch very well wid cold taters at 110mm Nine men outer ton borrow wid de expec- tushun 0b bein’ just so much ahead. Dc old one will want to borrow again as a reward for his honesty. It am powerful easy to discriminate be- tween a wise man an’ a fanatic. De wise man belongs to your party, de fanatic to do opposishun. The Russian Government has officially in- formed the I’urtc that she does not intend to occupy Bulgaria. A London (lespateh says that Mrs. Leader, wife of a Camberwell butcher, after a quarrel with her husband, the other morning, left her home, taking her five little children with her. She went to the Thames river at Ful- ham, and threw herself and live children into the water. All were drowned but one of the children, which was rescued. Brother Gardner’s Short Ser- [[10115- Dar am certain fings which you kin chalk down on de cellar donh wid u foelin’ dat you run gwine to hit nine times whax' you miss once. It 21m twice as easy to spend fifty cents to go to the circus as it am to pay back two shillings of borrowed money. No 1mm kin remember what he {rowed his empty cansand bottles until he diskivers (lat somebody has dumped ashes obcr his fence. It is stated (Jen. Kzullbars i3 trying to win over the, Bulgarian garrisous to work arevo- 11111011 in favour of R115 in. Great alarm is felt in Sofia over the massâ€" ing of Turkish troops, which is at present in progress, along the Bulgarian frontier. (Jen. Sir Frederick Roberts will succeed the late Gen. Sir Herbert T. Macpherson as connnmldcr of the army of occupation in Burnmh. The Cologne Gazette, says the p01icy of Germany for many years towards England has been to everywhere advance and foster her power. A sheriffs party of thirty policemen at- tempting to evict a. tenant in Ulonakilty, County Cork, were assailed with bricks and boiling water and driven off. It is reported that Germany has joined France in urging England to vacate Egypt, and that Turkey and Russia are agreed in their opposition to English occupation. The bill introduced into the French Cham- ber of Deputies for the completion of the navy proposes an outlay- of $28,000,000 for the con- struotimi ofncw wzu' ships, and (>f$12,000,000 for the construction of ports of refuge. Cholera, is still raging fiercely in Coma. No idea. can he formed of the extent of the scourge. It has more than decinmted the capital, where out of a population of 200,000 the death rate rules at the frightful average of a thousand per day. Goren is described as an appalling pest hole. It is stated the Czar has made an arrange- ment with the Porte, the Czar guaranteeing the integrity of the Sultan’s dominion, rc- duoing the Turkish indemnity and obtaining permission to garrison and fortify the Darda- nolles, and to occupy Bulgaria with Russian and Roumeliu with Turkish troops. M {Lycr Karl Rothschild, head of the gr eat German banking firm, died suddenly at Frankfort-0nâ€"thc-l\1ain from heart disease. Apanthcr escaped from a, monagerie in Chumbel'y, F‘zulce, and killed a, policeman and bit several persons before it was cap- tured. Advices from Tonquin state that the French troops recently had a brush with about 2,000 pirates, and that more than 500 Annumitos were killed. Aren’t you well, Edith '3” Not very well, I dess.” What is the matter ‘3” I dota tolic in my head,«1namma.” A New Complaint. I). MITCHELL MODOS'ALD, Burrlstér, 6 Union Blockâ€" Toronto Street â€"Toronto. MANUFACTURED YOUNG HEN suffering fun the enacts of surly evil habits, the resuls of ignorance and folly, who find themselves wank, nervous and exhausted ; also Mm- nu-un and 0m Mn who are broken down from the sfluts of abuse or over-work, and in advanud life fool the oonseqnnncos or youthful excess, send for and RIAD M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two Bo. stamps. Address H. Y. LUBON, 47 Walling- ton St. E. Toron‘o, Ont. “ Emile,” asks the teacher, “ which ani- mal attaches himself the most to 1mm ?” Emile, after some reflectionâ€"3‘ The leech, sir.” Productive? Town, Village 63 Farm Property. The Longest and Best Fire-box, Has Swing and Drop Flush Oven Doors, And a Perfect Baker. And Is the Cheapest First Class Stovelever offered. For sale I)wa dealers. EMALI! of one irregularities A P. STEVENSON, 45 Mercer Street, Toronto, Canada. mum“ Business College. Guelph. Ont. I Began the Third Year Sept. lst, having already ruccivml patronage from TEN sruss AND movmcks. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for busi- ness pursuits. Graduates eminently successful. Special courses in Shorthmul, French xmd German. Ladies admitted. For terms, etch, address M. MACCURMICK, Principal. MONEY 1 The Largest, Leading and Best. in Canada; offers speuial courses in shorthand, Bookâ€"keeping, Palmmnship, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Draw- ing, Painting, and all other Commercial English and Fine Art Branches. Terms, em, low. Write im- mediately for large circulars. 37, 30 and 41 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. am R. SPENGE"&’ 00.7"”; :3 These pacnkagcs are made of Wood, joints tongued and grooved, and covered with a paper strip inside ; all being thoroughly coated with Wright’s Patcnt Composition, the whole lieing of great strength, and perfectly impervious to kerosenem- otiieroils. Fitted with nickel-plated compression faucet and vented fillers. Manufactured by the HAS Best equipped Business College in the Dominion Write for handsomt} ill}}stmtqd catalpgue. Made from Finest Steel, tempered under the Arm- strong Patent Process, enabling all parts to Hand under actual test 100 lo 300 per cent. over Raw Steel’ The runners will outwear the ordinary sleigh shoe steel fully SIX TIMES, and being tempered as above they do not drag on poor sleighing. Light, Graceful and Durable. Send for our descriptive circular and ask your carriage makers for these gears. ARMSTRONG'S CUTTER GEARS. .1. B. ARMSTRONG MPG 00. (ijtgum, CANADA. “an. CANE .t sows mm. (0., (V NEWMARKET, ONT. 1- E UHARLES BUEUKH 86 SUNS, SAFETY OIL ASTHMK SL'Céxfia}ifié§,_ Onzf‘éifiiida: WM/ [In T030511) RESIN!) )5 ('0LLEGE.â€" Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Raspn. Re-l‘utllng’a Specially. Sand for price list and terms. FOR FAMILY, HOTEL, ANDiSTOHE USE ....BY_ Hamilton, - outario. Toronto, “’llolouale Agonls. MONEY TO LEND Always ready. Recognized by flue Pro- fession. 500,000 In use. SeeDrug- gists, if not kept by them, sent by mail or express on receipt of $1.00. CATAR'R’H'ahHBR’ONCHITls Urumh‘s Ruhysr Pocket Inhaler 'fl Send Stamp for Pam hlet on LUNG FOOD. New an successful treat- ment, for the deiicaie, the enfeebled, the emaciated of either sex and at any ggg. -- run his nnnn“ single herb, is a'sure cure tortemalo ; stamp for paxjicyla "(yon-Wong THE DECOQTIQN â€"ANDâ€" OZONIZED INHALANT. to loan on Mortgage. Trust funds. For particulars apply to BEATI‘Y, CHAD- wwx, Buaxsmw A; GALT, Toronto. 7 ,V,,_ i. mu “by. CAN BE' CUfiED. â€"â€" Semi for Eat‘np’blet.‘ W. R. Crumb. M. 0.. CONSUMPTIVES. HAMILTON, ONT. R. E. GALLAGHER, Principal URE FOR CDLDS THE E. & C. GURNEY CO.‘.TORONTO. PAGKAGES- %SIX cow'MEnALVs TH '- LARGEST A. P. 304. IUU5UUU nfiniusnmu ‘VionnsgVHufiea; ‘Fil’eu,’ and Musical lust. Trimmings, at reduced prices. R. B. BUTLAND, 87 King St. W., Toronto. '1 F Artistic Designs, combined with Uncqualled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON, ONTARIO- “10,000 Having purchased one thousand Kennedy Rifles at satisfactory primes, we offer them at the following prism, subject, to n. disvuunt for a number :vâ€" 32, 3S, 4:! 031., round barrel, 8] 00, Oct. barrel, $19.50 40 And 45 0111., “ 19.50, “ 21.01) Colt. Lightningr Iifles, “ 20.00, “ 22.01) Winchester Rifles, 15(16model,16,00, “ 17.00 “ “ 18731norlcl,18.00, “ 19.50 “ “ 1§7fimodel,19.50, ‘, 21.00 English Double-banded Breerh-loarlim; luns, sidu avtion, iii-hora, parked in 3 case, price 812.00. Will ship any guns 0.041., with privilege to examine upon receipt of sufiiirient cash to my exnrcsa charges both ways, which will be doduote from price of gun. W. M. COUPE :, Largest Gun Dealer in Canada, (30 Bay St, Toronto. MERIDEN BRITANNIA GU. FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling,r at Londonderry to land mails and paasungem for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John’s, Nil“., to Liverpool fortnightly duringr summer months. The steamers of the Glas~ 20w lines sail during,r winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Pliilmlelpliia ; and during sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. no Mon Eflwtive, Clean. Dmblo and Economical Heater: in the luket for min: Ind ventfllflng Churches, Schools. Public Buildings, Elam and Private Residences. simple in con-truc- tlon And sully mun-zed. capable oi giving man he» with ions consumption oi the] ihm Any other hating nppminl. WAbnolutoly Gu Tizhwm Eight Illel “Harris” and tour sizes "Mammoth" no nude and on be set cithu in Brick or Pombla tom. Correspondence Iolioilod. Fol Catalonia Ind lnflhu iniormnlon uddrcu d For freight, passage, or other infornmtion apply to A. Schunmcher S; 00., Baltimore: S. Cunard a Co., Halifax; Shea & 00., St. John’s, N.F. ; Vm. Thomp- son (in Co., St. John, NJ}; Allan& 0., Chicago; Love 5: Alden, New York; H. Eour «r, Toronto; Allanu, Ran as; 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia: II. A. Allen. Portland, Boston. Montreal. E1213“ ‘ nnu fag -tu red at Q U E E N C IT Y 0 I L W O R K S by NEW HARRIS AND MAMMOTH I STEEL DOME HOT-AIR FURNACES. FARMERS AND THRESHERS ! ! mm‘o L‘ Jumbzn, GURNEYS’ MANUFACTURE ONLY USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN The E. 86 U. HURNEY DU. (Limitefl). HAMILTON: 7 - a ; gaasé‘dyév 4 MACHINE cmnm SHEETS 0F 5 85 10c. ism ; [30,009 2? ‘2. ’mumn RGYLINDLR ENGINE Haw}: befin agarded it during the last three years. Try also PEERLESS AXLE GREASE, for your Wagons and Horse Powers. SAMUEL ROGERS & 00.. TORONTO. PaeflessOil New shipment from England, Ex Steamnhip “ Nor wegian." Lowest prions to the (crude. We are sole agents in Calkdn tor McBridc'n Celcbmted Sheep Casings. Writ. quotation THEREIS I‘V‘ |l"' noamm' * The Snow Drift min; rowdur (10., antiord, Ont. THE KING OF BLACKING ° SOLD EVERYWHERE ' SAUSAGE GASINGS. Am] Largest Training School In human. Benn 101‘ Calendar. Jinks PARK J SON, Toronto. OVEN

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