man Library of over 1000 volumesï¬pou (why l‘uesduy evening, in the Ma- sonic Hn11,f1‘om 7 to 8 o'cloc R. E. Law, Libra- rian. Lectm'c 'mni discussxonsperiodically, MECHANK :s‘ 1_\ RICHMOND “ILL CORNET BAxn.~Meets for p' notice ovary 'I‘utmluy and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Lender R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. ~13, Meets in Temperance Hull, each alter- native Tuesmly c‘vcniug unSo’cloek p 111. Beneâ€" ï¬ciary ccrtxï¬m 3'4 issued to male or female members for H.000 or in case of death R2000, one 11:11! \mynblc in csz of disability. J. H. Sunder- 5011 Sulect Councillors; J.A.E‘SwftzerJiecording A. 0. U. \V.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee 170171 of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock pJn. Bent» flcm‘y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. A.J.I{upert.l\ 1mm Workman. B. Grennun. rec. Secretm‘v RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. N0. 465,10. G.T.â€" Meets in she Tempe)" nee Hull' every \Vednesday evening, a 7.300’0100k. Wl’xLHnn-ison T.D. Infallible Blood Pnriï¬eI. TonicY Diurectic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billionsness, Jmmdice, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, n11 Kidney Diseases, Scroiulu. Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum, Fix zema and all Skin Liseaaes, Headaclm, I’nlpitntion 01’ the Heart, Sour Stomach and. Hearth m. 131i"er Vegegable; ANCIYNT 0mm}: rm FORESTERSâ€"Colll‘t Rich- mond. N0. 70;!) ~\. 0. F.‘ meets in the Temperance Hall every ulwmutc Friduv at 7.30 p.131.â€" Geo. McDonald, (“1‘ R. The Methodist mhbmth school'l‘empemnce As sociatiou issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. \Vanhn'rison supf 'VILLAGE Cotxcnhâ€"rnewo.Wm.1’ugsley, Coun- cfllurs, Messrs Hum. Rcdditt, \V. D. Powell, P G. Savage, and F.McCoï¬aghy. (JleIk, M. '1 ecfy. WE: will pay the above Eewaa-d for any case of Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Sick Eemciache, Indigestion or Costiveness we cannot 6112‘s with WEST’S LIVER ms, when the Directions are strictly ‘ complied with. Large Boxes, containing ' 30 Plus, 25 Cents; 6 lie-:65 63.09. 30:: 1' by an 33211531818- Ron,“ CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order a. follow 3 ’l‘hm‘nhill at 9 n..1u.. and Richmond Hill at 10"}0 mm: the following Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 run. mu]. Thoruhill at. 10:30 (L. 111. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pu Jul/01‘ RICHMOND Tmnma‘A.F. & A. M., No.23, G‘Rf Meets in the Lodge r00m,MnsonicHn11,0nt11e Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock 13.11) I. Crosby, WM. SATISFRBTIBN GUARANTEED RUPERT SELLS THE BEST. Presawe Your Sight These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 Vents. and given in everv in- stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the \wrl d. They never tire, and lust many years without change. Read the folluwing testimonial :- I have great pleasure in certifying tlmtI have worn Spocmclns manufactured by Frank Lazar» m; for ï¬l’icrn yours. and they excel all others I have used for oluurness of vision and case while writing or reading. For Sale by T. F. flfcflfflHOM FRANK IAZAIZ TS, Mxmumctmm‘, :8 Mary 1mm Road, Burrow “and, London, Euulund, (lute Lama-u: \' Mamas, Hurm'pn‘, (20191.) ST. M,an s Epmnomr. CKURCH.â€"â€"Service at 3 p.111., except. the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. SundaySchoolntl:30p.m Rev.W.DMes, Rector PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"Services as 1] o’clnck 414.111.,(1111 (5:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on \Vevluvsday cvcninguflflo. Rev J. W. Cum- erou, Pastor. FRANK LAZARUS Sgeetaele & Eye Glasses. JAMES GODFREY‘ Lute Incumbent of Trinity Church,Wolf6 Island I: N» cmwuctibn \uth uLy other ï¬rm in Donmuon of Cummu METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services M; 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. m.,1md Sunday school, M. 2.30 p. m. Young pump) 5 prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Pm), er Meeting every Tlnu‘sdayevenmg in the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R.Bu.1'ker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, A 'atwnt. L233 m J 1.†I‘mmslmn 0F “ LIBERAL,†RICHmoxD HILL. (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazarus & Morris) VJ? 51:me “5:51:35, 60; 7 Toronto Ont. BY WEARING THE ONLY Sailings flimtnry. RENH‘VNL‘D Societies. Churches. Is desirous of getting a few pupils for lessons in Mumc. Terms moderate. 1E. Second hand stoves, coal and wood, for sale champ. 17-ti \VM. ATKINSUN. A com fm'tszha house with three-ï¬fths of an more of land is tor sale on the 4th Con. Markham, in the village of VICTORIA SQUARE. For further pm‘ticulu ~:Lpplv at the ofllcns 0f MacLeron, Mucdonuld, Merritt & Sheplcy. 28 11m] 30 Toronto street, and Rolph & Brown, Vcnrims’ Solimtors, 30 Adelaide street East, or to John Hnskins, Q. 0., Toronto street, Toronto. Dated the 14th (lay of October. 1886. (Signed) NEIL MAC-LEAN. 17â€"3 Chief Clerk )1. 0 A good place for a shoemaker or tailor. Apply to A. MULDOON, l7-tf ’l‘hm‘u] Attached to the house is 114 good shop, which would afford an e. , llunt opportunity furnshoe- maker. Lots of small fruits. plums, cherries, &0‘ Terms reasonable. Apple to The vendors Will not 11E; required to produce any title (leads, or conics thereof, or ovidenrm 01 title, or furnish any abstract other than those in their uossession. The other conditions of sale are the standing conditions of the Court. ’l‘e‘ per cent. of the purchase money is to ho lurid down as a deposit to the VOINIOJ'R or heir 5011011» ors at tho time of sale, and the bulnnc within one ninnth thereafter. without intore t, into Court to the credit of th ‘ A good house. with shop attached, to rent in the contra of the Village of THORNHILL ! HWSE SM E MUSIC LESSONS ! FARM FOR SALE 1 ~.x ov Upon t mm are built EL brick dwelling» house, [L lurge lmru,mn1 goud sheds, stwblos and outbuildings, in good rcpuixx The soil is gener- ally 2L good clay loam. There are two wells and two cisterns on the farm. It is distant from Kim: station three miles, from Aurora. ï¬ve miles, mu] from Ncwmm‘ket nine miles. The property will be sold subject to the louse above meiitioncd,u.nd tog} reserved bidiixed by the Muster. In the 18!; Con. of Vaughan, fronting on Yonge Sï¬l‘eet, is for sale on reusmmnle terms. The farm is well watered. buildings m a good state of re- pair, and he mud in a. high nmte of cultivation. Good orchard. About half a mile south of the village of Richmond Hill. For further particul1&1'531131313: E9 w-w » w‘ «J .77 , There are about three acreh of \murmg fruit trees, and about, thirty acres of husn, timbercd prmuipnlly \viLh hardwood j the remainder is good pasture land, and the whole lot is enclosed byvgood fpnc ‘ SOUTH PART OF LOT N0 44, TREVETHAN’S BEE HIVE, RICHMOND HILL. Pursuant to the ju (l g) n out of the Chanceiy Division of the High Uuurb 01' Justice. in the matter of Timothy Rogers, (leceuned, imzei‘s v Rogers‘ and with the upr “lumen of the Muster in Chancery. there will be ()llel‘cd for sale in (me parcel. by public auction. by J .C. Stokesï¬ nation- eer, at the Queen‘s Hotel, in the village of Aurnm on Saturday. the (3th day of November, MSG. M the hunt of 2 o’clock in the afteinoun, the follow. ing freehold property, 1mm ely :7 Lot number eleven in the second concession of the Township ()fKiiig.0011tuiniiig “.200 acres. excepting; thereon: fuur small parcels, unmunting in 11.11 tr) uhlnlt ï¬Ve mores, hitherto suhl “11d emi‘.'uye'l, The property is the farm of the late Timothy Itogex s‘ of the Township of King, and is to be sold Mil)- ject to u leiLse made in his lifetime, which will expire on the 1st April, 1890,1110 lessee paying an annual rent of $150 and all taxes. '1 In pun, \ “1 (3 en 1L 1m the rent from thgduv on wipe]: :9 pays hispurchme money. I HRST-GLQSS EN STYLE, WUBKMAEISHLE & EEMSH TWEEDSJ WURSTEDS .& OVEECUATINGS * THE BEE HIVE With his busy bees is prepar- ed to enter on the fall trade with every facility for turning out work Now ready for inspection. Punctuahty, Style and First- Class \Vorkmanship is our motto. Ladies Jackets 21 Specialty. BOOMING! TOWNSHIP OF KING. West half lot 27, 211d (Jon. Markham. lugotéfzres‘ 4‘ )_ 17- Apply to 4 JUDICIAL SALE ! FARM FBR SALE E 13-6 TO RENT ! MIES. LUSH 7-H FOR SALE. C. TREVETHAN, Earn: Eiflmï¬scmum. A farm of seventy acres, being A choice stock of OF FARM IN THE IS STILL J. C.‘1\‘1c’QU ARM}; E F. LANGS’I‘AFB JACQB BAKER, \ letm‘iu. Squ'm‘e. Richmond 'Hill Thumhin Mdple. Poms. .. oz. Ryln do ._. (50 Clover Seed, do ... ...... Dr >d hogs,par 1001b: 5 ‘15 Bob , (m: quarters 4 50 Beef, hind quarters 7 50 Chickens, per pair M . 0 3.3 Ducks, do . 0 (35 Ger‘se,each 0 (50 T11rkcys,euch 1 50 Buttor, pound rolls . U 20 Butter, tub dairy 0 (10 Eggs, fresh, per doz‘...__..,..... U 11) Potatoes, per bag, . . a. 0 (75 Apples, per bl)! .......... .. 2 00 onions, green, per bag .~ 0 [>0 Cabbage do .. O 00 Cauliflower do . 0 00 Celery, do U 00 Turnips, per bug......_. () 40 )m‘rots. (10. mm-..“ o 40 Hay,pcrton ..... .......___._ 9 (\0 straw, per ton ......... .. .......... 9 00 RICHMOND HILL Thursdav, Oct. 28, 1886. oats, per bushel ............._........ Pans, do. ..$0 ‘28 0 :30 Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own 811perViS(‘:1. I am also prepared to do all kinds Hf black- smithing (t repairing in the must wm'k- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Wheat, Wheat, Barley, Huts, RICHMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for Lheir liberal patrmage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the genu‘a] pub‘lic, that having erected entirely new and cum- modions premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, ' Carriages, Peas, do. . Dressed hogsmer 100 lbs. Beef. fore quarter ...... ....... Beef, hind quartvr . Chickens. per pair -... . .. Ducks. do ...-.......... Geese, each ........ .. Turkevs, per 1b ...... .. Butter, pound rolls.. Butter, large rolls ..... Eggs. fresh, per dozen ........ Potatoes, per bagâ€... Apples, per bbl......... onions, green, per bush- Cabbage, per do: .. Celery, do ., Turnips, per bag ....-...._ Carrots, do - Beans, per peck..... . Flour, springper bbl Flour, full, per bbl -.. Hay,per ton .......... straw. per ton .. TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN S . RICEMQND HILL STA’EIQ’N WEWGH’S STANDARDSEALES‘ EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE MW IN BRONZE LETTERS. OTHER E nnd vxcini‘cy that he intends keeping on hand a good tummy of Coal and Wood at CAUTION. The undezsigued begs to inform the inhabi- tants of MAPLE Horse - Shoeing Maple, July Tï¬h, 1886‘ GOAL will be on the premises for weighing TonoNTn Thursday, Oct. 28, lbw. szll,per bushel ._ $0 7:â€: to spring, do -... 75 t n ....._... do All orders promptly attended Paid special attention to. WM TREND" R. RU MBLEO mu: WWW. IS MARKED WOOD AND 020 018 000 050 125 J 030 O 30 0 5O U [)(l 0 00 n (m 15 00 14 00 4 50 10 00 500 700 758 0 40 U w 6 50 (5 00 9 50 0 40 0 75 0 (m 80 0 50 HID ()0 ‘20 '75 (K) BQOTS, MEOES, GRGGKEEY, &c. NEW Gm Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Gums, Grocorius, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery and flour and Feed. Y Ladies’ and Gents] Furnishinvs, Cntmns, Prints, Denâ€" L)’ . inm. Coltmmdes, all selling very cheap to make room fur fall goods. GROCERIES. 313235;:f’si’af.:3;ngifaafligizszï¬sz‘gykindsof NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, (be, I :01qu and Family Flour and Feed constantly on hand and delivered on short notice They can be sold at prices that should not fail to ï¬ll my store with eager purchasers. A trial will convince you. J08. HALL. A 14a,1“g‘e Stock 0}? ii‘FiJRl‘NI’J‘URE In a variety of designs. Mixe‘d Paints, ready for use, in :1“ onions and shades. B16190. and Raw Oils, Van»~ islws, and all uther materml for paints. [him and Whitewash Brushes, all sizes, which 1 will sell at bottom price. Call and see. GREEN Gmomags, HAMS, BACON, PORK, Usuai Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stack 93‘ Grocerles, Flour and Feed. Why do they come ? Because they lend the nude. This Machine is without a pamllcl iii the llihtiil'y of Sewing Machiiiea \Vithin (ha lust. fjnl' years they have taken seven medals at Provincial and other large FuiI'S. Only last full they took First Prim and u Medal at the. \Vurld’s Fair, Antiwrp. Belgium; and a, Diploma. last fall at, London fur work done on this vxt‘clleiit machine. This machine \vzia awarded nine First Prizes last full. At- the West Yurk Fair, \Voudhi-idue, this machine carri- ed at? the highest hmmm. First Prim, busidvs four ( XM'H, pi'ins for \mrk, so you 596 they take the lead, and Carly “if First bnih far and mum This machine has on it more iiupi‘uvementu than my other machine. l;<}ll)1'()bllyi!lf{, see it, try it, and don’t he led away by others till you have. All 0rde by maul promptly attended to. Address J. LUSH, Richmond. Hill. A complete stock of \Yail Paper and Border'ngs, smnothing new in Styles and? Designs, from 5 cents up. MORRIS & WATTS, BRANTFORD, ONT. Easily Managed, Light Running, Durable. Threshes Clean and Fast. Separation Unexcelled. PERFECTLY BEARDS BARLEY. Removes all White Caps from W GLEANS GRAIN FIT FOR MARKET. BECAUSE I! has a SHUTTER and 8500!!!) FAN/VINE MILL aï¬acbed. T‘PMORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER Great Improvements in 1886 Machines. Write post card for Illustrated Pamphlet. WA LL PAPE RS Also supply Threshing Engines at Maker’s Prices and Terms. Write for Testimonials and Circulars to C. R. (TICNCII, JZ-kgent’ NEVVMARKET 86 80 JARVIS, 8'31, TORONTO. Sign of the “ British Flag Staff.†LOOK HERE I NEW ‘WILLIAMS 1 TH E PEQWLEQ @TGR CLOSE EASH PRIï¬ES STAPLE GROCERIES. Orders coming in by pmil faster than ever for that celebrated A. MOODIE, THE MORRIS DOUBLE DRESSER. Is well supplied with a large stock of IJIGEECF Iï¬ITNNI'NGr As the goods are bought at 13$ ! CHEAP PREGES Z JEX. .“B/EOOIJIE’S And all kinds of Also (Sr. SAVAGE. “7A LL JPAPE RS .