Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Nov 1886, p. 5

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"‘n Mr. J. C. Stokes will sell by nublic auction at the villz‘ge of Maple, on Samrdaymhe 20th of November, the household goods and chattels belonging to Mrs. \A. Rupert and Mrs. W. High. The sale will commence wt one O’clunk sharp. A credit at :Em-e m mths will be given on all sums of over $10. Credit Sale. Mr. Chas. Creasor, Lot 59, lst Con. Markâ€" ham (Jefiersou). has an auction sale uf farm stock, implements, dun, on ’l‘uesduy4 Nev. 23rd. Sale to commence at one o'clock. As the proprietor is giving up farming there will be no reservation. J. C. Stokes, Auct. You can buy at The Concrete a nice colored Tea Set for $2.25; a White Granite Tea _Sxet, eXtra for $2.50,'and a magnificent China Tea Set worth $12 for $9. A Union Thanksgiving Service for the Presbyterian and Methodist éongregalions of this place will he held in the Methodist church, commencing at» 1.1 a. m. The serm- on will he preached by Rev. J, W. Cameron. A collection for the poor will be taken. “ TORONTO. City Hall _ Union Station Brock Street Queen’s Wharf Parkdalu . Davenpm‘ . Weston... Thurnhill RICHMOND HELL... King ....... Autum ..... "Newmurkefi ‘ King Plowing Match. We regret that our cm‘respondent’s report of King Plowing Match did not reach us tin this morning as’ive aréfgbiulz to press. It will berpubhshed in full next week. Newmarket.. Aurora. King..:.. 'mcrmcmn; HILL.. Thornhifl . Weston... Davenpor . Pm‘kdule.... TORONTO. Queen's Wth Brook Street 4. Umou Station, Cxty Hall“. The Perfettion .Tea Can is the only package suited-t0 preserve the admirable quality of Mr.‘ Atkinson’s Unity Te’la. ‘ » Mr. C. Trevethan draws the attention of thepublic to the fact that his tailoring es- tablishment. has been removed to a more central pail: of the villageâ€"opposite the Lorne Block. Full line of samples for 'Suits. are always on hand and good fits'gunmnteed. Call and see through'his new establishment. , Mason has a full line of all kinds of Stoves cheap for cash. F' Green Tea is more bitter, but Mr. W. Atkmson’s Unity Tea rclies,up~ on its natural bouquet for its popu» larity. Connects with all trains. leaving thé Plume)- House, Ric‘hmonJ NHL as fullnws: :5, North 8.: Smxt!’ u ‘. .. 8‘15 2: In. 114.3 “ 5 , Mail & Exp) Accommoda 011 Express, North. him], South. Hall. Creditors and all persons having claims against the estate of the late 'Wm. Boynton, of the Township of Markham, are notified to send their accounts to the admillistmtors’ solicitors on 01- hefore the fifteenth day of IDecember next. See notice on another page Gent‘s Coney Astrachan and Pat- sian Caps trom $1.50 up, and ladies beautiful Fur Capes for $2.50 at the Concrete. N. R. R, TIME TABLE. Until further motive Mails: will be closed at the Richmond Hill P0 t Olfice as fulluwsz~~ MDRNIKG z-Gning North. south, “mat and \Vest, inuluxliuu 'l‘lmrnhill, I Maple, Toronto, Markham ,&c. 8.00 WNING :aning southEust} and West (as a hovel N. RARe-ziatemxl Letters mmt he hmulod in at least mm“ Minutes ru'lior than the above mentioned hours for cl . RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Nov. 18, ’56 Fire Brigade Meetingw _ , A special mneiing 9f the Firé Brigade W1“ be held to-mormw evening in Mm Court Room. For business to be transacted see blackboard in the front window of the Flre A special meeting of the Richmond Hill §chquBoard will be held on Monday. next.‘ Mason sells the best make 01 stoves. PRU CTOR’S STAGE LINE. "IHE’IJMRAL “ill be sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till the first of January, 1888, for the sum of one dollar. 22 lbs. 01 yellow Sugar for $1,;mad 15 lbs. good Tea for $1 at the Con- Crete. ' .. A coal stove and a. baby's carriage for sale. See ad; Mm POST OFFICE NOTICE Thanksgivmg Sex-meet N otice to Creditors. The “ Bee Hive.” School Meetmg. Aucnon Sale. GOING NORTH Mail. .4 _ . 8110 Lon 8.18 GOING SOU’l‘EI Ex. . . . 8,38 8.50 {M58 f .22 8.40 10.05 1012 u. LEEFY. Pastmustez‘. Accom. 1145 11.52 12.00 LA comm. 7 Mail. 11.57 . , ($.03 12.1’) 6.15 12.30 (5.37 12.49. 6.48 1‘1 (3.57 mo 12.53 1.05 1.40 1 .20 L27 5.44 5.51 6.10 77.1 72 J2 7.30 732’ E} A sitting of the Court, under His Honor Judge Morgan, was held in this village last Saturday. Quite a number of cases were held over, there not beingtime to hear them. The following Were disposed of :~H. E. Ken- nedy (trading under the name of the Inter- national Book and Blble House), vs. T1105. Campbell, $92.10. As plaintiff failed to pi'ove’lia’oility on the part of the defendant this action was dimoissed with costs to the defendant. Mr. Hendermn for plaintifi and Mr.'Dewart for; defendant. There was a. jury empnnnelled on this case, but as the judge non-Huited they were nol called upon to give their decision. Andrew How: vs. John Mc- Keowa. Judgment for plaintiff for $16 and (303135. Patterson & Bro. vs. E. Jackson .9200. This action occupied the attention of the )oan till the close. when His Honor inti- mated that he would regerve judgment and hear counsel for the parties at his Chambers. Mr. anrenee, of Lawrence & Milligau. for plaintiffs. and Mr. Cook, ofFull:1rtou,Cook & Miller-,for defendants. \ Executors‘ Sale. There will be sold by Mr. Salem Eqkardt, Auctioneer, at the Eagle Hotel, Weston, on 'J‘uee'day, _ the ‘Z-E‘h-d of Nnvnmber, at one o’clock. p. m.. the following vhlunlflp lands and premises in one ’parcel viz.:‘ The west ‘hnlves of lots 18 and 1'9, in the/1th con. ; want of Yonge St. in the township of York) Loontaining by 'ndmeamxrexfigh't 200 acres of ‘ land, more or less. - The land ha of firsturate ‘ quality, of which about 110 acres are cleared ‘ and -in a good state of cultivation”; aud‘about 90 acres of firm-class pine and hardwood bush. The farm is well‘wmtered by a. sp'frnpg creek. For terms and-particulars see ' lame. posters. ‘ - ' ' ‘ The Ladies‘ Aid Sociefy of the Methodist Chu‘rch. Mapie, ‘ purpose giving a. Grand C(m‘certnaufl Tea 11) the lecture room of the church'nn Thursday, Nov. 18th (’L'hanksgiv- ing Déy): when the beautiful new brick par- sonage will be open for inspectinn. The fol- lpwiug‘talent has been secured for the 0011- c’ert :-Messrs. Lee and Coates and Miss Foxsythe. of Tornnto ; The, Misses Brow‘n, of Weston; Miss Emma. Ferguson, of Bramp- ton ; Miss Irin Hash-and and Mr. Morrison, of Newtonwa ; Miss E. Jackson, of Maple and others. Dr. Orr, of Maple, and Dr. Gilmour, of York, will give addresses. Dur- ing the evening a large number of useful and valuable articles will be offered for sale bv the ladies. Tea served from 4 to 7 p. m. Chair taken at 8. Admission to tea and concert 25 cents. Proceeds in aid of Par- sonage Fund. ' Singe'ré Abijfilic'speake‘rs will finda perfect fe1i<f for‘ all throat difficulties in the use oi West’s Cough Syrup. - ‘ .v There win be a shooting match of geese and turkeys at the Dominion Hotel to-day (Thursday), commencing at 10 o’clock. The dig-mama for she: guns wxll be v forty - yards, and nothing finer than No. 6 shot can be used. This will afford a ‘gnod opportunity for our local marksman who talk so much about xhcn‘keen eye, steudv hand and re- liably muskew, to show what they can do. Delays are dangel-ous. Procure a bot tle'of \Vest’s Cough Syrup at"’0hce and cure that t‘rtmblesome hacking 'cough'kand sore thioat, relieving pain and misery. it is the household gemedlvy‘for all throat and lung diéeases. All druggists. ‘ " Mr. B. Brilliinger, of the Dominion House, has asale of standing timber, beech and maple, in quarter and half-acre lots, on blfl farm, lot 13, in the rear of the 2116. Con. of Vaughan, on Friday the ZGtU-UI this mouih. Sade will commence m. one o'clock. All sums of $10 and under. cash ; over that a- mount twelve mouths‘ credit on approved joint notes. b‘. Eukurdt, Auctioneer. I Bk‘this‘seasgu of the year it is very‘ necessary to keepa bottle of West’s‘Cough Syrup in the house for suddun holds. Not-hing like it. Cures like-Ilmgic.;; AG ENTS WANTED. (TLEMENT & 00.. OF 48 WELLINGTON J, Street, Toronto, 01'81 St. Francois- Xmiur Street, Montreal. want a. General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of this Schufield‘l’atpnt Chka Griddle, the C'el'e- braced Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the “ Vnuver‘s Friund "). the Emery Scyth‘e' Sharpener, the Jay-Eye-See Wire Curry. Comb. and other Spwcinlties. If you want no make money, write to them at once for an outfit, and t0 secure what territory you can handle. 25 The Markham Township Council met at Unionville on Nov. 13m. an 10 a. m. Mem- hers all prevent. Minutes of last meeting read umi confirmed. The Treasurer was in- structed to pny the fuliowing accounts :â€" R. U nyles. rnim' ing bi‘i‘lgc. $3 ; D. Douglas, I‘Ppllil'ulg culvert. $35 ; J. J. Luuan, repairing ill‘illlzw, $5.25; S K:lisl-r,opeuilig ditch, 36.25; D. Mm'er, repairing mall. $0 ; Ii. Ackuey, building culvert, 8:34.75; W, Min-r, work on bill, 8‘5 ; J. Lilldvll. work on bill, $11 ; A. Anderson, 1 Sheep lx'illwl, 3755.33 ; gravel ac- count, 1‘26 yards, $112.60. Mr. Bruce intro- duced u, “yr-lit“? (it) hold municipal elections. Council adjourned until Dec. 18m. Tea and Lech-1:03., The Ladies‘ Auxxlizny of the Presbyterian Church intend holding their annual enter- tainment. on Thanksgiving Day, and have secured the services of‘Miss Templeton-Arm- mmng as a lecturer. The public may ei- pec$ u rare treat. The subject chosen is, “ Ought women to learn the Alphabet, and what {1102.) .7 " Miss Armstrong comes well rummmended. Fur furbher particulars see testimoumls. Tau will be served from 5 to’ 7 p. m. » “ Miss TemNation-Armstrong is able and vluquunt will: swimming of the air of 'an English Quakeress.”â€"â€"New York lemld. The Rev. D. James, Hamilton. speaking of hur ‘J empeiancu lecmru. says :â€"-“ It is one of the very best I have listened to.” “ Miss Templemn- Arxneu‘oug is u lmly of much ml- ent, informatiun and eloquence.”â€"F. R. Lees, ’I’ll. D. Miss Armstrong will lecture in the Presbyterian church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. ' Thanksgiving F-eshval. Shooting Match. Markham Council. Division Court; Testimonials. Wood Sale. Call ill-d see me. ' No trouble to an- swer questions. I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Gad Filling, and all other - operations skijftflly performed, lg moderate fees. ARTIFICIAL . TEETH 010 RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $8.00 ON CELLULOID, â€" .â€" $10.00 A‘comfo’rtuble house with three-fifths of an acre of land is for sale on the 4hh'0'on. Markham, in the village of ‘ , VICTURLA SQUARE; Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. ' 8c B,7Up-Stairs. ‘ Th5 Twiransfer Boous will be clbsed. from the 16th to the 30171) November next, both days in- elusive. The lot contains 5 of an acre. and runs from Youge to Church St. . There ia a first-class célâ€" lam under the house, and. the garden, which con- tains 150 curl-ant bushes, apples, plums, goose- berriea and other small fruits, is one of the best; in jheyiuage. ' Edrrflfii'thé'i particulars apply a}? 3-tf _ THE LI 3E R Has the exclusive right for the use ‘of ' ‘ Hurd’s New Method of extract- ing teeth without pain, by means of Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of three per cent. upon the paid up capital stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the current half year, being at the rate of 33'): per ‘ cent. per annum, and that the same Wi1§,;be pnvazb‘le at the Bank and-its Bram‘hes 6n and‘aftet Wednesdav. thg‘lstkdav of December next. - By Order of the Board, A Toronto, 23th,0.ctober, 1886. Attachedto the house is a. good - shop, whicq ‘Womd afford an excellent opportunity for a shoe- maker: Lots of small fruits. plums, éherri'es, 6m. I‘erms reasonable. ‘ ' ‘ r » Apple to A good, seven roamed, brick house is for sale in one of the best localities in the village of Messrs. o. L. Lewis and c; B. ’Ja‘ékaon. of Chathnm, were the guests of Mr'. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon over Sunday last. The trustees of this school have re-en- gaged Miss Keltie. She appears to have given satisfaction to pupils as. well as trustees. Mr. R Peach. who has spent the summer in Dunnville, returned home on Saturday last. He reports times good‘on' the Grand River. Mr. W. H. Pngsley, Reeve‘of our village. is attending the Fall sitting of 1119 County Council. The question as to the dissolution of the Union of this School Section will be brought up for settlement at chilmeeting. From our own Correspondent. Mr. Murdock Mackenzie, one of the old residents of this place, passed over to the great majority last Friday morning. His remains were interred in the Church of England buryingvgtound oil-(Sunday. He was over 70 years of age, and lived about half his lifetime it; this neighbor- hood. Had he lived a few months long- er he could have celebrated his fiftieth wedding anniversary. His wife still sur- vives hlm. ' Mr. and Mrs. W'iekson from Michigan, U. S. were visiting at Mr. W. Newman’s last weekx on th‘air wedding tour. Mrs. VVickson is a. daughter of Mr. James Nor- man, of Lexington, Mich., formerly of thg Atovgqship of King. Mr. M. Curtis, of Toronto, spent sev- eral days visiting. shooting, and so forth, ‘ amid scenes of his boyhond days. He 1 reports game as being very scarce this season, but. he saw tracks. However, we ‘ trust he had a pleasant time visiting 01d acquaintances and friends, and we are pleased to learn that he is thriving in the: city. ‘ Dividend No- HflUSE FUR SALE. RICHMOND HILL. GP. LENNOX, 7 'DENTE‘IST,‘ VITALIZED AIR Mr. S. Mager and family, who have been reeldents of this village for several years past have removed to Toronto. The sash and door fastory will be run by Mr. Innis, who purposes domg a large business in that line. The machinery is all in good condition and does first-class wark. Mr. T. Brown, of Brown Bros., who carti- ed on the bakery business here for a number of years, has purchased a. businéss. Flour & Feed, Groceries. &c., in Meaiord. where.wilh his wife and child, he purpoaea removing in a. few days. Their friends wish them only ,auGCess. Genfiml Bank 6f mm. Absolutely no paixl experienced and harmless in all cases. BEST SETS PERSONALS OAK RIDGES. THE LI BE RAL OFFICE, MW 15%. 1884.â€"1v JAC 0B ,B AKER, Victoria Square. A. A. ALLEN. Cdshier. In our Quilt department we are showing very large lines We havs good heavy Bed Comforters at 75c., $1, 1.25, 1.50 and up, and large, fine, pure Eider-Down Quilts at $9, the regular price in the city for the same goods is $12.50. We are also offering Bigr Drive in Grey Flannels, which we Show in wide widths as low as I5cts. per yard. House- keeeers should not purchasewithout first seeing our im- mense stock. ‘ 'PETLEY & PETLEYg I28 (0:132 Kingstreet East,» Opposite the Market, TorontQ; We have also in stock'nice white Blankets at much lower prices, but we cannot recommend them with the confidence we do the above goods. Housekeepers about to make their purchases for winter should s‘eepur large stock of fine all Wobl whité Blankets. purchased bp us direct from the manufacturers previous to the advance in the pricefo wool ' ' ' Large, heavy, all pure wool white Blankets at 3, 3.50, 4, and 4.50. These goods we can recommend to our custom- ers, as they are made of‘the best long wool, and contain neither'cotton nor shoddy. V Our Millinery department is stocked with all the newest shapes and latest novelties for the present season, and for style,-moderatinn of prices and good taste cannot be equalL ed'in thls or any Other city, ‘ We are selling lovely jersey jackets nicely trimmed at $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 and 21,156, really worth from $5 to $Io. HandsomeLong Ottoman Satin Finish Mantles at$3.5o, 4, 4.50, 5, 6,7,8 and 10, worth from fifteen to sixteen dollars. No lady should plirchase a Mantle without seeing our im~ mense stock of' new fashionable garments of this season’s im- portatlon. ‘ ' Every lady should .méke it her business to Examine our magnificentast‘ock of 'VVinter Mantles. 'MAMMOTH HOUSE, KING’ "Sm EAST.» TORONTO. GREATFALL Is now the largesr and most complete of any in the City and is overcrowded with New, Fall am! Win13” mm; 355an Jackets and \ . V Ottoman Cord at $51.00 a yard, Jersey Cloths in all colors and quality, farlcy Tweed Cloths ‘ir_1 great yai'iety. We invite the ten thousand lamilies in the county of York to make our Mammoth Stores their headquarters ; to have their letters and parcels sent in to us, to be taken care of; to call in as many times a day as they may feel inclined, and to all we ensure a hearty welcome. You will not be im- portuned to buy, but as most ofyou will want to do so sooner or later, we take great pleasure in announcing that our stock in every department is larger and more attractive than ever before. We show in NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. Plain Costume Cloths at IZ.%C.. heavy Cheviot Costume Cloths at I5c., all wool reversible Costume Cloths at zoo, all wool French Dress Goods at 20c., in Serges, Crepes and Foules. -All wool French Cashmeres at 40, 50 and 60 cents. English Cashmeres, all colors, 25c. a yard. In dress goods plain goods still take the lead. although combinations and Boucle effects will be largely worn. In_0ur Clothing Departments, Men’s and Bust’, we show an overwhelming stock. Boys’ Overcoats 980‘, Boys’ Suits 98c., _Men’s Overcoats $3.50. ‘ T. Thompgm & Son, DRYGOODS AND GLOTHENG PETLEY "PET-LEE CANADA’S OUR MANTLE DEPARTMENT FROM SEPT. 6th TO THE 18th, COMMENCING TO-DAY AT THE STORES OF ALL WOOL BLANKETE WINTER MANTLE S GREAT FAIR

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