Weteï¬nm-v surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vet‘ Cgllege, Tormltu, “ u , n.,‘ .3 An:v\’\n1l‘ L‘lmnkful fur the favors of the past ‘20 Years mzw stillbc mush] ‘d in any branch of the pro- { amusfqlm {\lusrm, 18L8Lh, :11. {me} Qind of 630‘! month Richmond NHL, ...ۤLhum121bh ï¬n. (th thu Palmer H 01x50) fittrutfvillu mth lo. M 111111an 20th 10. Victoria Sqmn 0 151; do. l‘horv-hil}. “"2le 11 on (5‘ 23rd do. \Vnmlbridge ‘ 0th do Stlsiuhurg. 91h do Moblebon ......... . (1th Viaglizcd Air a1“ on hand at appointments 'W'o‘d ' " Free from 1min. 1. caysizs of truated. anwEXCE: â€"8‘1x1 AVEXUE. Woommman. mum. _-~â€"â€"â€" kw W)». 330 éï¬ï¬s 7,771.33, Mmmdiï¬t 'l‘mmxtn I‘nivmsih' Nan 1:07 (0 Physicians 1' "\mwwnw.(mt,_x’1ntc (‘1 Houffville Yonge Strc , S‘Jivhmoml Hill. Oixlco Hours to 10 (L. m., a m 1% 111. 83“ a†1‘01? XZKTIIACTIXVG. 3‘1 ma STIIKI L‘ 1‘ TORONTO, OPPOSITE THE Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce»ARear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. MU’NEY T0 LDAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES 'Z‘Iaronto Oflicei~No. x4 Building & Loan (Chambers, No. :5 Toronto Street. Wins, X'L‘lnrks, gtmzllcrg, §ilhtrhlm£ :me mystical (6002125. SPECTACle FOR EVERY SIGHT. 141 Yongn Sh‘crf 'oxtdom- 1k; Hm] Br. (MT, Maple. (Whom‘s: Sta 9.130 m. xn.,am1 to 2.30 p.mv 9 $1M} 1E?! AWAHBE. Pullmrn'mn, (200k AL Miller, BAMustt'ims. SOLICITORS, &c. mrxmas: )5 RIM: STREET EAST, TORONTO Richmond }ii11P.(). Every Saturday. HURSDA‘Y VOL. IX. Agflszss A ROBINSON L.D.S.. .Aux‘maOut. Bmz‘isters, Solici‘vors, Conveyanoers, 860.. E. ML MORE‘HI’. SON a: (30., Sal per annum, in advance.] LAWRENCE; MiLLIGAN & MCANDREW, J 5 Funny-mm BU SLNESS CARDS. ;. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN. J. A. MCANDREW. 5:" ‘ Mu: :égï¬ika‘ml †“Eâ€; ES", Vlï¬aï¬ï¬‚! JZ£Q Franklin J. Andrews. Dc'. Janna Langsulfl (College Physaciuus & Surgeons mm, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1.1V ATJ FUNDS TO'LOAN EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. U; Manufacturers & Importers of BOQE‘EXKS, L; Richmond Eli". VITALBZED AIR. Dr. W. 1. \Wilgon. PUBLISHED L RY Hâ€. H E Vb" l'l‘T, rum NY Dr. A. Robinson. Vitrblizod Air Administerâ€" ed. Broken cheap math or tumh not; ï¬tting. n’mde overon short Hutu-e. Ln nuw Arcade (11:11 ï¬nrgsnn, 2‘11 the Domesticated Animals ‘e‘ï¬jttrtimtry. GLOBE " OFFJCL "émcaimx. SURGEON DENTIS’“ “£2th W (100k, EVENING TORONTO FEES MODERATE J. 12. Miller Lends Monevut 5. 51} rmd 6 per cent. per annumi Mortgages, Life and Endowment Assurance Poli- cics bnuuhtat highest crush prices. Notes cashed. (3 to 8 pm‘ com. secured for persons having money to invest. 3mg @61sz IN Egrgs To Loan at 6 per amt. Straight loans. Terms of repayment of principal made to suit borrowers. First m‘d second mortgages bought. [\«lvxL11(-,,sxnnde 011 second martgug . and to p11 'u‘xmse farms. ‘ No (costs mcurl’cd in making applicaticns for money, 0 Write, or call at once for particulars. @‘Dmd Liz‘onsee: Anr‘tinneevfor the Commie? nf Ymk 01â€va and Pen]. Goods sold on considmnonh. General sales of stack. etc.. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York. m- spoctfnlly solicits your putmnmza and friendly influence. Snlvs attended on the shortest notice and at rcusonublemtes. P. 0. Address Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, reâ€" spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at roasonuhe rates. 1’. 0. address, King. racer-sod Am-timmor for the County of Vnrk Sales attended on the shortest noticemml at reu- abe rates. Address Stouï¬vxlle P. 0 Undertaken dc Emba lm H's. Funeral Furnishings Always on [land Having reï¬tted the above Baum and furnish- ed it in first-class stylo, I mu prepared to give me public the best 0‘ xmcommodutmn. Exnelleut shaming and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for conmmrciul tr vellem. A good livery in con- uectiuu. Terms 1 Der day. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Benj. Brillinger, Proprietor. Excelleun accommodation or the travellng public. Bo,st I’ic-Nic Grounds in the County. lull supply of pleasure and ï¬shing bouts. Terms moderate. aguua’a {3:11:12 ‘gjntvl. This popular Summer resort has been re-ï¬ttod m ï¬rs , lss style, and now presents every cou~ ' Hence for guests and boarders. wow accommodation to guests. Bougrd, 81.00 perduy @Sié†LESSQWS. 'l‘hroo miles north of Maple, and Shingles at Kim: Station and Shunk’s hush, lot 10. (3th Con Vaughan, and will be prepmed to ï¬ll bills of all sizes and lengths on the shnrlest possible notice and {Lt prices to suit the present or any other time. 7 HENRY MARSH. K111: P. 0. 0n Jan. 911st 1886‘ The subscriber respectfullv intimates that; he will have a lame stock of Tmth and Lumber of all kinds at the W88 Fiï¬-ERA EMHER MCGEE’S SWITCH MILL, LATH & SHINGLES I Is prepurod to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. E; mem WQEYQEE E®W§Eflg9 1&8 KING STREET 1“er TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, LUMBER, Richmond Hill, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1886. W'M. BE L L, Proprietor. $500,000 Ezï¬tiï¬stuamnng. Salem Eckmwï¬t James C. Stokes. N . J. Armstron g. 20 Adelaide St‘. East, Toronto S. M. Brown. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. 3/ mam! @‘é/K E. R. REYNOLDS, I n. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†UNIONVILLE Richmond Hill, Nov. 29th, 1886. \Vest’s Cough Syrup, 3. sure cure for coughs, colds, cmap and consumption. Inspector Hughesâ€"â€"Conservative Domgs The Toronto Inspector is shortly to ap- 1 pear in a new role. His present employ- ‘ ment it seems does not afford play enough for his ambitious designs. His ideas of a school Inspector’s duties are in want of a much needed reformation. By permis- sion of the Public School Board the In- spector will shortly proceed on a tour of the Province, ostensibly to enlighten the darkness of the provincial intellect 0n the anomalies of the school law, but, in re- ality, to stump the country in the inter« est of the Conservative party. No one would oï¬er the slightest objections to a freak of this kind if the Inspector would relinquish the ofï¬ce he accepts the salary of. It stands to reason that if the In- spector goes astumping his duties will remain unperformed. If he can consci- entiously accept a salary for an oflice which he holds and neglects to ï¬ll, then it becomes a matter of innuortance to the public if this state of things can be allow- ed to continue. It must be remembered that the position of a School Inspector is not in any sense a political one, and it cannot be seriously said that the condit- ion of alfairs at the present day calls for any loosening of the bonds that confine ofï¬cials of this class to a performance of their duties and denies them active par- ticipation in politics other than local. It is said that Mr. Hughes has an eye to the portfolio of Education in the event of the Conservatives coming into power in this Province. This may partlv account for his anxiety to stump the Province. No doubt he stands a fair chance in the pres- ent scarcity of able man In the Conserva‘ tive ranks of ï¬lling such a position in the very improbable event of a Conservative 1 success. DismiSsing such speculations ‘ from our minds the melancholy sight of a public assembled so far lost to common sense and public duty as to lend them- [ selves as tools to forward the ambitious [ schemes of unscrupulous men. The Convention called for the purpose of choosmg persons to bear the party ban- ner at the elections for the Local House, have elected the two CIarkesâ€"the trunk maker, and the editor of the Orange Senâ€" tinelvas champions of Conservatism. Of the ï¬rst nothing remarkable can be averr- ed. His record in the House for the time he has been in it is not one of any great service to the country. Doubtlesg an honest man as the world goes, but I am afraid a common place one, not in the How listless, and how tardfly, The Tempemnve chariot rolls, Folgoï¬ul of the agony ‘ That tends poor stricken souls. The thousands of poor hopeless onus, Tlmt sink each passing year ; Reverbemting dying groans Revecho far and nour. While rolling swiftly at our heels, l‘he Ju ngm‘nnut of woe, Crushinv beneath its pnndemus wheels, Ten thousand victimslow. While thunmnds more the tompter snares, Secure in ï¬endish toils, His potent tyranny declares. Delightiug in his spoils. While Church rmd State look on and View, The cruel havoc wrought, Dismoa‘sing licenses anew, To curse thelnnd throughout. “ Am I my brother's keeper “ ? they By acts. the words propound, Disturb us; not, some other drw, \thn time to think is found. The Gospel truths are preached in vain, Where 1*quor has control, The rlun-remilvr counts his gain, Forgietful of his soul. Wich demon stratugems allures, The young to spend their dimes, ClithKIOS and laughs when he secures, The step that leads to crimes. Our homes must be destroyed, forsooth, Because men pine for gold, Our brightest gems, our )mhle youth, While helpless we behold. But surely shnll the nation’s word. For justice full demand, For brothm‘s’ voices long unheard Cry from tho blood-stained land. O ! can it be another year Will pass, and naught be done To save our land from woo so dreur, The blankest ’nemth the sun. Will not the men in wh=--m Wetrust. To represent our cause, Arise. andwmk £10m east to West, For Prohibition laws ? Or will they mil when needed mnst, Nor strive to do tlleirbest ‘2 But join the opposition host. To treat. it as a, jest ? At most the leaky laws discuss, While laughing in thuir sleeve. At the procrastilmting ruso, Invented to deceive. We envy not such men of straw, \Vho fail to keep their word. Fair promises. replete with flaws, By selï¬sh motives stirred. Their names We’ll trample in the dust, A bv-wm d to contcmn ; Their memurv a. Spot of rust, To umr ourcouutry's name. To every man who fearless J "was, \th wuil-dimcï¬cd‘ ;_.i, - God’s smile will rest upon their lives, To bless with earthly weal. Then deeds shnll bn inscribed for aye, 0n monuments offmne ; And Canada will bless the any. Such heroes she cun claim. Our Toronto Letter. CONSERVATIVE DOINGS. Prohibition. least intended for a parliamentary career. The other Clarke, the editor, is by all odds an abler man. and is generally cred- ited with the possessmn of a good deal of native generosity. Giving him all that is due to him in this respect, the fact of his being the editor of a paper holding ex- treme views in many things-â€"no doubt shared by himâ€"will have the efl'ect of seriously weakening the Conservative cause in a quarter least able to stand it. I understand that at the approaching Labor Convention, a Conservative of very mild type will be put forward as the Lab- or candidate. If this is done, the ground will be cut from beneath the feet of the Conservative candidates, as it is, the nomination of these two men is not calcu~ lated to promote the local Conservative Iinterests, nor depreciate the chances of the Reform party. A very grave accusation has lately been made public, reflecting on the public char- acter of the Hon. W. Meredith, the lead- er of the Local Opposition. He is charg- ed on oath by Mr. D, J. O’Donoghue, ex M. P. P. for Ottawa, with having (whilst the latter represented Ottawa. in the House) attempted to purchase his support for the Conservative party, then led bV the present Judge Cameron, by an offer of a seat in the Government to be formed on the overthrow of Mr. Mowat by the defection of Mr. O’Donouhue and some ï¬ve other members,who had been arrang- ed for in other ways. The whole affair is denied by hlr.l\ileredith,and his friends ask why the charge has been held so long in abeyance. It seems that the matter had for years back been widely known among the friends of Mr. O’Don- oghue, and the occasion of its being made public was accomplished in an indirect manner. which, coming to the ears of Mr. Meredith, was publicly denied. \Vhere- upon Mr. O’Donoghue felt bound in conâ€" sequence to afï¬rm, and in the strongest possible manner. The way the matter came to be made public was something, in the follewmg manner: Mr. O’Donoghue is a leading labor reformer, and in the course of his connection with a. certain labor society he had the misfortune, or good fortune, to be constantly opposed to a. certain person, who, in revenge, perse- cuted him with the tenacity of a. ï¬nd fly, assailing his conduct in the Legislature. To vindicate himself, and at the same time to remove the pcrtinacious fly, he entered into a defence of his Parliamentâ€" career, in which the revelation regarding Meredith formed a part. It is needless to say that the retort courteous has not had the most soothing effect on the minds of the Conservatives. Anyhow it will render them less noisy in the future. West’s Cough Syrup. the most reliable remedy for all thrnnt and lung diseases. For safety keep it always in the house. All druggists. By an arrangement made with Mr. Sheppard, the proprietor of this paper is prepared to send to any address THE LIB- ERAL, and the Toronto \Veekly News and York County Paper to the 313t of De- cember, J887, together with one dollar’s worth of books, for the sum of $1.75. Send in your orders at once. and get the reuminder of this year, for both papers, free. The following is the list of books to select from»â€" No. 1, Toronto by Gaslight ......... P rice 20 cents “ 2, The Queen of the Isles i. " ‘20 “ “ 3,T1L1nm:.{0’s Sermons .. †20 “ “ 4, The Wcifleet Mysterv . †20 “ “ 5, A Gentlenmn ()1 Leisure " 30 " “ (S. Mildred . . . . . , . , . . . , V . . “ 25 “ “ 7. The Haunted Hotel “ 2-5 †“ 8, Theliluck Robe ,,,,, .. “ ‘25 “ “ 9, Dotoctivmuid Snmnmnbul t “ 25 ‘ u “ 10, Advcn'ures of Tom Sawyer “ 2» “ 1], Claude Melnotte , . . . . “ 25 “ “ 12,1{meDuntnn ..... .. " 25 " " 13, The Wife‘s nge y “ 25 “ “ 14, Letters to a Young Men-hunt “ 30 “ " 15, 531' Phillip's VViio or Lost for The increasing demand for West’s Cough Syrup Is evidence of 1ts great vir~ tne in all throat and lung diseases. Three siZes. All drnggists. A farm of 75 acres, being; comnnsed 01 the East parts of lots :52u11d‘23,in the Is for $8.10. The fa rm. which is near Richmond Hill station on the Nurtheru Railroad, is in a. high state of mLtvation; has good buildings mid ()l‘Chu} \1, and is well watered, swimming 1], living spring. Terms easy; can be made to suit purchaser. For further pnrticuhn‘s enquim of J. C. or ARCH. MCQUARRIE. 8-tf Maple I’. O \Vest’s Cough Syrup, 3 cermin and snvedy cure for coughs,cnlds,and all throat and lung diseases. 4TH CON. 0F VAUGHAN, An Extraordinary Oï¬er. 17, Tnlmuge's Sermlo H The Marriage Ring ..................... “Dolly,†the Younz \Vidder up to Felder's, by 1519.811617- para, the Fm‘pï¬n‘ Editor bound in cloth .Price 20 cents .. 20 u u 20 .1 u 20 u u 30 u 0 rd 5 7 . A good, seven romnor]. brick house is fur sale 111 one of the best locullties in the Village of The lot contains 2 of an acre, and runs from Value to Church St. There in n ï¬rst-01me 001- lm‘ under the house, and the garden, which conâ€" mins 150 curmnt buslms, apples, plums, gameâ€" berries and other small fruits, is one of me best in jheyillï¬go. For furthé'r particulars 111)pr at 343‘ TEIE LIBER .Chilblains, frosted feet, and all frost bites cured by a few applications of \Vest’a World’s Wonder or Family Lini- ment the magic cure. Tryit. 25c. and 500. All druggists. RICHMOND HILL. HUSE F93 SME. Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current Rates No notice of withdran required. Dmfï¬s on [111 parts of Canada, United States and Gram: Britain, bought and sold PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TBEES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M. R 1‘2, H. P. Dwight, D‘ M. Mm» douald, C. 15. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. \Vm‘ld-wlde is the reputation of VVest’s Cough Syrup, the truly marvellous rem- edy for coughs, colds, whoopmg cough, asthma and consumptwn. All druggists Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. 86 B, Upstairs. Genital Bank of Sande; Has the exclusive right for the use of Hnrd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of QP. LENNOX, DIENTFIST, VITAISIZED AIR ! I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Guld Filling, and all other operations skilfully p_erfurmed, 212 moderate fees. Call Qn‘d see me. I No trouble to an- swer questions. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $8.00 ON CELLULOID, â€" a $10.00 Have taken In fllght and have snttlon‘. in thoir new hivcithe fl \1001' north or Trench’s inge Works. AL ATTENTION. Having removed to new xmd comnmdiuus quart- ers,l:unyrcpurcd10 enter on the \Vintfl‘ Cmmnugn with greatly improved facili- ties for turning out And 1111 persons requiring nnything in mv lino maydepeml upon \x‘mkmnnship ï¬rst-class in evo '3' respect. The New Bee Hive, Opposite Lorne Block. SUITS Mi WEEBUME. Special Limes 9f Tmuseflngs A GOOD m GUARANTEED, W'ithin this hivr-, as: everybody lznnww, ’l‘l\(~,y‘1‘L,u1w;L) a turning 011L11GC suits of clothes: Comet-hen and have, your 01‘s, it W111 pm; ("1 got lull sntird'uctiollUiS what, you’ll always my. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, BUSE†RISES IAIdlEOï¬â€™ .Kzu'kols a Sinwmally. BEST SETS FE!€S'E‘-CLA§S BVOHEEC ! C. TREVETH C. TREVETHAN, JAMES M. LA‘VRENL‘E, [Single copies, 3 cts Richmond Hill Branch. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. A full line of samples for THE LIBERAL OFFICE. Mav 15th. 188Lâ€"1V No. 23. Manager.