Rural Canadian and Canada Presbyterianâ€"C. Blackett Robinson. Building timberâ€"LMiss Oster. Annual Meetingâ€"J. J. Threlkeld. Reform Rallyâ€"G. B. Smith' forty Books Given Awayâ€"The Toronto Mail. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Dec. 2, ’86 In the present Local campaign it is worthy of note that the Conser- vatives have almost entirely aban- doned facts and arguments. In their stead they resort to a policy ofalarm, prejudice and falsehood. Now this policy has certainly the‘ advantage of ease of execution, but a this ease or execution is in exact proportion to its resemblance to the broad path which leads a people to destruction. We have, however, in view of the past, neither fault nor surprise to express at the class oi weapons which Mr; Meredith (we should say Sir John Macdonald. tor .every person knows that Meredith is the mere factotum of Macdonald) has chosen to war against Liberal- ism in 11115 province. The record is quite symmetrical, yes, even in its inconsistency. Bunting, of the Mail, has never ceased to gnash his teeth at Mr. Mowat ever since the :sharp Premier nailed him as one of the Brawlmg Brood ; Macdonald can never forget the shame and hu- miliation inflicced on him by ‘ the little tyrant,’ as her elegantly ex- pressed himself, in every legal strug- gle on which he entered. Add to- gether, then, Bunting’s and Macâ€" donald’s hatreds, put the result into their subservient mouth-plece, Mer- edith, and you have the toundations of the Conservative policy ior the government of Ontario. r . 1 @112 Efliheml. n- _ ,, To expect consistency from these creatures of revenge and hoodle would be absurd. 1t W111 not aston- ish. therefore, anyone to be told that in 1882 and 1883 Messrs. Macdon- ald, Bunting and Meredith were act- ually engaged in doing that with which they are now ialselv charging the Local Cabinet. Qn june' 5th, 1882, was written Sir john’s famous letter to .the Roman Catholic Bishops 01 Ontario. That letter was the re- sult of a scheme concocted by a de- cidedly queer company. In it were represented the Orange extreme and the Catholic extreme. For there were present at the manufacture of thlS precious plan two Orangemen, u up! h viz.,Sir John Macdona]d,and Mr. E. F.Clarke, editor of the Orange Sen- tincl ; two nondescripts, Sir David Macpherson, and John Shields, of frozen-whiskey fame ; and lastly,one Roman Catholic, Hon. Frank Smith. Now what was the scheme? Noth- mg more or less than to barter two seats in the Dominion Cabinet, for Messrs. Smith and O'Donohoe, in return for the Catholic vote. But the letter of Sir John so clearly ex- plains the whole business that we again insert itJ and for this second insertion we make no apology, be- cause not one Tory sheet through- out the length and breadth of Cana- da has ever dared to publish it. (Letter from Sir John Macdonald to the Roman Catholic Bishops of Ontario.) “ 'i'oronto, June 5th. 1882. (Private and confidential.) MY DEAR LORD,â€" Mr. O’Donohoo will tell you of the term pest that has been raised here in Toronto .on account. of the supposition that his views are ex treme as to the Irish question- This might destroy his future, and it has thenfore been arranged between the Hon. Frank Smith and O‘Donnnoe that; the former is to represent. the Irish Catholics in the Cabinet, while O’D. \\ ill get a seat in the Senate. FRANK SMITH Is To MAKE WAY FOR 0’â€" DUNOHOE IN THE MINISTRY WHEN THEY THINK THE TIME IS OPPORTUNE. Those two gentlemen are acting in periect ac- cord, and desire that I should explain to your Lmdsllip the nature of their arrange- ment, whichigfioou‘lse‘M ’ST KEPT A PROFOUND SECRET AT FREQ;~ ENT. Believe me, my dear Lord. faith fully yours, (Signed.) JOHN A. MACDONALD.†Then in 1883, one, Captain Kir- win, acting under the instrucrions of Messrs. Macdonald, Bunting and Meredith, drew up an address to the Catholic electors of Ontario. In it, the Catholics were promised two Irishman in the Government, one a Catholic, the other a Protestant. For this signal favor, the Catholics were asked to vote for Meredith’s candidates. Let the people of East and West York ponder on these disgraceful transactions. Let Orangemen ask themselves if they have been treated with even' ordinary consideration, Let Orangemen pause before they again‘mnsent to act as a political machine for men who toss them a- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1882 do 1883 VS. 1886. side as old iron when matters of the highest moment to them are up for discussion. And it must be borne in mind that in voting against Dr. Gilmour and Mr. G. B. Smith, men will be acquiescing in the toulest political truckling and deception that ever disgraced a country. This is a question on which there can only be one opinion. Either tor Mowat and fair-play, or for Mere- dith and duplicity ; either for Mow- at and justice to all, or for Meredith and sectarianism ; either for Mowat andProvincial Rights,or torMeredith and the couversron of Ontario into a Dominion donkey-engine. These are the alternatives. We marvel that anyone can hesitate about a choice. West’s Cough Syrup instantly relieves and speedin cures bronchitis,sore throaf, and all throat diseases. Try it and be convinced. All druggists. RICHMOND HILL PLANING MILLS ! Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, RUNS. 850.. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, Ml, In connection with the factory. where custom sawing wdl be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. FIRST-CLASS SAWâ€"MILL ,’ 17-12? The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th, 1886-3m. Secondhand stoves, coal andywood, for sale cheap. ‘ , WM.. ATKINSu‘N Notice to 6mm THE CREDITORS OF WILLIAM BUYNTON Lake of the Township of Markham in the Com.- ty of York, Yeoman, deceased, whe died on or about the third dav of October last past, and 3.71 others having claims against his estate are here- by notiï¬ed to send by post prepaid or otherwise deLver to the undersigned Admimstrators of the estate and effects of the said deceased at Victoria Square or to Messrs. Stephenson & Dickson. So- licitors, etc.. Manning Arcade, King Street West Toronto, on or before the Dated. Nov. link, 1386. A quantity of good Building Timbar is for sale on lot 31, in the 2nd Con. of Vaughan. The ï¬rm bar will be taken out according to bill. Apnlv to ‘pvnn nm-nnn “In.†15th Day of December next Their christian names and surnames addresses and descriptions the full particulars of their claims. a. statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them 3 and in default thereof and immediately after the said Fifteenth day of December the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto havmg regard only to claims of which notlce she 11 have been given as above required ; end this notice loeim;r given under the Statutes of Ontario 46 Vic. Chap. 9 amending Sec.34 Chan.lo7 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario the administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not hevebeen received by them or their said Solicitors at the time of §$011§ distrigilgtion. t RY H PER. - - SAMUEL M. BROWN) Administrators. Stephenson & Dickson, _Solicitor§, etc. uildingjimher ! WEST YORK REFORM ASSOC‘N ANNUAL MEETING. Wednesday, Dec. 8th,1886, Mr. w. Mulock. NI. P. for North York. Dr. Lynd. Dr. Gilmour and others. A good House. with shop 11178.84:th to rent in the centre of the village of THORNHILL ! Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Fl “ST-CLASS ORDER, Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of A good place for a shoemaker or 1:» Hot. Apply to A. MULDOON, ’-tf Thornhill, Always ori hand. There is also a. Will be present and address the meeting. At 2 o'clock p. m. In is expected that TO RENT ! L. INNES & SONS, FOR SALE. The annual meeting of the Will be held at Parkdale on J. J. THRELKELD. Sec’y MISS OSTER. Maple «5 >7: 5..†_. W9 SIOTIU [EL SJ.“ [LL mg <mm0 ram 58:3 4 d. 335 O: Desires to thank his numerous customers tor them“ very liberal patronage in the past, and has great pleasure in stat-r ing that his stock of WM. ATKINSON Concrete RIGHMQND HELL. For fall, 1886, is thelargest and best selected he has ever oflered to the public, a very large part ofit being direct im~ portationslmught for ready cash from the best houses and manufacturers in England. Goods are now being offered at prices that astonish people. We offer all our immense stock at prices that must sell the goods. We invite all to attend this offering of DRY Goons; MELLINERY.&e. We invite the special attention of the ladles to our verv large stock of Dress Goods, Flushes, Velvets,Flowers, Feath . ers, Jerseys, Jersey Jackets, Paletots,Ulsters,Mantles,Mantle Cloths, Ulstering, &c., which we are selling 20 per cent. lower than the same goods can be bought elsewhere. We Show a large stock of plain and fancy Bought when prices were at the Inwest point. We ofler Grey Flannel at 15, 20, and 25c. per yard. Grey Cotton, I yard‘wide, at 5, 7, and 8c. ATKINSON. We say come along, we can ï¬t you out, no matter what may be your wants. If it is an ordered Suit or Overcoat, a Ready-Made Suit or Overcoat, a Shirt, Hat,Tie, Silk Pocket Handkerchief, or Underclothing, the Concrete is the place to suit you best in quality and price. ‘ We have an immense stock of CANADIAN COTTON &WOOL GOODS Tweeds, Shirtings, Buttons, &9. Dress Goods, THE FIRE PROOF, In Shawls, Clouds, Hoods, KNITTED WOOL GOODS, DRY GO®DS A, Splendid. Assortment of Nomination Tuesday, Dec. 2131). LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Yuur Vote and Influence are respectfully‘solicited for MSTE!EIN@ @E’ mm: f THE REFORM CANDIDATE THE A GENTLEMEN Polling Tuesday, Dec. 28th. â€",â€"â€"FOR THEâ€"- Funnels}, 8m. A’l‘ Gloves, Hosiery, &c. for their very