Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Dec 1886, p. 5

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The Annual Moetimv of the \Vest York .flefnrm Association will be he‘d at Parkdale ,on Wednesday, the 8th of Dvcamber, at 2 o’clock p. m. For speakers, &c., eeead. on another page‘ A public meeting in the Interest of Mr. G. B.Smith and Refm'm, will be held in the Town Hall, Markham, on Thursday evening. 20%. 9M]. For particulars see another‘ part of this paper. ' The Canada Preshytermn and Rural Can- .adian ave ofiered for $200 for the year 1887. This is n good chance for new, as well as old subscribers, as by this combination 81 is saved. See Ad. on another page. The Richmond Hill Branch Society will mold its annual meetmgf in the Presbxterian Church, on Friday evening. Dec. 3rd, at 7.30. The Agent and others will address the meet- ing L0 which a cordial mvitation is extend- .ed to all. _ Until further notice Mails will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post ()rfice as follows:â€" MnRNING 1~Goinq Nm~t11.soulh, East and \Vest, including ’l‘hornhill, Maple, 'l‘n‘rontn, Mm‘l-zhmn. &o. 8.00 EVENING :â€"â€"Goim: southflast 21ml West (as above) 5.30 ~N. B.â€"Rogisbered Lust '5 must, he lmmlefl in “t least E‘Iftuon Minutes her than the above mentioned hours for (:10 m1. MGHMOND IB‘LL, 'I‘hursd w, Dec. 2, ’56 Mason sells the beg-t make 0t stoves. Mason has a full line of all kinds of Stoves cheap for cash. Brennan’s 250. Tea is chemo and fragrant ! Try it I Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels at The Concrete, ail of first quality and at EOWest price in the trade. Ladies! See the fine assortment of Mantles and Jackets at Grennan’s Credit Sale. The undersigned has reekived inqtructions to sell by ,mblic ancuun, on 1m 2nd 0011. Vanghnn. on VVen'uusdfiy, D -c. 15th, the valuab'tr- (Arm stock nnnlements, eta, he- !nnginu to Mrs. Jnhn Tiffin. Sale at. twelve o‘rhmk, lunch provided. Salem Eekardt, Auctiuneer. Connects with all twins. lem'ing the Palmer House, RichmonJ Hill. as follows : Mail & Express,North & Smith... ".815 u m. chommodatiou “ “ ‘ ..11 15 " EKm‘ess, North, ‘- Majl, South, Heavy all-W001 Shirts & Drawers for 50 cents each at Grennan’s. A shnnting match for geesp, turkeys, 810., will take place at Birrell‘s Hotel. York Mills;I on Friday, Dec. 3rd. Distance. rifles 100 yards, shoe guns 40 yards. N0. 6 shot to be used. Shooting to commence at 1 p. m. sharp. Correspondence from Edgely unuvoibably held over. New Grocery. Mr. Fred Kirkby is opening out in Mrs. ‘Soules' brick building, two doors north of 'l‘rnnoh's Works, on Mondav, 6th insh, with all kinds of tnhio supplies, prepared and un- prepared. in the fnrm of Cereal Fonds, Bis- -cuits, Cakes, Confectionery, Canned Goods, &0 Give him a call. A good stock of con- fectwnery for Xmas. Newmm‘kat.” Aurora. Kin turan ‘ a 'I‘hnrnhill 'Wescrm ..... Envenport kadale TEE memr; “iii he sent to new subscrib- ers from this date till the first of January, 1888, for the sum of one dollar. Grennan’s 20 cent all wool flan- nels an: splcndi»; valuc. See. them. The numerous customers 01 The Concrete say that the stock of Chi- .na Sets, colored Tea and Dinner Sets beats anything they have seen, .and what is better, it is selling at wholesale prices. WRONTO. City Hall Union Smtimzl Brock Street Queen's Wharf Pan-Mum Davenport. Weston.“ Thmâ€"nhill RICHMOND HxLL King ..... Aurora. ...... Hewm (LI-km: “ “moi/£6 FRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Me fiihmfi. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Good building timber for sale. See ad. 221173. Sugar for at (Brennan’s. Queen’é Wharf Brock Street ,. Umou Station. Clty Hull”..‘.... POST OFFICE'NOTICE B1l>le Society Meetmg. Annual Meetmg. The Ball Rolling. A Good Offer. Gt)qu NORTH. GOING SOUTH, The Gun. Mnil. 8.10 H 18 1005 10.12 10.20 8 :10 Ex. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Acnom. 11.45 11.52 12.00 Accmu. Mnd. 11.57 6.03 12.10 ($.15 12.30 6.37 32.42 6.48 12.53 6.57 12.10 12.53 1.05 90 M45 1.11 1:27 7.1. 10 51. 56 7.30 be taken up by the villagers at once. At present the vim-m, puid for the use of the church hell. together with the amount the ringer receives, is $45 per unnum. This is rather expensive. and now that. we have a village oflicer who could attend to the ring- ing of the hell without any extra. charge, there should be no ditliculty in purchasing one without delay. Only a few years would elapse before it would be paid for out of the surplus between the interest, if the manev were borrowed. and the $45 now paid every year. Perhaps the village Council will give it their consideration. A Iait not about. time that something should be said or done in the procumtiou of n. bell for village purposes? It is well known that the trustees of the Methodist Church gave notice several months ago that their church bell could nut. he used after the close of this year. This bring the case the matter should K, Street. Toronto, 01'8]. St. Francois- Xmier Street, Montreal. mun. a General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of the Selmfield Patan Cake Griddle. the Cele- brated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the “ Curver‘s Fltiwd ”), the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay-Eye-See Wire Curry Comb. and other Specialties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for m1 outfit, and tn secure what territory ' you can handl». . 25 The Vaughan Reform Association hell 3 meeting for organization, in the Masonic Hull, Maple.011'Tuesduy, 30th Nov. The hull was well filled, and the meeting proved to be a very enthusiastic one. Dr. Gilmonr and Dr. Lyud were present, and, delivered stirring addresses. Dr. Gilmour is making it therough canvas of the Riding, and is well satisfied with the result of his labors. He reviewed carefully the s h-cailed charges which the Opposition, led by Mr. Meredith. are bringing against the administration of the Hon. 0. Mowat. He showed the absurd- ity of the Conservatives in this contest rais- ing the cry that Roman Catholics are receiv- ing more than equal rights with their Pro- testant neighbors in the education of their children. Both Dr. Gilmonr and Dr. Lynd are proving themselves strong men, and their chances of election are exceedingly hopeful. Unity 'l‘ea. _ “In Umty {here is Strength” is a saying as old as the hills, aml us true as steel. But in Umty Ten. now imported by Mr. Atkinson, in Perfection Ten. Uzmn, there is not. only that stronglh which invigomtes the system and smnulutes the weuried nerves, but also delicate banquet and aromatic prop- erties of a high order. w hen the leaves of the Ten Plum. are of a tender growth, and packed in the first. place, subjecbed to the perfection process of curing in the Second, and preserved in Pm‘fccliun Tea Cans in the tlliul. they cannot, help exhibiting all the best attributes of 9. pure and healthful bev- eruge. Last Wednesday evening the members of I. O. Gr. '1‘. of this village, under the rule “Good of the order,” got up a prospectus for a lodge newspaper. to be issued weekly, and to be called The Quiver. 1t is to be a non- political temperance and literary periodical, and to contain lively editorial articles on many of the questions of the (my, original essays on interesting topics, selections. cur- rent news, jottings &c. The new venture Was placed under the editorial management of an oflicer of the Temple, with two asso- ciate editors. Any able staff of reporters and contributors was secured, and the young as- pirant for popularity was started with every probability of success. Home and foreign news is requested from all present andformor members of the Lodge and others quested to be forwarded not later than Tues- day of each week. Address, "The Quiver,” Richmond Hill Temple 1. O. G. T. MOTHERS TAKE NOTICEâ€"West’s Cough Syrup contains no opiates, opium or any minerals, and can be given t0 the youngest and most delicate child with perfect safety. It is an infallible cure for crimp and whoUping-cnugh. A butth should always be kept Convenient, as it is always a certain cure for coughs, colds, consumption in us early stagesbronchitis, asthma, and all throat and lung trunlilus. 2: , 50., and $1 per butLlu. All drug D02. 7 inch Plates for 65 cents; I Doz. Tea Plates tor 50 cents; I Doz. Handled Tea cups and San- cers for 89 cents. and a beautiful colored Tea Set for $2.59. You can buy at The Concrete D02 D02 D02 D07. . 9 inch Plates for 80 cents; . 7 inch Plates for 65 cents . Tea Plates tor 50 cents; . Handled Tea cups and S: A11 the best brands of canned goods-C0rn, Peas, Tomatoes, Pine Apple, Peaches, Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Salmon, Mackerel and Lob- ster at lowest pnces at The Con- crete. » Markham Reform Assomation. The annual meeting of the Markham Township Reform Association will be held at Victoria Hall, Uniunville. on Saturday, Dcc. 4th, at one o'clock p. m. The Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, M. 1’. for East. York, G. B. Smith, Esq” Reform candida’le im- the Local Assambly, and othprs will be present. Accident. ‘ What might have been a. serlous accident occurred in Tlloruhill on Tuesday evening. Mr. J. M. Davis, of this village, was driving through in his buggy when he was run into by Thompson‘s mail waggon and thrown violently t0 the ground. Mr. Thompson’s horses had mu away, hence the accident. Mr. Davis’ head was cut. and his back Was injured. but had he not been well wrapped 1n robes when he struck the ground his‘ in- juries would have been serious. Thompson’s bus line appears to be noted for run~awav horses. with Get New Era Baking Powder at Gygnnan's, and a fine glass present AGENTS V'JANTED. LEMENT 6: 00.. 01348 WELLINGTON every can. Reform Meeting. A Town Bell. WURSMY. DEB. 3TH, 1886, 0n the above date will be held a Public Meeting, in the TOWn Hall, Murkham, at which the leading questions of the day will be discussed. Among the speakers will be W. B. SPEIGHT. J. C. CLARK, Pres. E.-R. Y. R. A. Sec. E.R.Y.R.A HELMKAYâ€"Nem- Headfnrd, in the find Cnn‘Mm‘kâ€" 1xa1n,on Thursday, Nov.25th, 1886, Carolina, bplpved wifq of Francis Helmkay, sr. in the In past years the rage at Christmas time and long before has been the purchasing of Christmas cards for friends abroad as sou. venirs. This year a change is taking place. THE MONTREAL STAR is bringing out a. su- perb Christmas number‘ a mammoth paper of wondrous beauty. with twenty-eight pages of magnificent illustrations, including a he simile of the great picture purchased by Sir Donald Smith, at the Morgan sale, New York. at a. cost of forty-five thousand dollars about which the curiosity of a whole conti- nent has been aroused. The engraving on the Sun's picture is something of a rare delicacy. Besides the twenty-eight pages of illustrations there are stories, sketches and poems by the best authors. Professor Grant, of Queen’s College, has written a. powerful article. which every Canadian man, woman and child should read. while there is some. thing iron] the pen of Professor Roberts. Nova’Scot-ia, Geo. Murray Montreal, absorb- ing stories by E. W. Thompson, Toronto, poems by Poet Laureate Frechette and oth- ers, together wrth a large 23 x 28 plate sup- plement, said to he the most bewitching crayon ever issued on this side the Atlantic. The whole of this popes-r, which critics say eclipses the London GRAPHIC and London ILLUSTRATED NEWS is sent to any address for the amazingly small sum of 25 cents in post- age stumps. The publishers are Graham & 00.. Montreal, who are giving beautiful prizes to the value of $300 to the little folk» who write the most faithful short letter itbout the paper. This is really an age of woudcrs. Anybody who was fortunate en- ough to get a copy of the last Cm‘nivul STAR will not he so much surprised at this latest piece of gigantic enterprise. MARKHAM HON.. G. W. ROSS, All. irrespective of Political opinions. are reâ€" quested to attend. Dlscussiou invited. REFBW BMW! Préserve Your Sight Speetaelea & Eye Glasses. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 veers, and given in every in. stance unbounded satisfaction. They are the best in the world. They ne‘er tire, and lost many ears without change. Rea. the following testimonial :â€" I have great- pleasure in certifvingz thutI have worn Spectacles manufactured by Frank Lazar- us for fifteen years. and they excel all others I have used for clem‘ness of vision and ease While writing or reading. FRANK LAZARUS FRANK LAZARUS, Manufacturer, :8 Mary land Road, Harrow Road, London, Enaland, (late Lazargs & Morris, Hartford, Conn.) r MUNN & 00., of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN con- tinue to act us Solicitors for Patents, Cuveuts. ‘I‘rude Marks. Copymzhts. for the United Shauna. Canudu. E 'lm’ld. France. Germany. eLc. Hand Book about. 11‘ Thin an“: experience: The Village Council met on Monday ev- ening, Nov. 22nd. The Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs. McUonaghy and Powell. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A communication from T. Me. Ilroy, Manager of the Gutta Percha and Rubber Manufacturing 00.. dated Nov. 13th, was read. The following accounts were read: H. Blanchard, work on streets, $15.00 ; Jos. Powell. work on streets, $3.00; Alex. Mc- Laughlau, fire department, $9.15 ; Thos. J. Dobson. work on roads, $11.25 ; Henry Marsh, for lumber, 10.00. Moved by Mr. McConaghy, seconded by Mr. Powell. that the foregoing, accounts he paintâ€"Carried. Moved by McConeghy, seconded by Mr. Pow ell, that the Treasurer refund to Mr. Hesse Nicholle one dollar for dog tax paid for a. dog assessed to his tenant, John Leece. re- moved.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Powell, seconded by Mr. McConaghy, that the Vil- lage Inspector be instructed to repair the sidewalk along Wilson’s mill poud. â€" Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, Dec. 20th, at 8 o'clock p. m. JAMES GODFREY Late Incumbent of Trinity Church,Wolfe Island For Sale by T. F. McMflHOJV; Dbminion of Canada, , , , ,, . -. .. . .. J.‘ ., “‘ i‘ntemsobtainedthrnuuh MUNN a; CO. nrnnotic d; In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. Feat. and‘: most widely circulated scientific paper. $3.20u year“ Weeklv. S lendid engravings and intornsting In-‘ formation. ‘pecimen copy nfthe Scio-nlilic Amer” icun sentfrvm Addrle M UNN k 30. $(‘lENTIk‘IOl AMERICAN (Alice. 2;: Broadway. New York. ( - VisTN‘o coxylgctibp wuh afiy othéi‘ firm in PUBLISHER 0F “ LIBERAL,” RICHMOND BJLL. G. B. SMITH, ESQ, 4153; year of her age (Late of the firm of Lazarus & Morris) TOWN HALL. Reform Nominee, and others. BY WEARING THE ONLY Minister of Education, A Thing of Beauty. RENGDWNBD IN THEâ€"â€" Vfllage Council. DEATHS AT 8 P. M. In our Quilt department we are showing very large lines. We havs good heavy Bed Comforters at 75c., 351, 1.25, 1.50 and up, and large, fine, pure hider-Down Quilts at :79, the regular price in the city for the same goods is $12.50. We are also Offering Big Drive in Grey Flannels, which we show in Wide widths as low as I5cts. per yard. Houseâ€" keeeers should not pUrChase without first seeing our inr- mense-stock. PETLEY & PETLEY, GREAT FALL SALE Every lady should make it her’ business to examine our magnificent stock of Winter. Mantles. We are selling lovely [ersey Jackets nicer trimmed at $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 and #1156, really worth from $5 to $310. Handsome Long Ottoman Satin Finish Mantles at $3.50, 4. 4.50, 5, 6,7,8 and 10, worth from fifteen to sixteen dollars. No lady should purchase a Mantle Without seeing our im- mense stock of new fashionable garments of this season’s im- portation. Our Millinery department is stocked with all the newest shapes and latest novelties for the present season, and for style, moderation of prices and good taste cannot be equall- ed in this or any other city. Housekeepers about to make their purchases for winter should see our large stock of fine all wool White Blankets, purchased bp us direct from the manufacturers previous to the advance in the price of wool We have also in stockrnice white Blankets at much lower prices, but we cannot recommend them with the confidence we do the above goods. 128 to 132 King Street East, Opposite the Market, Large, heavy, all pure wool white Blankets at 3, 3.50, 4, and 4.50. These goods we can recommend to our custom- ers, as they are made. of the best long wool, and contain neither cotton nor shoddy. DRY GODS AND CLOTHENG PETLEY & PEILEY, COMMENCING TO-DAY AT THE STORES OF WINTER MANTLE S 1L ’ WOOL BLANKETS MAMMOTH MUSE mm; ST. EAST, OUR MANTLE DE- PAHTMENT Ladics’ Elegant Dolmans, both short and long, from $5.00 to $25.00. Is fairly loaded with new, choice and ele~ gant Goods. Never before in the history of our business have we made such an ef- fort to eclipse every former year. Our Mantle Room has been thoroughly re- modelled and enlarg- ed, thus making it the brightest and largest in Toronto. The requirements of our immense busiâ€" ness have made this an absolute neces- sity. Newmarket $3.50 up. Ladies’ Short Walking Coats €53 Ladies’ Long $01110 oats

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