be sent out. Pnnnmn Boons GIVEN AWAY 4 To any one sending in TWO New Subscriptions to the WEEKLY MAIL at One Dollar Each. No freight and no duty to pay. We have the Books on hand ready to BY THE BEST AUTHORS 1- J’ININ‘I‘ “any†500"“- ANOVCL “3' to overv iiiiportniit city of America illne- Miss M. E. BuADDON. Illustrated. truter \viih bird's-eye views of each city ) 2. John ltowcrlmnk‘l “'ifc. ANovcl. ‘IUS‘T‘UC‘L By Miss hIUl.OCK. Illustrated. 3. The Cricket on tho Eleni-1h. A Christ mus 5,0,.“ By CHARLES Dmmms‘ 1mm“ many ulldNalrlUllS subjects. Illustrated. tralrd. . 4. The Mystery of [he [lolly Tree. A s - Nilivel. By the amber of “Dora. Tlioriic." MISCELLANEOUS. I ush’nlcd. '5. (hihrlcl's Marriage. \\ mun; COLLINS. Illustrated. 6. The Grey W'orunu. A Novel. Mrs. GASKELL. Illustrated. 7. Etrnplng the Whirlwind. A. Novel. By MARY Cnen. IIAY. S. Tm- lleli‘ to Ashley. Mrs. IIMNMY WOOD. 9. \mos Barton. A Novel. ELIU'i‘. A Novel. A Novel. 29 POPULAR NOVELS % y GEORGE IBOOICS 0F BEFEI‘ENC I I. 32. The (ï¬lth-S of the New “'orhl. A description of all points of interest; relating 33. l'srl‘ul Knowledge for the Million. fl. liziiiily book of useful infomilibinii upon BY 30. The lllstorynnd Mynlvry oH‘ommon Things. This work tellsnlliiboiii the llli‘ullh BY fzieturc of the common rind fniiiiliui‘ things which we see every day about us. It like. wise describes the culture of llll kind». of foreign fruits, nuts. spices, ch. lllll.“l7‘(.’l{‘(/ 31. Manners and Customs In For AW’H) lands. a very iiiic ' Ling and instructive book of travels, describing the pcculizir life. lliLllllS, iininnors. and customs of Llie peopli- of foreign couiiLries. Illustrated. B y 10. Henry Arkell. A Novel. By Mrs. 11W“ ‘VUOD- FOR THE LADIES. ii. The Laurel Bush. A Novel. By Miss MULoeK. 12. “in. red Trcvanmm A Novel. By 34. Fancy “ orlt for Home Adornmcm, “ Tine Uuenuss." l3. (‘ullcsl Back. mva v. A Novel. By Heoii containing iiierLieLions for making fancy baskets,wall-pockets, brackets. needlework, embroidery, etc, etc; profusely illustrated. 3.5. The Home (‘ook nook and Fondly H. Rack to "m 0†“mum A Novel. Physician.containing;hundredsofexrollcnt 13,. MM“. CECIL HAY. Ilmstratcd. CflOlUIlg‘l‘CUClplS and iian to liousckcepir'. ‘ ulso telling how Lo cure all manner of com H13. " 0. Frozen hoop. A Novel. By iiion ailments by simple home remedies. \i ILKHC COLLiNs. Illush'atcd. hi. Rm! (‘ourl Form. A Novel. By Mrs. Illustrated. 17. | Golden Down. A Novel. iiiilhoi‘ oi’ ' ‘ Dora ’l‘liornc." 13. Dudley (‘urlcom A Novel. M. E. BRADUON. _ 19. same:- nose. CULLINS. 20. In the Holidays. MARI CICU1L HAY. 2i. Tlll' l\'()\ cl. 2.5. A [trials from llic Son. .11 l‘iNï¬ v \\'ooi). A Novel. A Novel. Horwick Farm Mystery. By WILKiu COLLINS. Illustrated. A Novel. By By the Illustrated. By Miss By \ViLKnc FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE, 36. Famous Detective Stories. A col- lection oi“ Lhrilliiig narratives of Detective experience, many of them written by actual members of Lhe rofession. We believe ii to be ilie besL eol oction of Detective stories ever published. By 37. Slxtecn Complete Stories by Popular Authors, embracing love, humorous. {Hill A Detective stories, SLONOS of society life, of adventure, of railway life, etc. ; all very in iercsting. 38. School Dlulouuen, Recluitlons :iml the :iiiLhor oi‘ “ Dora 'l‘lioriie.†Illustrated. "omungs. a huge and choice COHWUOH (m. 23. A nun-lune “nun-1.. A Novel, By school exhibitions, and public and privan AXNH'ZTIIUMAS. Illuslralrd. CIIICIWOJDIHCIHS. ‘21. The lHuirhi‘orql iii-quest. A Novel. 1... liLull ( UI\\VA\. IllilslHitcd. ARIUSEMENTS. 2.3 A (E u 11-. n .\ o \‘el. Amongst \Vomon. :26. Th:- Fatal Mnrringc. A Novel. Miss M. E. BRADINLV. 27.1%? Nulghh Novel. 11y (21mm. .. ‘28. Among the Ruins. A Novel. Iii:\l{\ Cicon. HAY. Illustrated. :hrï¬dgc Mystery. if}, The Hysirr)‘ :il EHRIQ'R\VUINI Grunge. lsy Mrs. MAY AGan FLEMING. A Novel. ilCADE. Illustrated. A lty the millior of “Dora Thorne.†39. ll‘nrlor Amnscmcn Is. a new and lill‘_i:(‘ By collection of AeLiiig Cliiimdes, l’iirio; Drniiiiis, Shadow Panioniinics, Grimes A Puzzles, CUL, for social gatherings, piihlii rind private ontcruiiiiincnbs, iiiid evenings at home. Illustrated. 40. I'nnhechl niid llumor. A colleo tion of humorous stories, sketches. pooiiis, iind paragraphs, by the lending funny men of the American press. Illustrated. By The above 40 Books will be sent postpaid to any address for $120. Address The WOMAN’S WORK COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. QJUR OFFER We have arranged with the Publishers of these Books to present'the whole Forty, postage prepaid, to any address in Canada Or the United Sided, as a premium for sending Two New Subscribers to “ The Weekly Mail " at One Dollar Each. BAALANCE OF THIS YEAR FREE Address, “THE MAIL," Toronto, Canada. 31cm Eiiivcitiseiuoitï¬. RURAL CANADIAN AND THE , CANADA PRESBYTERIAN, $2.00 for both Papers for 1887. This remarkable offer is good to oLD as well as now subscribers. THE CANADA PnnsBYTERIAN is pronounced to be £110 “ leading doiioniiiiiitioiial paper in Cana- da," is now in its sixteenth yeiir of publication, and in all its deparbiiicnls will be better than ever during the coming year. Tun RURAL CANADIAN, is about to enter on its tentn year, is styled the "Agricultural authority of the Dominion," is ( 221m. piiper with de- pariiimnts to suit: the varied tastes and interests to be lound in every home. Subscribe for both Papers & save $1.00. Address : C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 Jordan Street, Toronto \Vesi’s Liver Pills, the standard remedy for liver complaint, dyspepsiadndigestion and sick headache. 30 sugar coated pills, 250. All driiggists. FORTH LIVER Bill; guinea AND llllllili [nfiillible Blood Puriï¬er, Tonic, Diurectic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Jnniidicc, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, all Kidney Diseases, Scrofnln, Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum. Exzema and all Skin Liseaseï¬, Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach and Heart; Burn. Piirnly Vegetable. Jean 0. WEST it; 00., Toronto Ont. Sliillimeï¬irertnm. Churches. ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Cocoonâ€"Service at 3 p.m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 min. SundaySchoolatlz30p1n Rev.W.Botes, Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and (3:30 ll.111.,&nd Sunday school, at 2.30 p. in. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Goneral Prayer Meeting: every Thursday evening in the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assistant. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH or CANADA.â€"â€"Services at 1] o’clock a.iii.,and 0:30 pm. Prayer meeting on \Vedncsduy eveningatflzélo. nev J. W. Cain- eron. Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"â€"Services in order a follows Thoruhill at 9 a.m., and Richmond Hillat 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill riff) am. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor Societies. RichoND ImocmA. F. & A. 11., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Masonic Ha11,on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock p.111 1. Crosby, \V.M. ANCIENT ORDER OF Fonnmnns~00urt Rich- 111(i11il,N0.7(l4l‘i A. 0. F., meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.â€" Goo. McDonald, C. R. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday th)!ll1]€£,fl.t 7.30 o'clock. \Vm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Methodist: sabbath schoolTeiiipcrance As sociiition issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. \Vin.Ha.rrison aupt MECHANICS’ lNSTITUTE.â€"11ibral‘y of over 1000 volumesopen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R, E. Law, Libra- yiiin. Lectures and discussionsperiodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANn.â€"Mects for p acticc every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE Colmanâ€"Revvn. VViIi. Pugsley, Counâ€" cillm‘s.l\iessrs. Bcnj. Redditt, W. D. Powell, P G. Savage, and F.McComighy. (,‘lcrk, M. 'l eefy, A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. L11, Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock pm. Bene~ ticary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of death. A.J.Rnpern, Muster Workman. B. Grelinan. rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall, each alter- imt-ive Tuesday evening atBo’clock p in. Bene- ficinry certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1.000 or in case of death 92,000, one half payable in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select; Councillors; J.A.E.Switzei',Recording Secretan FOR SALE! A desirable propcrbv for S‘lle VSlDllatOd in the village of RICHMOND HILL, (lonmstiiw of %of on new, more or less. with house, shrines and wood shed ; also hard and suit miter. V For further particulars uppiy‘to ' B. REDDITT. Richmond Hill, Nolebh-Xm - - y __ .. I: ‘ 0 CAL WOOD The undersigned begs to inform the inhabiâ€" tants of MAPLE and Vicinity that he intends keeping on hand a. good supply of Coal and Wood at. RICHMOND sin. sums WILSDN’S STAND'ARDSGALES will be on the premises for weighing. All orders promptly nttoiided. R. RUMBLE. Maple, July 7th, 1886. ‘TRENCHS -CARRIAGE WORKS.- RICIIMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the genoral public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply - Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, ‘ Sleighs and Gm PLATFORM SPRING,GRDCERIE. WAGUNS. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own siipervisc .1. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black- sniitliing LE repairing in the most work- maiilike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. WM TRENCH Elm, glimmer Tononrrn Thursday Nov.‘25, 1586 Wheat, fall, per bushel ..... ..$0 75 to 7 Wheat, spring, do 77 7 Barley, u do 4.8 oats, do 3.} Pens. do 52 Rye. d0 00 Clover Seed, do -, ---- Dressed hogs, per 1001b: 5 25 b '75 Beef, fore quarters . 4 50 5 00 Beef, hind quarters. 7 50 8 00 Chickens, per pair ., 0 3;: 4;, Ducks, do .. 0 (50 7o Geese,ea.cli . 0 00 0 00 Tui'keys,eiich 1 50 2 25 Butter, pound rolls. 0 20 (J 23 Butter, tub dairy .. . 0 00 00 Eggs, fresh, per doz. U 19 20 Potatoes, per bag. 0 75 80 Apples, per bbl .......... 2 00 2 00 onions, green,por bag .. O 00 ...... Cribbage do . 0 00 00 Cauliflower do . 0 00 0 00 Celery, do 0 00 0 00 Turnips, per bag... 0 40 0 00 Carrots, do. 0 40 0 (30 Hay, per ton ... 9 (‘0 15 00 straw, per ton .. fl 00 13 00 RICHMOND HILL Thursdav Nov. 25, 1886. oats, per bushel $0 28 40 Plans, do. .......... G 50 0 00 Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. 5 00 5 50 Beef,fore ounrter............. 4 00 5 00 Beef, hind quarter . 7 00 7 50 Chickens. per pair .. 0 30 0 40 Ducks, do 0 00 0 75 Geese, each ....... 0 50 0 (30 Turkeys, perlb . (l 9 10 Butter, pound r0 0 2 0 23 Butter, large rolls. 0 18 0 20 Ems, fresh, per do 0 00 15 Potatoes,per bag... 0 50 0 (it) Apples, per bbl....... .. l ‘15 1 50 onions, green, per bush. 70 80 Cabbage, per do: 0 30 0 50 Celery, do . . . , . . . . . . . 'l uriiips, poi-bag ...... 0 30 0 40 Carrots, do - 0 40 o 50 Beans, per peck....... 0 50 0 (30 Flour, spring, per bbl. . , . . . . . . , . . . Floui~,fall,per bbl - 4 10 4 50 Hay,pcr ton ...... _.. 8 ()0 10 00 straw, per ton . . . . . . . . , . . . O A U I l O N . EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY IS MARKED I IN BRONZE LETTERQ. lion nuns l $500.66 a will pay the above Reward for any v case of Dyspepsia, Liver compiaint, sick Headache, Indigestion or Costiweness we cannot Gin-o with W’ES‘PS 1- mm PILLS, when the Directions are strictly complied with. Large Boxes, com; 1mm; so Pins, 25 Coats; 5 30866 $1.69.. 891;! by on Draggists. ‘Frcvns. o Orders coming in by mail faster than ever for that celebrated InIGIi’I‘ IRUN NIIWC} NEW WILLIAMS l \Vliy do they come 7 Because they lead the trade. This Machine is without it 1. parallel in theliistory of Sewing Machines. \Vithiii the last four years they have taken seven medals at Provincial and other large Fairs. Only last fall they took First Prize and ‘l Medal at. the VVorld’s Fair, Antwerp. Belgium; and a Diploma last fall at. London for work done on this excellent machine. This machine was awarded nine First. Prizes last full. At the \Vest York Fair, \Voodbridge, this machine carri- ed otl' tlie highest honors. First Prize, besides four t xti‘a prizos for work, so you ï¬ne I-Q they tzike the lead, and carry oil‘First boil) for and Hear. This machine has on it. more iiiiprovenientn than any other machine. Before buying, see it, try it, and don’t be led away by 0th crs till you have. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Address ' J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. THE PEGPLE’S STCRE l WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPERS. Acomplete stock of \Vziil Paper and Borderings, something new in Styles and? Designs, from 5 cents up. A Large Stock of li‘UKXI‘VITURE In a variety of designs. Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all colors and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Van? ishes, and all other material for painls. Paint and VVliilewash Brushes, all sizes, which I will sell at bottom price. Drill and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. P. (Jr. SAVAGE. NEW Goons! GEEAPV‘PRICES i ALEX. LIOODIE’S Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery and Flour and Feed. DRY GUUD . Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnisliiiws, Cottons, Prints, Denl~ inis, Cottoiiades, illl selling very cheap to make room for fall goods. New Teas, Fresh Coffees. Just arrived all kinds of mm lied Fish, Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel. Abe. HA REI NAILS, HINGES, LOCKs, (cc. Rolled and Family Flour and Feed constantly on hand and delivered on short. notice .A.. MOODIE, Sign of the. “ British Flag Stafl‘.†I o‘NTARio USE Is well supplied with a large stock of GREEN onocsniss, IHAMS,BACON,PORK, And all kinds of STAPLE GBOCERIES. Also BOOTS, SHOES, CROGKERY, 6’60. _AS the goods are bought at CLOSE CASH PRICES They can be sold at prices that should not fail to ï¬ll my; store with eager purchasers. A trial will convince you. J08. HALL. STORE -â€"â€"â€"â€"CHEAPâ€"-- GROCERIES, FLOUR <80 FEED. In connection with my stock of Groceries, &c., I wish to call your attention to a full assortment of goods from the Woodstock \Voollen Mills, consisting of TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNSI These goods are all of ï¬rst-claws quality and very cheap. Call and examine them before pinch-using. Also on hand Raymond Sewing Machines, Eagle Steam Washers and Wrin gers. All who have already purchased are fully satisï¬ed with the way those miichhies- work. Give them a trial wtkll kinds of produce taken in (‘Xttllfillgt‘nflgl‘f I1} ILL). 'l RE USE 4! ammuâ€" Now is your time to keep warm by buying a stove at C. MASON’S '5 Selling at and below Toronto prices Stoves of all kinds delivered on the shortest notice. STOVE PIPES 10 CENTS A LENGTH. Eave Troughing and Repairing promptly attended to. C. MASON.