The action of the Tories in East York can scarcely deceive any one. Up to date, they have not brought out a candidate, and they are zeal- ously endeavoring to persuade Re- formers that it is not their intention to bring;r out one. Now it needs no witch at a riddle to guess What their object is. At pi‘esent,they are leavâ€" ing no stone unturned to create dis- .sension in the Reform ranks. By promising to support a Liberal who is independent and a local man, the Tories hope to produce a Wide split in our ranks. This split, they trust, will create much hard feeling, so that many Reformers Will either re- fuse to vote for Mr. G. B. Smith,the nominee of the party, or W111 actual- ly vote against him. All the time possible is to be given so that the supposed discord among Reformers lnav grow, and wax and multiply. Then, at the last moment, when the harm done is llkely to prove irre- merliable, that is on the day of nom- ination, the Tories will launch a man of their own, and call on the faithful to support him. And now that Reiormers know the hopes and aspirations of the Tories, it must prove a highly ex- hilarating amusement to blight and baffle them. If there are in the Riding any leerals to-whom victory seems so assured that they hold a few votes more or less a mere trifle, “they must shake off this careless- ness. And there are greater calls on their energy and watchtulness than simpl}, toiling Tory tricks. The contest in which we are now engaged is the most momentous that has ever taken place in this prov- ince. It is not alone a struggle for a party victory. W’e have either to -return Hon. Oliver Mowat to pow- er, or we have to prepare to see On- tario plundered and crippled as is Quebec toâ€"day. Mr. Meredith is not the Opposition leader in this ï¬ght. He is out the tail of the fox whose body and head are Sir John A. Macdonald. And the bunch of grapes on which the wicked old 10'); has lastened his greedy eyes is our magniï¬cent surplus ol seven mil- lions of dollars~â€"a surplus due to the economy, patriotism and sound judgment of the government or which Mr. Mowat is the head, Sir John has well mgh exhausted the Domin- ion resourcesI and now he is casting voracious looks on those of our province. We hasten to assure the East York Tories that even if there were any division among Reformers, the paitry,mean advantage which Tories propose to take of it, would at once heal it. If we are beaten, it will not be by weapons forged on our own anvil. But East York is ours, and East York we shall Keep. A nice little disreputable trick, 15 it not? But it will fail, as it deâ€" serves to tail, and the failure willbe due to many. reasons. And here, We beg to assure our Conservative iriends, that there is no split in the Reform ranks, and furthermore that there is not going to be. Mr.Smith’s majority at the Reform Convention Was so large that practically it was unanimous. The delegates who vot- ed for Mr. Smith are not the men to be cheated out of victory by a stupid Tory dodge. They have fought the battle in East York too often to fall victims to a plot as silly as it is pal- pable. And the Tory candidate who is suddenly tofrUsh through the Riding as a magniï¬cent meteor is doomed to prove a poor farthing rush~light which will be most promptly snuffed out. RICHMOND HrLL. Thursday, Dec. 9 In casting their votes for Mr. Smith, then, Reformers will declare for Provincxal Rights against Do- minion encroachments; they will de- clare for tair-plav to all against pan- dering to the prejudice and bigotry of a part. Mr. Smith is a Liberal of the true stamp. He shows his faith in Liberal principles by un- weariad activity and labor. For yenrs past, he has rendered the ut- most service to our partv in every rtz" 'erg'ie n: "which it his engaged “ ‘ NMOJTH‘ES“ our 17/ York Auction Saleâ€"Lawrence & Milligau. Annual {{cetingv’fJ. pahmer. Nétléeâ€"Henry VWooa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EAST YORK, BEWARE! ’86 2 Lizzie Duwuing, ‘ Joe Munder, fl Albert Downing, § Urvil Drnry, Jessie Downing, L. McWilliams, James Mundey. W. Savage. II SENIOR II JUNIOR A. Findlay, Herbert Gregg, Percy inell, {ichard Boyd, II SENIOR II JUNIOR A. Findlay, Herbert Gregg, Percy inell, {ichard Boyd, M. Bassingthwaite. Janet Cook. I CLASS Maggie Rumble, Arthur Drury, Rosie ONtheu. 1-1. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. \Vest’s Cough Syrup instantly relieves and speedin cures brunchitis,sore throat, and all throat diseases. Try it, and be conviHCed. Aildruggists. By an arrangement made with Mr. Sheppard, the proprietor of this paper is prepared to send to any address TILE LIB. ERAL. and the Toronto Weekly News and York County Paper to the 3151; of De- cember, 1887, together with one dollar’s worth of books, ‘for the sum of $1.75. Send in your orders at once. and get the remainder of this yeérr, for both papers. free. The following is the list of books to select from :â€"-â€" V III JUNIOR Efï¬e Gamble, Lexy MacLeod, Barry Gamble. IV CLASS Herbert Leek, Albert Leek, Percy Quantz. Charles Coombs‘ Oscar Appleton, Joseph Blonkman. III JUNIOR. May Mellish, Robert Bune. I BOOK, PART II Hattie Rumble, \Villie \Vhitty, Minnie Schel]. Bella Gibson, T1103. Murtson, Amy Newbery. II CLASS Laura Cmuisky, Ralph \Vellnmn, Charlie Barker. JUNIOR B Ethel Swilzer, Edich SwitZer, Minnie Albin, T. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. SENIOR JUNIOR George Grainger, Annie Glass, Herbie Soules, Florence Moodie, Harry Sanderson, Julia, Lynett. F. Empringham. Maggie Ansley. M. WILEY, Teacher. I CLASS II CLASS III CLASS R. Law, L. Scliell. J. Mahoney, E. Stevenson.W. Davis, D. Williams, H. Hooper. A. Cobean, S. Williams. SENIOR III Merritt X’Vilson, Lilly Clifford, Everett Law. A 1 CLASS. A 2 CLASS. Minnie Soules, Walker Hall,x Delia Palmer, Robert Marsh, Maggie Sterling, \Vib. Skeele, Jessie Cooper, r Eliza Mahoney, Carrie Wilson, Jennie Harding. Maggie Moodie. Jerry Robinson. VE. A. SPRAGGE, Principal S1101" atmehed, to rent in n' (q ’\ goud hunm‘. w“: - me «x! u‘ e \‘ 1, anonto by Gaslight... 2, The Queen of the Isles . 3, Tahlmge's Sermons 4, The \Velfloet Mysterv 5, A Gentleman ot Leisure 6. Mildred . . . . . . . . . . . , . 7. The Haunt «,1 Hotel. 8, The Black Robe . . , ‘ . . . 9, Detective and {iomnumbuhst lU, Advenmresuf Tom Sawyer 1], Claude Melnotte .. 12., lime Dnntnn ..... 13, The VViI‘e’s ng y . 14, Letters to {L Young Mel mm: 15, Sir Phillip’s TWife or Lost for 16, Lilliaor the My te don Abbey ........................... 17, Tulmage's Sermons â€"â€" The Marriage Ring ..... 18,“D011§'.†the Youn,~ up to Felrler’s, by E.E.Shep- para, the Fm‘pï¬n’ Editor I. T0 RENT .n Extraordinary Otfer. FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. IV CLASS IV CLASS IV CLASS School Reports RICHMOND HILL A. MCL'AUGHLAN, Teacher. :oR II SENIOR. , \Villiu Carson, )d, Edmund Baker, _e. Jenny Gunman. II J UNIOR Bertie Glass, Tillie Garness, Nath. Baker. E. RUTHERFORD. 'l‘cachen PATTERSON ES I SENIOR ky, Harry Marsh, an, May anknmu, 3r. Efï¬e McLean. I JUNIOR Ettie Clark, lnnie Grlfliu, Peter Hislop. F. MCCONAGIXY, Teacher. HEADFORD CARRVILLE JEFFERSON B, May Oliver, Jessie Schell, Diary McLean. J. E. TYNDALL, Teachel. 7 bound in cloth 1'1 CLASS Alma Comuhs, Orlandu Appleton, Minnie Woods. Fred Robinson, 0. l’lnvtw. J. Gale, \Voudie Mortsou. Clara Bnhd, William Cunnbe Bertie \Vhitcy. I Chariiu Hopper, Karl leutz, Charlm Cumisky. JUNIOR A Annie Sheppard, Bella Sims, Frank Sheppard. I BOOK, PART I III SENIOR III CLASS III SENIOR III CLASS Price 20 cents 20 20 30 25 ‘25 25 25 20 N 10 50 1’12 a t. mxdw... 6w Hm . mg a um macaw gm Bought when prices were at the lowest point. We offer Grey Flannel at I5, 20, and 250. per yard. Grey Cotton, 1. yard Wide, at 5, 7, and Sc. We say come along, we can ï¬t you out, no matt r What may be your wants. If it is an ordered Suit or Overcoat, a Ready-Made Suit or Overcoat, 2i Shirt, Hat, Tie, Silk Pocket Handkerchief, or Underclothing, the Concrete is the place to suit you best in quality and price. We have an immense stock of We invite the special attention of the ladIes to our very large stock of Dress Goods, Flushes, Velvets,Flowers, Feat};- ers, Jerseys, Jersey Jackets, Paletots,Ulsters,Mantles,Mantle Cloths, Ulstering, &c., which we are selling 20 per cent. lower than the same goods can be bought elsewl'lerc. \Ve ShOV’ a large stock of plain and fancy CANADIAN COTTON & WOOL GOODS: For fall, 1886, is thelargest and best selected he has ever offered to the public, a very large part ofit being direct im‘ portations bought for ready cash from the best houses and manufacturers in England. Goods are now being offered at prices that astonish pcople.’ We offer all our immense stock at prices that must sell the goods. We invite all to attend this offering of DRY GOODS. MlLLlNERY,&Q7 TVWMS, . Shirtings, flattens, 568:, 650. Dress Goaols, Desires to than}; his numercus customers for their very liberal patronage in the past, and has great pleasure in stat- mg that his stock of E GOODS WW' p CGHM‘Q‘MB RIGHMGNB HELL, In Shawls, Clouds, Hoods, Gloves, Hosiery, 81c. KNITTED WOOL GOODS, A Splendid. Assortment of ATKINSON. Nomination Tuesday, Dec. 21 st. QJJVQ Eï¬ï¬ï¬‚ Z LEGlSLï¬TWE ASSEMBLY. Your Vut-e and Influence, are respectfully solicited for THE Ear: ‘ k N J’s “W, J3- JL $44M“? U) n y"- “‘5 X? ‘5 'U u ‘ L I Hp E kl? . :14 ‘ , \ . « ‘ in BEFORE/I CAN «311ng Tuesday, Dec. 28th. -â€"â€"FOR THEâ€"â€" immig, 8m. GENTLE MEN AT IDATE