HI Yonge Street, 1 Next door m the new Arcme muffvillo......u lo. - Mmrklmm .. ..20th in. VictoriaSqumr .. 215% do. Elton-hill, Wan House. 23rd (1’). Won-lbridge. ._23th (30. K leinburg. ..29th do , Iableton,†m ..... 30th 0 Vlmlizcd Alr always on hand at appointments Works like it charm. Free from main. Manufacturers & Importers of Eï¬lzztchrg, (Slacks, grinding, §ilhsrmaur :mh (Dpï¬rnl QEnnbg. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. “Taxi? 3 53%,.{30 EN EWQWE. .L‘lmnkful for the fmvors of the past 20 yemrs may stillbe consulted in any branch of the pro- ..assion, (LS follow.“ Llrom, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd of 621M" month RichmondHi1l......9th and 24th (In. (at ï¬he Palmer House) MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c., Toronto Oï¬iceâ€"â€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Emmi §urgwm 61 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, OPPOSITE rum "GLOBE" OFFICE. yupvnn -7." , Dlseuses ofmu‘ll the Domesticated Animals treated. THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE LiIUHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Veterinarv surgeoh.Gmduute of Ontario Vet Cglege, Tormitn. .1 1‘,,,,,‘,-,,;Aa A. Fullerton, Cook 63 Miner, BARRISTEBS, SULICITORS, &c. 3FFJCES: 18 KL‘IG S'IREET EAST, TORONTO‘ Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFullnrton, W Cook, J. R. Miller I? PRIVATE FUNDS T0 TrnA‘N. Ww.Y\0(‘ï¬\LRS, L.X;.S., RESIDENCE: â€" 8TH AVENUE. WooanIDGE. THURSDAY EVENING Dr. James Langslafl Member College Physiciansth Surgeons Ont, RICHMOND‘ HILL, ONT. Her‘lnlist Toronto I7nivonitv Nuflm' (‘0 Physicians& S11rgemw,0nt..(]nte of Stouffvflle Yonge 8131-09,};I Richmond Hill. Office Houxs E. I“. MGRE‘HW, SON ¢% 00.. to 1'0 a..m.,5tosp.m Dr. (DI-r, Mame. ()flice hours: 8 to 9.36 a. m., and to 2.30 p. m- Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Auroxa0nb. LAWRENCE. MILLIGAN & MCANDREW, VOL. IX. $1 per annum, in advance. GAS FOR EXTRACTmG. BUSINE SS CARDS. Franklin .I. Andrews. VITflflIZEi) gig? T. E. MeMï¬ï¬‚fl‘N, EDITOR and PRO?RIETOR. @112 @ihcmi †IS PUBLISHED EVERY Richmond Hill. VITALIZED AIR. Dr. \‘V. J. Wilson. T. C. MLLIGAN. MCANDREW. : RENEE. W J. A- USED BY Dr. A. Robinson., F. llEWlTT, Vltalized Air Administer- 9(1. _Broke‘n ghegpteeth 9r over on short, nonce. stcciunrJ. ygflLJm,.M£¢Amdo SURGEON DENTIST 'z‘mm’iml. mum. GOTORON TO FEES MODERATE Threemflos north of Maple, and Shingles at King Station and Shunk’s bush, lot 10. (3th Con Vuu- .‘.1, and will be 1Err-amned to ï¬ll bills of all six .- and hang‘ths on t e shortest uossible notice and nt prices to suit the present or any other time. ~ HENRY MARSH. mm: P. 0. On J9 n. Hat 1850. MCGEE’S SWITCH MILL, The sulrsoviber respectfullv intimates that; he will have a large stock of Lmth and Lumber of all kinds at the {if LxflgSï¬JVS. Every accommodation ‘50 guastï¬. Board, $1.00 per day LATH & SHINGLES Th‘ pupmm' Summer resort has been re-ï¬tted 1n ï¬rshcluss style. and now presents every cou- V61 11 -(a for guests and boarders. w. .v. uuu unmwuu pubh'". Best PiflNic Grounds in the County. Full supply of pleasure and ï¬shing bouts. Terms moderate. Having 'eï¬ttod the above House and furnish~ ed it in ï¬rst-cums style, I am prepared to give the public the bmt o“ accommodation. Excellent stabhng and attmltive hoatlem. Sample Rooms fur cmmncrwml travellers. A good livery in con‘ noctiun. Terms 251 nor duv. Undertake-rs dc Embalmors. Funeral Furnishings Always on [land LicensedAua armor for the County of York, re- epnntfuny solicits your mtmnage and friendly influence. snlea mtbemle on the shortest notice and at reasmmbe rates. P. 0. address, King. To Lnan at 6 per cent. Straight Joann. Terms of repayment of principal made to suit box-rowers. First and second mortgages bought. Adw’nces mzule on second mortgages and to pqxjchase farms. Licensed 'Auntinnper for the Countv of York, re- s‘pnotfully mlinits your patronage and frienflly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at. rcasonublemtcs. P. 0. Address, Ln:an 'egl‘ Auctioneer for tho‘ï¬mmh‘y' of York Sales “and ed on the shortest noticeï¬n d at res.- abe rates. Address Stouï¬vxlle P. 0 ' Nu costs muun‘ed in making npplicuticns for money. Write, or call at once for particulars. Livonsrvl Aur‘tv'nneor for the Counties of York Onmrm and Peel. Goods sold on consianmont. Genera] sales of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. THE DGMINION HOUSE, {Ben} Bi‘nilinger, Prepriemr Lenï¬s Monov at 5,13% and 6 per cent. per annum, Mortgages. Life and Endowment Assurance Poli« cie I "hm-j, highesb‘cgsh prices. _N0t_es cashed. IVA“ 6 to 8 per cent. seemed for persons havmg money to invest, @EEQ’EZ’IQJV 1W gflTES Is: prepmml to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. 9E .uw ma «‘5 M» TE: 4:. ESE; flï¬ï¬‚fl BQHETEE 158 KHIG STREET EAST. TORCNTO flout iuxwmm udutlou for LUMBER, WRIGHT BROS, Richmond Hill “7m. BELL, Preprielmfl £17, flwwm {ICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 . 1886 James C. Stokes. $500,000 Salem Enkardt aï¬iï¬tmauwns. N . J. Armstrong, ‘29 Adelaide 8b., East, Toronto. S. M. Brown. 5/? %MW%/ B03 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. 33mm. E. R. REYNOLDS, “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†UNIO'NVILLE. the travelling Returning to Mr. Lanrier. whom I have kept waiting all this time. Sullicient praise cannot be bestowed on the pluck and courage he showed in facing a. partly hostile audience under the disadvantage of having to speak in a language foreign to him. I wonder how many politicians in Ontario would be equal to the task of addressing a French audience in the choicest French, displaying at the same time a most intimate acquaintance with the writings and speeches of the best French authors or speakers. Or some- thing easier still, how many of the men who aspire to political honors in this proâ€" ‘ Vince, have more than a. nodding acquaint- ‘ ance with the English writers and speak- ers with whom Mr. Laurier is so thorâ€" oughly identiï¬ed. Hampden, Chatham, the younger Pitt and that masterot states- craft, Edmund Burke, is the school to which this Canadian statesman belongs. In the part devoted to North-west affairs he made the ground upon which he stands very clear. He detests the crimes and outrages connected with the Rebellion. On strict constitutional grounds he (wows the right of resort to arms as a. last re source. This is good Tory doctrine upâ€" held and avowed in the House of Com- mons by Lord Randolph Churchill, and again loudly and defiantly asserted bv the Loyalist delegates lately in Toronto. Both parties were endorsed in this course by the Tory press in England and in Can- ada the Mail vigorously applauded what ‘ it styled a. “noble determination.†When a. resort to arms is held to be rightful in a case of this kind, surely the halfh‘reeds are also entitled to the same principle. t r y j ' huge been too loi r ‘ jig: when: ‘ pre he lack 0f lino listlï¬'ï¬f’ UV ‘ inns. Children andsome things large than children are often searedinto doing things they are disinclined to by the men- l tion of some fabulous person, just as Eng~ l lish children of the early part of the pres- ‘ ent century were frightened into obedi- l ence by the mention of that terrible fel- 3 low Bonaparte. The progress of the ‘ French and Catholicism are the bogies of ‘ today. Reople are told these things weigh heavy on them ; althoug , until so told, they were perhaps in a. good many cases not personally aware, to speak in somewhat exaggerated form, of the exist- ence of one or the other. Leaving that as we may, one strong fact remains that in all cases of real grievance the agitation proceeds from those oppressed. The 0p- presSed do not often remain in happy ig- norance of the existence of oppression until told of it by interested persons who would be the gainers by such a. belief be coming prevalent. I think in this lies the difl‘erence between the agitator and the patriot. The patriot is one who voices and frames the cry of an oppressed people, effective or maybe ineffective, into action. The agitator is the exact opposite. Such a one endeavors to inflame the minds of a. happy and contented people with stories of fancied oppression, which when accom- plished, he pockets his gains and laughs up his sleeve at the greenness ot his dupes. If ever success crowned the work of any body of men in any sort of undertaking, it surely visited the Young Liberal Club on Friday evening last, when Mr. Lauriâ€" er the distinguished French, or as he pre- fers it, Canadian statesman, made his ï¬rst appearance on a public platform in T0- ronte. I hesitate to award the due meed of praise to the Young Men on account Hf my being, ranher unfortunately in this case, an humble member of the Club. We, I may say, have not yet learned the art, of pnï¬ing onrseives on the sly. and I hope never will. This is commoan 'be- lieved to be a genuine Tory accmnplish~ ment, not. always practised. 0n the sly either. 7 DiVerging for a moment from Mr. Laur- ier, and following up the thread of ideas called up by the subject of Toryism, a re- markable si ' be noticed in the Tory Slll {ale and Boodle. as Mr. ‘ fly puts it, and the war ï¬es “The Em- . ' ' ve iii the late 33. are expected in? Ca » .nnd for the mat- ‘ huge been 'tou Tory Shi as Mr. the war "e'xiagn‘a‘éé‘f? lie lack of Line le' \Vest’s Cough Syrup, 3. sure cure for coughs, colds, croap and consumption. Downsview, Dec. 8th, 1586. Mr. Laurier’s great speech on North- west Affaurs.»â€" Ratxï¬cation Meeting in Temperance Hall.â€"A little of Everythmg.‘ Do you wish to know the reason why 01'1‘ might as well in York not try '1’ Countless though the reasons be To be quita brief we’ll give just three. Ontario likes Mowat‘s rule, Rights does he give the Seyarmte School. Good surplus in our treasury is, Indeed John A. does wish ’twas his. Let us not; run the chances then More “ Boodle †to give the Tories when 011 Church and State alike‘ we see Right solid Eroof, we must agree, Enlightene rule brings LibertyJ“ Our Toronto Letter. Doctor Gilmore. IJIBERALISM. can live at home. and make more money at: work fur us, than {LE anyâ€" thing else 111 this world. Capital not; needed ; you are started free. Both sexes ; all ages. Anv one can do the work. Lerze earnings sure from ï¬rst start. Costly outï¬t and terms free. Better not dehw. Costs you nothingy to send us your address and ï¬nd 0116 : if you are wise you will (3.0 so at once. H. HALLETT & (30., Portland, Maine. The boys are gathering all the old mnskets’ tin pans, Cow-bells, and every thing else nmsy. They expect to do some chivivuring before long I hope they strike some bundle. The boys think no couple newly married should settle down until they give the boys a. bit of a racket. The two Frank’s sawing-bee was a wasp to day. the same to the rugging bee. What; we may expect: The two bees to-mnrrow. Mud up to your uecque, and then to freeze there. Jim hack in two weeks. Plenty of weddings, and plenty charivnries. Hopes of money for the boys. Lots of business for our merchant. Uur Oyster parlor to be Opened. N0 more cider. Skating. if not sleighing. luristmas. Santa Claus. And no more from your correspondent until Santa claws comes. Misses Mortsnn and Thompson of Oak Ridges are in the town. Mr. C.W; Mapes, of wagazzxck is smendinga few days visiting relatives here. Mr. Jas‘ anes. of Concord was visiting his friend in our village Yesterflgly. Jim must; have qncriï¬ced hilimelf a great deal to come out through the mud. However “business before pleasure.†success may follow. From our own Correspondent. The Rev. W. F. \Vilsun 0f Davisville delivered a. very eloquent sermon to an appreciative audience last Sunday morning. Rev. “7. F. still appears to be able to preach very practical and to the point. ‘ He took for his text St. John I‘ part of verse 41: “ \Ve have found the M’essiall.†* Miss Annie Agar has returned home after visiting friends in Oak Ridges. to be made. Cut this out; and. return to us and we will . - send you free. something of % great; value and importance to you, that will start van in business which will bring you in more monev right away than anv- thing else in the world. Any one can do the wnr]; and live at home. Either Rex ; all ILEZER. Something new, that just coins money for all workers. We will start you ; capital not needed. This: is one of the genuine, important chances of n, lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enter- wining wlll notdelny. Grqndputflt free. Ad- m“H.. (Ln; . dress TRUE & do.,£iéusï¬.ulï¬ai;; All kinds of political meetings and things of that kind are in full swing. The two Clarkes are busy canvassing and talking tlmnselves into favor. The Trunk Maker, after the manner of Randy Churchill, has issued a manifesto, which, for the honor of his party, should be as speedily as possible disavowed. The Eng- lish is not understandable, the ideas are very vague. Howeier, it winds up with an appeal to all loyal subjects to support the aforesaid Clarke. It’s a. pity a. good trunk maker ( for to give him his due he really is that) should attempt. to make manifeslos. I suppose he considered that gm timber and nails help to form a trunk The duty of the country at large, howevâ€" er, was clear. The Rebellion must be stamped out at all cost. The Liberal par- ty refrained from harassing theoperations of the Government, until the revolt had been suppressed. Then as Mr. Laurier clearly showed. it was the duty of the O[- position to point out what part the Gov- ernment of the day had in provoking such an unfortunate outbreak, and to demand that justice should be administered im» partially to the offenders on both sides This was not done for the simple reason that the whole blame of the rebellion rests on the head of the present Dominion Government. This, stripped of the mass of prejudice and gross dishonesty that this unhappy occurrence has been envel- oped in is the plain unvarnished state- ment of the case as given by Mr. Lanrier who, moreover, sustains his nosition by incontrovertible evidence. We see here that race and revenge means, when told by honest mouths, no more nor no less than equal rights to all men and justice to offenders, which is legal revenge. RATIFICATION MEETING. A very large and enthusiastic labor meeting was held last Monqu in Tem- perance Hall, at which the action of the late Convention was endorsed in each par- ticular. A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING! HEADF‘ORD. Within this hive, as everybody knows, They’re alwayv, turning out ï¬ne mks of clothes Came then and leave. ~Your orders. it wjl] pm‘, ("I got full satisfaction"; is wluc you’ll alwlvs say. The New Bee Hive, Opposite Lorne Block. anine's’ Jackets :1 Spamming. SUNS AND WERBOATS. Sgeaial Limes of meerings A GOOD m GUARANTEED. Have mkmi n. flmht and have settled in thei' hiveâ€"the ï¬rst door north of Trench’s Carriage Works. Having removed to new and cnmmndioua (1F m4:- em, I um prepared to enter on tho Winter Campaign with [greatly improved facili- ties for turning out; And all persons requiring: anything in 11117 line may depend upon wm‘kumnahip ï¬rst-class in every respect. In connection with the factory“ where custom sawing wdl be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. Are now prepared to take~ contracts for all kinds of Buildings. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDING‘S, 850., RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th, 1886-3m. ATTENF‘EON. DOORS, SASH, BUNBS. 850.. Mr. Skeele, of Alden. N. Y., has been visiting his brother, Mr. A. L. Skeele, of this place, who, we are glad to say, is recovering from a. severe illness. ‘ Rev. J. E. Starr, of Berkley St church. Toronto. who was fortner assistant pastor of the Methodist Church here, has taken a charge in Victoria, Bxitlsh Columbia. Mr. Starr will likely be away for six years. FIRSTâ€"CLASS SAWâ€"MILL From our own Correspondent. Quite a. number of our residents have been moving since last you heard from ‘us, and some intend moving shortly. Mr. A.Morning intends moving to West Gwillimbnry during the latter part nf the Winter, where he has rented a. large farm. Mrs Gregory who for many years lived in this place. widow of the late Thomas Gregory, who died about ten years ago, died at. her son‘s residence, \Vingham two weeks ago, aged 82 Yrs. Mr D. Gregory of this place, visited his mother before she died, and remained until after her decease. Mrs Gregory has lived in Wingham for for several years since her husband! death. Mr. L'lroy Conger, of Patterson, has taken a trip to Muskoka,on a hunting expedition Mr. H. B. Dewsbury, of St Catharines, formerly of this place, was in the village on Tuesday. Harry reports business brisk in the boot and shoe line, Mr. J. G. Legge & Mr. H. ï¬egge have dissolved partnership and rented their farm to Mr. Noble. Mr. J. G. Legge has removed to Toronto. Ego» MQND, HILL 4,5,». RENEW†. 4 ¢ i »,;;H 3&5; . S 1‘ 'V Mr. C. Creasor has sold out his stock and implements and intends visiting the OI§_Colmtry.W Mr. Tllos, Tinker is giving up farming and going into his old business of butchering, in Shouflville, he will sell out in a few weeks. Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of‘ Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in BEE Always on hand. TL:th is also a FIRST-CLASS \‘S'ORIK I Fl EST-C LASS ORDER, The above factory is situated on 0. TR EVEF‘H A N, L. INNES & SONS, PERSONALS. [Single copies, 3 . cts A full line of samples for REV OAK RIDGE S. "FTEFFTT A N' No. 25. in their new